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Monday, April 1, 2019

Automotive Load Managers For Emergency Vehicles

Automotive load managers for emergency vehicles are designed to monitor and control the transfer of electrical energy in an automated system. The most advanced load managers will incorporate load sequencing and load shedding functions. These two functions will help maintain the vehicles optimal electrical state, which is paramount for any emergency vehicle.

The load sequencing function is used to turn all selected loads ON or OFF from on central switch. Loads can be anything from, emergency lights, sirens, A / C, radios, etc. When electrical loads of the type encountered in an automotive application are switched on or OFF they create large current and voltage fluctuations in the electrical system in which they are connected. The larger the current consumption of a load, the greater the impact the load has in the generation of electrical transients or line noise when the load is energized or deenergized (Turned ON or OFF).

These current fluctuations, in turn, contribute to the generation of voltage spikes of a magnitude that is high enough to damage sensitive electronic devices connected to the electrical system. This would be the last thing you want while riding in an emergency vehicle. The load sequencing function of a good load manager will allow you to turn all the selected loads ON or OFF from one location to minimize electrical disturbances and the effect this action may have upon the rest of the electrical system. The load shedding function is used to monitor the voltage level of the vehicles battery. If a decrease in the battery voltage is sensed, the load manager will start shedding loads. A good load manager will allow you to program what loads and in what sequence they will be shed. One the loads battery voltage returns to its normal value, the loads that were previously shed are switched on.

The examples in the previous paragraphs were for when a vehicle is in motion. If the vehicles alternator is not supplying enough power when the vehicle is idling, the load manager should have a high idle function which will send a signal the vehicles engine speed control to set the idle speed to a higher level. An action equivalent to pressing the accelerator while in park. The higher engine speed is maintained until the battery voltage returns to normal or until the engine is no long idling.

To learn more about load managers and their function in emergency vehicles visit

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Getting Your Interior Design and Decorating Started Right

Principles Are Principles Forever

Interior design and decorating is one of the oldest of all the arts . Properly understood, it can be very exciting and rewarding to engage in. All you have to do is apply the correct and appropriate formulas, then adapt them to your budget.

It is very important and necessary to find out what you really need and want. Follow a few age-old foundational principles in order to acquire the success that you're driving for. A few easily understood principles will enable you to work out combinations and arrangements that will be appropriate and therefore satisfying to you, no matter what type of room you are planning.

Make It Easy On Yourself

When designing or decorating a room or a whole house, you can help yourself a great deal if you make a careful analysis of yourself and your family before you begin. Take time to consider, reflect, and examine specifics of what you like, what you want, what you do, what you hope to do someday, etc.

Write everything down on paper. Be guided by this analysis in your choice of furniture, arrangements, color schemes, and accessories. Describe in words not only what you want it to look like, but what you want it to feel like as well. For me, a "look" without the appropriate feeling and ambiance is nothing.

Make The Right Decisions The First Time

The best way to do it right, once, the first time, is to have a plan. We begin our plan by making a diagram or sketch of the space, including the windows, doors, and archways, paying careful attention that it's all drawn to scale. It is critical that your room has a floor plan drawn to scale. Usually this means that 1/4 inch will equal 1 foot. If you want it larger, then draw it so 1/2 inch equals 1 foot. This means that 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch will represent an actual 12 inches or 1 foot of real space. You must do the same thing with your furniture, plants, and sculptures - anything that takes up square space space on your floor. If you choose to skip past this initial step, you'll definitely have a wrong perception of reality! Once all of your pieces are sketched to scale, carefully cut each one out, making sure each one is clearly labeled.

You must do everything to scale with your sketches. These paper depictions enable you to move representations of your furniture and other items around effortlessly within your environment on top of the floor plan. As you do so, keep in mind where and how the traffic will flow through the space, accommodating for this functional necessity. With patience and some time, you'll reveal various solutions that will come to your mind that you would never have thought of otherwise. Pre-planning allows you to have much more fun and freedom of expression.

Doing floor plans is the professional way to start. Amateurs skip this. Even if they call themselves decorators or designers, this is one of many fundamental reasons that they are amateurs. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail ... whether you know it or not.

Eliminating "Paralysis of Analysis"

The preliminary analysis of your home interior design and decorating problems should include answers to several definite questions. Think of this as the Sherlock Holmes phase. You want to ask yourself the right questions, to get the right answers. That way, you can get the right results. Your answers to the right questions will have a determination impact on the various phases of your plan. Thinking things through will save you time, money, and energy, as well as preventing possible and probable disappointments with your results.

Some Words of Caution

Do not decorate or design in haste, and then later repent at leisure! Even if you have the money to carry out your whole design and decorating program, do not be rushed into buying anything which will compromise the effect you want.

Do not be discouraged if you have to operate on a budget. Decide what you can comfortably spend in the beginning, and put most of it into basic pieces that will be a permanent investment in your satisfaction and comfort. Then, spread the rest of it out over "pickshifts" which will do until they can be replaced. These pieces will be temporary until you can afford something better. Sometimes they turn out to be so charming and so useful that you will not want to give them up. You can allocate them to other areas of your environment.

As you work your plan, you may find that parts of it need altering as you go because you've found that they can be improved. However, make sure the contemplated improvements fit into the original plan or concept. Remember, it's not only about the look. It's the look and the feel, or ambiance, that you are after.

Do not be tempted for the sake of a bargain, or any other reason, to spend time or money on a single piece or article which will not add to the effectiveness of your preconceived design or decorative scheme, as you have outlined it from the beginning. Also, remember: Proper, prior planning prevents poor performance!

It's vital that you realize that you can spend a great deal of money or a comparatively smaller, realistic sum, and get very pleased results if you have a plan and knowledge.

An Important Closing Comment

Once you work things out on paper, be sure that you have included your floor plans and the written documentation of both your questions and your answers. The rest of the steps must continue to translate that information into action. Always look at the colors and designs in the environment where they are going to be used, and under the lighting conditions there, both natural and artificial. Color is how you light it! Therefore, never guess how textures, colors, designs, or fabrics, etc., will go with each other. Always make your final decisions within the final environment they will be staying in.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Three Things You Can Do With Gold Bullion Coins

Those who acquire gold bullion coins will be faced with a dilemma when they finally arrive at their house: what on earth are they to do with them? There is so much you can do with gold bullion coins that it can be difficult to know what use to put them to first.

If you are stuck for ideas on what to do with your gold bullion coins (GBC), then here are a few suggestions. The great thing about gold bullion coins is that they can be put to an infinite amount of uses. This list is by no means definitive!

1. Collect them

The number one use for these coins is for collection purposes. Some people collect stamps, some people collect football trading cards, some people collect gold bullion coins.

If you are a collector then the first thing you will want to do is view them in-line with the rest of your collection. Your collection may be stored in your safe, or at the local bank. A GBC collection is never really complete, but it sure does feel satisfying the more you add to it.

2. Use them as currency

Some gold bullion coins can actually be used as currency in their respective countries. The Gold Panda, for example, is legal tender in the People's Republic of China, which is why they are issued in the condemnation of Yuan.

There's no better feeling than taking your coins to your local store and using them to pay for everyday items, such as bread and milk. Be aware though, some stores will not accept them as currency, so if you are desperate to cash them, you'll have to take them to a bank or specialist trader.

3. A paper weight

One unconventional function for GBC is as a paper weight. Paper plays as bigger role in our lives now than ever before. Even with the growth of the internet, paper is still the cornerstone of any good office.

GBCs make a great paper weight. They are dense and heavy; which helps them make sure the paper they are weighing down stands no chance of going anywhere. They also look great on your desk and are sure to grab the attention of any visitors or passers-by.

These are the three main uses of this product. As we state though, this list is not Gospel! Try asking around your friends if you run out of ideas for uses for your GBCs.

Friday, November 9, 2018

The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation-

* Energy moves into physical form.

* The images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

The Law of Relativity-

* Nothing is good or bad, big or small... until you RELATE it to something.

* Practice realting your situation to something much worse and yours will always look good.

The Law of Vibration and Attraction-

* Everything vibrates, nothing rests.

* Conscious awareness of vibration is called feeling. Your thoughts control your paradigms and your vibration (which dictates what you attract).

* When you are not feeling good, become aware of what you are thinking, then think of something pleasant.

The Law of Polarity-

* Everything has an opposite: Hot - Cold ... Up - Down ... Good - Bad.

* Constantly look for the good in people and situations. When you find it, tell the person. People love compliments and the positive idea in your mind makes you feel good. Remember, good idea - good vibrations.

The Law of Rhythm-

* The tide goes out ... night follows day ... good times - bad times.

* When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming - think of them.

The Law of Cause and Effect-

* Whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action -- re-action are equal and opposite.

* Say good things to everyone; treat everyone with total respect and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just concentrate on what you can give.

The Law of Gender-

* Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results.

* Your goals will manifest when the time is right. KNOW they will.

So ... why am I bringing these up?

Because YOU can utilize these Laws of Our Universe to bring UNTOLD wealth into your life; wealth in health, wealth in relationships (spiritual, family, personal, business), and financial wealth.

Wallace D. Wattles (the author of the book written in 1910 entitled The Science of Getting Rich) states "Getting rich is the result of doing things in a certain way." That is the largest truth I can share with any of my family and friends (this includes You, who are reading this). That statement, and these Laws have already done so much for me with their use value. I've experienced an enlightening, in the sense that I no longer dread debt. I no longer have astranged relationships with my family and friends that at one time I had. I no longer see life as being a "half empty glass" now it's "abundantly full".

I first learned about The Secret through my sister, back in February of this year, and caught a special on Oprah about it on my birthday that month. The show was very uplifting and had me researching the Teachers in the program, and beginning to read their books. After a few months I decided that this was undoubtedly for me. At the time of my learning and research my son and I had a rather strained relationship and we had not been close for over a year and a half; and through the power of Positive Thinking, and applying the Law of Vibration and Attraction to my life, we were able to rediscover and strengthen our relationship. We've now embarked on this journey together.

We are now on Myspace, Facebook and several other social networking sites, meeting like minded people who are either currently applying the Laws of the Universe to their lives, or are interested in learning how I (and my son) are utilizing these Laws in our daily lives. This site has already paid for its worth in gold with the genuine interest and relationships we are building here. We are Attracting people, and letting them Attract us. We are not spammers, we don't want to impose anywhere where we've not been asked. But imagine applying these Laws to your life, and how abundant things can be when approaching the same situations with such a different mindset. This is a truly mind encompassing, re-wiring of sorts, to put all your negative thoughts, emotions and energy to rest, and instead allowing you to control the positive thoughts, emotions and energy out into the world to start Attracting everything your heart desires.

By now most people have heard about The Secret and The Law of Attraction, but very few people KNOW them, and even fewer that are applying them. But I can honestly put out there, that this way of thinking and acting is the way to living the full, happy, abundant, wealthy life we all have undoubtedly dreamed of at some point or another. So ... don't you think it's about time You begin to realize everything You visualize?

Well ... what do I mean by that statement?

I mean that everything that You put out into this Universe, through the power of your thoughts and dreams and actions, can and will come to fruition, if given the time. I am most certainly NOT saying "you'll get rich if you wait for it". But what I am saying is, starting today, RIGHT NOW, start changing your outlook. Visualize sitting on the beach, or in the rain forest, and don't think "oh I don't have the time to take off" or "that takes too much money" instead, visualize and realize that sand can be in between your toes, that ocean can be lapping at your feet, with your eyes closed, and the sound of the waves crashing. Doesn't that just wet your lips? I know it does mine (I personally LOVE the ocean and the beach).

All it takes is the knowledge, and though I can give you a gateway to that knowledge, You have to want it, you have to walk through that doorway, BUT I am here to provide you with that first step. These are my "promises for a sweet life" promising myself that day to day I will reaffirm everything I already know, and continue utilizing these tools, and spreading the word of their use to people of all ages who are willing to listen. I want to offer You a FREE Gift that opened My eyes and has started me on this journey of personal growth and development ... because that's exactly what this is.

To begin learning the Natural Laws of the Universe, including the Law of Vibration and Attraction, click here with this Free Gift of 7 lessons emailed to you, in a non-spam format. Each one of these lessons is HAND crafted to teach you step by step how to go about this mindshift so to speak.

To Your Vast Success,


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why Is My Ex Girlfriend Still Texting Me?

So she dumped you. It hurts, it stings, it's the most crushing feeling in the world. You spend hours upon hours telling her how you love her. How much she means to you, and it only takes her seconds to tell you she's no longer interested. She's finished with the relationship, and she's moving on.

So why in the world is she still text messaging you?

When an ex girlfriend is still texting you after the break up, there's a definite reason behind it. Actually, there are several. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, but all of them can be used as indicators as to where she is mentally and emotionally.

And if you want to get her back? You'll need to know exactly what these texts means, and how each of them should be properly handled.

Reasons Your Ex Girlfriend Still Texts You

Let's get one thing straight: it's always hard to let go. Even if she's the one who broke things off, you and your girlfriend shared time together. You have memories, you share special feelings that still exist. Nothing can change that except TIME.

For this reason, time is certainly of the essence. The longer you wait before acting, the further away your ex girlfriend will go. Mentally, emotionally, she'll drift away if you do not do something to keep her interested, which is why moving quickly and acting properly is so vital to making her want you again.

Back to the texting ... an ex who texts you is still thinking about you. This is undeniable, but do not get excited just yet. There's no guarantee she's interested, or even thinking of wanting you back.

Yet your ex can not bury her feelings so quickly. Those feelings are still there, and there are specific reconnection techniques you can learn to bring those feelings back to the surface. This is one of the later - and most important - of the steps to getting her back.

So yes, it's good that she's texting you. But should you text her back? Well ... that's where things get sticky ...

What To Do When Your Ex Girlfriend Texts

An ex who keeps texting after the break up is leaving on your old relationship for support. She wants you to be "there" (in case she needs you), but not THERE (romantically). This does you absolutely no good, but it benefits her for several reasons:

  • She gets the comfort of still talking to you
  • By answering her texts she feels secure that you're still interested
  • Your ex girlfriend gets to know exactly where you are (ie not going anywhere)

All of these things give her strength. They give her willpower. Worst of all, they give her the confidence to continue with the breakup .

This is the complete opposite of what you want. After a girl breaks up with you, her first priority is to make sure her decision was the right one. She'll attempt to justify that decision to herself, to friends, and sometimes to family. In short, she wants to know she DID THE RIGHT THING.

By seeing how much you¡¯re still into her, and by talking to you through text messages, she's rating that decision . The more you chase her by answering her texts, the easier it is for her to run. Why? Because she knows SHE HAS YOU. She can go out, see other people, and always drift away ... all with the confidence of knowing you're a fallback plan in case something goes wrong.

"But I do not mind being her plan B. I can wait for her ..."

That's what you're thinking, right? This is what you told her?

Well forget that. That type of thinking is lame and desperate, at a critical time when you need to be as strong and Alpha as you possibly can.

Best Thing To Do When Texting Your Ex

Want to know the greatest thing you can do when an ex girlfriend text-messages you? Totally ignore her. Yes, I know you want her back. And yes, I know ignoring that text will probably be the hardest thing you've ever done. But believe me, writing her back is onlyifying her decision to stay broken up.

She's pushed you away, but she wants to keep you at arm's length. She wants the comfort of realizing she can have you back at any time, but with that knowledge comes the authority to go out and give some other guy another try.

There are 12 irreversible mistakes people make when trying to win an ex back. Texting with your ex is one of them. Learn what the rest of them are, because the sooner you can avoid making these errors the faster you can put your girl back in your arms again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Starter Clicks But Engine Does Not Turn Over - Tech in Trunk?

If the car's starter clicks and the engine does not turn over, this could be caused by several things. The most common cause of clicking when the car is being started is a low battery. Most people would assume that the starter is bad if it only clicks, but low-voltage can cause the starter to make this sound.

The battery is the heart of the starting and electrical system. If the battery has been drained or has a weak cell, this can cause the starter to only click. Many times the battery could just be drained due to a door left slightly open, making the dome light stay on. Other times a vanity light or a phone charger could be left on. During my time as a master auto technician, I've had a trustworthy co-worker close me up in the trunk so I could make sure the trunk light went off when the trunk was closed!

In order to test the battery it must have a good charge. If the battery is not charged completely the tester will indicate that it needs to be charged before testing can proceed. The first step when checking the starter and electrical system is to make sure the battery is in good condition. Most parts stores will check batteries for free. Once it's determined the battery is good the rest of the system can then be checked. Loose or corroded connections can also cause a clicking and for the car not to start.


The starter solenoid on many Ford vehicle's is on the inner fender well, on most other vehicles the starter solenoid will be mounted on the starter. The clicking that is heard many times is the solenoid. But low-voltage either from a drained battery, bad battery or poor connections can cause this. Most of the time if the vehicle can be jump-started the starter is okay. This would also indicate that the connections to the starter are good.


Once the vehicle is running the alternator output can be checked. If the alternator is not charging the battery, it will be drained during the process of starting the car and driving. When the alternator is checked, the voltage and amperage output can be measured. Also the diode pattern will be checked to make sure the alternator will not drain the battery when the engine is turned off. In the past do-it-yourselfers could disconnect the battery while the vehicle is running to check the alternator, if the car kept running the alternator was good. Doing this on computerized vehicles can be harmful. If the battery is disconnected while a computerized vehicle is running the alternator output it can increase sharply allowing excess voltage to spike the computer.


When purchasing a replacement battery the cold cranking amps required for the vehicle should be checked. It's best to purchase a battery with more cold cranking amps than the minimum required. Also when purchasing a battery you should consider if you want maintenance free or not. If the battery is hard to access or has a cover then a maintenance free battery is preferred. For instance on some Chrysler Sebrings and Chevrolet Corvettes the battery is located behind an inner fender and on a Chevrolet SSR. the battery is located underneath the bed where the spare tire would normally go. If installing the battery yourself be sure to notice which side is positive and negative in case you were sold the incorrect battery.


The terminals should be free of damage and should tighten up well. Sometimes especially on import vehicles the battery terminals will be very thin and can have hairline cracks causing a poor connection. Avoid forcing the battery terminals on by tapping them. The battery casing can be damaged causing a leak, if the battery acid seeps out it can cause fast corrosion. If the battery terminal bolts will not tighten, then replacing the terminals is recommended. When the connections are tight you should not be able to twist them by hand.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Things to Be Considered While a Choosing Payday Loan

A payday loan is a short term loan that is often used to cover up unexpected expenses and it is paid into your bank account directly. In order to apply for this type of fund, it is vital that you should fill up the application form properly and that you should fill up a few other forms as well. If you follow this type of online application procedure, it is vital that you only have to spend a few minutes for this purpose. Once it is approved, there is possibility that the total amount of money will be deposited directly into your bank account. For this type of application process, all you have to do is to write your bank account number as well as Social Security Number on the application form. Here are a few things that you should consider before you apply for this type of fund as quickly as possible.

The first step that you should follow is to contact at least four or five lenders and that you should ask them to provide price estimates as quickly as possible. It is vital to remember that they all may provide different types of price quotes and it is important that you should choose someone who offers a price rate that suits your requirement. Plus, you may ask him if you have to pay anything extra at any point of time.

When you look out for this type of fund, the thing that you should follow is to gather knowledge about its repayments terms. Repayment is the exact time that is allowed to the borrowers to repay the loan successfully. It is vital that you should be able to repay it within the prescribed period of time and it is also important to note that you may also have to face a penalty if you can not repay it within that period of time.

However, there are a few lenders who allow you to extend that period of time up to six months. Therefore, the next step that you should follow is to ask about the necessary action that he should adopt if you do not have an adequate amount of money to repay it within the stipulated period of time. All you have to do is to apply for an extension at least two days before your scheduled date of loan repayment. It is vital that he should give you this kind of facility. He may ask you to pay the interest rate within the stipulated period time and he may also encourage you to repay the rest of the amount as quickly as possible.

Your next step is to find out the details of repayment terms as much as you can. All you have to do is to ask him about the exact date within which you have to pay off this kind of fund as soon as possible. It is important to remember that you will not be charged a penalty if you pack back this kind of fund prior to the specified period of time.

It is vital that you should find out the details of customer support that is offered by him. It is advisable that you should choose someone that provides excellent customer service and that listens to your problem whenever you approach it at any point of time.

The final step that you should follow is to contact your local business bureau as quickly as possible and that you should find out if there is any kind of complaint being launched against him at any point of time. Plus, you should also check out if there is any sort of negative review or comment being written by the customer on any social networking site at any point of time.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Finally! Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money Revealed!

Are you in need and you are looking for quick and easy ways to get money? Do you think getting a loan will solve your financial needs? These days, human needs increase at an alarming rate, thus making most people to look for taking money-making solutions. Here, you would find some helpful insights on how you can generate quick cash to pay up your accrued debts or household bills and then spend the rest on desirable items.

Looking critically at the fact that the Internet is such a dynamic platform to earn a steady income, you would agree that it is much more safer to explore online opportunities rather than credit facilities. That's why you should try the following ideas:

Be a Seller

One of the easy ways to earn a living is through e-commerce businesses. On a daily basis, hundreds of thousands of transactions take place on the Internet. If you accept the buying decision of a potential buyer, you can make quick cash in no time, provided you offer 'self-selling' products or commodities such as household items, electronic gadgets, fashion and clothing items.

Basically, this e-commerce practice is usually referred to as a drop-ship business. In fact, there are sites where you can sell your unused items that you might otherwise throw into a waste bin as garbages. Typically, you do not need a website. Go online to set up a storefront at an e-commerce or auction site that allows the sale of both new and used goods. You would be amazed at the number of responses you might get from potential buyers. If the product is in high demand, it would be sold off as soon as it is listed online. Selling your unused toys, household items and electronic gadgets is one of the easy ways to make money.

Be a Site Flipper

Inarguably, the World Wide Web runs on content, and content runs on websites. Most people do not want to spend time on traffic generation and so they prefer a domain that has a competent of traffic. If you can build a site, you can make a couple of hundreds of dollars. Site flipping refers to the practice of building a site or a blog that you can offer for sale through a site-flipping marketplace.

If you want to get the best deal, make sure that your domain name is professional in terms of the niche and a primary keyword, and it should not be too long. Make use of a .com domain only. More so, if you want to increase the financial worth of the site / blog, do some link-building for it while awaiting a buyer. Sites / blogs that have proofs of traffic and some alert will attract a good offer from prospective buyers. Once you build a good reputation as a reliable seller, you can earn a substantial amount of money from site flipping.

Moreover, if you want to make the job easy for you, try as much as possible to 'hunt' for expired or dropped domains that have organic traffic. Without having to build a site or a blog on it, you can park it for sale. This may be referred to as domain flipping since you do not build a site or a blog on it. Provided that the domain name is short and professional, it can be easily sold at a good price that will amount to a good profit. Finding a good domain can make the process of making the money quick; you can make $ 500 or more on a professional and traffic-ready domain. If you want to adopt this kind of domain selling, you need to find out how you can track down domains that are about to expire, including those that have been dropped.

Be a Broker

Unknown to most people, brokering, being one of the easy ways to earn a living, can be offered to people on the net because there are many businesses or corporations that are looking for clients. Becoming a broker gives you the opportunity to act as a middle man between the seller and the buyer of a particular product or service.

It is worth knowing that being a broker is somewhat different from being an affiliate marketer. You are more or less like a sales promoter for the business you are working with. So, you might not be given any affiliate link for your job. As a broker, for instance in the real estate market, you would have to find people who are interested in buying landed property. Likewise, there are some real estate companies that are looking for investors; you can help them to get clients and earn quick cash from your promotional efforts. In this case, if you have a good client-oriented strategy, making great profits would come with ease; you can make thousands of dollars from a single client you are able to introduce to a particular company.

With a site, a blog, or a social network profile, you can create a definite awareness of your services. By so doing, you would increase your chances of finding more customers, and more clients mean more money for you. Brokerage services may be difficult at first when you start as a beginner; you would get over the challenges as soon as you find your first client. Once the first transaction is completed, do not forget to ask for recommendations from the client. Your expertise will gradually spread by a word-of-mouth method. Here are some other things you need to consider:

* Always ensure that you do business with reliable sellers / companies that will not cheat you. Remember that there is no affiliate link you can track or manage.
* Make sure that your contact details are clearly stated on your website / blog / social network account.
* Ensure that there is a detailed statement of business agreement before you start to find clients for the seller or the company.
* Build a good reputation for yourself. This is very important.

It is highly advisable that you start one of the above quick and easy ways to get money. They have the potential of being wealth-building business ideas that can help you to earn quick cash with little or no hassle. Go and work on an idea today.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Online Backup Services 101

In today's highly interconnected world which revolves around our interactions, communications and transactions over the Internet, safety and security of data has become an imperative and hence the need and demand for online file backup services. With online data backup services offering remote backups and ease of access to the data stored, this is a perfect solution to the problems like physical and online data security, which are faced by both home and business users alike.With various service providers in the market offering exciting deals and innovative features, the time is ripe to make a move and secure your data before it's too late.

Need for Backup

The need for online data backup arises from the fact that the traditional methods of data storage are not the most reliable. There are a lot of external factors to be taken into account. Home users mostly store their photos, tax and financial information and collection of their movies and songs on their storage devices like hard disks, CD's or other external storage devices. Their need for data is personal, emotional and financial.

While for business users, need for data backup is purely financial and involves high amount of sensitive information which leads to a high degree of risks. Business users mostly store their financial and tax information, client information etc. on their onsite storage devices.

Factors which can lead both home and business users explore safer options are the possibility of theft, accidents like fire, flood, power surge, corruption of files and other similar hazards.

Key features

There are a lot of different features that makes these services extremely attractive. All the major online file backup services are extremely secure and offer features like SSL / TSL encryption, password protection, folder permissions and 24/7 file encryption at the server end.

Other features like sharing of files and folders and custom links, gives an added advantage to the consumer. Restoring deleted files and storing multiple file versions are some of the handy features which are offered by the best online file backup services. The drag and drop feature of data backup is very handy and makes it very easy for the user to share files

The most important aspect of the online data back services is the backup itself. The beauty of this feature lies in the fact that the backup is done automatically as per scheduled beforehand and is incremental in nature ie whenever there are changes made to the files in the backed up folders, an automatic backing up is initiated.

Advantages of backup services

The benefits derived from the advantages offered by various secure online file backup services far exceeded the value of money spent on them. In this information age, protection of data has become a priority for everyone.

Automatic backup provided by various providers may be ubiquitous but is a highly essential function when it comes to backing up the data. Prescheduled backups give an option to the users wherein data backup is done without any supervision and takes out the mechanical element involved. Moreover these backups are incremental and consequential revision to data is done automatically.

Accidentally deleted files could also be restored when using online backup services and gives a cushion to the user and thus ensuring an error free environment. Online storage also reduces or eliminates the physical aspect of data storing by storing all the data of the client at off-site locations which are more secure.

Mobility and security

We can not be near our computer all the time and hence there is the need for mobile access to your online data. Most of the online file backup services provide various features to accommodate the users while away from the main computer. By using mobile apps one can access the saved files from any place as long as internet connection is available. Mobile syncing of files is also allowed where you can sync, update or change a file. The desktop apps allow users to access files from any computer and it support multiple computers and various file types.

The security aspect of storing files online is extremely important and to aid that, the providers use various security features while storing or transferring files. SSL / TSL encryption prevents other people to access your account or files. Even when the files are not transferred, they remain encrypted and it is called at-rest encryption and uses an encryption method called advanced encryption standard, which encrypts data arriving in and decrypts data going out.

Analyzing your needs

Before you opt for an online data storage option you have to make sure that you analyze all your needs. It is an important part of the process as it gives you an option to review your requirements. These requirements vary for both home and business users.

Most of the providers have different plans for home and business users. But depending on the following, a particular company or plan can be short listed

· Cost : While some might not consider spending a lot on data storage a big deal, but most people are cost conscious and look for a good deal. Among the best and most reliable data storage companies, the lowest plan starts from $ 5 per month to an upward of $ 100 per year. Some providers also provide 15 day free trials to try their product.

· Storage space : While free storage of 1-2 GB's come with a few plans or providers, it's always a better option to buy a plan because it promises more storage space and better customer support. Some also offer free cloud storage like Dropbox etc.

· Reliability : The quality of service is paramount to selecting a provider. No disruption in service and 24/7 support should be guaranteed.

· Value for money : This is again an important factor when deciding upon a provider. Your money should provide the best possible value for it when considerations are given to factors like pricing, overall features, storage space and reputation of the provider.

Data backup never comes at a high price because when you will realize this only then you can begin to understand the true importance backing up your data.If you want your data to remain secure for a longer periods of time and want an added advantage of better security while storing and transferring the data you must opt ​​for online file backup services.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

How to Make Email Marketing Works for Your Business

Topic 1 ~ Your Email Subject Lines ~

How To Write A Good E-mail Subject Lines That Works?

Here are the 5 tips:

1. Ask a question. One of the best ways to get a reader's attention is to ask a question. But like a trial lawyer questioning a witness on the stand, make sure it 'll get you the response you're looking for. "What's the best way to grow your business?" is a great subject line for business owners. After all, what business owner would not want to grow his or her business? Or let's say you run a health club. An e-mail with the subject line, "How can you lose 5 pounds in one month?" would certainly be compelling. It's important your question to be relevant to your audience.

2. Be a tease. A clever subject line can be enticing. When it's done right, reader curiosity is piqued. They want to know more - and they'll open your e-mail. Writing a teaser-style subject line requires some creativity, and your content needs to deliver. A company that sells high-definition TVs could use the subject line, "You're not going to believe your eyes" as a teaser to introduce a new addition to their product line.

3. Tell it like it is. Often, what works best is to say exactly what you want your reader to know. Examples of this straightforward approach are, "Sale on all sweaters this weekend," "Master jazz pianist plays live this Friday" and "The seven secrets of a profitable business." This just-the-facts approach works especially well when you can appeal directly to your audience's interests. It's also the best approach to use when you send a newsletter.

4. Remember "WIIFM". When a person gets your e-mail, the first thing they consider is "what's in it for me?" They have a decision to make. Do they open your e-mail, leave it for later or delete it? If there is not something about the subject line that lets them know why it's worth their precious time to see what's inside, then the choice will be clear. Keep WIIFM in mind when creating every aspect of your e-mails, including the offer, content, images - and most definitely the subject line. It's all about them. They know that; just make sure you know it, too.

5. Get personal. The more you can make each contact feel you're speaking directly to them, the more effective your communication will be. Whatever style of subject line you use, you can make it personal by using the word "you." Professional copywriters know the secret of using this powerful little word. Just look at the advertisements, mail and e-mail you receive. A few examples are, "Find the right swimsuit for you," "You can save 50 percent on travel," and "You're look phenomenal in a custom-tailored suit." "You" is ideal, but "your" works too.

6. Not sure which approach is right for you? Try them all, and then show a friend or colleague to get their feedback. Pick the one you believe will be most effective for your audience. Whichever approach you choose, it's always worth spending the time and effort to write a great subject line. Because if your readers do not open your e-mail, they'll never have the chance to read the important message you've created for them inside.

Topic 2 ~ Increase Click-Through Rate (CTR) ~

How to Increases Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Here are some guidelines:

1. Include a feature, a benefit, and an advantage in the opening. This needs to be used in a subtle way, but in the opening you're really doing a small marketing job for this issue of your email newsletter. Highlight an article or two that are important, explain what you're providing the readers that they will not get elsewhere, and tell them what the benefit will be. A great example is something like "Nokia and Sprint announced second quarter earnings today. Learn what our Wireless Week experts say about the results, and what effect you can expect them to have on the industry at large."

2. Put the email newsletter in the context of your readers' day. This goes hand in hand with the last point. Your readers are busy, and if you can make a compelling case for why they should stop what they are doing and take a few minutes now to read your email newsletter, you'll get them in. We recommend editors reference important events, upcoming trade shows, or other things that say to the reader "You will find it worthwhile to stop and read this email newsletter now, because the information in it will help you stay on top of your business."

3. Keep it fresh. Do not craft a "perfect paragraph" and use it issue after issue after issue. One of the keys to success is to keep the copy fresh and highlight items in that issue of the email newsletter. If you use the same generic language repeatedly, people will stop reading it and it'll be a waste of your time.

4. Keep it short. This is critical. We recommend no more than two to three sentences - just enough to get them interested and pull them in to read the rest of your email newsletter.

Try it out and see the results! This is just one of the simple things you can do to engage your reader and optimize your CTR.

Topic 3 ~ Killer Email Sales Letter ~

How to Write Killer Email Sales Letter That Get Results?

Here are what we've found works best. Use these tips correctly and your results will skyrocket.

1. Your email "from" sender line should be your brand name or company name and stay consistent. Use your own personal name only if that is your brand image.

2. Send emails only when you have something to say that will benefit the reader. No fluff. No filler. You must be relevant. If you can not be, do not send an email until you have something beneficial to say.

3. Start your emails with the specific benefit the reader can get from your message. You have no more than 3 seconds to pass the crucial "what's in it for me?" test.

4. The copywriting tone and language should be personal and conversational, instead of stuffy and "corporate".

5. Make a specific offer to the reader and, if possible, include a short deadline by which he must respond to get it.

6. Use as much copy as is needed to fully pile on all the benefits the reader will get by ordering, answer objections, create urgency, and close the sale.

7. Test your subject lines and offers on small segments of your list before you send the email to your entire list.

8. Include "Email this to a friend" service in all your communications for pass along and viral marketing.

Topic 4 ~ Good Call-to-Action ~

Get More Clicks With a Good Call-to-Action!

The call-to-action is a determining factor of your click-through rate. It is an important component of your email copy because it answers three important questions for the recipient. They are:

1. What you want them to do

2. Why they should do it, and

3. How to take that next step.

Whatever action you want your recipients to take, you can make it happen more often with a good call-to-action. First, decide what you want them to do:

1. Buy something

2. Sign up for a service

3. Fill out a form

4. Read an article or get more information

5. Visit your website or store

6. Make an appointment

Etc ...

Then, make sure you incorporate these 6 characteristics to get the results you're looking for. Make your call-to action:

1. Visible - People read, react, make decisions and take action differently. Some make decisions right away ("You had me at hello.") And some need more details ("I'm from Missouri."). Place call-to-action links in the beginning, middle and end of the email so that recipients can click whenever they are ready.

2. Clear - Stick to simple words, short phrases, bulleted benefits and paragraphs of 1-3 short sentences. Include appropriate graphics and cut the clutter by making effective use of white space.

3. Compelling - Use action-oriented verbs and phrases: "buy now," "call today," "save" and so on.

4. Rewarding - Offer an incentive or reward for action. For example, "Act now and also receives ...," or "the First 100 responders will be entered into a raffle to win ..." The giveaway, or prize, you choose should be closely related to your product or service. That way, you will be targeting customers who are interested in what you have to offer, not just the latest gadget.

5. Urgent - The longer an email sits in an inbox, the less likely it is to be acted on. Create a sense of urgency to get a more immediate response. Try limiting the offer to a specific time period, to the "first 50 customers," "while supplies last," etc.

6. Direct - Your call-to-action links should go to the appropriate page on your website with more details on the specific product or service you're promoting. If you do not have a website, the call-to-action might be store locations to visit or a number to call for an appointment.

Keep in mind that, in addition to repeating your call-to-action, you can vary your call-to-action to appeal to different types of buyers (and to fit your sales cycle). For example: "Click here to buy now" will naturally work better with loyal customers. The softer, "Click here to learn more" may be better for newer prospects.

Topic 5 ~ Avoid Common Pitfalls ~

Read Your Email Message Backwards to Avoid Common Pitfalls

Here are some common problems to look out for:

1. Misspelled words - It's a good idea to spell-check a document, but it's not enough. A spell checker will not catch every error.

2. Wrong word used - This is why a spell checker is not enough. A spell checker will only flag words it does not recognize. It can not tell if a legitimate word is used incorrectly. Some words commonly confused: accept, except; your, you're; then, than; there, their, they're; cite, site, sight; lay, lie; loose, loosen, lose. Also, look out for missing "r" in the word "your." It's easy to overlook a sentence such as "Visit our Web site now to receive you free copy."

3. Grammar error - Again, if you know you're not a good writer, have someone else look your writing for grammatical errors. Mistakes make you look bad.

4. Punctuation error - This is another area where you'll benefit from a review by someone who knows their stuff. If you're determined to do it yourself, purchase a good grammar or style book. One of the most common punctuation problems: Too many stupid commas!

5. Vague or confusing statement - Make sure every sentence is crystal-clear. You do not want your promotional message to raise more questions than it answers.

6. Ilogical statement - Read over what you have written slowly. At the end of each paragraph, ask yourself: "Did that make sense?" Rewrite so that it does.

Topic 6 ~ Frequency of Sending Emails ~

How Often (Frequency) Should You Send Email?

There's no quick answer to the frequency question. It depends on the goals for your email and the type of content you send. Some rough guidelines:

1. Mail at least once a month. Mail less often than this, and you risk being forgotten by recipients. Monthly is the bare minimum if you want to keep your brand or company name top of mind (a common email goal).

2. Let content be your guide. Look at what you provide readers and you'll get a feel for proper frequency. Analyze how often the information changes and how quickly readers must receive it to act on it.

3. Work within your resources. A daily email requires many more resources than a monthly. Better a well-done monthly email than shoddy weekly or daily. It's recommended to start with a monthly. Once that's going smoothly, they can think about moving to weekly. You need to walk before you can run!

4. Watch for trends. Declining response, open, and click-through rates can be signs of list fatigue. Although some decrease is normal, watch carefully and cut back frequency if you see a problem. Do not assume if the unsubscribe rate is stable you're OK. Many people prefer to forward email directly to their delete folder rather than unsubscribe.

Topic 7 ~ Understanding Spam Filters ~

Understanding Spam Filters to Avoid Your Emails Get Junked!

If you send email campaigns long enough, you will inevitably run into spam filter issues. On average, you can expect 10-20% of your emails to just get lost in cyberspace, mostly due to overzealous spam filters. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. If you want to avoid getting your emails junked by spam filters, you have to understand how they work.

Generally speaking, spam filters look at a long list of criteria to judge whether or not your email is junk. For example, they might look for spammy phrases like "CLICK HERE!" Egypt "FREE! BUY NOW!". They'll assign points each time they see one of those phrases. Certain criteria get more points than others. Here's a sample of criteria from Spam Assassin, one of the most popular spam filters out there:

o Talks about lots of money (.93 points)

o Describes some sort of breach (.32 points)

o Looks like mortgage pitch (.297 points)

o Contains urgent matter (.288 points)

o Money back guarantee (2.051 points)

o Why Pay More? (1.249 points)

It's easy to use "spammy" keywords in your email without even knowing it. Here are some common ways marketers unwittingly trigger spam filters with their campaigns:

1. Using spammy phrases, like "Click here!" Egypt "Once in a lifetime opportunity!" too many times in your email. Sometimes, you can not avoid phrases like "FREE SHIPPING!" but use them sparingly, and do not do anything else risky.

2. Going crazy with exclamation points !!!!!!


4. Coloring their fonts bright red, or green

5. Coding sloppy HTML (such as converting a Microsoft Word file to HTML)

6. Creating an HTML email that's nothing but one big image, with no text (since spam filters can not read images, they assume you're a spammer that's trying to trick 'em)

7. Using the word "Test" in the subject line (agencies run into this all the time, when sending drafts to clients for approval)

Topic 8 ~ Why Email Marketing Does not Work? ~

If Your Email Marketing Does not Work, Think Again Why?

Before you arrive at the faulty conclusion that email marketing does not work, let's look at this from a different perspective for a moment that would make your emails ineffective.

First there's what you are writing in the body of the email. If this is your first attempt to get in touch with a prospect, what are you putting in the email? A dissertation? If it's longer than one or two paragraphs, it's too long. Look at your emails like an initial cold call. You need to laser in and deliver a compelling opening statement that's going to grab their interest and stimulate a conversation. Because there's no one to cut you off in an email or stop you from persistent pontification, people have a tendency to ramble on and on in an email, giving the prospect the life story of the product or service they want them to consider. Keep it short and focus on the one or two benefits, opening up the opportunity to have a dialogue. That's it.

Second, are you sending attachments in the first email? No attachments! It's hard enough sending an unsolicited email to a prospect. Now you're adding more barriers and increasing the opportunities of your email winding up in their spam box or junk email folder. Some people have filters on their email that if an attachment is sent it automatically gets deleted. No attachment until that information in the attachment is solicited by the person.

Third, html or text? Once again, with all the email filters people use today, you will increase your odds by sending a text message only rather than trying to get fancy with formatting, graphics and pictures. The prospect really does not care about how beautiful your email looks; they care about the core message. Beside, they will never even get a chance to see your beautiful masterpiece in an html email if it's winding up in the trash.

Finally, you are using way too many spam words. As mentioned, the largest enemy to email marketing or selling via email is the additional security that companies and individuals have on their network or computer. As such, the specific words you are using in the body of the email can be the culprit who is sending your email directly into the trash or spam box. In other words, you are using words that are often identified is spam and in turn, you email is getting flagged and deleted. Not even eye contact! The prospect is not getting a chance to, at the very least, see your email let alone read it and have a chance to respond accordingly.

Ending ~ Please Forward ~

Monday, March 25, 2019

Reasons to Choose Custom Boxes for Your Business

The most important factor that determinates the success of any business is your relationship with your customers. So, the more effort you put into satisficing your customers, the better your growth prospects will be. While the first thing that must have popped in your mind on reading the above lines is, beyond any doubt, the 'product,' there is another - often overlooked- factor, ie the way you deliver your products. Here are four reasons why you should consider packaging and delivering your products in custom boxes:

1. Solution to budgeting problems

As a matter of fact, your way of delivery not only affects your business-customer relationship but can also improve or deter your budget, since your profit and revenue graph; the reason being the freedom and ability to choose the appropriate, or to be more precise, the exact size of the box for each product. Think for yourself- suppose you sell five different kinds of products varying sizes and fragility, and ship them all in the same sized box, would not that cause you to put in more money into providing extra protective sheaths for the smaller, fragile ones to keep it in place and reduce the risk of any damage? However, if you use a custom box of appropriate size, you would use just the right amount of protective layering, like bubble wraps, thereby saving money in the process.

2. Customer magnets

Putting a little bit of thought into the packaging, itself, shows that you care, and it is a well-known fact in the business realm that what your customers feel matters. Think of it from the perspective of the receiver. Would not a good, unique packaging thrill you? Would not it heighten the excitation of getting your chosen product? Moreover, it creates a positive experience for your customers, especially for e-commerce businesses where physical interaction with customers is close to nil, which in turn increases the chance of being recommended. So, custom boxes can be used as an effective marketing technique to score more potential customers.

3. Unique Brand Identity

There are many businesses that are primarily known for their unique packaging boxes. For instance, Amazon or Origami Craft Box or John & Kira's. These boxes infuse a sense of passion and appeal to the customers by making the process of unboxing a little bit more rewarding. Secondly, it makes your business name and logo more identifiable. In fact, the more appealing your custom box's design is, more are the opportunities that your customers will keep it with them. Most people find it hard to toss out boxes that are too beautiful for trash. So, in a way, custom boxes help reflect and polish your brand identity.

Furthermore, if your custom boxes are also durable besides being eye-catchy, you can rest assured that your customers will keep them, and then you get the lifelong worth of continued advertising without any additional investment.

So, what's the wait for? Call in a meeting with your design and marketing team, and build your custom boxes to give your brand a new life.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Gaming Hardware Guide - Learn What It Takes To Make A Gaming Computer

So you're into gaming, and you're looking to turn that shabby computer into a gaming powerhouse? You do not need unnecessarily expensive gaming computer though, you just need some decent gaming hardware.

If you do not exactly know what gaming hardware is, I've put together a guide explaining what it takes to have a gaming computer. You do not needily need all of these components, so I've broken them down by level of importance.

3D Video Card

First and foremost, if you have to have a decent video card to play the latest 3D games. You can have the best computer around, but if it has a cheap video card, 3D games will appear to run as slow as if you had a slow computer. You do not necessarily need the latest video card, because at the rate they come out it will be outdated in a few months anyway .. unless of course you have $ 500 burning a hole in your pocket and you really want to.


Since your CPU is the heart of the computer, this one is kind of obvious. Like most things, you do not need the fastest CPU around, but if you want a real gaming computer, you'll want something at or around 3 gigahertz (or 3000+ for you AMD enthusiasts).

You'll also want something that has a fast front side bus. It's usually best to find a motherboard and cpu that have similar front side bus speeds, because they work together, and the overall speed of the front side bus will only be as fast as the one with the slowest speed on it. It's kind of like driving a sports car on a highway with a 55 mile per hour speed limit, the car might be able to go 155, but the highway will only let you go 55.


Also known as Ram, it's what applications and games use to store information, the more the better. It's good to have at least 512 Megabytes, but real gamers have 750 megabytes, to 1 Gigabyte or more. Memory is extremely cheap these days, it's one of the cheapest and simplest upgrades you can do.

It's not only the amount that matters though, they also come in different times. DDR2 is the fastest, cheapest memory you can get right now. If you have SDRam, you'll probably want to upgrade your motherboard and CPU so you can have faster memory. It's kind of drastic, but your games will most likely be sluggish if your equipment is that old. Regular DDR is good enough for gaming, it just does not have the throughput that DDR2 does.


Today's fastest motherboards have faster Front Side Bus. The Front Side Bus (or FSB) is essentially the highway that runs from the CPU to the Ram, the bigger the highway, the more traffic it can handle at once, making calculations faster. Another thing to watch out for is what kinds of hard drives it supports. If you want SATA or SCSI drives, either your motherboard needs to support them, or you need to purchase an expansion card to plug them into. You'll also want a motherboard that supports the fastest computer memory you can get, which is currently DDR2.

Hard Drives

Hard drive speed may not sound important, but it can be one of many bottle necks that your computer runs into if it's not up to par with the rest of your computer. If you purchase regular IDE hard drives, you'll want at least 7200 rpm (rpm = rotations per minute, the more rotations the faster the drive).

If you want real speed though, you'll want a Serial ATA hard drive (SATA), which is one of the fastest hard drives you can get without buying server grade hard drives (SCSI), which are pretty expensive. Your motherboard has to support SATA or SCSI though if you plan to purchase these kinds of hard drives, or you have to have a PCI expansion card to plug them into.

Sound Card

If you want gaming quality sound, then you definitely need to replace that stock or built in sound card for a decent gaming sound card. And if you want the full effect, go for a dolby 5.1 surround sound enabled sound card for that super crisp sound your games can produce. Mix that with some 5.1 enabled speakers, and your gaming experience just took a new turn.

Computer Cases

Ok, so computer cases are not that important for speed, but if you want your new gaming computer to look slick too, then you need a nice colored case. Your friends will be jealous, and you will finally be able to look at your computer and smile, because it looks so awesome.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Auto Body Paint Services

Having your car painted is a process. It is important to find a good servicing company that will take care of your vehicle completely and compassionately. Finding a professional service with employees who are trained and skilled at their job is important when finding a company to paint your car. It is not as easy as you think. There are many factors to consider when finding your car repair company to paint your car.

Things to consider are paint quality. Some companies do not use the best paint. That is partly why it does not cost that much. The paint will not last as long as it could if it was a good paint and applied properly. It must be sanded well and completely dry. They should then tape off all the glass, mirrors, lights, grill and tires perfectly to not get the paint on the glass and chrome surfaces. They should then put an even layer of all the paintings on the car because if they do not they can get sagging in the paint. That is when the paint falls and looks like it's dripping even when it's dry. It is flat, but you can tell that it was dripping with the way it looks. It should be treated properly and thoroughly to not get mush spots or nicks in the paint.

Professional auto body services will know what to do when you need a partial paint. If you have had an accident and only the front end has been damaged, you will need parts to fit and may need to have them painted if they're not already the right color. To do that you can hire a service that will have enough knowledge and experience to pick the right color paint that will match the rest of your car. They often times have a swatch book with paint colors and the ability to mix it to best match your car.

Your auto body service should be able to get your car in and out quickly so you can have it back in a timely fashion. If they can not sometimes they offer rental car services for you to use while they're at work. You should get your car back the way you want it but if for any reason you are dissatisfied with the service you can tell them what you do not like or what is still wrong and they will be happy to correct their mistake for you.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Benefits of Your Online Business Offering a Money Back Guarantee

When considering local internet marketing for your online business, do not forget about the basics, such as customer service. By providing a good experience for your customers, offering them an informative, easy-to-use website with shopping cart, and making them feel confident about their purchases, your business is sure to thrive both offline and online. Take those concepts a step further and minimize risk to your clientele by offering a money back guarantee on the products or services you sell. Here are five reasons why this gives you the advantage.

1. The Trust Factor

Anytime you're starting a business, you are sure to encounter objections from buyers. Perhaps the most common objection is that your company is an unknown. It's always a bit risky to make a purchase from an unfamiliar entity and if you're selling a new product or service, the buyer's objections are doubled. How can someone be assured that the items they buy from your company are going to perform as promised?

One of the best ways to get past that objection is by offering a guarantee, preferably a full refund for any purchase that does not live up to the customer's expectations.

2. Beat the Competition

What about your competitors? Do they refund the purchase price for any dissatisfied customer? Chances are any big retailer selling the same or similar products does. When competing against other "small guys", the satisfaction guarantee identifies your company. When competing against the big retailers, it levels the playing field. Either way, it's a must.

3. Sales Copy

Wondering what to say about your products or services online? Why not mention the satisfaction guarantee? This is a great way to introduce your product and make potential customers confident in making a purchase. The inclusion of a guarantee just might be the difference between thinking about buying and actually making a purchase.

4. Good Business

When it comes down to it, guaranteeing the satisfaction of your customers is just good business. The last thing you want to do is annoy, frustrate, or anger someone by refusing to refund their money. And that could lead to a lot of bad PR - and future lost sales. Avoid the possibility by cheerfully reimbursing the purchase price and moving on to find the next customer through local internet marketing.

5. The Customer's Advantage

But, you might be saying to yourself, what about those people who make a business out of buying things, using them for a while, then returning them? There will always be a few of those in every bunch and unfortunately, it's just a part of doing business. Rest assured that the majority of your clientele will only go through the hassle of a return because they are truly dissatisfied. In this case, go ahead and let the customer have the advantage.

Do not forget that an integral part of local internet marketing objectives good customer service, and a money back guarantee is just one aspect of that. It cultivates trust in your company, allows you to compete with other businesses, and may even serve as the ultimate purchase incentive.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Summary Of Mine Boy Chapters 1-6

The story sets in South Africa. In this story, Peter Abraham portraits apartheid through following the life of Xuma, a villager in search of a better life. Xuma first lived in Malay camp where he was offered accommodation by Leah on his first night in the city. After getting a job, he moves to his own house in Vrededorp.

Leah earned her living through selling illicit brew. There was also Dladla who was bitter about Leah controlling him and betrays her to the police. Leah found out about it but before she could deal with Dladla, he was found dead in the bush stabbed in the back. Johannes, a strong well built miner, was a timid person who became bold and loud only when drunk.

Daddy was never sober and died after being hit by a car. Xuma falls in love with Eliza. He constantly rejects Maisy who loves him.

However, in the end he accepts her and promises to marry her as soon as he gets out of jail as Eliza left him.

Leah gets sent to jail after being caught red handed with the illicit brew by the crafty policeman nicknamed the Fox who had been trying to catch her for a long time. She had managed to escape the police dragnet by bribing some policemen who kept her informed.

Johannes and his white boss Chris died under the mine as they tried to prevent it from collapsing. Paddy, Xuma's boss sides with the blacks and is arrested when a riot breaks out in the mine. Xuma flees but later surrenders himself at the police station.



It was three o'clock in the morning when a man arrives in a town on a narrow street. The whole town was in darkness. He surprised where he was. Suddenly, he saw a woman at a door standing in the darkness.

He moved closer and asked her if he could get a place to rest and have a drink.

The woman asked him if he had but the man said he had none. She further enquired to know his name. The man identified himself as Xuma, form the north. After speaking for once the woman left to bring light. She returned without him noticing.

From the door, a beam of powerful torch stuck on Xuma with a voice calling him to come. He followed the beam of light and the woman into a room where he met three men and an old woman. The woman introduced Xuma to the people and asked Ma Plank to give him food. Xuma got to know Dladla, a man fond of playing with knife. Xuma saw a knife in Dladla's hand. Xuma however carefully placed his bundle on the table and went round a long bench.

Dladla raised his knife and showed his teeth. Leah commanded Dladla to give her the knife but he refused with a plea in his voice. He later lowered his eyes andave her the knife.

Daddy showed displeasure towards Leah. Xuma's food was brought to him by Ma Plank.

Whilst Dladla and Ma Plank went out, the man who had remained silent expressed his suspicion and asked "How do we know if he's not from the police?" Leah was always optimistic about Xuma's identity.

She identified the man as her man's brother. Leah's man was in jail for killing a man who tried to kiss her.

There was no work at the north. This was what brought Xuma into the town, to work. He however expressed interest in working in the mines.

Leah took her time to tell him about the dangers involved in working in the mines and tried to convince him to work with her but Xuma refused.
Xuma was finally given a place to sleep but he found it hard to sleep because he was tired.

When Xuma woke up the next day, he met the house empty. However he found himself among a crowd forming a ring outside, and Daddy hopping and shouting at the top of his voice. Two women, Lena and Drunk Liz, were also on the ground engaged in a fight.

Xuma pushed his way through the roaring crowd wanting to get away. But he heard a voice shout "stop it". He turned and it was Leah. When she arrived at the scene, Lena (the thin dark woman) was on top of

Drunk Liz who was fat and pale. Leah walked through the crowd and picked up the thin woman and flung her away from the fat one. The crowd grumbled yet no one was able to speak to her hearing. Leah challenged the crowd to fight but they broke up in silence and walked away.

Leah picked up the thin woman, who was woefully injured, into the yard. She was followed by Xuma and Daddy. Upon entering the house, Daddy bought a sack and spread it in the shade for Leah to place the woman on.

Leah prepared food and they ate. She saw Daddy in the yard and called him to come and tell Xuma about the custom the city. Daddy spoke drunkenly about the custom and the city. After he had finished, he picked a sack and spread it a little distance away, stretched himself and slept. Soon it began to rain. Xuma went into the yard and watched the three sleeping people.

In the house, Leah sang a guy song full of happiness and laughter. Xuma went back into the house and saw Joseph, the brother of Leah's man. Leah asked Joseph to take Xuma to see the market. At the market, Joseph and Xuma saw many people on the street. One street was crowded as another. The people were in their colorful clothes with a lot of money to spend. The big men among them wear singlet and sometimes cooked among them to determine who is the strongest.

Joseph and Xuma stopped on a corner and watched the crowd across. A little further up the road, they saw two colored men fighting. Still further, there were two "swankies" on their way down the road. A crowd of cheering and laughing people followed them.

Suddenly, a pick-up van swerved round a corner. Policemen jumped out and run down the street. The crowd scattered except the colored people who claimed they have done nothing. However, Joseph warned them that the police would not ask them.

A policeman who was ten yards away came straight ahead to Xuma. But Xuma waited because he had done nothing. The policeman came nearer, raised his stick but it missed Xuma's head and stuck his left shoulder. Xuma whispered and stuck the policeman in the face repeatedly till the policeman collapsed.

Xuma looked around and saw the police van still a distance away but two policemen were closing in on him so he decided to ran.

The two colored men stepped into the road. Xuma felt afraid, to run and knock two men at the same time was impossible. But an unbelievable thing happened, the second colored man knocked the first one down and ran down the street traveling to Xuma to follow him. Xuma followed him into a house. The colored man locked the door and flopped down into a chair breathing heavily.

The man's woman came into the room and Xuma noted with surprise that she was black. She expressed her disappointment at Xuma for striking the policeman.

Finally, when Xuma asked to leave, the man's woman cautioned that it was not safe he left.

Xuma came out and found the street free of trouble but it was difficult for him to find his house. He saw the fat Drunk Liz and touched her shoulder to ask her for direction to Leah's house. The woman looked at him with bleary eyes and looked her head barely refusing to help him.

Xuma met Daddy who thought he was in jail. Daddy was drunk but he agreed to take Xuma to the Leah's house if only he (Xuma) would buy him a drink again. At the house, old Ma Plank sat over a huge vat in the yard and in the kitchen was Joseph who was busy. Joseph was happy to see Xuma. Leah entered the house; she grabbed Xuma and hugged him.

They stand on the corner and waited. Leah kept looking up the street that cut across the one where they stand. After ten minutes a black policeman on a cycle came down and stopped. Leah smiled and counted five pound notes from her leather bag andave them to the policeman.

Leah led the way through the yard to the door at the far end of the yard. She introduced Xuma to a girl they met in the house. Xuma asked the girl's name, who said she was called Eliza.

Eliza asked Xuma to help her lift a machine. Xuma jumped up and grabbed the sewing machine but he felt a sharp pain stab in his shoulder. Eliza found a bottle of ointment and rubbed it on where Xuma's pain was.

She saved him a cigarette and looked at his face and laughed. Xuma turned and saw huge towering shapes almost in the sky. He pointed and asked what they were. Eliza replied and said "those are the mine-dumps". Xuma shifted his eyes from the mine-dump to Eliza and longed for her.

All that night people drank at Leah's place. Xuma and Eliza returned and saw more people crowed at Leah's place.

Dladla attacked Xuma with a knife accusing him of stealing his woman and brave him a cut on his face. Eliza took Xuma into a room and washed his bloody face. They returned and found a doctor who fixed Xuma's face.


The streets were empty after being crowded on Saturday. Xuma and Johannes walked up and down the empty street. They left Johannesburg behind them and in front of them were the towering peaks of the min-damp. They ever found themselves at the mines.

For Xuma, the day was strange. Stranger than any day he had ever known. There was the rumbling noise and the shouting and explosions and the trembling of the earth. Xuma was scaredened.

When the whistle blew for the workers to stop work for food, one of the men called Nana asked Xuma to eat with him. He divined his food and wave Xuma half. When they had finished Nana stretched himself full-length on the ground and slept.

The men who had gone underground that morning came up. Xuma watched them coming and shading their eyes against the light. Xuma asked Nana if it is dark underground. But Nana laughed at Xuma.
Xuma looked up quickly when he hear Johannes voice. Johannes had a confrontation with one of the white men. He called Xuma who flung his spade and followed him. Johannes took Xuma to the shed of the mine doctor.

Xuma stripped and lay on the long table. The doctor examined him while Chris and Paddy watched. Johannes led the way to the washing place for the mine boys. He pushed a few men out of the way and the men made place for them.

They went in and washed and set off for Malay Camp.

When they got to Leah's place, a group of women were just leaving and Leah was at the gate watching them go. Leah welcomed them. Johannes went inside the house leaving Xuma and Leah outside to talk.
Leah told Xuma about life in the city. She said "to live in the city you must be hard. And money must be your friend.

There was a long silence between them. Rosita who lived across the way had turned on her gramophone and came on her veranda. She called Leah from across.

Leah and Xuma got startled. They got up and went inside the house.

Xuma was offered food, finished eating and left the room. He felt dissatisfied and unhappy. He went on the veranda and watched the street. Maisy came out and joined him. On the corner of the street, under the light of the lamp, a group of men and women formed a ring. And in the center of the ring a couple danced and made signs to each other as they mimed.

Xuma and Maisy joined the ring. When they got home, Xuma sat on his bed and held his hands. He thought about Eliza for a while. He blew out the candle and sat in the dark. As soon as he lit his cigarette, there was a knock at the door. He responded and it was Eliza's voice.


Xuma had left Leah's place and lived in a room in Malay Camp for three months now. Eliza is now like a devil in Xuma's blood and he did not want to go to Leah's place again to see Leah for the fear that he should meet Eliza. As he sat alone he longed to see all the people he left at Leah's place but for the fear of Eliza he would not go.

It was Saturday night and in spite of the cold the streets were crowded. But it was not as it had been that first Saturday when he had gone walking with Joseph. He went up the street and walked in the direction of the heart of Johannesburg. He near the heart of Johannesburg and the people grew fewer. There were more white people now and they were different. They were not his people so he did not give attention to what they did or said.

Xuma saw some cakes in a window and stopped to look at them. He felt a tap on his shoulder and when he turned it was a policeman. Without a word Xuma gave his pass to the policeman for inspection. As the policeman goes, Xuma traveled on up the street. The crowd on the street was thick that it was difficult for Xuma to move among them. The only place that Xuma could be free was underground in the mines. There he was a master and knew the way.

Xuma met his white man, Paddy, who was with a woman. Paddy led Xuma a little way down the street and showed him where he lived. Xuma looked around Paddy's house. He had never seen a place like that before. Paddy and Xuma sat down while the woman came in with three glasses. They raised their glasses and cheered Xuma. However, Xuma kept on thinking about Paddy's woman.

The atmosphere at Paddy's house made Xuma thought he knows what Eliza wants. Paddy came in with food and when they had finished eating they drank more wine. Xuma and Paddy talked about the mines. Paddy took the things away. And Xuma forgot that they were white and even spoke to the woman.

On his return, Paddy asked his woman what she thinks about Xuma. The woman replied "he is just a mine boy". The man and his woman arguably extensively about Xuma as the woman spoke favourably about Xuma. Paddy looked at her. His face clouded. And Di got up and went into the kitchen but the argument continued.
Xuma was glad to be away from the two white people. It had been uncomfortable there. Only when he had been with the woman had he felt all right. He crossed the street and went his way back to Malay Camp.

Gradually he left the heart of the city behind him.

He turned down Jeppe Street where he came across people standing at the lower down the street. A man being chased by the police has climbed a rooftop. The roof sloped steeply. One wrong move and the man would be plunged down, either to death or a broken body. Fear rose from the crowd. The man had lost his hold and was slowly sliding down. For a minute the man was in space. Then with a dull thud, he fell to the ground. But the doctor was there to administrator help.

The doctor tried to lift the man up but could not. Xuma however stepped forward but the policeman tightened his grip on his club and washed it from side to side. Xuma lifted the man. The first policeman prodded Xuma with his club. Xuma got up. His body trembled and bunched his fist into hard ball.

Xuma picked up the wounded man to the doctor's car. The doctor pleaded with Xuma to go with him to help him.

At the other end of Malay Camp the doctor folded up. Between them they carried the man into a house. A colored woman met them at the door. They carried the man into the surgery where the doctor worked on the man. Xuma sat on a little chair and watched.

The wounded man was revived. The man expressed fear that the police would arrest him.

The doctor and Xuma left him behind as they went for some tea. The two men entered a room where Xuma felt as he had felt in the place of the Red One.

Emily reported that the wounded man had escaped through the window. The doctor got up and went to the surgery while the others followed. The doctor spoke harshly to Xuma. This made Xuma felt hurt. He was angry but more the anger he felt hurt. He turned abruptly and walked to the door.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Are You Buying Sports Seats For Your Car?

Purchasing sports seats for your car is considered as one of the ways of sprucing up and upgrading your vehicle. In fact, it is one of the not so used ways to customize a vehicle. You see, for most people, the common ways of upgrading a vehicle would be to change wheels, wheel covers, car seat covers, carpets, bumpers, and grilles.

Changing your car's seats to sports seats may not be so popular, there are some matters to take into consideration when you have decided that sports seats may be the best thing that could happen to your vehicle. After all, overlooked as they may seem, sports seats actually do not just provide your car with a sporty and aesthetic appeal but they also give you and your passengers comfort through long or short drives.

Before doing anything else, you should ask yourself how much are you willing to spend and how much could you really afford. By answering this first question, you would be able to check and ask around as per any sports seats that would fall within your budget range. Remember that sports seats come in a variety of options - each more sophisticated than the next. In fact, there are even sports seats that come with electronic adjustments of the lumbar support.

If you have no idea whatever as per the kind of sports seats that you would like for your car, you can check out automotive magazines. Or you can also visit automated websites. If you choose to do so, you can also try contacting manufacturers to get the names of dealers of sports seats in your locality.

Upon visiting an auto parts store that offers sports seats, make sure that you ask the store's personnel to show you their collection of these. That way, you can personally inspect the seats so you could choose which ones to purchase. Consider the seats' safety features. Make sure that you choose those that has a high and close back rest which has the capacity to support and protect your back. Also make sure that it supports not only your back but your whole body as well.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Looking For a Logo Design Company?

Few people realize the value of a proper logo and the impact that a good one can make to their business. You must have observed the logos of multinational companies and must have looked at them in awe. Well, they were planned and designed meticulously to make them awe inspiring. After they are the largest representatives of the company and can make or break them. While your representatives work 5 days a week, these logos keep promoting your business 365 days a year without complaining. Most leading companies have logos that speak for themselves. Still not convinced about the power of graphic logo design that keeps on pushing the sales of a company silently from the background?

A properly designed graphic logo speaks more than words and being graphic in nature, they transgress the barriers of the written language. Even a person who does not know English will recognize the graphical representation of 'IBM' Such is the power of a worldwide recognized and accepted logo. There are many new companies who are on their way to becoming famous worldwide and they are very looking for a renowned logo design company that will help them with their logo design problems. Just do a search on the net and you will be flooded with organizations that offer logo design services at rates that will amaze you. You had always thought that a logo design company has high overheads and charge a good sum of money, but these rates?

However, do not accept anything till you have seen it yourself. Not even if the company you found on your online search proclamations that they are the best logo design company on the face of the earth. A reputed logo design company does not have to advertise itself itself so aggressively. They prefer to play quietly and they know that all the major companies know about them and will call on their services whenever required. After all these companies need the help of these advertising agencies every now and then. With the special effects used in TV ads capturing the minds of the people like never before more and more organizations are converting their logos to flashy ones.

You might find them lighting up in all their glory or you might find them surfacing from the depths of the sea. Regardless of the special effects, the basic logo remains the same and the logo design company takes great pains to see that the main logos of organizations are not contained when they are used in conjunction with special effects. So what should you do if you are looking for a reputed logo design company that can provide you with a logo that will make the competition stare at it with awe? The best option is to seek out a friend who is working in the public department of leading multinationals. They know all about advertising and logo designs.

In fact major companies recruit these specialists and most of them have a rock solid background in the advertising industry. Once you have been able to locate such a person ask him or her about the best organization that can do justice to your organization's logo. Once you have been able to settle on a logo design company, it is the time to get a few things in order and to call for a meeting with a few of your senior executives. Explain to them that you are going to entrust the portfolio of designing a logo for your organization to the certain organization and explain the costs to them. Getting a logo designed from scratch costs a tidy sum of money and it might well mean recruiting 2-5 adverting professionals for 2-3 weeks.

You can be assured that these guys do not come cheap. Never try to undertake the design of your company's logo all by yourself or never give the responsibility to people who have no experience in this field. There are many people who claim to be expert logo designers, but the fact is that they hardly know even the rudiments of designing. These so-called, single person logo design company are fresh young people out of high school looking for an avenue of learning. They have dabbled for a few days with special software that are provided to create excellent logos. These programs can not create logos. No software can create logos.

These programs depend on a database of logos that have been sourced from different magazines and then cleaned up of print debris and scanned. People using these programs will just select a logo from the software's database and then alter the same slightly. They may even change the color of the logo and add some special effects to it. While the special effects might look good when you see it at first glance, you can be rest assured that they will not look good when they are finally printed on your company's stationseries and products. The logo design company charges you money for the time and research they will be spending for your product and not for messing around with some readymade logos.

If you still do not believe why these professionals of the logo design company charge so much money for designing a simple logo, just check them out while they are working on your logo. Each and every element that constituents the final logo are calculated mathematically and each of them are proportionate to each other. A well-designed logo should look like a work of art. Do you have any idea of ​​the 'X height' of a character? Do you know what are the 'whiskers' in Serif types and what are Serif types? Do you have any idea of ​​'leading and kerning' and what does 'white space' and 'color balance' means? If you do not know about these things, ask the specialists at the logo design company and they will provide you with the answers and may show you other things too.