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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Run Your Car on Hydrogen Gas With an HHO Conversion Kit

As gas prices continue to rise, people will continue to look for alternate sources of fuel to run their cars. Do not let fuel costs continue to burn a hole in your wallet. Run your car on hydrogen with the help of an HHO Conversion Kit. Soon, we will all be driving some kind of Hydrogen Fuel Cars. Why not be the first one on your street to reap the benefits?

But what is a HHO Conversion Kit? Is it Safe? Where Can you buy them? These are all important questions. The answers are actually quite simple.

What is an HHO Conversion Kit:
Hydrogen gas, or HHO, is a flammable gas and can be used for fuel. When properly utilized, HHO can be used in your car to improve your gas mileage. HHO Conversion Kits are devices that when assembled and installed in your car, create a hydrogen generator that can be used to supplement typical gasoline fuel in your car. Hydrogen generators are an effective means to run your car on hydrogen. You'll still need to get typical unleaded fuel from your neighborhood gas station, but you'll cut the consumption of this fuel in half, if not more. HHO Conversion Kits are inexpensive to build and install. Even a novice handyman can do it. Hydrogen Conversion Kit manuals and / or ebooks tell you how to create a hydrogen generator from basic materials available at any hardware store.

How can you generate hydrogen gas from materials at a hardware store? Is not it more complicated? Not really. Hydrogen can be created by a chemical process called electrolysis. Basically, you only need electricity and water. Your car battery can supply plenty of electricity, and water is just about free from the tap inside your home. You will not need to create anything that sparks to burn the hydrogen gas. As hydrogen gas is created, it gets routed into the air intake of your car. From then on, your car's engine does the rest with no additional changes to the parts of your car. That's all you'll need to run your car on hydrogen fuel. The unit is compact and it takes very little room under the hood of your car.

When you run your car on Hydrogen you'll see many benefits:
- Improve your gas mileage up to 67%
- Reduce harmful CO2 emissions from your exhaust
- Smoother running engine
- Faster acceleration
- IRS tax benefits!

Is it safe?
When you run your car on hydrogen from a HHO generator, you face very little additional risk. Yes, you are creating a flammable gas, but this gas is sent directly into the engine. You car carries around a tank full of flammable gas all the time! The HHO generator creates the fuel on-demand, so there is no excess fuel to act as a hazard.

Where can you buy them?
Costs of the HHO Generator vary. Some ebooks say it can be built for $ 60, others for $ 150. At $ 60, to build an generator to run your car on hydrogen is equal to the cost of one tank of gas! That is an immediate return on your investment and time. If you are afraid of the manual labor to build the HHO generator, you can buy them for upwards of $ 5,000.

HHO Generators are an immediate solution to high gas prices. One can be built in just a few hours, and the savings begin immediately.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Working For Money Instead Of Freedom

Once again, this past Sunday in the Los Angeles Times Business section, there was a story featuring the latest Southern Californian who has been out of a job for a long time. While shocking, it always puzzles me to read these stories, as it's quite appropriate that these people have no interest in their own freedom.

This time, it was a 47-year old woman who was apparently an amazing insurance salesperson. After being downsized, she decided to take a few months off before looking for work again. She figured that because she was so good at what she did (especially with her experience), she'd be able to find another job without a problem. Those "off" months passed and she re-entered the job search. Almost 2 years later, she's still without a job. And that's after also applying for menial jobs.

When I first read this, I felt incredibly. First of all, how amazing could she have been if she was laid off? How could this woman not realize how bad the job market was (is)? How could she have such a big ego to think that she could take a few months off because her skills were so good? And how in the world could she miss just how successful she could be owning her own network marketing business ??

Fundamentally, this woman is incapacitated of doing anything else except choosing to be poor. Why? Her values ​​are such that she must have a steady paycheck from an employer, where she can have promotions, bonuses, etc. She values ​​security and money over her own freedom. What she's found out the hard way is that there is no security anymore as an employee. She worked so hard and developed skills, and for what? So she can apply for a job at Costco at 47 years of age?

If she valued her freedom, she could easily succeed with a network marketing business - especially with Infinity Downline. Instead of spending her time working hard for money, she could be working hard for herself, building a business that would create steady passive income for her for life . This is the true power of network marketing businesses.

What most people tend to miss when they hear terms like MLM, direct selling, and network marketing, is the power of passive income. Ads for MLM programs tend to emphasize how much money you can make every month, but the numbers tend to be so high that few people can believe it.

The truth is that those numbers are in fact real (5-figure salary per month ) (and it takes WORK to get there), but that's missing the point. Building a business allows you to build your own security. Who needs a 401k plan if you're making 5-figures a month doing nothing?

Back to the woman, if she invested her time building a business online with Infinity Downline, where she'd only have to pay $ 25 to join (and $ 25 a month to continue), get 100% commissions on her sales, and learn a new skill (internet marketing), she could easily be making her old salary within a year, if not sooner. Especially with a background in sales, this woman's success would most likely happen much sooner than she'd imagine.

But unfortunately, she will not get involved and will miss this opportunity for one big reason - her values ​​are not geared towards that of freedom; she values ​​money and security over all else.

Which would you choose? (Poor) Giving your work working life (40+ years !) Over to various companies? (Rich) or giving 4 years to a network marketing business, leaving the rest for yourself and your family?

I say, make the rich choice.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Discover Three Keys To Unleash Your Innate Power

Everyone, who comes to me for mental / emotional healing, is seeking to step into their DESTINY-not just for their own fulfillment, but for the future of our world.

Do you desire to step into your DESTINY?

However, when thinking about what it might take to get there, do you feel overwhelmed by your day-to-day responsibilities, limitations, lack of connections, or weighed down by your 'To-Do' list?

For centuries many philosophers have intensively researched human capacity, they each added to the discovery that each of us has 5 "Quantum Powers" that are dormant inside us, just waiting to be unleashed, that can allow you to overcome these perceivable limits and step into the larger destiny the Universe has for you.

In my 50+ years of studying philosophy from Thales of Miletus (c. 624 BCE - c. 546 BCE) (pre-Soctratic) Greek philosopher who is often considered the first philosopher and the father of Western philosophy to modern-day philosophers, I am sharing their discoveries, and how you can access your innate powers.

There are 3 keys to unlocking Your Quantum Powers. Overcome Your Limitations. Accelerate Your Evolution. You will have Greater Impact in your life and on the world.

While these powers do not include the ability to grow wings to fly, turn invisible, walk through walls, or leak tall buildings, they allow you to ...

  • Quickly increase your skill-building
  • Profoundly improve your health
  • Expand time in your day
  • Reduce stress
  • Expand your creativity and success
  • Attract more money and support the projects that are important to you
These "Quantum Powers" are primarily undiscovered in the majority of people, but some of the most successful people in history have used them to somehow seemingly impossible things. Think of first inventors, people's lives that seem to flow through calm or choppy waters.

After mastering these Quantum Powers myself and provoking their effectiveness with hundreds of people the past 30+ years, I am confident you too will be glad you discovered the 3 keys to unlocking Your Quantum Powers.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life ; it is time to step into your DESTINY-not just for your own fulfillment, but, your family, friends and for the future of our world.

These are the 5 Quantum Powers I will explore with you to discover what you need to shift:

  • Expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without adding stress to your life
  • Experience "sustained fire" to keep you operating at your highest energy level through even the longest, most challenging days
  • Partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams
  • Expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily responsibilities
  • Attract the money, people and resources you need to move your projects forward and achieve the level of success you're driving for and deserve.
Allow me to assist you to overcome your limitations and step into a life of true power, connection and fulfillment.

I will assist you to take the steps you need to take to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment? You can take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?

You may need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness.

Here's to living your empowered life NOW.

There is no justification about asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs and still struggle; you may have mental / emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires.

This is an investment in your Self, your happiness, your success, your fulfillment, and your empowerment. Following these principals will change your life forever. My desire is two-fold to assist you to experience it for yourself as soon as possible and to see the joy, happiness and success you create. Remember only you can create your happiness and professional success.

It is your DESTINY ... You can do it! Call me if you need assistance to overcome any blocks or sabotaging behaviors!

For your convenience, I offer a 20-minute FREE no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success. And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Leather Repair - How To Repair Torn Leather Seat

There are so many different types of automatic leather seat repair, all with different situations and applications. There are holes, scratches, gouges, cuts, scrapes, worn or cracked, and just down right grungy looking leather seats. I think I got them all covered, well in this article we're going to talk about how to repair a small hole in a leather seat lean back, for those of you who do not know what a lean back is well it's the upper part of the seat.

Now when I say small this can apply for a tear up to 1 1/2 "to 2", probably might go a little bigger, but lets not push it, if it needs to go to the upholstery shop for an insert then that would be better then a crappy looking leather repair on something that probably would not hold anyways. When in doubt, insert it.

Prepping a seat is the key to success in any leather repair, and a lasting leather dye job. So, prep the whole lean back, and while at your it just clean the whole seat, why not, but you do not have to, with your prepping solution removing all grease, dirt, and grime. You need a clean surface and a well prepped area to work with. When I prep, I use a solution of rubbing alcohol, acetone, ammonia, and a small amount of TSP substitute, with water in a spray bottle. Spray the seat with the solution and scrub with a scotch brite pad to scuff the leather seat for leather dye adhesion and remove any grime that's on the seat, then wipe clean with a clean lint free towel. Once your clean, apply a grip base primer to the seat, I usually in most cases will dye the entire lean back when I do a repair or the entire seat, but sometimes it's not necessary, so you may not need to prime the whole seat , but do clean the seat good this cuts down on the amount of leather dye used and the ending result will be a premium leather repair.

Now to the hole. Lets say it's in a V shape, just for example. Like where you've gott'n out of the seat with something in your back pocket, ouch! I know the feeling, back in college I had a 1986 Mustang SVO, very rare and nice car (I miss that car) and I got out to go to class with a pen in my back pocket and ripped about a 2 "V shape in the seat, I about puked right there, and of course at the time I did not know anything about leather repair.

Sand the area around the tear with a 240 grit wallpaper, this gives a little more for the low heat compound to grip to. Take a piece of underpatch material and slide the under patch under the tear with a pair of tweezers, allowing about a 1/2 "on the inside all the way around. easier to slide under. You can use different types of under patches, I like the kind that is covered on one side with a heat activated glue.

Now take a drop of leather glue and spread a thin coat on the patch on the underside of the leather repair area. If the leather will lay down smoothly and match up then great, but sometimes it just will not. In this case we will use combo of the glue and your low cure leather repair compound and smooth a small amount over the patch then lay the leather down. Spread a small amount of low heat compound over the area and smooth it out with your pallet knife, remembering to keeping your area as small as possible, the smaller the better. Now heat the area with your heat gun, hold the heat gun out away from the leather repair and slowly move it into the repair area, this will give you just a little more control of the heat, you do not want to burn and shrink the leather. The idea is to cure the compound and get it to adhere before you cook the leather, it's a skill thing, practice makes perfect. Once the compound is cured immediately press the grain pad in your palm onto the repair, do not press to hard, but firm.

At this time using a wet paper towel apply a small amount of grip base to the repair area and dye with your color matched water based leather dye. Dry thin coats of dye, not wet. Then reapply and smooth out another thin coat of compound. Heat again and grain then dye, get the idea, what you are doing is building the repair up. Thin coats of compound applied and cured then reapplied, are much better then one thick coat. Once you have it built up and looking nice, blend the repair into the rest of the seat if needed, by applying thin coats of leather dye to finish it off. Drying between coats of dye with a hairdryer, and one great tip is rubbing the leather dye with your hands to force the dye into the creases of the leather helps a ton, do not be afraid to get your hands dirty. I say that but I'm allergic to rubber gloves, it bites, so I come home every day with dye all over my hands, it's a pain, but I love the work and the job looks better with a little bit of love rubbed on those leather seat repairs. After the dye is cured, apply a top coat of satin or dull leather clear top coat mixed with a bit of slip additive added for the soft feel. Dry the seat thoroughly, then apply your leather conditioner to finish and give the seat the juice it needs and a great feel and look for you.

Now there are so many other variations to this fix, sometimes I will have to use an air dry leather repair compound over the top of the low heat compound to smooth out the leather repair. Sanding it with a 400 grit wallpaper until it looks right. You can also turn your air down on your paint gun until little droplets are coming out to give it a textured look, drying between coats. Texture coatings, can be used, but if you do it right the gun effect works great. When I do a leather repair I will not give up until it looks perfect. Patience is a value, right. Do not get in a hurry, this will only frustrate you more and then you really got issues.

Leather repair is a craft and profession. The dyes and compounds I use are top quality and are made to last. Giving you a lasting leather seat repair, and comfort knowing you have a leather repair that will last and look great for years to come.

I hope this was some help to you, in the coming months there will be more articles like this one but on different situations on leather repair, liked I talked about in the first. There are so many different ways that a leather seat can be damaged, we spend a lot of time in our cars and well "sh $$ happens", right. So check back to see my next article on automatic leather seat repairs. If you have anything you would like to ask feel free to shoot me some comments on Leather Repair - How To Repair Torn Leather Seat.

Friday, November 9, 2018

An Introduction To The High End Specifications Of The Sony Xperia S

The Sony Xperia S is the latest in the rather comprehensive Xperia range, and the first to remove the 'Ericsson' branding of previous handsets. Recently released, it is already turning a lot of heads in the smartphone world. This is thanks to a combination of appealing styling and a hi-tech list of features.

In this article I will look at some of the key features which make this such an appealing handset.

Previous releases from the Xperia range like the Xperia Arc S and Xperia Ray have been arguably among the best looking smartphones to be released in recent months. The Xperia S continues this trend. The handset oozes class; it has the classic 'candy bar' form factor with a somewhat minimalist style. The screen merges seamlessly with the black edges of the phone, so when the phone is turned off or the screen is locked it is hard to separate the screen from the rest of the phone. If you are looking for an elegantly styled smartphone, the Sony Xperia S is definitely worthy of a place on your shortlist of potential handsets.

One of the most publicized features of this device is the built-in digital camera. It is the first smartphone since the Nokia N8 to boast a camera resolution of 12 megapixels. Therefore, you can expect still images with quality which can be matched by very few other smartphones currently available. Of course, with such a high pixel resolution comes the ability to capture video footage in 1080p which is full high-definition. The camera goes beyond the standard functions of simply shooting videos and taking photos; there is a panoramic shot feature which replicates the effect of using a wide-angle lens on a professional quality camera. As you would probably expect the camera also has the standard package of features which make life that little bit easier when trying to take quality photos. Autofocus, image stabilization and face & smile detection can all be set to automatic so you are likely to achieve the desired results first time. As a camera phone, the Sony Xperia S is among the best. If this is an important feature for you, then this handset is likely to be an ideal choice.

The all around quality of the spec list lasts with the screen. The LED backlit LCD capacitive screen is similar to that of the iPhone 4S with its retina display in terms of the technology used. However there is a major difference between these two phones and this is in its pixel resolution. The Sony Xperia S can claim to be one of the few smartphones with a higher resolution than that of the popular Apple device and its retina display. At 720x 1280, the resolution of the screen makes everything on the screen appear in ultra high quality; ideal for playing games downloaded from the Android Market or watching high-definition movies, the screen usually makes more mundane tasks enjoyable, like composing text or email messages or browsing the web.

The device currently runs the Gingerbread version of the Android operating system but it has been confirmed that the phone will support an upgrade to the Ice Cream Sandwich version upon its imminent release. Therefore, you can expect the ultimate smartphone experience thanks to the most up to date version of the popular platform along with some of the most impressive hardware currently available on any smartphone.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Divorce Bank Account Blues - What Happens to Your Mortgage Debt During a Divorce

Debt, Credit, and Bankruptcy

We have referred to property as either marine or separate. The same classifications apply to debt. In general, both you and your spouse are liable for any debts incurred during the marriage - it does not matter who really spent the money. When the property is divided up during the divorce, the person who receives the asset usually also obtains the responsibility for any loans against it.

It's in both of your best interests to pay off as many debts as possible before or at the time of the final decision. To do so, use whatever liquid assets you have - bank accounts, money market funds, stocks, bonds, or cash values ​​from life insurance. It may make sense to sell assets to accumulate some extra cash. The most easily sold assets include extra cars, vacation homes, and excess furniture. (Do not expect to get much for used furniture without it has value as an antique or collector's piece.)

If you can not pay off the debts, then the decree must state who will pay which debt and within what period of time. There are generally four types of debt to consider: secured debt, unsecured debt, tax debt, and divorce expense debt.

Secured debt includes the mortgage on the house or other real estate, and loans on cars, trucks, and other vehicles. It should be made very clear in the separation agreement who will pay which debt. If one spouse fails to make a payment on a debt that is secured by an asset, the creditor can pursue the other spouse.

Unsecured debt includes credit cards, personal bank loans, lines of credit, and loans from parents and friends. These debts may be divided equitably. The court also considers who is better able to pay the debt.

For unsecured debt, any separation agreement needs to include a hold-harmless clause. This will indemnify the nonpaying spouse, which means that the paying spouse gives nonpaying spouse the right to collect not only all missed payments, but also damages, interest, and attorney's fees if payments are not made. Without a hold-harmless clause, the nonpaying spouse has the right to collect only the missed payments.

Often, the legal decision and the financial exit are very different things. This is a lesson Paul learned the hard way. Tracy and Paul were married eight years, during which time Tracy ran her credit cards to the limit with her compulsive spending. The court held Tracy sole responsible for paying the $ 12,000 in credit card debt. After the divorce, however, Tracy did not change her ways and was unable to pay off her debt. The credit card companies came after Paul, who ended up paying them off.

In a case like this, one solution would have been to pay off the credit cards with assets at the time of divorce or for Paul to have received more property to offset this possibility.

Tax Debt

Just because the dispute settlement is final does not mean you are exempt from possible future tax debt. For three years after the divorce, the IRS can perform a random audit of your last joint tax return. In addition, the IRS can question a joint return - if it has good cause to do so - for seven years. It can also audit a return whenever it believes fraud is involved.

To avoid surprises, the divorce agreement should spell out what happens if any additional interest, penalties, or taxes are found, as well as where the money comes from to pay for defending an audit. We know of countless horror stories where the unsuspecting spouse (usually the ex-wife) is all of a sudden obligatory for a huge tax bill and does not have a clue how it happened.

Divorce Expense Debt

Although it is not always clear who is liable for debts incurred during the separation, typically these debts are the responsibility of the person who incurred them. An exception would be if one spouse runs up debts he or she is unable to pay to buy food, clothing, shelter, or medical care for the kids. The other spouse is probably obligated to pay those expenses.

You will accrue other costs during the dispute process, including court filing fees, appraisals, mediation, and attorneys. Other less obvious expenses are accounting, financial planning, and counseling. The separation agreement needs language that states who is responsible for these expenses.

Divorce expenses may accrue after the decree, such as attorney fees for doing QDROs, title transfers, and tax preparation for the final joint tax return, mediation fees, and long-term divorce counseling for the parents or the kids. Who pays? You do, unless it is spelled out clearly so there are no doubts at a later date.

Dividing Marital Property and Debts

Many people try to divide each asset as they discuss it - your half of the house is $ 4,000, my half of the house is $ 4,000. Since you will rarely divide the house like this, this may not be the most useful way to go about it. It may be more practical to list each asset as a whole item under the name of the person who will keep it.

For example, in the wife's column, list the marital equity in the house if she is thinking of continuing to live there. List the entire value of the husband's retirement in his column, if that is your initial inclining. An advantage to this method is that it allows you to see the balance, or lack of it, of your initial plan as you develop it. If you want to know dollar values, you may need a third party, such as an appraiser, to help you determine them.

This is the time to have a real heart-to-heart discussion with your about-to-be-ex about the range of his or her sense of fairness. Ask:

  • Is the only possibility for a 50-50 division of things by value? By number?
  • Are you more interested in cash than in things?
  • Will you take less than 50 percent if your share is all cash?
  • Are you more interested in future security than in present assets?
  • Are you willing to wait for a buyout of your share, such as house selling or retirement, and are you looking for more than 50 percent to compensate you for waiting?
  • Are you interested in a "lopsided" agreement (more to one of us than the other) to compensate for the larger earnings made by you or your spouse?
  • Do you want to be "made whole" - meaning ending up where you were at the beginning of the relationship?
  • Do you need to be compensated "off the top" for some contribution you made to the acquisition of property?
  • Is there a possibility that any assets or investments are hidden?
If you both can agree on a generic plan that meets each of your ideas of fairness, you will find you have an agreement that practically wrists itself. The bonus is that you save on lawyer's fees.

As you allocate the debts, decide first whether they are marital, separate, or a mix. Then agree who will pay off the balance of each. Remember that the problem of unsecured debts may be handled more easily as if it were a monthly credit card payment than a division of your property.

Think about the long-term effect of the division of assets and debts you are considering. For example, suppose you get all assets that appreciate slowly or depreciate, and which take money to maintain (home, car, furniture). Then suppose your spouse takes all assets that increase in value or produce income (stock, retirement accounts, rental home). Guaranteed, in a few years after the divorce, what in the short term appeared to be "fair" or "equal" will look quite different. Your spouse's net worth will far exceed yours - and the gap will just continue to widen.

The word bankrupt strikes fear in the hearts of many people - especially those going through divorce. You may be trying to decide whether it is better to ask for alimony or a property settlement note and are addressed in indecision. Perhaps your spouse has threatened either to leave the country if anyway is required or to file bankrupt if money is owed or a property settlement note is due. Let's look at some of the rules of bankruptcy as they apply in divorce situations.

Two types of bankruptcy are available: Type One allows you to develop a payoff plan over a three-year period and Type Two allows you to liquidate all of your assets and use the proceeds to pay off debts, erasing debts that can not be paid in full .

Type One bankruptcy may reserve the assets and allow the debtor to pay off all the secured debt, as well as a portion of the unsecured debt, and discharge the rest of the unsecured debt. The debtor needs to make payments under a plan that is approved by the bankruptcy court.

Type Two bankruptcy forgives all unsecured debts and requires the forfeiture of all assets over a certain minimum protected amounts. Creditors have the right to repossess their fair share of the assets. The net proceeds from the sale of assets are divided pro rata among the creditors.

Here are some things to remember:

  • If a spouse files bankruptcy before, during, or after dispute, the creditors will seek out the other spouse for payment - no matter what was agreed to in the separation agreement.
  • While you are still married, you can file for bankruptcy jointly. This will eliminate all separate debts of the husband, separate debts of the wife, and all jointly incurred domestic debts.
Caution - promissory notes or property settlement notes, especially unsecured notes, are almost always wound out in bankruptcy. Some secured notes, depending on the property that secures them, can also be discharged. Here's what happened to Cheryl: Sam and Cheryl divided all their assets. To achieve a 50-50 division, Sam still owed Cheryl $ 82,000. He signed a property settlement note to pay Cheryl the $ 82,000 over a ten-year period at 7 percent interest. After the divorce, Sam filed for bankruptcy and listed the property settlement note as one of his debts. Cheryl never received a penny of the money that was due her.

Note: Certain debts can not be discharged in bankruptcy. These include child support, maintenance, some student loans, and recent taxes.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Use Reverse Phone Lookup to Stop Harassing and Obscene Calls Within 45 Seconds

Every body receives irregular calls at any time. Some callers use threatening and obscene language when they call, some just get silenced to get your angry response and want to make you irritated and some take heavy breaths to terrify you and everyone facing these kinds of calls at any time or mostly at night. Is there any way to stop these calls? Yes, if you want to find the way you have to read this out.

What should you do to stop those harassing calls? Never give response to those callers just note down the number from they call and the rest I will going to tell you how can you stop these calls. May be you are thinking to hire a private detective to trace out, who is calling? But it will cost you very much and takes a time of at least a week. If you want to go to the cell phone companies and ask them about the details of that number, so i will tell you these companies have the rights to keep information of their customers private.

The best way of all, to trace a cell phone number is reverse phone lookup, you do not have to go anywhere from your home you get the information of that caller, all you need is just a computer and an internet. Thorough reverse phone search you are able to get the information like; the name of caller, his address, household members and many other information within the time period of maximum 45 seconds. These information are huge enough to make a proper complaint.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

An Introduction to CNC Turning Machines and How They Can Help Boost Productivity

For those that are not sure of what CNC turning machines are, these devices are machines that would make your milling, drilling and machining tasks a lot easier with the help of Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Highly thought-after in the world of manufacturing and processing of components, these machines are able to produce precise, accurate parts and components in fast and cost-effective manner. Some of the parts that are manufactured precisely through the use of these devices include aerospace components, automobile parts and many other different components. If you are unsure of whether you need these CNC turning machines or not for your business, going through the benefits of these devices and exploring how they can help to boost productivity might help you decide.

Wondering how CNC turning and milling machines can help enhance your productivity and increase your profit margins? Here are some of the reasons how:

  1. CNC-based machines work based on CAD / CAM software that can produce and manufacture large output numbers without any compromises in terms of precision or accuracy. In return, you would have an advantage over your competitors that do not own such machines, as they would be limited by the limitations of manual labor. One good example is the outstanding capacity of these CNC milling and turning machines to perform multi-axis cutting processes, for instance a machine can work on 5 or 6 different axis, so you can produce fine and precise components when you own such a machine

  2. You would be able to save your design and re-fabricate the same design over and over again when required. The utilization of CAD / CAM software allows this to happen, so you would save plenty of time once you have a design saved, all you have to do is retrieve the design and start manufacturing

  3. These CNC turning machines come with good waste and chip management modules, so you could rest assured that you will minimize waste and your device would also be able to manage your wastage well

  4. By owning a CNC turning machine, you are also making your plant environment a lot safer to work within. Instead of exposing your workers to the dangers of cutting, milling, drilling and other machining processes, let the machine take all the danger and shield your workers from such dangers. Your machine can also work for long hours without much issues, so instead of having a manual worker perform the same task (he would be given to fatigue), opt for a machine to do the task instead. You would automatically increase your productivity rate!

  5. You would be able to produce a wide range of products without much restrictions when you own a CNC turning machine. When you are able to manufacture different products with varying levels of complexity and difficulty, you have found yourself a niche in the marketplace to distinguish yourself from your competitors

CNC turning machines are suddenless expensive, so if you can not afford these machines, consider outsourcing the processes instead and continue to reap the benefits. All the best!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Option Trading Basics

Options trading can increase the profits you make when trading Stocks if you understand how to use them and know what you are doing. Options can be a very useful tool that the average investor can use to enhance their returns.

This article - Options Trading Basics, looks at what options are and discusses some of the options trading strategies traders can use with these versatile instruments.

Options - An Overview

Options give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (a call option) or sell (a put option) the underlying Stock or futures contract at a specified price up until a specified date.

In other words, options are like tradable insurance contracts.

An investor can purchase a Put option as insurance against a decline in the Stock price or a Call option in case the Stock rises. Buying an option gives the purchaser time to decide whether they will buy or sell the underlying Stock. The price is locked in until the expiration date, which in the case of LEAPS can be years into the future.

Options trading has several advantages that every Stock Market investor should be aware of, such as high leverage, lower overall risk than owning the physical security, more versatility and the ability to generate extra income from a current Stock portfolio.

An option of value fluctuates in direct relationship to the underlying security. The price of the option is only a fraction of the price of the security and therefore provides higher leakage and lower risk - the most an option buyer can lose is the premium, or deposit, they paid on entering into the contract.

By purchasing the undering Stock of Futures contract itself, a much larger loss is possible if the price moves against the buyers position.

An option is described by its symbol, whether it's a put or a call, an expiration month and a strike price.

A Call option is a bullish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

A Put option is a bearish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

The expiration month is the month the option contract expires.

The strike price is the price that the buyer can either buy call) or sell (put) the underlying security by the expiration date.

The premium is the price that is paid for the option.

The intrinsic value is the difference between the current price of the underlying security and the strike price of the option.

The time value is the difference between current premium of the option and the intrinsic value. The time value is also influenced by the volatility of the underlying security.

Up to 90% of all out of the money options expire worthless and their time value primarily Declines until their expiration date.

This clue offers traders a very good hint as to which side of an options contract they should be on ... professional options traders who make consistent profits usually sell far more options than they buy.

The option contracts that they do buy are usually only to hedge their physical Stock Portfolios - that this is a powerful distinction between the punters and small traders who consistently buy low priced, out of the money and close to expire puts and calls, hoping for a big payoff (illegally) and the guys who really make the money out of the options market every month, by consistently selling these options to them - please read the rest of this article.

The seller of the option contract is obliged to satisfy the contract if the buyer decides to exercise the option.

Therefore, if he has sold Copped Call options over his Shares, and the Stock price is above the option strike price at expiration, the option is said to be in-the money, and the seller must sell his shares to the option buyer at the strike price if he is exercised.

Sometimes an in-the-money option will not be exercised, but it is very rare. The option seller (or writer) has to be prepared to sell the Stock at the strike price if exercised.

He can always buy back the option prior to expiration if he chooses to and write one at a higher strike price if the stock price has rallied, but this results in a capital loss as he will usually have to pay more to buy the option back than the premium he received when he originally sold it.

Many option writers simply get exercised out of the Stock and then immediately re-buy more of the same or another stock and simply write more call options against them.

The buyer of an option has no obligations at all - either either sells his option later at a profit or a loss, or exercises it if the stock price is in-the-money at expiry and he can make a profit.

The vast majority of options are held until expiration and simply decay in price until there is no point in the hapless buyer selling them. Very few options are actually exercised by the buyer. The vast major expend worthless.

Having said all this, lets look at an example of how to use options to gain leverage to a Stock price movement when the trend does go in our favor ...

For this example we will use MSFT as the underlying security. Let's assum MSFT is trading for $ 24.50 a share and it is early January. We are bullish on this Stock and based on our technical analysis we think that it will go to $ 27.50 within two months.

In this example, we will ignore Brokerage costs, but they do have an effect on the percentage returns. The prices and price moves of the Stock and the options are hypothetical - they are intended as a guide only.

Buying 1000 physical shares will cost $ 24,500 and if we sell our position at $ 27.50 a share, we will make a profit of $ 3,000 or a 12% return on our capital. We will have $ 24,500 at risk if we take this position for a potential of 12% or $ 3,000 profit.

Instead of using cash to buy the physical Stock, we can buy 10 call options with an expiration that is at least three months into the future and a strike price that is close to current price of the underlying security.

10 contracts represent 1000 shares of the stock, a call option is bullish, three months until expire gives us some time for a quick move, and buying an option with a strike price that is close to the current price of MSFT allows us to get the full potential of the intrinsic value.

We buy 10 MSFT $ 22.50 April Call options. These options are currently selling for $ 2.80 and they are in the money.

$ 24.50 (the current price of the Stock) minus $ 22.50 (the strike price) is $ 2.00, which is our Intrinsic value. $ 2.80 (the option premium) minus $ 2.00 (the Intrinsic value) gives us $ 0.80, which is the Time value.

If the price rallies to $ 27.50, as we believe it will, the intrinsic value of these same options at that point will be $ 5.00 ($ 27.50 - $ 22.50). That means that if the Stock gets to $ 27.50 a share, our option premium would be at least $ 5.00 plus a small amount of time value, depending on the remaining time until expiration.

Ten option contracts will cost us $ 2,800 ($ 280 times 100) and if MSFT goes to $ 27,500, we could sell our option contracts for at least $ 5,000 ($ 500 by 10 contracts), maybe more.

We will have $ 2,800 at risk if we take this position, rather than the full price of the Stock ($ 24,500) for a potential of 80% or $ 2,200 profit, plus whatever time value is left in the option, probably another $ 100.

Our options buying strategy cave us a much larger percentage profit with a much smaller potential risk. Do not forget that, for us as the buyer, these options will expire worthless if not sold or exercised by the expiration date.

The option seller or writer simply has to sit back and wait until expiry to see if he is going to be exercised. If the Stock price is below the strike price at expiration, it keeps the premium and can write another option over the same Stock.

If the Stock price is above the strike price, he will most likely be exercised and will have to sell his shares if he does not exit the position by buying his options back on the open market (quite often at a higher price than he originally sold them for).

The downside of buying the option over the physical Stock is that if you bought the Stock itself, even if the price had not moved, you would still own it, but by buying the option, if the price does not move in the desired direction , you lose part of your trading capital.

To make options trading work, the undering security must move fairly quickly in the direction you expect, or you will lose money at an ever increasing rate as the expiration date draws nearer.

As you can see, options strategies can offer much higher percentage returns with less risk for the same trade. The majority of your cash is still safely in your trading account rather than being exposed to the market.

This is just one example of using options trading to increase your Stock Market returns. There are many more strategies and ways to use options and I encourage you to explore them further.

All options expire worthless if they are not in-the-money at expiration, so the buyer must close out or exercise his position on or before the expiration date or he will lose the entire premium.

The time value portion of the option premium decreases periodically until expiration date. The closer to expire, the faster the time value decreases, as there is less time for the option to move in the desired direction for the buyer.

For buyers, top traders advise never to hold an option with less than 30 days to expire due to the exponential rise in time decay during this period.

For sellers, it is usually most profitable to write options that have 30 days or less to expire, due to this same time dece effect ... the buyer of these options has the odds stacked against them and will require a large price movement in his desired direction to make a profit - remember, the vast majority of options expire worthless - so this is the side of these instruments the wealthually find themselves on - just a thought ...

There are many other intricacies of options trading that investors and traders should be aware of. This article is only an introduction to options trading and there is a lot more information for you to learn.

For a more in-depth look at the various Options strategies available, visit

This page has a series of articles on options trading and outlines some of the strategies merchants can use to profit from these extremely flexible vehicles.

We encourage you to study these instruments carefully if you decide to trade them. Then use the trend trading strategies outlined in these stories and articles to position yourself on the right side of the market - whether as a buyer or a seller.

To Your Trading Success,

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Resume for Chief Auditor

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

7 Thai Phrases You Should Learn to Impress a Thai Girl

So, you've decided to take my advise and find a Thai girlfriend. Great! That is the first step to a very happy life for you. So the first thing is to go out and find a girl. My past articles have given some great advise on how to do that and there will be plenty more advise in the future. But once you do find that special Thai girl, you will want to impress her by knowing a few words / phrases that will come in handy when impressing your new Thai beauty.

Today, I'll go over 7 Thai words / phrases that you should know when dating or trying to date a girl either online or when traveling to Thailand. Keep in mind that these are rough English pronunciations to the actual Thai words. The good news is that most Thai girls can read at least a little English and will be able to understand these English written Thai words and phrases if you are chatting online using IM or on Thai dating websites. Let's get started!

1. The first thing you should learn is to tell your Thai girl that she looks beautiful. This can be said as the following: Sway mak. The word "sway" means beautiful and "mak" translates into very. Alternately, you can say: "Narak mak" which translates to "very cute".

2. Next, you should know what she might reply to you when you tell here she is beautiful. She may just say "hob khun ka" which is Thai for "thank you". Or she may be sassy and say "pak waan" which means "sweet mouth". This is a cute and flirty way of a Thai girl that means she does not fully believe your sweet words to her.

3. If you are just meeting your Thai lady, you may want to ask her if she already has a boyfriend or kick, To do this, say: "Khun me faen mai?" This literally translates to: "you have boyfriend?"

4. When you are starting to get serious with your Thai girlfriend, it may be time to start calling her by the name that Thai ladies love. The word is "tirak". When you call her this, she's literally melt with happiness. But just be sure that you mean it first!

5. If you are talking to a girl and it's late, you might want to tell her "sweet dreams". To do this you can say: "Faan dee". She'll really like that and go to sleep thinking of you. Trust me.

6. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the first night you go on a date. If you are in Thailand, make sure to go to a nice romantic restaurant and bring a bottle of wine. Raise you glass and say "chon gaow". If you are drinking from a bottle, say "chon cuord". "Gaow" means glass and "cuord" means bottle.

7. The final phrase you will want to learn when dating a Thai girl is the big "L" word. To say I love you, simply say "Pom rak khun". I'll leave the rest up to you!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Benefits Of A Tree Removal Service

Having some trees around the house may make people's house look more appealing. They may place more than just a single kind of trees to add even more aesthetic to the visual of their house. However, unfortunately, there will usually be times when these people have no other choice but to completely remove the trees they have been taking care of for quite a long period of time. This may take place due to quite a few factors. There are times when trees may get rotten. There are also times when trees are going to die. Thus, when all these things take place, it is not quite likely for people to let the trees remain where they are which is around their house. This is when tree removal service comes in very handy.

Yet, some people may assume that it is fine for them to remove their trees by themselves. Those are their trees after all. Unfortunately, this is not a correct assumption at all. Attempting to remove trees may prove to be extremely dangerous, especially for those who do not have adequate experiences in doing so. The risks get even bigger if the trees are the big trees.

Fortunately, with the help of a tree removal service, people will not have to worry anymore about all those issues. This tree removal service is usually able to carry out tree pruning, tree trimming, partial tree cutting, removal of parts cut off tree and also tree felling.

This tree removal service is also beneficial in that it usually offers cleaning up as well. This is very handy taking into consideration what kind of messes that can show up after a tree has been cut off. And if people need some firewood to prepare, they can make use of the service offered by this particular kind of services as well.

However, it is necessary for people to make sure in advance that they are asking for services from those who are indeed trained professionals in the field. In order to put their mind in peace in this case, it is recommended that these people request to see the license that is possessed by each of the tree service members. Also, they need to carry out a background check with regards to which tree removal company this service may have come from, whether or not they are really the company's staffs and if their licenses are actually valid.

If everything goes fine, the next thing that those people may need to worry about is how much money they have in their budget. This plays a very important role in obtaining the best tree removal service professionals. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, people can now try making a comparison first regarding the tree companies in existence and the rates they offer.

Then, once they have found the one they consider to be the best deal, they can start calling the service and rest assured, all they have to do is to enjoy the benefits this service can offer.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Gold IRA Rollover: Learn How to Invest Like a Billionaire

It's been said that imitation is not only a great form of flattery, it's also the best way of learning and modeling on the success of others. If it's financial success you're looking for, what better role model could there be than a billionaire?

What Billionaires Know

Though their world views may have little in common, billionaires like George Soros, John Paulson, and Carlos Slim have all admitted to holding a part of their wealth in gold. Even Warren Buffet, who personally prefers what he calls "productive investments," admits that gold has served investors well especially during times of inflation.

Do you remember those dark, dark days of 2008 when the stock market's near crash caused retirement accounts to lose $ 2 trillion in a mere 15 months? Guess where your money could've been at that very same time gaining in value instead of losing it?

That's right, gold.

Had you purchased gold in 2001, by 2011 you'd have seen your investment grow by 700%. Let's say that again: a growth of 700%. This same decade was also one of the rockiest economic periods in human history. As the stock market fell, gold thrived. Why? Because when the stock market tumbles and big money investors look for other safer places for their money, precious metals is often where they go.

Could this all happen again? Well, today we're inside the largest stock market bubble in history. Many experts believe it's only a matter of time before that bubble bursts again. If you do not want to again see your retirement accounts lose their value because of another collapse of the economy, the time to change your investment process is now.

Why the Billionaires Own Gold

Gold is nature's hard asset. Gold has been civilization's store of value for thousands of years because gold is a tangible and finite resource with high intrinsic value. Gold is an alternate form of money all over the world. (It was mentioned in the Bible 417 times.) Gold is not subject to the sections of dilution and devaluations of other paper investments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Neither is the value of gold at the mercy of governments or financial institutions. It can not be printed like money, and unlike stocks, it will not ever merge or split. Gold historically moves against the direction of the stock market. Billionaires know that gold is an excellent way to reduce the volatility and vulnerability in their capitals.

If you want to protect and preserve your wealth, there's no better place than gold.

When Is the Best Time to Buy Gold?

Many market oracles believe, at the time I'm writing this, that gold is in the final stage of a bear market. Some experts believe that at current prices gold is still undervalued by as much as 50%. This may be the epic rise that gold experts have been overing over the years.

But even if it does not experience an epic rise in value, gold is still a necessary means to protect the value and diversify the portfolio you've got.

The best time to buy gold may be now.

How to Bring Gold into your IRA

If you have a self-directed IRA , you can direct some of your IRA funds to be invested into gold. The only requirement is that the gold meets certain purity and refinement standards. The easiest way to invest in gold is through a self-directed IRA.

A self-directed IRA investment is like a regular IRA except that you the investor get to choose how your IRA funds will be invested instead of the trustees or custodian. This gives you flexibility to invest your money in whatever way you feel comfortable. It can also ensure that you are always aware of where your money is and how it is being invested.

In this IRA the gold does not get delivered to you once you purchase it. The reason for this is that delivery of the gold would be considered a disbursement of your IRA and you would probably be obligated to pay penalties. Therefore, once you've decided to put your money towards gold, you will then have that gold delivered and held for you at a designated depository. You will be informed when your gold reaches the depository and you will never have to worry about your gold ever being taken out of the depository or used by anyone but you.

Learn What the Billionaires Know

Billionaires may not have to worry about retirement 401 (k) s and IRAs, but the rest of us do. Now you can learn to invest like a billionaire by downloading our new FREE mini-course entitled "Essential Guide to Successful Gold & Silver Investing." This powerful course was designed to offer tips and expert advice appropriate for both the savvy investor and the beginner and could save you thousands of dollars in your own investing decisions. While you may not be able to live like a billionaire, at least today you can learn to invest like one.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

How to Upgrade WordPress!

WordPress is a widely accepted and extremely preferred content management system which offers a simplified and user-friendly operations and a lot more to look upon. Any software or application, when used in the latest version, offers the best of services and functions so possible and so does WordPress. The procedure of updating can be transported out in two ways namely Automatic and Manual.

• Automatic Updates: You may often get infurated with the update notifications of various kinds. WordPress relieves you with the automatic update option. For the version 3.7+, the user needs not to imprise an even bit of efforts. If the site is designed to install updates without the use of FTP credentials, the updates will itself run in the background allowing the version to update from 3.7 to 3.7.1, 3.7.2 etc. This is facilitated for minor and security updates however even for the purpose of major updates, the user just needs to click 'Update Now'.

WordPress provides the users with minor bug fixes with the minor latest versions as available. Therefore, a user is suggested to adopt minor fixes as and when available. Automatic updates are so very useful and valuable. Neverheless, if one wants to disable the option serving automatic updates, he can do it too.

If the notification conveys 'failed updates', the way out is to delete the file named .maintenance which is present in the WordPress directory. This will eliminate the message. If all the efforts of automatic updates go in vain, the user can turn up to Manual Updates.

• Manual Updates: Manual Updates can be time-consuming and tiring, however, the sense of accomplishment is satisfactory. The Manual Updates option can be exercised if the blog's URL is in the form [].

The procedure involves few steps that are mentioned below.

1. The User needs to download the latest available version of WordPress.

2. All the plugins are to be deactivated which can be done by using the deactivate button in the drop-down list after selecting all the plugins.

3. Replace the previously annexed WP-includes and WP-admin directories with the latest installed ones. This can be done using the FTP or Shell Access)

4. The users without deleting any WP-content folder or directory are required to overwrite the existing WP-content folder's individual files with the new files. This can be done using FTP, file manager or shell SSH.

5. The same process needs to be followed by the rest of the files. All new files available in the root directory of the new version must overtake the old files in the existing directory.

6. The default files so customized must not be overwritten or else you will lose access to the preset ones.

7. Try the WP-config-sample.php as it might have certain new settings that could attract you and fascinate you to implicate your own WP-config.php.

8. Just in case, you hired the manual procedure after the auto-upgrade failure, a file named .maintenance will hamper you. This needs to be deleted from the directory through the FTP.

9. Log in to your database and further follow the database update instructions which are offered with an update link to assure compatibility. Also, reactivate the plugins and at this note, the task is accomplished.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Understanding the Bible, Book Summary

Chapter 1: The Purpose of the Bible

The author laments that people normally ask varying questions and employ diverse strategies to read the Bible. Others, he asserts, give up Bible reading altogether or never start reading because they cannot see the relevance of accounts of people in the distant part for them today. However, Christians believe that although the Bible has a wide variety of human authors, there is a single unifying theme for a divine Author. It is perhaps most succinctly presented by Paul to Timothy in I Tim. 3:15-17. The apostle brings together the origin and object of Scripture. The writer investigates the nature of the Bible's usefulness and analysis three words used Paul - salvation, Christ and faith.

Stott presents the central idea that the supreme purpose of the Bible is to instruct its readers for salvation, implying that Scripture has a practical purpose which is moral than intellectual. Since this is neither scientific nor literary, the Bible could be rightly seen as a book neither of literature nor of philosophy, but of salvation. He notes that salvation, in addition to forgiveness of sins, includes the entire sweep of God's purpose to redeem and restore mankind and indeed all creation. The main thrust is God's love for the rebels who deserve nothing but judgment.

God's plan, originating in His grace, Stott emphasizes, took shape before time began. He made a covenant of grace with Abraham, promising through his prosperity to bless all the families of the earth. The rest of the Old Testament tabulates His gracious dealings with Abraham's posterity, the Israelites. Although they rejected His Word, He never casts them out. In the New Testament, the apostles emphasize that forgiveness is possible only through Christ's sin-bearing death, and a new birth leading to a new life only through the Spirit of Christ. The New Testament authors insist that though people have already in one sense been saved, in another sense their salvation still lies in the future. Conceived in a past eternity, achieved at a point in time and historically worked in human experience, it will reach its consummation in the eternity of the future.

Stott's hypothetical argument is that if salvation is available through Christ and if Scripture concerns salvation, then scripture is full of Christ. Christ's assertion was that in each of the three divisions of the Old Testament, the Law (the Pentateuch/First five books of the Bible), the prophets [history books or former prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings) and latter prophets (major-Isaiah to Daniel- and minor prophets- Hosea to Malachi)] and the Psalms (writings), there were things concerning Him and all these things must be fulfilled. Discovering Christ in the New Testament is not strange. The gospels, acts, epistles and revelation vividly portray Him. In the latter for instance, He appears as a glorified man, a lamb, majestic rider on a white horse and a Heavenly Bridegroom. The survey of the two testaments demonstrates that we must turn to the Bible if we want to know about Christ and His salvation. The writer puts faith in its right perspective after lamenting its misuse.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Bible

Stott observes that some knowledge of the historical and geographical setting of God's people is absolutely necessary to put the study in perspective. The reason for the recording of God's dealing with Israel in general and individuals in particular is to teach us (Rom. 15:4; I Cor. 10:11). Scripture refuses to conceal the faults of great characters in the Old and New Testaments.

The writer dismisses the claim that Jerusalem was the centre of the earth as a sheer geographical nonsense even though Christians would defend it theologically. However, Christians believe in the providence of God whose choice of Palestine cannot be an accident. An obvious feature is that it acts as a kind of bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa. Strategically, therefore, God set Jerusalem in the centre of the nations (Ez.5:5).

When God told Moses that He'd bring the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, He described it as good and spacious. Joshua and Caleb, unlike the other spies, confirm that the land was exceedingly good. Several popular expressions were used to refer to the whole country from north to south. The commonest simply is from Dan to Beersheba. Stott suggests that perhaps a simpler way to remember Palestine is to visualize four strips of the country between the sea and the desert - the coastland, the central highlands, the Jordan valley and the eastern tableland.

Stott affirms that God's revelation as the 'Shepherd of Israel' was natural because of the intimate relationship which grew over the years between the Palestinian shepherds and the sheep since the latter were kept more for wool than for mutton. Jesus further developed the metaphor, calling himself the Good Shepherd. Though many Israelite farmers kept livestock, even more cultivated the soil. The three main products of Palestine (grain, new wine and oil) are normally grouped together in many biblical passages (Deut. 7:13; Joel 2:19). The writer notes the tremendous importance of the early (autumn) rain and the latter (spring) rain to harvest. Without them the corn would remain thin and desiccated. God Himself linked the rain and the harvest together and promised them to His obedient people. Three annual festivals had an agricultural as well as a religious significance. In them they worshiped the God of nature and the God of grace as the one God, Lord of the earth and of Israel. They are the Feast of the Passover, the Feast of the First fruits/Harvest and the Feast of Booths/Tabernacles/Ingathering. The observance of these was obligatory. They commemorated the signal mercies of the covenant God of Israel who first redeemed His people from their Egyptian bondage and gave them the Law at Sinai and then provided for them during their wanderings in the wilderness. From another standpoint, they are all harvest festivals marking respectively the beginning of the barley harvest, the end of the grain harvest and the end of the fruit harvest. Stott's use of three maps showing the Fertile Crescent, the historical and natural regions of Palestine clearly puts the study in perspective.

Chapter 3: The Story of the Bible - Old Testament

Stott observes that Christianity is essentially a historical religion and that God's revelation is an unfolding historical situation, through Israel and Jesus Christ. The writer forcefully argues that biblical historians quickly sank in the quicksand of subjectivity since they were writing 'sacred' history, the story of God's dealings with a particular people for a particular purpose. They were selective in their choice of materials and in the eyes of the secular historian, unbalanced in their presentation of it. Other regions were only included if they impinge on the fortunes of relatively unknown Israel and Judah. Great heroes were either scarcely mentioned or introduced obliquely. Christians believe that Christ's advent is the watershed of history, dividing time into BC and AD and the Bible into the Old and New Testaments.

The order of the thirty nine books is dictated neither by the date of their composition, nor the date of the subject matter but their literary genre. Broadly speaking, the three types of literature in the Old Testament are history, poetry and prophecy. The historical books (Pentateuch) and then twelve more tell a continuous story. After these come five books of Hebrew poetry or wisdom (from Job to Song of Solomon) and finally the seventeen prophetical books [five major prophets (Isaiah to Daniel) and twelve 'minor' prophets (Hosea to Malachi)]. Stott describes the creation, observing that God was not a national mascot. He observes that several forms of pre-Adamic 'homicid' seem to have existed previously for thousands of years and believes Adam was the first 'homo divinus'. The writer highlights the call of Abraham, the groan of the Israelites under Pharaoh and their eventual release. Subjectively dismissing the Red Sea crossed by the Israelites as probably some shallow water, he observes that the miracle lay in the fact that God sent it as the moment Moses stretched his hand. At Sinai, God gave Israel three precious gifts - a renewed covenant, a moral law and atoning sacrifices.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness and none of the adult generation which brought a negative report - except Joshua and Caleb - entered the promised land. God appointed Joshua to succeed Moses. Israel's history was a cycle of backsliding, oppression and deliverance. God raised judges who combined several functions. The greatest was Samuel who remonstrated with the Israelites and warned them that future kings would be oppressive. They did not listen and Saul became the first king, ending the theocratic state ruled by God directly. David was designated heir to the throne of the disobedient Saul. As king, David unified Israel and devoted himself to God. His son Solomon, who succeeded him, did not love God with all his heart. The kingdom was divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah after his reign.

Stott highlights the Babylonian captivity which lasted for fifty years. The hardest trial was religious for the Israelites felt spiritually lost in their separation from temple and sacrifice. Ezekiel was among them as a guide. Israel had to wait for another four hundred years before the Messiah was born. Throughout the uneasy period of Maccabean rule, important movements were developing in the Jewish community which later hardened into the various religious parties of our Lord's day.

The writer, in addition to end notes, arranges dates in chronological order at the end of the discourse.

Chapter 4: The Story of the Bible - New Testament

Stott observes that it is an account of the words and deed of Jesus of Nazareth. The gospels, strictly speaking, are testimony and not biography, bearing witness to Christ and the good news of salvation. He highlights five reasons why the gospels would be approached with confidence and not with suspicion. Four evangelists were Christians, honest men to whom truth matters. They give evidence of their impartiality. Thirdly, they claim either to be themselves eye-witnesses of Jesus or to report the experience of eye witnesses. Jesus seems to have taught like a Jewish rabbi. Lastly, if God said and did something absolutely unique and decisive through Jesus, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed it to be lost in the mists of antiquity. The gospels tell the same story, yet differently. The first three are usually known as Synoptic Gospels because their stories run parallel and present a synoptic - that is, similar- account of Jesus' life. Every reader of John's gospel is immediately struck by the differences between it and the synoptic gospels in subject matter, theological emphasis, literary styles and vocabulary. Commenting on the birth and youth of Jesus, each evangelist begins his story at a different place. Mark plunges almost immediately into Jesus' public ministry, heralded as it was by John the Baptist. John goes to the other extreme and reaches back into a past eternity to the pre-incarnate existence of Christ. He was brought up in Nazareth in Galilee. The only incident from His boyhood recorded in the Gospels took place when he reached the age of twelve and was taken up to Jerusalem for the Passover. He eventually noted that His duty is to spend time in the Father's house. Growing in wisdom and stature in favour with God and man, the evangelists did not give a strictly chronological account of the Lord's public ministry which appears to last approximately for three years. The writer refers to the first year as the year of obscurity, the second year of popularity and the third the year of adversity.

Stott traces Jesus' final hours of liberty which he spent privately with the twelve disciples in a furnished room. In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with an agony of desire that He might be spared having to drink 'this cup'. Crucifixion was a horrible form of execution. How Jesus viewed and endured his ordeal is shown by the seven words which He spoke from the cross. Finally, He commended His Spirit to the Father, indicating that His death was a voluntary, self-determined act. The writer traces the story of the resurrection on Easter Day. The Lord eventually began to appear to people. These appearances continued for forty days. The last one took place on the Mount of Olives. After promising them power to be His witnesses once the Holy Spirit had come upon them, and having blessed them, He was taken up into Heaven.

The writer vividly highlights the dawn of the infant church. Waiting for the promise, the Holy Spirit came and filled them all. Stott affirms that Pentecost must also be understood as a fundamentally missionary event when three thousand people were converted, baptized and added to the church that day. Unable to crush it by external pressure (persecution), the devil tried to undermine it from within. The writer also comments on Paul's missionary journeys, his arrest and journey to Rome and the deeds of the apostles after the book of Acts. The map of Paul's missionary journey and significant dates to remember at the end of the chapter further illuminates the discussion.

Chapter 5: The Message of the Bible

Stott re-echoes that the message of the Bible concerns salvation through Christ. He expresses the Bible's own claims that it contains neither a ragbag of miscellaneous contradictions, nor a gradual evolution of human ideas but a progressive revelation of truth by God. The author concedes that there are several differences between the Old and New Testament revelations. The revelation was given at different times, to different people and in different modes. This notwithstanding, God is the ultimate author of both testaments. The Bible is essentially a revelation of God. There are two basic truths about God to consider which Scripture emphasizes. The first is that He is a living and sovereign God and the second is that He is consistent and does not change like shifting shadows. He is constantly contrasted with the dead idols of heathenism. Stott further observes that the principal way in which the living God has expressed Himself is in grace. The God of the Bible is the God of all grace (1 Pet. 5:10). Grace is God's free unmerited people. God's grace is covenant grace. The writer further investigates what may be described as three stages in the outpouring of God's covenant, expressed in the three dynamic words - redemption, adoption and glorification.

Redemption was originally not a theological but a commercial word. To redeem, Stott confirms, is to purchase someone's freedom, to recover by payment of a price something which had been lost. New Testament authors draw an analogy between the Passover, which initiated Israel's redemption from Egypt, and the death of Christ which has secured our redemption from sin. The New Testament fulfillment is dramatic. John showed in his gospel that by one reckoning Jesus was shedding His blood on the cross at the precise time when the Passover lambs were being killed. Christ, the Lamb of God, offered Himself as our Passover sacrifice. Now He is seated at God's right hand, resting from His finished work of redemption and crowned with glory and honour. He has won an eternal redemption for us.

Redemption from sin by Christ's blood is to be redeemed from slavery and adopted into sonship. It is because we are sons that God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts (Gal. 4:6). To be a son is to be an heir. Suffering is the pledge of glory. This leads to the third stage in God's unfolding plan of salvation, which is glorification.

The New Testament is full of Christian hope. It reminds us that in spite of what we are presently enjoying, there is still far more to come. Paul referred to it as the hope of glory which has several meanings outlined by Stott. Firstly, the return of Christ (Matt. 24:27); secondly, the resurrection in which our incorruptible body will be a body of glory like Christ's (Phil.3:21; I Cor.15:35-37). Thirdly, the judgment. We shall be judged according to our works (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 20:11-15). Fourthly, the new universe will make everything new.

Stott brilliantly compares Genesis and Revelation. He observes that the Bible begins with creation of the universe and ends with the recreation of the universe. It begins with the fall of man and concludes in a garden with Paradise regained. God's kingdom will be ultimately consummated. All creation is subject to Him. His redeemed, adopted and glorified will share His reign for ever (Rev. 22:5).

Chapter 6: The Authority of the Bible

Stott attributes the confusion of the contemporary church to the lack of an agreed authority and argues that it will never recover its moral or mission unless it first recovers the source of its authority. Christians normally use three interrelated but distinct words in connection with the special nature of Scripture - revelation, inspiration and authority. Inspiration indicates the chief mode God has chosen to reveal Himself - in nature, Christ and by speaking to particular people. Authority is the power or weight which Scripture possesses because of what it is, namely a divine revelation given by divine inspiration. It carries God's authority.

The writer identifies three disclaimers which may anticipate objections and disarm possible criticism. Firstly, the process of inspiration was not mechanical since God did not treat the human authors as tape recorders or dictating machines but as living and responsible beings. His second is that every word is true in its context and Job is cited as a classic example when he noted that he spoke of things he did not understand. The 'anthropomorphic' descriptions of God, representing Him in human form and referring to His eyes, ears, outstretched arm, mighty hand, fingers, mouth, breath and nostrils. We do not interpret these literally simply because God is a Spirit and therefore has no body. His third disclaimer concerns the nature of the inspired text of Scripture, which alone can be regarded as God's written word. This is the original Hebrew or Greek as it came from the author's hand. He argues that no special inspiration/authority is claimed for any particular translation as a translation. He dismisses the absence of the actual autograph presumably as God's deliberate providence probably to prevent us giving superstitious response to pieces of paper.

Stott further treats the grounds Christians base assurance that the Bible is God's written word, originating with God and authoritative for men. Firstly, the historic Christian churches have consistently maintained and defended the divine origin of Scripture. Secondly, the prophets introduced their oracles with formulae like 'Thus says the Lord' or 'The Word of the Lord came to me saying...' The third is supplied by the readers of Scripture. Fourthly, the authority of Scripture is believed because of what Jesus said. He gave His reverent assent to the authority of the Old Testament Scripture for He submitted to its authority in His personal conduct, the fulfillment of His mission and in His controversies. He endorsed the New Testament differently. This is evident in His appointment of His apostles. Secondly, they had an eye-witness experience of Christ. Thirdly, they had an extraordinary inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Lastly, according to Stott, they were empowered to work miracles. Our impression of the uniqueness of the apostles is confirmed in two ways. Firstly, they themselves knew it and so exhibit in the New Testament their self-conscious apostolic authority. Secondly, the early church recognized it, dismissing both the 'kenosis' and 'accommodation' theories.

Stott concludes by providing reasonable justification for submitting to the authority of Scripture. Firstly, it is a Christian thing to do. Secondly, to submit is not to pretend that there are no problems. However, problems do not overthrow our belief. Thirdly, it confirms the Lordship of Christ. It is reasonable to bow to the authority of Scripture because, according to Stott, we bow to the authority of Christ.

Chapter 7: The Literature of the Bible

Stott firmly asserts the infallibility of God's Word and observes that He has given us three teachers to instruct and guide us. These include the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, the Christian's disciplined study and the teaching of the Church. Our foremost teacher is the Holy Spirit Himself and Stott believes He enlightens four groups of people - these are the regenerate/born again (John 3:3), the humble (Matt. 1:25-26), the obedient (John 7:17) and the communicative. He notes that if the Holy Spirit is our first and foremost teacher, there is a sense in which we ourselves must also teach ourselves, implying that we are expected to responsibly use our reason. The spiritual person, unlike the natural, has the mind of Christ. Paul's conviction leads him to appeal to his readers' reason. Stott argues that we cannot deny the place of the church in God's plan to give His people a right understanding of His Word. The pastoral ministry is a teaching ministry. Luke gives a striking example of the role of the teacher (Acts 8:26-39). Although it is true that no human teacher is infallible, Stott vehemently argues that God has appointed teachers in His church for a purpose. It is our Christian duty to treat them with respect and to feed on God's Word when faithfully exposed, cautiously examining the Scriptures to verity the truth of the teachings received (Acts 17:11). The writer believes that it is by receiving the illumination of the Spirit, reasoning and listening to the teaching of others in the Church that we grow in our understanding of Scripture.

Stott presents three principles which, he believes, will guide us in our interpretation of Scripture. These sound principles of interpretation include the natural, original and general sense. He refers to the natural sense as the principle of simplicity. One of our basic Christian convictions is that God is light. He chose human language as the vehicle of His self-revelation. He used the language of men in speaking to men. Since it is ordinary because human, we must study it like every other book, paying attention to the rules of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Stott believes that no serious bible reader can escape the discipline of linguistic study. He recommends knowledge of the original languages (Hebrew and Greek), acquisition of an 'accurate' modern English version and an analytical concordance. Stott refers to the original sense as the principle of history since God chose to reveal Himself in a precise historical context. Questions that should be asked when the reading the Bible include, what did the author intend to convey by this? What is he actually asserting? What will his original hearers have understood him to have meant? This enquiry is commonly referred to as the 'grammatico-historical method' of interpretation. The writer critically considers the situation, style and language of writing. The third principle of interpretation is referred to as assortment of contributors. Divinely speaking, the entire Bible emanates from one mind. It therefore possesses an organic unity. Implicitly, we must approach Scripture with the confidence that God has spoken and has not contradicted Himself in so doing. Scripture, therefore, must be interpreted as one harmonious whole. These three principles, Stott believes, arise partly from the nature of God and Scripture as a plain historical, consistent communication from God to men. The solemn responsibility to make our treatment of Scripture coincide with our view of it is apparent.

Chapter 8: The Use of the Bible

Stott's discussion on the use of the Bible to punctuate his text is deliberate. He observes that the conviction that our God is living and vocal, rather than dead and dumb, is basic to our Christian faith. He explains the sound reasons for accepting the Bible's authority and sound principles to guide us in its interpretation. He identifies two possible attitudes to God's Word. These are to either receive or reject it. Jesus similarly warned His contemporaries about their response to His teaching. Those who build on a rock and will ultimately survive the storms of adversity and judgement are those who demonstrate His teachings.

Stott outlines basic principles of Christian living, stressing the importance of quality time in meditating on God's Word. The practice of daily quiet time, Bible reading and prayer, he reiterates, is an inviolable tradition which has certainly stood the test of time and brought immeasurable benefits to countless generations of Christians. Christian meditation and prayer, however brief, at the beginning of each day prepare us to bear the day's responsibilities and face its temptations. Stott emphasized the importance of personal, family and group Bible studies, and above all the public exposition of Scripture in Church. He observes that very often the pew blames the pulpit when the former actually determines the kind of pulpit ministry it wants. Congregations, he argues, have far more responsibility than they commonly recognize for this kind of ministry they receive. He recommends that they should encourage their minister to expound Scripture. They should come to church in a receptive and expectant mood. They must come with their Bibles earnestly eager to hear what the Lord says through the lessons and sermon.

Stott lists five facets of the life-cycle of the doer of the Word. The first is worship which is impossible without a knowledge of the truth. Since it is a response to the truth of God, it is only God's Word (His self-revelation) which evokes the worship of God. In all public worship, there should be Scripture reading and an exhortation/instruction based on it (Neh. 8:8; I Tim. 4:13). The Bible's place in private and public worship is indispensable. The second is repentance. God's Word tells us what we are as well as what He is, discloses to us our sin and calls us to confess and forsake it (Jer. 7:3). The third is faith which is an integral part of the Christian life. The fourth mark is obedience. Yet obedience involves submission (John 14:15) and this, Stott argues, appears to be out of fashion today. The fifth mark is witness. Stott impresses that truth cannot be concealed or monopolized.

The Bible then has an essential place in the life of a Christian simply because God's revelation leads to worship, His warnings to repentance, His promises to faith, His commands to obedience and His truth to witness. God's Word is indispensable to us, irrespective of the medium through which we receive it. Indeed, Stott realistically observes that it is through His Word alone that the human being becomes equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).

Thursday, February 7, 2019

How To Save Money With Office Accessories

An office needs to have all types of desk and cubicle accessories to make it complete and organized. However, buying these office accessories eat up an inordinate amount of money from your budget. Different accessories like copy paper, printer ink, copier cartridges, staplers, note pads, pen and pencils, etc. make a deep cut from your monthly budget. In order to control your budget, you can opt for companies which offers discount office supplies. Beside this, you can do certain other things as well.

There should be a central store for dispensing all office supplies:

If your office supplies and equipments are in accounted for, you can save some money. It will prevent your office employees to take the office items for their personal use. Moreover, an office manager can keep a track of inventory and place the order as and when required.

There should be one single person to order all office supplies:

If a single individual will control the office supply inventory, it will be easier to track the usage. There will be clear line of accountability. In addition to this, the company can have an ongoing relationship with the company providing discount office supplies.

Having an ongoing relationship with one supplier and customer service rep:

If it's your first time, you should shop around to find the best regular supplier. However, when once you have made your mind, you should try to establish an ongoing relationship with the supplier. This way, the supplier will be able to offer you loyalty discounts and will also offer many other benefits. For example, if there is a product which your company purchases regularly, a customer service rep may alert you for any special discounts available on the product. In this way, you will be saved from paying full price for supplies.

Verify with discount office supplier while making larger purchases:

Being a regular customer can pay off your large benefits. Sometimes, being an ongoing customer makes you eligible for discounts on different storage cabinets and furnitures. Some discount office supplies provider offers automatic ordering. You can very well take advantage of it. This way you can avoid any unexpected running out of any item at the office.

The huge collection of office accessories keeps on modifying with time. A large number of innovative and useful modern office accessories are added every day. When you have a regular supplier, he will always make you acquainted with any additions in the market. This way you can be aware of modern and advance product without actually doing any research.

Keeping your office well equipped with all types of useful and advance accessories will motivate your team to work in a better way. You can also put various things for comfort like bean bags to take a rest, decorative items to make the cubicle attractive and colorful trash bins to avoid any kind of dirtiness.

So, be innovative and make your dull office a lively place to work in.