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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Book Offers How-To on America's Most Flexible Money-Making Opportunity

In his new book, Driving Profits and Making Bank, Jonathan Wong walks would-be rideshare drivers through what he calls, "America's easiest and most flexible money-making opportunity." Based upon Wong's own experiences driving for Uber and Lyft, but also drawing upon a great deal of research into other rideshare companies as well as compatible businesses, this book is packed with everything you would ever need to know to become a rideshare driver. Honestly, I couldn't believe how thorough this book was and all the ins and outs of the rideshare business Jonathan illuminates, plus the countless tips he offers as an experienced driver that will make your solopreneur venture all the more successful.

Yes, when you're a rideshare driver, you're a solopreneur. You are basically a contract worker operating your own business. That means, as Jonathan points out, that you can set your own hours, work as much or little as you want, and work for more than one rideshare company at a time if you so wish.

That said, you can also derive a lot of benefits by contracting with rideshare companies. Jonathan walks readers through how to take advantage of "surge" times-periods when it can be super-busy so you get paid more. Rideshare companies also offer bonuses for referring other drivers to them. In addition, you have a captive audience to whom you can sell your other products or services, such as if you're a massage therapist or you want to sell tourist guides or T-shirts out of your vehicle. (One rideshare driver made over $250,000 in one year just by selling jewelry while driving.) Jonathan also walks you through the art of soft-selling to your customers so you don't annoy them and they don't rate you poorly on the rideshare platforms. Finally, there are the benefits of freedom-besides working your own hours, you can eat lunch whenever and wherever you want, you get to meet interesting people, and you may even discover new places in the areas where you drive.

Of course, like any job, being a rideshare driver has its downside. There are hiccups to the system that Jonathan walks you through, and he teaches you how to take advantage of working for more than one rideshare company to offset any slow times. He also gives sound advice on what to do if you have no shows, difficult passengers, such as drunks, drug-users, or belligerent people, and how to cooperate with law enforcement officers so they are your friends rather than your enemies.

I was amazed by everything there is to know if you want to be a rideshare driver. Some of what Jonathan says may be common sense, but not necessarily something you would think of before you enroll as a rideshare driver. Jonathan explains all the eligibility requirements you will have to meet and those your car will need to meet. He also explains how you can earn extra money depending on your car's make and model and how luxurious it is. He also explains what to do if you need to use the restroom, the importance of keeping your car clean and your trunk empty, and even when you may need to contact a potential rider to determine whether the requested ride is worth your while.

Even more important, since rideshare workers are self-employed, Jonathan walks you through ways to set up your own business to ensure you're covered with insurance and protected from liability, what you need to know to be able to pay your taxes, tips on setting up retirement plans, and all the basics to ensure your long-time financial success.

The back of the book includes appendices that list various apps you can use to enhance your rideshare venture and improve your chances for business success. Numerous other resources are also included, and there are even referral codes to take advantage of.

Driving Profits and Making Bank is the perfect book for anyone who might be interested in being a rideshare driver. It will tell you everything you need to know before you begin and will be your best friend even after you become a driver because you will want to continue exploring the many possibilities that exist for increasing your income while driving. In short, this book is encyclopedic in its resources. Buying and reading it may turn out to be the best investment you've made in yourself since getting your driver's license.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Essential Features of Devops Technology in This Cloud Era

DevOps is the evolution of traditional application development and operations roles driven by consumerization of all software and business demand for agility. DevOps facilitates the needs of today's businesses to stay relevant by constantly innovating through software.

DevOps is about people and processes as much as if not more than tools. Without cultural and process changes, technology alone cannot enable DevOps success. DEVOPS, one of first challenges is to find out what the industry really thinks "DevOps" means. DEVOPS asked experts from across the industry to define what DevOps means to them. The purpose of this list is not to come up with a one-sentence definition of DevOps to appeal to all. The goal is to show just how many varied ideas are connected with the concept of DevOps, and in the process learn a little more what DevOps is all about.

Several of the top experts in the DevOps arena made this very clear while DEVOPS was compiling this list. That being said, a variety of technologies can be critical to supporting the people and processes that drive DevOps. DEVOPS asked experts from across the industry for their recommendation on a key technology required for DevOps.

DevOps tools are designed to support those definitive aspects of DevOps: collaboration, breaking down silos, bringing Dev and Ops together, agile development, continuous delivery and automation, to name a few.

List covers performance management, monitoring and analytics.

1. APPLICATION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: There are clearly so many tools vital to DevOps advancement, but Application Performance Management is the one that stands out today as it has become so highly ingrained as the primary vehicle by which practitioners aggregate and share critical data.

2. MONITORING: While DevOps is most often associated with automation and continuous delivery/integration tools, I believe the single most important tool that organizations need to properly adopt and use to make a transformation to DevOps is a monitoring system. You cannot improve what you can't measure. Implementing key metrics across the business to help recognize areas that are in most need of improvement is the key to identifying the bottlenecks that prevent DevOps adoption.

3. END USER EXPERIENCE MONITORING: The parts of DevOps which turn the tide around and start exposing data from production to developers are also increasingly deployed, but the processes around these are not. For example, tools that enable exposure to the actual end user experience in production would need to become more transparent for the engineering departments instead of just operations. Even more so, many of such tools provide value to the business side as well, so a successful deployment in the user experience monitoring domain would satisfy even more stakeholders.

4. SYNTHETIC MONITORING: DevOps implies that you need to communicate between Ops and Dev in a good way. Using application/API driven synthetic monitoring will always give you the yardstick to measure your success.

5. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT: If you are stranded on a desert island (but with a strong and reliable Internet connection) you still need to ensure your infrastructure is performing and your users are happy with their experience. What's needed is a solid and extensible Digital Infrastructure Management Platform that can collect data from every layer of your stack, analyze what's normal, what's not, and visualize the impact of anomalous behavior. This will allow you to catch issues that can affect your operations before they truly impact your business.

6. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT: Organizations must understand that tools are only one part of the answer. They must have the people, processes, and tools in place in order to successfully implement a DevOps environment. There are a number of helpful tools in the DevOps ecosystem. You want to think along the lines of productivity, repeatability, and safety when considering tools best suited to facilitate a DevOps mindset.

7. ANALYTICS: DevOps needs tools that go beyond continuous release and deploy. They need tools that provide continuous analytics in order to measure and analyze application activities against business objectives. While the focus is often on continuous release and deploy, that is not always possible in some firms due to regulatory concerns. However, the need is there for continuous monitoring, tracking and analytics. First, use monitoring to gather end-user experience data as well as infrastructure and application data. Then, track and stitch transactions together to show a timeline of what happened. Finally, create shared metrics that enable the analysis to be compared to both technical and business objectives.

8. MANAGER OF MANAGERS: The DevOps agile development model extends to its tools, and we've seen a huge proliferation of tools introduced to improve some aspect of monitoring. While each tool solves a specific problem, the proliferation has inadvertently fostered silos of expertise, domain-specific views and massive data volumes generated in various formats. As application count and architectural complexity increases, the must-have tool to scale production support is an analytics-driven Manager of Managers. It has to ingest all of this operational event data and apply machine learning to automate the noise reduction and alert correlation. This gives DevOps teams earlier warning of unfolding issues, better collaboration, visibility into root cause - ultimately reducing the impact of production outages and incidents.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Join A Syndicate And Learn How To Combine Numbers For Betting Lotto

When one talks about how to combine numbers for betting lotto, it is reasonably they are speaking about the use of lottery wheels which are best used in conjunction with software. Yet playing a full lottery wheel can be extremely expensive. A wheel takes all the numbers you wish to play and comes up with every possible combination. One way around this is by joining forces with other like minded players and forming a syndicate. This is essentially a group of people who pool financial resources and purchase more tickets. This enables them to use sophisticated software to choose more numbers and so increase their chances of winning smaller prizes as well as the jackpot.

Avoiding Repetition

Beside learning how to combine your numbers for betting lotto with a wheel, there are a few other things that syndicate members must know. Do not bother with the computer quick pick as research has shown that manual picks win more than twice as many prizes as a quick pick. Your lottery software will also inform you if your pick matches a previous winning line. The odds of a certain sequence of numbers being picked once are long enough, instances of a six number combination being picked twice in a lottery draw's history are essentially non-existent. Also avoid sentimental picks as these will do nothing for your chances. The balls drawn have no feelings and do not care if 17 was the date of your first kiss!

Good Things In Small Packages

Syndicates will live and die on the amount of smaller prizes it wins. Lottery wheels are an excellent way to win the smaller prizes and such success will keep the syndicate interested. Let's face it, if your group wins nothing for a year, it is more likely to disband than continue throwing money into the lottery. Trust in your lottery software to come up with the statistical analysis and use it when formatting your system. Never deviate from the system due to 'instincts' because the lottery is all about probability, not superstition.

If you do not draft up a formal syndicate agreement, you could be leaving yourself open to problems later down the line in terms of tax and ownership of winning tickets. If you are setting up a syndicate, deal with all the red tape first before choosing the lottery strategy that will set up the entire group for a massive windfall.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Cloud Telephony - How To Use Online Cloud For Communication Purposes

Most business owners must be familiar with the term cloud telephony. It's a fast growing sector under the cloud computing market. The term basically involves an individual or an organization which can access multiple computing resources and is connected to an online network. However, it's interesting to note that the online resources we're talking about here refer to computers that are beyond your office premises and are located somewhere in the online cloud or on internet.The main idea is to access software, facilitate data storage and resource sharing without investing in installing, configuring or managing undesired additional resources.

Thus, you do not have to deal with time-consuming, tedious and boring telephonic features. You've got quick access to advanced features. You can play audio and video files, transfer calls to multiple locations and call a quick conference! There are numerous advantages of cloud telephony over traditional voice call system. Earlier, technical knowledge of business people was restricted to IVR, PBX and use of MDF or main distribution frame. By making use of cloud telephone system, you can play a greeting message, dial an extension number or record your conversation! All these enhanced voice calling features are integrated with technically advanced computer applications to create a superior system!

Prominent Benefits Of Cloud Telephony

1) You can route inbound voice calls. It means your customers just have to dial a single phone number if they wish to make queries and a prerecorded message is displayed to them (or thanks to virtual call applications) or their call call is transferred to your agents sitting on remote locations, within a couple of seconds.

2) You've a customization option for calling your customers and routing their calls by analyzing call data.

3) You can interlink your telephone system with online customer database that is you simply have to maintain an online phone directory with numbers and customer names fed in them and your system will automatically call your customers. Moreover, you can reschedule the calls that have not been answered.

4) Advanced call software provide you the facility of running polls, contests or survey results for your customers. The database software will record telephonic conversation. The answers given by your customers will be matched against the results of stored in your database and a lucky winner will have to be selected by the software.With so many advanced features associated with cloud telephony no wonder why multiple people opt for it. An office phone service is an integral part of your company which plays an important role in determining the success of your business.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Freight Management Solutions

Business models of all sizes have complications. The goal of businesses in terms of logistics basically narrows down to having what the consumer desires, at a price they are willing to pay, in the quantity they wish for when they want it. That is not too much to ask right? Companies with issues in logistics are continuously searching for freight management solutions often times turning to companies that specialize in providing this service for companies big and small.

This is done in one of two different ways; third party logistics or fourth party logistics. Third party logistics uses outside companies to carry out the various logistic operations that have been accredited to being done internally. An example of this is when a company that has its own storage facility decided that it will now use an outside transporter to carry out distribution. Distribution was previously done by the company but in evaluating it was determined to be more cost effective to bring in a third party for this sector of the supply chain. This was determined to be an effective freight management solution.

Fourth party logistics is somewhat of a new concept. This is when a company determines that the freight management solution that desire is one in which the whole logistics procedure is outsourced to another party. This company has a sole purpose of providing logistic solutions to companies. They bring together their companies resources and technology and pair it with other organizations to plan out, operate and maintain a fully functioning supply chain.

The main difference between the two; third party logistics and fourth party logistics, is that the third party is specifically targeting one function of the supply chain solution where as with fourth party they manage the entire process from beginning to end. In general a fourth party logistics provider is a contractor serving the entire logistic needs for a company.

Fourth party logistic providers are the future of freight management solutions. Consulting companies are now offering so much in the way of cost savings and services to companies that they are becoming hard to live without. It is easy to see how needed a fourth party logistics company is when examining inbound logistics and outbound logistics. In smaller companies especially it is important to have support that specializes in all aspects of logistics. To pay specialized logistic personal to be on staff would not be nearly as cost effective as hiring companies, with a system already in place to help manage that piece of the business puzzle.

Inbound logistics is a basic process in the business equation which includes purchasing, arranging the movement of materials coming in, parts and finished inventory from suppliers to manufacturers, assembly plants and stores. Outbound logistics is related to storing and moving the end goods and information from the end of production to the end user.

The field of logistics is complex and absolutely integral to a business's success. Without the proper logistics in place a company could be losing money with increased shipping costs or improper communication through the supply chain. In order to give the client what they want, when they want it, at an acceptable price and time a highly functioning freight management solution should be maximized.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Money Or Excuses - How You Doing?

What is difference between those who make money and those who do not. Its been stated by successful people with certainty and congruence, "People can make money or excuses but they can not make both."

This is the truth. All of us come to this world with choices in our financial life. We have the choice to keep moving forward with perseverance and responsibility for every step we take of the process, or just stop and let everything we did go undo or slow down. Well, I am sure you know what path to take for getting the results you want. Unfortunately, most people stop and never dig deep to their dreams.

Well, when people first strive to go for their dreams about making money, they quickly stop when the going gets tough, and they look for people who will agree with them, so they can stop - and they do. Unfortunately, they never reach the level they had in their dreams which was - work on the Internet from home. Think about it, making money or an excuse is a choice everyone has in life. Which legacy would be the best to leave your kids? We are leaving a legacy behind one way or another.

The Internet has open an awesome opportunity to most of the world. As far as financial means, we can earn money on the net. So I could not create an excuse good enough even if I wanted to. I had to put my head down and ignore the comments many people had for me, since I worked so hard and long without making money on the net.

Going back to that quote, I have found so much more truth on "money or excuses" statement. I mean is not that life? I have the tendency to get lazy and listen to the wrong people and I also feel like quitting. I realize the price successful people went through, and I make it a reminder in my own life, whenever I weakened to the common human level.

My question to you - How are you doing? Are you choosing the good life or are you settling for the common one? Have you ever notice that every time we encounter a difficult challenge, we look around for the wrong people, because we are not looking for strength or direction, but we are looking for sympathy. You need to ask this questions. You might find these questions a way to determine your journey.

Am I focusing on success or failure during my progress?

How am I thinking about my future as I follow my progress with the ups and downs?

Do I believe in the system that I am following or am I looking for a good excuse?

I have two ideas that can help you on your weak moments and stop you from derailing into excuses.

Focus on moving forward-lift your partners and update your goals and your system to reach them.

When you look back, just check your improvements and how else can you improve the past - all about improvement.

The people who succeed are the people who prevail, and make no excuses - because there is NONE !!!


Efren Maldonado

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Use the WWW to Make Money

The Internet has opened innumerable opportunities for people, thanks to the growing popularity and success of online jobs. There was a time when making money online appeared to be an unbelievable affair. Today, the scenario is completely different. Do an online search for money making opportunities on the World Wide Web, and you would be bombarded with hundreds of thousands of results in the fraction of a second. Right from data entry jobs to affiliate programs, or even clicking ads, the Internet seems to abound in jobs for everyone- student, homemaker, self-employed and even the elderly.

But then there is another side of this beautiful picture. Spamming has become a global affair. Every now and then, you would come across someone being spammed. Agreed, there are genuine online jobs too. However, you may have lost hundreds of dollars by the time you come across a genuine job. Bet-rich-overnight schemes continue to lure everyone, though most of us know deep inside that such promises are based on unrealistic aspects.

The question remains- how to make money online without being spammed? Online jobs can simplify your life. With an online job, you can say goodbye to debt and financial worries. You can spend more time with your loved ones. Most importantly, you can work from anywhere, and still make a full time income online. However, the income source should be reliable and residual, and not a one-time opportunity to make a few bucks.

A genuine online job that can teach you how to make money online should be more of a step-by-step system that should allow anyone, regardless of their age or location, to make a decent income, month after month, consistently. Some of the popular money making opportunities online involve writing, editing, transcribing, and other affiliate programs. While some companies offer regular writing jobs, and pay on a per-article or per project basis, many others allow you to earn through the income generated through PPC.

Your aim should be learning and mastering a proven system that teaches you how to make money online. Do not spend hundreds of dollars into buying schemes and systems that promise you a six-figure income. Learn to tell a genuine job from a bogus one. You may come across moneymaking websites that show pictures of lavish bungalows, luxurious cars and bundles of money. Remember, there is no way you would be a millionaire doing an online job overnight. A genuine job would help you increase your income gradually. If you want to learn how to make money online, you need to be vigilant. Keep an eye on the latest developments on the Internet. Read about freelancing jobs, and subscribe to blogs that send regular updates about online jobs.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Evolution of Marketing Automation

While aiming to promote products and services successfully in the market, businesses had realized the importance of adopting marketing strategies early on. Due to the intense competition, marketing strategies got infused with the technological innovations in order to evolve out as the modern marketing, which is now embedded in the customer's lives and affecting it at a rapid pace.

Fortunately, from radio to internet and smart-phones, nowdays technology has revolutionized the ways marketers can reach their potential customers. But, back then in the late 50's, with almost no effective marketing channel, companies were finding it challenging to approach a huge customer base.

This is how automation technology came into existence. It has traced its origins back from a Customer Relationship Management or CRM that came out of Rolodexes and a pack of business cards. It acted as a rescuer for the companies who were endeavoring to maintain their employees and client's records into a central knowledge group. But, in no course of time, it became the fundamental business element and started finding its applications in professional business services as well.

During the late 1980s, CRM platforms had gained more power in terms of customer support servicing, sales management, and forecasting. But, the high price tag kept it limited to few multinational corporations.

In 1999, Mark Benioff, the founder of Salesforce, invented the Monthly License (MLC) fee model, with aiming to offer cost-effective and agile business model, that further introduced SaaS or Software as a Service. And in contrast, this technology evolved out as an amalgam of email capability, web analytics, and the Marketing Resource Management (MRM). With the advent of the internet, marketers were seeking potential ways to reach their customers. The pioneer of this space Eloqua came in 1999 and developed a product, later renamed as automated marketing service in 2003.

Soon, the success of this trend led to the arrival of more players in the market such as Pardot, HubSpot, WhatsNexx etc, and industry started gaining momentum while shifting marketing automation services to cloud platforms.

By 2008, new platforms such as HubSpot, Act-On, rule the market, and the advent of social media marketing, content management, search engine optimization made marketers incorporating a variety of automation tools.

In the period 2013-2014, the automation industry witnessed a huge growth financially through acquisitions when a giant marketing software company ExactTarget acquired a marketing automation company Pardot for $ 95.5 million and in turn, salesforce.com spent $ 2.5 billion to acquire ExactTarget, This is recorded as its largest acquisition ever.

I found people wondering if CRM and marketing automation co-exists. In fact, few consider the later as a subset of the CRM industry which follows one of the marketing laws proposed by Al Ries and Jack Trout. To clarify, CRM is sales focused software while the other is user-centric software that completely focuses on marketing strategy. Where a CRM manages company's interactions with their customers, a automation software streamlines company's marketing tasks, and work-flows. However, these two, together, go hands in hand and reinforce company's insights and efficiencies. A good CRM-marketing automation integration unleashes an opportunity to handle data management and strategies marketing plans.

It can filter relevant data and required fields to standardize tagging and data, and ideal processes. Also, it can run auto-cleaning processes to clean the dumped data in a CRM system. Businesses utilizing automation software have witnessed an incredible growth of 451% in qualified leads and 14.5% in sales productivity as well as 12.2% marketing overhead reduction. We can conclude by saying that the future of marketing completely belongs to Marketing Automation.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Telecoms for Business

Any business relies on technology to operate. With fast and reliable internet connections, strong mobile signals and advanced telecoms systems, it is possible to effectively communicate with customers and collectors, suppliers and partners in a variety of ways. Any business that does not have access to the latest technology is put at a disadvantage.

The accelerated rate at which digital technology has grown in recent years and our reliance on it has put great pressure on the capacity of copper based networks. The wide scale deployment of fiber (often referred to as Fiber to the Premises or FTTP) networks is being seen as the only way to address this and equip homes and businesses with what they need.

A recently released 'Building Gigabit Britain Report' compiled by leading UK businesses highlights the importance of a wide spread fiber network to the long term prospects of British business and the wider economy. As the population embracements advances in digital communications, wireless devices, remote working and competition in global markets, the need for fiber is obvious.

The Report highlights a number of ways in which the Government could, and in opinion of the authors should, support the roll out of a new fiber infrastructure. These include investing in a clear strategy that commits to 80% of the population having access to fast fiber broadband by 2026, with near universal coverage by 2030.

In regards to the regulations which currently govern the industry, it is noted that whilst some regulations help to protect customers, others are more of a hindrance to progress. It suggests that some of the financial barriers are removed and that current regulations are reworked in order to encourage both competition and collaboration from telecoms companies. This is seen as vital for innovation in communications and private investment in rolling out the fiber networks.

The report also raises the importance of advertising guidelines being enforced, so that clear and transparent information is available to the public. The success of many local economies could depend on the timely roll out of fiber and how the process is communicated and managed by local councils and telecoms companies.

Fast and Reliable Broadband

So, if fast and reliable broadband and embracing digital technology is so essential to the future of the British economy, how does it affect your business? Did broadband speed influence your decision on where locate your business? Are you reliant on the roll out of fiber in order to realize the goals in your business plan?

Has fast reliable broadband enabled you to make the most of the latest business telecoms systems? If so, your employees could be as easy to contact (by you and your customers) whether they are at their desk, out at a business event, or working remotely. You could be saving time and money by conference calling partners and clients, rather than meeting in person. You can avoid missing that important call with voice mail and printed transcripts of the message.

Many companies have not upgraded their business telecoms in recent years, it simply has not seemed like the top priority, but much like your IT, there can be significant benefits from streamlining procedures, increasing productivity and integrating one system with another.

Business Telecoms Systems

Your company may have to wait several years before fast and reliable fiber systems are in place, but you can give your operations an advantage by investing in the latest business telecoms systems. If your team are finding it increasingly difficult to manage the increasing volume of calls, or seasonal peaks, then this could be a sign that an upgrade is due.

Other indicators include issues with resolving problems with the system and the prohibitive challenges associated with adding new lines or integrating the phones with other technology. Whilst many Company Directors have concerns about the cost of an upgrade, the reality is that the latest business telecoms are often far more cost effective that older systems and can lead to considerable savings in the long term.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why Are Computers A Necessity Now?

Computer systems now a days are everywhere. We can find that in places we can not see or would not expect to find them. This gadget are no longer specialized tools used only by scientists or engineers like before. They are not hidden behind sealed-walls under a climate-controlled environments anymore. They are a fact of life that companies can not live without and even individuals like us. It is a common thread that ties together our education, work, and home life. Thus, computer literacy becomes significant, with computers touching almost every facet of our lives. But why is it that computer literacy is very cruel?

Why do we need to spend time and energy studying books, enrolling to computer crash course, and becoming "computer literate?" Technically, to be "literate" means to have knowledge of that subject, wherein you understand its basic terms and concepts. We are not born with such knowledge and abilities, but it is hard to imagine living without computer skills today. Considering the fact that Computers are an essential part of business today, whether you are an auto mechanic or a surgeon, a journalist or a pilot. Like cars, that take us to work everyday, we also rely on computers more with each passing year. If there are still who do not use computers regularly, chances are great that you will soon.

But who will be the one to benefit from computer literacy? First, is the increased employability. Here, the basic computer knowledge along with specific job skills are mainly considered by the employers because a person would be more trainable in and adaptable to the computerized work environment. Next, is greater earnings potential, wherein, as you increase your computer skills, you become more valuable worker, especially if focused on high-tech skills like programming, software / network administration, hardware maintenance and many more. However, it does not follow that you must be a computer expert to increase your earnings. Skills that involve application of the computer to specific tasks are highly valued. Another benefit is that, it has a greater access to resources. Always bear in mind that computers are incredible learning tools, especially when you have access to data on CD-ROMs or the Internet. PC can be used to access vast knowledge bases on almost any topic, search archives of information dating back decades, even take online courses for credit.

You will also have a greater control of your assets, by using the power of the Internet and even a little knowledge only of computers, you can manage your personal finances and indulge your interests in ways that were not possible back years ago. Here, you can control of every dollar you earn through online banking and investing. Online shopping as also another benefit that makes it easier to buy something without tiring yourself & spending so much time going to stores with yourself. There are also new technologies that enable you to monitor your entire household via PC - to set your air conditioner or alarm clock, start your coffee maker or sprinklers, and even activate your alarm system. With this range of growth of computer technologies, we can not deny that we now live in an information society - where information is considered to be an extremely valuable community. The key players in this information-based economy are those who control important information, or those who simply know how to access and uses it. Computer knowledge and skills you can build with that literacy are vital to success in this society, not just in our working lives, but in the ways we learn, manage our finances, and improve our standard of living.

Although there are still many professions that do not rely on computers, they are becoming fewer all the time. Remember that computers do not need to take the form of PC, so there is a good chance that your career path will bring you in contact with some type of computer because many of the tools in today's' workplace are computer technology. That's why it is very important to have a basic understanding of computer technology. No matter what your career choice is, you can benefit from a knowledge of computer hardware and software, and how these components function together. Even your job does not require you to work directly with a computer, this knowledge may help you to envision new ways of using computers in your work, that would result in a more productive work environment. This can also lead you to career advancement opportunities. But still, if you think that this case is overstated, that computers are not being used that much, you should consider that computers are popping up in places & professions that my seem unintentionally.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

How to Quit Masterbating - 5 Tips to Stop the Madness

Learning how to quit masterbating is something that can plague you mentally if you've tried to quit and failed many times. I know how you are feeling. Millions of people across the world have become frustrated because they have wanted to know how to quit masterbating and haven't been able to. If this is you, there is hope! By studying this article you can shift your awareness and change your life!

Feeling like you just can't seem to learn how to quit masterbating affects your self esteem and can trigger emotional feelings of great guilt and fear, all while driving time away from dreams. These types of effects tend to be standard with any addiction but are often increased with addictions such as masturbation and pornography use. Below are several tips that will get you on the right track to recovery.

#1. Stop the guess work. Study what works

Plain and simple. Random changes and guess work aren't enough. This is a serious need of the body that needs to be released. It takes more than hoping you'll be stronger next time. Try a proven system or at least some type of professional, thought out method that has worked for others. This is how people find success learning how to quit masterbating.

#2 Have a physical outlet in heated moments!

The need to masterbate is a physical one. It is not mentally geared. This means that using mental strategies alone to deal with it is not enough. You must use physical ones to fight the emotional and physical drive. Get out some testosterone. Find some type of activity where you can sweat it out in the heat of the moment by playing a sport, lifting weights, going on an active hike or something that will steer your physical sexual drive and channel it into a different physical outlet. This is a great key in learning how to quit masterbating.

#3. Focus on avoiding pornography as a primary step.

For most people wanting to quit masterbating, porn is a huge factor they need to address first. This can be compared to making sure their is no gasoline near a fire if you don't want the fire to grow. After this is done, you can address the fire much better. Whether it's internet pornography, T.V, movies, strip clubs, or mental images imagines you hold in your mind, these must be handled before you can learn how to quit masterbating.

#4 make your goal the dream state!

You must release the semen in one way or another. Understand that the people who have learned to gain control of masturbation or even completely stop masterbating still release semen. The body naturally produces an excess of this. Most individuals natural release method happens in the dream state. You need a goal to aim towards. Make it your dream state. Avoiding a behavior is not enough to stay goal oriented. You need a line to mark your success!

#5 Join teams of recovery and invest in knowledge!

There are some absolutely amazing programs out there that can give you the life edge in porn addiction recovery, masturbation recovery and life empowerment in general! Tons of people connect with these programs created by professors and experts and find an edge they didn't know existed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Hard Drive History

The hard drive is an important part of modern day computing, because it allows for information to be stored and then accessed at a later point. However, the modern day drive has its roots in technology that was developed over 50 years ago. The first drive was developed in 1956 and resembled what would look like a modern day air conditioning unit. The units of yesterday had extremely small storage capacities yet took up 100 times as much room. As technology evolved, the capacities of hard drives increased while they took up less and less space.

The Early Days

The first idea of ​​a unit to store and receive data was imagined in 1953 by engineers at IBM. They recognized the need of a piece of hardware that could have high capacity, rapid access to the data, and be cheap to construct. The first technologies considered were wire matrices, rod arrays and even drum arrays. However, the disk drive was finally settled on as the unit of choice because of its ease of construction and easy mechanics. The first drive was the IBM 305 RAMAC system which could store 4.4 megabytes at a cost of $ 160,000 in today's money.


The IBM 350 disk file turned out to be a very big success for IBM and the age of the hard drive was officially born. However, the performance of this first device was laughable in comparison to what the cheapest units can achieve today. The IBM 350 disk file was capable of accessing the information in less than 1 second - in comparison almost all hard drives in existence today can access information in just a few milliseconds. However, access time soon decreased substantively and by 1961 the 4000 series disk drives were capable of an access time of just 50 ms. In 1973, IBM introduced the IBM 3340 disk drive. This was the first hard drive that made use of lubricated and low mass media to ensure smooth operation and less maintenance.

The Personal Computer Era

When the personal computer revolution began in the 1980s, the primary means of storing and retrieving data on a computer was via floppy disks. Thus, most personal computers lacked a hard drive because they were still too expensive to manufacture and they could not compete with floppy disks in terms of pure storage capacity. However, by the late 1980s they were starting to replace floppy disks as the primary method of storage on personal computers. By the mid-1990s virtually all personal computers shipped with some type of internal drive because they were now much cheaper than floppy disks in terms of the amount of storage available.


After the hard drive became a staple in the personal computer industry in the early 1990s, they have continued to become faster, smaller, and with higher capacities. Hard drives are currently extremely cheap and can store large amounts of information, some on the order of up to 5 terabytes of data. The future of the devices is not clear, but most experts agree that they will be phased out and replaced with the much more technologically advanced solid state drive. A solid state drive does not have moving parts and therefore has a longer lifespan and is easier to maintain versus a normal hard drive.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cell Phone Cash Review - The Latest Online Money Mania Using Mobile Phones

o Turning in quick easy cash online

Do you think earning money online is everyone's cup of tea? Taking up affiliate marketing, blogs, AdSense and many other tools, does that sound quite difficult to you? The fact is that there are tons of people around the globe who have grabbed and are grabbing big amounts through online marketing and other techniques. There success is undeniable and definitely proven. These are a few techniques that have actually turned the wheel for some people. Most of them would want you to be online.

Now, think of it that you are promoting products, while at a coffee shop sipping through the hot cup of cappuccino. Surprised? Well, it is quite possible with the latest technique which has rocked the world of the affiliate marketers. Cell phone cash is the new system which has been put up by the marketing guru Mack Michael from the maverick coaching.

o Is the system genuine?

When I heard of it, I knew it was some new scam that has come to the market. But, then I also thought of trying it for I heard that it was idea that came out from Mack Michael's mastermind and my personal opinion is that as usual Mack has come up with an innovative and full proof plan of getting the riches through the medium of cell phones.

Now, the other reason why I thought of opting for it was that I am quite aware (and I'm sure most of us are) that the number of cell phone users is tremendously high than the number of people using the internet. So, if that is the case then cell phones would work amazing as a marketing tool. With this guide that Mack has come up you will be able to learn and earn easy money making in the most systematic manner.

Well, there has to be dedication from your side combined with the guidance that the system provides so you can actually turn the wheels like others. Needless to say that if you put in just little bit of that effort but with consistency then these tools can help you make money like never before. Of course, if affiliate marketing is what you are already in to then this will prove to be an additional tool for you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Automotive Rapid Prototyping Fail First Paradox

New product development and innovation is much more difficult and time consuming than most other business activities. Automotive rapid prototyping greatly advances learning speed and reduces the risk of new automotive parts development.

Historically, the automotive industry has been using rapid prototyping as an important tool in the automotive parts design process. The extremely fast-paced automatic design cycles require an extremely fast prototyping system which can produce car parts fast and inexpensively.

The main objective of automatic prototyping is to learn quickly: how a new automotive product behaves in its natural working environment, before transferring the prototype to the production line. Many times, mistakes are learned only after a new automated part is launched. This is the main explanation for poor automotive parts design, from product mismatch, poor engineering and function or finish, and overpriced production. In order to accelerate the learning curve, before these costly automated prototyping mistakes are made, one must accelerate and facilitate feedback loops from tests in the lab and market trials.

Automotive Manufacturing Technologies

Working with an assortment of rapid prototyping equipment, automated prototyping engineers utilize the most advanced 3D printers, in their quest for perfect form, function and utility. Working in advanced manufacturing centers, the automotive engineers use the technology to verify what they are doing, and, equally important, to save tremendous depths of time, and money.

Automotive Rapid Prototyping Compresses Development Time

The advantages of 3D rapid prototyping model creation versus viewing a cad / cam model on a computer screen is palable. Automotive parts engineers get together discuss the pros and cons of a rapidly produced automotive parts model and discuss the pros and cons of the design, as they pass it around, twisting and viewing the prototype, and decide if that is what they had in mind. This way, problems get solved up front, before going to the assembly line! Once determined that the automotive prototype design is a go, the model can then be sent to a die maker.

Automotive Prototyping and the Die Maker Process

The die maker can not use model to make the die, but because they have it in their hand and can look at it and feel it, they can determine where the parting lines will be and exactly how much steel they will need to produce it. The timing of the die process is greatly compressed.

Examples of Automotive Rapid Prototyping Parts

· Engine castings and parts

· Car Engine parts

· Auto Mechanical parts

· Car Dashboards

· Car Handles and Knobs

· Auto Body Components

· Car Trim parts

Fail first Paradox in Automotive Rapid Prototyping

The automated rapid prototyping paradox is to fail sooner rather than later. By failing earlier, the design engineers unexpectedly succeed in accelerating the project; this greatly reduces development cost risk. By considering all automotive prototype failures as learning experiences, the engineer has much less stress, knowing that they are practicing the old adage, that success comes from ninety-nine percent failure and introspection.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Basics and Tips of Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is an approach to product marketing communications that does not employ contemporary marketing channels. This absolutely means that deals are done directly between the manufacturers and customers without involving channel intermediaries such as distributors, retailers and wholesalers. It is a strategy commonly employed by electronic manufacturers and banks in dealing with their clients directly. Brands that employ distribution channels target marketing communications towards distributors, retailers and consumers, while directly market brands communicate directly with clients. Direct marketing may employ tools such as direct mail, mobile telemarketing services, and voicemail marketing among others.

Marketing directly has been found to be the most cost effective avenue and form of marketing. By the use of direct mail, telemarketing services, email marketing and leaflets drops, the system allows you to focus on customers with utmost accuracy unlike the majority of marketing techniques. It is distinguished in a number of ways. Firstly, direct mails are sent to clients. This comes in an array of ways including email addresses, web browser cookies and mobile messaging. Secondly, marketing directly aspires to drive a precise call to action. In this case advertisements may give free call lines to clients for information. Careful preparation prior to the approach is however necessary to achieve utmost investment, achieve adequate response rates and to avoid contacting individuals who do not desire receiving a direct mail in direct marketing.

The process of marketing the things directly presents with an array of different approaches. They consist of traditional methods like telemarketing services, mail shots and modern approaches that include mailing lists, mobile messaging and social media. The most appropriate of these approaches will absolutely depend on the customers targeted, the information to be passed across and the response you wish to generate.

For most companies direct mail has proved to be affordable, manageable and therefore mostly employed. These are companies that lack effective and adequate expertise and capital to utilize electronic direct marketing approaches. Direct mails are cost effective and are likely to generate more client responses unlike majority of direct marketing approaches. Direct mail focuses information directly into the hands of the customers that require it. It is therefore very effective once well planned and coupled with high quality mailing list.

It allows you to aim at a specific group of clients especially with the use of direct marketing leads. The use of these leads ensures that you focus your time and energy on the endeavors that matter to your business. They enable you to communicate adequately with clients, increase your sales and to grow your business. Leads in addition allow you to focus the right amount of resources where they are likely to produce results, gauge the success of advertisements and other campaigns, and most importantly to test your marketing. Direct marketing leads since increases the sales of your business to existing clients, builds client loyalty, reestablishs failed customer associations and generates new business ideas.

Marketing is not always a cheap task, but with direct marketing leads where you focus your campaigns on the precise businesses and people owning them, it will definitely pay off. Once you get your leads, make sure that you reach the right customers. You may get your leads from Bressers who will in addition help you reach prospective customers.