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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Private Real Estate Syndicated Funds - A Passive Way to Invest in Real Estate

In today's economy, one thing is guaranteed. The world is trying to ditch the US dollar as the reserve currency and keeping your money in CDs and money market accounts is straight forward unsafe. For decades savers and investors found it safe to keep their money parked with their banks despite the current near zero rates of interest and volatility of the US dollar are justified reasons that compel more folks to find better investment strategies for their money. That's why many investors start looking for investments which keep up with inflation (real estate, gold / silver, commodities, and certain foreign currencies and stocks.)

If Real Estate investing has been on your mind but is not sure where to invest, how to find the best deals or how to correctly evaluate one, you may want to explore the opportunity of a passive way to invest in a syndicated real estate fund . A real estate syndicate is simply a group of investors who pool their money to purchase real estate. By pooling their money together these investors are able to purchase larger real estate properties with or without bank financing. This method of real estate investing has been a popular method of financing the purchase and sale of commercial properties such as shopping centers, office buildings and warehouses.

Private Real Estate syndicates raise funds through a private placement which is a security - an ownership interest in a company that owns and operates investment real estate. Unlike the REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), these investment vehicles are not publicly traded and are not priced to market on a daily basis. While REITs may have high dividend returns their publicly traded shares are subject to a significant degree of price volatility, an event less likely to occur with private syndicated funds.

Many real estate syndicates are offered as private placements, so it is important for you to understand the process and risk factors related to private placements. One of the most common risk is that the underlying investment is real estate, as a result these investments may be less liquid than shares in a REIT; when time comes the fund may be unable to sell the real property at a high sufficient price to generate the expected profits; Egypt outside factors such as a further deterioration of the economy may negate the value added through rehabilitation work. Then, there is that uncertainty of unforeseen future expenses, taxes, and liability, all of which being typical real estate issues that seasoned investors are familiar with. My recommendation is that you thoroughly evaluate the risks directly from the private placement memorandum.

Syndicated real estate funds are carefully crafted by using the expertise of attorneys, accountants, contractors, investment bankers, mortgage bankers, and real estate brokers. They are structured in form of a partnership agreement or limited liability company (LLC), whose code of ethics requires full disclosure of all material facts. To further determine whether this kind of investment is for you, you'll want to find out the experience and accomplishments of all directors and managers, the minimum required investment, the time-frame of your investment, and the potential annual return and capital gains on your money.

What I found enticing is the fact that one can invest in a private real estate syndicate by using his retirement account (IRA). A self-directed IRA is a unique hybrid tool that uses a self-directed IRA custodian and a specialized legal structure. Investments made with a self-directed IRA may grow untaxed provided the income generated is passive income.

Some other potential benefits associated with investments in these funds are:

* Gaining net cash flow through a passive investment. Owning real estate individually requires skills in assessing property values, negotiating purchase agreements, financing, negotiating leases and managing the property. An investor in such a fund has access to a group that has proven knowledge and experience to deal with all aspects of real estate.

* Achieving a higher yield by investing in larger and more profitable properties. By pooling the funds of a number of investors, real estate syndicates can achieve overall better returns when compared to many individual investors.

* Taking advantage of the troubled commercial real estate market by using the expertise of culture investors.

* Hedging against Inflation. Because inflation erodes the value of hard-earned money and reduces the individual purchasing power, investment diversification in tangible assets may potentially represent a more desirable way to maintain your current living standard.

* Potential profit from property appreciation. Commercial real estate value is determined by its level of stabilization. High occupancy rates, stable revenues, carefully assessed expenses, and experienced property managers overall significantly contribute to the increase in value.

* Favorable tax treatment. Check with your tax adviser regarding tax savings on private estate syndicates which may not be available when investing in a public company.

* Various Investment Positions. As an investor, you can choose from a variety of positions that best suits your investment requirements.

Overall I still think it's a smart move to diversify your investment portfolio with a hard asset such as real estate. But no matter what you invest in keep in mind that a "healthy investment" is the kind that ...

* generates substantial revenues for you during good times and bad times;
* is made out of real assets that do not vanish;
* does not lose its earnings potential with time;
* maintains its capital value;
* keeps up with inflation;
* is made out of assets that satisfy one or more human needs (housing, food, energy);
* can be passed on to your heirs and generate passive income for them.

Finally, if you're seriously considering placing a chunk of your money into such a fund do not forget to ask the hard questions such as if the managers and directors are investing their own money in the fund; how can you verify that the company is real and not a hoax; what could go wrong and if it does what happens to your investment. Use common sense and your own instinct, learn as much as you can, make decisions, and act on them quickly so that when the economic dust finally settles, your egg nest will still be there, intact and unharmed.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Time To Change Jobs? How Will I Know?

Almost everyone experiences times when his or her job, workplace environment, co-workers, or managers could be much better. But how long do you end negative surroundings before it's time to "test the waters" and see what other jobs might be better fit for you?

While the stigma of job-hopper is not what it used to be even a short time ago, it is still critical for you to demonstrate to a prospective new employee that you gained experience and new skills, in any job you have held. It is projected that Generation X will hold 10-15 jobs over their careers and Gen Y (or Millennials) as many as 25. Keep in mind these are projections based on limited historical data since the oldest Millennials are still under 30 years old and you typically change jobs more often in your early years in the work. But if the projection holds, it means Millennials will change jobs every two years.

The questions you should ask yourself are: Am I learning and progressing from a developmental standpoint towards my longer-term career goals? Is there an opportunity for upward movement, as a reward for hard work, or is my job stagnant? Do I have supportive managers and co-workers or is it a stressful environment impacting my personal life and health? Am I paid fairly for my position and what I contribute? If you are answering a negative response to one or more of these questions, then it might be time to check out what's going on in the job market.

Do not do anything impulsive. New jobs are still not that plentiful - so use your current job to fund your search. Make a change on your own timing. Use your personal email and cell phone, and do not tell anyone in your company. It does not matter how much you trust your co-workers, word will get out and it may take away your timeframe options.

Before you begin looking in earnest, you should do an assessment of your skills. A good start in this process is to update your resume (although you should always keep it current). What jobs are you really qualified for? Do you have the education and mastery of skills to progress up the ranks of another organization? If you determine the longer-term position you want requires a specific degree or more experience, you may want to stay put until you reach that new plateau. But it's always good to test the waters through your network to see how friends and colleagues jobs are going and what companies are hiring and for what positions.

Prior to making any decision, you need to include wherever you are "running away" from a job or moving forward in your career. If you have not given your "all" in a job, there is no reason to make a change and end up in the exact position only in a different company. If you decide to leave, leave on a good note - perhaps just after completing a project or mastering a new skill set. This will give you a good story to relay to a prospective employer - that you finish what you start and are ready for more challenge and responsibility.

The Difference Between a Theolite and a Total Station

Both tools are used to measure horizontal and vertical angles during surveying and engineering projects. Each have particular pros and cons which can be utilized in various situations. In general, it will depend on the time, money, man power, and expertise you have available when deciding on the right tool for your job.

Although theodolites have been used for hundreds of years, the main operation of these tools remains the same. A theodolite consists of a moveable telescope mounted between a vertical and horizontal axes. The angle of each axes can be measured with fairly accurate precision as long as the operator has sufficient knowledge of the tool's use and basic trigonometry. However, the use of a theololite generally requires the help of at least one other person besides the main operator to help measure and align angles. When precision counts, it is imperative that both operators are properly trained and understand all of the elements of gathering data; this may include leveling the tripod / theodolite and measuring stick, as well as aligning the quake and measuring line to gather accurate data, and finally use mathematical and graphical skills to generate the appropriate output.

The benefits of a total station will outweigh the downsides, in most cases, because of its all-inclusive features and digital integration. These tools integrate theodolite functions in order to measure angles and distance with an EDM (electronic distance meter). They also use a system of prisms and lasers to develop digital readings of all the measurements during your job. All of the information gathered with the total station is stored in an external computer where data can be manipulated and added to CAD programs. Robotic total stations are available that allow the operator to work alone with the use of a remote control.

A total station is generally superior to a theololite because of its digital integration and precision. However, total stations are much more expensive and require not only surveying training, but specific product and software training as well. When completing surveying jobs that span large distances, especially over treacherous terrain, a total station will provide the most reliable and accurate results. For simple plots of smaller areas, a theololite is sufficient. Before you purchase either tool, ensure it comes with the necessary accessories you'll need on the job. For a theololite you will want a measuring stick and steel tape, a tripod, as well as grid paper and a pencil to record the data. In most cases, a total station will come with all the necessary accessories you need, however, some may not so always double check!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Printable Play Money Helps Kids Learn

Helping kids learn the value of a dollar (or 10 or 20) is easier when they can practice hands-on using play money. With play money, including bills that can be printed for free via the Internet, children can gain many useful skills without the need to raid their parents' pocketbooks. Little Alex P. Keatons of the world can prep for a career in finance by wheeling and dealing with parents, teachers or friends using pretending cash. Playing "store" is also a fun and popular way to teach kids about monetary denominations and the value of a buck.

When selecting a fake money design to use with children, parents and teachers may opt for cartoon-style money or more realistic bills.

For older children, realistic play money is usually the best option, since it is very close to the bills they will see in everyday life. And there's no need to worry about being carted off to the slammer, because the faux cash offered by reputable Web sites is altered enough to comply with federal regulations.

Once you find a play money design you like, download and print it in color on your home printer. Cut the bills apart and start doing business! For added durability, you might want to print the bills on cardstock or even laminate them, especially in a classroom setting.

When working with very young children, start by teaching them to identify the various denominations. Print out multiple copies each of $ 1, $ 5, $ 10, $ 20, $ 50 and $ 100 bills. Kids can learn which presences are on which bills for a bonus history lesson! Toddlers and preschoolers may do best with oversized play money, as it can be easier for little hands to hold.

Children who are a little older can begin to add and subtract with the help of fake money. Consider setting up a pretend store with items priced for "sale" at prices that match simple combinations of bills. For example, a child can quickly learn that a $ 20 item can be obtained by exchanging a $ 20 bill, or two 10s, or four 5s or a 10 plus two 5s.

Printable play money can also be used as a replacement for bills that are missing from family board games, or in gaming tournaments or fund-raisers. The paper can also be used as a "currency" given for chores and redeemable at a later date for real cash.

There's really no need to pay to print play bills, as they can often be found for free on the Internet.

Copyright 2009 by Kevin Savetz

Monday, March 4, 2019

Money and the Laws of Value

One summer day a hen was on the look out for food on a farmyard. As she scratched at the straw on the ground, she unwrapped a diamond jewel. The hen suspect that the jewel might be valuable because of the way it glittered in the sun.

This object is probably worth a lot, the hen thought to herself, but I will trade a bushel of this diamond for a single bushel of corn. (One bushel of diamond is worth about 20 million tons of corn)

What is true for the hen is also true for human beings. People can not use money better than their level of appreciation of its power. If you are primarily a consumer you will only be familiar with the consumption power of money - what money can buy. An investor is very familiar with the reproducible power of money - How money can multiply. A business man is familiar with the production power of money - How money change forms into valuable products and services. Money has no power in itself to change your financial personality; it however has the power to magnify your financial nature.

Money as a Store of Energy

Money is a store of economic energy. Without the awareness, acquisition, organization, and perfection of these internal values ​​in any man, wealth creation in a sustainable manner is impossible. Poor resulting from lack of cash or tangible assets is temporary and easily curable; however, poverty resulting from lack of discovery or awareness of these internal sources of wealth is permanent and can not be cured by the acquisition or possession of money or tangible assets . Attempting to cure malaria by the use of pain relieving tablets is at best a temporary solution. Unfortunately, most people looking for money usually neglect and disrespect their internal primary source of wealth. According to Mark Victor Hansen "You do not have wealth, you are your wealth" ! The earlier you come to the full realization of this universal principle, the quicker you will be on your journey to financial success.

External sources of values ​​are those invisible assets outside a person that is reliably fixed and is accessible to every man equally. These include: Time, Problems, and Relationships. Everyman has equal access to these three variables; and they are unavoidable raw materials for the creation of every form of tangible wealth.

Money Creation Process

Three variables therefore determine the quantity of money a person can legally create over a given period of time: The number of internal sources of wealth discovered and properly harnessed; Amount of external sources of values ​​efficiently utilized; and how much of the outputs of the combination of those variables that is successfully delivered to those who need them in exchange for money. For instance, the income that an employee will extremely earn will be determined by how much of his talents, passions, and skills he is able to discover, improve, and convert to expertise. Combined with how well he is able to manage the time, opportunities, and relationships available in his work to generate and deliver the expected results consistently over a period of time.

Laws of Value

Since we now understand that, value is the source of money; and that money can not exist alone without corresponding value; understanding the principles and laws of value will enable us create and sustain money in a legal and enduring manner.

# 1 - Law of Value Flow

" In every human relationship or interaction value is always flowing but money may not"

Since value is an invisible carrier of money, you may be gaining or losing money without you being consciously aware of it. Every time you come in contact with or spend some time with people, you will either increase or decrease your cumulative value if or not money exchanged hands during such interaction. That means if you are in a high paying job, but spend a lot of time with people with poverty mind set or low expectation individuals; your net cumulative value will gradually reduce to reflect your dominant mind set. This will naturally reduce your productivity on your job resulting in stagnation or ultimate downsizing! Conversely, if every time you have a meeting with a prospect he comes out feeling he has added more value than he has during the interaction; he'll seek more opportunities to receive such values, on a more frequent basis - which means the consummation of a business relationship and the signing of contract!

On a daily or weekly basis, if your interaction or association is more with those who drain value from you without offering equivalent or more value in return, you will eventually become money poor.

# 2 - Law of Multiple State of Value

"Value like water has three states, as long as value keeps flowing, under the right circumstance and conditions, it will freeze to tangible money"

Many people get discouraged when they begin to offer value and they do not immediately receive the money equivalent of such values. Such frustration often leads to compromise, mediocrity in service delivery, untimely resignation, and quitting from entrepreneurial venture. But, think about it this way, it takes time for water to become ice in a deep freezer even under the consistent application of electrical power. Even when you are delivering value consistently, it takes some time for the value to be appreciated and recognized for its money worth by other people.

Most of the world's leading successful people have gone through times when the values ​​they offered were not immediately rewarded with money. Zig Ziglar in his autobiography stated that his first 3,000 speeches were given for free. Anthony Robbins - the restructured author and personal achievement expert said that "in his first six months as motivational speaker, all his statements were given free, and he had an average of 5 speaking engagement every day".

# 3 - Law of Value Exchange

"Value must be greater than or equal to price"

Think about the last time you paid $ 20 for your transportation fare. Was it because you liked the driver of the vehicle? Or because you believed that trekking the same distance will have more adverse effect on your health and finance. Human Beings are naturally selfish. They will not willingly give out an amount of money unless they have convinced them that the product or service will deliver to them more value than the price they want to pay for it.

Marketing is there an honorable service of helping people enjoy more value than the price they pay for the product or service that solves a particular problem in their life or business. A marketer is not a money taker; he is a value giver and a solution provider. Many technically sound people shy away from marketing their products with zeal because of psychological guilt fueled by ignorance of the law of value exchange. Not selling your product denies someone from enjoying the benefits it offers and slows down the growth of the nation's economy.

Different Ways of Making Money Online

Computer technology is no longer limited to IT and computer professionals. Some people are working online full-time and are making their living out of the Internet. You have the liberty to work from your home and there is every possibility that you will make more money than you make from your day job. People do want to make money online but are afraid of all the scams on the Internet.

Patience and determination is the key to success on the Internet. Those who fail or do not earn anything online are the ones who want to get rich overnight. There is no shortcut to success online like anywhere else in the world. You can sell your skills online or can become a guru and can teach people what you know. There is a possibility to sell almost anything on the Internet. Your tiniest of skills can make you hundreds of dollars in no time.

You need to have something that you can sell to make money online. You need to create products and market them on various platforms. Creating products is not easy for beginners but it does not mean they can not work online. Affiliate marketing is good for both beginners and experienced people working online. You promote products of other people and take your commission in this type of marketing.

You can utilize the power of social media and can make money out of it. People are making thousands of dollars out of Facebook and YouTube using their creative ideas. You can sell your products directly on Facebook or can direct traffic to your websites and sales pages and can sell to your fans.

Blogging is also a very good option for beginners as it can start paying you back within a few months. If your blog has rich content and is full of information then it will certainly get people's attention. You can sell your ad spaces and can earn through Google AdSense. A lot of bloggers use their blogs for affiliate marketing and make money online.

Freelance websites are also a good option for beginners looking to make money online instantly. All these options can be exercised and they are legit as well. Freelance websites have escrow systems in place so chances of scams are very low on them. Find out your potential and see what option is best for you and start making money online today.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

How To Choose A Boxing Gym

Health Clubs

Exercise fads come and go. If you don't believe me, sit up after midnight and watch the parade of info commercials on TV. The majority of them focus on the latest hot trend for shaping up. Some health clubs do offer boxing classes, but they may only view it as a temporary fad. In other words, the classes will be offered only as long as gym management thinks that what their customers will demand boxing training. If you want to do training for the long run, find out if the gym offers the class on a regular, on-going basis. This is important if you're going to put your money down. Health club memberships usually aren't cheap, and their contracts can be hard to break.

Some health clubs have fitness or aerobic boxing classes, which focus only on the workout itself. No sparring is involved. If you only want to hit the bags and the punch mitts, these classes are perfect. If you do want to compete at some point, talk to the trainers to see if they do prepare people for that. If not, seek out another gym.

Take into account the atmosphere of the health club. Some are glorified social clubs, while others cater to a certain crowd, like bodybuilders, for example. The culture of the club may have a bearing on how you may like or not like training there.

Traditional Boxing Gyms

A buddy of mine attends a gym where mostly professional boxers train. He described the boxing training atmosphere as being intense and no-nonsense. The fighters are hungry, and they want to win championships.

These types of gyms are usually privately owned. Some have a mix of amateur and professional boxers among their members. I have heard of a few gyms that are strictly for professional fighters only. Be prepared to work when arriving at the door of a traditional boxing gym. The trainers will expect that everybody who comes there will work hard on their training. They're not going to waste time on anyone who won't.

Prices vary. Unlike health clubs, some boxing gyms do not require people to be locked into long term contracts.

Participants can pay their membership dues on a monthly basis. On average, monthly fees can be as low as $50.00 all the way up to a couple of hundreds a month. Those who know they'll be going less often can pay a day fee, which may range between ten to twenty-five bucks each time. Paying a day fee is also a good way of checking out a gym before committing to boxing training there.

Personal training as well as group classes can be had at traditional boxing gyms, but keep in mind that separate fees are involved.

Some of the older gyms haven't gotten around to making their places welcoming to women, unfortunately. Don't be surprised to find there's no designated women's washroom or locker room in older gyms. If you can overlook having to use a converted custodian's supply room in order to change into your workout clothes, more power to you. Maybe if you push enough, management will make the changes.

Municipal Park District Boxing Gyms

If you live in or near a big city, boxing training via the park district may work for you. The fees to work out are much less than going to a health club or to a private gym. Another plus is that these types of boxing gyms often can be found closer to your neighborhood.

Their biggest asset, being open for all, can also be a park district's boxing gym's major drawback as well. All kinds of characters are drawn to boxing gyms. Private health clubs and traditional boxing gyms can put barriers up to keep some problem personalities out. Those who train at park district gyms may have to grin and bear some difficult people. It's a great idea to talk to the coach before signing up to get a feel for how those types of gyms operate.

Boxers in these types of boxing gyms often participate in local competitions, and some park districts do hold boxing shows throughout the year. If you find an adults-only boxing class through the park district, great! But keep in mind that the park district's main focus is being family-friendly and providing recreation for youths. Many of their boxing programs may be for all ages, in the same gym, at the same time. If it's not going to be a problem to train alongside grade and high school kids, then go for it. Being around people who are at different levels in terms of boxing skills is a good thing. Everyone can learn from each other.

These types of boxing gyms tend to be no frills. The field house, or building where the boxing gym is, may not be in the best of shape. There may not be locker rooms or showers, depending on the location. If the coach can't make it in on any given day, the gym may not open.

Getting personal attention once in awhile may be a challenge depending on how many people are in the class. Some people question the level of training and the quality of coaches who work within the municipal recreation system. But you may prefer training in these types of boxing gyms as opposed to privately owned gyms.

All Female Boxing Gyms

These gyms are a great alternative for women who want to avoid dealing with issues in predominately male gyms, such as sexism and macho attitudes. The emphasis is on empowering women. They tend to be more respectful of women who are only interested in becoming fit, as opposed to wanting to compete. Many offer classes for those who prefer classroom structure.

Ask questions, talk to the coaches, and talk to the people who attend the gym so you can get a clearer picture of which gym will work well for your training purposes.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Internet Connections Go to Work - Turning Your Time Online Into Money Earning Profit

More than an instrument of personal convenience, home computers now provide a source of income for many people.

The internet becomes a bigger part of our lives every day. Moving beyond an instrument of personal convenience, the home computer is actually a source of income for many people in our current culture.

How do people make a living online? There are assorted avenues for profit. Many companies that hire data entry workers offer work from home opportunities. In many cases these workers are independent, but in some instances they may be on staff with the option to carry out their duties from a remote (residential) location.

Freelance writing and editing can also generate a paycheck for some writers. Writing and editing projects often pay either by the word or per project. Most assignments offer approximately $15, on average, for an article that ranges from 400 - 500 words (plus title, short description and keywords) and blogs pay in the range of $4 each. Getting steady work can be a challenge.

Proof reading is another freelance project that may provide a nice second income or even regular paychecks once you've proven your skill for the job. Highly proficient bilingual writers/ readers are in increasing demand. Translation is another related area that may allow work at home possibilities.

Medical coding and transcription are skills that have provided a very reliable source of employment for at-home workers for many years. For those with the required training and education, this can be a very dependable career path.

For enterprising folks who want to start an at-home business and can put together their own simple, user-friendly website, you may be able to sell products online. Specializing in something that you have thorough knowledge of is the way to go, whether it be jewelry, art, collectibles or any other easy-to-ship merchandise. These endeavors require a little more leg work, as you'll be providing customer service and taking care of shipping duties, but once you're established they can turn into a rather lucrative endeavor if well managed.

In all online jobs, you want to do your research and make sure the terms of your payment are clear and dependable. If selling product online, it's especially important to be certain that you're working with a legitimate buyer and that funds are secure before you send away any of your products. Trust your instincts; if you feel uncertain about a buyer or employer your intuition could likely be telling you something. Beware scam calls that come to you via TTY (hearing impaired) phone operators! These are common and costly.

Savvy entrepreneurs can find, and create, opportunities to generate income at home with the aid of the internet.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Cake Decorating Schools Can Make You Launch Your Cake Decorating Career

Cake Decorating Schools: A Pastry Chef's Primer

Cake decorating schools are an important kind of culinary schools with great emphasis on creativity, aesthetics and application. They teach various skills and techniques used in beautifying cakes and other desserts made at home. They are also highly beneficial to those who want to pursue a career in cookery or want to be pastry chefs. These schools are open to everyone, from beginners and enthusiast hobbyists to professional chefs. Most courses are generally about six months long.

The curriculum is monitored on a regular basis and is very adaptable. Regular reviews from the industry and marketplace make the schools highly relevant to professional chefs and those in the field of catering and culinary arts. The main focus essentially lies on blending a student's creativity with professional decorating skills which are a lot more than just icing cakes with a spatula.

What Cake Making Schools Can Do For You

Cake decorating schools teach various decorating skills like designing flowers, making borders, creating icing and how to use icing tools like tips and bags. Beside decoration of cakes, students are also taught decoration of other dessert items like pastries, candies, cookies and cupcakes and the use of ingredients like gum paste, fondant, gingerbread and fruit. They also get to learn different methods of decorating cakes, for example, Wilton, Australian and Lambeth methods, depending on the school.

These types of schools prepare their students in a way that they can make a fulfilling career out of it. Most people who aspire to be pastry chefs, wedding cake makers and decorators or dessert chefs can utilize decorating skills to learn from these schools. They can also avail scholarships offered by various organizations like The American Culinary Federation.

Popular Cake Decorating Schools

Some of the well-known schools are run by Wilton, the French Culinary Institute, etc. These schools are easy to locate no matter where you are in the country and are usually established within community colleges or run as a course lasting a few weeks. It is a good idea to look up reviews before you choose one. Others are highly specialized and independently run, for example, the Eaton School of Cake Decorating, one of the most popular cake decorating schools.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

How Can Instructional Technology Make Teaching and Learning More Effective in the Schools?

In the past few years of research on instructional technology has been resolved in a clear vision of how technology can affect teaching and learning. Today, almost every school in the United States of America uses technology as a part of teaching and learning and with each state having its own customized technology program. In most of those schools, teachers use the technology through integrated activities that are a part of their daily school curriculum. For instance, instructional technology creates an active environment in which students not only inquire, but also define problems of interest to them. Such an activity would integrate the subjects of technology, social studies, math, science, and language arts with the opportunity to create student-centered activity. Most educational technology experts agree, however, that technology should be integrated, not as a separate subject or as a once-in-a-while project, but as a tool to promote and extend student learning on a daily basis.

Today, classroom teachers may lack personal experience with technology and present an additional challenge. In order to incorporate technology-based activities and projects into their curriculum, those teachers first must find the time to learn to use the tools and understand the terminology necessary for participation in projects or activities. They must have the ability to employ technology to improve student learning as well as to further personal professional development.

Instructional technology empowers students by improving skills and concepts through multiple representations and enhanced visualization. Its benefits include increased accuracy and speed in data collection and graphing, real-time visualization, the ability to collect and analyze large volumes of data and collaboration of data collection and interpretation, and more varied presentation of results. Technology also engages students in higher-order thinking, builds strong problem-solving skills, and develops deep understanding of concepts and procedures when used appropriately.

Technology should play a critical role in academic content standards and their successful implementation. Expectations reflecting the appropriate use of technology should be woven into the standards, benchmarks and grade-level indicators. For example, the standards should include expectations for students to compute fluently using paper and pencil, technology-supported and mental methods and to use graphing calculators or computers to graph and analyze mathematical relationships. These expectations should be intended to support a curriculum rich in the use of technology rather than limit the use of technology to specific skills or grade levels. Technology makes subjects accessible to all students, including those with special needs. Options for assisting students to maximize their strengths and progress in a standards-based curriculum are expanded through the use of technology-based support and interventions. For example, specialized technologies enhance opportunities for students with physical challenges to develop and demonstrate mathematics concepts and skills. Technology influences how we work, how we play and how we live our lives. The influence technology in the classroom should have on math and science teachers' efforts to provide every student with "the opportunity and resources to develop the language skills that they need to pursue life's goals and to participate fully as informed, productive members of society," can not be overestimated.

Technology provides teachers with the instructional technology tools that need to operate more efficiently and to be more responsive to the individual needs of their students. Selecting appropriate technology tools give teachers an opportunity to build students' conceptual knowledge and connect their learning to problem found in the world. The technology tools such as Inspiration® technology, Starry Night, A WebQuest and Portaportal allow students to employ a variety of strategies such as inquiry, problem-solving, creative thinking, visual imagery, critical thinking, and hands-on activity.

Benefits of the use of these technology tools include increased accuracy and speed in data collection and graphing, real-time visualization, interactive modeling of invisible science processes and structures, the ability to collect and analyze large volumes of data, collaboration for data collection and interpretation , and more varied presentations of results.

Technology integration strategies for content instructions. Beginning in kindergarten and extending through grade 12, various technologies can be made a part of everyday teaching and learning, where, for example, the use of meter sticks, hand lenses, temperature probes and computers becomes a seamless part of what teachers and students are learning and doing. Contents teachers should use technology in ways that enable students to conduct inquiries and engage in collaborative activities. In traditional or teacher-centered approaches, computer technology is used more for drill, practice and mastery of basic skills.

The instructional strategies employed in such classrooms are teacher centered because of the way they supplement teacher-controlled activities and because the software used to provide the drill and practice is teacher selected and teacher assigned. The relevancy of technology in the lives of young learners and the capacity of technology to enhance teachers 'efficiency are helping to raise students' achievement in new and exciting ways.

As students move through grade levels, they can engage in increasingly sophisticated hands-on, inquiry-based, personally relevant activities where they investigate, research, measure, compile and analyze information to reach conclusions, solve problems, make predictions and / or seek alternatives . They can explain how science often advances with the introduction of new technologies and how solving technological problems often results in new scientific knowledge. They should describe how new technologies often extend the current levels of scientific understanding and introduce new areas of research. They should explain why basic concepts and principles of science and technology should be a part of active debate about the economics, policies, policies and ethics of various science-related and technology-related challenges.

Students need grade-level appropriate classroom experiences, enabling them to learn and to be able to do science in an active, inquiry-based fashion where technological tools, resources, methods and processes are readily available and extensively used. As students integrate technology into learning about and doing science, emphasis should be placed on how to think through problems and projects, not just what to think.

Technological tools and resources may range from hand lenses and pendulums, to electronic balances and up-to-date online computers (with software), to methods and processes for planning and doing a project. Students can learn by observing, designing, communicating, calculating, researching, building, testing, assessing risks and benefits, and modifying structures, devices and processes - while applying their developing knowledge of science and technology.
Most students in the schools, at all age levels, may have some expertise in the use of technology, however K-12 they should recognize that science and technology are interconnected and that using technology involves assessment of the benefits, risks and costs. Students should build scientific and technological knowledge, as well as the skill required to design and construct devices. In addition, they should develop the processes to solve problems and understand that problems may be solved in several ways.

Rapid developments in the design and uses of technology, particularly in electronic tools, will change how students learn. For example, graphing calculators and computer-based tools provide powerful mechanisms for communicating, applying, and learning mathematics in the workplace, in everyday tasks, and in school mathematics. Technology, such as calculators and computers, help students learn mathematics and support effective mathematics teaching. Rather than replacing the learning of basic concepts and skills, technology can connect skills and procedures to deeper mathematical understanding. For example, geometry software allows experimentation with families of geometric objects, and graphing utilities facilitation learning about the characteristics of classes of functions.

Learning and applying mathematics requires students to become adept in using a variety of techniques and tools for computing, measuring, analyzing data and solving problems. Computers, calculators, physical models, and measuring devices are examples of the wide variety of technologies, or tools, used to teach, learn, and do mathematics. These tools complement, rather than replace, more traditional ways of doing mathematics, such as using symbols and hand-drawn diagrams.

Technology, used appropriately, helps students learn mathematics. Electronic tools, such as spreadsheets and dynamic geometry software, extend the range of problems and develop understanding of key mathematical relationships. A strong foundation in number and operation concepts and skills is required to use calculators effectively as a tool for solving problems involving computations. Appropriate uses of those and other technologies in the mathematics classroom enhance learning, support effective instruction, and affect the levels of emphasis and ways certain mathematics concepts and skills are learned. For instance, graphing calculators allow students to quickly and easily produce multiple graphs for a set of data, determine appropriate methods to display and interpret the data, and test conjectures about the impact of changes in the data.

Technology is a tool for learning and doing mathematics rather than an end in itself. As with any instructional tool or aid, it is only effective when used well. Teachers must make critical decisions about when and how to use technology to focus instruction on learning mathematics.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Christmas Gifts For Dog Lovers

Nearly 50% of people are dog lovers. And people who love dogs, LOVE dog gifts.

Selecting a Christmas present for a dog owner is actually a pretty nifty trick when you think about it. Dog lovers are all united by their love of their pet and by getting their dog a Christmas gift by-proxy shows them that you have really put some thought in to them, personally and have not just lumbered them with a cookie cutter generic gift that all your other friends got one of.

Here's our guide to selecting Christmas gifts that dog lovers will enjoy:

1) Go cheap and cheerful but do not expect miracles.

If you're going to buy a novelty toy for a dog lover, make it funny - getting a dog toy or treat that is cheap and tacky only works if the toy has a real laugh factor - otherwise it really is just, literally, a cheap and tacky gift!

2) Put some thought in to it - but be careful!

If you get a dog training product make sure you do not send the wrong message - ie 'your dog needs training!' - most dog lovers enjoy developing their pet's learning skills, but this can be done with interactive toys, treat aids and informative books rather than things such as remote dog training collars or other more 'serious' dog training equipment.

3) Food can backfire

At Christmas many pets eat too much, very much like many dog ​​owners. Getting food, especially food the dog is not used to (including dog trees) can backfire if it upsets the dog's tummy. Or, worse, your dog food / pet treat Christmas gift could be perfectly fine but the dog might eat something else on the day which upsets their stomach, only to see YOUR gift get the blame.

4) Want to splash the cash?

Luxury pet Christmas gifts are really catching on. Things such as luxury pet beds, designer collars, trendy leads are very popular. If you have a special friend or close family, getting something like this is 100% guaranteed to put an unusually big smile on their face.

5) Do not overspend on pet Christmas gifts .

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

WoW - Skinning Leveling Guide 1-450

WoW Skinning

So you want to learn skinning? Sure the sound of it is kewl, and you will be racing around cleaning up after your own mess. So why not! And I totally agree.

But before you get started, racing around skinning any little furry mob you see in sight, have a read of this 1st, to give you an idea of how to level skinning even quicker! Because the only thing better than leveling up your skinning, is leveling skinning faster.

Where to Start

The main things to know here is, Trainers, Items(bags) & Leather types. Lets cover the basics.


They are everywhere, and for both Alliance and Horde. So where do you find them? Here is a list of the starting locations for both Alliance and Horde and their respective skinning trainers.

Ranks you can learn from these trainers:

(Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan)

NB: These are all the skinners you should find around the original World of Warcraft game.

Alliance Skinning Trainers

o NightElf (m), Radnaal Maneweaver - Northwest of Ban'ethil Hollow - Teldrassil

o NightElf (f), Eladriel - Craftsmen's Terrace - Darnassus

o Human (f), Helene Peltskinner - Goldshire - Elwynn Forest

o Human (f), Maris Granger - Old Town - Stormwind

o Dwarf (m), Balthus Stoneflayer - The Great Forge - Ironforge

o Human (f), Wilma Ranthal - Stonewatch Falls - Redridge Mountains

o NightElf (f), Jayla - Silverwind Refuge - Ashenvale

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (only)

o Furblog, Gurf - Stillpine Hold - Azuremyst Isle

o Draenei (f), Remere - Traders' Tier - The Exodar

Horde Skinning Trainers

o Undead (m), Rand Rhobart - Southeast of Brill - Tirisfal Glades

o Undead (m), Killian Hagey - The Rogues' Quarter - Undercity

o Tauren (m), Yonn Deepcut - Bloodhoof Village - Mulgore

o Tauren (f), Mooranta - Middle Rise - Thunder Bluff

o Orc (m), Thuwd - The Drag - Orgrimmar

o Tauren (m), Dranh - Camp Taurajo - the Barrens

o Troll (m), Malux - Shadowprey Village - Desolace

o Tauren (m), Kulleg Stonehorn - Camp Mojache - Feralas

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (only)

o BloodElf (m), Mathreyn (upto journeyman only) - West of Silvermoon entrance - Eversong Woods

o BloodElf (f), Tyn - alk of Elders - Silvermoon

Tools (Items):

OK, so now you have learnt your skill for Skinning, and are ready to go skin some mobs. Wait wait, hang on a second. You need some tools. or in the games terms, items.

o (Required) Skinning Knife

o (Suggested, but optional) Leather working bag like the 'Bag of Many Hides'

You can get away without a skinning knife, if you attack with an axe, knife or sword. But only until a certain level, and this only frees up 1 bag slot. And YES, your MUST carry the skinning knife with you.

Which is why the 'Bag of Many Hides' is so great, it can be used to store all your leather and skinning knife in, and its BIG. Another great advantage. Definatly worth the gold.

Leather Types:

I saw this somewhere, and thought it was quite interesting. A list of all the leather types available in the Original World of Warcraft and what level mobs you can expect to see them on. In the expansions, there are only 1 type of skinnable leather from mobs.

o Ruined Leather Scraps - expected mob level: 1-16

o Light Leather - expected mob level: 1-27

o Light Hide - expected mob level: 10-27

o Medium Leather - expected mob level: 15-36

o Medium Hide - expected mob level: 15-36

o Heavy Leather - expected mob level: 25-46

o Heavy Hide - expected mob level: 25-46

o Thick Leather - expected mob level: 35-63

o Thick Hide - expected mob level: 40-59

o Rugged Leather - expected mob level: 43-63

o Rugged Hide - expected mob level: 47-63

NB: You can upgrade your leather with Leather Working. Sometimes, I would just get a guildie or friend to do this for me in exchange for some leather goods.

Lets Get Skinning!

OK, so we have got the skill, got the tools, learnt a little about the skinning leathery stuff. So now we need to know where to start. Well if you are doing this with a new toon, then pretty much the 1st place you can kill a mob, you can skin a mob. But here is a list of suggested areas which can really help you speed this process up.

Level your Skinning from 1-25


o Undead - Hounds around Brill

o Orcs and Trolls - Mottled Boars and Scorpids around Sen'Jin Village

o Tauren - Prowlers and Plainstriders around Bloodhoof Village


o Humans - Boars around Goldshire

o Gnomes and Dwarfves - Crag Boars and Wendigo's South of Kharanos

o Night Elves - Nightsabers and critters around Dolanaar

Level your Skinning from 25-50


o Undead - Worgs and Moonrage Gluttons around Silverpine

o Orcs and Trolls - Boars, Scorpids, Crocolisks and Raptors around Orgrimmar

o Tauren - Prowlers and Praire Wolves around Thunderbluff


o Human - Prowlers and Bears around Eastvale Logging Camp

o Gnomes and Dwarfves - Wolves around Brenwall Village

o Night Elves - Moonstalkers and Bears around Auberdine

Level your Skinning from 50-100Horde

o Most Horde races - Plainstriders, Raptors and Prowlers around Crossroads


o Humans - Goretusks all around Sentinel Hill

o Gnomes and Dwarfves - Bears and Crocolisks around Thelsamar

o Night Elves - Moonstalkers and Bears North of Auberdine

Level your Skinning from 100-130


o Most Horde races - Stormsnouts and Thunderhawks around Camp Taurajo


o Most Alliance races - Crocolisks and Raptors around Bluegill Marsh and Whelgar's Excavation Site

o Alternative - Whelps and boars around Lakeshire

Level your Skinning from 130-150

Alliance and Horde have 3 areas to level now

o Bears and Mountain Lions around Hillsbrad Foothills

o Ravagers and Wolves in Duskwood

o Bears, Stags and Ghostpaws in Ashenvale

Level your Skinning from 150-170

Alliance and Horde

o Yeti Cave in Hillsbrad Fields

o Mountain Lions on the "Daggers"

NB: these are the bits of land between Hillsbrad and Alterac Mountains, one is called Corrans Dagger, so hence the nickname

o Hyenas, Lions, Wyvern and Thunderhawks in Thousand Needles

o Bears, Stags and Ghostpaws in Ashenvale

Level your Skinning from 170-180

Alliance and Horde

o Raptors in Arathi Highlands

o Turtles and Basilisks in The Shimmering Flats

Level your Skinning from 180-220

Alliance and Horde

o Raptors, Panthers and Tigers around Nessingwarys Camp in Stranglethorn Vale

NB: you could actually get your skinning level all the way to 300 in and around STV as the mobs range from level 34 to level 50

o Raptors and Crocs in Dustwallow Marsh

o Thunder Lizards, Kodos, Basilisks, Scorpids and Hyenas in Desolace

o Whelps in Swamp of Sorrows

Level your Skinning from 220-250

Alliance and Horde

o Raptors and Gorillas around the Gurabashi Arena

o Panthers, Jaguars and Crocs in Swamp of Sorrows

o Dragonkin, Coyotes and Ridge Stalkers/Huntresses in Badlands

o Wolves around Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas

Level your Skinning from 250-275

Alliance and Horde

o Snickerfangs and Boars in North Blasted Lands

o Silvermanes and Gryphons in The Hinterlands

o Stags and Hippogryphs in Azshara

o Hippogryphs, Apes, Bears, Wolves, Screechers and Yetis in Feralas

Level your Skinning from 275-300

Alliance and Horde, lots of choice here, try out your skills around:

o Jagueros and Gorillas on Jaguero Island

NB: Large Island to the East of Booty Bay where Princess Poobah is being held

o Yetis, Chimeras and Bears in Winterspring

o Bears in Western Plaguelands

o Plaguehounds and Plaguebats in Eastern Plaguelands

o Turtles by Raventusk Village in The Hinterlands

o Turtles and Chimeras in Azshara

o Dragonkin, Worgs and Scorpids in Burning Steppes

OK, I did say I would take you all the way to 450 didn't I. Well here is the Burning Crusade Skinning Guide. From here on out, its the same for both factions.

Level your Skinning from 300-330

o Hellboars & Ravagers around Hellfire Peninsula

Level your Skinning from 330-350

o Talbuk's and Clefthoofs all over Nagrand

NB: it's possible to keep going all the way to skinning 375 here unless you want a change of scenery

Level your Skinning from 350-375

o Netherdrakes around Stormspire in Netherstorm

o Netherdrakes around Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley

o Raptors and Wind Serpents around Blades Edge Mountains

And here is my World of Warcraft Skinning guide for Wrath of the Lich King.

Level your Skinning from 375-405

o Shoveltusks around Howling Fjord

Level your Skinning from 375-405

o Mammoths around Borean Tundra

NB: There are usually heaps of dead ones just lying around here as well

Level your Skinning from 405-430

o Deer, Infected Grizzly Bears, Wolves and everything else on the Grizzly Hills

Level your Skinning from 430-450

o Giraffes, Mangal Crocolisks, Gorillas and pretty much anything in Sholazar Basin

OK, and thats some of the best places to level skinning profession from 1 - 450 fairly quickly. I think the quickest I have seen someone do this is in about 9 hours. Feel free to tell me your score! And if you can prove it, I will make a special write up about your techniques!

Master of Anatomy

I remembered I was going to mention this, and since WotLK, there is no skill level vs character level restrictions anymore. So if you want to make a twink @ 19, you can still craftily level you skinning all the way upto 450!

o (75-149) Master of Anatomy Rank 1 - increases Critical Strike by 3

o (150-224) Master of Anatomy Rank 2 - increases Critical Strike by 6

o (225-229) Master of Anatomy Rank 3 - increases Critical Strike by 9

o (300-374) Master of Anatomy Rank 4 - increases Critical Strike by 12

o (375-449) Master of Anatomy Rank 5 - increases Critical Strike by 20

o (450+) Master of Anatomy Rank 6 - increases Critical Strike by 32

OK, that's it for now, I hope this guide has been helpful to you and your skinning efforts in the World of Warcraft.

Recognizing Navigational Tools For the Future of Education

I have to laugh when I think of the times I watched the television program, "Flash Gordon," as he putted through outer space in his make-believe space ship, talking on his make-believe wireless radio, and dressed in his make-believe space suit. Well, I'm not laughing anymore. Today we have shuttled astronauts into outer space, have men living in a Space Station, have space suites that take your temperature and gauge your heart rate, and wireless communication devices that send pictures to Planet Earth. Far fetched from reality? Not anymore. As we speak, the future is starring us in the face, waiting to see how we will promote her in the next 5-10 years.

How did science-fiction become reality over the past 50 years? Let's consider one aspect of innovation: the learning environment - post secondary education. Why post secondary education, you may ask? As post secondary education population increases, programs to accommodate students will develop into curriculum that affords students the freedom to create and design systems they toy with on a daily basis. Are there risks involved in this adaptation process? There are risks involved when change occurs, and leadership should be aware of how to diplomatically confront the risk areas that could slow down progress. Some of the risks that could be encountered due to change are:

o Systems risks

o Subsystem risks

o People

o Financial/economic risks

o Societal/Cultural risks

If communication between systems, subsystems, people, and cultures within the organizational environment has established a strong communication system, risks factors will be at a minimum as long as the creative teams are honest and upfront about their reservations to change.

Let's look into the future through 'futureoculers' and see how the universe of learning can be brought into the present. I want to introduce to you five (5) key trends that I believe affect the current learning environment, can create change, and renovate the perspective of learners and educators for students of the future. These trends could be the key in creating a new perspective in post secondary education for an institution. The key trends are:

o Competitive classroom learning environments - campus on-site/online/distant

o Increase in technological tools

o Teaching/learning environments-more hands on

o Global expansion capability-internal and external

o Student input in the creative learning process

Navigational Systems

Before the five (5) key trends are defined, there needs to be an acknowledgement of how the trends will be supported and regulated through a changing environment. According to de Kluyver, and Pearce, II, having the right systems and processes/subsystems enhances organizational effectiveness and facilitates coping with change. Misaligned systems and processes can be a powerful drag on an organization's ability to adapt. Therefore, check what effect, if any, current systems and processes are likely to have on a company's ability to implement a particular strategy is well advised. Support systems such as a company's planning, budgeting, accounting, information and reward and incentive systems can be critical to successful strategy implementation. Although they do not by themselves define a sustainable competitive advantage, superior support systems help a company adapt more quickly and effectively to changing requirements. A well-designed planning system ensures that planning is an orderly process, gets the right amount of attention by the right executives, and has a balanced external and internal focus. Budgeting and accounting systems are valuable in providing accurate historical data, setting benchmarks and targets, and defining measures of performance. A state-of-the-art information system supports all other corporate systems, and it facilitates analysis as well as internal and external communications. Finally, a properly designed reward and incentive system is key to creating energy through motivation and commitment. A process (or subsystem) is a systematic way of doing things. Processes can be formal or informal; they define organization roles and relationships, and they can facilitate or obstruct change. Some processes or subsystems look beyond immediate issues of implementation to an explicit focus on developing a stronger capacity for adapting to change. Processes/subsystems aimed at creating a learning organization and at fostering continuous improvement are good examples. As an example, processes or subsystems are functional and maintain the operation of the system; the system may be Student Services and the subsystem may be the Financial Aid office or Admissions. Subsystems can be more in depth in relation to office operations, which involves employee positions and their culture; financial advisors, academic advisors, guidance counselors. These operations are functions performed on the human level and could have a positive or negative impact in the development of key trends. If employees are valued and rewarded for their dedication and service, the outcome will be responsible, committed employees for the success of their subsystem.

The Navigator

Every navigator needs a map, a plan, a driver to give direction to for a successful trip. In this case, the driver is several elements:

o Service integrity, reputation

o Affordability with an open door concept

Hughes and Beatty relate drivers as Strategic drivers; those relatively few determinants of sustainable competitive advantage for a particular organization in a particular industry or competitive environment (also called factors of competitive success, key success factors, key value propositions). The reason for identifying a relatively small number of strategic drivers for an organization is primarily to ensure that people become focused about what pattern of inherently limited investments will give the greatest strategic leverage and competitive advantage. Drivers can change over time, or the relative emphasis on those drivers can change, as an organization satisfies its key driver. In the case of post secondary education, drivers help measure success rates in the area of course completion ratio, student retention, and transfer acceptance into a university and/or the successful employment of students. Because change is so rampant in education, it is wise for leadership to anticipate change and develop a spirit of foresight to keep up with global trends.

Drivers can help identify the integrity of internal and external functions of systems and subsystems, as mentioned previously, by identifying entity types that feed the drivers' success. They are:

o Clientele Industry - external Market - feeder high schools, cultural and socio-economic demographic and geographic populations

- Competitors - local and online educational systems

- Nature of Industry - promote a learning community

- Governmental influences - licensed curriculum programs supported by local, state, and federal funds

- Economic and social influences - job market, employers, outreach programs

o College Planning and Environment - internal

- Capacity - Open door environment

- Products and services - high demand curriculum programs that meet, local, state, and federal high demand employment needs

- Market position - Promote on and off-campus activities that attract clientele

- Customers - traditional and non-traditional credit and non-credit students

- Systems, processes, and structures - trained staff and state-of-the art technical systems

- Leadership - integrity-driven, compassionate leadership teams

- Organizational culture - promote on-campus activities promoting a proactive environment for students

According to Hughes and Beatty, these functions can assimilate into the Vision, Mission, and Values statements to define the key strategic drivers for developing successful environments.

Navigating Towards a Destination

With the recognition of systems, subsystems, and drivers, we can see our destination in the distance and their value in building a foundation to support the five key trends. The five (5) key trends will help define strategic thinking in a global perspective; the understanding of futuristic thinking that encompasses: risk taking, imagination, creativity, communication among leadership, and a perspective of how the future can fit into today's agenda. The five (5) key trends are:

1. Competitive Classroom Learning Environments - campus on-site/online/distant

One of the major attractions in education today is to accommodate a student at every level: academically, financially, and socially. These three environments are the mainstream of why one school is selected over another school. Today there is a change in tide. Students who once competed for seats in post secondary schools are becoming a valued asset as post secondary schools compete between each other for students. High schools are no longer the only feeder into colleges. Today, students are coming from home schools, career schools, charter schools, high risk schools, private schools, religious schools, work environments, and ATB tested environments. So, how can the educational system attract students and keep them motivated in an interactive learning environment they can grow in? Wacker and Taylor writes that the story of every great enterprise begins with the delivery of a promise, and every product a great enterprise makes is nothing but an artifact of the truth of that promise. So what great enterprise can be created to attract new students? By creating learning/teaching environments, post secondary schools can prepare students to meet the demands of everyday life and their life in the community. Schools can consider incorporating a learning model to enable professors and/or community leaders/entrepreneurs to team teach in the classroom/online environment. Team Teaching will contribute valuable views into the learning environment, as well as, give students the working community's real-time perspective. In an excerpt from "The University at the Millennium: The Glion Declaration" (1998) quoted by Frank H.T. Rhodes, President Emeritus of Cornell University, for the Louisiana State Board of Regents report, Dr. Rhodes wrote that universities are learning communities, created and supported because of the need of students to learn, the benefit to scholars of intellectual community, and the importance to society of new knowledge, educated leaders, informed citizens, expert professional skills and training, and individual certification and accreditation. Those functions remain distinctive, essential contributions to society; they form the basis of an unwritten social compact, by which, in exchange for the effective and responsible provision of those services, the public supports the university, contributes to its finance, accepts its professional judgment and scholarly certification, and grants it a unique degree of institutional autonomy and scholarly freedom. To experience education is learning, to exercise knowledge is freedom, and to combine them is wisdom.

2. Teaching/learning environments-more hands on

As post secondary educators relinquish hands-on-chalk-board teaching styles and establish group teaching models, students will develop a greater understanding of the theme of the class environment as well as the professor in developing an understanding of the class cultures' stance in learning. Educators are discovering that inclusive learning styles are revamping the teaching model and becoming a positive influence in retention, better grades, camaraderie among students, and a greater respect for the professor. As professors learn to develop relationships with students, interaction will transpire, lecturing will be condensed into a time frame and interactive learning between students and professor will enhance the classroom environment.

3. Global expansion capability-internal and external

Students are surrounded by virtual global environments or are impacted by global elements: the clothes they wear are made overseas, the games they play on their electronic toys are created overseas, the war games they play are created to identify with global war games, etc. The only draw back to this scenario is a truly global learning experience. What they are seeing is not what they are getting; a real time global experience. James Morrison writes that in order to meet unprecedented demand for access, colleges and universities need to expand their use of IT tools via online learning, which will enable them to teach more students without building more classrooms. Moreover, in order for professors to prepare their pupils for success in the global economy, they need to ensure that students can access, analyze, process, and communicate information; use information technology tools; work with people from different cultural backgrounds; and engage in continuous, self-directed learning. Christopher Hayter writes that post secondary schools need to be 'Globally Focused' for the 21st century that includes a global marketplace and be internationally focused. This means ensuring that skills needed to compete in a global marketplace are taught and that the mastery of such skills by students is internationally benchmarked. It may also mean a new emphasis on learning languages and understanding other cultures and the business practices of other countries.

More and more businesses are expanding into the global marketplace, opening corporate offices in foreign countries and hiring and training employees from those countries. Are our college graduates being trained to assimilate into cultures and work side-by-side with employees who may not be able to relate to them? Developing curriculums accommodating social and cultural entities will propel a student into higher realms of learning and create change in the individual student as well as support their career for their future.

4. Student input in the creative learning process

Professors are the gatekeepers in education. However, as Baby Boomer Professors begin to exit the educational workforce and head down the path of retirement, younger generation professors will take their place bringing with them innovative teaching methods that can expand the learning process. Are post secondary educators equipped to prepare for the onslaught of younger generation educators needed to be trained for this mega shift in the workforce? Most important, will those professors caught between Boomers and Xer's be willing to adapt to change in the education industry to accommodate incoming generations? I believe younger generations will impact even the technological industry and challenge change that will equip them for their future. Previous generation students slowly adapted to technological advances. The good news is change can occur, and educators can utilize life experiences from students familiar with technology tools and create fascinating learning environments.

5. Increase in Technological tools

In an Executive Summary written for the National Governors Association in a report called "Innovation America - A Compact for Post Secondary Education," the report reads that while post secondary education in the United States has already achieved key successes in the innovation economy, the public post secondary education system overall risks falling behind its counterparts in many other nations around the world-places where there have been massive efforts to link post secondary education to the specific innovation needs of industries and regions. According to this report, American post secondary education is losing ground in the race to produce innovative and imaginative realms in education. Can this trend be counteracted? With the cooperation of post secondary educational institutions within each community, leadership can create co-op learning environments that can be supported through e-learning and online teaching that can provide virtual reality technology to enhance real-time learning environments. Through Business Development operations currently established in post secondary institutions, a shared technology program can be created that will afford students access to ongoing virtual business environment settings and prepare students with knowledge and insight into a specific industry. As students prepare to transfer, graduate, or seek employment after completing a certification program, virtual experience in the job market can help a student assimilate education and work experience to their advantage. This concept could challenge Human Resource departments to create new mandates in accepting virtual-experienced college graduates as they enter the workforce.

Reaching the Destination

As Flash Gordan lands his Spacecraft on unclaimed territory, you imagine yourself slowly turning the handle to the spaceship with your spaceship gloves, opening the door with explosive anticipation. Your heart racing, sweat running down your brow, and your eyes at half mask waiting to see a new world; a world filled with beauty and potential when suddenly, the television shuts off and your Mom is standing in front of you telling you to get up and go clean your room and stop daydreaming! Ah, Mom, you say to yourself, you just destroyed my imaginary planet! Oh, by the way, did I mention that this was you as a child growing up and using your imagination?

Now that I've created a visual world of potential for you can you see the power within to see the future from the present and help others visualize the potential benefits of change in their lives and the lives of others in an organization? T. Irene Sanders states that thinking in pictures helps us link our intuitive sense of events in the world with our intellectual understanding. Now, more than ever, we need to integrate the techniques of imagination and the skill of intuition with our analytic competencies to help us see and understand the complexities that vex us daily. Visualization is the key to insight and foresight-and the next revolution in strategic thinking and planning.

Can you SEE the systems, subsystems, drivers, and the five (5) trends with a visual perspective in a post secondary educational environment? This is the nature of Strategic Thinking, which can or is taking place in your organization; a cognitive process required for the collection, interpretation, generation, and evaluation of information and ideas that shape an organization's sustainable competitive advantage. The need to stay abreast of progress, technology, and global opportunities will be the change in drivers that will validate the creative elements needed to stay attuned in a global perspective. The author's intention of introducing Flash Gordan into the paper was to create a visual image and demonstrate imagination fulfillment to a present day reality. Is there anything out there that cannot be done if it is fine tuned and prepared for a service of excellence? What are the risks involved by not exercising strategic thinking in the elements mentioned in this article?

Education is not about the present it's about the future. The five (5) trends are only a beginning adventure into an unknown space. Do you remember when you were in college and wished things were done differently, be more exciting, more adventurous? Consider the age groups becoming proficient in technology. Will post secondary educators be prepared to teach/instruct future students? Educators must invite strategic thinking into the system and take the risks needed to build post secondary education back into the global futuristic race of achievement. In an article written by Arthur Hauptman entitled "Strategies for Improving Student Success in Post secondary Education" (07), he concluded his report listing four elements:

1. While there is a growing rhetorical commitment to student success, the reality is that policies often do not mirror the rhetoric. Whether intentional or not, policies in many states are at best benign and often antithetical to improving student success.

2. Policy focus in most states has been to lower tuitions or the provision of student financial aid. This ignores the importance of ensuring adequate supply of seats to accommodate all students as well as providing a proper set of incentives that encourage institutions to recruit, enroll, and graduate the students who are most at-risk.

3. Some progress has been made in developing contemporary practices that have great potential for providing the right incentives in place of redress this traditional imbalance. But much more needs to be done in this regard.

4. Efforts to create incentives for students to be better prepared and for institutions to enroll and graduate more at-risk students have the potential for greatly improving rates of retention and degree completion.

Can the five trends be a stepping stone in rebuilding or strengthening the weakest link in the system? The evidence of deficiency is public, and that's a good start. Educators have the choice to rebuild and prepare for the advancement of our future; our students. I encourage you to take the five (5) trends and see how they can accommodate your institute of higher learning.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Christmas Gift Ideas - 21 Solutions for a Better Holiday Season

It's been a year since you promised your starving wallet and tearshot eyes that you'd be proactive and prevent future holiday breakdowns by planning ahead and avoiding the nonstop shopping frenzy. If the idea of ​​a calm, comfortable holiday season still sets your little heart atwitter, now's the time to start compiling a list of good Christmas gift ideas to show loved ones your year-round devotion. Here are 21 ideas to get you started:

1. Give your best pal a ticket to attend an afternoon holiday movie marathon and pig-out. Bring a cookie or cupcake decorating kit and ingredients for whipping up a batch of chubby red velvet Santas.

2. No book lover's collection is complete without a special edition of a holiday classic, such as Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol or Margery Williams's The Velveteen Rabbit .

3. Tell your pajama-loving friend (you know, the one who eats Hot Pockets for dinner every night) that she can attend her own in-home cooking demonstration wearing bunny slippers if she'd like.

4. Show your crafty niece how to put her tactile skills to work making handmade clothespin dolls. Pack a stocking with old-fashioned clothespins, a few spools of embroidery thread, a preteen-friendly glue gun, and a fine-point Sharpie.

5. A countertop compiler, which can be anything from an "official" in-house bin to a large airtight jar, is a useful gift for the city-dwelling environmentalist who New Year's resolution is to start a small garden.

6. Bring the holiday host and hostess a basket of fresh ingredients for making Bloody Marys or Mojitos and you might be invited to attend a cocktail hour at their Aspen chalet.

7. Vow to spend more Sunday afternoon watching classic movies with your parents if they promise to use a yearlong Netflix membership to explore new film genres.

8. Your spouse was probably too busy, um, studying to think about picking up a distinguished-looking coffee mug from his or her college bookstore. On Christmas morning, present your beloved with a cup of coffee and take a few moments to remember a favorite holiday home from school.

9. Give your dentally obsessed coworker a miniature Christmas tree decorated with fancy toothpaste samples, natural dental floss, and an adorable suction-cup toothbrush cover.

10. Modern sushi dish sets do double duty as tasting platters. Pick up a few different patterns and keep them on-hand as emergency gifts.

11. A dainty pickle ornament is always a hit, especially if your second cousin's children are anxious for a game to play while the grownups talk turkey.

12. Permanently boost your boss's mood with an insulated mug and removable coffee press. Pair with a bag of rich, bold beans and replace the morning grumpies with some extra pep.

13. It's too soon for a puppy, but your animal-obsessed kids can practice pet ownership with a little piggy or moo-cow from the Adopt-a-Farm-Animal Project.

14. Your loyal babysitter will be thrilled with a decorative tin filled with S'mores ingredients, especially if you suggest she teach the kids in front of the fireplace while you change the baby's diaper.

15. Fill a sturdy hamper with luxurious take-care items that the college students in your book club can not afford. It's amazing how decadent organic conditioners and shaving creams can feel after a night of cramming at the library.

16. Before you decorate the tree, spend a snowy afternoon with the kids personalizing a box of plain ornaments with a pack of paint markers, a shaker of multicolored glitter, and a roll of cheerful ribbon for replacing those drab metal hangers.

17. In case the new driver in your family groans over a monogrammed canvas bag filled with jumper cables, a digital tire gauge, and a First-Aid kit, add a coveted new CD for good measure.

18. Get your hands on a gorgeous photo of your aunt and uncle's favorite vacation spot. Commission a local artist to create an original painting based on the scene.

19. 'Tis the season for helping your child's teacher get ready for the long stretch before Spring Break. A versatile work tote is a universal must-have for anyone who sanity depends on organization.

20. If your brother or sister has always wanted to just get on a plane and go, a nautical map of his or her favorite would-be destination would look lovely near the front door.

21. Help your parents overcome those forgetful senior moments with chalkboard or whiteboard decals that they can use to remember recipes, family events, and easy-to-miss deadlines. They might even remember how much they enjoy writing little love notes to one another.

Once you've got a sizable list in front of you, taking the time to enjoy a mug or two of hot chocolate will not feel like a luxury, but a reward for honoring your promise to yourself. Now that you've got the blueprints for a season of thoughtful giving and wide-open afternoon, you're on your way to becoming the rare holiday-lover you once aspired to be. In fact, you might even want to get a few friends, whip up a batch of homemade eggnog, and host a small present-wrapping party, just for fun.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Electrical Engineering Technology

In order to succeed in their jobs, electrical engineers have to familiarize with a variety of electrical engineering technology. To deal with various aspects of electrical engineering technology, electrical engineers must become familiar with various theories of communications, electricity, and electronics. Electrical engineers can use electrical engineering technology to help them develop new systems, test systems, and make older systems more effective and efficient. Electrical engineers learn the drafting, designing, and technical skills that they will need to put their ideas as an electrical engineer into action.

One type of electrical engineering technology that electrical engineers must be very familiar with is the technology of circuits and how they work. In its simplest form, an electrical circuit is a connection of electrical elements that is in a closed loop to allow the current to pass through continuously. Electrical engineers learn how to predict where the current is in the circuit and the voltage that is in the circuit, as well. In today's world, it is much easier to design circuits than ever before due to newer electrical engineering technology that has software called circuit simulation software, to design the circuits safely and effectively.

Digital and analog electronics is another form of electrical engineering technology that engineers must be well acquainted with to perform their jobs. Both digital and analog electronics are used in computers and phones, however, digital electronics are becoming more widely used as analog electronics is becoming more and more outdated. This form of electrical engineering technology requires that engineers understand Boolean algebra, digital circuits, and how logic gates work. Even those that deal with digital electronics must also understand the electrical engineering technology of analog electronics as well. Digital electronics are usually built with various analog components, so understanding how analog electronics work is essential.

Another type of electrical engineering technology that electrical engineers must be familiar with is opto-electronics. This technology deals with how light interactions with devices that are electric. Various forms of light that may be used to interact with these devices include X-rays, infrared, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays.

Electronic engineers also have to familiarize themselves with the electrical engineering technology that deals with control systems as well. Control systems are used to control electrical devices as well as regulate and command them. Engineers must know the differences between sequential controls and linear controls and how to properly and effectively use these control systems. This type of electrical engineering technology can be used in a variety of ways from controlling your computer to controlling aspects of a space shuttle.

If electrical engineers are going to be effective in their jobs, they must understand electrical engineering technology and how it works. There are many different technologies that they must use together in their work each day. Because of the knowledge required, becoming an electrical engineer is not for the fault of heart. It takes years of study and work to be able to implement various forms of electrical engineering technology in order to successfully complete electrical engineering jobs.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Top 10 Car Drawing Books For Beginner Artists

1. How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, 2nd Edition

In this long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling first edition of How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, renamed car designer Thom Taylor goes back to the drawing board to update his classic with all-new illustrations and to expand on such topics as the use of computers in design today. Taylor begins with advice on selecting the proper tools and equipment, then moves on to perspective and proportion, sketching and cartooning, various media, and light, shadow, reflection, color, and even interiors. Written to help enthusiasts at all artistic levels, his book also features more than 200 examples from many of today's top artists in the automated field. Updated to include computerized illustration techniques.

Author: Thom Taylor

2. How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy

How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy is a 134 page car drawing guide in downloadable e-book format, jam-packed from cover to cover with all the tips and techniques previously known by only a small hand of professional designers. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to draw perfect looking cars quickly and easily that will amaze your friends.

Author: Tim Rugendyke

3. How To Design Cars Like a Pro

This book describes how car design and technology work through the eyes of the most talented and powerful car designers in the world. The interviews give a deep understanding of why we see what we see on the highways of the world. Author Tony Lewin has been a highly regarded magazine editor on the world stage for so long that some of the top young guns revealing all in this book were hanging on his words just a few years ago.

Author: Tony Lewin

4. How to Draw & Paint Cars

This book is not about learning how to draw and paint fashionable cars, super cars, tarted up street or 'cool' cars as referred to by some motoring journalists, it is about drawing and painting all types of cars. The author has endeavored to distill experience from many years creating images on this subject into a book that will help and encourage those keen to draw and paint cars, both for pleasure or as a career. The author takes you through the history of the car from it's conception in 1885 to current models with sketches and paintings created in a variety of mediums, with examples and step by step guides. Readers are encouraged to develop their skills, whether raw beginners or accomplished artists. The road to success will not be easy, but, through this book you will learn all the techniques short cuts accumulated over decades by an accomplished commercial artist. Whether for business or pleasure this book is THE handbook for automotive art. With 185 illustrations and step by step guides this is a must have for any budding auto artist.

Author: Tony Gardiner

5. How to Draw Cars the Hot Wheels Way

This book provides excellent how-to-draw detail that is appealing and easy to follow for Hot Wheels (tm) and drawing enthusiasts from ages 10 to adult. Detailed drawing techniques with descriptive captions allow readers to create their own automated designs. Illustrations emphasize how to draw fantasy, custom, concept, and hot rod cars. Author Scott Robertson uses original Mattel art throughout the book. With real Mattel artwork featured in detail, the bo0ok has great appeal for collectors, even if they are not aspiring artists. Because Hot Wheels (tm) diecast cars are modeled after both real and fantasy vehicles, the techniques and interest to readers is the same as for real-life car enthusiasts. Officially licensed by Mattel.

Author: Scott Robertson

6. H-Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design & Packaging

The ultimate reference guide for car designers and automotive engineers! H-Point was written by the pioneer of the Vehicle Architecture course at Art Center College of Design, Stuart Macey along with the Director of Advanced Mobility Research, Geoff Wardle. Currently used as the educational handout for the transportation design students at Art Center, it will now be available to aspiring car creators everywhere, clearly organizing the packaging standards that apply to car and truck design; along with insightful graphic explanations, this book demystifies the automotive design process and allows designers access to an illustrious careers worth of knowledge.

Author: Stuart Macey

7. How to Design Cars Like a Pro

This comprehensive new edition of How to Design Cars Like a Pro provides an in-depth look at modern automotive design. Interviews with leading automotive designers from Ford, BMW, GM Jaguar, Nissan and others, analyzes of past and present trends, studies of individual models and concepts, and much more combine to reveal the fascinating mix of art and science that goes into creating automobiles. This book is a must-have for professional designers, as well as for automotive enthusiasts.

Author: Tony Lewin

8. DRIVE: vehicle sketches and renderings

DRIVE features Scott Robertson's very latest vehicle designs intended for the video game space communicated through skillfully drawn sketches and renderings.

DRIVE builds upon the success of his prior two vehicle design books, Start Your Engines and Lift Off. Featuring four chapters, each representing a different aesthetic theme, Aerospace, Military, Pro Sports and Salvage, conceptual sports cars, big-rigs and off -road vehicle designs are beautifully represented through traditional and digital media sketches, and renderings.

Author: Scott Robertson

9. How to Illustrate and Design Concept Cars

Beginners will find an easy-to-follow introduction to the topic, while more experienced designers can find new inspirations by reading about the author's workflow process. A very interesting book for everyone who loves drawing and rendering cars.

Author: Adrian dewey

10. Start Your Engines: Surface Vehicle Sketches & Renderings from the Drawthrough Collection (Air Vehicle Sketches)

Start Your Engines compiles works from Scott Robertson's vast archives of ground vehicle drawings and renderings, and features the following chapters: Cars, Bicycles, Snowcraft Mechanimals and selected work from the conceptual design of vehicles for the video games Field Commander and Spy Hunter 2. The Cars chapter reviews about half of this book and features original designs both futuristic and retrospective.

Author: Scott Robertson