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Friday, March 29, 2019

The Keys of Life - How to be Happy

As a life coach for a number of years now, I have been exposed to the concepts and tools necessary for creating a happy life. This information is not just text book theory, it is real, and I am proud to say that I am making a difference in such a positive way that both my clients and my children will maintain a real advantage in their future.

So what are the messages I attend? What are the tools I employ? And what is the language I maintain for a healthy mind? There are many imaginative ideas one can institute within the household to create awareness, and these examples seem to work for us, not always immediately, but I feel certain they will play out in a positive way in the future. When one singles out each item individually, they may seem too simple to make a difference, however when combined with a full understanding of the technology they begin to make a lot more sense.

So why is it that human animals are so unhappy? Why do we hear that 1 in 4 Australians are clinically depressed? This article would be too long if I were to cover all the reasons, but I will attempt to address a number of them.

1. We compare upwards.

There are so many things around us that make our life "easier" and provide us with more leisure time: .... DVD players, washing machines, fancy cars, play stations etc .. As we have more leisure time, these materialistic things help us fill our days, they make us "look good" and possibly temporarily happy, and more importantly provide us with the things that someone else does not have.

So what happens to the people who do not have some or all of these items? Children want what others have and feel that these things will make them and their lives more interesting and fun. We all want things. We do not need them, we just want them. We want them because our friends appear happier, and we want to be a part of that. So we compare upwards and we look to what we do not have that create a par. It's this vacuum that gives us a feeling of not being complete and we think we are not able to be happy. How often do we compare downwards? How often do we stop and say, "I am so happy to be free and can play with my children at the park", "I am so happy that I am alive and have food on the table". "I am so happy to be healthy and am not in hospital recovering from cancer."

I am consistently reminding my children to not only appreciate what they have, but to create a list on a daily basis of all the things they appreciate. The appreciation list can be as simple as "I appreciate getting a call from my friend earlier today". We need to balance out our comparison mechanism. It is becoming so increasingly difficult with society becoming more affluent, and the media controlling what we are told to think. We really have to start working hard at this. We have to start playing the game of life, so that it starts to work in our favor because as I look around at the number of overweight, depressed people and the state of this planet, we are losing the battle.

What else do I do to make my children aware? For many years I have been telling my kids to mute the ads on television. The marketing people who create these advertisements are a lot smarter than we are. They cleverly use positive associations to sell their products with no regard for what or how it is effecting our comparison state. They use anchors and leverage us into softening our brains.

I have signs around the house and try to create a balance. Small posters that say things like "A week of need not want", "A month of NOW!", "Do not complain about it, change it or fix it", "A situation needs to be either deal with or accepted" "Why make it a problem? There are no problems in the NOW." These signs inspire discussion and subliminal alterations to my children's assessment of life.

2. We have an obscured concept of what success is.

Many people in the western world think that success is a house, car, money, and possessions. You do not have to look far at the statistics to discover that the financially wealthy are not necessarily happier than those with less financial means and are more challenged financially. Who was it that stated:
"Today, we have more experts but more problems, more medicine but less wellness.
Bottom line, happiness has little to do with money. It is our state of mind. I remember when I was in my teens thinking that if I had enough money just for my bus transport I would be so happy. Then I got older and all of a sudden, it was not enough, I wanted a car etc. You know what I mean. Look around you, see how much STUFF you have, is it made up of a NEED or a WANT. Do you remember how happy you were when you only had a few boxes in your life, no baggage. Then you start to fill it up with stuff. Did it make you happier? Ladies and Gentleman, this is not success. It is empty and lacks value. And it never ends. This path will continuously be fed by trying to get somewhere, and humans do not realize that there is nowhere to get. We are creating dreams about "some day, one day". When I finally get my BMW then I will go camping with my family. When I just get $ x, then I will start a family, When I finally drop 7kilo I will be happier with my weight. The time is NOW, right now. This moment. Do not wait, do it now. Go on that trip, get involved with needy children, do that thing you have always said you would like to do. Help the less privileged. Just remember if you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. Success is finding YOUR OWN passion, discovering what you want to do with your life and going for it 200%. Not doing what others tell you. Start today. Learn about yourself, then create the most amazing possibilities for yourself.
Life is beautiful and the universe if perfect in every way. All you have to do is allow yourself see how beautiful things are, how wonderful you are, and start to become part of what is already perfect.

3. Communication:

You do not have go go back many years to see how communication has changed. Think back to the days when you would walk along the street, take public transport and people would say "Gday" "Lovely day" etc. On face value it does not mean very much, but this is the game of life we ​​are not playing any more. We prefer to sit opposite a computer, answer emails, play computers games, swim in our pools at home, watch TV etc, left to communicate with our own "little voice". In fact with 50,000 thousand thoughts we have on a daily basis, it seems that we are spending more and more time "ALONE". Now that would be OK if our internal communication was open to new ideas, with a potential to create thought- provoking new concepts and important issues in life. However, the internal chatter is so limited, and has become so molded by our clever governments and advertising geniuses, that we do not have a chance. That's because we are only working from a position of what we know we know and what we know we do not know. It has left no room for all the things we do not know we do not know. We can only get access to those blind spots in our life if we have other people expose them. We can only get it by being present to our voices. We can only get it from others. If you were to engage in a conversation with that old lady on a bus, imagine what pearls of wisdom you may get from her. Or that gem from that person we chatted to while waiting at the checkout at the supermarket. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet our neighbor. We have acquired outer space but not inner space. We need to get back to basics and start talking. We will all begin to discover that pretty much all people in the universe want the same things and generally think similar thoughts. We all want to be happy. 

I am continuously chatting to people, smiling as I walk past people, and I let my children see that, we discuss it continuously and make points of interest to what goes on. Continuing talking about the concepts of how people are trying to "look good and trying to avoid looking bad", and all about "life". Remember your children are not getting an education about "life" from school where they spend most of their days. Do not forget that you DID NOT GET ANY EDUCATION AT SCHOOL ABOUT LIFE. So get learning, get educated and start educating the children. It will help them with their health, relationships and conventional education.

I encourage you to consider that life is beautiful, and note that we have learned to make a living but not a life and we have added years to our lives, but not life to our years.

What I do:

Among other things, I provide face to face life coaching in Melbourne Australia. I am continuously making a difference in people's lives. I know that 5 minutes before I die I wont be thinking about the house or car I did or did not have, but I will be smiling at the thought of the numerous people whose lives have been effected positively by my input. It is the most rewarding life I could lead and I could ever pursue.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The New Way to Make Money Online

People today are scared, asking themselves am I really signing up for the next best thing or am I just falling into the same old TRAP. Well...people today should be. The online business world is changing out there and many newcomers are falling victim to this change.

In order to first know why this change is happening, we need to know the concept of money-making opportunities online. Many "Money Making Systems" start with the promise, and that's what everybody want to here, the promise of getting unlimited wealth. Now that's a BIG promise, and in the beginning of this revolution it worked. The initial starters of the business brought people together, just asking for a BIG down payment, get them into the system and have them recruit others to do the same. But what happens when the one on top start generating massive amounts of income and more and more people start joining and that new idea starts to become old; the people on top retire the people on the bottom give up and everybody caught in between...well they struggle to to keep up and either give up with what they have or scam people to join a dead idea.

Well, I'm here to tell you to not worry about it, as the old business system crumbles well the NEW business system emerges. Why should people still pay large amounts of their own money to go into something that...well won't provided them with any income. How about changing that old mind set to this; why don't money-making opportunities simply PAY people to join, giving them the opportunity to test their way out and once people start building a TEAM, then and only then can people start to invest in it. THAT'S the new way of making legit money out their and THAT'S the way that will save people their own time and effort of just paying for a system they don't really know about and FAILING.

Now this isn't the only change going on out there. Unlike the old systems that just recruit you and then leave you to do your own bidding with no training what so ever, there are systems that actually STAY WITH YOU throughout your road to financial success. Some systems instead of paying your way in actually BUILD A TEAM for you and help you in your promotions and advertisements and even in physically giving you referrals. Hard to believe huh...well it's true and instead of taking your money and not hearing from them again they always keep you updated and always are with you step by step.

As, you can probably tell my writing is not as good as it should, but even so I'm writing this so I can let everybody out there who is still struggling with there methods that there is hope and to no give up. The old systems that you may already be in well if you are a TRUE respectable person and not one of the scammers out there well yeah you can definitely build it back up through time and advertising and really truly build the system as it should, and maybe even turn that system to this new train of thought...Or you can jump off that crumbling system and join many of these great new money making systems and NEVER be left alone.

I hope these words of mine helped you in your quest to success...As for me I'm one of those people who were trapped in those old system just paying fee after fee, but now I changed my way of thinking to these new thoughts and ideas and well rebuilt myself with these new systems.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Book Offers How-To on America's Most Flexible Money-Making Opportunity

In his new book, Driving Profits and Making Bank, Jonathan Wong walks would-be rideshare drivers through what he calls, "America's easiest and most flexible money-making opportunity." Based upon Wong's own experiences driving for Uber and Lyft, but also drawing upon a great deal of research into other rideshare companies as well as compatible businesses, this book is packed with everything you would ever need to know to become a rideshare driver. Honestly, I couldn't believe how thorough this book was and all the ins and outs of the rideshare business Jonathan illuminates, plus the countless tips he offers as an experienced driver that will make your solopreneur venture all the more successful.

Yes, when you're a rideshare driver, you're a solopreneur. You are basically a contract worker operating your own business. That means, as Jonathan points out, that you can set your own hours, work as much or little as you want, and work for more than one rideshare company at a time if you so wish.

That said, you can also derive a lot of benefits by contracting with rideshare companies. Jonathan walks readers through how to take advantage of "surge" times-periods when it can be super-busy so you get paid more. Rideshare companies also offer bonuses for referring other drivers to them. In addition, you have a captive audience to whom you can sell your other products or services, such as if you're a massage therapist or you want to sell tourist guides or T-shirts out of your vehicle. (One rideshare driver made over $250,000 in one year just by selling jewelry while driving.) Jonathan also walks you through the art of soft-selling to your customers so you don't annoy them and they don't rate you poorly on the rideshare platforms. Finally, there are the benefits of freedom-besides working your own hours, you can eat lunch whenever and wherever you want, you get to meet interesting people, and you may even discover new places in the areas where you drive.

Of course, like any job, being a rideshare driver has its downside. There are hiccups to the system that Jonathan walks you through, and he teaches you how to take advantage of working for more than one rideshare company to offset any slow times. He also gives sound advice on what to do if you have no shows, difficult passengers, such as drunks, drug-users, or belligerent people, and how to cooperate with law enforcement officers so they are your friends rather than your enemies.

I was amazed by everything there is to know if you want to be a rideshare driver. Some of what Jonathan says may be common sense, but not necessarily something you would think of before you enroll as a rideshare driver. Jonathan explains all the eligibility requirements you will have to meet and those your car will need to meet. He also explains how you can earn extra money depending on your car's make and model and how luxurious it is. He also explains what to do if you need to use the restroom, the importance of keeping your car clean and your trunk empty, and even when you may need to contact a potential rider to determine whether the requested ride is worth your while.

Even more important, since rideshare workers are self-employed, Jonathan walks you through ways to set up your own business to ensure you're covered with insurance and protected from liability, what you need to know to be able to pay your taxes, tips on setting up retirement plans, and all the basics to ensure your long-time financial success.

The back of the book includes appendices that list various apps you can use to enhance your rideshare venture and improve your chances for business success. Numerous other resources are also included, and there are even referral codes to take advantage of.

Driving Profits and Making Bank is the perfect book for anyone who might be interested in being a rideshare driver. It will tell you everything you need to know before you begin and will be your best friend even after you become a driver because you will want to continue exploring the many possibilities that exist for increasing your income while driving. In short, this book is encyclopedic in its resources. Buying and reading it may turn out to be the best investment you've made in yourself since getting your driver's license.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Numerology Magic Square Talismans as Money Charms

Magic Squares make a potent talisman or charm for enhancing certain talents and abilities of their bearer. Numerology provides us with a powerful way to construct a personal money charm just for you. Let's see how this can be done.

Date of Birth as a Sigil

In numerology and astrology, your Date of birth is a defining signature element for you. Your entire reading in both disciplines is built around this number. So, if I wish to construct a magic talisman using numbers and associate it's power with you, using your date of birth in the charm is a natural way to build this association.

There are other means, such as using your name or signature in the talisman, but since I'm using numbers to construct the charm anyway, your date of birth makes a perfect sigil to represent you.

Yantra Magic Squares

Yantra magic squares are magic squares built using your date of birth, and your Life Path number as the top row of the square. They are powerful good luck charms for the person they are constructed for. But, they don't necessarily attract wealth and riches to the person.

Eight - The Money Number

In numerology as well as other physic disciplines, eight is associated with money and riches. To specifically attract more money to a person, I can construct a magic square talisman where the rows and columns sum to a number which reduces to (8) using fadic addition. The numbers: 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 98, and 107 all have this properity.

So, in order to create my talisman, I start with someone's Yantra magic square, and then change the last box in the top row from their Life Path number, to a number which produces a square where the rows sum to (8).

Let's look at an example to see my meaning.

Johnny Depp's Money Talisman

Actor Johnny Depp was born on June 9th, 1963; so his Life Path number would be (7) as shown below.

Life Path = (06 + 09 + 1963) = (1978) = (1 + 9 + 7 + 8) = (25) = (7)

The first row of his Yantra Magic square we be his Month, Day, Year (less century) and his Life Path number, and would look like this:

( 6 )( 9 )( 63 )( 7 )

The row totals (85) which reduces to (4) by fadic addition. If I substitute a (2) in the last box on the row for his Life Path number of (7), then the resulting row will sum to (80) which will reduce to and (8) using fadic addition.

Making the substitution, and then calculating the rest of the Magic square by formula, I get the following:

( 6 )( 9 )( 63 )( 2 )

( 61 )( 4 )( 4 )( 11 )

( 3 )( 64 )( 8 )( 5 )

( 10 )( 3 )( 5 )( 62 )


So with a little work, I can create a (4 x 4) Yantra magic square focused on a particular person, and targeted to draw money and financial success to them.

Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Make Over $ 3500 a Month With Google and ClickBank

Have you tried to make money with Google and ClickBank? They are two of the most profitable ways to make money at home. There are people making over $ 3500 a month that went from rags to riches almost overnight. Internet marketing is the business that everyone is getting into and should definitely be given consideration towards fixing your financial situation.

Signing up with Google and ClickBank is free, that's how you really know a service is legitimate. Using the two services to start earning profits is easy when you know exactly what to do. Sadly, both Google and ClickBank have failed many people that were uneducated about how to use them correctly to make money at home. This is not something you can just jump right into without knowledge. If you really want to learn how to profit big then education really is the key to success.

Using Google requires that you do a few things to get started. The first thing is to create a website or signup on blogs and hub sites that have AdSense sharing programs. The best route to take with Google is having your own website because you'll see more profit. Google allows participants to make money based on advertisement clicks. When people visit your website you'll profit every time they click an ad and the amount you'll earn will be based on the particular ads shown. The trick to doing this is to create your website using a popular niche or to add content to your website based on something you're skilled in such as kids, food, and clothing, basically anything that interests you. The ads shown on your site will be related to the information you offer on your site. Higher payouts come from doing something called keyword research. You'll learn all that once you start the program.

ClickBank is the type of site that allows you to make money promoting everyone else's products or services. You can promote as many products as you'd like and can earn from $ 10 to $ 200 or more per sale. ClickBank does not require having your own website to get started. Many people use ClickBank as a make money at home source and have gotten rich doing so. There is a strategy for earning money with ClickBank that can also make you an overnight success. If you're a newbie to both or have not seen the amount of success others have achieved you must be doing something wrong. These are not services to give up on. You can make money with the two programs in a very short amount of time if you're willing to learn.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Learn and Earn With Affiliate Marketing

Do not Be A Statistic; Learn And Earn Your Way To Success

Having invested four years or more of hard work in a degree, it is imperative that you maintain your skills and have work experience recorded on your resume. Use your marketing skills and earn money at the same time. Affiliate marketing will provide you with the opportunity to learn and earn.

I had been unemployed for a few months; every recruitment agency within a 20 mile radius had been bombarded with e-mails, phone calls and of course, had been provided with several copies of my CV. Never before have I been unemployed for such an extended period of time, and I have an extensive experience in my chosen field. The financial climate gives employers the upper-hand; This is an ideal opportunity for employers to choose the most experienced candidates, leaving those with less than perfect CV's at the back of the queue. I can only imagine what it must be like to be a student or graduate just out of university. I decided to trawl the internet for any home-based opportunities to earn some money, as my savings were being sapped, and my resources depleted. I spent a good week researching; affiliate marketing was the one opportunity that appeared to be legitimate. In the process, I had fallen foul to three scams; I did not lose a fortune, but any amount is too much when lost to a scam.

Affiliate marketing is the most lucrative online opportunity. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and you will not become a millionaire overnight; it requires hard work, dedication and motivation, but it is the ideal opportunity for those who might be unemployed, or anyone looking to top up their incoming, to tap into what is fast becoming, a booming industry.

Currently, there is no specific affiliate marketing degree or diploma, although this is likely to change with time. In simple terms, it is where a customer searches online for specific products and is directed by the affiliate to the required product via a link. The user clicks on the link and is driven direct to purchase the product or service on the seller (merchant) site. The seller pays the affiliate commission as a percentage of the total sales value and this can be anything from 15-75%. The affiliate must have the knowledge and know-how to find the right products for the right customers at the right time. Advertisers prefer to have their products marketed in this way because advertising costs only become effective when a sale takes place.

The golden rule of affiliate marketing is finding niche markets. A niche market is defined as a specific targeted product that satisfies the consumers requirements. It is highly specialized and requires much fine-tuning. Research is imperative; finding the right keywords will lead you to the right customers and products for that customer. It is possible to market a product in two ways; either by choosing a consumer and providing the product that consumer wants, or by providing a product and finding consumers to purchase that product. The affiliate finds the niche market, shows the product to sell, then chooses a marketing technique and then builds a campaign leading to action. It is possible to earn money online within any industry but the key is to provide the right product to the right person at the right time and for the right reason. Initially, you should promote a product, service or topic that you know something about, or at least, are interested in. You are more more likely to succeed if you are passionate about your subject; what graduate is not passionate about their subject?

You will benefit from joining an affiliate program initially; An affiliate marketing training program is the easiest and quickest way to lead you to success. There are hundreds of programs, and I have researched them all. Joining is usually free, and a reputable program should provide you with all the expert training, resources, research tools, market information, mentoring and support to ensure your success. The program should be able to turn marketers into sales machines, keep you ahead of the game and make you a force to contend with. Be aware of programs that expect you to pay considerable amounts to find out about what they offer. You would not pay a company to interview you; this information should be free. You will need to pay a membership fee for joining; this the norm, but in return your offer should include all the training and resources you need to start your business.

You will need products to promote, so will need to join an affiliate network. The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you do not need to invest in products to sell; you simply market and sell products already offered by merchants. Networks such as ClickBank, LinkShare and are reputable networks. There are many networks to choose from; choose those offering a good rate of commission and confirmed payment method. These networks offer thousands of digital products but you will need to learn quickly how to master these networks and achieve the best possible sales potential.

You are far more likely to succeed in maximizing your potential through the use of your own website. Your website will provide you with an identity wherey you can market your products in your own style. You will also be able to target your products to specific markets and update your product offer when applicable. Your marketing efforts will be automated and therefore your earnings potential will be continuous. Websites can be built using free web development programs and do not need to cost the earth.

There are many marketing strategies you are able to use to promote your products; the affiliate program will train you to master these techniques. There are free marketing techniques and paid-for ones. Article marketing is a free marketing technique to get traffic to your email marketing campaign. By writing short articles and submitting them for distribution in the market you will achieve credibility. You will need to write unique, relevant quality content and also unique content. Every article contains a resource box and by-line, including the author's contact details. Writing good articles can achieve valuable backlinks to your site.

Other strategies include Pay-Per-Click, wherey you use advertising mediums such as Google AdWords to promote your offer. E-mail marketing will quickly build you opt-in mailing lists which are great for targeting specific products to customers at specified times, and you can utilize autoresponders to manage your e-mail campaigns. Search Engine Optimization is key to driving traffic to your website and achieving high page ranking with Google, Yahoo and MSN can bring huge amounts of traffic to your products.

Joining a program has other advantages; it will enable you to earn from the outset if you choose one offering promotion incentives; promote the program you have joined, and you are able to earn from day one. Take advantage of your skills and marketing capabilies; learn and earn to put that much-needed experience on your CV. I wish you the best of luck!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Work From Home - Make Money Online With eBay Store

By now you have probably heard plenty of success stories of people that have managed to utilize eBay to make money. The degree of success varies, but generally speaking there are certainly enough tales of financial gain out there to make anyone with even a tiny bit of entrepreneurial spirit perk up and wonder if they too could pad their income through eBay. The problem that most people run into, however, is that even those with a keen business sense and a natural talent for knowing how to find a make a sale do not typically know the tips and tricks that must be used on eBay to get a leg up on the competition.

While it certainly matters what you are trying to sell, there are other factors that will affect your trends of success. Understand that you are essentially using eBay as a store front and many of the traditional rules of making a sale apply. You have to be able to make yourself available to the customers, show that you can offer a better deal, and generally find a way to attract all of these different consumers to your product. Obviously, if you are not selling anything you will not be making any money; very soon you will most certainly need to begin mastering the different tactics that successful sellers use to attract customers to their listings, but before that you must become acquainted with the most basics of eBay.

What you want to do with eBay will determine how you need to approach the entire of your situation. If you intend to mainly use the service to attempt to try and sell a few items that you just have lying around the house then you might be well served simply by creating a few listings with catchy titles and allowing the bidding to resignation. However, if you are going to be using the service often or to sell several items, you may consider some of the other options that eBay offers. For example, one popular option that is offered is the ability to create an eBay "store".

If you tend to offer items along a particular theme, antiques, for example, then a store can provide users a quick, easy way to peruse your wares and to frequent your offerings on a fairly regular basis. This provides you with the opportunity to have a base of interested customers that are constantly updated on your new items and what you have to bring to the table. Additionally, as with most other eBay items, you do not actually have to offer the listing as an auction; it is completely within the realm of possibility to price the item yourself at the amount you would like to charge using the "Buy It Now" option. You can even offer your customers the option to haggle a bit by allowing them to make an offer; you obviously have the option to refuse this offer, but you might find yourself able to make a sell if you are willing to compromise a bit.

This, essentially, is what you need to know if you are new to eBay- that the basic styles of selling an item are a traditional auction style, where the item goes to the highest seller at the end of a set amount of time, and a very store-like option where you set the price and wait for an interested party to come along and make the purchase. Knowing these things is a good start towards making money on eBay, but these are just the fundamentals.

How you present your item could very well be the key factor in whether or not you are able to profit from your eBay venture. As you know, if a customer is unable to find your item they will, obviously, be unable to purchase it. eBay differs from a traditional store front in a variety of ways, but one of the most significant ways is that customers have to find your item by a text search, usually. This means that there are any number of problems that can occur and make someone who is otherwise interested in buying your item unable to find it.

For example, let's say that you make a spelling error when you list your item. This is going to make it significantly more difficult, sometimes even impossible, for someone who is looking for exactly what you have to offer to be able to find it. Basically, this means that you will have valuable equity locked up in an online limbo because no one is able to find your item to purchase it in the first place. You absolutely have to make sure that you do not make any errors such as this listing your product.

There are other aspects of the title, however, that are immensely important. It is not just enough for a buyer to be able to find your item; you need to try and make sure that they see what you are selling before they see the competition's merchandise. This means that you must be selective with the words that you use in your title, and even quite picky in the order of the words themselves. If at all possible, use Terapeak to try and discover what keywords customers search with to find products related to yours. These are the words that you need to use. Remember that you only have 55 characters so you have to use the most relevant keywords in the shortest space; these keywords are what will help you to be towards the highest results. If you need to communicate something else to a potential buyer you can use the subtitle feature; be aware, however, that eBay does not use this section to check for keywords, so keyword spam in this area is fruitless.

Additionally, you should be aware of the amount of time that an item is on sale for. If you have the item listed as a "Buy It Now" item this is not necessarily as relevant; if there is not very much competition on eBay from similar items it may be that you simply need to wait for the right customer; alternatively, lowering your price might be a good idea. However, the aspect in which you really need to be aware of time is the auction. Many sellers choose to put their item up for sale for the entire duration of seven days. This might seem to make the most sense- after all, the longer an item is for sale, the more opportunities people have to bid. This train of thought while being sound, is untrue.

If you pay very much attention to the various auctions on eBay you will notice that a sort of a bidding frenzy begins to ensue as the item approaches the end of the auction period. Once an item has less than a day remaining it becomes more immediate, and therefore more interesting, to a customer. In the last few hours customers are bidding constantly. One reason for this is the way in which eBay displays search results. An item with less time remaining will appear higher in the search results than an item with similar keywords but more time left. This means that you have the option to use good keywords and put your item on auction for a shorter amount of time to move your merchandise up the list of search results; additionally, you will still be able to attract the feeding frenzy type of bidding that occurs as an item nears its end. You can make the same amount of money in less time by making sure that your item is markeded properly.

Marketing is at the very soul of using eBay to make money. The odds are fairly strong that you will not be in a niche market and that you will have to struggle against competition to be able to really get a foot in the ground. If you are just starting out you can be at a distinct disadvantage against sellers that have been using eBay longer. For example, feedback is an important tool that many use when evaluating whether or not to make a purchase. Without good feedback you are fighting an uphill battle. There are, however, some tricks that can help you to overcome these obstacles and make a move on the competition.

Essentially, you must build your reputation as a quality seller from scratch. While it might be tempting to copy what it is that your competitors are doing, approach this from a customer's point of view. Why would a consumer purchase the exact same item from an unknown seller when they could get the guarantee offered by high positive feedback for the same price? It is not enough to simply do the same thing that your competitors are doing; you have to go above and beyond. To make any progress, you must outperform them.

One of the things that you must consider in the beginning is to offer your product at a lower price than other sellers. It does not have to be significantly lower, maybe as little as five or ten percent. However, a lower price can be the perfect way to sway buyers who might have otherwise made their purchase from your competition. This is not the only way to attract positive attention, however.

Depending on what it is that you are selling you might be be able to include a bonus item, something that is not very expensive if you have had the receipt to purchase it at a very low cost. For example, let's say that you are selling a smart phone- well, typically a new phone comes equipped with a charger and the necessary cables, but not a mobile charger. If you so desired, you could invest in a few of these and distribute them as a bonus with the order- you can often get a regular charger for which the owner supplies their own cable for only a dollar or two; it is a small gesture, but one that may influence a buyer to give you their business instead of your more popular competitor.

You can do other things, such as offering free gifts, that can help to build customer loyalty. For example, something as simple as including a small piece of candy with the package can be seen as a good will gesture; people will remember that you went the extra mile to make their experience just a little more pleasant, and if a mistake ever happens they might be more likely to give you a bit more leniency.

Shipping is also of the utmost priority. A common tactic that many eBay sellers attempt to use is to make a profit by charging more for shipping than it actually costs; this is not an encouraged idea. The point is to build up a great reputation among the eBay community to ensure your possible customers that you are trustworthy and will deliver their item, as promised. Padding extra costs into the purchase price very often results in very negative feedback.

You do not have to offer free shipping, but you do need to do everything within your power to make sure the buyer receives their item as soon as possible. Try to ship the item the same day that the offer closes, and be sure to supply the buyer with a tracking number so that they can keep track of their package. If something goes wrong in shipping this allows them to know the mistake was not yours; while they will not be pleased at the delay, most people are basically reasonable and will not hold this against you when leaving feedback.

Along the same idea of ​​customer service comes the feature of eBay to allow a potential buyer to ask a seller a question. If you happen to get a question from a consumer be aware that this person is, most likely, very interested in your merchandise. It is in your best interest to answer this question as quickly, and as honestly, as possible. You must do all of the little things that your competitors do not to build up positive feedback and to get the critical traffic you need as you are just getting started. The way to make money with eBay is to market yourself, market your product, and ensure people that you are a quality seller that makes sure they receive their item quickly and in the promised condition. Once you have established these things customers will be drawn to you; this is where you can begin to make money.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Strange Money Habits of Billionaires

I observed in general the world's top billionaire made their massive fortunes through multiple streams of income. Their secret to financial success is simple enough to replicate: find and turn on as many money taps as you can manage and soon you will be swimming in an entire lake of cash.

In this article, I will reveal a few strange money habits some of these super-rich folks have.

Interestingly, including having multiple income streams, a few of them actually opt for a life of frugality instead of flashy extravagance. In all likelihood, they need not worry about their monthly bottom-line anymore but unbelievably, they still take pains to spend carefully. Believe it or not, here's proof using a few examples:

1) Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad drives a 15-year-old Volvo, flies economy, avoids expensive suits and eat simply at lower-tier restaurants.

2) Investor Warren Buffet (world's richest man 2007) lives in the same house he bought for just US $ 31k nearly 50 years ago instead of building a grandiose mansion with sprawling grounds.

3) British billionaire John Caudwell cycle more than 23 kilometers (14 miles) to work everyday to save cash (probably a few petrol dollars) and stay fit. He even cuts his own hair to save time and that extra few pounds!

4) Indian billionaire Azim Premji , owner of technology giant Wipro, serves food on paper plates in a lunch reception honoring his son's wedding!

I do not blame you if you have problems believing how incredibly frugal these billionaires are. If you're already self-sufficient in cash, try and experience for yourself some of their cash-saving habits. It's a little nutty but it's fun!

Otherwise, if you're hard on cash, why not learn from their cash-making habits instead. That is, through multiple streams of income.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Ways Young People Can Win With Money

Learning about money while you are still young is an awesome idea. Let me give you a few ideas that young people can use to really win in their financial lives.

Being realistic is key. And winning with money is realistic! This means you should use common sense, investigate investments, the markets, and the opportunities you are interested in. Read the fine print. If you were to take on debt, ask yourself if it would be worth it, or if the debt would be like an anchor. Again, be realistic. Look at the real consequences of the actions you could take. Good actions should be turned into habits.

Consider entrepreneurship. Write down business ideas. Learn the skills you need to succeed. See if your business idea is feasible by testing your product or service. If it is, type up a business plan, and get to work. Make the phone calls and do the web searches necessary to find the information you need.

Join a club or society for young entrepreneurs. Earn a business degree. The more you can learn about business, the better off you are. Being around and networking with other goal oriented, ambitious entrepreneurial types is a boon to your success. Being around the total risk averse and the complacent is not a boon to success.

Work hard at your job and / or at your business. Make a good name for yourself. If a job does not work out, do not trash your goal of being rich. Just keep plugging away and learn from your mistakes. Sales or customer service would be a good starting point if your first job is not running your own business.

While (and if) you live with your parents, sock away as much money as you can. W. Clement Stone once said, "If you can not save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you."

Learn about investments, by taking an investments class at your high school or college (taking a few more classes is better). Economics is good thing to study too. Finance and economics are tough courses but are very worthwhile. Read extracurricular books and read about your interests.

Winning with money is not always easy. Self discipline, sacrifice, frugality, hard work, managing risk, reading books, and holding on to your long term vision are essential to your success.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Keys to Learn Options Trading

Options trading - maybe you have heard about this and your interest lead you to visit this page. If that is your reason, you are in the right site. From here you will know what does that term means through some keys that will help you to learn options trading.

Way back from the ancient times, people seek different ways to get what they need and want. They engage in different kinds of trade and find ways to exchange their products and services in order to gain things in return, in the form of money, other products or services and others alike. The same thing goes as time passes by.

The concept of trade development synchronizes with the use of modern technology. One component of trade known as the market is highly influenced by this change. The world is known today as borderless due to the advancement in communication, primarily in the use of computers to connect to the internet, helping people from around the world become able to connect with each other. This causes traders to gain a big market not just locally but internationally.

This situation calls for many people to engage in the trade business. They are developing different avenues in order for them to insure success. One way to this is to learn options trading.

Options trading is a unique way to trade. Unlike holding shares in a company, here, you are not holding physical stocks. In here, you are having an arrangement or contract with another trader that one party will send something to another in a particular period of time in a particular price. This trade will become effective based on the strategy and approach that a trader will use. In its years of occasion, options trading already proved that it is an effective form of trade based on its flexibility.

The presence of losses is always present in any form of venturing into trade. People may be limited by this fact and become afraid of trying new things. But an option trader can overcome this attitude by simply finding options trading strategies. This will serve as his weapon to his victory.

Sources where you can find effective trading strategy are freely available in the web. Reading materials such as newsletters are available in some trading sites. You can also seek help from those people who are also in to options trading by reading their blogs and joining a group and participating in some forums. You can also subscribe or join webinars about it if you want a formal discussion about your concerns regarding options trade with bonuses such as handouts, manuals and other reading materials where you can find additional information about the subject matter.

So what are you waiting for? If you want to save more for your future; if you want a worry-free and early retirement; if you want to gain financial security, stability and freedom; this is an avenue for you. Learn options trading and engage into it then you will see yourself enjoying its benefits. It is just a matter of trying a new thing for there will be no loss for you but you will gain from it. Come on now! Lift a finger and reach your success!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Identifying The Real Journey to Create Wealth

So often when one pursue the quest to create wealth, they do so without really understanding, as well, as appreciating, what wealth creation is really all about. While it is true it may have different meanings for anyone seeking to create wealth, what is equally true is that creating wealth involves a defect meaning that those who have really been successful in creating wealth really appreciate, and understand.

Money, IT's Purpose & Real Value

The pursuit of money is a continous, never ending focus of the majority of people today. This intenet focus on the part of some people, governments, those in the business community, just to name a few, have resolved in many cases individuals, organizations actually operating out of their minds. This coupled with losing the deeper meaning of the role money really play in our lives. So the question becomes what is the purpose of money? Money as we know it, coins, paper notes, or beads is really currency that is a means of exchange. Money in itself has no power. It receives it power through the value we or society assign it. Example, a sliver of printed paper is assigned value $ 1, $ 10, $ 50, $ 100 for the purpose of exchange. At any moment, that paper with assigned value could be declared worthless. So the single pursuit of money in itself, does not guarantee overall prosperity, and abundance.

Understanding Prosperity and Abundance

When speaking or thinking of prosperity, we are really thinking of thriving, flourishing, the good things of life, success, affluence, good fortune. On the other hand abundance, is having a fullness, as well, as an overflow of supply. Both prosperity and abundance, are freed from the limitations that are connected in the pursuit of money. Successful wealth creators really understand their pursuit is really about prosperity, and abundance.

Why? Because both are available with unlimited capacity. Additionally, wealth creators are aware, understand, and appreciate that more, and more of everything is available to be created that lead to prosperity, as well, abundance. They recognize the power of the energies that emit from both prosperity and abundance. The more one's journey is for prosperity and abundance, the more the actual manifestations of wealth becomes a reality. This include manifestations of joy, happiness, wisdom along with physical manifestations that may include wellness, things of value that is intrinsic, extrinsic, or assigned value like money.

What these manifestations do not bring that comes with the singular pursuit of money, is fear & resistance. The singular pursuit of money brings the fear of either not having enough money, the fear of retaining what one have, the fear of being obsessed with money, to mention a few. These fears coupled with the resistance to the pursuit of prosperity, along with abundance. There is resistance to these because the belief of "money pursuers" is that through money prosperity, as well, as abundance is created. They do not see that prosperity & abundance is linked with an unlimited source. They do not see that there are not any errors attached with abundance or prosperity. Sometimes even greater is that they do not see that once one really make the conscious decision to pursue prosperity, abundance they become free to create the unlimited means to complete freedom, wealth, success, joy, happiness. Creating financial freedom, creating the reality of your dreams for your family, yourself, as well, as for others only occurs through surrendering to creation to the pursuit of total wellness, prosperity, and abundance.

The Plan

There are choices that anyone seeking to create wealth must make. First, is deciding how you choose to live? Will you choose the singular path of money, by living below your means? Will you continue to think, live through psycho-midgetis? The pursuit of wealth is not about less. The creation of wealth is not about limitations. Embrace the concept that the physical, including money, will create the fulfillment of your dreams is a course riddle with limitations, fears, resistance. On the other hand, embracing, activating the unlimited course of prosperity and abundance render an ongoing flow of fulfilling, rewarding manifestations. Secondly, you must choose between remaining in the status quo, or breaking free and embracing a higher reality. The status quo is based on controls, riddle with limitations. The higher reality, is based on embracing consciousness of that prosperity, as well, as abundance is anchored on a level that transcends any physical pursuit. Achieving a successful and fulfilling wealth creation plan starts with consciously committing to embracing, growing the energy of prosperity, as well, as abundance. This is the foundation of your overall plan. The stronger you build this foundation, the greater fulfillment becomes. The Plan therefore is quite simple. The real creation of wealth is 'spiritual'. Therefore the foundation of the plan involve these steps:

• Begin the consciousness, awareness, and commitment to transcend from the vicious pursuit of physical manifestations.

• Seek and develop a spiritual consciousness ( this is not a matter of religious membership ), Pursuing prosperity and abundance first and foremost with the clear understanding, as well, as appreciation of the unlimited reserve of both.

• Developing an awareness that this is the spiritual pursuit that produces an endless flow of the physical manifestations, things of assigned value, like money, additional assets. Not the other way around.

. • Finally creating wealth is the growth of prosperity and abundance we individually achieve. The more you grow in prosperity and abundance, the more your physical manifestations grow as well.

With your special talents you have the opportunity to create, as well, as implement your plan.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

3 Innovative Ways To Attract Money To You

It's no secret everyone yearns to have more money in their wallet or bank account. Developing a healthy relationship with money is essential if you want to have more of it.

Money is, after all, just another energy. Yet so much emphasis has been placed on it.

We are told as children that money doesn't grow on trees.

We are pushed to 'keep up with the Jones' and over and over we are told 'money is what makes the world go 'round.'

All of this gives money an inordinate amount of power.

If you have an unhealthy relationship with money, you will never create the abundance you wish you had. In order to change your financial world, you need to change your feelings and paradigm about money. You need to change the way you think, feel and act about money.

If you believe you will never have enough money, you will never have enough money. What you focus on the most gives you exactly what you focus on the most.

These fun and practical little tips will magnify your energy and get the Law of Attraction sending more prosperity your way.

  1. Learn to pick up coins from the ground: Ask my friends and family how many times I find coins on the ground and it will blow you away. I always pick them up, hold them to my heart (Thanking The Universe) and then put them in my pocket. Even if it's just five cents, make sure you bend down and pick up the money! You'll show the Universe that you are open to collecting abundance. When you feel like you'd be embarrassed or self-conscious about doing this, I want you to re-frame it so that you are looking after the money. You are a conscious custodian of cash making sure that money feels loved. This generates the energy of appreciation.

  2. Write Yourself A Check: Do you know the story about Jim Carrey? Jim Carrey was a struggling young comedian trying to make money in Hollywood. He was just about to give up his dream of becoming a professional actor and comedian when he was booed off the stage at an open mic session in an LA nightclub.Jim sat by himself at the top of Mulholand Drive contemplating his success or failure. He then pulled out his check book and wrote himself a big fat check for $10 million dollars and made a note on it: "for acting services rendered."He then carried that check with him in his wallet everywhere he went from that day forward.By 1995, after the success of his blockbuster movies: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber, and The Mask, his contract price had risen to the price of $20 million dollars.Write yourself a check for a specific amount and place it in your purse or wallet.

  3. Learn to love your bills: Sounds crazy right? Hold on as I explain. When bills land in your e-mail inbox or your mail box make sure that you mentally send them love and say thank you to the Universe for the services you have received in exchange for the bill. Draw little hearts on them and use the bills as an affirmation that prosperity flows into your life in many forms in order for you to pay your bills on time. Whatever you do, don't send the bills negative energy. Try and re-frame your perspective. Remember that more than 80% of the world's population survive on less than $10 per day. There's something to think about.

Developing a healthy relationship with money is critical if you are someone who wants to attract more of it. Continuing your unhealthy relationship is a choice and quite honestly a bit of a cop out. Even if you just want enough to survive and occasionally take a little vacation, adopting a healthy relationship with money is imperative to achieve that.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Money Or Excuses - How You Doing?

What is difference between those who make money and those who do not. Its been stated by successful people with certainty and congruence, "People can make money or excuses but they can not make both."

This is the truth. All of us come to this world with choices in our financial life. We have the choice to keep moving forward with perseverance and responsibility for every step we take of the process, or just stop and let everything we did go undo or slow down. Well, I am sure you know what path to take for getting the results you want. Unfortunately, most people stop and never dig deep to their dreams.

Well, when people first strive to go for their dreams about making money, they quickly stop when the going gets tough, and they look for people who will agree with them, so they can stop - and they do. Unfortunately, they never reach the level they had in their dreams which was - work on the Internet from home. Think about it, making money or an excuse is a choice everyone has in life. Which legacy would be the best to leave your kids? We are leaving a legacy behind one way or another.

The Internet has open an awesome opportunity to most of the world. As far as financial means, we can earn money on the net. So I could not create an excuse good enough even if I wanted to. I had to put my head down and ignore the comments many people had for me, since I worked so hard and long without making money on the net.

Going back to that quote, I have found so much more truth on "money or excuses" statement. I mean is not that life? I have the tendency to get lazy and listen to the wrong people and I also feel like quitting. I realize the price successful people went through, and I make it a reminder in my own life, whenever I weakened to the common human level.

My question to you - How are you doing? Are you choosing the good life or are you settling for the common one? Have you ever notice that every time we encounter a difficult challenge, we look around for the wrong people, because we are not looking for strength or direction, but we are looking for sympathy. You need to ask this questions. You might find these questions a way to determine your journey.

Am I focusing on success or failure during my progress?

How am I thinking about my future as I follow my progress with the ups and downs?

Do I believe in the system that I am following or am I looking for a good excuse?

I have two ideas that can help you on your weak moments and stop you from derailing into excuses.

Focus on moving forward-lift your partners and update your goals and your system to reach them.

When you look back, just check your improvements and how else can you improve the past - all about improvement.

The people who succeed are the people who prevail, and make no excuses - because there is NONE !!!


Efren Maldonado

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Resume for Chief Auditor

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Monday, January 7, 2019

Understanding The Real Rate of Return!

There is one indicator more than any other which determines the health of an economy and it is the Real Rate of Return. Furthermore this is the simplest of all indicators to understand because it determines the safety of assets. Next time you hear the TALKING HEADS discussing the nuances of the markets, filter what they say through your own understanding of the Real Rate of Return.

The Real Rate of Return is the one number that determines the safety of principal. It is calculated by taking the current BOND YIELD and subtracting the expected INFLATION rate from it. The result is the REAL return on giaranteed money from the government.

Interest Rates are on the rise as we have been expecting and this pressure has put a tremendous amount of pressure on the stock market. The essential simplicity at work here is very, very basic. If Interest rates on Bonds are yielding 5.14% and inflation is forecasted at 5%. The difference is the REAL RATE of RETURN, (in this instance we are speaking about .14%). The REAL RATE of RETURN is what sparks major rallies and declines on Wall Street.

The reason for this is that the Bond market is the largest financial market in the world. There are literally trillions of dollars invested in debt denominated assets. These investors are primarily interested in the security of their principal and taking as minimal risk as possible. They historically have been thrilled with REAL RATES of RETURNS that would be in the 2% - 5% annually. During the 1970's this indicator went NEGATIVE for a while indicating INFLATION was rising faster than interest rates and BOND INVESTORS actually had substantial negative returns. During this time there was much "screaming and gnashing of teeth."

It has always been my estimation that Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan's key task is to keep the REAL RATE of RETURN as high as possible. HE has been extremely successful at doing this. If you read back over any history of the financial markets you would be WISE to view events through this indicator. The economic climate becomes remarkably different and people's opinions change dramatically when the REAL RATE of RETURN on the most SECURE investments is threatened.

A thorough understanding of this simplicity is necessary for success in any kind of investing as IT is the basic building block from which all other analysis is based. Although it is always difficult to forecast what will happen in the future, the one factor you can count on is that when THE REAL RATE OF RETURN is falling there is much SWEAT on the brows of Money Managers who monitor the trillions of dollars entrusted to them.

At this point KEEP YOUR EYES on this indicator and make your own forecast of INFLATION. You'll realize that your ANALYSIS can be better than the Big Boys.

Let's be careful other there!


-Harald Anderson

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Top 20 Breakup Mistakes and How To Get Your Ex Back Even If You'Ve Made Every One Of Them

If you're going through a break up right now then your emotions are super charged and heightened and you're just not acting like yourself, am I right? Here's the top 20 breakup mistakes that are not only driving your ex totally nuts but ensuring that you're never going to get back together. I'm going to reveal what they are and then explain to you how you can completely clean the slate and still get them back.

I've compiled my top 20 break up mistakes after months of counselling both men and women in 31 countries going through a very painful break up. I invite you to read every single one and take notes if you need to and keep reading to the very end where I reveal how you can STILL get them back even if you've made every single mistake on this list!

Mistake #1 - Allowing Your Ex To Totally Control Your Life

You and your ex may not even be aware that they are doing this or that you are actually allowing your ex to do this but after your break up you gut reaction is to totally analyse virtually every facet of your relationship and your break up to the verge of driving yourself nuts.

That's not going to achieve anything and will only keep you stuck in the healing process.

Mistake #2 - Staying Friends With Your Ex

Many brokenhearted people stay friends with the ex for one sole reason - in the hope that one day they'll realize that they're really meant to be together.

WRONG. Once you get set in the friend trap it's very hard to get out of and it's not something I recommend.

Mistake #3 - Bombarding Your Ex With Text Messages

Basically you're not leaving your ex alone because you're not wanting them to get on with their life without you.

This is one of the worst things you can do because often all it does is ensure that they've made the right decision not being with you right now.

Mistake #5 -Firing Off Angry Emails To Your Ex

As above, when you make this mistake you are venting on your ex angry at the pain that they've caused you.

THIS IS A NO-NO because all it will do is drive potentially a permanent wedge between you and will ensure your ex moves on real fast.

Mistake #6 -Firing Off Desperate Emails To Your Ex

This mistake is different to the one in #5 because rather than being angry you're being desperate. You're acting pretty wimpy trying to get your ex to understand how much they've broken your heart and how much you need them in your life.

When you behave in this way you're acting high maintenance and also way too desperate and that is NOT going to be attractive to your ex!

Mistake #7 -Ringing Your Ex Around The Clock

Let's face it, you're not ringing them up with good intentions - you're ringing them up because you want to know where they are, are they home, who are they with, is someone at home with them?

This kind of harassing behaviour could end up with you being served with an AVO so hold off, this is not the way to get your ex's attention!

Mistake #8 -Stalking Your Ex Regularly At Places Where They Hang Out

Right, all of a sudden you have this insane desire to just be wherever your ex goes -- because if you aren't there how are they ever going to think about you now that you are no longer together, right??

WRONG! Not only will this not look like a coincidence but it will really put your ex off, it will put your friends off and your ex's friends off and you could end up with a nice little visit from a policeman!

Mistake #9 - Lending Your Ex Money

So you're throwing good money after bad at your ex because you believe this way you'll be able to stay in contact with your ex and they'll "owe you".

WRONG AGAIN. You're setting yourself for not only an emotional fall but a financial fall here....Once your ex knows they can come to you as their automatic ATM they'll be feeding you with lies and crap to make you feel that you're special to them.....but there will always be a BUT!

Mistake #10 -Staying Friends With Your Ex's Family

While there's nothing wrong with being on friendly terms with your ex's family, if you suddenly start hanging out with them in the hope of accidentally bumping into your ex then that's not a good thing.

Mistake #11 -Trying To Make Your Ex Jealous

The key to making someone jealous is NOT making it obvious. However, many people unfortunately aren't very good at this and make it real clear when they have their cousin's best friend from interstate playing their instant love interest when they come into town on a quick visit.

You'll actually have much better luck by moving on with your life and not being afraid to meet new people.

Mistake #12 -Having Sex With Your Ex

Yep, I had a fellow email me recently saying we've just broken up and we're seeing each other tomorrow to have sex, is that okay?

Why would you think that's okay?

I mean, if you want to be your ex's boyfriend or girlfriend you have got to stop acting like their girlfriend or boyfriend when you're no longer in a relationship with them -- otherwise what incentive will they ever have to get back together with you.

Mistake #13 - Constantly Asking Your Ex For A Second Chance

You can't cope without your ex, that's clear, but you don't need to make it constantly obvious to your ex all the time.

While that will certainly stroke their ego it will also drive them probably totally crazy so lay low and you'll achieve much better results.

Mistake #14 -Bad Mouthing Your Ex to Your Family And Friends

Unless you plan on never getting back together with your ex don't talk badly about him or her to everyone close to you. And definitely don't reveal some juicy tidbits that your ex would die if she knew you'd told them.

You've got to think of the big picture here....Your ex will never come back to you unless she's 100 percent comfortable in doing so.

Mistake #15 - Bad Mouthing Your Ex To Their Family And Friends

It applies even more so to the friends and family of your ex. Don't ever think for a moment that they'll keep their conversations with your ex private from them.

If you bad mouth her you're going to not only get your ex's hackles off side but also those of their friends and family!

Mistake #16 -Throwing Pity Parties

Another desperate effort to get back together - making your ex feel so sorry for you....some people even dare to say that they'll kill themselves if they don't get back together with you.

Not only is that blackmail that's totally childish and an unfair kind of pressure to put onto your ex -- and your relationship, even if you got back together, would have low chances of success!

Mistake #17 - Driving Your Friends And Family Insane By Always Talking About Your Ex

Okay this is going to hurt a little but you did have a life before your ex - and guess what -- you managed to actually carry some interesting conversations before you met your ex. So don't drive your friends and family totally nuts and isolate yourselves from people who really care about you.

Mistake #18 - Coming Across As Needy And Clingy To Your Ex

This may be your gut reaction but all this behaviour is going to do is reinforce your ex's desire not to be with you because you're so high maintenance.

Mistake #19 -Giving Threats And Ultimatums

You're desperate and totally acting irrationally and all you want is your pain to go away so you'll do just about anything to get your ex back.

Dishing out threats and ultimatums isn't going to bring you a happy ending so behave with self-dignity instead and you'll be amazed at the difference.

Mistake #20 -Being Vengeful

You're angry and you want them to HURT so you're gonna pay them back, right??

WRONG! You've got to think long term here.....that is going to not only infuriate your ex but everyone they know and could also land you in a lot of trouble with the law!

Hey, I said 20 break up mistakes but I'm going to throw in one more for good measure, okay.

BONUS - Mistake #21 -Making False Promises That You'll Change

Okay, we all have some little things that we could probably improve about ourselves and some of these may be quite realistic....however, others don't even bother.

While it's possible to spruce yourself up a little there's no use pretending to be someone you're not because your armour will come off when you least expect it and you'll be on your own again anyway.

Now that's quite a list, isn't it?

Do you know why these are so common mistakes?

Because your emotions are completely out of control as a result of your break up and you will do JUST ABOUT ANYTHING to make the pain stop -- and to get your ex back.

You and I both know that acting this way isn't the real you, is it?

You're not a stalker, you're not usually clingy, needy, or desperate or even so obsessed as you've been lately!

Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a minute. If your ex was acting the way you have been recently would YOU want them back?


Let's face it -- you're high maintenance, you're highly emotional, you're clingy, you're desperate, your obsessive -- you're NOT the person that your boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband fell in love with?

How To Completely Wipe The Slate Clean

What you need to do first of all is accept right at this second that you ARE broken up (but in your mind it's temporary).

Then what you need to do is heal AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE so you can unleash the real you under all that emotional turmoil that your ex fell MADLY IN LOVE with.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Join A Syndicate And Learn How To Combine Numbers For Betting Lotto

When one talks about how to combine numbers for betting lotto, it is reasonably they are speaking about the use of lottery wheels which are best used in conjunction with software. Yet playing a full lottery wheel can be extremely expensive. A wheel takes all the numbers you wish to play and comes up with every possible combination. One way around this is by joining forces with other like minded players and forming a syndicate. This is essentially a group of people who pool financial resources and purchase more tickets. This enables them to use sophisticated software to choose more numbers and so increase their chances of winning smaller prizes as well as the jackpot.

Avoiding Repetition

Beside learning how to combine your numbers for betting lotto with a wheel, there are a few other things that syndicate members must know. Do not bother with the computer quick pick as research has shown that manual picks win more than twice as many prizes as a quick pick. Your lottery software will also inform you if your pick matches a previous winning line. The odds of a certain sequence of numbers being picked once are long enough, instances of a six number combination being picked twice in a lottery draw's history are essentially non-existent. Also avoid sentimental picks as these will do nothing for your chances. The balls drawn have no feelings and do not care if 17 was the date of your first kiss!

Good Things In Small Packages

Syndicates will live and die on the amount of smaller prizes it wins. Lottery wheels are an excellent way to win the smaller prizes and such success will keep the syndicate interested. Let's face it, if your group wins nothing for a year, it is more likely to disband than continue throwing money into the lottery. Trust in your lottery software to come up with the statistical analysis and use it when formatting your system. Never deviate from the system due to 'instincts' because the lottery is all about probability, not superstition.

If you do not draft up a formal syndicate agreement, you could be leaving yourself open to problems later down the line in terms of tax and ownership of winning tickets. If you are setting up a syndicate, deal with all the red tape first before choosing the lottery strategy that will set up the entire group for a massive windfall.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Conquer Your Mind With Positive Thinking: Free Yourself From Depression, Worry, Anxiety, And Fear

Negative thoughts reduce energy in you and make you to lose focus The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. Likewise, a small positive thought can have the same effect blossoming into a beautiful outcome. Negative thoughts should be avoided at all cost. When we start to have negative thoughts, it's hard to stop them. And it's much easier said than done to shift your focus to positive thoughts. But it's the only way, especially if you want to avoid going down a path that is painful and unnecessary.

Please find below what I did that help me overcome my negative thoughts

I Exercise for at least 5 minutes early in the morning everyday

Any form of exercise is OK. It took my focus away from my thoughts and brought my attention to my breath. Exercise is very relaxing, which helped ease my mind. You could also practice Yoga. Yoga is one of the best exercises that get rid of negative thoughts in your mind.

I surround myself with positive people and I make friends with them.

When you are feeling depressed, or various negative thoughts just fill your heart, talk to people of integrity to help you. People have a huge impact on your life. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with," says American entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. With this in mind, you should think about the people you're spending time with the same way you think about what you eat and how you're exercising. Some people can be parasites. They suck out your happiness, energy and maybe some of your tangible resources as well. Some people will even help you to instinct negative thinking into your mind, so be very careful whom you associate yourself with. Who are good people by the way,

They are people that will inspire you to be a better person, provide you with motivation to achieve your goals, empower you to make the changes you need to succeed and cheer on your success.

In the workplace, good people tend to be productive people. They're organized, create schedules they stick to and don't get easily distracted from the end goal. And all this help you be more productive!

I Smile regularly

Smile regularly preferable every day. Smile prevents negative thoughts, improves your mood, helps reduce stress, and makes you more appropriate.

I change the tone of my thoughts from negative to positive.

For example, instead of thinking negative, I think positive. Always allow positive thinking to occupy your mind. Believe that God, our creator is always there for you, so why thinking negative. "We will face some challenges in our living situation, but we will come up with solutions that we will both be happy with."

I help people in need and in most cases solve their problems. Helping someone will help in removing negative thoughts from your mind, take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. I decided to make a tray of food and donate it to the Salvation Army. It took my mind off of things and I felt better for helping someone else.

Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward.

It's easy to dwell on your mistakes. I felt terrible that I acted this way and that I wasted our weekend. The only thing I can do now is learn from my mistakes and move forward. I definitely don't want to have a weekend like that again.

I sing especially gospel songs

I don't remember lyrics very well and it's probably the reason that I don't enjoy singing, but every time I do sing I always feel better. When we sing, we show our feelings and this provides an amazing stress relief.

I List five things that I am grateful for right now.

Being grateful helps appreciate what you already have. Here's my list: my children, health, a four-week trip to West African Countries, a new yoga class that I'll be teaching, and for my mom's speedy recovery from illness.

I Read positive quotes.

I like to place Post-It notes with positive quotes on my computer, fridge door, and mirror as reminders to stay positive. Also, I'd like to share with you a quote by an unknown author that was shared in a meditation class that I attended:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Prayer Points

O Lord, allow me to promote understanding and peace, and rid me of negative thoughts, in my mind in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, let me understand that ignorance isn't bliss; allow me to be wise and steadfast

O Lord, help me see the good in life, and prevent me from thinking negative thoughts.

O Lord my Father, forgive me for my impure thoughts.

O Lord, turn me away from the darkest thoughts, that I may learn to view things in a different light.

You said to your apostles, "I give you peace, my peace I give you." Grant me peace, Lord Jesus.

O Lord, I pray to you, Lord, to let goodness reign in my heart and good thoughts in my mind.

O Lord, help me see my true calling. That I may discard the thoughts of taking my life because of all the failures I have done.

O Lord, may I learn to control my temper to avoid hurting others in what I may say or do that I could never take back.

With everything that happened in my life, I have become so bitter. I pray to learn to be free of this and live life with happiness in my heart.

I ask you, Heavenly Father, to put my thought processes in order so that faith, hope, and love will be in my main thoughts.

O Lord, help me, Lord, to think of and meditate on things that are pure, noble, true, and praiseworthy. Change my way of thinking, Father, as you mold my life into your ways.

Heal my thoughts, O Lord. Purify them, Lord Jesus.

Grant me peace of mind, so I may do your will, O God.

O Lord, free my mind of evil thoughts, and Cleanse me of negative and impure thoughts.

At times the Devil put negative thoughts into our mind.

Scripture: Isaiah 12:2 "God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior"

At times, the devil apparently does put evil thoughts in our head, or even directly incites us to do evil. According to John 13:27, Judas made a secret arrangement to betray Jesus to His enemies. When Judas went to inform them where they could find Jesus, the Bible says that "Satan entered into him". Judas did not really believe John 12:6, the Bible let us know that Jesus was the Savior sent from God to save us from our sins. In fact, the Bible further says that Judas "was a thief; as keeper of the money bag (for the disciples), he used to help himself to what was put into it" The lesson is clear: The farther we are from God, the more vulnerable we will be to Satan's attacks.

Don't be like Judas, but make certain of your commitment to Jesus Christ. If you've never done so, turn to Him and by faith ask Him to come into your heart and life. Then ask Him to fill your mind with His truth and His Spirit every day. The Bible says in James 4:7 "Submit yourself, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"

Not all evil thoughts come directly from Satan, however. Often they come from within - from our own sinful hearts. When they do, ask God to cleanse your mind and fill it with Christ.

Prayer points

I decree and I declare that all negative thoughts from the Devil in my mind is removed right now by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

By the power in the blood or Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke any demon that will try, have tried and succeeded to disturb our peace o mind by polluting mind our soul and body in the name of Jesus Christ.

I command you Evil and Misfortune to live me a lone so that I can get rid of any type of hardship caused by you, nature and circumstances which includes financial hardships, emotional battles, spiritual burdens, frustrations caused by you right now in Jesus name.

O Lord, my Father, I ask for healing, abundance of blessings and miracles to reinstate what I have lost, I regain confidence in God and His people and I live peacefully without the fear of people's evil thoughts, words, deeds and even bad spirits in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bind and rebuke any evil and misfortune that would try to come against my prayer for the goodness of my soul, sound finances, great health, and peaceful living in Jesus name.

I pray and command that anyone or any spirit who causes trouble will never come back to hurt me, to take anything from me, never come back to my life as thieves, blasphemer, and nature's wrath in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord my Father, help me to renew my life for your glory and salvation of my soul. Help me to forgive and forget all the evil done against me in Jesus Name.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim the richness of life here on earth as well as in heaven.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim, peace, contentment and true happiness from within.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim, freedom from fear the of the unknown.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim complete confidence and dependence on God. I will be triumphant in life without the evil works, thoughts and doings.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim that I will all live with the abundance of God's provisions and promises as wealthy children of God who inherited His choicest blessings and the salvation of souls.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim that I am accepting Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior and through baptism I became son/daughter of the Father.

I thank You, Heavenly Father for Your Love. I thank You, Holy Spirit for empowering me to be aggressive against Satan and evil spirits. I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free. I thank You, Mary, for interceding for us with the holy angels and the saints.

O Lord Jesus, fill me with charity, compassion, faith, gentleness, hope, security, humility, joy, kindness, light, love, mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, tranquility, trust, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Help me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit so that together I may praise, honor, and glorify Our Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are, "... the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 ), and You "... have come that I might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 ).

How can your brain stay positive? The following exercises will help.

Be thankful every time, show gratitude,

"Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. When you wake up each morning, make it a habit to write down at least three things you're grateful for. It can be anything from family and work to a good night's rest or the morning sunrise - whatever is positive in your life deserves a little thank you note from your soul. If it's difficult to think of something right away, realize that something JUST happened that you can be grateful for... you woke up today. Not everyone gets that opportunity.

Balance your mind with many activities

You can find balance in many activities, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, walking in nature or any other activity that puts your mind at rest. When you the mind ceases, the soul is allowed to speak. The calming energy produced from a good centering exercise surrounds the body, bringing about an unshakable spirit that will surely help you stay positive.

How to Free Yourself from Anger

a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Anger is often nothing more than an intense emotion caused by an apparent injustice. The destructive outcomes of anger are well known. When even a slight annoyance arises, it is capable of growing quickly and overwhelming your state of mind.

Anger results in (1) a loss of perspective and judgment, (2) impulsive and irrational behavior that is destructive to both yourself and others, and (3) loss of face, compassion, and social credibility.

Anger is often pointless, as the following Buddhist parable will illustrate.

In the New Testament, Ephesians 4:26-27 advise, "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."

Free yourself from anger

There is no benefit to anger at all. All anger can beget is negative energy, which can aggravate an already volatile situation. Anger can also impede sound judgement and inhibit your ability to consider the negative consequences of your abrupt reactions.

The next time you're angry, consider the following response:

Stop. Don't respond immediately. Walk away from the situation that has instigated your anger.

Breathe deeply. Become fully aware of your state of mind. Assess what's going on.

Calm down and compose yourself. Invoke mindfulness to appeal to your wisdom. Anger and other emotional arousals often stem from a lack of self-awareness or mindlessness, and can simmer down if you just wait long enough.

Consider the matter from other points of view. Ask if there could be other possible explanations for what happened.

Identify the reasons for your anger by asking three questions:

a. "Is this matter serious enough to get worked up about?"

b. "Is my anger necessary and warranted?"

c. "Will getting angry make a difference?"

Reflect about what response will be most effective. Try to develop a wise and measured course of action.

Idea for Impact: A low-anger life is a happier life

Patience is the definitive antidote to anger and aggression. With patience, you may not always be able to eliminate anger, but you can usually control it. Patience can build and fortify your intellectual and psychological resources.

As Proverbs 19:11 tells in the Hebrew Bible, "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense." Ultimately, developing greater patience enhances your romantic, personal, professional, and casual relationships-as well as that all-important relationship: the one you have with yourself.

How to free yourself from worry

Worry pollute your mind and it can never be positive, But in the last decade I have found several habits that have helped me to greatly decrease my worrying and to more easily handle such thoughts when they pop up.

1. Most of things you worry about have never happened.

I love this quote by Winston Churchill:

"When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened."

I have found it to be very true in my own life.

So when you feel worries starting to pop up ask yourself this:

How many of the things I feared would happen in my life did actually happen?

If you are anything like me then the answer will be: very few. And the very few ones that actually happened were mostly not as painful or terrible as I had expected.

Worries are most often just monsters you build in your own mind.

I find that asking myself this question regularly and reminding myself of how little of the worries that actually came to life makes easier and easier to stay calm and to stop a worried thought before it becomes a big snowball of negativity.

2. Avoid fears. Be bold, don't be afraid of anything. Believe in God at all times. When fears feel vague in your mind, when you lack clarity then it is very easy to get lost in exaggerated worries and disaster scenarios.

So find clarity in a worry-inducing situation by asking yourself:

Honestly and realistically, what is the worst that could happen?

When I have answered that question then I follow it up with spending a bit of time on figuring out what I can do about it if that pretty unlikely thing happens.

In my experience, the worst that could realistically happens is usually not as scary as what my mind could make up when it is running wild with vague fears.

Spending a few minutes on finding clarity in this way can save you whole lot of time, energy and suffering.

3. Don't try to guess what is on someone's mind.

Trying to read someone's mind usually doesn't work too well at all. Instead, it can very easily lead to creating an exaggerated and even disastrous scenario in your mind.Communicate and ask what you want to ask. By doing so you'll promote openness in your relationship and it will likely be happier as you avoid many unnecessary conflicts and negativity.

4. In a situation you cannot think straight, say stop, don't say anything

From time to time when I am hungry or when I am lying in bed and are about to go to sleep I can become mentally vulnerable. And so worries can more easily start buzzing around in my head.

5. Remember, people don't think about you and what you do as much as you may think. They have their hands full with thinking about what other people think of them. And with thinking about what is closest to their hearts like their children, pets, a partner or the job or school. So don't get lost in worries about what people may think or say if you do something. Don't let such thoughts hold you back in life.

6. Work out.

Few things work so well and consistently as working out to release inner tensions and to move out of a headspace that is extra vulnerable to worries. I also find that working out - especially with free weights - makes me feel more decisive and focused.

7. Share your worry with someone close to you. This is one of my favorites. Because it tends to work so well. By letting someone close to you know about your worry, it becomes a whole lot easier to see the situation or issue for what it really is.

Just venting for a few minutes can make a big difference and after a while you may start to wonder what you were so worried about in the first place.

If you do not have anyone to talk to at the moment about the worry bouncing around in your mind then let it out by writing about it. Just getting it out of your head and reasoning about with yourself either on paper or in a journal on your computer can help you to calm down and find clarity.

8. Spend more time in the present moment.

When you spend too much time reliving the past in your mind then it easy to start feeding your worries about the future. When you spend too much time in the future then is also easy to get swept away by disaster scenarios.So focus on spending more of your time and attention in the present moment.

9. Refocus on the small step you can take to move forward.

To move out the worried headspace I find it really, really helpful to just start moving and taking action to start solving or improving whatever I am concerned about.

Prayer Points

Father, I thank you so much for delivering me from the activities of the kingdom of darkness

Because, Jesus Christ has set me from the law of sin and death I commit to live free from worry in the name of Jesus,

I humble myself under your mighty hand that in due time you may exalt me.

I cast away from myself, my husband, my wife and children, - all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns - once and for all in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, take wrong thoughts captive, because you care for me affectionately and care about me watchfully. You sustain me. You will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved - made to slip, fall, or fail!

O Lord, I cast down imaginations (reasoning's) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of you, and I bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

O Lord, I lay aside every weight and the sin of worry. I run with patience the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith.

O Lord, help me fix my mind on those things that are true. I thank You Father, that You are able to keep that which I have committed unto You. I thank you for fixing my mind on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, or good report, virtuous, and deserving of praise. I will not let my heart be troubled.

I abide in Your Word, and Your Word abides in me. Therefore, Father, I do not forget what manner of person I am. I look into the perfect law of liberty and continue therein, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word and, thus, blessed in my doing!