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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Crucial Factors That Decide The Fortune Of A Mobile App

While businesses had long ago embraced website development to go online, with the advance of smartphones, they leapt further to become mobile-friendly. Having only a website is no longer sufficient enough to catch the attention of customers, but there's need for some mobile-friendly approach too so that customers could access their services on the go. It becomes a paramount necessity for businesses to develop their own customised business app, with which they could target specifically and increase their outreach on the market.

However, despite mobile apps becoming inseparable and pivotal part of businesses as a marketing strategy, a mere percent of apps actually get through the success among the several million listed in the app stores. This is owing to some critical factors that can either make or break a business application. Here's quick recount of some of them.

Faster loading

The first thing app owners need to assure is whether their apps are loading quickly or not. Their loading time, in no way, should exceed more than 15 seconds. An app that works at a snail's speed and take 16-20 seconds to load, is destined to fail because users will be uninstalling it and download an alike app that loads with high-speed.

User-friendly apps are clear winner

An ideal app is that which is exceptionally easy-to-use. For attaining far-reaching attention in the market, it should be intuitive and users could use it without needing anyone's help. Further, with a plentiful of apps available in the same business line, no one is actually interested to spend time in taking instructions on how to use one. They will simply abandon it to find some other app that is simple to use and understand. The best way to keep it simple is incorporating as fewer features as possible, by prioritising only the crucial ones.

Lesser technical faults

Besides being faster, apps that are hard to crash have more chances to become successful and can sustain a longer life cycle. An app needs to pass through several tests to deem perfect for use. Bugs and other technical issues will never allow an app to get closer to their goals of user acquisition. Thus, app makers should ask for assistance from a reliable development team that will not compromise quality or testing for the budget.

Frequent updates are imperative

To affirm success in the long-run, an app maker must commit to release updates of the app consistently to bring new features, advanced functionality or fix the bugs that users earlier experienced while using. No updates after the first release is a major turn-down factor because that shows the absence of credibility from the maker and can cause download rates to decline. It is thus inevitable to release updates at frequent intervals as that keeps users interested.

Easy registration interests the users

One major reason people prefer using apps over a website is its convenience on the go. The makers of the app should try to make their every experience convenient, from signing up to checking out, to make sure of its success. Henceforth, keeping the registration process short and simple with few pieces of information looks fine and more compelling to the users.

These are a handful of influential factors for considerations to make an app successful enough. However, there's always have to be some expert team for real implications of these and to help an app to bear fruits.

12 Ways to Keep Your Data & Identity Safe Online

How to Boost Your Digital Security for Peace of Mind

From the recent Facebook data break to compromised customer data at huge companies like FedEx and Delta, personal security is more relevant than ever.

In fact, it might even seem that our data is under attack!

While you can not always prevent data security issues, here are 12 ways to help you protect yourself in this fast-moving digital age:

1. Stop sending sensitive information digitally.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people email tax documents to their accountant, or text a password to a family member in a pinch.

2. Beware of public Wi-Fi.

Anything you send in a coffee shop or airport can be intercepted by someone on the same network. Consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) when you're out and about.

3. Secure your texts.

Whether you use a free app like WhatsApp or a paid Android or iOS solution, there are lots of end-to-end encryption options, ensuring only you and the recipient see messages.

4. Stay up to date.

If you do not, you could be at risk for malware, viruses and cybercrime attacks. Make sure your operating system and software are updated - many devices do this automatically.

5. Worry less about wireless.

Secure your wireless network with a password so nobody can jump onto your Wi-Fi network and steal info.

6. Be cautious of clever email scammers.

Today's phishing emails can have links that lead to realistic-looking websites. Never give out passwords or other sensitive info by email, text or phone unless you're sure that you're talking to the actual organization.

7. Lock down your laptop.

Make sure your laptop requires a password when it boots up. That way, if it gets stolen or prying eyes try to access your device, they'll be stopped before they start.

8. Wipe out data .

If it's time for a new laptop or smartphone, make sure your data is not hanging around. Once you've backed up any data you need, use a software program to permanently erase your hard drive.

9. Choose security questions wisely.

Avoid using common words in your passwords. Period. Google estimated someone would have a 19.7% success rate answering "pizza" to "What's your favorite food? Customize questions or pick harder ones to guess.

10. Avoid sites that are not https.

Https stands for "hypertext transfer protocol with secure socket layer" (other known as having a SSL certificate.) Sites without an "s" on the end are not secure if you are being asked to make a purchase or submit private / sensitive data that could get intercepted.

11. Pay attention to privacy settings.

Choose who can see the content you post on sites like Facebook and Instagram, and who can view your profile.

Opt for the highest level of privacy possible but be aware that some settings will prevent potential clients from seeing your posts, so find a happy balance that will not sacrifice your social media marketing efforts!

12. Back up your data.

If your device gets stolen or compromised, what happens to that work report or your niece's baby photos? Schedule automatic backups through your operating system or a cloud service.

While even the largest and brightest companies can be hacked or otherwise attacked, these online security tips can help you reduce some of the risks.

Also, if you're hiring a web professional developer to help with your business, make sure they're well-aware of current security issues. We build websites with our clients' safety in mind and perform regular security updates for ongoing peace of mind.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Getting More Traffic to Your Website or Blog

There is a very common question that anyone who has a website or a blog has and this has to do with getting more leads and even traffic. There are many options that are being offered today to get rock solid traffic, and sometimes you can even make money while you are at it.

Creating more value for the prospective target

This is a great question that you should ask yourself. Value can be defined as a resource. This could be an article, a video or even a blog that is aimed at solving problems. The prospects are people who are more likely to work with the business and even sell the products as well. You need to make the offers more attractive to the prospective customers to encourage them to buy.

If you have some capital

If you can, you should invest in the business. You could hire a coach who has the kind of success that you may have always desired. This can have a great impact on your lifestyle and your life too.

You also need to learn more about the per click kind of advertising. You can use social media and use the available online courses that can help you apply this successfully to your blog or website.

You should also take time to invest in some long-term decisions. Take your time to strategize. It may not pick as quickly as you would like but the time taken to build your business will be very worthwhile in the end.

If you do not have any capital

You can try making money from the people that you want to emulate. You can achieve this through network marketing or use affiliate sales and programs. There are up lines that can offer some free coaching if you prove to be serious.

You need to create content every day. This should always be value driven by the target prospects. This will keep them interested and fully engaged at all times.

You also need to reach out to the market and to people in the social media platforms as well as on the offline meetings. If you are not conversant about prospecting, there are available resources that can prove helpful online. When you follow the plans well and diligently, you will be able to get waves of rock-solid traffic eventually. You will notice that your sales and leads will grow quite a lot as you follow the steps.

The best thing about using solid traffic is the fact that this is usually real people who are hyperactive responsive and they can show interest in hearing more about what you offer. When you have the best traffic source, you can access a large inventory that guarantees consistency and quality. With the best providers, you simply place the order and then let them take care of the conversions and the traffic. Optimization is very important in such a case. Having a great traffic source can work really well for you and your business.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

3 Tips to Making Money Online Easily

With the economy in its current condition, people are fearful of their finances. It's no mystery that making money online has been the most sought after stream of income and the most difficult to master. However, having a successful online business in 2011 has not been easier.

Tip # 1: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an old way of making money online. This is where most people begin their online journey. There have been so many people selling products on teaching beginners how to excel in this form of marketing, yet they leave out specific details that extremely hinder your success. This method has greatly improved, producing tremendous results. The trick to a victorious money making affiliate marketing business is to partner with companies whose products and services can be respected and trusted.

Tip # 2: Domain Names

Having a domain name is extremely important. When promoting other people's products, you need your own affiliate link in order to be paid. These links are usually long and hard to remember. If you purchase a domain name, it can be forwarded to the website you are promoting. So if you were promoting a product by word of mouth, a short and easy to remember domain name would serve you best.

Tip # 3: Keeping Business in Mind

Having an online business is just that, a business. In order for accomplishment to occur, you must continue persevering toward your goal. You get out of your business, what you put into it. So keep working. Remember, when you treat your business like a hobby, it will produce hobby results.

Make Money Online - Starting Your Internet Business

Making money online by starting your own internet business is a big draw with economic conditions the way they are, many are trying to make extra or replace their income. Although the need and want are there, knowing where to start and what to market, gets many beginners very confused. Having a plan will help the confusion.

Time management is where many go wrong, they may have a regular job, or family to deal with and feel they just don't have time to start a business online. However having a plan with an effective system in place will allow even the beginner to run their business with less time.

Evaluate business opportunities When deciding what business you should set up, be sure they fit your needs and desires. Choose wisely, because by planning ahead you will be able to find many things that can be marketed by using the same type of system.

Choose one thing to market and learn the marketing techniques that it will take to make money online, by doing this before jumping to market a lot of different things at the same time, you will understand what it will take to make your business a success. Then you can take what techniques you know are successful and apply them to other markets.

By learning and improving your marketing skills, testing what works and fine tune it, you will be successful at starting your internet business. As an example: Many begin with affiliate marketing because it is easier to do, it can even be done without a web site or advertising budget.

However, as they learn an apply what the learn they soon realize that they can make more money online by having the proper tools in place, such as a domain name, web site and auto responder. These tools are used to build a list of potential buyers instead of sending them to someone else who will put them on their list and profit from you.

Another example is many start out writing articles to promote the products that they are selling because of budget restraints, but once they make enough they want to move on to pay per click or other ways to bring even more traffic, so take the time to learn and improve your skills and profit from them.

If you want to making money online by starting your own internet business, take action, make a plan so time can be managed, and you will have a system to follow. Evaluate business opportunities, and of course learn an improve as this needs to be done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

SEO for Business IT Marketing

Onsite SEO is related to everything on your actual website. Titles, meta decryption, internal linking, keywords density, sitemaps, alt tags for images and video. Keywords are the words or phrases that potential customers type when searching for your products or services on search engines.

Ranking high for relevant keywords matters because it brings your business to the top of the search results, helping you reach more potential customers. Offsite most important are: Listings refer to all the sites and directories where your business's information appears. Listings matter because they enable potential customers to find you or your business on relevant sites, and because they can improve your position on search engines like Yahoo, Google or Bing. If not, you're missing out on reaching consumers at the most critical stage of the buying cycle - when they're comparing products, price and services to choose a business. Do not assume that having a website is enough to succeed online. With many of your competitors already promoting themselves online, you need to make sure your web presence is effective as well on all major local search sites. The good news is that promoting yourself online and expanding your clientele can be easy and affordable. By investing in your online marketing, you can attract new customers while reducing your overall advertising budget!

One of these other SEO strategies is called ATO (Ad Text Optimization) which is a type of paid search advertising. Now, a successful SEO campaign can create organic traffic (a natural relevance to search terms instead of being an advertisement), but it could also include paid advertising, creating great quality web pages, setting up a way for owners to gauge their online success, and improving a website's conversion rate (which is the ratio of people who visit a site versus the amount of people who take action). The problem with SEO is that search engines change their algorithms and there are no guarantees on continued referrals. Because of this a business that may require a lot of help from search engine traffic could suffer losses if a search engine stops sending visitors to their site. This being the case it is advised to keep from dependence on search engine traffic. Most search marketers will share that it is better to receive traffic from links as they are stronger. For advice on how to link your business website to another website, you should seek professional company for help.