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Thursday, February 7, 2019

How To Save Money With Office Accessories

An office needs to have all types of desk and cubicle accessories to make it complete and organized. However, buying these office accessories eat up an inordinate amount of money from your budget. Different accessories like copy paper, printer ink, copier cartridges, staplers, note pads, pen and pencils, etc. make a deep cut from your monthly budget. In order to control your budget, you can opt for companies which offers discount office supplies. Beside this, you can do certain other things as well.

There should be a central store for dispensing all office supplies:

If your office supplies and equipments are in accounted for, you can save some money. It will prevent your office employees to take the office items for their personal use. Moreover, an office manager can keep a track of inventory and place the order as and when required.

There should be one single person to order all office supplies:

If a single individual will control the office supply inventory, it will be easier to track the usage. There will be clear line of accountability. In addition to this, the company can have an ongoing relationship with the company providing discount office supplies.

Having an ongoing relationship with one supplier and customer service rep:

If it's your first time, you should shop around to find the best regular supplier. However, when once you have made your mind, you should try to establish an ongoing relationship with the supplier. This way, the supplier will be able to offer you loyalty discounts and will also offer many other benefits. For example, if there is a product which your company purchases regularly, a customer service rep may alert you for any special discounts available on the product. In this way, you will be saved from paying full price for supplies.

Verify with discount office supplier while making larger purchases:

Being a regular customer can pay off your large benefits. Sometimes, being an ongoing customer makes you eligible for discounts on different storage cabinets and furnitures. Some discount office supplies provider offers automatic ordering. You can very well take advantage of it. This way you can avoid any unexpected running out of any item at the office.

The huge collection of office accessories keeps on modifying with time. A large number of innovative and useful modern office accessories are added every day. When you have a regular supplier, he will always make you acquainted with any additions in the market. This way you can be aware of modern and advance product without actually doing any research.

Keeping your office well equipped with all types of useful and advance accessories will motivate your team to work in a better way. You can also put various things for comfort like bean bags to take a rest, decorative items to make the cubicle attractive and colorful trash bins to avoid any kind of dirtiness.

So, be innovative and make your dull office a lively place to work in.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How To Sell On Ebay: The Money Is In The Back-End

Many people who sell on eBay completely neglect the
follow-up process. They post an auction. Someone wins.
They send an automated message to the winner. They ship
the item. End of story. End of buyer-seller relationship.

. . .end of customer's total worth to the business
--and this is why so many people who sell on eBay
fail or make negligible profits: they have no idea
that the real money is actually in back-end and
follow-up sales.

In this article, I am going to go over one of the
tools you can use to make follow-up sales on
Ebay: autoresponders.

Autoresponders will allow you to automate the
follow-up and upselling process. You can subscribe
to an autoresponding service through a number of
different companies. Most will give you a free
trial that limits your abilities, but lasts indefinitely.

Getresponse ( is one of these
companies. It has a user-friendly control panel,
excellent customer service, and offers a free trial
version that will give you access to everything
you need for early upselling and follow-up.

You can use your autoresponder a number of different
ways to make follow-up sales, but you must start by
collecting names to load into your autoresponder.

You can do this by asking customers (after you've done it
made a sale) if they would like to join your mailing
list and receive special offers, discounts, and the
chance to buy items before they go on auction. Load
the names and email addresses of the people who respond
positively into your autoresponder.

Getresponse will send them a confirmation message.
The rest is up to you.

Come up with special offers, discounts, and
contests and send them out via broadcast to your
subscribers on a regular basis, but not too often.

Your customers have already a) purchased from you
and b) agreed to receive special offers. From here,
it should not be too hard to get follow-up sales.
They are already hooked - just give them a good offer.

For instance, you could send out special offers for
complementary products at certain intervals. You could
target people who purchased digital cameras and offer
them sticks of memory at a discounted price, but only
if they buy within a certain amount of days after the
close of the auction. You could do the same thing with
camera bags - and also set a specific date.

If you sell jewelry, you could offer customers a matching
set of earrings for a necklace at a discount. Or cleaning
tools. Or a jewelry box.

There are a number of different ways in which you can
structure your eBay post-sales follow-up with your
autoresponder. There are only two real rules you
should follow:

1) Do not, under any circumstances, add people to your
list who did not specifically ask to be added to it.
It is illegal and unethical, and it could land you
in jail; and

2) Make sure you are targeting the right people with
the right follow-up pitch. If you're trying to sell
discount plastic dinosaurs to someone who just
bought a case of motor oil, you probably wont get
the response you want.

. . .other than that, it is completely up to you.
Come up with some creative ideas; put them to work;
and you can easily double or triple the lifetime
worth of each customer who shops at your eBay store.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

A Delectable Treat With Bundt Cakes

If you have the intention to make this birthday special, then Bundt Cakes can be the right choice for the celebration. The cakes are finely made so that you can really get the pleasure of the scrumptious taste of the item. One bite and you would just fall in love with the cake. The creamy delicacies can make other occasions special as well. You can even have a wonderful wedding and anniversary with Bundt Cakes. Popularly known as desert cakes, they can be happily served at the end of the meals. The sweet delight is wonderfully overstated with several sweetening ingredients to give your tongue a real treat with the cake.

Falling in Love with the Cake

Bundt Cakes are baked in Bundt pans and this fact makes the cake special and different from the rest. The baking process is exceptional and it is done with care to help the cake acquire the real taste. The crazy taste of the cake will attract you most towards the stuff. One bite and you would just sway in celebration sojourn. The cake is best to look at. The colorful appearance of the cake is a real attraction to watch. When displayed, you can feel the sensation happening. The 'creamy munch' entices you to serve yourself with another!

The Creamy Taste

Bundt Cakes come with stupendous creamy fills. If you want to make the cake at home then you have to keep notice of the fact that the ingredients are well mixed. Things are blended in the right way so that you can derive the most pleasurable taste at the end. You can even order cakes online. Once you place the order, the item would be served at your doorstep right away. When grouping the ingredients, or blending the flavors, you have to do things right to safeguard the good taste of the pie.

The Things Required While Making the Cake

Once you have a party at home or at office, and you feel that making such bulk cakes at home is not done, you can at once order cakes online. This is sure to put an end to your hassles. However, for smaller get-together you can decide to make the cake at home. For the purpose you can start collecting a list of required ingredients. You should have granulated sugar, brown sugar, cocoa powder, flour, melted, chocolate, eggs, chocolate baking bar, melted butter, vanilla extract, thick whipping cream, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. Mind it, an omission in any one of the ingredients can spoil the taste of the Bundt Cakes.

Making of the Cake can be Made Easy

The recipes for Bundt Cakes have grown quite popular down the years. The cake is baked in intricate pans. The baking process is special. They add a good taste to the item. Once you have prepared the cake you can store it for long. The ingredients are just perfect for long time restoration. The pan should be perfectly greased or else the cake can stick to the pan. Place the cake just at the middle of the pan.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

There Are So Many Ways to Make Money From Home - How Do I Find the Right One For Me?

You have found so many ways to make money from home. How do you find the right one for you? If you've been looking for a way to make money from home, you're probably inundated with tons of sales offers, e-mails, phone calls, etc. There are so many options! How do you know what will work and what will not? What is the right thing to do? You can quickly become overwhelmed and then you will not know which direction to turn or what to do. You can experience "information overload" The best way to get over this is to decide what you want from an online business. Look for something that will fit your lifestyle, your goals, and your schedule.

See if you can come up with a list of things that you want in an online business. Write it down. As you look at different offers, you can then evaluate them by the list you have made and you will be able to eliminate all the offers that do not fit your requirements. To help you get started, here are the things that I looked for when I went through this process.

1. I did not want a get rich quick scheme. I'd seen hundreds of them on the Internet. I wanted a good solid business that I could run from home and make a good living with. I did not expect to get a check in the mail next week for a million dollars after just putting my e-mail address on someone's list. I knew I had to put in some work and some effort. I wanted to earn the money. I was not looking for a lottery ticket. Get rich quick schemes never work.

2. I did not want Multi Level Marketing business. I hate having to sell to friends and family. I did not want to make sales because a friend was tying to help me out because of our relationship. This is no way to run a business. I wanted something I could market on the Internet to people who were looking for whatever I was selling. This is the way a real business works.

3. No personal selling. I'm not a great salesman. I did not want to have to continuously sell people on my product or spend a lot of time on the phone. I wanted people to already be sold. I wanted people to just come to me and say, yes, I want it.

4. I needed a great support system. I was a total newbie when it came to Internet marketing. I knew how to send and e-mail and surf the web, but that was it. I needed help getting an online business up and running and help with marketing online. I wanted to know that there was a real live person I could call for help and advice if I needed it.

5. Great business system. I knew a lot about business, because I've been running businesses for over 30 years, so I know what makes a viable business. I knew what components I was looking for, what would make it a complete system. I wanted a proven system that others had used and been successful with. I was looking for a system that I could just step into and follow and find a winning business plan. When you have a great business system to follow, your chances for success skyrocket. Look at franchises like Starbucks, McDonalds, Subway, they have the business plan all figured out. If you follow their lead, you have a money making machine.

6. Multiple streams of income and back end sales. Any business that has many ways to make money within the same system is going to be that much more profitable. Once you have a customer, if you can turn them into a repeat customer, your business is going to be that much more profitable. You will not have to constantly be looking for new customers. Your old customers will come back and pay you over and over. That is one of the secrets of a successful business.

7. I love helping people. It brings great satisfaction. I'd like to use the knowledge I've acquired over the years to help others. There have been people who have helped me along the way and I've like to pass that along by helping others.

8. I wanted a great product, one that was unique, that people could not buy at the corner store. I wanted a product that I felt would help other people. I did not want to feel like I was ripping anyone off. I wanted to know that people who purchased my product could be preferred by it. It could make their lives better. That was important to me.

9. My family. The most important thing I was looking for was something that would work for my family. I'm a mother of 6 children and I home school. I still have 3 children living at home and one left in home school. But even having one in home school takes a lot of time. I have a home and a husband and I wanted to have the time I needed to be a good wife and mother. This is my top priority. I needed a business I could run that would not take over my life. That would not require all my time and attention. I wanted something that I could work on for a few hours a day, at my convenience, then not worry about the rest of the time.

It took months of research looking at all the ways to make money from home to find the right one for me. I finally found the right one that fit all my requirements. It is the perfect business for me and for my family. I work a few hours every morning, and then I'm free to be a mom the rest of the day. I never have to worry about my business on weekends or holidays. I can go on vacation without a second thought about my business. It keeps on going when I'm away. It is amazing! And it works!

Money is just a tool. Money is not my end goal in life. Money is a means to an end. If you are sick of worrying about money, living paycheck to paycheck, wondering how you are going to pay the bills, then change things! Do it! If you are ready to have a better life for you and for your family, do something about it! I did it and so can you.

Monday, April 1, 2019

List of Ways to Save Money on Phone Bills

During these challenging economic times, the less money we spend unnecessarily, the more we are able to save for our priorities and future needs. One of the factors which sometimes contribute to our monthly expenses are the phone bills. Here we discuss a list of ways to save money on phone bills.

1) Specifically for International phone calls, try to go in for per second plans of the operators, where you get billed per second / per 10 seconds. This is way much cheaper than the per minute billing plan. Sometimes, it happens that your conversation is very brief and it is over in less than 30 seconds. If you have a per-second billing plan, then you pay only for 30 seconds and not the whole one minute. Moreover, sometimes, you call and the other person is not able to hear you properly. In that case, people generally disconnect within 10-12 seconds. So, why to pay unnecessarily for one whole minute when you have not been able to even initiate the conversation.

2) Always check your talk time. Are you spending too much time talking on phone ?. If yes, then, probably, your phone bills must be going way up.

During your conversation, if you keep an eye on how many minutes you have been talking, then you would want to talk only about the most important things and discuss the rest later, or maybe through Email. This will help you a lot to save money on phone bills

3) Also, try to use calling cards when you want to make international phone calls. Calling through cell phones can be pretty expensive. You can consult with your network operator for the applicable rates on calling cards when you call overseas.

If you regularly make international phone calls., Then the option of using calling cards should definitely be included in your list of ways to save money on phone bills

4) If you want ringtones / wallpapers, then try to download them from the internet, rather than sending a sms to your operator and then getting charged for it. After all, money saved is money earned.

5) Check out for the unlimited sms plans offered by your operator. This is particularly useful if you like to send a lot of text messages to your friends / business associates. Getting unlimited plans at discounted prices and so can certainly be counted among the list ways to save money on phone bills.

6) Regularly consult the customer care section of your operator to know about the current offers. You may be able to get some discounted airtime / message pack, if you ask for. After all, it is your money, and you are entitled to save it.

7) Furthermore, check wherever your operator is offering any special package for international phone calls., Specifically packages relating to specific countries. This will again help you a lot to save money on phone bills, when you are calling particular countries.

8) Be honest with yourself and do and examination of your phone services. Do you really need both landline and mobile phone ?. If having a cell phone serves all your purposes, then maybe you can go in for less rental plans of landline or maybe have it disconnected.

Here we have tried to make a list of ways to save money on phone bills, while making both domestic and international phone calls. Hope you are able to benefit from it.

Happy Calling ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Good Morning America Inbox Dollars - Scam?

Recently, Good Morning America featured an online company named "Inbox Dollars". It was not such a surprise that this company is completely internet based, but the surprising part of it, was that this company deals with online paid surveys. If you have ever looked into paid surveys, then you will know exactly why this is so surprising (so many of these companies scam people by making consumers pay to get access to their surveys).

Now, on Good Morning America, Inbox Dollars explained that people can earn money in several different ways through their website:

* Reading Email

* Shopping Online

* Trying Brand Name Products

* Taking Surveys Online

* Playing Games

So this is not just an online survey site at all. There is much more to it. Now the way Inbox Dollars works is complicated, yet very simple to the end user. People may wonder how Inbox Dollars can just pay people for reading emails, playing games, or trying products. Well, to put it simply, on the email part, you will get about 2-3 emails per day to read. These emails will be advertisements and you get paid just for viewing the advertisement. You will also get paid if you take advantage of the advertisement, some may be free trials and others may be reduced prices. Either way, you get paid for reading the email. The rest is optional. But Inbox Dollars can pay you just for reading the email because they get paid by the advertiser for showing you the ad. So for the games and brand name products, it is presented to you in a very similar fashion.

In regards to the online surveys, it works in the same way. If a company has a survey questionnaire that they need filled in, they look for survey companies, like inbox dollars to have these completed. The survey company pays inbox dollars and inbox dollars pays you a portion for you to complete the survey. The problem with other online survey companies is that they never pay you. But with Inbox Dollars, they have over 3.5 million members and have been in this business for years. They know the value of their members and in order to keep them, they must pay them.

Last but not least, Inbox Dollars is 100% free to join. No fee for membership, EVER. Some survey sites will actually charge you to get access to their surveys or survey sites. Most, if not all of those sites are scamming you in one way or another. In most cases, the surveys they give you access to are just surveys from some other free site you could have found on your own. They are basically just charging you a fee to take your money and feeding you surveys that they found for free on Google themselves. In addition, most of these sites are not the actual survey owners, so it is not their responsibility for paying people for the surveys, so you never know if you will actually get paid for the surveys they give you.

I hope you have found this information useful and helpful in your search for legitimate online companies for making money. If you would like to see our top 3 online paid survey companies, please visit the website below.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Airport Parking and Vehicle Servicing

Parking your car at any airport can be a stressful time and even more so at Heathrow Airport the UK's busiest airport. If you are going on holiday or away on business and are flying from Heathrow Airport, you need a company who will take the stress, worry and hassle away by offering an excellent, professional and personal unique service combining airport parking & providing your car with a part or full service while you are away.

People incur numerous problems when parking their car at an airport including: Booking a local parking facility prior to their trip away not to mention the high costs involved especially in peak season, making your way to the terminal can be a task in itself. Waiting for the for the shuttle at both the beginning and the end of your trip and last but not least returning to your car after your holiday to find it is covered in dirt and dust or worse still does not even start.

Call a company who take clients directly to the terminal building before taking the clients vehicle to their fully equipped car servicing and storage facility located only minutes from London's Heathrow Airport. Search Google for a Company who will then proceed to carry out all the necessary repairs, maintenance or car servicing required by you. You should rest assured that your car is in good hands and securely stored at their secure concessions. All vehicles should be returned to clients in a pristine and excellent working order including a safe journey home. This takes all the hassle out of parking at the airport. Find a Company who offer a complete professional service dedicated to your individual needs and offer a complete range of services to all major makes and models of car.

These unique meet and greet services offer free collection and delivery while you have peace of mind that your car will be delivered personally to you so you do not have to worry about it getting scratched, damaged, dirty or unable to start so you can enjoy your holiday. If you wish to take advantage of this unique service and have you car serviced while you are away,

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Promotional Products Startup Guide For New Companies

If you have either bought or are starting a new business from the ground up, one of your most immediate needs is to establish your brand in the market place as soon as possible. Certainly one of the best and most cost effective ways to accomplish this is with the help of promotional products. However, I am not writing this article to convince you of the importance of using promotional products but rather to help you with the process of implementing this type of marketing approach. In this article, I will be discussing a kind of mental checklist that will be necessary to help make this process go much more smoothly for you. Keep in mind that I will be providing you a general rather than a comprehensive guide to the ordering process as with more than 850,000 promotional products and growing in our industry I could not in this small article cover all the necessary guidelines for ordering each product. Nevertheless, I will address some of the key considerations that will help you in the selection and ordering process for most promotional products.

One of the first areas in this process you must address is to come up with a budget. Your thinking here should be first to come up with a total budget and then to break that total budget into segments which should include a price range for each promotional product you want to order. Don't forget to compensate for costs other than the actual product in your budget such as shipping, taxes, and any fulfillment costs that might be incurred in delivering or packaging the promotional item. As part of this budgetary process you will want to decide on how many different types of promotional items you will want to purchase. Once you have decided on how many promotional products you will be using in your marketing effort, you will need to figure out how many of each individual item you will want to order. This really then becomes more of a mathematical function of how many promotional items you will be ordering and how much you have budgeted for the entire promotional product program.

With the financial aspect of the promotional product program figured out your thought process should move to the marketing aspects so you can then zero in on the precise products that will accomplish your branding mission. This is where you need to begin to ask yourself some important questions. It is through the questioning process that you will define your entire approach to getting the appropriate and most effective promotional product and still stay within your budget. Questions such as: who will you be targeting with these promotional products? What is the message and impression you want the product to convey to the person receiving it? Where will the promotional product be given out? Although I can think of many more questions that I as a professional would ask to better define your goals lets limit it to these three very important questions for now. Let's briefly discuss the first question: who will the products be given to? Actually this question can best be answered by asking and answering a series of other questions like: will the products be given to current customers or prospects? Will the products be given to men, women or children? What position does the recipient hold in an organization? These are just a few questions you will need to ask yourself in defining your target and thus determining an appropriate and effective promotional product. With regards to the second major question I presented concerning the message and impression you want to convey to your customer, you will need to examine why you are giving the promotional product out in the first place. Do you want to give the promotional product out to create awareness of a new product or service your company is introducing? Perhaps, you want to use it to directly boost sales and give it as a gift with purchase which we call a premium in the industry. There are many ways to help your business grow with the help of promotional products, in fact, to many to mention here in this article. But the way to find out how you can best use them is by questioning and understanding your own company's needs. Finally, the last major question involves the logistics and the distribution of the promotional products. For example, where will the promotional products be given out? Will your sales people be giving out the promotional product during sales calls or maybe at a tradeshow? Maybe your company will be hosting a seminar and hand some products out there. Still another possibility would involve mailing out products to customers such as gifts acknowledging their support and creating good will and loyalty to your company and brand. However you choose to get the product to your marketing target distribution and logistics should be an important consideration in your decision to purchase certain promotional products.

Having touched on the marketing aspect of choosing to promote your brand with promotional products, it is now time to turn your attention to what essentially is the nuts and bolts part of the actual ordering process. This part of your marketing efforts involves specific choices that you will have to make regarding each product most of which have their own unique characteristics. Once you actually decide on a promotional product, things like size, color, specific features, and options available for that product should be thought out. You will then need to decide how you want to customize the product. Things like the number of ink colors you will want to imprint on an item, how many sides on a product will be imprinted and in the case of an embroidered product the size and location of the embroidery will come into play. Finally,you will need to make sure that you have your artwork done by a graphics professional who can put it in the proper format to submit for actual production. Although there are many products and possibilities for the creative and effective use of promotional products, with a little thought on your part the basic guidelines I have outlined in this article will provide you with a good starting agenda. Of course, a top professional promotional product supplier with extensive experience and the technology necessary can help and fill in the important missing gaps and take you the rest of the way to successfully completing your marketing mission.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Hire Web Developer - 10 Important Points to Ponder Upon

Nowadays it is almost an outdated thought to run a business without online presence! Besides that people know that online presence increases or just double the Return on Investment for all the businesses! Also institutions or organization do also keep their presence online to establish or spread themselves to the world. And to make the effort of building a website there are lots of web development companies who offer the customer or the clients to hire web developer. In this way the website building process has become easy and affordable too!

But there are some aspects in website development. One of those factors is to hire web developer who is or is really helpful or worthy to be hired. This is the reason I am trying to put down just 10 important points that always come in consideration at the time of hiring web developers. Let's have a look on the points:

  1. Before you decide to hire web developer, just assess your requirements. It is very important to know what kind of development you are looking for. Do you need a simple static website or e-commerce site. Depending on these you have to search for the web developers.
  2. Are you looking for open source development or the hard code? It may be the case that your projects can be best done in open source or vice-versa. So before you go to hire web developer make sure that you have determined the technologies / programming languages. It is essential because there are developers who are expert and specialist at open source or the hard code. You need to choose your ones.
  3. You need to find out the expert and experienced people for your projects. You should never hire web developers who are having little experience in the kind of development you are looking for. Why not check out the portfolio of works? It will let you decide the quality of people you are choosing.
  4. Try to assess the knowledge base and the professionalism of the developers you are considering to hire. You should clear the queries about the project you are thinking to offer to the developers. Again the work ethics or the process of work (stonestone deliverables, project documentation etc) will let you know the developers. So when you hire web developer never forget to take interview.
  5. When you are thinking to build a website you should find the market trend to know if the project can be given to a local developer or it is best to think of outsourcing. These days it is best to hire web developer from offshore companies. Not only the cost but also the growing competition has facilitated the availability of best services from anywhere in the world.
  6. You may hire web developer as dedicated to your projects or may go time-based hiring as you require. Both are good. But dedicated hiring is the best ploy as in this case your headache is less to complete the project. Even the flow of project is smooth and time of development becomes less.
  7. You may hire web developer from a company or a freelancer. If you hire from a company you will get many types of developers or the specialist altogether and the development process becomes smooth. But in the matter of freelancers you have to be very much choosy and careful to know the professionalism or the quality of work of the particular developers. Sometimes multiple hiring of personnel becomes essential in the case of freelancers.
  8. It is very much important to know that you hire web developer from somewhere that has proper infrastructure to complete your project. It is particularly essential as many a time it is found that you go for hiring a freelancer who does not have access to latest technologies and tools or the true setup to finish the projects. So proper search and confirmation of the infrastructure has become mandatory (also for companies).
  9. Try to find out how is the reputation of the developer in providing support to the project both through the project completion and afterward maintenance. Never hire web developer with poor record in support or do not forget to judge the communication level of them. Otherwise total investment in the project may go in vain.
  10. When you decide to hire web developer, do not go behind affordability always, care for the legal issues too. It is fact that affordable web development is now very possible. But it is not all the companies provide best service at affordable cost. Find out the reputed companies who do not only provide affordable service but also clears legal dealings, say money back guarantee issues, copyright, document & resource transfer and all.

Hope after going through the above points, you will understand how important it is to be careful in the process of hiring developers for getting the best development of the website you are thinking to build. Always remember the responsibility of best website development never only rest on the developers. It is also your discretion to hire single web developer from multiple companies or team of developer from one company. However, never feel helpless if you find the things little lengthy. You may take help of directories and tactfully choose the request a quote process for searching and getting best developers. Never hurry but be steady in the website building initiative - you will be successful.