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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How To Earn Money Online - The Inside Secrets Revealed!

If you want to discover how to earn money online then pay close attention to the following vitally important few paragraphs because they reveal, completely for free, the most powerful and effective methods available today for making lots of money from the Web. Making money online offers a dream lifestyle, financial freedom and the unique benefit of never having to answer directly to a horrible boss ever again. However, the truth is, you need to be aware of the most efficacious techniques for earning money online if you want to "make it" in this increasingly competitive industry. Thankfully, that's where we come in, by revealing to you directly exactly how to make all the money you desire from the Internet, as quickly as possible!

Killer Method # 1 - Build AdSense Websites!

If you're looking into how to earn money online then you may already have heard of making money from AdSense. In a nutshell, this method involves writing articles on any chosen topic you are familiar with, publishing them to your Blog or Website and then signing up to Google's AdSense program which displays ads that perfectly match your articles' topic. When people arrive at your site to read your articles they will see related adverts and, the great thing is, every time a person clicks on one of the ads you get paid. The price you are paid for a click can range from a few pennies right the way up to nearly a hundred dollars, depending on the topic of your site. All in all, this is a fantastic, easy way to get started making money online. It is very realistic to make a few extra hundred dollars a month with this method, although some top AdSense publishers like Spencer Haws actually make over $ 10,000 / month. Truly inspiring, I am sure you'll agree. Building AdSense websites is more fun than most regular online jobs, however, you probably want to work on it part-time to begin with as it can take a little time to build up.

Killer Method # 2 - Help Local Businesses With Online Marketing!

This is one of the easiest ways ever to start making good money online. In essence, what you are doing is, creating your own legitimate full-time online job by offering your online marketing services to offline businesses. The first thing to understand is that 90% of offline "bricks and mortar" businesses are completely clueless when it comes to Online Marketing. As such you can, with a just a little bit of easily and freely acquired Online Marketing knowledge, make tremendous monthly profits by serving just a few offline businesses that are easily found in any decent-sized city or town. Services you can offer include Website Design, Email Newsletter Management, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Graphic Design, Blogging, Facebook and Twitter Management and much, much more. Just one average-sized offline business will happily pay several hundred dollars per month for your services if they see a positive ROI and so, as a simple bit of Math will show you, a few of these such clients quickly adds up to a very healthy income. This method for earning money online, where you essentially become your own boss in control of your own time, is one the best types of self-created online jobs you will ever find.

Summing Up!

If you have been searching for how to earn money online then these 2 methods work like gangbusters. Simply get started today and soon you too will be living the dream Internet Lifestyle. Good luck and be sure to get started right now!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Self-Security - The Key to Money Congruency

Whatever your financial situation right now, and yet you feel about it, never forget it is just a circumstance and can be changed in the twinkling of an eye, by a change of perspective.

Now, many people seem to be subject to the idea that there is a recession. But we are only ever subject to a circumstance in our life when we have not yet realized (or have forgotten) our own empowerment. And if we are entirely 'subject' to something, that thing is our 'ruler'.

To some people, this may be a shocking statement. How can we ignore the recession? Your reaction to this question may well explain why the recession is affecting you in the first place!

When an idea is focused upon, it becomes tangible. It literally materialises. When there is hypothesis or speculation over money, money will appear to 'move' in accordance with the speculation, be it speculation in fear or in confidence. The whole stock-market is built upon this principle. Indeed, the entire banking system is founded on this dynamic, an illusion of resources subject to the thoughts, feelings and actions (control and management) that we give those resources.

So it follows that a large number of people in fear of a recession, talking about or predicting a recession, will bring about the subject of their focus: a recession. Now, for those who are agile and canny in their financial self-preservation during a recession, any collective belief does not affect them. In fact many astute business' thrive during a recession.

In claiming our individual power as master of our universe, we can indeed turn away from an unfavorable collective experience and create an individual version (a perspective) which enables us to thrive, whatever the ambient money climate.

Thriving in just about any situation or climate, is a skill and quality which emanates from a permanent feeling of substantial 'self-security'. This feeling is the one that all human beings aspire to, whatever their circumstances, 'millionaire' or survivor.

This self-security has nothing to do with the red or black ink on bank 'statements'. Even wealthy people retain insecurities over money since a dollar evidence to the contrary. But in full emotional 'self-security', we are durably liberated to create our choicest, material life.

For people with naturally philanthropic natures and altruistic business visions, coming to terms with wealth can be very hard. People who listen to 'divine guidance' sometimes have difficulty reconciling ideals of a world-without-money, and keeping a roof over their heads. But actually, God's face shines on bank notes too! Abundance is our divine heritage and 'cash-agility' is just one aspect of it.

Most of the 'spiritual' argument is an attempt to hide the fact that people have not yet got themselves clear enough to allow the flow of money. But all altruism is better performed with millions of dollars behind it.

Availing wealth indulge the challenges of proclaiming our self-worth and the confidence required to acquire financial ease and a wealthy mindset. It becomes an excuse and self-congratulatory procrastination. And like forms of self-sabotage, if we want results we've just got to get over it!

Even ideas of money-less worlds are simply refusals to reconcile the system that we've already got. People who struggle with money can invent a million ways to avoid coming to terms with managing it. The underlying feeling of lack, or wealth that is somehow too difficult to achieve, will flow around the subconscious like a canker, eating away at hope, optimism, even desire.

But money itself, is entirely neutral!

It is purely an energy of communication, shiny enough to reflect back to you every hangup and bit of woolly thinking you can produce. Money does not have an opinion about you, but if you have one about money, you can be sure it will respond!

Some say that if you do the inner work the rest will take care of itself. In many cases this is true. The changes must indeed come from inside. However understanding that fact 'intellectually' and not being able to permanently access positive feelings about wealth, nor see the tangible results, will create continuous inner conflict. Even reading and studying wealth books is not sufficient. Nobody else can make us rich but us!

It was with 3 bankruptcies behind me (despite a very comfortable upbringing) that I carefully set out to eradicate conflict and to cultivate the emotional congruency required to turn my life around and set my money 'default position' to one that enabled me to create the life of my dreams, and enduring serenity about both my self-worth and my money worth.

It is vital to examine if your beliefs, words, feelings and actions are congruent in regard to money.

If, subconsciously, you entertain repetitive thoughts patterns that do not serve your aspirations, or if you do not take appropriate action in spite of setting financial goals, you will not have a congruent money alignment and there will be delay in the manifestation of your money desires. Here's a useful exercise:

1. Write down your money goals for this week, month, year, 5 years. Leave the list for a day and then take it again and next to the numbers, write a spontaneous list of your very first responses as you appraise the goals. See how many of the responses are in alignment with your goals and which ones need working on.
If you do not experience surges of positive emotions with each of the goals and figures, it is clear that some part of your financial 'being' is not quite in agreement with the rest of you!

2. For one week, carry the paper around with you and see how you talk and react about money in every situation that it comes up, shopping, paying bills, selling. Check out the language that you use about the money and monitor your emotions. If you are not feeling good about money, then no amount of action or will power can change that. We must find our inner security, or 'self-security' before any other remedy. It begins with a conscious decision to cultivate the perspective and line every other part of our life up with that perspective.

Transforming insecurities about money frees us to embrace the cornucopia of abundance, which is all about us if we cultivate the right perspective. When we are embracing abundance with a jubilant emotional vibration and a bright perspective, when we are consistently not just taking action, but assuming the habits of the person we are desirous of becoming, the universe can not help itself but prove us right.

Jenni P

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Landing Pages - How to Create a Free Landing Page

Are you starting out with a string budget? Have no experience building webpages? You know you need your own landing page, squeeze page or opt-in page. But if you do not have the money in your budget to pay for it, and need to do it yourself, where do you begin? I'll give you simple step-by-step instructions to walk you through the process using a neat little site called BlinkWeb. You can do this with no technical experience whatsever and best of all ... it's FREE!

Sign-Up for Your FREE Account

Simply go to and sign up for your free account. Then there will be a button that says 'Create a New Site.' Click on it. BlinkWeb is a place where you can create free websites. So, they give you different options as to the type of site you want to create. In this case you'll choose the salesletter style for your landing page.

The next step is entering a title for your landing page. Of course it should be pertinent to your offer. It's even better if your title contained keywords relating to your site. This in essence is the domain name of your site.

Creating the Landing Page

After you name the page, you'll be taken to the page builder. There are four boxes on the left-hand side:

Editor Tools

Editor Tools and Widgets are basically drag and drop menus. You can choose where to place your title, paragraphs, images and videos. You decide the order. To keep it simple you can be with a title box (which is your headline), then follow with a short paragraph. Make sure to really convey the benefits because this is going to capture your customer's attention.

I'd also suggest you either have a quality image or video on your page. People are visual and giving them something to look at will increase your conversion rate. For image and paragraph choose image / paragraph under Text Tools. For video and paragraph choose video / paragraph under Video / Images.

Cool Tools

Here's something really cool. Under Widgets, there's a section called Sales Pages. It makes it really easy to incorporate bullet points - which is the check list. And there's also a testimonial box. All the work has been done for you. Simply choose the tool and type in your text.

Under layouts you select the template you'd like for your site. Remember a plain white background is best.

Now for the most important part. The Opt-in Box. The tool you need is Custom HTML and it's located under the Advanced section in Widgets.

Note: You will need a account with a contact management company such as Constant Contact or AWeber for this to work.

Simply create the actual opt-in box with whatever software you use. Then copy the HTML code that's generated and paste it in the Customer HTML box on BlinkWeb. You will have an opt-in box right on your landing page and all the names and email addresses of your customers will be collected. No need to export information, it goes directly to your contact management software.

Be sure to view your page before you publish it. Check the spacing and make sure everything is "above the fold." For more tips regarding copywriting, landing pages, opt-in pages, visit the website. Learn more secrets that top internet marketers use to set their business apart from the masses.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Is Insurance?

As we know one way of risk prevention is to insure a risk to the insurance company. This method is considered the most important method in tackling risk. Therefore many people think that risk management is the same as insurance. Although the actual circumstances are not so.

Insurance means the insurance transaction, which involves two parties, the insured and the insurer. Where the insurer guarantees the insured person, that he will be reimbursed for a loss which he may suffer, as a result of an event that would not necessarily occur or which could not be determined when or when it occurred. As the insured in the obligation to pay some money to the insurer, the amount of proportion of the sum insured, commonly called "premium".

Viewed from several angles, the insurance has a variety of goals and techniques of splitting, among others:

A. From an economic perspective, then:
The goal:
Reducing the uncertainty of the results of operations undertaken by a person or company in order to meet the needs or achieves goals.

By transferring the risk to the other party and the other party combining a reasonable amount of risk, so it can be estimated with more precise the magnitude of the possibility of loss.

B. In terms of Law, then:
The goal:
Transferring the risks faced by an object or a business activity to another party.

Through premium payments by the insured to the insurer in the indemnity contract (insurance policy), then the risk of transferring to the insurer.

C. In terms of Trade, then:
The goal:
Share the risks faced to all participants of the insurance program.

Transferred risk from individuals / companies to financial institutions engaged in risk management (insurance companies), which will share the risk to all participants of the insurance it handles.

D. From a societal standpoint, then:
The goal:
Bear losses jointly among all participants of the insurance program.

All group members (group members) of the insurance program contribute (in the form of promotions) to sympathize losses suffered by a / some of its members.

E. In terms of Mathematics, then:
The goal:
Predict the magnitude of the possibility of risk and the income of the forecast is used to divide the risk to all participants (group of participants) insurance program.

Calculates the probability based on probability theory ("Probability Theory"), performed by the actuary as well as by the underwriter.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Resume for Chief Auditor

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Computer Degrees Online Available for You

Computer degrees online allow students to acquire a solid education on any computer related course from a reputable college or university, offering online computer program, without actually attending school. It is a distant learning that harnesses the student's knowledge and skills in any computer field.

Online computer degrees provide students with the required talent to enter into a rapidly growing industry with a well-paid profession. As technology advances, the need for computer experts continues to increase. Employment opportunities will exponentially grow in this field as technology and computer use becomes more relevant to the modern life.

Anyone interested in acquiring an online computer degree can choose from any of these courses available in online computer programs of most colleges and universities.

Computer science degree

Computer science degree online will give the students the edge in terms of employment and career advancement in today's fast-paced marketplace. This profession offers a lucrative paying job with a starting salary of over $ 50,000.00, and still increasing as demand for the profession continues to grow.

Computer science is described as the study of theoretical foundations of information and computing. The students also learn practical techniques for their implementation and application in systems.

Software engineering degree

A software engineering degree online can land you a six-figure salary job once you graduate and get certified. Although, this degree is admittedly one of the most difficult Information Technology programs because its coursework consistors of intricate mathematical principles.

Software engineering is the application of engineering to software. It involves the design and development of faster, affordable and easy to maintain software.

Computer networking degree

Computer networking degree online is an off-campus opportunity for individuals to learn and maintain secure network infrastructures. Usual subjects for a computer networking program includes study of hardware devices, including routers, switches and bridges and their problem areas; wireless devices, networking security and security protocols; computer applications and software like sharing files and shared applications; working with various operating systems and programming tools and languages; and designing, modifying and upgrading to more complex systems.

Computer information systems degree

This field is among the fastest and highest paying professions in Information Technology. Individuals can get online computer information systems degree from many reputable universities offering distant learning opportunities.

The program involves designing and developing information-based systems critical for operations and management.

Web design degree

Many now rely on the internet to provide almost everything they need: from getting news to providing information, from doing business to paying bills. Virtually, almost everything is accessible and can be done with a click of button. Because of the convenient use of the internet, more and more people are turning towards worldwide web for business or even their day-to-day needs. This phenomenon has resulted in the surge of websites to cater the growing public demand, thus making web design a very profitable profession. Web designers can easily secure a good paying job whether in a company or working freelance. What's great about it is that an online web design decree is available for everyone with access to computer and internet and with some spare time to the study the course at their own space. Visit websites of colleges and universities to learn about their requirements.

Game design degree

Game design can be said to be in its early stage of rapid growth. The opportunities for development are vast and wide, and this can be observed in the increasing market needs for new and exciting gaming software. Too, the industry is constantly in need of expert game designers, and professionals in this field have very well-paid jobs. Get an online web design degree from well regarded universities to have that extra edge. At any rate, a web design degree can get a solid employment.

Computer programming degree

Programming is a critical phase of software development. It involves creating source codes that will determine how software works. In simple term, programming can be understood as the detailed instructions that tell computers what to do. As a vital part of computer engineering, computer programming is regarded as a highly intricate process that requires excellent skills and expertise in the field. That is why this profession is among the most in demand and well paid position. Major universities offer online computer programming degree, which can be completed at the student's convenience.

CAD degree

Most high-quality presentations now require Computer Aided Designs or CAD. It is the use of a variety of computer-based tools to assist engineers, architects and other design professionals produce well structured real or virtual objects. CAD software allows objects to be designed in two dimensional or three dimensional space. Online CAD degree programs or online CAD degree courses may be offered through schools like ITT Tech and Penn Foster.

If you are planning to enroll in any of the computer lessons online be sure to study its requirements, and determine whether the specific field suits your interest. Any of these courses can provide good employment opportunities.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Call Center - More Than Just a Career

Call center workers across the world enjoy the one of a kind taste of accomplishment. Millions of people are employed in this industry because of the blissful way in lifting the career opportunity. Yuppie workers especially Filipinos believed that working in a call center are more than just a career.

The picture of the Philippine economy is never before before when the outsourcing industry came in. It was an open book that the country is struggling against millions of people who are unemployed. The unemployment and unemployment rate was the battle cry of the Filipino especially that poverty led the cause-oriented and militant groups to dramatize their concerns by staging a street protest.

Militant groups underscored their outline to the government to consider their sentiment by urging the Senate and the House of Representatives to pass a law that will add 125 pesos to the previous 198 pesos in terms of the daily minimum wage. In Metro Manila, the existing minimum wage is 360 pesos a day.

On the other hand, workers in the Visayas and Mindanao set by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) are receiving a minimum wage of 209 pesos every day. The setting up of a competitive salary hike to every Filipino worker is a long demand since the previous governance.

But the entry of contact centers and the BPO (business process outsourcing) companies in the Philippines save the Filipino workers from receiving poor pay and benefits. This is a magnificent development today because yuppie and fresh graduations are welcomed to work in any of the call center in the Philippines. And also, the starting pay is bigger with night differential, overtime pay, responsibilities, and fringe benefits.

For the past years, Filipino contact center workers provided their skills and competency in understanding the concerns of their customers as far as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. The opportunity continues to receive positive feedback in every client that caters by the call center workers.

Aside of the attractive pay, BPO workers receive discounts in shopping malls, spa, disco bar, restaurants, and even travel opportunity to any of their favorite destinations. This is true because contact centers usually usually tie up in different kinds of establishments which is part of helping their employees enjoy the lifestyle. In addition, facilities like fitness gym, entertainment area, sleeping quarters, and spa are also offered by some major call center companies.

Imagine the joy and excitement in boosting your lifestyle. This is the reason why Filipino workers want to build their promising career in call centers. Hundreds of seats are offered by these outsourcing companies in response to the increasing demand of the customer relationship management.

Filipinos should be proud that off-shoring business continues to receive wonderful feedback from the international investors. To date, thousands of Filipinos are engaged in this job and continue to dominate in the global market. The expanded services like outbound and inbound, chat support, web content writing, and other jobs related to BPO jobs can be handled by Filipino workers with no hassle.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Make Money and Love It

Someone once told me that play is work that we enjoy. I began to wonder why people do not play at work. There is a stigma that surrounds the word work. It is a necessary evil; it forces you to work for your weekend - the time you enjoy; it is just to be endured. But I do not believe it. Work can be fun, sure there will still be tough days, but there is nothing wrong with looking forward to going to work on Monday. Many things factor into whether you will enjoy your work: the people, the environment, and the work itself. These factors can keep you from enjoying work, but when used to your benefit, they can also help you find and retain enjoyment at your work.

What you excel in doing will affect if you enjoy the work you do. This is because individuals find satisfaction in accomplishes. I am a great goal-setter, planner and executor. I worked for a company where I severely got to use any of those skills. Instead, my time was focused on encouraging people to do things that did not want to do, which required skills in reading people, customizing messages to each individual person, and being a cheerleader; none of which are my strengths. Knowing this, each day I would try to improve how I talked to people and to influence them to smile at customers, and each day when my goals were not reached I went home feeling like a failure. Being in an environment where you can use your strengths allows you to go home with a sense of accomplishment. Spending your day toiling in areas where you struggle, leaves you feeling empty.

Many books have been written that will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses. Some go so deep as to help you find your undering motivators. These are fantastic resources which I recommend. For now, however, I want to focus on a quick analysis.

Think of your best day at work where you felt a sense of accomplishment. What happened? What activities were you doing? Did you land a tough deal? Did you overt a crisis? Did you create a successful plan? What attributes did that day's activities have? By boiling it down you will find the basics of what you enjoy doing.

What do people say you are good at? Does your boss ever refer co-workers to you for advice because you do something well? Do people seek you out as the expert in certain activities? What do you get recognized for? These are all great indicators of your strengths.

What do you find yourself doing when you do not have to? Are there activities at work or home you find yourself participating in even though you do not have (are not required) to? I am constantly creating plans and setting milestones for projects I do outside of life. My friend will sit down and pound out a book in a day. My husband will design and build things, not because it needs to be done, but because he enjoys the process. Figure out what you enjoy that can be translated to work.

Just knowing what you are good at is not enough, it is important to understand what you do not do well. What do you dread doing at work? Do you avoid paperwork like it is the plague? Do you make as few client calls as possible? What activities do you do that never seem to measure up to the status quo? My first internship I asked to cold call potential investors to see if they would be interested in speaking with a broker. After four hours of cold calling I went home crying. Each time I made a call that day, I would feel apprehension: afraid they would ask a question I would not have the answer to; afraid they would be rude to me; afraid I would get yelled at. Talking to strangers and trying to sell a product was not my strength.

After you know what you do not do well, there are two things to do: either manage those weaknesses or avoid situations that require them. To manage a weakness you need to leakage other skills to help you do that activity to the (level of the) status quo. Do not expect to ever make your weaknesses a strength. That same time you could use practicing and improving your current strengths and yield a much higher return on investment. Look at the activities you do not do well and see if there are ways for you to do that activity a little differently and still achieve it. Some things you can avoid absolutely. Is there someone at work whose strengths compliment your weaknesses? Maybe you can share the work. Do you have the authority to hire someone to take on the work you do not do well so you can focus on your strengths? In my business I am good at the organizational management piece where my partner is better at the sales piece (remember my cold-calling experience). I focus on directing the vision of our organization while he brings in the business. Would this work for you?

By understanding your strengths versus your weaknesses, you can begin shaping your job to fit you (or finding a different career). You will find you have much more satisfaction after spending your day being successful versus struggling through a workday by trying to rely on weaknesses. And go ahead, play at work.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Be All That You Can Be: The Company Persona and Language Alignment

It's not just CEOs and corporate spokespeople who need effective language to be the message. The most successful advertising taglines are not seen as slogans for a product. They are the product. From M & M's "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" to "Please do not squeeze the Charmin" bathroom tissue, from the "plop, plop, fizz, fizz" of Alka-Seltzer to "Fly the friendly skies of United, "There is no light space between the product and its marketing. Words that work reflect "not only the soul of the brand, but the company itself and its reason for being in business," according to Publicis worldwide executive director director David Droga.

In the same vein, advertising experts identify a common quality among the most popular and long-lasting corporate icons: Rather than selling for their companies, these characters personify them. Ronald McDonald, the Marlboro Man, Betty Crocker, the Energizer Bunny - they are not shills trying to talk us into buying a Big Mac, a pack of smokers, a box of cake mix, a package of batteries; they do not even personalize the product. Just like the most celebrated logos, they are the product.

Walk through any bookstore and you'll find dozens of books about the marketing and branding efforts of corporate America. The process of corporate communication has been thinly sliced ​​and diced over and over, but what you will not find is a book about the one really essential characteristic in our twenty-first-century world: the company persona and how words that work are used to create and sustain it.

The company persona is the sum of the corporate leadership, the corporate ethos, the products and services offered, interaction with the customer, and, most importantly, the language that ties it all together. A majority of large companies do not have a company persona, but those that do benefit significantly. Ben & Jerry's associates in part because of the funky names that theyave to the conventional (and unconventional) flavors they offer, but the positive relationship between corporate management and their employees also plays a role, even after Ben and Jerry sold the company. McDonald's in the 1970s and Starbucks over the past decade became an integral part of the American culture as much for the lifestyle that they reflected as the food and beverages they offered, but the in-store lexicon helped by setting them apart from their competition. (Did any customers ever call the person who served them a cup of coffee a "barista" before Starbucks made the term popular?) Language is never the sole determinant in creating a company persona, but you'll find words that work associated with all companies that have one.

And when the message, messenger, and recipient are all on the same page, I call this rare phenomenon "language alignment," and it happens far less frequently than you might expect. In fact, all of the companies that have hired my firm for communication guidance have found themselves linguistically unaligned.

This manifests itself in two ways. First, in service-oriented businesses, the sales force is too often selling with a different language than the marketing people are using. There's nothing wrong with individualizing the sales approach to each customer, but when you have your sales force promoting a message that has no similarity with the advertising campaign, it undermines both efforts. The language in the ads and promotions must match the language on the street, in the shop, and on the floor. For example, Boost Mobile, which caters to an inner city youth demographic, uses the slogan "Where you at?" Not grammatically (or politically) correct - but it's the language of their consumer.

And second, corporations with multiple products in the same space too often allow the language of those products to blur and bleed into each other. Procter & Gamble may sell a hundred different items, but even though each one fills a different need, a different space, and / or a different category, it is perfectly fine for them to share similar language. You can use some of the same verbiage to sell soap as you would to sell towels, because no consumer will confuse the products and what they do.

Not so for a company that is in a single line of work, say selling cars or selling beer, where companies use the exact same adjectives to describe very different products. In this instance, achieving linguistic alignment requires a much more disciplined linguistic segmentation. It is almost always a more effective sales strategy to divvy up the appropriate adjectives and create a unique lexicon for each individual brand.

An example of a major corporation that has betrayed both of these challenges and still managed to achieve linguistic alignment, even as they are laying off thousands of workers, is the Ford Motor Company - which manages a surprisingly diverse group of brands ranging from Mazda to Aston Martin. The Ford corporate leadership recognized that it was impossible to separate the Ford name, corporate history, heritage, and range of vehicles - so why bother. They came as a package. Sure, Ford serves an individual brand identity, through national and local ad campaigns and by creating and maintaining a separate image and language for each brand. For example, "exceptionally sensual styling" certainly applies when one is talking about a Jaguar S Type, but would probably not be pertinent for a Ford F 250 pickup truck. But the fact that the CEO carries the Ford name communicates continuity to the company's customers, and Bill Ford sitting in front of an assembly line talking about leadership and innovation in all of Ford's vehicles effectively puts all the individual brands into alignment.

The words he uses - "innovation," "driven," "re-committed," "dramatically," "dedicated" - represent the simplicity and brevity of effective communications, and they are wrapped around the CEO who is the fourth- generation Ford to lead the company - hence credibility. The cars are the message, Bill Ford is the messenger, the language is dead-on, and Ford is weathering the American automotive crisis far better than its larger rival General Motors. Again, the language of Ford is not the only driver of corporate image and sales - but it certainly is a factor.

In fact, the brand-building campaign was so successful that GM jumped on board. But Ford quickly took it a step further. In early 2006, they began to leverage their ownership of Volvo (I wonder how many readers did not know that Ford bought Volvo in 1999 and purchased Jaguar a decade earlier) to communicate a corporate-wide commitment to automated safety, across all of its individual brands and vehicles. Volvo is one of the most respected cars on the road today, and aligning all of Ford behind an industry leader is a very smart strategy indeed.

So what about the competition?

General Motors, once the automotive powerhouse of the world, has an equally diverse product line and arguably a richer history of technology and innovation, but their public message of cutbacks, buy-backs, and layoffs was designed to appeal to Wall Street, not Main Street, and it crushed new car sales. At the time of this writing, GM is suffering through record losses, record job layoffs, and a record number of bad stories about its failing marketing efforts.

It did not have to be this way.

The actual attributes of many of the GM product lines are more appealing than the competition, but the product image itself is not. To own a GM car is to tell the world that you're so 1970s, and since what you drive is considered an extension and expression of yourself to others, people end up buying cars they actually like less because they feel the cars will say something more about them.

Think about it. Here's a company that was the first to develop a catalytic converter, the first to develop an advanced anti-tipping stabilization technology, the first to develop engines that could use all sorts of blended gasolines, and most importantly in today's market, the creator of OnStar - an incredible new-age computerized safety and tracking device. Yet most American consumers have no idea that any of these valuable innovations came from General Motors, simply because GM decided not to tell them. So instead of using its latest and greatest emerging technology to align itself with its customers, GM finds itself in a deteriorating dialogue with shareholders. No alignment = no sales.

Another problem with GM: No one knew that the various brands under the GM moniker were in fact. . . GM. Even such well-known brands as Corvette and Cadillac had become disconnected from the parent company. Worse yet, all the different brands (with the exception of Hummer, which could not get lost in a crowd even if the brand manager wanted it to) were using similar language, similar visuals, and a similar message - blurring the distinction between brands and turning GM vehicles into nothing more than generic American cars. Repeated marketing failures were just part of GM's recurring problems, but as that issue was completely within their control, it should have been the easiest to address.

When products, services, and language are aligned, they gain another essential attribute: authenticity. In my own market research for dozens of Fortune 500 companies, I have found that the best way to communicate authenticity is to trigger personalization: Do audience members see themselves in the slogan. . . and therefore in the product? Unfortunately, achieving personalization is by no means easy.

To illustrate how companies and brands in a competitive space create compelling personas for them while addressing the needs of different consumer groups, let's take a look at cereals. Anyone can go out and buy a box of cereal. But different cereals offer different experiences. Watch and listen carefully to their marketing approach and the words they use.

Most cereals geared towards children sell energy, excitement, adventure, and the potential for fun - even more than the actual taste of the sugar-coated rice or wheat puffs in the cardboard box. On the other hand, cereal aimed at grown-ups is sold based on its utility to the maintenance and enhancement of health - with taste once again secondary.

Children's cereals are pitched by nonthreatening cartoon characters - tigers, parrots, chocolate-loving vampires, Cap'ns, and a tiny trio in stocking caps - never an adult or authority figure. Adult cereals come at you head-on with a not-so-subtle Food Police message, wrapped in saccharine-sweet smiles, exclaiming that this cereal is a favorite of healthy and cholesterol-conscious adults who do not want to get colon cancer! Ugghhh. Kids buy Frosted Flakes because "They're grrrreat!" Adults buy Special K because we want to be as attractive and generous as the actors who promote it. When it comes to cereal, about the only thing parents and kids have in common is that the taste matters only slightly more than the image, experience, and product association - and if the communication appears authentic, they'll buy.

And cereal certainly sells. From Cheerios to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, more than $ 6 billion worth of cold cereal was sold in the United States alone in 2005. If you were to look at the five top-selling brands, you would see a diverse list targeted to a variety set of customers. The language used for each of these five brands is noticeably different, but in all cases totally essential.

In looking at the first and third best-selling brands of cereal, one might initially think that only a slight variation in ingredients mark their distinctions. Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are both based around the same whole-grain O shaped cereal, but are in fact two very different products, beyond the addition of honey and a nut-like crunch.

The language behind Cheerios is remarkably simple and all-encompassing - "The one and only Cheerios." Could be for kids. . . could be for young adults. . . could be for parents. Actually, Cheerios wants to sell to all of them. As its Web site states, Cheerios is the right cereal for "toddlers to adults and everyone in between." The mixture heart-shaped bowl on each box suggests to the older consumer that the "whole-grain" cereal is a healthy start to a healthy day. But the web site also has a section devotedly to younger adults, complete with testimonials and "tips from new parents" talking about how Cheerios has helped them to raise happy, healthy children. The language behind Cheerios works because it transcends the traditional societal boundaries of age and adds a sense of authenticity to the product.

While you could probably live a happy and healthy existence with Cheerios as your sole cereal choice, there is a fundamental segment of the cereal market that demands more. For the cereal-consuming public roughly between the ages of four and fourteen, a different taste and linguistic approach is required. Buzz the Bee, the kid-friendly mascot of Honey Nut Cheerios, pitches the "irresistible taste of golden honey," selling the sweetness of the product to a demographic that craves sweet foods. While the parent knows that his or her child desires the cereal because of its sweet taste (as conveyed through the packaging), Honey Nut Cheerios must still pass the parent test. By putting such statements as "whole-grain" and "13 essential vitamins and minerals" on the box, the product gains authenticity, credibility, and the approval of the parent.

Two different messages on one common box effectively markets the same product to both children and parents alike, helping to make Honey Nut Cheerios the number three top-selling Cereal in 2004. So with the addition of honey and nuts, General Mills, the producer of the Cheerios line, has filled the gap between toddlers and young adults, and completed the Cheerios cradle-to-grave lifetime hold on the consumer.

To take another example, if you want people to think you're hip and healthy, you make sure they see drinking bottled water - and the fancier the better. No one walking around with a diet Dr Pepper in hand is looking to impress anyone. These days, there's almost a feeling that soft drinks are exclusively for kids and the uneducated masses. There's a cache to the consumption of water, and expensive and exclusive brands are all the rage. Now, there may be a few people who have such extremely refined, educated taste buds that they can taste the difference between Dasani and Aquafina (I certainly can not), but the connoisseurs of modish waters are more likely than not posers (or, to continue the snobbery theme, poseurs). You will not see many people walking around Cincinnati or Syracuse clutching fancy bottled water. Hollywood, South Beach, and the Upper East Side of New York City are, as usual, another story.

There's one final aspect of being the message that affects what we hear and how we hear it. How our language is delivered can be as important as the words themselves, and no one understands this principle better than Hollywood.

At a small table tucked away in the corner of a boutique Italian restaurant on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, I had the opportunity to dine with legendary actors Charles Durning, Jack Klugman, and Dom DeLuise. The entire dinner was a litany of stories of actors, writers, and the most memorable movie lines ever delivered. (Says Klugman, an Emmy Award winner, "A great line is not spoken, it is delivered.") Best known for his roles in The Odd Couple and Quincy, Klugman told a story about how Spencer Tracy was practicing his lines for a movie late in his career in the presence of the film's screenwriter. Notably pleased with the reading, the writer said to Tracy, "Would you please pay more attention to how you are reading that line? It took me six months to write it," to which Tracy shot back, "It took me thirty years to learn how to say Correctly the line that took you only six months to write. "

Spencer Tracy knew how to be the message - and his shelf of Academy Awards proved it.

Excerpted from WORDS THAT WORK by Dr. Frank Luntz. Copyright 2007 Dr. Frank Luntz. All rights reserved. Published by Hyperion. Available where books are sold.

Monday, February 25, 2019

What Is Bitcoin and Is It a Good Investment?

Bitcoin (BTC) is a new kind of digital currency-with cryptographic keys-that is decentralized to a network of computers used by users and miners around the world and is not controlled by a single organization or government. It is the first digital cryptocurrency that has gained the public's attention and is accepted by a growing number of merchants. Like other treaties, users can use the digital currency to buy goods and services online as well as in some physical stores that accept it as a form of payment. Currency traders can also trade Bitcoins in Bitcoin exchanges.

There are several major differences between Bitcoin and traditional currencies (eg US dollar):

  1. Bitcoin does not have a centralized authority or clearing house (eg government, central bank, MasterCard or Visa network). The peer-to-peer payment network is managed by users and miners around the world. The currency is anonymously transferred directly between users through the internet without going through a clearing house. This means that transaction fees are much lower.
  2. Bitcoin is created through a process called "Bitcoin mining". Miners around the world use mining software and computers to solve complex bitcoin algorithms and to approve Bitcoin transactions. They are awarded with transaction fees and new Bitcoins generated from solving Bitcoin algorithms.
  3. There is a limited amount of Bitcoins in circulation. According to Blockchain, there were about 12.1 million in circulation as of Dec. 20, 2013. The difficulty to mine Bitcoins (solve algorithms) becomes harder as more Bitcoins are generated, and the maximum amount in circulation is capped at 21 million. The limit will not be reached until approximately the year 2140. This makes Bitcoins more valuable as more people use them.
  4. A public ledger called 'Blockchain' records all Bitcoin transactions and shows each Bitcoin owner's respect holdings. Anyone can access the public ledger to verify transactions. This makes the digital currency more transparent and predictable. More importantly, the transparency prevails fraud and double spending of the same Bitcoins.
  5. The digital currency can be acquired through Bitcoin mining or Bitcoin exchanges.
  6. The digital currency is accepted by a limited number of merchants on the web and in some brick-and-mortar retailers.
  7. Bitcoin wallets (similar to PayPal accounts) are used for storing Bitcoins, private keys and public addresses as well as for anonymously transferring Bitcoins between users.
  8. Bitcoins are not insured and are not protected by government agencies. Here, they can not be recovered if the secret keys are stolen by a hacker or lost to a failed hard drive, or due to the closure of a Bitcoin exchange. If the secret keys are lost, the associated Bitcoins can not be recovered and would be out of circulation. Visit this link for an FAQ on Bitcoins.

I believe that Bitcoin will gain more acceptance from the public because users can remain anonymous while buying goods and services online, transactions fees are much lower than credit card payment networks; the public ledger is accessible by anyone, which can be used to prevent fraud; the currency supply is capped at 21 million, and the payment network is operated by users and miners instead of a central authority.

However, I do not think that it is a great investment vehicle because it is extremely volatile and is not very stable. For example, the bitcoin price grows from around $ 14 to a peak of $ 1,200 USD this year before dropping to $ 632 per BTC at the time of writing.

Bitcoin surged this year because investors speculated that the currency would gain greater acceptance and that it would increase in price. The currency plunged 50% in December because BTC China (China's largest Bitcoin operator) announced that it could no longer accept new deposits due to government regulations. And according to Bloomberg , the Chinese central bank barred financial institutions and payment companies from handling bitcoin transactions.

Bitcoin will likely gain more public acceptance over time, but its price is extremely volatile and very sensitive to news-such as government regulations and restrictions-that could negatively affect the currency.

Therefore, I do not suggest investors to invest in Bitcoins unless they were purchased at a less than $ 10 USD per BTC because this would allow for a much larger margin of safety .

Otherwise, I believe that it is much better to invest in stocks that have strong fundamentals, as well as great business prospects and management teams because the undering companies have intrinsic values ​​and are more predictable.

Disclosure: Victor Liang has has no positions in Bitcoins and has no plans to change his position in the next 72 hours.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Life Success Learning to Create Positive Habitual Behavior & Overcoming Negativity

The first and sometimes most important success habit that must be formed is one of positive thinking. Dwell on the positive exit that's desired and avoid thinking about anything that's not wanted. Nothing will ensure failure faster than the very thought that the failure will occur. People say that it's absolutely normal for negativity to creep into our thoughts. Be that as it may, any negative thought has to be banished immediately and replaced with a positive one. This simple, yet effective technique, practiced regularly can help you move towards success like nothing else.

Forget about the past, it's gone and there's no going back. Regardless of what's happened before, today is a new day. Holding onto the past ensures that you'll stay right where you are in life. Letting go of past failures allows you to see the potential for future success and to move towards it. Realize that any past failures, real or imagined, were purely lessons that you thought to this moment in time. Appreciate the education you received and bravely move towards success with the knowledge you've gained.

Overcome the desire to put things off until another time. For most people that procrastinate, another time never comes. Things pile up over time and there's no way to catch up, adding to frustrations and even more procrastination. Whether it's taking out the trash or calling a client, get to it right away. Only by getting straight to work and finishing tasks can success really be accomplished. Practice this non-procrastinating lifestyle and you'll soon find not only that things are being accomplished, but that you have time left at the end of the day too.

Another important aspect of success is the ability to manage time. It can be very easy to lose track of time and difficult to get back on track. Keep track of everything you do during an average day and how much time it took to do it. Go through an entire week of this. Now evaluate and see what should be adjusted or eliminated for optimal time management. Continue to develop a schedule that allows maximum time for every activity. Include all your business and personal time in this and you'll soon find a workable and even profitable schedule for yourself.

Develop the confidence to go forth and conquer. Knowing a thing can be done and believing you can do it are two entirely different things. It's vital to your success and the success of all of your endeavors that you are confident in your self. Confidence shows through everything you do and it affects your ultimate success more than you think. Carry yourself importantly, speak with authority, be secure with yourself and walk tall. Believe in yourself and your ideas and present them with passion. Do these things and others will recognize your confidence and want to be associated with you.

Success is not a matter of predestination, it depends upon the will of the seeker. With the will to succeed, it's possible to do anything you desire. It really is as simple as that, despite the general tendency to believe otherwise. Over and over again, success stories appear that portrait down and out individuals that executed their own free will to rise above. Exert your will over the situations in your life, change them to suit you and your goals and success will follow.

What is success? Is it money, power, health or spirituality? Success means different things to different people. For some, success can only be seen in the form of financial gain and power. For others, success means a happy, healthy family with only the basics of life. Regardless of how it's defined, success is possible with the proper application of some basic habits and the development of key character traits.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

AdSense Money Making Tutorial

How does anyone make money with AdSense?

  1. Keyword optimization
  2. Content
  3. Promotion
  4. Commitment
  5. Dedication
  6. Consistency

If you're going to add AdSense marketing to your Internet Business Empire you need relevant content and lots of it. Making a killing with AdSense also takes research. Let's face it, you can have a site with thousands of content rich pages but if content is of no interest to anyone online then your website traffic will reflect that. Do not set your goals too high in a low to no traffic market. Patience is an helpful attribute to have but it is contingent upon other exercises that are already in place like consistency and dedication. If your consistently researching, promoting and adding the best possible content to your website then and only then will patience be relevant to your earnings. Search engines and RSS feeds like new content and so do visitors. Your market may not show up the first, second or third time they see your ad, link or post but the more they see it more than probably they will click on it.

Once your market knows you're committed to giving them the best most relevant information possible they will show up, bookmark your site, tell their friends and absolutely click on some of the relevant ads on your website. You will have to continue to add new content to your website and appropriately place your keywords through in order for Google AdSense to know exactly what your webpage is about. Without this basic step you will fail to receive relevant ads on your webpages. With search engine optimization being the focal point of AdSense it is hard to ignore the fact that you need to use every management tool Google has to offer. If you ask 10 different marketers how much and how often you should add new content to your website you will get 6 varying answers but on average the answer will be once a week.

Tests have shown that submitting content to your website daily (not your blog) has in some cases gotten websites removed from the Google index. Unfortunately its an algorithm that makes this decision and you can appeal it. I add new content twice a week and I've not been removed from any index. If search engines are not your main traffic generator you need not worry. Before you start an AdSense marketing campaign be sure to have a solid plan with realistic expectations.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nokia E90 Communicator - Companion For Globetrotting

Nokia E90 is a GSM 2100 MHZ Communicator phone which looks great and well built. The mobile has good voice quality, Bluetooth file exchange with excellent speed and fast WI-FI capabilities. The wide connectivity options are quad-band EGSM, 3G connectivity both WCDMA and HSDPA, WI-FI, Bluetooth with stereo and audio support, Infrared and USB. It has a 3.2 mega pixel camera with auto focus and flash, a FM radio, audio jack for headsets and DVD quality video recording plus an integrated GPS chipset. There is an external QVGA screen with a number keypad and a large 800 x 352 pixels internal screen with full QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard quality is good giving good tactile feedback and enables the user to type fast. The VoIP functionality in this WI-FI enabled smartphone is top notch. With all its great software and a perfect hardware design, it brings significant value to the business user in everyday work this justifies the high price. E90 introduces a new platform to its Communicator line called Series 60v3.

The Communicator

The wide range of communication options of Nokia E90 makes it a true Communicator. Email has the support of SMTP and POP protocols and push mail options, instant messaging and a text-to-speech reader.
It includes a 3.2 mega pixel camera with auto focus and flash and a secondary camera for video calling. Its software capabilities are very impressive especially the document editor QuickOffice that handles MS Office documents, zip files and PGF files very well. The Personal Information Management tools with provision for adding more applications. Data and media clips up to 2 MB can be stored on MicroSD cards.

The Companion

It can be described as a tiny hand held computer rather than a mobile phone with a talk time of 5 hours and a 14 days standby though it can be shortened by the use of 3G, Bluetooth etc. The in-built GPS function performances things beyond basic location based services, as the addition of "Nokia Maps" application with the free Satellite navigation package as a value added feature. This most feature packed device has very few compromises and works as a phone as well as a multimedia computer and an efficient companion.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

An Introduction to CNC Turning Machines and How They Can Help Boost Productivity

For those that are not sure of what CNC turning machines are, these devices are machines that would make your milling, drilling and machining tasks a lot easier with the help of Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Highly thought-after in the world of manufacturing and processing of components, these machines are able to produce precise, accurate parts and components in fast and cost-effective manner. Some of the parts that are manufactured precisely through the use of these devices include aerospace components, automobile parts and many other different components. If you are unsure of whether you need these CNC turning machines or not for your business, going through the benefits of these devices and exploring how they can help to boost productivity might help you decide.

Wondering how CNC turning and milling machines can help enhance your productivity and increase your profit margins? Here are some of the reasons how:

  1. CNC-based machines work based on CAD / CAM software that can produce and manufacture large output numbers without any compromises in terms of precision or accuracy. In return, you would have an advantage over your competitors that do not own such machines, as they would be limited by the limitations of manual labor. One good example is the outstanding capacity of these CNC milling and turning machines to perform multi-axis cutting processes, for instance a machine can work on 5 or 6 different axis, so you can produce fine and precise components when you own such a machine

  2. You would be able to save your design and re-fabricate the same design over and over again when required. The utilization of CAD / CAM software allows this to happen, so you would save plenty of time once you have a design saved, all you have to do is retrieve the design and start manufacturing

  3. These CNC turning machines come with good waste and chip management modules, so you could rest assured that you will minimize waste and your device would also be able to manage your wastage well

  4. By owning a CNC turning machine, you are also making your plant environment a lot safer to work within. Instead of exposing your workers to the dangers of cutting, milling, drilling and other machining processes, let the machine take all the danger and shield your workers from such dangers. Your machine can also work for long hours without much issues, so instead of having a manual worker perform the same task (he would be given to fatigue), opt for a machine to do the task instead. You would automatically increase your productivity rate!

  5. You would be able to produce a wide range of products without much restrictions when you own a CNC turning machine. When you are able to manufacture different products with varying levels of complexity and difficulty, you have found yourself a niche in the marketplace to distinguish yourself from your competitors

CNC turning machines are suddenless expensive, so if you can not afford these machines, consider outsourcing the processes instead and continue to reap the benefits. All the best!