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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Visa Application Tips

The visa application process is a long and tedious one. It is important that you do what you can to make sure the process is as seamless as can be. Here are a few tips to follow to keep the immigration process move along smoothly.

Be Prepared for Delays

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services, formerly called INS, is very backed up. To guarantee that you have a Visa by the time you need one submit your application far in advance. If you are currently in the US and your legal status is going to expire, getting your application in as soon as possible is very important to avoid any adverse legal action being taken against you.

Avoid Summary Removal

The border officials have a lot of power. They can send you back overseas if they feel as though you are a security risk or if they feel as though you have lied to get the visa. When arriving from overseas you need to be prepared to convince these officials that you deserve your visa. If you are coming as a tourist and not intent on seeking citizenship avoid bringing anything with you that gives the impression you could have staying such a wedding dress, job resume and so on.

Notify the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

If you are in the United States for more than 30 days you must notify the USCIS of a change of address within 10 days. You and each member of your family need to send in separate notifications. There are two ways to send this notification, the best option is through the USCIS 'website, click on their "online change of address service" or you can mail in Form AR-11. It is also a very good idea to send word of your change of address to every USCIS office that is handling your application.

File Multiple Visa Petitions

If you are getting a green card through a family member and you have more than one family member that is eligible to submit the petition for you, have each one submit a petition for you. This way, if there is a long wait in one category or should the person that submitted it for you die you have another option.

Pay Attention to Deadlines

Make sure that you are on time for any appointment you have with the USCIS, US embassy or consulate or the US Immigration court. If you are late or simply do not show up it could be months before you are rescheduled or you may possibly be exported.

Avoid Violations

Read the small print associated with your visa and make sure you follow the rules carefully. Should you violate even the minor terms your visa can be cancelled or you can be exported.

Keep Track and Make Copies

Unfortunately the USCIS is infamous for losing paperwork. Make sure you send all your applications and paperwork via certified mail, with a return receipt and make copies of everything. This will not only be your proof of filing but may end up being the main copies that are filed should the USCIS lose your originals.

Boost Yoga and Meditation Efforts With an Air Purifier? Absolutely!

Meditation has been used for thousands of years for various purposes and continues to be a valuable tool for many. One issue with meditation (and yoga) that needs to be addressed in our modern times is that most that do meditate do so in their homes or another indoor space. That brings up the question of air quality and whether it's helping or hindering your efforts associated with your meditation.

Why is air quality so important to meditation and yoga? There are several reasons, but one of the main reasons is that the deep breathing exercises cause us to inhale pollutants more deeply than usual - pollutants found in nearly every home such as chemicals, dust mites, bacteria, mold spores and more. And while the deep breathing is great for oxygenating the body, deeply inhaling pollutants and germs is not.

And that's not the only issue. If you're trying to meditate or do your yoga and someone in the home smokes, without a good air purifier running, you'll be breathing those smoke pollutants, ash, tobacco pesticides, etc that are not good for you, either- -more things to negatively affect your energy field, which is counterproductive. By using the right type of air purifier, however, you get a couple more great benefits. One is using the sound as something to focus on to help clear the mind. The other is the benefit of healthy negative OH- ions like those that are found in nature actually gains the mediation experience.

Negative ions not only destroy airborne germs, but have also been shown in research to increase brain activity and contribute to a sense of well being, help reduce stress and more. So if you're looking for a way to get more out of your meditation or yoga practice, breathing clean air can certainly help you do that - and help keep you from shooting your mental, physical and spiritual health in the foot by breathing germs and other pollutants. It makes no sense to work toward purification of body, mind and spirit while constantly adding pollution to our systems.

Do you have to choose an air cleaner that has negative ions? Certainly not. Cleaning up the air properly and using the sound to help with meditation and yoga is the main thing. A very good quality, affordable brand of air cleaner that does not release ions is the Austin Healthmate Plus series with quality HEPA, carbon and prefilters for real air purification. With these units, you also get 5 year filters and a 5 year warranty.

If you do want an air cleaner known for removing a large variety of pollutants (including smoke) while also providing the healthy negative ions, Blueair is an excellent brand. They offer good warranties, too, plus an air cleaner that is very quiet compared to others. Another great brand is Sun Pure TRIO with many of the same features, larger room coverage with one unit plus affordable pricing.

So give your mental, spiritual and physical health a boost by cleaning up your indoor air. Doing this has surely worked wonders for me, and I think you'll find it helpful also.

"Cash For Cans" is a Great Way to Raise Money For Your Cheerleading Squad!

A "Cans For Cash" fundraiser is an easy and enjoyable way to earn money while helping the environment too. This fundraiser will not just turn collected aluminum cans into funds; it will reduce litter in the community, help conserve natural resources, and even save energy. The recycling industry over 10,000 locations nationwide that pay for aluminum cans, making a Cans for Cash fundraising campaign very convenient. A Cans For Cash drive can be delivered at any time or place, and requires investing nothing more than a little time, motivation and creativity. Fundraising campaigns are a great way to raise money for your squad and oftentimes can help cover costs for things like cheer uniforms, cheerleading shoes, pom poms, accessories, and more.

The first step is to set a goal for the drive and figure out how much you want to earn. Then, make sure to contact local recycling centers in your area to find out their hours, what they pay for aluminum cans, and if they want the cans to be crushed before you drop them off. Some recycling centers offer special rates for schools and non-profit groups, and even offer pick-up services, so it can not hurt to ask. You can find recycling centers in your area by searching online, calling a local soft drink bottler or a state recycling coordinator.

The best part of a Cans for Cash drives is the endless opportunities everywhere you look! Some good places to look for cans are apartments, restaurants, parks, playgrounds, construction sites and wherever you see vending machines. Many beverages are sold in aluminum cans. However, if you're ever in doubt, just place a magnet against the cans. Remember, a magnet will not stick to aluminum. It's also a good idea to set up collections with local stores. You can do this by asking stores to set up a box with a sign reading "Please Recycle Your Aluminum Cans Here" that includes your fundraising goal.

Make sure your collected cans are dry and clean. Most recycling centers will subtract as much as ten percent from the purchase price for wet or dirty cans. Your collected cans are valuable, so make sure to keep them stored in a secure place, sheltered from the weather and strong winds. Also, do not forget to leave the pull-tabs on your cans attached; cans with pull-tabs weigh more and will help you earn more money.

Remember there are so many other ways to get creative with your fundraising campaign. Cans for Cash, bake sales, and car washes are all great ways to get your team's face out in the community and raise money for your squad.

Custom Pins - Useful For All Groups

You can have custom made in any shape, size or color. You can even get a replica of your company logo. There are a number of professional reasons you could do this, whether it be for promotional purposes, part of a uniform or even a sponsorship for a non-profit event. As an individual, you may want to have a family pin made to hand out at the annual reunion. On the other hand, maybe your book club is celebrating its fifth year together and you would like a way to commemorate the occasion. Something else that has grown in popularity is to have a wedding pin made to hand out to each guest as memorabilia of your special day. There are many other reasons to utilize this unique service. People love tangible objects, no matter what the size or value. Simply put, people love stuff! No matter the event, what better to give than something customized that they can wear on their lapel, purse, hat, scarf or tie?

Custom pins are available is several varieties. One such variety is Cloisonne. Cloisonne is the technique of decorating metal. The hard enamel Cloisonne pin is a metal pin that is inlayed with enamel and then baked at a high temperature to cure the paint. It is then polished. When done in this fashion, the pin is smooth across the top.

Another variety is the soft enamel. Soft enamel custom pins also have enamel fill, but they are air dried as opposed to baked. The fill sets lower than the metal ridges that form the outlines of the pin. This style of pin is not completely smooth across the top. It has a somewhat raised outline. The soft enamel is a less expensive alternative to the hard enamel.

The die stuck pin is typically seen in metal shades. It may be colored, but most often is not. These are the only type of pin that made be done three dimensionally.

The photo etched pin is an alternative to the enamel pin when you are in need of something with a lot of detail. This is a thinner option than the hard or soft enamel.

Finally, there is the photo dome pin. These custom pins are fitted with a replica of the picture you provide and the epoxy is smoothed over the top to a nice domed finish.

You can find online companies that offer this type of customized work. Some have pricing information available on their websites while others require you to submit information on their quote form. The information they will need typically includes your contact information, a description of the type of custom pins you are looking to order and a copy of your artwork. Once you submit this form, the company will process your quote request and contact you with an estimated price. Before agreeing to have any work done, be sure to thoroughly read the contacted terms. Inquire about not only production time, but also shipping time. You want to make sure that your order will get to you in time for the scheduled event.

Why Men Should Wear Jewelry

Jewelry is something that is stereotyped as women's accessories. We often find it odd whenever we see a man wearing some sort of accessory other than the regular watch. Even when given as gifts, jewelry take a step back as women prefer standards gifts such as wallets, jackets and shoes, oftentimes, socks. But that was before.

Things are different now. More men are starting to become confident and comfortable with jewelry. As a matter of fact, a lot of men have started indulging themselves and purchasing different accessories and jewelry for themselves. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, ring, cufflinks, hip flasks, and money clips-name it, and men have it. There's a broad range of categories when it comes to jewelry ad they are all available in the market today due to its increasing popular demand. Ever wonder why? Read on and you'll discover.

1. Jewelry has an enormous effect in your look. You read it right. Jewelry can definitely make you look a thousand times better and the good thing is, you don't have to wear to much to achieve it. Wearing a classic watch or a ring can do the trick. A simple necklace can add a dash of elegance, a touch of uniqueness and, sometimes, a hint of grooviness. They can define how you want to look, thus it is essential that you choose the right accessory for the right event.

2. You can achieve different looks with different jewelry. Jewelry is very versatile accessories that can help add flexibility to your image. Wearing a handsome pair of cufflinks and an expensive watch can make you look very professional. Belly rings or tongue piercings achieve the look of being rebellious and funky. For a laid back and bohemian look, you can wear string or bead necklaces. Different accessories for different looks.

3. They are timeless pieces. Clothes and gadgets tend to outdate themselves as newer and newer innovations are introduced. They become tacky so people buy newer versions with better functionality. Jewelry is not like those. If maintained well, they can last a lifetime and be passed on to generations as an heirloom.

4. Real jewelry is easy to maintain. Cellular phones and PDA's constantly demand much of our attention. On the other hand, jewelry can be cleaned at least once a month with a little brushing, soaping and polishing and your jewelry can look new again. If you are a little keen on your jewelry, you can always purchase cleaning solutions.

5. Real jewelry pieces are good investments. Jewelry made of authentic stones and precious metals are continuously on the rise. Old watches in classic design can always be sold for an enormous amount of money. A lot of people place very high values on jewelry thus, it i always a good investment.

Those are just five reasons why jewelry is indispensable. They are not something that only women could wear. Our current society has accepted the fact that men can wear jewelry and it's not something that only women can wear.