Your Management Search results for Your Management
Important: This article is about the Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management, The best of Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management inspiration updated regularly with new designs and info, and featuring the best Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management
Originally Answered: What are the best sites?
Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management , We Always give correct and complete information about Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management, This document provides Your ManagementSearch results for Your Management We want to improve the quality of content for all. By using information about the content you have received, those involved in providing info in .

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Your Management. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change

E-mails now have a connection back to their servers. I will
leave the technical aspects out of this article. Instead, I
will walk you through how information from your computer is
getting back to them.

You have probably already experienced this, an e-mail lands
in your box with many symbols in the subject line created
with the Shift Key plus a Number Key. This is the most
common one. For example, it may look like this:
& *) (* & ^% $ #! Exception the length of the symbols are longer.

When you click on it to delete it, any further action,
including the deletion of the e-mail looks to go into la-la
land. In other words, you can do anything else. This may
last up to a minute or two depending on your computer speed.
You have just been pinged and information is going back to
their server saying there is a live connection.

In addition, because the symbols change all the time, it's
difficult to block them without you use a program like Spam

Here is an easy way and excellent way to protect from this
and all you have to do is change the way you dial in and

If you have a DSL line or any other type Internet connection
that is open all the time. Control how frequently you allow
e-mails to upload into your system. If you use Outlook, you
go into Tools, Options, select the Mail Delivery tab and
change "check messages every" 30, 60 or 90 minutes. This
also helps on time management if e-mails are eating up too
much of your time.

Next, after all your e-mails are uploaded into your
software, whether you set the time management feature above,
close off the Internet connection. It will not stop the
lost 30 or 60 seconds these e-mail lock up your computer but
you have cut off any possible pinging.

After you close the Internet connection, read, review and
delete the e-mails. After completing this, you can go ahead
and reopen the Internet connection, and send your responses.

If you have a dial-up connection, you can do this same
method, except you will ignore the Mail Delivery option
mentioned earlier.

This actually is not just happening on e-mails with these
symbols. There are other programmed e-mails dumping cookies
on your computer. I will not address how to remove cookies
in this article. To find out how your software can remove
your cookies use F1 (help) on your keypad in your e-mail
software to find the answer before. WindowsXP also has
additional information for removing cookies under: Start,
Help and Support.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Advanced Mobile SEO TIPS For Mobile Marketing

In 2016, Google introduced the mobile-first index system to provide the best user experience for their mobile users by prioritizing mobile-friendly websites. This new indexing system will first look into the mobile version of your website to determine the ranking. Websites without a mobile version or poorly optimized mobile websites will drop out even further in search engine results pages (SERPs). But, the good news is this Mobile SEO is simple and easy to do yourself tasks.

Advanced Mobile SEO Tips for Mobile Marketers:

Mobile SEO is nothing than a conventional SEO, creating content and tagging to make it stand out online. These white-hat mobile SEO tips will help you to avoid search engine penalties and maintain better online visibility.

1. Google My Business: mobile online marketing.

One of the most important and effective mobile marketing move that business owners can do is signing up for Google My Business account. It is free and simple, by filling the information to the best of your ability and add more possible pictures of your business. When people searching for the keyword that is related to your business, there is more likely to visible your 2nd information first. So, think of using it for mobile marketing.

2. Using social media:

According to reports, average mobile users spending their 80% of the time on social media of the total times they are spending on the mobile. These social media sites bring a huge amount of traffic to your website. So, to improve visibility to mobile users, priorities your social media marketing strategy. The frequency of posting, Quality of content and optimized social media campaign will help your brand stands out. Also, read our Content Marketing Guide.

3. Take advantage of plug-ins for mobile SEO:

If your website uses WordPress or another content management system (CMS). you can use various plug-ins to improve your mobile site more user-friendly. One of the popular CMS, WordPress offers a large number of plug-ins to optimize images, improve speed and take care of other important mobile SEO factors.

WPtouch is the popular universal WordPress plug-in that will create a Google-approved mobile version of your website. If you can't afford a professional to update and optimize your website, try these plug-ins to build a mobile-friendly website and improve visibilities.

4. Use keywords for mobile users:

It is proven that mobile users search differently than other desktop users. Optimize your content for mobile keyword search phrases to show up your content to the right people. Find the right tools to find the right keywords for your content, you can find keyword comparisons by the device in Google's Search Console.

5. Improve page loading time:

When it comes to mobile SEO, page loading time is the most important issue. There are many factors that define the page loading time. Gzip compression, Image optimization and using Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), there are some tools and plug-ins to perform this tasks and improve the faster loading of mobile web pages.

Final Words:

Digital marketing trend changed the whole scenario of marketing. Mobile SEO is becoming a most essential task for all bloggers and webmasters for mobile marketing.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Top and Best-Selling Magento Extensions of 2018

In today's tech-savvy era, new technologies are emerging and Magento is undoubtedly one of the top entries in that list. This is an undeniable fact that since the time of its invention, Magento successfully paved new opportunities in the eCommerce development field with its time and cost-effectiveness, with its arrays of templates, themes, profit-driven functionalities, plugins and extensions. Here, in this article, you can get a detailed idea of the most popular Magento plugins of 2018.

  • Delivery Date Scheduler

Keeping the aspect customer satisfaction in mind, if you are looking for options that will help you to make product delivery on the date mentioned by your buyer, Delivery Date Scheduler is just the perfect choice for you.

Once you get this extension on your e-store, you can offer your buyers with convenient product delivery dates among which they can choose their most preferred time. Adding the calendar view also becomes easier using it.

  • MageMob App Builder

Want to build a customised mobile application for your Magento-built store? Here is the extension you would need!

Today, mobile apps are a vital part of eCommerce business. Making your business mobile would not only give you huge market but would increase your profit margin as well. Build native apps effortlessly and swiftly for both iOS and Android using MageMob App Builder and offer your online buyers an impressive and user-friendly buying experience.

Also, you can get your hands on the useful features such as Product Reviews, Product Scratch, admin and customer Notifications etc.

  • Language Translator

Want to make your e-store multilingual? Without any second thought, opt for Language Translator. How can this extension help you to make your online store more effective and more user-engaging?

Well, suppose that your target audiences are not very comfortable with English. Now, with this plugin, you can easily translate as well as edit any part of the e-store making sure it can reach a broader customer base. You can effortlessly translate CMS page details, product details, store reviews etc. without any headache! Get Language Translator and say goodbye to language blues!

  • SEO Hub

An online store won't get the success it deserves until you apply some smart SEO strategies. The Magento extension SEO Hub can help you out in this case. With the effective help of it, you can manage data feeds, meta tags, canonical URLs along with many other things.

Moreover, this plugin offers a few remarkable value-added features such as giving notifications when anything goes wrong in execution, setting a limit for the metadata etc. Maintain a higher rank on most of the search engines with SEO Hub.

  • MageMob Inventory

As an online store owner, it is really troublesome and difficult to keep proper track of the detailed product stocks physically! MageMob Inventory is such a Magento extension that can rescue you from this burden by making the entire inventory management process smooth and transparent.

The different modules like supplier management, purchase order creation, inventory logs etc. offered by this inventory management plugin make the entire process easier and both time as well as cost-efficient. More interestingly, it is available in the mobile app format as well. You can get both the Android and the iOS version in the market.

Listing all the important plugins in this short span is really not possible. Hence, here is a list of some other business-driven plugins and extensions that you might like to check out.

→ Advance Product Designer

→ Fedex Smart Shipping

→ Quotation Manager

→ Shop By Brand

→ MageMob POS

→ MageMob Admin

→ Advance Search with Solr

Additionally, Australia Post Shipping and Australia Post eParcel are two smart Magento extensions available for Australia-based eCommerce businesses.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

An Introduction to CNC Turning Machines and How They Can Help Boost Productivity

For those that are not sure of what CNC turning machines are, these devices are machines that would make your milling, drilling and machining tasks a lot easier with the help of Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Highly thought-after in the world of manufacturing and processing of components, these machines are able to produce precise, accurate parts and components in fast and cost-effective manner. Some of the parts that are manufactured precisely through the use of these devices include aerospace components, automobile parts and many other different components. If you are unsure of whether you need these CNC turning machines or not for your business, going through the benefits of these devices and exploring how they can help to boost productivity might help you decide.

Wondering how CNC turning and milling machines can help enhance your productivity and increase your profit margins? Here are some of the reasons how:

  1. CNC-based machines work based on CAD / CAM software that can produce and manufacture large output numbers without any compromises in terms of precision or accuracy. In return, you would have an advantage over your competitors that do not own such machines, as they would be limited by the limitations of manual labor. One good example is the outstanding capacity of these CNC milling and turning machines to perform multi-axis cutting processes, for instance a machine can work on 5 or 6 different axis, so you can produce fine and precise components when you own such a machine

  2. You would be able to save your design and re-fabricate the same design over and over again when required. The utilization of CAD / CAM software allows this to happen, so you would save plenty of time once you have a design saved, all you have to do is retrieve the design and start manufacturing

  3. These CNC turning machines come with good waste and chip management modules, so you could rest assured that you will minimize waste and your device would also be able to manage your wastage well

  4. By owning a CNC turning machine, you are also making your plant environment a lot safer to work within. Instead of exposing your workers to the dangers of cutting, milling, drilling and other machining processes, let the machine take all the danger and shield your workers from such dangers. Your machine can also work for long hours without much issues, so instead of having a manual worker perform the same task (he would be given to fatigue), opt for a machine to do the task instead. You would automatically increase your productivity rate!

  5. You would be able to produce a wide range of products without much restrictions when you own a CNC turning machine. When you are able to manufacture different products with varying levels of complexity and difficulty, you have found yourself a niche in the marketplace to distinguish yourself from your competitors

CNC turning machines are suddenless expensive, so if you can not afford these machines, consider outsourcing the processes instead and continue to reap the benefits. All the best!

7 Top Tips to Car Salesman's Or Saleswoman's Success

Given that car sales account for 19% of total US sales in 2000 (source: US Small Business Administration), a lot of people are buying cars which mean that they are a lot of people selling cars. Additionally, new car sales have dropped from 63.4% in 1989 to 60% in 1999. Selling cars is not easy given that many still have a negative perception of car salesmen or women. Hopefully, these 7 tips may help you to sell more cars.

  1. First and Foremost YOU need to think of yourself as a business. Car sales people work for an auto dealership, but most work on a salary and commission basis. When your compensation is commission based, this means you have more control of your destiny and should view yourself as a business instead of just a sales person.
  2. Adopt a Planning Attitude. If you do not have a plan, then you are on some else's plan - usually the successful car saleswoman or salesman. As a practicing performance improvement consultant or coach for the last 10 years, I have observed that most people plan less for their own lives than they do for a simple visit to the grocery store.
  3. Learn how to prospect. There exists a fundamental belief that the auto dealership is responsible for bringing traffic through the door because the dealership owners have all those "big bucks" for media advertising. Given that 80% of all new sales comes from referrals, would it not make more sense to prospect individually rather than simply on outside resources to control your destination? Those media efforts usually bring in suspicions, not prospects. Use your time wisely by focusing on prospects those who have a need, dollars and are a decision-maker. Do not rely only on the auto dealer to send out letters. Take the time to write some handwritten notes.
  4. Improve your sales skills to make more money. Today's buyers are far more savvy than years ago. Learn how to cultivate and develop long term relationships. Consider a proven buying / selling sales process where marketing and selling skills are united to deliver to the desired results of another sold car. New car sales to used car sales are far more relationship based selling than years ago when car sales was a commodity sale.
  5. Establish your sales goals using your great planning attitude. If you are a car salesman or car saleswoman and have 300 customers and the industry average sales cycle is 3 years, then every year you should be selling 100 cars. Focus your efforts of those who will be buying a car this year, but remember to continue to touch those who will potentially be buying another car in 2 or 3 years. HINT: Use the WAYSMARTcriteria for goal setting.
  6. Identify the attitudes or beliefs that are obstacles to your success. Working with those in the auto industry, I have heard countless reasons why sales can not be made. However, when these reviews are reviewed, they are usually unfounded reasons based upon existing attitudes and beliefs. For example, "corporate has ruined the car industry by posting prices on the Internet. Everyone knows everything about the car." My response is "if price was a real objection, then everyone would be driving a Yugo or a Chevette. HINT: When you change how you look at things, the things you look at will change.
  7. Make managing yourself priority number one. You must learn how to maximize your time especially in the area of ​​time management, ongoing professional development such as through business coaching training and personal life balance. The auto industry is truly a 24/7 business given that cars are with us each and every day of our lives. However, it is important not to lose sight of your personal life including family, friends, physical health, etc.

Yes, you can be an incredible car salesperson who can increase sales through these 7 simple car salesman tips. Just remember, sales regardless of industry is all about knowing your numbers and then multiplying your activity to secure those desired results.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Are You Paying Too Much Council Tax? How To Check And Claim A Refund!

PPI claims management firms have found a new money making spinner through identifying homes which are in the wrong council tax band and offering to make a claim on their behalf. These firms identify potential clients by looking to see if any homes on the same street pay more than their neighbors do. They then cold call the identified properties and offer to make a claim for a full refund for all the years of over-payment, as well as get them a reduction on future council tax bills. This service is usually around 30% of any money claimed.

One lady was recently contacted by one of these claims management firms and discovered that she and her neighbor were both in a higher tax band than the other properties on their street and could qualify for a full refund. She decided to hire the claims firm and as a result got an £ 800 refund! She paid the firm £ 300 as payment for processing her claim and now pays £ 10 less council tax each month. Her neighbor however decided to investigate how she could claim the money herself and discovered the process was in fact not too complicated. She also managed to get a full refund but retained 100% of the money she claimed!

How does it all work?

Every home in the United Kingdom is assigned to a specific valuation band, known as council tax which is managed by the Valuation Office Agency. The cheapest bands are assigned an 'A' grading rising incrementally with the most expensive homes being assigned to the 'I' band.

For homes based in Scotland and England the valuation band is designated by what the property was worth in 1991, not what the property is valued in today's market. However if you stay in Wales your tax band is assigned using the market value price of 2003.

So, if you suspect you may be in the wrong tax band and as a result are paying too much council tax, simply see what your neighbors are paying. If you find there is a difference in price but a similarity in property then it could well be you are in for a refund.

Visit '' to see what band your neighbors have been assigned, if indeed there is a difference contact an agent at the Valuation Office Agency and ask them to investigate your claim. You will have to fill in paperwork, but you are capable of doing this yourself, you do not need a claims management company, meaning you get to keep 100% not just 70%.

You will usually have to wait up to 30 days for your claim to be investigated, but if the Valuation Office Agency agreements that an error has been made then your band will be changed. The service is free, not only could you get a nice lump sum but you'll also save on your future council tax bills.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Stock Market Guide to Investing For Beginners

As a general guide to investing: the stock market and investing for beginners is a bit like a riddle. All investors should understand the stock market because stock investing is the key to higher investment profits. At the same time, investing DIRECTLY in the stock market is not smart investing for beginners, because it often leads to unnecessary losses. So, here's a basic guide to investing in stocks without playing the stock market, so you can make money and sleep at night.

No matter what anyone tells you, the stock market is not predictable over the short term. For example, not one person on the face of this earth predicted that in early May of 2010 that the US stock market would fall 999 points within one trading day. Most people do not even know what 999 points means. The good news is that you do not need to understand the day to day rhetoric of the market to make money investing in stocks. But you should understand how the stock market works; and how investing for beginners can be simplified.

Stock prices fluctuate based on only one thing: buying and selling activity. Every second the market is open, some people are placing BUY orders and others are placing SELL orders. If these orders are in balance prices change little. If buy orders far outweigh sell orders prices soar; and if sell orders swamp buy orders prices fall like a rock. The stock market is simply an auction where buyers and sellers (buy and sell orders) are hooked up with each other. What prompts investors to buy or sell? More than anything else, the news events of the day influence investment decisions.

For example, there was bad news on debt problems in Europe the day the Dow Jones Average dropped nearly 1000 points before recovering most of the loss before the market closed. Why the move was so extreme was a bit of a mystery, but one thing is for sure. Big sell orders swamped buy orders and prices took a dive. The Dow Jones Average started the day at about 10,000 (it was actually a few hundred points higher), so a 1000 point move translates to about a 10% drop in stock prices in one day. Now, let's move on to our guide to investing for beginners.

You do not need to play the stock market game of outguessing the market on a daily basis in order to make money in stocks. The good news is that over the long term stocks have been good long term investments, with average annual returns of about 10% over the last 80 years or so. There have been years when the stock market and stock investors on average lost 50%, and years when it gained 50% or more; but these are the exception.

Stock investing for beginners should focus on long term investing in stock mutual funds. As a basic guide to investing ... if you own stock funds, bond funds and money market funds in about equal amounts ... you should do just fine over the years without wild swings in the value of your total investment portfolio.

In mutual funds professionals do the management for you. By owning all three basic fund types (stock, bond and money market funds) your overall risk is lowered. When the stock market has a bad day or year, you've got money in safer investments to cushion the blow. The real secret to investing for beginners is this: allocate your assets to stocks, bonds and the money market by investing in mutual funds. Decide how much (what percent) to invest in each, and keep your money invested that way. Let's say you go with 50% in stock funds and 25% in each of the other two categories. Once a year review your results, and move money if your percentages have changed. For example, if your stock fund (s) is now only 40% of your total investment, move money from the others to bring it back to 50% ... ditto to keep your other funds in line with your original allocation.

If you keep your money invested across all three asset classes (like above) the stock market and its unpredictability should not longer be a major concern.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How To Earn Money Online - The Inside Secrets Revealed!

If you want to discover how to earn money online then pay close attention to the following vitally important few paragraphs because they reveal, completely for free, the most powerful and effective methods available today for making lots of money from the Web. Making money online offers a dream lifestyle, financial freedom and the unique benefit of never having to answer directly to a horrible boss ever again. However, the truth is, you need to be aware of the most efficacious techniques for earning money online if you want to "make it" in this increasingly competitive industry. Thankfully, that's where we come in, by revealing to you directly exactly how to make all the money you desire from the Internet, as quickly as possible!

Killer Method # 1 - Build AdSense Websites!

If you're looking into how to earn money online then you may already have heard of making money from AdSense. In a nutshell, this method involves writing articles on any chosen topic you are familiar with, publishing them to your Blog or Website and then signing up to Google's AdSense program which displays ads that perfectly match your articles' topic. When people arrive at your site to read your articles they will see related adverts and, the great thing is, every time a person clicks on one of the ads you get paid. The price you are paid for a click can range from a few pennies right the way up to nearly a hundred dollars, depending on the topic of your site. All in all, this is a fantastic, easy way to get started making money online. It is very realistic to make a few extra hundred dollars a month with this method, although some top AdSense publishers like Spencer Haws actually make over $ 10,000 / month. Truly inspiring, I am sure you'll agree. Building AdSense websites is more fun than most regular online jobs, however, you probably want to work on it part-time to begin with as it can take a little time to build up.

Killer Method # 2 - Help Local Businesses With Online Marketing!

This is one of the easiest ways ever to start making good money online. In essence, what you are doing is, creating your own legitimate full-time online job by offering your online marketing services to offline businesses. The first thing to understand is that 90% of offline "bricks and mortar" businesses are completely clueless when it comes to Online Marketing. As such you can, with a just a little bit of easily and freely acquired Online Marketing knowledge, make tremendous monthly profits by serving just a few offline businesses that are easily found in any decent-sized city or town. Services you can offer include Website Design, Email Newsletter Management, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Graphic Design, Blogging, Facebook and Twitter Management and much, much more. Just one average-sized offline business will happily pay several hundred dollars per month for your services if they see a positive ROI and so, as a simple bit of Math will show you, a few of these such clients quickly adds up to a very healthy income. This method for earning money online, where you essentially become your own boss in control of your own time, is one the best types of self-created online jobs you will ever find.

Summing Up!

If you have been searching for how to earn money online then these 2 methods work like gangbusters. Simply get started today and soon you too will be living the dream Internet Lifestyle. Good luck and be sure to get started right now!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

How I Become A Football Manager With No Previous Experience

I was always the last player to be picked for football as a child, so I never considered myself a good footballer. I dabbled in amateur football when I was in my late teens, but a spate of unforced emergencies including two broken wrists, a compound break to my arm and a sprained ankle saw me leave football and try other activities. I reached the age of thirty feeling I had never gotten involved in a sport in the way I would have liked.

I am a big fan of a well-known football management simulation where I have spent hour after hour trying to lead my favorite team to virtual glory. Notifying my aptitude for organization, planning and attention to detail I set about contacting local Sunday league football teams, asking if anyone needed help with running their club. After a short time I was contacted by a team who asked to meet me and discuss this further.

After meeting the manager I was installed as his assistant manager and my job was to fill in the team sheet, fill the water bottles before the game, help pick the team and ensure we collected all of our equipment at the end of the match. It was not glamorous, but I eagerly grasped the opportunity and thought to prove myself as a reliable helper.

The team manager left our club in the summer and rather than choose a new manager the players asked me to take over. I am now manager and in charge of the whole club. I was recently contacted by a team who play at a slightly higher level on a Saturday and asked to discuss joining their club in a management capacity. Their club chairman had noticed how I had improved the organizational structure of the club and this led to him getting in touch.

For those of you who may think that there is no chance of getting involved in football management if you have not had a strong professional or amateur football career then think again. It is possible and I would suggest it can be straightforward if you find out who the right people are to approach in your nearby league and offer your assistance to anyone who might be interested.

Running a grassroots football team is a time consuming task. Most clubs will be happy to accept your help. Always be punctual and reliable as this will be a huge asset to any club. You will be surprised at how difficult it is for managers to get their players to turn up to play on occasion, so having reliable management assistance will be very valuable to your new club.

You will find that these qualities are in demand right across the sport, so expect other offers to follow once word spreads that you are an asset to your club.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Business Retreats - Good for You, Good for Your Business

A business retreat is a holiday location specifically designed to allow corporations to send employees to allow them to pursue business development and / or strategic planning activities in a relaxing and support-filled environment. They are typically geared towards upper-management and CXO level employees, although it is also quite common to hold leadership development and team building weekends at business retreats.

Such retreats are not only good for the continued growth and development of your business - they also provide a relaxing and refreshing environment for attendees to recharge their batteries. A corporate retreat will often provide recreation activities either at the retreat or in the near vicinity. Such activities include things like golf, hiking and swimming. Many retreats (especially those located outside of city limits) will also have a strong focus on providing healthy, nutritious and organic food.

There are a number of business development activities employees who can undertake at such facilities, including:

  • Strategic planning meetings
  • Board or upper management meetings
  • Leadership development activities
  • Team building activities
  • Individual / team coaching

It is easy to see that a Business Retreat is not just an excellent way to ensure your business is moving towards its goals and objectives, but to also ensure that your employees are happy and healthy while doing this. A retreat is an excellent way to reward your most valued (or most senior) employees, helping them to relax and increase their value to your business.

When choosing your venue, make sure you look into more than one option. Calling the director of each is also a necessity to ensure not only that they support your requirements for the retreat, but also that the retreat and its operators suit you and your team. Following these simple guidelines will help you to ensure your next corporate retreat is a success.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Life Success Learning to Create Positive Habitual Behavior & Overcoming Negativity

The first and sometimes most important success habit that must be formed is one of positive thinking. Dwell on the positive exit that's desired and avoid thinking about anything that's not wanted. Nothing will ensure failure faster than the very thought that the failure will occur. People say that it's absolutely normal for negativity to creep into our thoughts. Be that as it may, any negative thought has to be banished immediately and replaced with a positive one. This simple, yet effective technique, practiced regularly can help you move towards success like nothing else.

Forget about the past, it's gone and there's no going back. Regardless of what's happened before, today is a new day. Holding onto the past ensures that you'll stay right where you are in life. Letting go of past failures allows you to see the potential for future success and to move towards it. Realize that any past failures, real or imagined, were purely lessons that you thought to this moment in time. Appreciate the education you received and bravely move towards success with the knowledge you've gained.

Overcome the desire to put things off until another time. For most people that procrastinate, another time never comes. Things pile up over time and there's no way to catch up, adding to frustrations and even more procrastination. Whether it's taking out the trash or calling a client, get to it right away. Only by getting straight to work and finishing tasks can success really be accomplished. Practice this non-procrastinating lifestyle and you'll soon find not only that things are being accomplished, but that you have time left at the end of the day too.

Another important aspect of success is the ability to manage time. It can be very easy to lose track of time and difficult to get back on track. Keep track of everything you do during an average day and how much time it took to do it. Go through an entire week of this. Now evaluate and see what should be adjusted or eliminated for optimal time management. Continue to develop a schedule that allows maximum time for every activity. Include all your business and personal time in this and you'll soon find a workable and even profitable schedule for yourself.

Develop the confidence to go forth and conquer. Knowing a thing can be done and believing you can do it are two entirely different things. It's vital to your success and the success of all of your endeavors that you are confident in your self. Confidence shows through everything you do and it affects your ultimate success more than you think. Carry yourself importantly, speak with authority, be secure with yourself and walk tall. Believe in yourself and your ideas and present them with passion. Do these things and others will recognize your confidence and want to be associated with you.

Success is not a matter of predestination, it depends upon the will of the seeker. With the will to succeed, it's possible to do anything you desire. It really is as simple as that, despite the general tendency to believe otherwise. Over and over again, success stories appear that portrait down and out individuals that executed their own free will to rise above. Exert your will over the situations in your life, change them to suit you and your goals and success will follow.

What is success? Is it money, power, health or spirituality? Success means different things to different people. For some, success can only be seen in the form of financial gain and power. For others, success means a happy, healthy family with only the basics of life. Regardless of how it's defined, success is possible with the proper application of some basic habits and the development of key character traits.

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Guide to Tuning Your Car

Electronic tuning of diesel engines has been known for almost a decade. Before that there are limited scopes to enhance the performance tuning. With the introduction of electronic engine management, this has changed. It was possible for tuners now to build on the excess air that the diesel ingests through the air filters to squirt more fuel that what is normally done. After this, around late 1990s, computer controlled engines were manufactured that wave tuners much greater scope to improve engine efficiency.

Why Tune your Car?

For enthusiastic drivers, it is quite attractive to extract extra performance from their vehicles. Diesel tuning aims to improve the engine efficiency and enhance normal driving conditions by around ten to fifteen per cent. With the cost of fuel going up with each passing day, there is a more need of making your car economic by boosting its performance and with improved engine torque.

Things to Remember before you Tune

There is a number of cheap tuning software available online. But, not all of them are good and your car might not be ready for a remap. Here are some of the important points to consider before you have your diesel tuned -

  • Before you think about tuning, always check the health of your car. Check its engine, tires, suspension and more. In case you have any engine problems, ensure that you get it sorted before you think about tuning.

  • Always research about tuning so that you know exactly what you will be getting as many of these processes are irreversible.

  • It is best to talk to tuning companies and judge them based on their answers. Compare their offers and then check their websites for customer feedback so that you can be sure that you are picking the right one.

  • You should eliminate any service provider making makingable claims and also those that appear unreliable.

  • It is best to look for service providers that provide great after-sales service.

  • Also, look for providers that offer insurance as it will help you in case anything goes wrong during the tuning process.

  • It is important to see your tuner face to face by taking your car to them and you can ask them appropriate questions regarding the performance of your car.

Which Type of Tuning is the Best?

Diesel electronic tuning involves the modification of the electronic instructions that is sent to the different engine components. Chipping and tuning software rewrites changes the software written to the ECU using carefully developed modified programs that changes the engine management instructions. You can also opt for plug and play packages that intercept the standard ECU signals by placing a small box of electronics between the ECU and the key engine components. The effectiveness of these will vary depending on the cost and the kind of software that is being used.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Review - Enjoy Your Money!

Enjoy Your Money! How to Make It, Save It, Invest It and Give It, J. Steve Miller, 2009, ISBN 098187567x

There are a seemingly infinite number of personal finance books available in bookstores. This one is intended for people in their teens and twenties which financial plans start and end with "become a millionaire."

Akashi, Antonio, James and Amy are your average high school students in detention, again. They meet with Mrs. Kramer, an eccentric, elderly teacher at the school, who teaches a course on money management. Every Saturday, they meet at a local fast food joint, where Mrs.. Kramer takes the four into the world of money.

Have an emergency fund, equivalent to three or four months salary, in a savings account or money market account, accessible if needed. Pay off your debt as soon as possible, whether it is credit card debt, student loans or car payments. When you get some money in your pocket, it is tempting to buy a big-screen TV or fancy new clothes. Do not do it; live benefit your means; cut your expenses as much as possible. Is it more important that others think you are a rich person, or that you actually are a rich person?

It's also tempting to buy and sell stocks on a short-term basis, looking for a quick profit. Again, do not do it. Every time you buy or sell stock, your stockbroker makes money, not you. Research good quality, no fee mutual funds (especially index funds) that you can invest in for the long haul. Just because a fund had a good year last year, it does not mean they will have a good year this year.

A popular way to make money is by buying houses and "flipping" them. If that is not for you, and if you know the right people, think about "flipping" cars or motorcycles. People will always need decent, reliable transportation. The book also looks at buying a car (consult Consumer Reports and choose quality over flashy), insurance, knowing your way around a supermarket, investing in real estate, getting a job and keeping it.

This book is a goldmine of information. Written as a dialogue, this is very easy to follow for the person who does not want to read another "money literacy" book. This is highly recommended for every teenager and twentysomething who thinks that a million dollars will suddenly show up in their mailbox.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Self-Security - The Key to Money Congruency

Whatever your financial situation right now, and yet you feel about it, never forget it is just a circumstance and can be changed in the twinkling of an eye, by a change of perspective.

Now, many people seem to be subject to the idea that there is a recession. But we are only ever subject to a circumstance in our life when we have not yet realized (or have forgotten) our own empowerment. And if we are entirely 'subject' to something, that thing is our 'ruler'.

To some people, this may be a shocking statement. How can we ignore the recession? Your reaction to this question may well explain why the recession is affecting you in the first place!

When an idea is focused upon, it becomes tangible. It literally materialises. When there is hypothesis or speculation over money, money will appear to 'move' in accordance with the speculation, be it speculation in fear or in confidence. The whole stock-market is built upon this principle. Indeed, the entire banking system is founded on this dynamic, an illusion of resources subject to the thoughts, feelings and actions (control and management) that we give those resources.

So it follows that a large number of people in fear of a recession, talking about or predicting a recession, will bring about the subject of their focus: a recession. Now, for those who are agile and canny in their financial self-preservation during a recession, any collective belief does not affect them. In fact many astute business' thrive during a recession.

In claiming our individual power as master of our universe, we can indeed turn away from an unfavorable collective experience and create an individual version (a perspective) which enables us to thrive, whatever the ambient money climate.

Thriving in just about any situation or climate, is a skill and quality which emanates from a permanent feeling of substantial 'self-security'. This feeling is the one that all human beings aspire to, whatever their circumstances, 'millionaire' or survivor.

This self-security has nothing to do with the red or black ink on bank 'statements'. Even wealthy people retain insecurities over money since a dollar evidence to the contrary. But in full emotional 'self-security', we are durably liberated to create our choicest, material life.

For people with naturally philanthropic natures and altruistic business visions, coming to terms with wealth can be very hard. People who listen to 'divine guidance' sometimes have difficulty reconciling ideals of a world-without-money, and keeping a roof over their heads. But actually, God's face shines on bank notes too! Abundance is our divine heritage and 'cash-agility' is just one aspect of it.

Most of the 'spiritual' argument is an attempt to hide the fact that people have not yet got themselves clear enough to allow the flow of money. But all altruism is better performed with millions of dollars behind it.

Availing wealth indulge the challenges of proclaiming our self-worth and the confidence required to acquire financial ease and a wealthy mindset. It becomes an excuse and self-congratulatory procrastination. And like forms of self-sabotage, if we want results we've just got to get over it!

Even ideas of money-less worlds are simply refusals to reconcile the system that we've already got. People who struggle with money can invent a million ways to avoid coming to terms with managing it. The underlying feeling of lack, or wealth that is somehow too difficult to achieve, will flow around the subconscious like a canker, eating away at hope, optimism, even desire.

But money itself, is entirely neutral!

It is purely an energy of communication, shiny enough to reflect back to you every hangup and bit of woolly thinking you can produce. Money does not have an opinion about you, but if you have one about money, you can be sure it will respond!

Some say that if you do the inner work the rest will take care of itself. In many cases this is true. The changes must indeed come from inside. However understanding that fact 'intellectually' and not being able to permanently access positive feelings about wealth, nor see the tangible results, will create continuous inner conflict. Even reading and studying wealth books is not sufficient. Nobody else can make us rich but us!

It was with 3 bankruptcies behind me (despite a very comfortable upbringing) that I carefully set out to eradicate conflict and to cultivate the emotional congruency required to turn my life around and set my money 'default position' to one that enabled me to create the life of my dreams, and enduring serenity about both my self-worth and my money worth.

It is vital to examine if your beliefs, words, feelings and actions are congruent in regard to money.

If, subconsciously, you entertain repetitive thoughts patterns that do not serve your aspirations, or if you do not take appropriate action in spite of setting financial goals, you will not have a congruent money alignment and there will be delay in the manifestation of your money desires. Here's a useful exercise:

1. Write down your money goals for this week, month, year, 5 years. Leave the list for a day and then take it again and next to the numbers, write a spontaneous list of your very first responses as you appraise the goals. See how many of the responses are in alignment with your goals and which ones need working on.
If you do not experience surges of positive emotions with each of the goals and figures, it is clear that some part of your financial 'being' is not quite in agreement with the rest of you!

2. For one week, carry the paper around with you and see how you talk and react about money in every situation that it comes up, shopping, paying bills, selling. Check out the language that you use about the money and monitor your emotions. If you are not feeling good about money, then no amount of action or will power can change that. We must find our inner security, or 'self-security' before any other remedy. It begins with a conscious decision to cultivate the perspective and line every other part of our life up with that perspective.

Transforming insecurities about money frees us to embrace the cornucopia of abundance, which is all about us if we cultivate the right perspective. When we are embracing abundance with a jubilant emotional vibration and a bright perspective, when we are consistently not just taking action, but assuming the habits of the person we are desirous of becoming, the universe can not help itself but prove us right.

Jenni P

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

LED Headlight Bulb Conversion Kit Upgrades for Car Headlamps

In 2015 there are quite a few companies selling LED headlight kits.

The things that you need to look for are Heat Dissipation, Beam cut-offs, and the type of light emitting diodes that are being used. With LED headlight technology, you can't have one without the other, and in the end, the same old adage, "you get what you pay for", still rings true.

If you have great Philips or CREE LEDs in the product, but don't have the technology and thermal management systems to properly interact with these LEDs, you are simply wasting your money.

Thermal management is key in getting the longest life out of the LEDs.

You want the LEDs to be bright, but you also want them to last the distance.

Beam cut-offs are also important so as to give the best beam of light possible out the front of your car, truck, motorcycle, or driving light.

A lot of companies simply do not have the depth of technology to be able to get these three elements working together, to maintain brightness, beam direction, and longevity.

Thermal management systems have come a long way since the "bad old days" when people started pumping more power through light emitting diodes.

The main issue was that light emitting diodes burnt out very quickly in high temperature environments.

LED headlamp bulb manufacturers are now using either the "Fan" type system coupled with copper pipe tubing technologies to dissipate the heat away from the light emitting diodes to prolong their life.

This in itself is a definite science, and without the right people, money, and equipment, you will not go far.

Luckily, a few companies are emerging as leaders in this industry and so providing the market with an affordable alternative to old halogen technology, and even HID technology.

There are many types of bulbs available that you can retro-fit into your car, but make sure you check the size of the LED bulb before you buy them.

Each car, or application, can have specific limitations on how much room is available in the headlights housing so make sure you check that the LED bulb is going to fit your specific application.

LED bulbs for cars are now becoming a lot brighter, but remember that they are still not as bright as HID.

They key to buying high performance LED headlight bulbs is to go with the leaders in the industry and pay the little extra for the best products on the market.

Look for companies who have been dealing in this technology from its conception and you will be well on your way to finding a solution that stands the test of time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Make Money Online - Starting Your Internet Business

Making money online by starting your own internet business is a big draw with economic conditions the way they are, many are trying to make extra or replace their income. Although the need and want are there, knowing where to start and what to market, gets many beginners very confused. Having a plan will help the confusion.

Time management is where many go wrong, they may have a regular job, or family to deal with and feel they just don't have time to start a business online. However having a plan with an effective system in place will allow even the beginner to run their business with less time.

Evaluate business opportunities When deciding what business you should set up, be sure they fit your needs and desires. Choose wisely, because by planning ahead you will be able to find many things that can be marketed by using the same type of system.

Choose one thing to market and learn the marketing techniques that it will take to make money online, by doing this before jumping to market a lot of different things at the same time, you will understand what it will take to make your business a success. Then you can take what techniques you know are successful and apply them to other markets.

By learning and improving your marketing skills, testing what works and fine tune it, you will be successful at starting your internet business. As an example: Many begin with affiliate marketing because it is easier to do, it can even be done without a web site or advertising budget.

However, as they learn an apply what the learn they soon realize that they can make more money online by having the proper tools in place, such as a domain name, web site and auto responder. These tools are used to build a list of potential buyers instead of sending them to someone else who will put them on their list and profit from you.

Another example is many start out writing articles to promote the products that they are selling because of budget restraints, but once they make enough they want to move on to pay per click or other ways to bring even more traffic, so take the time to learn and improve your skills and profit from them.

If you want to making money online by starting your own internet business, take action, make a plan so time can be managed, and you will have a system to follow. Evaluate business opportunities, and of course learn an improve as this needs to be done.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

4 Steps To Building A Business Online

Did you know that there are well over 3 billion people online today and they are constantly searching for something and entering search phrases (keywords) into the search bar?

These people are searching to buy things, searching for information, and solutions to an unlimited number of problems. This is where you come in as the affiliate with your website to help these seekers and show them the solution, or the answer to their search. The affiliate helps people and earns a commission in the process.

In this article, I'll show you one of the most fundamental and the absolute best way of building up a steady, long-lasting and consistent income online.

Building A Business Online Is Easy

There is a system that 100,000's of affiliates use and believe to be the ultimate online money-making system that worked years ago, works now, and will work for many years to come. It's a system that will show you just how huge the online world is and the limitless potential that only depends on what you are setting as your goal.

But before any money is generated, a website needs to be built, in a specific niche, and a traffic flow of visitors needs to have begun. The # 1 attractant of visitors to your website is the quality content on each page. Five minute videos are also great to use on website pages. Until the website is built up with quality relevant content and drawing a flow of traffic, no money can be generated.

So there's no race pace, you'll get to feel the thrill of making online sales soon enough but a solid foundation first needs to be created. Then an empire can grow from there with a lot of hard work, dedication, and great management.

There are said to be almost 4 billion people using the internet and with that great number comes to a very large group of people who you can hook up with in any direction you choose to go.

A Quick Look at How To Build A Business Online

The 4 Steps to get rolling:

Step # 1 - Choose an interest. This can be anything and everything you can think of. So choose a niche that you will enjoy of any interest, or passion, something that you are an expert at or have no experience with at all.

Step # 2 - Build up a website which is the foundation of your online real estate store property. First, your site must be built up and filled with information and content that visitors are searching for. This is similar to opening a brick and mortar store, one would not open for business until the store was ready.

Step # 3 - Draw traffic to the site, attract visitors. There are many ways to do this so it's best to start out with the free traffic options. One basic strategy is that traffic from organic searches, social media or YouTube video drives traffic to your site blog page which then leads the viewer to a product offer or recommendation.

Article marketing is a great way to enter a lot of content online for the search engines to rank, and for the viewers globally searching for that content.

Another strategy is to put one or more of the paid traffic options to work to reach targeted groups of viewers from any niche and draw as many as possible into your funnel, or onto your website page.

Step # 4 - Earn Income - Once there is a traffic flow to the site you can start earning revenue. There are said to be over 50 ways to monetize a website, which shows an unlimited e-learning potential.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Making Money With the Eminis

Experienced traders are familiar with emini futures or eminis as they call them. Eminis have been in the market for a long time. They are not as large as 'full-grown' futures that are traded on at stock exchanges. Eminis, on the other hand are traded on the internet.

This permits retail traders to compete against professional traders at the stock exchange, without having to leave the comfort of their homes. Only forex trading can give a trader more benefits than futures trading. Of course, inexperienced traders are at greater risk of losing heavily when dealing with futures or forex trading. But this has not deterred people from trading in either of these markets.

Though trading eminis is not a simple and easy process, a dedicated trader can acquire the skill with experience. Trading rules which apply to stocks and bonds also apply to eminis. Following these basic rules is extremely important when trading with eminis because of the enormous leverage it offers.

Failure to do this will certainly result in wiping away one's trading account within a short time. One of these rules is that you should 'let your profits run'. Another rule insists that you must 'cut your losses short'. This pair of rules makes a very sensible combination and provides for sensible trading.

The second rule, asking you to cut your losses short is of greater importance than the first which demands that you let your profits run. You may wonder why this should be so. It is so because if you do not cut your losses you will certainly deplete your trading account very quickly when you are dealing with eminis. Sadly, people do not pay enough attention to this golden rule and end up facing enormous losses.

We shall now look at this aspect of the trade since it is usually not given the attention it deserves. One knows fully well that the trader, like any of us, would not want to admit even to himself that he has made an erroneous decision. Being reluctant to acknowledge his mistake, the trader's ego will push him into waiting for a favorable change. All this time the trader will be accumulating losses.

While optimism has its own role to play in trading, it is also necessary to use one's common sense and be realistic and disciplined in money management. Breaking basic trading rules is not a sign good money management. Another reason why this 'cut your losses short' rule is violated is that traders lack confidence in the methods that they use to trade.

Because the trader who is chalking up losses feels that he has no better trading option, he holds on to his trading even when he keeps losing. He should bring himself to believe that it would be better to quit the losing trade because other, and better, opportunities would come his way in time.

The lesson one must take home from this is that when trading emini futures or any other market it is essential to have a sound strategy that one can depend on to cut one's losses before they become disastrous.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

BOTS Companion of a Modern Revenue Manager

Bots have become an important part of human life both, at the personal and professional front and their involvement is climbing new peaks with every passing day. They surround us in our daily life in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Search Engines, and Software. Part of it has also paved way for smarter and efficient revenue management for hotels fueling the debt that if humans should be irrevocably replaced with bots for this complex round the clock function. Although the practice may be at a nascent stage to draw concluding, it has certainly made a mark in the real of the hospitality industry and has become an indispensable part of any hotel revenue management.

Artificial Intelligence powered robots can analyze and synthesize large chunks of hotel data collected at various touch points in a fraction of seconds to present meaningful insights about the booking pattern, demand, guest behavior which is impossible to be grouped or processed by any amount of human workforce with the same efficiency as bots. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Artificial Intelligence has sort of revolutionized the hospitality industry across the globe, enabling every business to improve on multiple fronts like hotel pricing, price optimization, revenue management, guest experience management, booking management, demand and even capacity optimization of properties.

Furthermore, these bots are also capable of analyzing trends and trace upcoming events in the town to estimate the rise in demand, providing enough room for revenue managers to tweak the pricing and availability instead of fire fighting the situation at the last minute.

Leading hotels have already started betting big on AI powered bots and poised to explore new ways to make bots a part of their business operations. One significant advantage bots have over humans is that they can work tirelessly 24X7 with the same precision. Hotel industry requires attention 24X7 and is one of the most dynamic industries with continuous fluctuations in trends, demand, and prices. That is where these robust machines have huge value to add to the revenue management realm. These invisible machines can not only quickly determine the best rates at a particular time for your property, (room rate optimization) but also advise the revenue managers on which segment to target and the kind of promotional offers to be run to maximize the revenue.

Another major area where hotels continue to hustle is direct bookings. Hotels have been continuously trying to improve booking numbers on their own website since OTA missions are touching skies, eating up a major revenue share of hotels. Hotels would be surprised to know that even in this area, bots can improve their game and help increase the number of bookings by a decent percentage. With advanced learning capabilities and rigorous analysis of visitor's purchasing behavior, AI powered bots can refine the visitor experience and personalize every visitor's journey to their needs and interests. This increments visitor engagement and reduces the cycle time of purchase leading to conversion on the hotel website itself.

This again brings us to the joke that wherever revenue managers can be gradually replaced by bots completely risking their roles and jobs in the industry altogether. The answer is obviously NO since these micro machines can only process and analyze only a set number of parameters in their decision and often neglect external market implications that may not be considered by such bots but are easily identifiable only by human revenue managers and this acumen is gained by experience.

Therefore, the ideal mix should be machine results mediated and supervised by human revenue managers. For eg, Pricing is one area which could have been automated with a reasonable amount of diligence and control of the revenue manager. Similarly, online reputation management can also be monitored with technology; however, a personalized approach will take you a long way. The key is to automate the processes that require minimum human intervention and involve human where necessary. This will help revenue managers to don more hats at the same time like exploring more avenues to maximize per guest audience and focus on other revenue increasing strategies.

Thus, witnessing the scenarios discussed above, we can conclude that the status of the bots is of a companion to revenue managers instead of a successor who will complement them at every step with razor fast information and analysis of the market and competition, enabling revenue managers to take informed decisions in no time and help them optimize revenues and drive the hotel towards new millions of success.

Friday, December 7, 2018

What Business to Buy

There's a twofold answer to the question 'What Business to Buy' simply because in its' core it involves two aspects: You and The Business.

At first it is all about Your Skills, Knowledge, Experience and Interests. When looking for Opportunities in Business You are a fundamental part of the Process. Make list to narrow down personal interests, traits and characteristics and look for a Business that suits these exercises. Most of the time when entrepreneurs buy businesses that do not match their Temperament, they end up unsuccessful, unhappy and selling the Business.

Ask yourself the following questions to get Your Ideas for Businesses:

  • What are my 5 Strongest Personality Traits? You can also opt to ask your friends and family to send you lists with their observations (can be very revealing).
  • What are my 5 Strongest Skills when it comes to doing my current or previous jobs?
  • What Role do I want to Play in the Business?
  • What Destination and Location do I want my Business to have or can it be a Business without a fixed Location (such as internet based).
  • Do I prefer a large-scale business with many contacts and customers or do I prefer to focus on a niche market, dealing with a smaller number of contacts and clients?
  • Do I want a Product Supply Type of Business or a Service oriented business?
  • What is my Business Investment Budget?

When going over all the answers to these questions, you will have a Clear Picture What Type of Business you want to Buy.

Find a Business to Buy

After having identified What Type of Business you want to Buy it is time to Find a Business to Buy. You will want to opt for a Business that offers Value for Money. Its Valuations have to be backed up by Reliable and Detailed Financial Data.

Some Investors are Buying Businesses because they are Cheap compared to their core Value. They believe that as long as the market undervalues ​​the business relative to the core value, they are making a Solid Investment. This way of Investing fully depends on the reasoning that the market will eventually realize it has undervalued the Business and will correct its Course.

Below some questions you can ask yourself when determining What Business to Buy:

  • Does the Business Match my Personal Characteristics and Expectations?
  • Is there a Solid Business Plan available?
  • What are the Top-5 Competitors of the Business?
  • Do I have access to all Detailed Financial Data?
  • What is the Trend in Profits over the last 5 years?
  • Does the business show healthy and consistent cost margins?
  • What is the expected Return on Investment?

How much you will always profit from your Business depends on the level of Original Investment and Your Management and Marketing Skills.