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Thursday, November 22, 2018

How To Make Money Online With Games

Are you fed up with having to wake up early to catch the morning cable or beat traffic on the roads? Is your boss becoming too much knowing that your survival depends on him? If so, this is the time to start thinking of how you can make money online, from the comfort of your home. The internet gives you plenty of options to choose from, but making money playing video games should be the most interesting of them all.

Recommended websites:

· SecondLife.com

· ClubBing.com

· PlayAndWin.co.uk

A few years back, getting paid to play video games online for other players was viewed as a counter-intuitive prospect. However, there are now a number of sites that can enable you to earn legal money. Anshe Chung became the very first millionaire from online gaming in 2008, and there is no reason you can not pull the same stunt. Here are the steps that you will have to follow to make money online in this way:

1. The first step is to get controlled with a web-based game that actually offers cash prizes to exemplary players. There are quite a number of games such as The Mobster Game that award the highest ranked online players.

2. You will then have to do your part in excelling in every game you play. This will absolutely require a lot of practice. As you excel, you will earn extra turns that can at times be changed for real cash.

3. Obtain the highest possible ranks on text based games offering offering weekly rewards. Some games could easily earn you a thousand dollars in a week!

4. Participate in as many online tournaments as possible to win even larger cash rewards. Most tourneys will require you to pay a registration fee and the winners will get a huge portion of the collections.

The other way to make money online with games is to sell characters. Simply create an account with a game you do not intend to play. If many players love the game, they will be willing to pay you cash if you threaten to delete the account after a short while. Most payments will usually be made to you via Paypal.


There are quite a number of advantages that you enjoy when you choose to make money online with games. Most importantly, most of the online games come with huge incomes, especially if you win tournaments. You also enjoy the convenience of working at the time you deem best.


There are not many sites that will pay you handsomely to play games. To make it even worse, you will have to be very good to earn reasonable amounts of money.

With many video game enthusiasts switching to online games, you can take advantage and sharpen your skills so earn good money. There are not many jobs that pay you to just play so if you are good enough this is the time to start commuting. You will however have to be a bit patient with returns.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Making a Girl Wet - 3 Simple Tips to Make a Girl Wet

Are you looking for ways to make a girl wet?

Girls do get wet when you arouse them to a certain level. However, it is not easy to get a girl wet. But don't worry, I can help you.

Getting a girl wet can be emotionally satisfying for you - Well, I guess every man in this world wants to see his girl squirt during lovemaking.

However, do take note that not every girl can squirt. A woman gets wet and squirts because of orgasm. There are dry and wet orgasms: so if your lady falls under the first category, then you have no choice but to accept that she won't squirt.

But before you can know, you need to try the tips I am going to share with you here.

In order to get a girl wet in bed, what you do here is to try all ways to make her reach orgasm. There are basically 3 ways to make her orgasm:

1. Engage in prolonged foreplay. I can't stress seems to stress enough how important foreplay is. Many men tend to skip this and go straight to intercourse. Don't do that.

Naturally, women take a longer time to get aroused. When a woman is not aroused, she can't reach orgasm.

Foreplay is a good time to use your skills to make her reach maximum arousal level. Use your hand and tongue to stimulate all her erogenous zones such as breasts, neck, inner thighs, earlobes, abdomen, armpit, etc. Be thorough, but don't spend too much time on each area.

2. Go down on her. Cunnilingus or oral sex for women, is the single best way to make a woman orgasm. Spend at least 3 minutes to perform cunnilingus on her. Start with the outer lips and make your way to the clitoris. The clitoris is very sensitive to stimulation. If you use the right tongue techniques to lick her clitoris, she is going to explode into shaking orgasm.

One thing to note: Don't bite the clitoris. You will cause serious pain to her and this is a BIG TURN OFF.

3. Fingering her g-spot. Insert your finger into her vagina with your palm facing upward. Your first task is to locate the g-spot. It is situated somewhere at the front wall of the vagina. So use your finger to make a "come here" motion and try to feel a round, roughened area on the front wall. This is the G-Spot. Once you have located the g-spot, apply pressure to it. It should enlarge and feel more solid.

If you stimulate it correctly, you will feel her legs squeezing against your quads. This shows that she is near to orgasm! Go for the finishing line.

Making your girl wet by giving her an orgasm is a great way to satisfy her sexual desire. However, if you can't last long enough during intercourse (premature ejaculation), you are throwing your efforts to waste.

89% of all women asked, who admitted to being unfaithful to their male partner, said that they were driven to betrayal due to their man's inability to last long enough to allow her to have a vaginal orgasm.

Don't be one of them. If you are having problem to last long enough to satisfy her, check out the bonus tip below:

Sunday, February 24, 2019

How To Choose A Boxing Gym

Health Clubs

Exercise fads come and go. If you don't believe me, sit up after midnight and watch the parade of info commercials on TV. The majority of them focus on the latest hot trend for shaping up. Some health clubs do offer boxing classes, but they may only view it as a temporary fad. In other words, the classes will be offered only as long as gym management thinks that what their customers will demand boxing training. If you want to do training for the long run, find out if the gym offers the class on a regular, on-going basis. This is important if you're going to put your money down. Health club memberships usually aren't cheap, and their contracts can be hard to break.

Some health clubs have fitness or aerobic boxing classes, which focus only on the workout itself. No sparring is involved. If you only want to hit the bags and the punch mitts, these classes are perfect. If you do want to compete at some point, talk to the trainers to see if they do prepare people for that. If not, seek out another gym.

Take into account the atmosphere of the health club. Some are glorified social clubs, while others cater to a certain crowd, like bodybuilders, for example. The culture of the club may have a bearing on how you may like or not like training there.

Traditional Boxing Gyms

A buddy of mine attends a gym where mostly professional boxers train. He described the boxing training atmosphere as being intense and no-nonsense. The fighters are hungry, and they want to win championships.

These types of gyms are usually privately owned. Some have a mix of amateur and professional boxers among their members. I have heard of a few gyms that are strictly for professional fighters only. Be prepared to work when arriving at the door of a traditional boxing gym. The trainers will expect that everybody who comes there will work hard on their training. They're not going to waste time on anyone who won't.

Prices vary. Unlike health clubs, some boxing gyms do not require people to be locked into long term contracts.

Participants can pay their membership dues on a monthly basis. On average, monthly fees can be as low as $50.00 all the way up to a couple of hundreds a month. Those who know they'll be going less often can pay a day fee, which may range between ten to twenty-five bucks each time. Paying a day fee is also a good way of checking out a gym before committing to boxing training there.

Personal training as well as group classes can be had at traditional boxing gyms, but keep in mind that separate fees are involved.

Some of the older gyms haven't gotten around to making their places welcoming to women, unfortunately. Don't be surprised to find there's no designated women's washroom or locker room in older gyms. If you can overlook having to use a converted custodian's supply room in order to change into your workout clothes, more power to you. Maybe if you push enough, management will make the changes.

Municipal Park District Boxing Gyms

If you live in or near a big city, boxing training via the park district may work for you. The fees to work out are much less than going to a health club or to a private gym. Another plus is that these types of boxing gyms often can be found closer to your neighborhood.

Their biggest asset, being open for all, can also be a park district's boxing gym's major drawback as well. All kinds of characters are drawn to boxing gyms. Private health clubs and traditional boxing gyms can put barriers up to keep some problem personalities out. Those who train at park district gyms may have to grin and bear some difficult people. It's a great idea to talk to the coach before signing up to get a feel for how those types of gyms operate.

Boxers in these types of boxing gyms often participate in local competitions, and some park districts do hold boxing shows throughout the year. If you find an adults-only boxing class through the park district, great! But keep in mind that the park district's main focus is being family-friendly and providing recreation for youths. Many of their boxing programs may be for all ages, in the same gym, at the same time. If it's not going to be a problem to train alongside grade and high school kids, then go for it. Being around people who are at different levels in terms of boxing skills is a good thing. Everyone can learn from each other.

These types of boxing gyms tend to be no frills. The field house, or building where the boxing gym is, may not be in the best of shape. There may not be locker rooms or showers, depending on the location. If the coach can't make it in on any given day, the gym may not open.

Getting personal attention once in awhile may be a challenge depending on how many people are in the class. Some people question the level of training and the quality of coaches who work within the municipal recreation system. But you may prefer training in these types of boxing gyms as opposed to privately owned gyms.

All Female Boxing Gyms

These gyms are a great alternative for women who want to avoid dealing with issues in predominately male gyms, such as sexism and macho attitudes. The emphasis is on empowering women. They tend to be more respectful of women who are only interested in becoming fit, as opposed to wanting to compete. Many offer classes for those who prefer classroom structure.

Ask questions, talk to the coaches, and talk to the people who attend the gym so you can get a clearer picture of which gym will work well for your training purposes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Private Real Estate Syndicated Funds - A Passive Way to Invest in Real Estate

In today's economy, one thing is guaranteed. The world is trying to ditch the US dollar as the reserve currency and keeping your money in CDs and money market accounts is straight forward unsafe. For decades savers and investors found it safe to keep their money parked with their banks despite the current near zero rates of interest and volatility of the US dollar are justified reasons that compel more folks to find better investment strategies for their money. That's why many investors start looking for investments which keep up with inflation (real estate, gold / silver, commodities, and certain foreign currencies and stocks.)

If Real Estate investing has been on your mind but is not sure where to invest, how to find the best deals or how to correctly evaluate one, you may want to explore the opportunity of a passive way to invest in a syndicated real estate fund . A real estate syndicate is simply a group of investors who pool their money to purchase real estate. By pooling their money together these investors are able to purchase larger real estate properties with or without bank financing. This method of real estate investing has been a popular method of financing the purchase and sale of commercial properties such as shopping centers, office buildings and warehouses.

Private Real Estate syndicates raise funds through a private placement which is a security - an ownership interest in a company that owns and operates investment real estate. Unlike the REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), these investment vehicles are not publicly traded and are not priced to market on a daily basis. While REITs may have high dividend returns their publicly traded shares are subject to a significant degree of price volatility, an event less likely to occur with private syndicated funds.

Many real estate syndicates are offered as private placements, so it is important for you to understand the process and risk factors related to private placements. One of the most common risk is that the underlying investment is real estate, as a result these investments may be less liquid than shares in a REIT; when time comes the fund may be unable to sell the real property at a high sufficient price to generate the expected profits; Egypt outside factors such as a further deterioration of the economy may negate the value added through rehabilitation work. Then, there is that uncertainty of unforeseen future expenses, taxes, and liability, all of which being typical real estate issues that seasoned investors are familiar with. My recommendation is that you thoroughly evaluate the risks directly from the private placement memorandum.

Syndicated real estate funds are carefully crafted by using the expertise of attorneys, accountants, contractors, investment bankers, mortgage bankers, and real estate brokers. They are structured in form of a partnership agreement or limited liability company (LLC), whose code of ethics requires full disclosure of all material facts. To further determine whether this kind of investment is for you, you'll want to find out the experience and accomplishments of all directors and managers, the minimum required investment, the time-frame of your investment, and the potential annual return and capital gains on your money.

What I found enticing is the fact that one can invest in a private real estate syndicate by using his retirement account (IRA). A self-directed IRA is a unique hybrid tool that uses a self-directed IRA custodian and a specialized legal structure. Investments made with a self-directed IRA may grow untaxed provided the income generated is passive income.

Some other potential benefits associated with investments in these funds are:

* Gaining net cash flow through a passive investment. Owning real estate individually requires skills in assessing property values, negotiating purchase agreements, financing, negotiating leases and managing the property. An investor in such a fund has access to a group that has proven knowledge and experience to deal with all aspects of real estate.

* Achieving a higher yield by investing in larger and more profitable properties. By pooling the funds of a number of investors, real estate syndicates can achieve overall better returns when compared to many individual investors.

* Taking advantage of the troubled commercial real estate market by using the expertise of culture investors.

* Hedging against Inflation. Because inflation erodes the value of hard-earned money and reduces the individual purchasing power, investment diversification in tangible assets may potentially represent a more desirable way to maintain your current living standard.

* Potential profit from property appreciation. Commercial real estate value is determined by its level of stabilization. High occupancy rates, stable revenues, carefully assessed expenses, and experienced property managers overall significantly contribute to the increase in value.

* Favorable tax treatment. Check with your tax adviser regarding tax savings on private estate syndicates which may not be available when investing in a public company.

* Various Investment Positions. As an investor, you can choose from a variety of positions that best suits your investment requirements.

Overall I still think it's a smart move to diversify your investment portfolio with a hard asset such as real estate. But no matter what you invest in keep in mind that a "healthy investment" is the kind that ...

* generates substantial revenues for you during good times and bad times;
* is made out of real assets that do not vanish;
* does not lose its earnings potential with time;
* maintains its capital value;
* keeps up with inflation;
* is made out of assets that satisfy one or more human needs (housing, food, energy);
* can be passed on to your heirs and generate passive income for them.

Finally, if you're seriously considering placing a chunk of your money into such a fund do not forget to ask the hard questions such as if the managers and directors are investing their own money in the fund; how can you verify that the company is real and not a hoax; what could go wrong and if it does what happens to your investment. Use common sense and your own instinct, learn as much as you can, make decisions, and act on them quickly so that when the economic dust finally settles, your egg nest will still be there, intact and unharmed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Recognizing Navigational Tools For the Future of Education

I have to laugh when I think of the times I watched the television program, "Flash Gordon," as he putted through outer space in his make-believe space ship, talking on his make-believe wireless radio, and dressed in his make-believe space suit. Well, I'm not laughing anymore. Today we have shuttled astronauts into outer space, have men living in a Space Station, have space suites that take your temperature and gauge your heart rate, and wireless communication devices that send pictures to Planet Earth. Far fetched from reality? Not anymore. As we speak, the future is starring us in the face, waiting to see how we will promote her in the next 5-10 years.

How did science-fiction become reality over the past 50 years? Let's consider one aspect of innovation: the learning environment - post secondary education. Why post secondary education, you may ask? As post secondary education population increases, programs to accommodate students will develop into curriculum that affords students the freedom to create and design systems they toy with on a daily basis. Are there risks involved in this adaptation process? There are risks involved when change occurs, and leadership should be aware of how to diplomatically confront the risk areas that could slow down progress. Some of the risks that could be encountered due to change are:

o Systems risks

o Subsystem risks

o People

o Financial/economic risks

o Societal/Cultural risks

If communication between systems, subsystems, people, and cultures within the organizational environment has established a strong communication system, risks factors will be at a minimum as long as the creative teams are honest and upfront about their reservations to change.

Let's look into the future through 'futureoculers' and see how the universe of learning can be brought into the present. I want to introduce to you five (5) key trends that I believe affect the current learning environment, can create change, and renovate the perspective of learners and educators for students of the future. These trends could be the key in creating a new perspective in post secondary education for an institution. The key trends are:

o Competitive classroom learning environments - campus on-site/online/distant

o Increase in technological tools

o Teaching/learning environments-more hands on

o Global expansion capability-internal and external

o Student input in the creative learning process

Navigational Systems

Before the five (5) key trends are defined, there needs to be an acknowledgement of how the trends will be supported and regulated through a changing environment. According to de Kluyver, and Pearce, II, having the right systems and processes/subsystems enhances organizational effectiveness and facilitates coping with change. Misaligned systems and processes can be a powerful drag on an organization's ability to adapt. Therefore, check what effect, if any, current systems and processes are likely to have on a company's ability to implement a particular strategy is well advised. Support systems such as a company's planning, budgeting, accounting, information and reward and incentive systems can be critical to successful strategy implementation. Although they do not by themselves define a sustainable competitive advantage, superior support systems help a company adapt more quickly and effectively to changing requirements. A well-designed planning system ensures that planning is an orderly process, gets the right amount of attention by the right executives, and has a balanced external and internal focus. Budgeting and accounting systems are valuable in providing accurate historical data, setting benchmarks and targets, and defining measures of performance. A state-of-the-art information system supports all other corporate systems, and it facilitates analysis as well as internal and external communications. Finally, a properly designed reward and incentive system is key to creating energy through motivation and commitment. A process (or subsystem) is a systematic way of doing things. Processes can be formal or informal; they define organization roles and relationships, and they can facilitate or obstruct change. Some processes or subsystems look beyond immediate issues of implementation to an explicit focus on developing a stronger capacity for adapting to change. Processes/subsystems aimed at creating a learning organization and at fostering continuous improvement are good examples. As an example, processes or subsystems are functional and maintain the operation of the system; the system may be Student Services and the subsystem may be the Financial Aid office or Admissions. Subsystems can be more in depth in relation to office operations, which involves employee positions and their culture; financial advisors, academic advisors, guidance counselors. These operations are functions performed on the human level and could have a positive or negative impact in the development of key trends. If employees are valued and rewarded for their dedication and service, the outcome will be responsible, committed employees for the success of their subsystem.

The Navigator

Every navigator needs a map, a plan, a driver to give direction to for a successful trip. In this case, the driver is several elements:

o Service integrity, reputation

o Affordability with an open door concept

Hughes and Beatty relate drivers as Strategic drivers; those relatively few determinants of sustainable competitive advantage for a particular organization in a particular industry or competitive environment (also called factors of competitive success, key success factors, key value propositions). The reason for identifying a relatively small number of strategic drivers for an organization is primarily to ensure that people become focused about what pattern of inherently limited investments will give the greatest strategic leverage and competitive advantage. Drivers can change over time, or the relative emphasis on those drivers can change, as an organization satisfies its key driver. In the case of post secondary education, drivers help measure success rates in the area of course completion ratio, student retention, and transfer acceptance into a university and/or the successful employment of students. Because change is so rampant in education, it is wise for leadership to anticipate change and develop a spirit of foresight to keep up with global trends.

Drivers can help identify the integrity of internal and external functions of systems and subsystems, as mentioned previously, by identifying entity types that feed the drivers' success. They are:

o Clientele Industry - external Market - feeder high schools, cultural and socio-economic demographic and geographic populations

- Competitors - local and online educational systems

- Nature of Industry - promote a learning community

- Governmental influences - licensed curriculum programs supported by local, state, and federal funds

- Economic and social influences - job market, employers, outreach programs

o College Planning and Environment - internal

- Capacity - Open door environment

- Products and services - high demand curriculum programs that meet, local, state, and federal high demand employment needs

- Market position - Promote on and off-campus activities that attract clientele

- Customers - traditional and non-traditional credit and non-credit students

- Systems, processes, and structures - trained staff and state-of-the art technical systems

- Leadership - integrity-driven, compassionate leadership teams

- Organizational culture - promote on-campus activities promoting a proactive environment for students

According to Hughes and Beatty, these functions can assimilate into the Vision, Mission, and Values statements to define the key strategic drivers for developing successful environments.

Navigating Towards a Destination

With the recognition of systems, subsystems, and drivers, we can see our destination in the distance and their value in building a foundation to support the five key trends. The five (5) key trends will help define strategic thinking in a global perspective; the understanding of futuristic thinking that encompasses: risk taking, imagination, creativity, communication among leadership, and a perspective of how the future can fit into today's agenda. The five (5) key trends are:

1. Competitive Classroom Learning Environments - campus on-site/online/distant

One of the major attractions in education today is to accommodate a student at every level: academically, financially, and socially. These three environments are the mainstream of why one school is selected over another school. Today there is a change in tide. Students who once competed for seats in post secondary schools are becoming a valued asset as post secondary schools compete between each other for students. High schools are no longer the only feeder into colleges. Today, students are coming from home schools, career schools, charter schools, high risk schools, private schools, religious schools, work environments, and ATB tested environments. So, how can the educational system attract students and keep them motivated in an interactive learning environment they can grow in? Wacker and Taylor writes that the story of every great enterprise begins with the delivery of a promise, and every product a great enterprise makes is nothing but an artifact of the truth of that promise. So what great enterprise can be created to attract new students? By creating learning/teaching environments, post secondary schools can prepare students to meet the demands of everyday life and their life in the community. Schools can consider incorporating a learning model to enable professors and/or community leaders/entrepreneurs to team teach in the classroom/online environment. Team Teaching will contribute valuable views into the learning environment, as well as, give students the working community's real-time perspective. In an excerpt from "The University at the Millennium: The Glion Declaration" (1998) quoted by Frank H.T. Rhodes, President Emeritus of Cornell University, for the Louisiana State Board of Regents report, Dr. Rhodes wrote that universities are learning communities, created and supported because of the need of students to learn, the benefit to scholars of intellectual community, and the importance to society of new knowledge, educated leaders, informed citizens, expert professional skills and training, and individual certification and accreditation. Those functions remain distinctive, essential contributions to society; they form the basis of an unwritten social compact, by which, in exchange for the effective and responsible provision of those services, the public supports the university, contributes to its finance, accepts its professional judgment and scholarly certification, and grants it a unique degree of institutional autonomy and scholarly freedom. To experience education is learning, to exercise knowledge is freedom, and to combine them is wisdom.

2. Teaching/learning environments-more hands on

As post secondary educators relinquish hands-on-chalk-board teaching styles and establish group teaching models, students will develop a greater understanding of the theme of the class environment as well as the professor in developing an understanding of the class cultures' stance in learning. Educators are discovering that inclusive learning styles are revamping the teaching model and becoming a positive influence in retention, better grades, camaraderie among students, and a greater respect for the professor. As professors learn to develop relationships with students, interaction will transpire, lecturing will be condensed into a time frame and interactive learning between students and professor will enhance the classroom environment.

3. Global expansion capability-internal and external

Students are surrounded by virtual global environments or are impacted by global elements: the clothes they wear are made overseas, the games they play on their electronic toys are created overseas, the war games they play are created to identify with global war games, etc. The only draw back to this scenario is a truly global learning experience. What they are seeing is not what they are getting; a real time global experience. James Morrison writes that in order to meet unprecedented demand for access, colleges and universities need to expand their use of IT tools via online learning, which will enable them to teach more students without building more classrooms. Moreover, in order for professors to prepare their pupils for success in the global economy, they need to ensure that students can access, analyze, process, and communicate information; use information technology tools; work with people from different cultural backgrounds; and engage in continuous, self-directed learning. Christopher Hayter writes that post secondary schools need to be 'Globally Focused' for the 21st century that includes a global marketplace and be internationally focused. This means ensuring that skills needed to compete in a global marketplace are taught and that the mastery of such skills by students is internationally benchmarked. It may also mean a new emphasis on learning languages and understanding other cultures and the business practices of other countries.

More and more businesses are expanding into the global marketplace, opening corporate offices in foreign countries and hiring and training employees from those countries. Are our college graduates being trained to assimilate into cultures and work side-by-side with employees who may not be able to relate to them? Developing curriculums accommodating social and cultural entities will propel a student into higher realms of learning and create change in the individual student as well as support their career for their future.

4. Student input in the creative learning process

Professors are the gatekeepers in education. However, as Baby Boomer Professors begin to exit the educational workforce and head down the path of retirement, younger generation professors will take their place bringing with them innovative teaching methods that can expand the learning process. Are post secondary educators equipped to prepare for the onslaught of younger generation educators needed to be trained for this mega shift in the workforce? Most important, will those professors caught between Boomers and Xer's be willing to adapt to change in the education industry to accommodate incoming generations? I believe younger generations will impact even the technological industry and challenge change that will equip them for their future. Previous generation students slowly adapted to technological advances. The good news is change can occur, and educators can utilize life experiences from students familiar with technology tools and create fascinating learning environments.

5. Increase in Technological tools

In an Executive Summary written for the National Governors Association in a report called "Innovation America - A Compact for Post Secondary Education," the report reads that while post secondary education in the United States has already achieved key successes in the innovation economy, the public post secondary education system overall risks falling behind its counterparts in many other nations around the world-places where there have been massive efforts to link post secondary education to the specific innovation needs of industries and regions. According to this report, American post secondary education is losing ground in the race to produce innovative and imaginative realms in education. Can this trend be counteracted? With the cooperation of post secondary educational institutions within each community, leadership can create co-op learning environments that can be supported through e-learning and online teaching that can provide virtual reality technology to enhance real-time learning environments. Through Business Development operations currently established in post secondary institutions, a shared technology program can be created that will afford students access to ongoing virtual business environment settings and prepare students with knowledge and insight into a specific industry. As students prepare to transfer, graduate, or seek employment after completing a certification program, virtual experience in the job market can help a student assimilate education and work experience to their advantage. This concept could challenge Human Resource departments to create new mandates in accepting virtual-experienced college graduates as they enter the workforce.

Reaching the Destination

As Flash Gordan lands his Spacecraft on unclaimed territory, you imagine yourself slowly turning the handle to the spaceship with your spaceship gloves, opening the door with explosive anticipation. Your heart racing, sweat running down your brow, and your eyes at half mask waiting to see a new world; a world filled with beauty and potential when suddenly, the television shuts off and your Mom is standing in front of you telling you to get up and go clean your room and stop daydreaming! Ah, Mom, you say to yourself, you just destroyed my imaginary planet! Oh, by the way, did I mention that this was you as a child growing up and using your imagination?

Now that I've created a visual world of potential for you can you see the power within to see the future from the present and help others visualize the potential benefits of change in their lives and the lives of others in an organization? T. Irene Sanders states that thinking in pictures helps us link our intuitive sense of events in the world with our intellectual understanding. Now, more than ever, we need to integrate the techniques of imagination and the skill of intuition with our analytic competencies to help us see and understand the complexities that vex us daily. Visualization is the key to insight and foresight-and the next revolution in strategic thinking and planning.

Can you SEE the systems, subsystems, drivers, and the five (5) trends with a visual perspective in a post secondary educational environment? This is the nature of Strategic Thinking, which can or is taking place in your organization; a cognitive process required for the collection, interpretation, generation, and evaluation of information and ideas that shape an organization's sustainable competitive advantage. The need to stay abreast of progress, technology, and global opportunities will be the change in drivers that will validate the creative elements needed to stay attuned in a global perspective. The author's intention of introducing Flash Gordan into the paper was to create a visual image and demonstrate imagination fulfillment to a present day reality. Is there anything out there that cannot be done if it is fine tuned and prepared for a service of excellence? What are the risks involved by not exercising strategic thinking in the elements mentioned in this article?

Education is not about the present it's about the future. The five (5) trends are only a beginning adventure into an unknown space. Do you remember when you were in college and wished things were done differently, be more exciting, more adventurous? Consider the age groups becoming proficient in technology. Will post secondary educators be prepared to teach/instruct future students? Educators must invite strategic thinking into the system and take the risks needed to build post secondary education back into the global futuristic race of achievement. In an article written by Arthur Hauptman entitled "Strategies for Improving Student Success in Post secondary Education" (07), he concluded his report listing four elements:

1. While there is a growing rhetorical commitment to student success, the reality is that policies often do not mirror the rhetoric. Whether intentional or not, policies in many states are at best benign and often antithetical to improving student success.

2. Policy focus in most states has been to lower tuitions or the provision of student financial aid. This ignores the importance of ensuring adequate supply of seats to accommodate all students as well as providing a proper set of incentives that encourage institutions to recruit, enroll, and graduate the students who are most at-risk.

3. Some progress has been made in developing contemporary practices that have great potential for providing the right incentives in place of redress this traditional imbalance. But much more needs to be done in this regard.

4. Efforts to create incentives for students to be better prepared and for institutions to enroll and graduate more at-risk students have the potential for greatly improving rates of retention and degree completion.

Can the five trends be a stepping stone in rebuilding or strengthening the weakest link in the system? The evidence of deficiency is public, and that's a good start. Educators have the choice to rebuild and prepare for the advancement of our future; our students. I encourage you to take the five (5) trends and see how they can accommodate your institute of higher learning.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Choosing a Top Online Casino

Choosing a top online casino is not easy because of the overwhelming number of casinos that are found on the internet. A player should first do a Google search by typing "top online casinos" and read the many reviews that have been written on such casinos. A top online casino would have a government approved license to run the casino as well as a 24/7 customer support department that you can contact incase of an emergency. It would also have an Interactive Gaming Council (IGC) logo on its site.

Protecting a player's personal information should be one of the main concerns of an online casino. Top online casinos will always have the 128-Bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in their banking section to protect a player's credit card information as well as other personal information. A top online casino should have reputable gaming software for its players to download. The best gaming software a casino has will also confirm that it offers its players good bonuses. Microgaming is the leaders in gaming software for online casinos. Top online casinos are usually the Microgaming online casinos because they offer amazing graphic and sounds in their games which makes a player feel that he is playing in a real casino.

The bonuses offered by these casinos are usually better than other virtual casinos on the internet. But Microgaming online casinos do not accept US players. A top online casino will also offer a person free games to play to improve his skills at a game without having to wager any gambling money. A player should also take time to check the terms and conditions of the online casino. By doing so he will be aware of what are the restrictions on the bonuses offered and the wagering requirements of the bonuses, payout percentage of a game, etc.

It's not difficult to find a top online casino if oneembers to take the time to check whether it has reliable software, has a government approved license and is also licensed and monitored by an accounting company, offers a 24 hour 7 day customer support system, and gives information of the companies financial background and payment structures.

But just as it is important in choosing a top online casino, it is also important that a player knows the rules of the game he plans to play. This will increase his chances of winning. One plus point of online casinos is that a lot of them will offer its players to play a few games for free to improve their skills before wagering any real money. A player new to online gambling will benefit very by playing free games.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Quality Student Resume Examples For College Graduates

There is no better time to start accumulating work experience than the high school years. Working part-time is very popular among them, and they usually choose to work in retail or hospitality. However the first thing they need to apply for a job is a resume. Below you can read a few resume examples and writing tips, so you can begin work immediately.

At beginner level, a resume has the role of citing an applicant's education background, experience and expertise. There are various resume examples that can be downloaded from the internet. Basically it has to have four parts: an objective, summary, work history and education. This structure can be changed if you wish, so if you do not have any work experience at all, you can leave that out and focus on your objective or educational background.

Think about your resume as an advertisement: you are selling yourself. If you observe closely the great number of resume examples, you will see that most of those do not give only an overview of the candidate's background, but also add valuable information. For example you can write that you studied at a certain school, but this might not be enough.

So if you have any extracurricular activity, or you did anything outstanding, you should also include that. This information shows that you have a wide range of interests and skills, and that you are an interesting individual.

Resume examples also show you how to write about previous work experiences. Simply writing a list of the companies and groups you have worked for might not be enough: again, you should focus on the outstanding things you did. For example do not forget to mention in your resume if you managed to figure out a method that speeds up order taking or to cook faster. If you talk about the advantages you've brought to an organization you can give a proof that you have initiative.

No matter how efficient and convincing resume examples may seem, you should try to tailor them to your individual needs. This way you can make sure that it is really relevant for the type of job you are applying for, and that your skills and experience will be put in the best light possible. If you manage to write a cover letter, you resume will be even better.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Different Ways of Making Money Online

Computer technology is no longer limited to IT and computer professionals. Some people are working online full-time and are making their living out of the Internet. You have the liberty to work from your home and there is every possibility that you will make more money than you make from your day job. People do want to make money online but are afraid of all the scams on the Internet.

Patience and determination is the key to success on the Internet. Those who fail or do not earn anything online are the ones who want to get rich overnight. There is no shortcut to success online like anywhere else in the world. You can sell your skills online or can become a guru and can teach people what you know. There is a possibility to sell almost anything on the Internet. Your tiniest of skills can make you hundreds of dollars in no time.

You need to have something that you can sell to make money online. You need to create products and market them on various platforms. Creating products is not easy for beginners but it does not mean they can not work online. Affiliate marketing is good for both beginners and experienced people working online. You promote products of other people and take your commission in this type of marketing.

You can utilize the power of social media and can make money out of it. People are making thousands of dollars out of Facebook and YouTube using their creative ideas. You can sell your products directly on Facebook or can direct traffic to your websites and sales pages and can sell to your fans.

Blogging is also a very good option for beginners as it can start paying you back within a few months. If your blog has rich content and is full of information then it will certainly get people's attention. You can sell your ad spaces and can earn through Google AdSense. A lot of bloggers use their blogs for affiliate marketing and make money online.

Freelance websites are also a good option for beginners looking to make money online instantly. All these options can be exercised and they are legit as well. Freelance websites have escrow systems in place so chances of scams are very low on them. Find out your potential and see what option is best for you and start making money online today.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Money Making Products

Top money making products on the internet are hard to find. There are literally thousands of work at home products out there. Which one should you choose? This is a question everyone seems to have.

I know from my experience that I have tried a bunch of them only to find out that they were beyond the real of internet marketing skills that I had at that time. These were good programs but too confusing for a person that did not know the skills required to make them work. This is why you must choose carefully.

For beginners in internet marketing you really should get into money making products that have a step by step procedure that tells and shows you what and why you are doing each step. This way you learn as you go and make money at the same time. Maybe not a lot at first but at least your throwing money away on things you do not understand. Some of these programs give you websites to start off with and you can build from there. With out a website you can not make money and without the knowledge of how to build a website you can not get started.

This is why it is important to get the programs that are at your knowledge level. If you do not, you usually get frustrated and give up. You do not what that to happen because the money is out there and you can share that piece of pie. After you get started in a program and start making some money from what you have learned in the process you can venture out to other money making products that you now know something about. It is all a learning process. You have to learn before you earn.

In the search for programs to start, a good place to go is money making products review sites. These will break down some of the affiliate sites that are out there. Some of them will give you the knowledge level that is required to be successful. From there you can just check out the link to see if you are interested. If you are, buy the product and get started.

There is a lot of money to be made out there, so go ahead and get going. Just make sure you do not get in over your head to start. Good Luck to you all.

Monday, November 19, 2018

9 Benefits of Playing Video Games

Today's games are ambitious, challenging, and complex. The games are getting better with the passage of time. As a matter of fact, the benefits go beyond the entertainment. Given below are a few surprising benefits of playing video games.

1. They are good for surgeons

Reading latest research is a must for surgeons. According to a study of laparoscopic, it was discovered that surgeons who have a habit of playing video games for over three hours in 7 days are more likely to perform better during the procedures they perform.

2. They Help You Overcome Dyslexia

According to some research studies, attention difficulties is one of the main causes of dyslexia. As a matter of fact, a study found that patients shown better reading comprehension once they have played a video game. Actually, what happens is that video games change the environment on a constant basis in order to make the player focus more.

3. They Improve Your eyesight

You may have heard that sitting too close to the TV is bad for you vision. However, today, scientists found that if you play games in moderation, your vision will get better. Therefore, it's a good idea to spend a bit of time playing your favorite video games.

4. They boost your career

Some game genres make players develop better leadership traits. As a result, they provide better services for the society. According to researchers, players show a correlating motivation to choose a better career.

5. They Make You Physical

Some games improve your body interaction. Even if you play with a handheld controller, it will be considered a physical activity. As a matter of fact, sports games, such as tennis, basketball or skateboarding games may help your kids practice the required skills.

6. Games slow down your Aging Process

Today's brain games help you improve your memory, puzzle components and problem solving skills, especially if you are a senior player. According to a study, a few players played these games for 10 hours. In the end, they showed an improved cognitive functioning.

7. Games help you lessen your pain

What do you do to distract yourself from pain? Of course, you focus your attention on something else. However, you can also play video games to achieve the same purpose. As a matter of fact, playing games helps your body produce a pain-killing response in your body. You don't feel the pain at all if you are paying full attention to the game that you are playing.

8. Games help you get social

People think that gamers are too insulated; however, this is not true. Nowadays, you have multi-player games that let you get in touch with new players. People from different corners of the world get together, play their favorite games and solve mutual problems.

9. Games help you reduce stress

Some games induce stress, but you can also find some that help you reduce your stress. According to a study, players who played video games had stable heart rates compared to the ones who didn't play video games.

So, these are some of the benefits that you can enjoy if you play video games.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Are You Embarrassed by Your Sales Manager Job Description Skills? Here's What to Do

Supervisors, and especially sales managers, acquire their outputs from the group they manage. This requires behavioral attitude that enhance the company and accommodating attitudes.
• These abilities are created predominately from:
• An enthusiasm for individual needs and perspectives
• An eagerness to invest time and commit thought to analyzing states of mind
• A feeling of equity or reasonable management


Typically the business manager will have to work his or her way up in the company and will have to amaze product learning, a database of loyal clients, awesome thoughts regarding development of sales, and incredible compatibility with partners and customers alike. However, there is a likewise scope for experienced transactions directors to be parachuted into an organization to convey a crisp way to deal with dealing with the business department. Sales managers now and then decide and build up sales territories in accordance with the organizations' development plans. He or she will likewise be in charge of setting standards and sale objectives for the business officials and the business group in general. Successfully working in as the controlling hand for the business team, the business manager will likewise outline the staff's training programs, create methodologies for the business group to work productively and urge collections to outperform short-and-long term targets.


If you're in a promotion department then you simply need to move to an inbound approach, it's conceivable every thing you'll have to demonstrate the accomplishment of your inbound marketing program. If so, you'll likely be looking to hire a holding nothing back inbound advertiser, someone who can build and grow your inbound marketing system starting from the earliest stage. Search for somebody who is exceptionally self-motivated and flexible ... also, completes stuff (what's more, in case regardless you're trying to persuade your manager to make the move to inbound in any case).


The business profession has changed over the prior decade as an after effect of advances in IT, the expansion of correspondence channels and automation. "The administration job is trying to understand the change and sale supervisors are critical to its prosperity," says one encountered sales director. Sale administrators today should comprehend IT system, perceive the force of web-based social networking, and be fully informed regarding sales and customer trends. He or she will be great with figures and ready to analysis measurements and always monitor deal figures and the group's execution, as indicated by agreed KPIs.


Employer hiring stuff tend to search for applicants with a bachelor or graduate degree in a business organization with a concentration in marketing. Education in business law, economic matters, business administration, bookkeeping, arithmetic, finance, and statistics will surrender candidates a leg on the opposition. Computer and Internet skills are likewise valuable for record-keeping and information services. Many business supervisors are promoting inside from the business executive part. A few companies likewise offer confirmation programs, a capability that is turning into a standard among managers. The Institute of Sales and Marketing Management offers a scope of Marketing and sales manager job description add qualifications for expert business people from little Awards to larger Certificates and Diplomas. These capabilities are on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and are directed by the UK government education controller.


• Work with Marketing to assurance predictable lead era.

• Work together with sales manager to make and prepare prospecting process.

• Work together with sales leadership to make and prepare lead capacity handle.

• Hire high-performing business people as indicated by HR staffing rules.

• Prepare new sales representatives to guarantee achievement.

• Oversee everyday execution of all business collections and deliver reviews.

• Work with sales authority to produce thoughts for sale challenges and motivational activities.

• Lead and timetable week after week or potential month to month group gatherings with deals group and administration.

• When you hire, an employee must be stated in sales manager job description that that Prepare and guarantee adherence to sales handling.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Choosing a Web Designer

Many small business owners struggle with deciding on how to make the right choice for designing their website. They search the web for help with their website and find that the choice is harder than they thought. Currently there are (literally) millions of websites who claim to be professional web designers. However, one must be careful in choosing the right person or people in which to trust their company image. In this article, I will attempt to categorize web designers into manageable groups, and teach the reader the difference between the types.

Web designers fall into four general categories: freelance amateur, freelance professional, Web Design Company, Web Development Firm.

Freelance Amateur

The majority of web designers you will come across, especially searching the Internet, are freelancers. That is, individuals who do web design but are not employed by a web design company. Some are self-employed professionals but most of these freelancers are amateur-hobbyist types. They find a copy of FrontPage™ came with their MS Office™ Suite. They discovered how fun it could be to make web pages so they started telling their friends that they could "design" web pages.

The "pros" of using an amateur is that they are very cheap. The "cons" are too numerous to mention, but I'll point out a few. They have no training; they have little knowledge of what makes a good website work; they do not understand HTML code or CSS but only FrontPage point and click; they do not understand general design and layout concepts and they have little real experience. The biggest reason they should be avoided for the serious businessperson, is that their work looks amateurish, which makes your company look amateurish. Who wants that?

Freelance Professional

A professional is often defined by simply being paid. People think that if you are paid for something, then you are professional. Maybe that's true in the Olympics, but for the business services world, you are not a professional until you are established and respected as one by your clients and peers. Freelancer professional web designers are a giant leap from the amateur in that they have established a portfolio of respectable work. They have some sort of qualified training and experience and they have credentials that can be verified by contacting references. They have a good reputation with their clients and other professionals. In general, a good freelance professional web designer can be good person to have doing your site. But they are hard to distinguish from the amateur when you are just searching the web.

The upside is, if you find a good one they are significantly cheaper than a web design company. But that is usually the only upside. If the budget limits you, then a freelancer will do for a small project. But anything seriously important should be left to a professional company.

Some downsides to using a freelance pro are that they are usually part-time, meaning they are limited in how much time they can devote to your project. They are also limited in what they can do for you. Most freelancers are specialists in one area and generalists in everything else. Some have no skills in anything except their one specialty and often you will have to find others to fill roles. In addition, freelancers are not always cheap although many of them are aspiring to create their own company; some are highly sought after and charge $100 per hour or more for their work. My advice here is, if you have that much to spend, go with a company that has a team of professionals to get the job done in a timelier manner.

Web Design Company

This is the next step beyond a freelance professional. The web design company offers the "whole show". They provide real project management and have pulled together a team of web experts to get a wider range of jobs done. A company can provide a much higher level of expertise in web design, programming, content development and more.

Such a company is usually very small, yet large enough to handle larger scale projects. Compared to the most highly qualified freelancer, a company has a diversity of talent and collaboration working for them. The end-result is usually a much higher quality product.

The only real drawbacks are on the one hand, the web design company is more expensive than a freelancer because there are many more people on the job. However, you get what you pay for rings true. On the other hand, for very large projects or long term development, web design companies may be too small and usually do not have the human recourses to accommodate that $500,000 contract. In the end, for serious business people looking for quality and professionalism and who can't afford the big firm, this is the way to go.

Web Development Firm

As the title implies, a web development firm is like any traditional company. They have a staff of office workers, they have owners and officers, and they have a team of talented professionals who are paid a good salary for their work. They often have a sales force that do inside and outside sales. The quality of their work goes without saying, as you could not be so well-established by doing shoddy work. These firms offer teams of very talented professionals who work on your project and get the job done in a timely and extremely efficient manner. Additionally, they usually cover all aspects of website development including marketing and advertising. They may have teams of specialists that they can deploy to your location and work in-house under a temporary contract. The possibilities are endless.

If price is not an issue and the highest quality work is necessary, then this is who you want to do the job. For smaller budget businesses, a quote from an established web development firm might knock you off your chair, but know that companies who have project requirements that reach hundreds of thousands of dollars know the score. Thus, the only real drawback for a web development firm is that they are usually very expensive. Then again, cost is relative and bigger companies like to work with bigger companies.

In summary, the choice is yours. I would recommend for the serious businessperson, that you budget a decent amount of dollars to properly design and execute a professional website. I would avoid the amateur and outsource to an individual or company with good experience and reasonable rates to create my web presence. If money were no object, then I would only deal with established firms and pay the big bucks to get the job done right and done well.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Play Video Games and Get Paid

I know this sounds crazy but I do it every day. Now I'm talking about being able to play your favorite games like Mario, Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin Creed Brotherhood, Madden, Gears of War or any next gen game and being able to make money. That sounds like a dream come true right?

Well if it was not possible why is the game industry so booming right now? I mean we may be in a recession but the game company profits have only been rising. It's because this is the future of entertainment. Next gen games are the only form of entertainment media where we are actually physically involved. So with all that money and profits on the rise the game companies have jobs and they are hiring. You just have to know where to look. If you do not look than you might as well just keep playing your friends. Now if your serious about making money becoming a video game tester be ready, you do get to pick your games most of the time and usually even get free games. The only drawback I suppose would be repetition. They may have you beat the same game 10 times.

The best type of testing I would have to say would be online multiplayer video games. These are always new and fresh because you're playing with live people. This is also the best field to be a game tester for because you get to hone your skills and become true true top video gamer. Then after you've made your money testing, head to a video game tournament a put your skills to the true test. I've seen Halo tournaments recently with $ 100,000 top prizes that just insane! Now people are taking the step from tester to master. Taking challenges and proving just who the top gamer is.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Writing for Money: Ditching the Content Mills

New writers often find themselves working long hours for content mills and barely eking out enough money to make it even worth the effort.

If that sounds familiar, and you are feeling discouraged, or just plain tired of hearing the heart-wrenching sobs coming from your wallet, do not give up just yet. It does not have to be this way. As a writer, you have got some very marketable skills, even if you do not know it yet.

Although it takes a bit of effort, you can start doing your happy dance now because there are lucrative markets begging for good writers. Here is how you start: once you have built up a few clips (writing speak for examples of your work), you can start branching out.

If you do not have any experience, no worries, just see one my other articles about getting started in the field of paid writing. After you have some samples and have gotten your feet wet, it's time to up the ante and build your business.

Make no mistake, when you write for money, you have to take it seriously and realize that you are running a business. Act accordingly.

Understand that means marketing yourself, doing your taxes and all sorts of other grown up business things such as having a professional message on your phone (so that people returning your calls do not hear the dulcet tones of your giggling toddler singing their happy song).

Here padawan, is your first lesson: go where the work is. What do I mean by that? I mean you should wean yourself off of the content mills and look for real, paying clients of your own.

There are plenty of free online resources which you can use to connect with the people who are looking for writers.

As an aside, I know how tough this can seem at first. I would have much preferred to remain in my blanket-fort and color all day than call on my first clients.

The only reason I did it is the greedy electric company insisted that I pay them with real money rather than IOU's written in crayon. (They are funny that way.)

Jettison the emotional baggage and buckle up, because this is where the rubber meets the paid writing road. And if you want to be a paid writer, you need to get over the fear of reaching out.

When it comes to writing for a living, you have several routes that you can take. More, in fact, than I can cover in one piece. You can, for instance, write for printed and online publications including newsletters, magazines, journals and the like. To do that you will need to learn to craft a query letter.

I will be adding an article that deals specifically with that in the near future. Suffice to say, it means contacting editors and pitching ideas. You can get the contact information from editors from sources such as the Writer's Digest or online searches.

Just type in "magazines about cattle in Texas", or whatever you are interested in. There are literally tens of thousands of journals, magazines and newsletters that need content every single day.

No matter what your skill level, someone, somewhere, wants what you have to offer. If one says no, go to the next. I guarantee you that your willingness will pay off.

A word of advice, do not try to get into big national magazines right off the bat. Go for the low hanging fruit of smaller publications. With a little research you can find out how to create a winning query letter and who to reach out to.

Now it is time to backtrack and cover another really lucrative, and surprisingly easy to break into, writing goldmine: commercial, or business, freelance writing is a field in and of itself. (Peter Bowerman has written loads on this topic.

You see, regardless of their size, businesses need writers. They need direct mail, they need manuals, and they need blogs, emails and more. There are a bazillion different kinds of written material ranging from copy (marketing, sales pitches, etc.) to content (newsletter, blogs, white papers, ad nauseam.).

You can find people who need writing work by calling them directly, emailing them or contacting them through their company webpages. And, while many people do not like Craigslist, and there are some real pitfalls and scams to watch out for, I have personally found some great clients there.

The point is to start looking. If you know something about a particular industry or hobby, start there. See who needs a blog, and article, whatever. At the very least start educating yourself about the different kinds of work available and learn to position yourself so that you can take advantage of it.

If you want to get paid to write, no one is standing in your way. Go forth and conquer. Stay tuned for more in-depth pieces to help you launch into paid writing.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Bible Verses to Help You Deal With the Fear of Mesothelioma Survival Rates

Mesothelioma survival rates are extremely low because this type of cancer has a long latency period (between 20 and 50 years) and so the disease is typically diagnosed when it has already done a lot of damage to the body.

The short life expectancy scares some mesothelioma patients who feel that once they are diagnosed with this type of cancer, then it means that they will die within one or two years.

However, there are people who live with this disease for many years, some for as long as 15 years and more.

So if you are one of the mesothelioma patients who get scared when they see or hear about these rates, here are some Bible versions that can help you to deal with such fear.

1. Cry To Jehovah For Help
"Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the Earth I call to Thee, when my heart is fault. tower against the enemy. " (Psalm 61: 1-3).

Spend minutes and hours each day pouring out your heart to the LORD and ask Him to grant you mercy and grace so that you can live for many more years and enjoy the company of your spouse, children, and friends. When you do that, the LORD, who has promised to hear our prayers and to answer us (John 16:24), and who heart softens at the cry of the suffering, will comfort you and lead you to a place where there is tranquility : He will let the Holy Spirit strengthen your inner man and that will make you experience calmness in your soul.

2. God Is Holding You So Do Not Fear
"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you," Fear not, I will help you. "(Isaiah 41:13).

In this verse, the LORD assures you that He has got you covered: He will guide you each day of your life and prevent evil from destroying you. He will not allow the mesothelioma to cut your life short on Earth. He will not let the mesothelioma cancer metastasize and reduce your life expectancy. He will give your doctors and the nurses who are taking care of you the wisdom and skills that they need to take good care of you so that you will live long. He will let the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy work so that you can see an improvement in your condition. Therefore, remind yourself often that these are the words of the great I AM and trust God's word above the negative words you hear from friends, family, neighbors, and medical personnel telling you that those who have mesothelioma do not live for a long time.

3. Believe In The Lord
"Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." (John 14: 1).

Do not fret and raise your blood pressure unnecessarily because of those rates that you have been listening about in the media. Do not get scared when you hear the experts discussing how bad the situation is, or how bleak the prospects are regarding a cure for mesothelioma in the next few years. Believe in God with all your heart. Believe His promises and quote them every day.

Believe that He is good all the time and trust that He will keep you from day to day and renew your strength so that you can fulfill your purpose on earth.

Believe that the faithful God who made Methuselah live for 969 years can make you too live for 90 years or 100 years or even long you want to live on Earth, because the fact that you have mesothelioma.

4. Throw Your Fears And Worries On Him
"Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you." (1 Peter 5: 7).

The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines the word cast as, "to throw something, especially certainly or with force."

So, do not pet and pamper those negative thoughts that come into your mind and torment you from day to day. Throw them at the LORD. Tell Him you do not want those thoughts to destroy your peace of mind and so you want Him to help you get rid of them.

Furthermore, assertively, make affirmations such as these every day, "LORD, I give all these bad thoughts that are making me feel miserable to You. Take them away, Lord! Give me peace of mind. good things will happen and not the terrible things I often imagine. LORD, wipe away these frightening thoughts! LORD, give me mental relief so that I can feel happy. "

Mesothelioma survival rates can induce fear in some patients. However, when you take authority over negative thoughts with God's word, your anxiety and fear will reduce and you will be able to enjoy each day better.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Fruit Cake Recipes - Make Some History!

With Christmas right around the corner, many people are turning their attention to the making of fruit cakes-that much maligned and often scorned delicacy that is associated with holidays and weddings. Fruit cake has been made for thousands of years, but it's only in the last 80 years or so that it's becoming a running Christmas joke; This is because the fruit cake that is mass produced and sold in stores is dry, hard and tasteless.

Fruit cake has been made since the days of ancient Rome in one form or another. It was not called "fruit cake" until the Middle Ages when people began to put preserved fruit, spices and honey for sweetness in the cakes. When the American colonies became a source of cheap and abundant sugar in the 16th century, people in the colonies and Europe discovered that fruit would keep for a long time when preserved with a large concentration of sugar in sugar-water syrup. An excess of preserved fruit was created which, in turn, made the preserved fruit cheaper and made the baking of fruit cakes more popular. Nuts were not used much in fruit cakes until the 18th century when Europeans started putting nuts in the cakes at harvest to ensure good luck and a good harvest the next year.

There are so many different kinds of fruit cakes and ways to make them; the recipes for them would quickly fill a very thick book! Recipes for fruit cakes vary broadly depending on the country they come from and the fruit that's available in that country. There are countless fruit cake recipes from the United States, because we grow so many different kinds of fruits and nuts. The most popular recipes here are light fruit cake and dark fruit cake; so named because of the color of the fruits and nuts used in them. There are also fruit cake recipes that have been handed down from mother to daughter over the generations and are an honored part of the Christmas traditions for their families.

A fruit cake that's made with care by hand and allowed to age tastes and looks splendid and is a testament to the baking skills of the person that made it.
Fruit cakes are at their best when they're well made in advance of the holidays. They need a period of time, usually a few weeks to a few months, to age properly. When a fruit cake is stored it picks up the flavor of the liquor or juice it's soaked in; this also makes the fruit cake much moister and helps to reserve it. And, as the flavors of the different fruits and nuts in the cake intermingle it contributes to the delicious signature taste fruit cake has.

So, try your hand at baking a fruit cake this holiday season. You'll be making a little bit of history!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

How to Avoid Auto Repair Ripoffs

Auto repair is like any other business-there are some unscrupulous cheats out to take your money. But you can avoid getting ripped off for auto repairs if you keep your wits about you. Here's how to do it.

First, get a referral to a reliable, trustworthy mechanic. Friends are a good source for referrals. Ask them who they've had good experiences with, and who they would avoid. That's probably the best way to find a winner.

But do not simply take a friend's word for it. Check out your mechanic! You can call the Better Business Bureau to see if he's had any complaints. Look for certificates like an Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) seal, which means he's at least met some minimum standards for skills and service.

Before you get any work done, ask about labor prices and prices for parts and supplies. Not asking means you really have no right to be shocked if they pad your bill. And be sure to find out about the warranty on parts and labor (do not forget the labor piece of the puzzle).

Most important, get everything in writing. That means the estimate for the work, the details of the warranty on parts and labor, everything. If a mechanic will not give a written estimate, he's either too lazy to do it, or he's leaving the door open for fraud. You do not want to play either game. And once you're armed with the price and warranty information, do not be afraid to shop around to see if you can lower your cost.

If your problem is a little out of the ordinary, such as those annoying intermittent rattles most cars experience from time to time, take a test drive with the mechanic beforehand to show him exactly what you need addressed. Do not make him guess. If you can show him the problem, he might know exactly what to target, which will save you labor cost, and probably save him from making unnecessary repairs.

Before you pay the bill, go for a test drive to make sure the car is fixed to your satisfaction. If it is not right, ask the mechanic to make it right. Even great, honest mechanics who pay attention to detail can miss things. A test drive can bring those misses to light, and probably save you a hassle later.

And speaking of the bill, read it. Check it over carefully. Ask about anything you do not understand, or that does not sound right. If you just pay the bill without checking, it's like signing a mortgage document without reading it. Silly, right?

Finally, pay your bill with a credit card if you can. That gives you maximum flexibility to protect yourself from fraud. If something goes wrong, you can call the credit card company and dispute the charge. Many cards also offer some fraud protection, so you might have another line defense.

As with most things, you can avoid getting ripped off for auto repairs by being informed, and by being careful. If you will do a little work up front to prepare, and take small steps to protect yourself, you can save yourself aggravation and expense.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Best Free Slot Game, Hurry Up

Slots are considered to be the most popular casino games of all times. Slot machines are also one of the most intense casino games offering the highest payouts and Jackpots. Slot Machines are one of the most sought after games, not only in the casino house but also online. But before you go out and dive into the multitude of slot machine games available, you may want to know which ones are the best to bet. Online slot machines are the easiest games to play in the whole gambling industry. Players are not even required to have any special skills or use any kind of strategies to win the game as they are based purely on luck. The goal of slot machines is come to up with a winning symbol combination in a payline. Some Jackpots featured on Slot machines are triggered by coming up with a specific symbol combination in a payline while other Jackpots are triggered totally at random regardless of the amount wagered. Game reviews and a host of other casino information can be found on various websites and forums dedicated to these. These would be very helpful in searching for a good slot machine to play on. For your convenience, here are some of best online slot games that you can try and enjoy.

Slots games are a fun form of gambling that can be found in casinos all over the world. Basically, a slot game is a type of gambling done on a slot machine. This machine has three or more reel slots and a push button. Reels move when the button is pushed. A coin is inserted, which is validated by the machine. Player's payoff is decided by the symbols that appear on the face of the machine when the slot button is pushed. Some machines have levers also. There many types of slot machine games for players to enjoy, from the all-time classic Three Reel Classics and Bonus Three Reel Slots to the modern Video Slots and Real Series Video Slots. Three Reel Classics and Bonus Three Reel feature slot machine games which are played with three reels such Bank on It and Pharaoh's Gold. On the other hand, both Video Slots and Real Series Video Slots feature games played with 5 reels such as Food Fight and Triple Twister. The game also gives away an additional 20 free spins once the player hits the sun symbol. This can be quite a haul since any win that one gets in these free spins are automatically doubled. One thing to note is that you need to download and install the game software from Lucky Nugget's site to your computer before you can play the game. You can sign up for either a guest account, which gives out points only, or a cash account.

The game also features other well loved standard play items such as the wild symbol and the multiplier. You can play this game either by downloading the game form the company or if you have Flash installed, playing directly on their site. You will still need to register online though. Slots machine strategies- Even though online slots do not require the use of any strategies, there are a few tips that must always be taken into account. The first one is to set a bankroll and never exceed it, no matter what the circumstances are. Secondly, if you ever see yourself in a losing streak, stop playing for the day and come back some other time when your luck may have improved. If you are looking for a simple 3 reel slot that you can play, Cool Back is the right one for you. One great thing about this game is that it has a 6000 coin jackpot, which is higher than any other available 3 reel slot games. You will need to play all the five pay lines in order to get the 6000 coin jackpot.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Online Poker - The Fastest and Easiest Way to Play Poker

In the era that we live in, computers play a major role in our lives. The internet is used everyday for various things, such as buying clothes, games and other different accessories. Some people actually work from home and make a living using the internet. Poker is a world wide game, therefore, if you really think about it, poker made one of the best decisions by joining the internet. Poker is so popular that there is a possibility that in every country of the world there are homes with people playing poker right this minute, and the majority of these people are playing online poker.

Playing online poker is fairly simple if you have basic computer skills. If you do not know basic computer skills, do not worry, all you need to know is how turn on your computer, manage a mouse, open the internet page, type "play poker online" in the search box, press enter and choose which ever site you prefer.

Online poker sites have dozens of games you can play. Why? Originally it was one game; over the years different styles of poker have been created due to the imminence popularity poker has around the world. If you have access to the internet, then you have all the different varieties of poker in the tips of your finger. If you like poker and you are a beginner sometimes you have some questions regarding the rules, strategies, or maybe you just want to know some of the history of poker; the internet also has hundreds of articles filled to prim with information that will take hours to read completely. (You can never read all the articles regarding poker because new articles are uploaded everyday!)

Technology makes our lives easier, and computers with internet access are part of this technology. Therefore if you are up-to-date with technology and you love playing poker, online poker rooms are a little piece of heaven available in your home. What is also cool about online poker is that there are free online poker rooms and pokers rooms were you can place a bid and win money! Some of the most popular poker games are Texas hold'em, five-card draw, seven-card stud, Razz, Omaha high, Chinese poker, crazy pineapple, deuce-to-seven, and double-flop Texas hold'em.

Online poker is the fastest and easiest way to play poker. You can never get bored of it. The best part of online poker is that with every style of poker you choose to play, the generals rules of that particular game can most of the time be located in the same site, or the site will have a reference site where you can go and read the main things you need to know about the style you chose to play.

So what are you waiting for? Leave all does fifty-two cards you use to play poker with and play poker online, the fastest and easy way to play poker.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Unique Tactics For Using Other People's Money

Many people struggle to raise the money they need to introduce their product. But there are ways to get around that problem by using a shoestring outsourcing approach I call OPM (Other People's Money) deal making-or, if you prefer, the OPM entrepreneurial approach-because not only are most functions outsourced, but the outsource partners put up all or most of the money. I have compiled some stories of successful inventors in this newsletter to help give you some innovative approaches to consider when introducing your ideas.

Fred Culbertson

Culbertson knew from his own experience that screwdrivers often slip out of the screw head, and he decreed that what was needed was a screwdriver handle that never had to be moved from the screw head. He thought that if could just rotate the handle back, as with a socket set, screwdrivers would be easier to use. Culbertson believed that the product would be a perfect item for Sears' Craftsman tool line. The problem: Culbertson did not have the skills or money to make a polished prototype, and Sears does not typically buy from small vendors.

Still, Culbertson was not about to let such a great idea go by. He started by enlisting the aid of a machinist, who made a workable prototype; he found a company in his hometown that already sold to Sears to present the product; and then, when Sears showed some interest, Sears provided to Culbertson the names of manufacturers already supplying private-label Craftsman tools. The deal was done, and now the screwdriver is sold in all major Sears outlets. The final deal has the manufacturer supplying the private-label product for Sears with Culbertson getting a percentage of every sale both for his product idea and for his promotional efforts in stores demonstrating his new product.

Shawn Ferguson

People who act as brokers of services are one existing type of OPM entrepreneur. Ferguson was an Emergency Medical Technician who observed that many people would prefer a short CPR training course, rather than the six- to eight-week course offered by the Red Cross. Ferguson started his business by getting a local community college to offer a short course, which he or his friends taught in return for a share of the revenue. Ferguson then offered the class at a home health-care show for a small fee. The show promoted the class to attendees, and again Ferguson's friends conducted the class. Ferguson then branched out to become a full-fledged broker, setting up classes at events, trade shows, schools, businesses, and other organizations, and promoting the service to target customers. By this time, he used a group of service providers, who were EMTs working as independent contractors, to provide the training. The profit Ferguson made was the difference between his share of the class revenue and the total fees he paid to the service people who treated the class.

John Lawler

Lawler worked for an airline and felt that both the typical video screens in the front of planes and the newer embedded systems with screens had many drawbacks. First, everyone had to watch the same movie at the same time, and in the case of the big video screens, some people could not see the movie well. Also, if the movie system went out, no one could watch the movie. To top it off, the entire system was expensive. A big problem of the embedded systems with screens on each seat was that they were too expensive, costing between $ 500,000 and $ 1,000,000 to install per plane.

Lawler thought that a much better idea was just having individual movie players that could attach to the back of a seat. Players would only cost $ 200 to $ 400 each, or less than $ 100,000 for a typical plane. The individual units could operate without the cabin crew's assistance, and they could be leased to the plane. Passengers could then select the movies they wanted, and select when they wanted to start, pause, or stop a movie. The problem for Lawler was that the movie players were already invented; His idea was just to have the maker of the movie player lease them to airlines. What role and what value could he add to his project?

Lawler's solution was to create a role that licensed the movies and reprogrammed the players monthly. He took the initiative to work a deal to license movies with a major movie studio, and then he made a deal with the movie studios for a license fee that allowed him to reprogram the players every month at a nominal fee. To sweeten his deal, Lawler leased the movie players from the manufacturer, which was willing to front the equipment to Lawler because he had a lease from the airline. Lawler then offered a licensing fee, which included both the player manufacturer's fee and an additional fee for licensing the movies and reprogramming the players.

So if your product is too difficult to introduce on your own, and you can not get any help, consider the OPM plan, introducing your idea with Other People's Money. It just might work for you.