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Sunday, January 6, 2019

How to Quit Masterbating - 5 Tips to Stop the Madness

Learning how to quit masterbating is something that can plague you mentally if you've tried to quit and failed many times. I know how you are feeling. Millions of people across the world have become frustrated because they have wanted to know how to quit masterbating and haven't been able to. If this is you, there is hope! By studying this article you can shift your awareness and change your life!

Feeling like you just can't seem to learn how to quit masterbating affects your self esteem and can trigger emotional feelings of great guilt and fear, all while driving time away from dreams. These types of effects tend to be standard with any addiction but are often increased with addictions such as masturbation and pornography use. Below are several tips that will get you on the right track to recovery.

#1. Stop the guess work. Study what works

Plain and simple. Random changes and guess work aren't enough. This is a serious need of the body that needs to be released. It takes more than hoping you'll be stronger next time. Try a proven system or at least some type of professional, thought out method that has worked for others. This is how people find success learning how to quit masterbating.

#2 Have a physical outlet in heated moments!

The need to masterbate is a physical one. It is not mentally geared. This means that using mental strategies alone to deal with it is not enough. You must use physical ones to fight the emotional and physical drive. Get out some testosterone. Find some type of activity where you can sweat it out in the heat of the moment by playing a sport, lifting weights, going on an active hike or something that will steer your physical sexual drive and channel it into a different physical outlet. This is a great key in learning how to quit masterbating.

#3. Focus on avoiding pornography as a primary step.

For most people wanting to quit masterbating, porn is a huge factor they need to address first. This can be compared to making sure their is no gasoline near a fire if you don't want the fire to grow. After this is done, you can address the fire much better. Whether it's internet pornography, T.V, movies, strip clubs, or mental images imagines you hold in your mind, these must be handled before you can learn how to quit masterbating.

#4 make your goal the dream state!

You must release the semen in one way or another. Understand that the people who have learned to gain control of masturbation or even completely stop masterbating still release semen. The body naturally produces an excess of this. Most individuals natural release method happens in the dream state. You need a goal to aim towards. Make it your dream state. Avoiding a behavior is not enough to stay goal oriented. You need a line to mark your success!

#5 Join teams of recovery and invest in knowledge!

There are some absolutely amazing programs out there that can give you the life edge in porn addiction recovery, masturbation recovery and life empowerment in general! Tons of people connect with these programs created by professors and experts and find an edge they didn't know existed.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Car Battery Tips

With winter arriving shortly, it's best to ensure ahead of time that your car battery is able to last the winter. The last thing you want in this season - or any season for that matter - is to find out you have a dead battery when you try to start your car and it will not turn over. Here are some tips to ensure that you and your vehicle's battery are ready for the winter.

1. Get your battery checked: The next time you have your vehicle serviced (ie oil change) ask the garage to check your battery level. Surprisingly, a car battery is considered flat when it still has 12 volts left even though a fully charged battery typically holds around 12.6 volts. The thing is that your car battery obviously does not have a gauge on it to quickly tell you how much juice is left in it. In that regard, ask your service center to tell you in the fall if your battery will last the winter.

2. Get a good quality battery charger: Consider getting a decent battery charger / tester so you can not only monitor the level of your battery but also recharge it if necessary. The last thing you want is a dead battery in the dead of winter so this device can help to prevent this situation from occurring.

3. Avoid draining your battery: Winters already sap your battery strength with significant use of the car heater, defroster, windscreen wipers and lights, not to mention the extra work involved with cold engine starts in the morning which requires the battery to work harder. Do not leave devices like PDAs, laptops, video games, etc plugged in over night and better yet, avoid charging these devices in your vehicle at all.

4. Avoid overusing your electrical components: Do not leave any electrical devices running longer than you have to. Turn your heater off / down when you can and do not leave them running at full blast. Turn off the defroster after it's cleaned your windshield rather than leaving it running.

5. Monitor the age of your battery: Car batteries can last around 5 years give or take, and depending on your local weather conditions and climate, battery brand, etc. If your battery is getting close to the 5 year range be careful with pushing it too far and risking a dead battery. If you happen to notice dim headlights, slow-moving windshield wipers or other electrical components misbehaving it could be a sign that your battery is on its last legs.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

7 Tips for Learner Drivers

What is the most important thing that any learner driver should have in him / her: It is very much expected that if you are beginning to give your best because like anyone else, you also believe that driving your own car yourself gives a sense of independence and freedom. But, what most people forget that driving lessons are at the very least, humanly daunting and can break or shatter your confidence level in no time. Here, self-confidence is the most important attribute.

Few non-theoretic and experimental guides for any learner driver:

  • Take it at a pace you can adapt to : There is no rush to get your driving license; rather you should take it one at a time. So why hassle yourself to get to the test stage faster than your friend and extremely fail miserably because in this chaotic hurry to learn fast, you forgot to pay attention to minute details.

  • Practice, as much as it is possible for any human being : Do not push yourself to read the facts more and more, but push yourself to go out and actually become adept at small and easy drives on the road, be it a highway or near your colony. All you need is someone from your friend circle or family who holds a driving license to sit around you and guide you so that before taking the driving test and trying your level best to ace it, you actually have experienced real life driving lessons and boosted up your trust in yourself which will come handy in your foreseeable driving temperament.

  • Stick to an instructor what you can respect: It is universally accepted that get an instructor who teaching style does not bust up your confidence. If you feel that the rapport you share with your driving instructor is not building up your self-reliance and fortitude, then do not hesitate to hire another someone. If your assertive and positive feelings about your driving skills are crumpled down before taking the test, then rest assured, not only you will fail, but that feeling of being a failure will stick around for years.

  • Find out the way you learn better : Everyone is a different kind of learner. Someone is methodical; someone learns better when the tricks and tips are explained theoretically while someone might be the hippy who wants to just hit the road and experience bit by bit slowly. So it is your duty to find out how you will work out the steps that need to be learnt.

  • Insurance coverage is essential : Advice is to avoid the big-budgeted premiums and opt for the learner driver insurance policy so that you stay protected and yet you do not have to spend a huge amount during the learning phase.

  • Ignore the drivers who are nothing but impatient : When you are driving on a busier road, the most important thing that you have to teach yourself is not to get controlled by drivers who for no cause are determined to bother you inconveniently.

  • Save yourself from unnecessary anxiety and be aware of traffic rules : This is something very basic and yet very much because because if and when people do not follow the traffic rules, the risks of occurrence of unwanted and unintentional accidents get up a notch.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Auto Theft Tips

By using some of the tips provided in this article, it is our intention that your car will not be a statistical.

Some of the advice given here may seem common knowledge but you would have surprised how easy some of this slips your mind! Always remember to roll up your windows and lock your door even if you park your car in front of your home. Car thieves do lurk in every neighborhood. Turn your car off and lock the doors when you're making a quick run to the gas station or convenience store. Your car could get stolen in the two minutes it took you to run into the gas station to buy a bottle of soda. Never leave valuables such as jewelry or electronics in plain view. I can not tell you how many college students have been stumped to find that their car was stolen because they left their wallet and MP3 player in the passenger side seat. It happens every day in the college neighborhood I frequently visit. There is a very popular device that is used by millions of drivers, including myself. This device is called The Club. It locks the steering wheel of your car.

There are similar devices that will lock the brakes or steering column as well. These devices typically steer car thieves in another direction, as it is nearly impossible or too time consuming to try to get the device off. It is highly recommended to purchase one of these devices for your car. Make sure to get each of your windows etched with your Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN). Not only does this help trace your car if it would happen to get stolen, it is a turn off for thieves and they are less likely to take a chance on your car. A new technique car thieves are using is towing cars. To avoid this happening to you, make sure to use your emergency brake in park and turn your wheels toward the curve. If you have a security system in place, use it.

It is recommended to have it upgraded as well. There is now a system called the Kill Switch that will automatically cut off the fuel supply so that your car will not start. It is a good idea to invest in auto theft devices like The Club. It is always a safe bet to use more than one device. There are plenty of devices that will lock your steering column and brakes so that it makes it harder for a thief to steal your vehicle. And since time is an issue with thieves, they do not want to waste any trying to disable your devices. A highly recommended device is a vehicle tracking system. This device activates when your car is stolen and police are alerted to the location for prompt recovery.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Best Car Deals: Rely on Online Brokers

If you are looking forward to purchase a car in an easy and secure way then buying it via online finance brokers will be the best option. Working with experienced and knowledgeable brokers allows you to get the best car deals in a hassle free manner. They not only cater to your requirement of purchasing a car rather value your time and money. Need not to spend hours on deciding or looking for the best lease and finance auto brokers. You may easily strike an affordable deal through just the right broker via selecting it online. Online brokers have alliance with financing institutions which further also provide best discounts and deals on leasing a car. This is the best medium for people with busy lifestyle to grab the best deal on getting a car online at economic prices.

Below mentioned are some tips on getting best car deals online through lease and finance car brokers along with their benefits:

Tips on choosing online finance broker to get best deals:

There are different kinds of brokers working online therefore; it will be wise to know about the different types of brokers. Once you are clear in your mind about the type of broker you will work then check for online websites associated with it.

Before hiring services ensure that you know about the charge for the services as well as about the additional fees like commission. You may also check the reviews of the broker in order to know more about the credibility and market reputation of the broker.

If you are planning to get a deal on lease a car through the broker, ensure that the deal is offered at an affordable price. Being a potential customer of purchasing car online make sure that you attain the best deal in the most convenient manner.

Here we have mentioned some of the benefits of hiring services from an online car broker:

Online finance brokers understand your needs better and come up with instant deals as per your convenience and budget. They render different choices on your requirement to further ease your work.

Lease and finance brokers hold rich industry experience and knowledge that enables them to offer you a best deal in minimal time frame. Owing to their rich industry experience, you get the best deal at the most affordable price.

In order to get best car lease deals online readily on the services of experienced and knowledgeable lease and finance car brokers as they are the best negotiators. They are well versed with all industry tactics which collectively assays them in negotiating and obtaining you the best and affordable car deal.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Book Offers How-To on America's Most Flexible Money-Making Opportunity

In his new book, Driving Profits and Making Bank, Jonathan Wong walks would-be rideshare drivers through what he calls, "America's easiest and most flexible money-making opportunity." Based upon Wong's own experiences driving for Uber and Lyft, but also drawing upon a great deal of research into other rideshare companies as well as compatible businesses, this book is packed with everything you would ever need to know to become a rideshare driver. Honestly, I couldn't believe how thorough this book was and all the ins and outs of the rideshare business Jonathan illuminates, plus the countless tips he offers as an experienced driver that will make your solopreneur venture all the more successful.

Yes, when you're a rideshare driver, you're a solopreneur. You are basically a contract worker operating your own business. That means, as Jonathan points out, that you can set your own hours, work as much or little as you want, and work for more than one rideshare company at a time if you so wish.

That said, you can also derive a lot of benefits by contracting with rideshare companies. Jonathan walks readers through how to take advantage of "surge" times-periods when it can be super-busy so you get paid more. Rideshare companies also offer bonuses for referring other drivers to them. In addition, you have a captive audience to whom you can sell your other products or services, such as if you're a massage therapist or you want to sell tourist guides or T-shirts out of your vehicle. (One rideshare driver made over $250,000 in one year just by selling jewelry while driving.) Jonathan also walks you through the art of soft-selling to your customers so you don't annoy them and they don't rate you poorly on the rideshare platforms. Finally, there are the benefits of freedom-besides working your own hours, you can eat lunch whenever and wherever you want, you get to meet interesting people, and you may even discover new places in the areas where you drive.

Of course, like any job, being a rideshare driver has its downside. There are hiccups to the system that Jonathan walks you through, and he teaches you how to take advantage of working for more than one rideshare company to offset any slow times. He also gives sound advice on what to do if you have no shows, difficult passengers, such as drunks, drug-users, or belligerent people, and how to cooperate with law enforcement officers so they are your friends rather than your enemies.

I was amazed by everything there is to know if you want to be a rideshare driver. Some of what Jonathan says may be common sense, but not necessarily something you would think of before you enroll as a rideshare driver. Jonathan explains all the eligibility requirements you will have to meet and those your car will need to meet. He also explains how you can earn extra money depending on your car's make and model and how luxurious it is. He also explains what to do if you need to use the restroom, the importance of keeping your car clean and your trunk empty, and even when you may need to contact a potential rider to determine whether the requested ride is worth your while.

Even more important, since rideshare workers are self-employed, Jonathan walks you through ways to set up your own business to ensure you're covered with insurance and protected from liability, what you need to know to be able to pay your taxes, tips on setting up retirement plans, and all the basics to ensure your long-time financial success.

The back of the book includes appendices that list various apps you can use to enhance your rideshare venture and improve your chances for business success. Numerous other resources are also included, and there are even referral codes to take advantage of.

Driving Profits and Making Bank is the perfect book for anyone who might be interested in being a rideshare driver. It will tell you everything you need to know before you begin and will be your best friend even after you become a driver because you will want to continue exploring the many possibilities that exist for increasing your income while driving. In short, this book is encyclopedic in its resources. Buying and reading it may turn out to be the best investment you've made in yourself since getting your driver's license.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Top 10 Garage Organizing Tips - Just in Time For Spring

As the temperatures are finally creeping up, it's time to take our spring cleaning and organizing campaign outside ... to the garage. Make the most of this underappreciated space in your home and get it ready for smart storage and for working on your favorite projects. Even if you just want to just make room to finally move your car inside, remember these top tips for your best organizing results:

1. Designate separate spaces or zones in which to group like items together, such as sports gear, garden tools, automotive supplies, house repair, etc. It makes finding things easy, clean up is simple, and overall a more functional workspace.

2. When it comes to storing off-season or occasional items in the garage, nothing beats stackable, clear plastic bins. Make sure they have tight sealing lids like the Rubbermaid Roughneck line, to protect your beloveds from moisture and critters. Not everything needs to be in a bin with a lid, especially if you're accessing the items regularly.

3. Pegboards are terrific for vertical storage and they come in a variety of sizes and materials. Useful for hanging everything from gardening tools or hand tools, pegboards are also versatile, so you can adjust them as your needs change. Choose a system that is sturdy enough to carry the weight you need. For a dressed-up look, check out this pegboard system.

4. Give yourself some room. If lack of space is keeping you from your list of DIY projects, make your garage more functional by adding the right workbench. Wall mounted versions like this fold-down model give you the surface you need without taking up any floor space. Add casters to any table to make your workstation mobile, and when you're done, tuck it neatly out of the way again. Gladiator Garage works makes a handy, adjustable leg workbench I plan to have in my next garage.

5. Whenever possible, use open shelving instead of cabinets. Not only are they easier to install and less expensive, they also take up less room because you do not need to allow for swinging doors. They also let you see everything you've got, increasing the space's functionality. One exception would be a cabinet with doors that can be locked to store hazardous chemicals if you have small children, especially if the chemicals can not be stored high out of reach.

6. The only way to keep organized is to keep an eye on what you have. One idea is to store the tiny tidbits on your tool shelves in clear spice jars, so you will not have to hunt them down when you need them, or mount the jars under a shelf. I use a parts organizer like this for my spare hardware. If you have drawers, try painting them with chalkboard paint, so you can clearly label - and re-label - what's inside.

7. Not everything is appropriate to store in your garage. If you think you're saving money buying paper goods in bulk, you'll be throwing that money away if you leave them out to become insect bait. Paint should also be moved inside, as it will be ruined by extreme weather if your garage is not climate controlled.

8. It may be easy to just lean a ladder up against the wall when not in use, but that can be an accident waiting to happen. Avoid having it tip over onto your car - or worse, on a person - by laying it down horizontally and pushing it against the wall. If possible, keep it off the floor entirely by storing your ladder on hooks.

9. Repurpose wire closet shelving by screwing them into the ceiling joists in your garage. It creates a huge amount of storage for things you do not need to get to regularly, and you can always see what's overhead.

10. Once your garage is organized, for an even more streamlined look, install moisture resistant curtains to hide your storage and work spaces. You can also use it as an opportunity to add a pop of color to the typically stark surfaces of a garage. You could even consider laminating posters or your kids' artwork to create some visual interest in the garage.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Warning - Be Weary of Fake Internship Or Job Ads Online

It's tough to find jobs these days, but the internet has given job seekers an easy way to sort through job listings easily, even without spending a cent. However, once you take advantage of hunting jobs online, it can expose you to hundreds of job scams. Whether you're looking for a full-time job or internships, scams can be a very frustrating thing to deal with.

The people behind these online job scams are bad people; they will not care if you have been unemployed for years, how badly you need a job or how much money you'll be losing. The bad news is con artists evolve and create new scams every day. The good news is you can avoid being ripped off by learning how these unscrupulous people take advantage of job seekers, recognizing red flags while sorting through job ads and practicing safety during your job hunt.

Types of Online Job Scams

Job scams are not a new problem. A scammer works by obtaining his victim's confidence to make the job seeker an accomplice to money laundering without their knowledge or extract personal information such of the victim, such as full name, Social Security Number, financial details (bank account, credit card or PayPal information ), birth date, driver's license or other personal data.

Online job scams come in various forms, but the most popular ones include resume blasting, bogus job offers and cash handling scams.

o Resume blasting - With this kind of job scam, fake employment agencies offer employment guarantees within a fixed time period for a fee. What the victim (job hunter) does not know is that the agency is distributing his / her resume to thousands of employers, websites and other sources (in a process called resume blasting) in hopes of having companies send correspondence, which the fraudsters would use to scam new victims. Although such agencies provide a money-back guarantee as a way to bait victims, only few people ever receive refunds.

o Bogus jobs / internships - This is the most obvious and most popular type of job scam. With this kind of scam, fraudsters pretend to hire recruitment agents and advertise jobs with real companies or job boards, usually offering lucrative salies. Once these so-called employment agencies conduct a bogus telephone interview, they're pretending that the job is their parents and instruct victims to send money for their travel costs or work visa to an agent, who just happens to work on the scammer's behalf.

This scam has different variations, but they always involve sending money to agents or providing bank account / credit card details. Some fraudsters use personal information and sold to third parties for a fee or even used for identity theft. Be careful of bogus jobs because these fraudsters spend money to list fake jobs on legitimate employment sites or even host their own job board website to lure victims.

o Cash-handling / money laundering - With this kind of scam, fraudsters seek employees to handle their money laundering scheme without the victim's knowledge. Job seekers often answer to work-at-home job listings (usually as a collection agent or customer representative) set up by the fraudsters. Once hired, the victims are sent fraudulent negotiable that are to be distributed to various parties, assuring victims that they get to keep part of the money. Typically, victims do not know they have become part of a money laundering scheme, until they are caught by police.

Red Flags of Job Scams

Although there are often thousands of job scams online, you can learn how to avoid these scams completely by spotting certain red flags.

o Personal information requirements - Steer clear from any job listing that requests for your personal bank account, credit card numbers, PayPal account or Social Security Number. Some fraudsters even request you to scan an ID to "verify identity."
o Fishy Payment Methods - If you have not met an employer personally, but he / she advocates of having funds or paychecks direct-deposited, this could be a way to get a hold of your bank account information.
o Job Guarantees - Do not believe it if a company says you're guaranteed a job, especially if they are asking for an upfront fee. Nobody can guarantee that someone else is going to give you a job.
o Money laundering - If the job requires you to forward, transfer or "wire" money to another person, employer or "customer" and assures that you'll keep a portion of the money as payment, your job is a part of a money laundry scheme.
o Unprofessional job listings - Watch out for strange sentences with a lot of exclamation points, misspellings and grammatical mistakes in the job ad. Some scammers can sometimes become confused and post a job with a title that does not match the description.
o Employer Contact Details - Job ads that fail to list specific job locations, company location, or phone numbers, can be a good indicator of scams. You should also take note of the employer's contact e-mail address; scammers often use e-mails that are not primary domains. Watch out for contact e-mails using yahoo, hotmail or other free e-mail accounts, which can be easily replaced. Employers that do not provide contact details have a lack of interest in actually meeting you in person.
o Employer Response to Inquiry - If the ad sees legit, the red flags do not stop there. Once you've expressed interest through e-mail and they respond, look out for the name of a person / company that does not exist or a generic auto-response to all your emails. Also be careful of responses with a link that ask you to sign-up for various websites.

Monster.com lists descriptive words in job postings that are tip-offs to fraud. The list includes "wiring funds," "money transfers," "package-forwarding," "PayPal," and "eBay." Terms like "Foreign Agent Agreement" and "No Experience Necessary" are also used often by scammers.

Of course, if a job offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Guarantees of high income in one week or other exaggerated promises of high pay can be tempting, but they're usually a marketing scheme to lure victims. To be sure, a quick Google search of the company name, job ad title or other details can save you a lot of time and frustrations in determining if a job is a scam or not. If you can not find information about a company online, please talk to your career counselor before going for an interview.

No Job is More Important than Your Safety

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Unfortunately, job seekers are often victimized by identity theft through job scams. Here are some ways to keep your identity protected:

1) File resumes online wisely - We encourage you to file resumes online, but it's not necessary to put your actual address on these resumes. In addition, do not include your Social Security number, driver's license information, bank account / credit card information, phone number, date of birth or passwords. Be aware that an email address is sufficient when sending resumes and employers will understand. When posting your resume online, read the website's privacy policy to see how your information will be used. Most legitimate companies have an application form, which is private for your actual address.
2) Practice prudent posting - Aside from resume banks, it is important to keep your personal information private. Online social networking sites enable individuals around the world to chat, share photos, recruit employees, date, post resumes, auction property and more. Because the internet makes it possible for all information about you linked with one another in a simple online search, anyone can gather these personal data and use it against you. If you would not tell it to a stranger on the street, do not put it online for the world to see.
3) Phishing e-mails - When you inquire for a job and the employee sends a response with a link to a third-party website, which often lands on a spoof Web site, asking you to provide personal / account information or download malicious software . Be very careful on what you click next because phishing emails are used to fraudulently obtain personal identification and account information.
4) Never send money - If a company is asking money to fill out an application, do not pay up unless you know the company to be reputable.
5) Analyze "work at home" jobs carefully - Although there are legitimate jobs online, most of these work-at-home opportunities sound fishy. Always check for the red flags when dealing with virtual jobs. If it smells fishy or spammy, such as someone offering you a job without a background check, face-to-face interview or verification of your references, then it probably is. All these axioms hold true when it comes to your safety.

Most importantly, check with the Better Business Bureau (www.bbbonline.com) to make sure the company is in good standing. If you follow these expert tips, it can greatly reduce your potential risk of being victimized by online job scams.

Our search techniques will reveal a lot of opportunities for internship seekers, but not all of these will be legitimate. Please be careful and remember that no internship or job is more important than your safety.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Customized Wedding Cake Toppers - Be Unique

The great day is coming! You are going to be the most beautiful bride in the world. You want a unique wedding that can reflect your personality and feeling? Then you begin to spend lots of time choosing wedding dress, wedding favor, and wedding bouquet. Do not forget one small but meaningful thing - wedding cake topper! Recently customized cake topper has become more and more popular, little figures of the newlyweds with funny or elegant pose can be sparkled point at the ceremony and also an adorable keepsake after that. A fantastic wedding topper can be a great talking point, and will remind you of the wonderful occasion every time you see it.

Nowadays, ordering a customized cake topper from Internet has been very popular. There are lots of suppliers offering different kinds of toppers such as monogram toppers, clay toppers and more ... Actually there are too many of them that you have to spend hours to choose the right one. Here are some tips on how to choose your customized toppers.

Basic principal, Let the customized wedding toppers match your wedding, your personality or the special thing you want to memorize. And take a look around the market; get a general idea about the existing product. You are going to spend lots of money to custom your own topper; you do not want it to be similar to the existing product, right? If so, that would be a great waste of money.

Second choosing a material you love. You may wonder why need pay attention to material? Since sometimes styles of toppers depend on the material. For example if you want to custom cute animal theme toppers, then paper clay or fabric would work perfect on your requirement, other materials such as glass or porcelain might not work that good. Cute and lovely feeling may not be fully expressed by glass or porcelain.

At last, tell the artist or craftsman what you want details, write an instruction for your toppers as detailed as possible. You can even tell them the reason why you want to custom the cake topper, these can help them catch the unique meaning of the cake toppers and often that would be a great help for making the toppers.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Birthday Cards - Free - Funny - and Happy

Most people enjoy receiving happy birthday cards. When those cards are funny, it can put a big smile in the recipient's day. When they are free, it can put a big smile in the sender's day!

Free, funny, happy birthday cards are plentiful on the Internet. Some sites provide free cards as an incentive to convince you to become a paying member. Others simply provide complimentary cards at no cost. If you are thinking of sending a free, funny, happy birthday card, consider these tips.

Tip # 1 - Consider the Recipient's Sense of Humor

Free, funny, happy birthday cards are not always viewed as "funny" by the recipient. Not everyone has the same idea of ​​what is funny and what is not. While you may think a given birthday card is extremely funny, you should stop and think about the recipient before sending it. It may not be funny to him or her. It may even be offensive. If the card is for your grandmother, think about the things that make her laugh. Would she laugh at the birthday card you are about to send? Is the humor her style, or is it brash and edgy even for your generation? The birthday card should be funny to the recipient.

Tip # 2 - Consider the Recipient's Interests

Free, funny, happy birthday cards, while being humorous to the recipient, may not appeal to their interests. The goal in sending a birthday card is to make the recipient happy. If the birthday card is a funny joke about ballet dancers, a wrestler may wish you had chosen something more in line with his interests. Take time to think about the person to whom you are sending the birthday card, and about the things that interest that person most.

Tip # 3 - Consider the Recipient's Age Sensitivity

In other words, if those free, funny, happy birthday cards mock the old age of a person who is unhappy about getting older, it will be either funny nor happy. A woman who uses anti-wrinkle cream day and night will not enjoy a birthday card that reminds her of increasing wrinkles. A man who gets Botox injections every 5 months will not appreciate a birthday card that shows a furrowed brow. Some people grow old gracefully. Some do not. Learn how the recipient flags about aging and choose a funny birthday card that will not offend those feelings.

Tip # 4 - Consider Your Repression

Some people send funny birthday cards anonymously because they would have been accused to have people know they were sending smut. Stop and consider your reputation. If you are tagged to sign your name, you should not send that birthday card. If you would have been accused to have the recipient learn that it was from you, choose another card. You obviously believe it is not appropriate. Have the courage to do what you know is right.

Tip # 5 - Consider Your Friendship's Value

There is nothing wrong with sending birthday cards that are free. You may be unable to afford anything more. If you can afford more, though, think about why you are choosing a free birthday card. Do you care enough to spend a little money? Do you appreciate that person - and value their friendship or their place in the family enough to invest in helping them enjoy the day? Membership at a greeting card website is not expensive, and you gain access to the best of the cards when you invest. Consider your friend or loved one. Is that person worthy of a birthday card that cost you something?

Tip # 6 - Consider Being Serious

Finally, think about whether the recipient would rather have a serious, thoughtful birthday card. Many people are afraid to send birthday cards that are serious. They are afraid to express their true feelings toward others. They become uncomfortable with anything that is not funny. Ill-at-ease and lacking in self-confidence, they are simply on funny birthday cards. The recipient, however, may treasure a birthday card that expresses your feelings sincerely.

Whatever birthday card you choose to send, make it such that the person celebrating a birthday will sense that you have taken time to think about him or her.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Heating Maintenance and Efficiency Tips

Most of us, in fact a vast majority of us, take things for granted while buying a house. We become so much elated and excited at that time that we forget to inquire about the most vital issue - heating system that can cost us dearly in coming years. Usually, we do not mind spending lavishly for furniture or a for useless home appliance but the same enthusiasm goes absent when we have to spend a little amount of money for upgrading our heating maintenance system. However, if we give a little bit of attention to the proper maintenance and servicing of our heating system, we can easily save a good amount of money each year. Apart from increasing its efficiency, it will definitely have a positive impact on your house 'electricity bill.

Lets Check Out Some Of The Common Heating Efficiency Tips:

A good maintenance can make all the difference. Before doing anything in haste, you need to make sure that you have garnered enough information about energy efficiency and energy conservation. You can collate information related to this issue from "Energy Star". It is an initiative of the Federal government for helping people to find out companies that are offering reliable and authentic information on energy efficiency.

Try Manual Thermostats

You can enhance the heating maintenance system of your home by opting for manual thermostats. By lowering thermostat, when no one is home, you can reduce the energy consumption of your home, which will certainly help you to save a good amount of money at the end of the month.

Programmable Thermostats

If you are using Energy Star certified programmable thermostat in your house, you will be able to save up to $ 150 at the end of the year. Programmable thermostat increases the efficiency of a heating system and thereby helping it to consume less power.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance makes all the difference. If you are not serious enough about it, you will have to pay for it in the long run. This is the simple rule. Air filter of your heating system should be cleaned once in a month and it should be replaced if it is in bad condition. This will definitely improve the quality of air in your home.

Adding Insulation and Sealing Licks

You can easily enhance the efficiency of your house's heating system without spending a single penny. What you will have to do is to seal all the leaks. In order to maximize the performance of your heating system, you can add insulation in the attics. You can replace the windows of your home with Energy Star certified windows for getting the best results as well.

If you are in a fix or if you are unable to do these tasks, you can contact a professional who is well versed with all these aspects. He will inspect the condition of the ducts, seal the leaks and will offer you some suggestions that you can try later for improving the performance of the heating system.

Installing Geothermal Heat Pumps

Installation of Geothermal Heat Pumps is obviously expensive but it can reduce the energy bill of your house drastically.

A number of Las Vegas heating companies are now offering this service and therefore, you will not have to face any hassle if you are unable to service your heating system yourself. Just send them a mail and they will get back to you instantaneously.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Self-Help Tips to Stop Overeating

Overeating can be a root cause for many serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. People who overeat do not do so intentionally but their addiction to food makes them do so. If you are not able to control your temptation when you see some food, even if you are not hungry, it may lead to overeating.

Many people overeat occasionally which may cause indigestion, bowel disturbance and stomach distension. When you happen to overeat regularly you become a compulsive eater which puts you at severe risk of serious diseases. In a bid to stop overeating, you can take many precautions and help but it has been established that `self-help to stop overeating` may be an efficient treatment therapy for this problem.

The diseases associated with overeating are caused due to excessive intake of calories which turns into fat and is stored in the body. This accumulation of fat in the body makes a man obese and this leads to further health complications. An obese person is said to have an addiction for eating and this addiction is considered even more serious to recover as you cannot leave it totally, and you have to continue eating in order to survive.

Before trying to treat your overeating addiction, you have to first realize the reason behind your overeating. The root of most of the overeating problems is habit or addiction and an overeater often uses food as a medication for various issues just as an alcoholic uses alcohol. Food is being used to deal with depression, anxiety and stress.

Trying to stop overeating is not an easy task. The first step towards this is changing your food habits and adapting healthier food choices which have lower calorie count and which gives you a feeling of full stomach for a longer and enhanced period of time. Taking smaller amount of food in one sitting can help you cut on overeating. Eating slowly, chewing each bite properly and cutting on snacks in between meals are the introductory steps towards self help to stop overeating. You should wait till your previous intake of food has been completely digested before taking another intake of food.

Treatment therapies similar to those which are exercised with other type of addictions are also available for overeaters. However, the stepping stone in this direction is to establish the root cause behind your overeating habits. Counseling with therapists, doctors and self hypnosis can lead to the direction towards control of your overeating habit.

Listening to recordings of Self Hypnosis from experienced therapists in the field can help you re-pattern your eating habit and guide you to a state of deep relaxation where you can judge you eating habits by yourself and change your overeating habit. Self hypnosis influences the unconscious human mind and helps you adopt ideas for changing of your eating pattern and moving towards a fitter and healthier life.

Before using a self hypnosis recording you must also spend some time deciding upon which self hypnosis recording is best for you and you must also check that the recording has been done by trained hypnosis specialists. You should opt for a recording with full money back guarantee in case you find that the recording is not meant for you. Listening to these hypnosis recordings can be one of the best self help to stop overeating that is available in today`s society. Once you are able to establish a natural relationship with your food, you are sure to stop overeating.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Six Tips On How to Avoid Auto Repair Problems

Have you ever thought an auto repair shop may have taken you? You took your car in for a simple oil change only to be told you needed additional, expensive work done. Every day, people are taken advantage of this way. It's estimated nine out of ten women believe they're targeted due to their gender.

Let's fight back! Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

1. Do your homework. Do some checking ahead of time by reading a car care guide for your make and model. In it you will discover some basic repairs so you can know what questions to ask the mechanic.

2. Use your senses. When describing your car's problem to your mechanic, use your senses. Tell how the car "feels" to you or if you have been hearing certain abnormal sounds. What this does is let him know you've been paying attention to your car's needs.

3. Check your warranty. Be careful of paying too much for your auto repair needs. Check with your automobile dealership to make sure your repairs aren't still covered by a warranty. If you choose to take your car to an independent business the parts may be covered by the warranty, but you will most likely need to pay them for the actual cost of fixing it.

4. Get a second opinion. If you still aren't sure if you're being taken advantage of, don't hesitate to get a second opinion. And for goodness sake, don't tell the second mechanic what the first mechanic said was wrong with your car. Wait for the diagnosis from the second one and how much it will cost.

5. Ask to see the part. If you're still uneasy, you can always ask to look at the part, where exactly it is in the car and why they believe it needs replacement. And ask them to show you the old part once the replacement has been done.

6. Run away. If you sense any sort of pressure from the auto repair shop to have your car fixed for things you never knew were wrong with it, walk away as fast as you can. Your good sense and intuition will often be your two best friends in these situations.

A good, honest mechanic will be certified and licensed, have a nice clean garage and communicative employees who can look you in the eye. Two more important things to look for are a written estimate for all the work to be done and, after the work is done, a complete invoice showing the charges for parts and labor.

None of us is born with the knowledge of how our automobiles work. We just want them to get us safely to our destination. But it would behoove us to be as familiar with them as possible. That way, when an unscrupulous auto repair person does cross our path, we'll be able to back away from them as fast as we can.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Best Free Slot Game, Hurry Up

Slots are considered to be the most popular casino games of all times. Slot machines are also one of the most intense casino games offering the highest payouts and Jackpots. Slot Machines are one of the most sought after games, not only in the casino house but also online. But before you go out and dive into the multitude of slot machine games available, you may want to know which ones are the best to bet. Online slot machines are the easiest games to play in the whole gambling industry. Players are not even required to have any special skills or use any kind of strategies to win the game as they are based purely on luck. The goal of slot machines is come to up with a winning symbol combination in a payline. Some Jackpots featured on Slot machines are triggered by coming up with a specific symbol combination in a payline while other Jackpots are triggered totally at random regardless of the amount wagered. Game reviews and a host of other casino information can be found on various websites and forums dedicated to these. These would be very helpful in searching for a good slot machine to play on. For your convenience, here are some of best online slot games that you can try and enjoy.

Slots games are a fun form of gambling that can be found in casinos all over the world. Basically, a slot game is a type of gambling done on a slot machine. This machine has three or more reel slots and a push button. Reels move when the button is pushed. A coin is inserted, which is validated by the machine. Player's payoff is decided by the symbols that appear on the face of the machine when the slot button is pushed. Some machines have levers also. There many types of slot machine games for players to enjoy, from the all-time classic Three Reel Classics and Bonus Three Reel Slots to the modern Video Slots and Real Series Video Slots. Three Reel Classics and Bonus Three Reel feature slot machine games which are played with three reels such Bank on It and Pharaoh's Gold. On the other hand, both Video Slots and Real Series Video Slots feature games played with 5 reels such as Food Fight and Triple Twister. The game also gives away an additional 20 free spins once the player hits the sun symbol. This can be quite a haul since any win that one gets in these free spins are automatically doubled. One thing to note is that you need to download and install the game software from Lucky Nugget's site to your computer before you can play the game. You can sign up for either a guest account, which gives out points only, or a cash account.

The game also features other well loved standard play items such as the wild symbol and the multiplier. You can play this game either by downloading the game form the company or if you have Flash installed, playing directly on their site. You will still need to register online though. Slots machine strategies- Even though online slots do not require the use of any strategies, there are a few tips that must always be taken into account. The first one is to set a bankroll and never exceed it, no matter what the circumstances are. Secondly, if you ever see yourself in a losing streak, stop playing for the day and come back some other time when your luck may have improved. If you are looking for a simple 3 reel slot that you can play, Cool Back is the right one for you. One great thing about this game is that it has a 6000 coin jackpot, which is higher than any other available 3 reel slot games. You will need to play all the five pay lines in order to get the 6000 coin jackpot.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Advantages Of Reading Books Online

The online book reading is a great way to enhance and increase your knowledge in 'zero time' as with just a single click of your mouse, you can get what you want! Build a habit of reading from your laptop or iPhone to enjoy more online book reading.

The world is becoming more and more digital and you can grab all important stuff with just a hand movement or a simple mouse 'click.' The traditional method of learning gives way to fresh technology in recent decade or so. No doubt, the importance of paperback printed books is still there, but the newer digital technology revolutionized the reading and learning processes for common users. Let us see a few simple tips to learn online with just one click.

1. Search on Google with the keyword,'online libraries.'

2. Be sure to download PDFs software, usually acrobat or any other PDFs reader of your choice. Well, most of the online libraries offer PDFs format books for both downloading and reading online.

3. There is another option to read in 'text' as a Word document. However, I strongly recommend the PDFs format.

4. Once you download the book of your choice, you can also adjust the zoom settings in the PDFs reader.

5. Read as much as you can for as long as you wish!

6. Lastly, you must have the ultimate fun with this online digital book reading.

It is vital to know that plenty of websites are offering free online book reading. Try clicking as many links as you can. One other aspect is the extensive knowledge, which is shared online. You can find books in different languages and an option to read in your own language. For example, if there is a book in Russian, a classic masterpiece, you can easily convert it into your own language through online choice of language. Most probably, it will be found in English. Obviously, other languages are also there for a much thorough study.

The real fun lies in reading books freely. You have to pay nothing, no time wastage, just a click and your books are downloaded or you can read online. If you are using apple or android technology, you can easily add them or bookmark them in your bookshelf. The available books include Greek literature, English literature and of course World literature. There is another option for downloading academic books, study guides, assignments and other relevant study material. There are other search engines like Yahoo or Bing to try your luck as well, besides Google.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Money Making Online - Tips For Marketing Articles

If you are searching for the best way to increase traffic, gain good publicity, and become known as the expert in your field then article marketing is the key. If those your goals, start writing and circulate marketing articles online to make it happen. When you start marketing articles online there's a couple points to keep in mind.

Do not write just to have a way to build incoming links - write real quality articles. While the goal of building links is reason to write, you want your article to represent you and your marketing communications, as well as do extra work for you. When you produce a quality article you'll have those links coming in, but you want other business owners to want your place articles on their websites as well (more incoming links and traffic coming to you).

And if that quality article happens to be noticed, and then published by some well-known online or offline publication, can you imagine the kind of spotlight you would be in then? The bottom line is mediocre article marketing will not give you that kind of results. Since you're already putting in the time to write and distribute articles, why do not they have a powerful tool for you as well?

Start out seeing yourself as an expert, so when you write you will BE THE EXPERT. You are the one who chose this field, so communicate what it is that you know with your customers. When you believe you are the expert, it will show through in your writing as well. Keep in mind if you do not put yourself in that "expert in my field" class, no one else will do it either.

Make sure you write an Author Bio that really sells you and what you do - do not make the same mistakes others to by writing some mundane comments along with your website address - you will be blowing off valuable real estate at the end of your articles ! If the article you write is dynamic, you'll have readers looking at the author bio and wanting to click on it to know more about you. Be detailed and write an author bio that benefits you: Visit http://maryswebsite.com to find out about building websites that will sell - or - To receive a free 15 page report on building your own sales producing websites visit marysobsite. Are you able to see the difference? The reader's benefit is what you need to be focusing on all the time.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

How to Get Powerful Answers Online From a Trusted Psychic on Love, Money, Destiny and Problems

Uncertainty surrounding us all and as recent events have shown, the energy in the world continues to pull in different directions. We can regain some control and clarity however, by seeking strong answers to our questions from a psychic.

One way is to visit a psychic and have a reading done in person. This can involve traveling and intensive research. I've seen several alternative wellness exposures with large numbers of psychics in attendance, but depending on the size of the event, the psychic can either be relaxed and focused or harried and distracted.

An increasingly popular alternative is to consult online with a psychic.

No travel is involved and the internet allows access for all people. Another great advantage is the convenience of writing and submitting your questions in advance, which gives the psychic ample time to prepare. There is no closing time to contend with.

With this in mind, here are some great tips to ensure the psychic can get a strong sense of your energy and you get the powerful answers you want.

* Always include your Christian name and date of birth.
* Provide a photo image.
* Provide the name / date of birth of any other person you are asking about.
* Concentrate on what, why and how questions. Psychics can provide advice on how to deal with the situations you face both currently and in the future.
* Do not get stuck on when / where questions. A psychic can not guarantee dates or times for things to occur.
* Make your questions understandable, with no room for confusion or them having to interpret some hidden meaning.
* Provide as much other information as you feel is necessary.

Now you have a great approach for asking your questions, let's look at how you can utilize the information in your reading in the best possible way.

The biggest thing to remember here is that you have the ultimate power in your life and the information from the psychic is designed to help you with the situations you face in life. The power of choice is still very much yours and the information is there to help you make better choices.

Finally, if you notice some elements of the information from the psychic are negative, keep in mind 2 things.

1. The situation may result if no changes are made by you.
2. The choices you make with regards to the information acquired can create a whole new arrival.

In this respect, seeking guidance from a psychic is a powerful way to identify and implement the positive changes you want in life.

Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Plan Examination

A Structural Masonry Special Inspector is a member of the construction project team who ensures that the masonry segment is constructed based on the approved structural plan and specifications. Special inspection of masonry is being conducted due to the requirements of the building code and also to report the safety and reliability of the building structure. Anyone interested in being a special inspector can be part of the inspection team provided that he or she complies with the requirements mandated by the International Code Council ( ICC ). One of the requirements of ICC is for the interested individual to pass the ICC Structural Masonry Examination. Successful candidates are expected to secure the integrity of the building code and uphold the provisions of the 'Code of Ethics.'

Ways to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Plan Examination

The passing score of ICC Structural Masonry Plan Exam can be easily achieved if you come prepared for the exam. If you think your knowledge on the subject is not yet enough to successfully pass the test, you can increase your chances of getting your target passing score with the following tips:

  • The exam is conducted at a third party testing area. Read the 'Candidate Bulletin' and comprehend the information stated therein. The bulletin will tell you important details regarding the exam including the things you need to do before and after taking the ICC Masonry Plan Exam.
  • A Structural Masonry Special Inspector has a number of duties and one of them is to ensure that the contractor strictly implements the approved materials, such as the reinforcement being placed as per the plans properly. A candidate should be familiar with the tools and steps that will be found in any set of plans and also used not only in the field but at this important time, during the examination.
  • In relation to that, the exam is an open book type so examinees can take pertinent materials with them such as the 2009 International Building Code and the 2009 Masonry Codes and Specification Compilation. Familiarize yourself with these references along with other prescribed reference materials to build navigational skills.
  • A special inspector is also expected to understand important terminology related to the masonry construction industry. Therefore, a candidate must improve his or her memory ability and learn how to interpret and decide which the proper use is. By doing this small step it will increase your chances of passing the exam.
  • Part of the exam is to identify symbols and abbreviations found on building plans so candidates must know these symbols to get the passing scores.
  • You would also need instruments such as a calculator and a magnifying glass to help you figure the required bed joint size and also read the plans to answer the questions more competently.

In closing, learn how to manage your time. Examinees are given 3 h hours to complete the exam. 2 hours should be attributed to answer questions related to building plans. If you find yourself in need of guidance to make sure you are able to do this often overlooked step.

Best of luck on the examination ...

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Dumbest Ways Internet Marketers Lose Money

I've made some stupid Internet marketing sales mistakes in my day. Some real bad ones, too.

The kind that, when thinking back, make me wince at the sheer idiocy of it all (this includes selling online, offline, belly-to-belly, by phone ... the whole ball of wax - but especially on the Internet).

Below are a FEW of those mistakes. If you find yourself making any of them, fear not.

Even though almost everyone does at least 1 or 2 (probably more) of these at some time in their lives, they are quickly and easily fixed. In some cases, even immediately fixed.


Okay then, here goes ...

* Using pressure (or worse, intimidation)
* Waiting too long to take action (this has gotten me WAY too many times, and I shudder to think of all the sales I've flushed down the toilet because of this ...)
* Using "frothing at the mouth" claims
* Not respecting the customer's intelligence
* Selling a weak product
* Bad customer service
* Stealing (or excessively swiping) ads and sales letters
* Not collecting mailing list info (I'm still amazed how few websites do this every time someone visits their site - it's like stealing from themselves)
* Bragging without proof
* And last (but certainly not least) ... Using manipulative "tricks and tips" ... instead of proven psychological principles that are in perfect harmony with the way people think, buy and actually LIKE being sold by.

Anyway, here's the bottom line:

Methinks the black hat Internet marketers using all the head games and so-called "mind control" techniques (right ...) have no idea how much that nonsense turns people off.

Sometimes it's actually kind of amusing.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Postcard Marketing - A Few Simple Tips You Should Know!

Direct mail Postcard Marketing is nothing new. This method of marketing has been used by direct marketers for decades. Effective postcards need to be simple yet eye-catching. A postcard can also double as a gift certificate or a coupon. You can also use both sides of the card to promote your campaign. Your postcards should also have multiple ways to contact you. Your address, 800 number, web site, etc. If you offer multiple ways for someone to contact you, the more likely it will be that they will contact you.

If you have the time and money to invest, Postcard marketing can be very lucrative. From the cost of designing and printing postcards, to the cost of postage for delivering the postcards. These costs can vary greatly. The costs will range from $ 1500 to more than $ 3000 for 5000 postcards. How much you pay for shipping, designing and printing, can all vary depending on current shipping rates, and the deals that can be found for design and printing. The higher the quantity of postcards, the lower the cost per card. This, however, leads to a higher overall upfront cost.

With postcard marketing you can easily track the success / failure rate. If you send out 5000 postcards, a 5% response rate might be expected. That means you would have 250 responses. Of 250 responses you might again expect 5% to buy your product or service. That's 12.5 products or services sold for every 5000 postcards sent out. That equates to about 1/4 percent overall. These percentages are just an example and will vary significantly. The types of products and service being sold, and whether or not there's a market for that particular product or service at the time, are two factors that will play a major role in determining the overall success of any direct mail Postcard Marketing campaign.

In conclusion, direct mail postcards are more likely to be read than emails. For that reason, direct mail postcard marketing has proved to be very successful for a wide range of companies selling a wide range of products. However, it is not for every business or every product. I would not recommend this method of marketing to someone just starting out. In my opinion there are many other methods of marketing that are far more cost effective, and have far better results than direct mail postcard marketing. That being said, should you still choose this method of marketing, please make sure you do your homework. The more targeted your mailing list, the better the results will be.