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Friday, January 4, 2019

Ways to Make Money Online at Home

There are many methods that you can use so as to work from home. The internet offers great potential in this area and more and more people are enjoying lucrative returns from online ventures. A home based business offers great comfort, especially when it supplies you with the kind of returns that you may have always wanted. Some of the things that you can engage in may be long-term or short term and they include:

Writing and selling EBooks

If your writing is great and you have great prose, then you may consider writing an eBook. The market has become planned, so choosing a great niche is still important. Typically, the books that help people learn more about technical topics are still great sellers. This is an amazing way to make passive income. There are different platforms where you can sell the eBooks. It does not require a lot of money, but you will need to invest time when writing and when marketing them.


EBooks are losing popularity and people are now trying out the audio books. People today prefer the audio and visual as they are more convenient, especially when there are technical subjects involved. It is a smart thing to start out with an eBook and then turn it to audio buy using various resources. You can make use of royalty share program to get a producer so that you do not need to use too much cash when starting out.

Create apps

Creating an app is technical and it is only best suited for people with such skills. It takes a significant amount of time. Apps can be a great way to make some income, especially if they are created in the correct manner. With so many people using smartphones today, you need a great app that will attract a great number of them. If you have money but no skills, you may choose to hire someone to assist in the creation. Market research is required if you are to come up with an app that will sell.

Mechanical Turk

These are usually the micro jobs that you can carry out for people. These are usually tasks that are very simple and they can be done by just anyone. They pay little but if you are able to do a lot of these jobs for people who pay well, you can be able to make some money online.


You may have some sort of experience that is professional in different areas such as SEO training, web development, social media marketing, accounting, design and so on. You may handle different valuable services that you can up-sell so as to make money for every gig. There are different providers in this area and in such platforms; it is possible to sell a great number of products and services. Find out exactly what it is that you can offer people so as to start generating money.

Sell ​​services professionally

There are other platforms that offer some great resources when it comes to the sale of professional services. With experience in a certain field, you can sell services on different platforms. Selling is difficult and getting reviews and building a track record takes time.

Computer Network Engineering Learning Choices

Computers are relied on to complete the day-to-day technological functions of a business. The maintenance of a businesses computer system is essential and without it operations would be hindered. The education required to be able to successfully work with a business in this capacity is gained through a computer network engineering degree program.

The main focus is to be able to create, maintain, repair, and update a computers network. The network is what links the information and data utilized by employees of a business. Employees use networks to perform their job and be able to fulfill their part in the businesses mission. Learning choices teach students everything from learning how to repair, create, research, and design a network system. Four primary options are available and students can work through any one of them to enter a career. The degree choices include:

* Associate's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

Students work through a two-year program where they learn how to work with computer technology. High emphasis is placed on understanding how to install, manage, operate, and fix a computers network. Wired and wireless networks are focused on to teach students how to understand the link between computers. Coursework teachers students how to perform these duties in light of the hardware and software used to create a network.

* Bachelor's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

This degree is typically the starting point for most students. This four-year degree has students studying how to create and operate networks. The focus of education is to give students advanced methodology to work with computers in this capacity. Computer architecture, microprocessor design, database design, and electronic transmission are some courses that develop the needed skills for students. These courses teach students to use computer software to design networks that can store and communicate electronically.

* Master's Degree in Computer Network Engineering

Once enrolled in a master's degree program students can choose a concentration that enables them to enter upper-level careers. Database design and administration topics are covered thoroughly to prepare students to design all types of networks. The technology and procedures to design advanced networks is covered through courses on information theory, optimization, coding, and transmission. The work required to understand computer architecture and network development is learned at this level.

* PhD in Computer Network Engineering

Education is centered on the concepts to design and contribute to research for networking systems. The advanced knowledge gained has students preparing for upper-level careers. Network software testing, quality assurance, research, advanced design, and more have students working towards facilitating the development and creation of networks.

Students can expect a wide selection of career options to be waiting for them after finishing an accredited degree program. Full accreditation is provided by agencies such as the Accreditation Commission of Career Schools and Colleges ( ) to schools and colleges that offer the quality education students need. Colleges encourage students to seek out all the learning options before entering a program. Find the right program now and start learning how to create a computer network.

How To Become A Qualified Electrician

In many countries, there are strict qualifications you need before you can conduct any electrical work. In order to secure an apprenticeship you will want to complete some training to ensure you can give clients with a safe and effective service that they can trust.

As an electrician you will be required to install and test electrical wiring and equipment. You will also be asked to keep up these electrical items, along with appliances and fixtures in both commercial and residential properties. As you gain knowledge and become more experienced you will need to assess plans and wiring layouts in homes and offices.

An electrician is also responsible for fitting circuit breakers and fuse boxes, while installing and testing wiring and laying cables plus so much more. As you can imagine, this being one of the most highly paid and in demand trades, you will need to meet the very strict qualifications requirements to give any of the above services at any time during your career.

There are many courses and workshops that you will want to complete. You can view these online and find which one to start with. You can start with a basic introductory course and then complete your NVQ level two and three, which is industry recognised, so you can start completing this electrical work on your own without the help or supervision of an experienced electrician.

The majority of the training you will receive will be work based. Most electricians secure an apprenticeship to start. This gives them the practical knowledge while they study and gain their qualification. The benefit to an apprenticeship is that you gain hands on knowledge, so you are able to get a good understanding of the job and the work involved, along with insider knowledge on wiring, appliances and other electrical requirements that you may be asked to complete from time to time.

Once you have qualified, it is advisable to get accredited with one of the recognised electrical bodies. In the event you choose to go on your own and open your own company, this can be a beneficial choice. Potential clients can rely on these bodies to gain insight into your company, enabling them to use your services with complete peace of mind.

It is very important when you want to know how to become a qualified electrician that you choose a training company that can give you the courses and workshops you need throughout your career, so you can constantly advance in your career with the most up to date knowledge and skills at all times.

Ideally try to choose a course that provides in-class study and not online. You may think online is more practical in the long run, but with in-class training you gain valuable insider information from qualified professionals, which can help you understand what is expected of you and what to do when working in the field.

Choose a few training companies. This way you can compare them against each other to find the one you feel is the right match for you. If you can find a good company now to train with and they offer a range of electrical courses, then you will be able to use them time and time again in the future without having to research and compare training specialists moving forward.

How to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Plan Examination

A Structural Masonry Special Inspector is a member of the construction project team who ensures that the masonry segment is constructed based on the approved structural plan and specifications. Special inspection of masonry is being conducted due to the requirements of the building code and also to report the safety and reliability of the building structure. Anyone interested in being a special inspector can be part of the inspection team provided that he or she complies with the requirements mandated by the International Code Council ( ICC ). One of the requirements of ICC is for the interested individual to pass the ICC Structural Masonry Examination. Successful candidates are expected to secure the integrity of the building code and uphold the provisions of the 'Code of Ethics.'

Ways to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Plan Examination

The passing score of ICC Structural Masonry Plan Exam can be easily achieved if you come prepared for the exam. If you think your knowledge on the subject is not yet enough to successfully pass the test, you can increase your chances of getting your target passing score with the following tips:

  • The exam is conducted at a third party testing area. Read the 'Candidate Bulletin' and comprehend the information stated therein. The bulletin will tell you important details regarding the exam including the things you need to do before and after taking the ICC Masonry Plan Exam.
  • A Structural Masonry Special Inspector has a number of duties and one of them is to ensure that the contractor strictly implements the approved materials, such as the reinforcement being placed as per the plans properly. A candidate should be familiar with the tools and steps that will be found in any set of plans and also used not only in the field but at this important time, during the examination.
  • In relation to that, the exam is an open book type so examinees can take pertinent materials with them such as the 2009 International Building Code and the 2009 Masonry Codes and Specification Compilation. Familiarize yourself with these references along with other prescribed reference materials to build navigational skills.
  • A special inspector is also expected to understand important terminology related to the masonry construction industry. Therefore, a candidate must improve his or her memory ability and learn how to interpret and decide which the proper use is. By doing this small step it will increase your chances of passing the exam.
  • Part of the exam is to identify symbols and abbreviations found on building plans so candidates must know these symbols to get the passing scores.
  • You would also need instruments such as a calculator and a magnifying glass to help you figure the required bed joint size and also read the plans to answer the questions more competently.

In closing, learn how to manage your time. Examinees are given 3 h hours to complete the exam. 2 hours should be attributed to answer questions related to building plans. If you find yourself in need of guidance to make sure you are able to do this often overlooked step.

Best of luck on the examination ...

Choosing a Web Designer

Many small business owners struggle with deciding on how to make the right choice for designing their website. They search the web for help with their website and find that the choice is harder than they thought. Currently there are (literally) millions of websites who claim to be professional web designers. However, one must be careful in choosing the right person or people in which to trust their company image. In this article, I will attempt to categorize web designers into manageable groups, and teach the reader the difference between the types.

Web designers fall into four general categories: freelance amateur, freelance professional, Web Design Company, Web Development Firm.

Freelance Amateur

The majority of web designers you will come across, especially searching the Internet, are freelancers. That is, individuals who do web design but are not employed by a web design company. Some are self-employed professionals but most of these freelancers are amateur-hobbyist types. They find a copy of FrontPage™ came with their MS Office™ Suite. They discovered how fun it could be to make web pages so they started telling their friends that they could "design" web pages.

The "pros" of using an amateur is that they are very cheap. The "cons" are too numerous to mention, but I'll point out a few. They have no training; they have little knowledge of what makes a good website work; they do not understand HTML code or CSS but only FrontPage point and click; they do not understand general design and layout concepts and they have little real experience. The biggest reason they should be avoided for the serious businessperson, is that their work looks amateurish, which makes your company look amateurish. Who wants that?

Freelance Professional

A professional is often defined by simply being paid. People think that if you are paid for something, then you are professional. Maybe that's true in the Olympics, but for the business services world, you are not a professional until you are established and respected as one by your clients and peers. Freelancer professional web designers are a giant leap from the amateur in that they have established a portfolio of respectable work. They have some sort of qualified training and experience and they have credentials that can be verified by contacting references. They have a good reputation with their clients and other professionals. In general, a good freelance professional web designer can be good person to have doing your site. But they are hard to distinguish from the amateur when you are just searching the web.

The upside is, if you find a good one they are significantly cheaper than a web design company. But that is usually the only upside. If the budget limits you, then a freelancer will do for a small project. But anything seriously important should be left to a professional company.

Some downsides to using a freelance pro are that they are usually part-time, meaning they are limited in how much time they can devote to your project. They are also limited in what they can do for you. Most freelancers are specialists in one area and generalists in everything else. Some have no skills in anything except their one specialty and often you will have to find others to fill roles. In addition, freelancers are not always cheap although many of them are aspiring to create their own company; some are highly sought after and charge $100 per hour or more for their work. My advice here is, if you have that much to spend, go with a company that has a team of professionals to get the job done in a timelier manner.

Web Design Company

This is the next step beyond a freelance professional. The web design company offers the "whole show". They provide real project management and have pulled together a team of web experts to get a wider range of jobs done. A company can provide a much higher level of expertise in web design, programming, content development and more.

Such a company is usually very small, yet large enough to handle larger scale projects. Compared to the most highly qualified freelancer, a company has a diversity of talent and collaboration working for them. The end-result is usually a much higher quality product.

The only real drawbacks are on the one hand, the web design company is more expensive than a freelancer because there are many more people on the job. However, you get what you pay for rings true. On the other hand, for very large projects or long term development, web design companies may be too small and usually do not have the human recourses to accommodate that $500,000 contract. In the end, for serious business people looking for quality and professionalism and who can't afford the big firm, this is the way to go.

Web Development Firm

As the title implies, a web development firm is like any traditional company. They have a staff of office workers, they have owners and officers, and they have a team of talented professionals who are paid a good salary for their work. They often have a sales force that do inside and outside sales. The quality of their work goes without saying, as you could not be so well-established by doing shoddy work. These firms offer teams of very talented professionals who work on your project and get the job done in a timely and extremely efficient manner. Additionally, they usually cover all aspects of website development including marketing and advertising. They may have teams of specialists that they can deploy to your location and work in-house under a temporary contract. The possibilities are endless.

If price is not an issue and the highest quality work is necessary, then this is who you want to do the job. For smaller budget businesses, a quote from an established web development firm might knock you off your chair, but know that companies who have project requirements that reach hundreds of thousands of dollars know the score. Thus, the only real drawback for a web development firm is that they are usually very expensive. Then again, cost is relative and bigger companies like to work with bigger companies.

In summary, the choice is yours. I would recommend for the serious businessperson, that you budget a decent amount of dollars to properly design and execute a professional website. I would avoid the amateur and outsource to an individual or company with good experience and reasonable rates to create my web presence. If money were no object, then I would only deal with established firms and pay the big bucks to get the job done right and done well.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application: 10 Easy Steps

Learning how to write a winning cover letter is easy and so important! We have 10 simple steps to show you how to write an awesome cover letter so that you stand out when applying for your next job. Apply for you next job with confidence.

  1. Provide your contact details at the top of the Cover Letter - make it easy for an Employer to contact you! These should not take up half the page either. Just list them in a couple of lines. Be sure to include your first and last name, do not worry about your middle name, a contact phone number (do not provide multiple numbers, just one will do), and your address.
  2. Personalize the Cover Letter by using the Company name AND the name of the person in the company if possible. Take the time to address the letter to the person who will be reading it. This shows that you are prepared to pay attention to detail. Many people do not do this, so by making sure that you do, you are already showing that you are better than your competition!
  3. State the job title and reference number of the job. The company may be filling more than one role. This is usually stated in the job ad. Look for it and use it. Again this shows excellent attention to detail and will suggest that you will be an efficient employee!
  4. Customer your Letter and make sure you match the skills and experiences in the job ad. If the job ad requests for someone to be enthusiastic, make sure you tell them that you are enthusiastic. If it requests for someone with good people skills, make sure you state that you have good people skills. Use the same words that they have used. This is a sure-fire way to ensure that you tick the boxes and get short-listed.
  5. ALWAYS state your key qualifications such as degrees, diplomas and certificates. If you have them you must boast about them! Sure they are in your Resume, but you MUST mention them in your cover letter too. Do not leave them guessing, tell them your strong points.
  6. ALWAYS state how many years of experience you have in a similar role. Do not wait for them to figure it out from your Resume, tell them how many years you have. The more the better. You do not need to be exact, you can say things like over 5 years, or almost 3 years.
  7. Describe your current job and the main duties you perform. Again try to match the duties to the duties that they have listed in their job ad where possible.
  8. Sell ​​Yourself! Include some compelling reasons why you are perfect for the job. Are you highly productive, a great communicator, highly experienced with skills that match the job perfectly?
  9. In your closing sentence, you need to have a Call To Action - request an interview or a time to meet.
  10. Finally, check your Cover Letter length. It should not be longer than 1 page.

Making Money With a Dog Walking Service

Do you like dogs? Then a dog walking service may be the perfect home business for you. A dog walking business can be a fun and profitable way of making money from home. A professional dog walker takes clients' dogs for regular walks, either one dog at a time or a few dogs together. There is a growing demand for these services as so many families have busy schedules and are away from home all day unable to exercise their dogs themselves. Exercise is an essential component of correct pet care and many people look to dog walkers to hep them out.

There are many advantages to starting a dog walking service. The only real skills you need are a genuine affection for dogs and the physical stamina to walk the dogs. Commitment to your dog walk routine and reliability are essential. A great deal of information about dog care and dog behavior can be found from books in your local library or relevant internet sites.

Your start up costs are low. You may have to purchase a few good leashes, pooper scoopers and bags. Buying liability insurance is always advisable. Your business expenses are limited and there is good profit potential with a dog walking service. In addition you can stay healthy and fit while making money!

Before starting this home business you need to plan a few things. You need to work out your daily walks and routes. Find out where you can best walk the dogs and work out some good thirty minute routes. You need to set your fees. Research other dog walking businesses in your area and see what the competition is charging. Decide on the type of dog walks you will offer - private or group walks, the number of walks per week and so on. If you are just starting out you can get some relevant experience by volunteering to walk dogs at local animal shelters and dog rescue centers. This will provide you with good experience in handling a number of different dogs and give you the confidence and credibility to find paying dog walking jobs.

Finding dog walking jobs can be done on a small marketing and advertising budget. Cost-effective ways to advertise your pet services include designing and printing eye-catching and informative flyers. Post these flyers around your neighborhood targeting potential clients. People likely to use a dog walker include busy professionals and elderly people so post flyers in office blocks and retirement communities. Pet owners going on vacation will often need a dog walker. Post your flyers on local community boards. Another useful place to post your flyers are veterinarian offices, pet grooming services and pet supply stores. Once you have your first clients you will be amazed at the number of referrals you get if you provide a good and reliable service.

Walking dogs is a good way to earn income from home. It is fun, rewarding and keeps you fit and healthy!

To find out more about starting a profitable dog walking service visit Start a Dog Walking Business

Cheap Car Loans From a Car Finance Broker

When we are looking for a car loan we generally head straight to the bank or and car financing company. Have you ever considered visiting a car finance broker?

A car finance broker can give you a detailed and well thought advice on which financial option is best suited for you. He can also give you the time and effort to research on you requirements keeping all your parameters in mind. These are specialized people who deal with only one type of financial product.

Here they acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of these products. They will consider all the requirements of the client and only then advice which option is best suited for the client. It is all about the piece of mind that one gets by depending upon a specialist.

Car finance is a competitive arena. There are various players and multiple products to choose from. Negotiation is also very important. A broker with his knowledge and in-de understanding of the market can help us with his negotiation skills.

We always look for cheap car loan and that is even more the reason to consult these professionals. They have the insider knowledge of the industry and can even advise you on the best possible deals that are available in the market. Being an outsider to this industry you can never dream of getting to know who the best financiers are or what rates can be best negotiated from them. So, the help of an insider of the industry comes very handy to secure a cheap car loan.

Brokers have a tool called Car loan Calculator. They use it to advise the clients on the various short and long term effects of the loan, be it short or long term. This tool will also help you to decide on the loan after being fully aware of its various financial implications.

Car finance like all other finance needs various paper works. You will also have to show your income and other personal details. Now a day we hardly have time for ourselves or our family. Running around people to meet those obligations and formalities is the last thing in the world that we would like to do. A broker can help us in fulfilling those formalities to secure the loan.

Consult a broker, is not just about getting a cheap car loan it is also about getting an informed advice on the options available with us and getting the best possible deal. Think of your broker as a friend who can help you with his information of the best possible financiers and then further negotiate on your behalf. He can also guide you through the formalities and paper work. It is not being cheap it is being intelligent.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Earn Additional Money With These Forex Strategies

If you are new to Forex, begin by focusing on a single currency pair then expand as your skills improve. When you first enter the world of currency trading, professional traders suggest that the best way to practice and tone your trading skills is to trade only liquid and broadly traded currency pairs, at first.

As previously stated, the information, tips and advice of experienced traders is invaluable to anyone, who is just starting out in the Forex market. Using the tips in this article will help you with your interest in the Forex market. Profitable opportunities are vast for new traders, who are willing to invest their time and energy into learning about the market and follow expert advice.

These suggestions are directly from people who have been successful with trading on the Forex market. Although we can not guarantee you will be successful in your trading, these tips will assist you in becoming successful. Apply these tips and begin making some money!

Because the values ​​of some treaties seem to gravitate to a price just below the prevailing stop-loss marks, it appears that the marker must be visible to some people in the market itself. This is not true. Running trades without stop-loss marks can be a very dangerous proposition.

Some traders think that their stop-loss marks show up somehow on other traders' charts or are otherwise visible to the overall market, making a given currency fall to a price just outside of the major of the stops before heading back up. This is absolutely false; in fact, trading with stop-loss marks is critical.

Forex is the largest market in the world. Investors know how to study the market and understand currency values. The average trader, however, may not be able to rely on their own skills to make safe speculations about foreign treaties.

Traders that are new to Forex become excited and somewhat obsessive, staring at charts all day and reading all kinds of trading books and other literature non-stop. Forex people's attention starts to wane after they've put a few hours into a task, and Forex is no different. Take breaks from trading, and remember that the market will be there when you get back.

When you trade currencies in Forex, try to buy based on trends. Picking conventions that are top and bottom pairs may seem more lucrative, but it is a much more difficult way to trade. Following trends will give you more long-term success and therefore, more long-term profit in your Forex trading.

A good tip for beginners trying to become a successful foreign exchange trader is to set up a demo account. These demo accounts help the individual to have a feel for the interface of the software as well as get valuable practice in trading. These are free and are easy to set up.

Change the position in which you open up to suit the current market. Some traders open with identical positions and invest more funds than they can afford or an inventory amount to begin with. Your opening position should reflect the current trades you have available for the best chance of success with the Forex market.

To be successful in Forex Trading , remember to follow trends. Rather than trying to beat the game, work with it. When the trend is up, it's not time to sell, and when the trend is down you do not want to buy. Trying to work against the trends will require more skill and attention, which will develop with more experience.

It is important to stay current with the news. Make sure that you know what is transpiring with the treaties that are relevant to your investments. Speculation has a heavy hand in driving the direction of currency, and the news is usually responsible for speculative diatribe. Get some alerts set up so that you'll be one of the first to know when news comes out concerning your markets.

Placing successful stop losses in the Forex market is more of an art than a science. You are the one who determinates the proper balance between research and instinct when it comes to trading in the Forex market. What this means is that you must be skilled and patient when using stop-loss.

As has been discussed, Forex is a program for the exchange of foreign currency for global business. By using the information that the above article has provided, you will be better able to understand the benefits that Forex has to offer business and how best to apply these benefits with regards to your situation.

When trading, try to avoid placing defensive spots on numbers that are obviously round. When you do have to place a stop, make sure to put it below those round numbers and on short positions instead. Round numbers include 10, 20, 35, 40, 55, 60, 100, etc.

People tend to be greedy and careless once they see success in their trading, which can result in losses down the road. Lack of confidence or panic can also generate losses. When in the Forex trader driver's seat, you need to make quick decisions that reflect the real "road" conditions, not your wishes and emotions

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Money Making by Going Online

With increasing use of a simple technology called "INTERNET" worlds has learn to make deals on the global level. You can find a number of business deals and contracts that are between two people on the opposite part of the world but are connected by means of internet and are being able to get the best from each other. Same can be called true for the individual trying to make money by going to internet for jobs.

Broadly speaking you can go for either is these three ways to arrange money online:

1. By selling different products on website: Sites like eBay are the mainly used to sell all kinds of products almost everywhere. With sites like Amazon you can sell your books to other people. This website will provide you a virtual market to sell your things and make liquid cash from it. They help you to sell both brand new products as well as used products.

2. By seeking for online employment : Whenever feasible many companies are use to give work to different people online and pay them after the completion of the work. You can search for the employees who are in the business relating to the virtual products or digital services. You may find the job of website developer, software technician, presentation making, animation making, Logo and Brochure designing.

Data entry is something that is most wide spread job available online as it requires no special skills other than good typing speed. Many companies are actually paying consumers for filling their surveys ... !!

3. By becoming an intermediate (Agent): In this kind of work you are actually endorsing other company of people or products which stimulates other to purchase it. Here your commission will be given to you after certain successful purchase only. Here it is important to pursue other to purchase the product as well as telling them to write your name as a reference friend (endorsers).

You need to have following information to make the online deals possible and specifically the transaction of the money and it realization to you.

If service provider is paying you directly into your bank account than you need to provide only two details to the employer.

1. Bank account number
2. IFSC code - Bank brand locater code

There is no need to give any password or customer id or any other codes to the employee.

  • Other option is that employer can pay you through online payment websites like PayPal of Moneybooker etc. You must have account in any of these website to make transaction between different nations. After receiving money in the site account you can withdraw the amount directly to your bank account
  • The traditional option will be to post the checks by courier to your address. Be very accurate while submitting your address in such case. This option is less preferable as the cost of courier between nations is quite high and you have to incur such cost.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Bible Verses to Help You Deal With the Fear of Mesothelioma Survival Rates

Mesothelioma survival rates are extremely low because this type of cancer has a long latency period (between 20 and 50 years) and so the disease is typically diagnosed when it has already done a lot of damage to the body.

The short life expectancy scares some mesothelioma patients who feel that once they are diagnosed with this type of cancer, then it means that they will die within one or two years.

However, there are people who live with this disease for many years, some for as long as 15 years and more.

So if you are one of the mesothelioma patients who get scared when they see or hear about these rates, here are some Bible versions that can help you to deal with such fear.

1. Cry To Jehovah For Help
"Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the Earth I call to Thee, when my heart is fault. tower against the enemy. " (Psalm 61: 1-3).

Spend minutes and hours each day pouring out your heart to the LORD and ask Him to grant you mercy and grace so that you can live for many more years and enjoy the company of your spouse, children, and friends. When you do that, the LORD, who has promised to hear our prayers and to answer us (John 16:24), and who heart softens at the cry of the suffering, will comfort you and lead you to a place where there is tranquility : He will let the Holy Spirit strengthen your inner man and that will make you experience calmness in your soul.

2. God Is Holding You So Do Not Fear
"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you," Fear not, I will help you. "(Isaiah 41:13).

In this verse, the LORD assures you that He has got you covered: He will guide you each day of your life and prevent evil from destroying you. He will not allow the mesothelioma to cut your life short on Earth. He will not let the mesothelioma cancer metastasize and reduce your life expectancy. He will give your doctors and the nurses who are taking care of you the wisdom and skills that they need to take good care of you so that you will live long. He will let the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy work so that you can see an improvement in your condition. Therefore, remind yourself often that these are the words of the great I AM and trust God's word above the negative words you hear from friends, family, neighbors, and medical personnel telling you that those who have mesothelioma do not live for a long time.

3. Believe In The Lord
"Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." (John 14: 1).

Do not fret and raise your blood pressure unnecessarily because of those rates that you have been listening about in the media. Do not get scared when you hear the experts discussing how bad the situation is, or how bleak the prospects are regarding a cure for mesothelioma in the next few years. Believe in God with all your heart. Believe His promises and quote them every day.

Believe that He is good all the time and trust that He will keep you from day to day and renew your strength so that you can fulfill your purpose on earth.

Believe that the faithful God who made Methuselah live for 969 years can make you too live for 90 years or 100 years or even long you want to live on Earth, because the fact that you have mesothelioma.

4. Throw Your Fears And Worries On Him
"Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you." (1 Peter 5: 7).

The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines the word cast as, "to throw something, especially certainly or with force."

So, do not pet and pamper those negative thoughts that come into your mind and torment you from day to day. Throw them at the LORD. Tell Him you do not want those thoughts to destroy your peace of mind and so you want Him to help you get rid of them.

Furthermore, assertively, make affirmations such as these every day, "LORD, I give all these bad thoughts that are making me feel miserable to You. Take them away, Lord! Give me peace of mind. good things will happen and not the terrible things I often imagine. LORD, wipe away these frightening thoughts! LORD, give me mental relief so that I can feel happy. "

Mesothelioma survival rates can induce fear in some patients. However, when you take authority over negative thoughts with God's word, your anxiety and fear will reduce and you will be able to enjoy each day better.

Let Money Talk

Life nowdays is never easy compared to as what we have experienced in the past years. Although we still have the same basic needs that every people have to cope up with, expenses recently just went up so high that most of the people have to strive really hard in order to keep up with the whole lifestyle and basic daily commitments in every person's vitality.

As what have been observed poorly during this era, people almost do everything just to survive from hunger and every life's difficulty. Other than just having a single job, some would even try their best out of the ordinary and get every chance just to make more money in order to live through life. In reality, people make their muscles move and let their brains woke more often just to surpass all the trials in life set before them in relation to survival. When people have to come and think of the whole picture of what life is today, almost all human being does not actually settle for only one job at a time. To the extent, they would try to extend their wings and let their other skills and talents work more often than by just sitting on one job. For those people who have artistic talents, making artworks such as painting and sculptures would be so in their own business business. They would use every idea that they have in mind in order for people to see and appreciate their work of art and would let them ever buy their products.

For those who are into bead jewelry making, it would turn out really interesting seeing those wonderful products out from amazing ideas in making necklaces, bracelets, earrings and even elegant rings for that matter. With this kind of business, all you have got to have are those bead materials and tools for fasteners and stringing accessories in order to put them all together and come up with the most wonderful jewelry. One also needs to have enough patience and artistic talents for them to make one single accessory. Therefore, people may have great if not enough talents to actually have more than one job. They would always try out some online jobs regardless of all the pressures and demands from their main jobs. All a person has got to have is to be patient enough and have perseverance in everything that they do in order to plug away from the demands of life. And for people to be on the right track, strong determination to be efficient would be the main requirement in order to cope up no matter how much duties and responsibilities one might have to handle.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

First Steps to Online Marketing

The first steps to work yourself through when you have decided to take the step towards online marketing there are a few things you need to think about.

-Why do I want to market online?

-What do I want to market online?

-What do I know about marketing online?

If the answer is "I don't know", today is your lucky day. I will share some of the steps that I have learnt about online marketing through endless testing and tweaking.


Why do you want to market online?

Is it to enhance your offline business?

Being able to make money without leaving your home?


Online marketing is easier than marketing offline, because online marketing takes care of itself and makes you money on autopilot?

If it's the last answer you're in for a big surprise. There is no such thing as EASY or AUTOPILOT in online marketing. Well, sure it is but not in the way many think. Online marketing is simple but not easy. Which means, it takes a lot of work to set it up and you need to be constantly tweaking and testing to maximize your efficiency and profits. I hope I didn't scare you off now. Online marketing is lots of fun and you could make friends all over the world.


So where do one start when you figured out why?

A specific market. Your Niche. Simple as that.

So, what is a niche and where do I find my market?

Well, there are a lot of places to find that. First of all. You'll want to target a niche that is actually profitable. What you don't want is to market a niche where no one is ever buying anything or a niche that pays very low. You want a niche that is in trend so to speak. It is what everyone is talking about and what people are interested in learning, using and purchasing.

For example.

Learning online marketing is a big niche with loads of people who are looking for information about it everyday. To find a monetizable niche you will need to look at the trends.

Ever seen the basket ball through the water hose?

Anyway, the trends is what people are interested in and what people are buying.

What are people looking for?

What are their main concerns?

When it comes to online marketing these are the most important questions to find an answer to. So you'll need to do some research. Did I say some. I mean a lot. You could basically say that online MARKETing is all about MARKET research. If you know what you're market desires you know what to MARKET to them. If you want to stay ahead in the online marketing game. Keep a journal on your daily activities.

1 year from now, you will have loads and loads of information that you could use. By then your online marketing business will be a lot different and you will have a different view on this. By then you will probably have forgotten what is was like when you wanted to learn online marketing. Why not keep a journal on you questions and utilize it when you decide you need to teach a spouse, friend or a new team member about online marketing.

What was the questions you had back then?

Well, it's easy for you now. They are what you ask today. So keep them written down as research for a later project and take notes on your struggles, issues and short comings when learning online marketing. Now, this is just to get you started so you could use it in the future.

What about now? Now is when you have your problems. How do you solve them and get going with your online marketing business?

Here it is...


You have a set of certain skills, I'm sure.

Are these skills relevant to marketing and business?

If not, you might want to consider acquiring a set of those skills before throwing yourself into doing business. Whether online or offline. The first thing you should do is to assess your skill tree. A simple mind map could do the trick or just a list with what you know. Rank them on how experienced and good you are at a skill.

Circle the top 3 skills you are most proficient in. Are that very good? Great!

Are they at all profitable or monetizable. Meaning could they make you money (with a little fantasy and imagination) If not, pick the next skill. That's your main focus to begin with. Now, underline the 3 bottom skills that you're not very or, at all proficient in but still is in context with your top skills. Those are the skills that you should focus on learning. 1 should be online marketing.

Apply the same rule as with your top skills but with the little tweak, Are they useful and do they enhance your top 3?


Now, you have some skills that you are good at and some that you are going to focus on learning. With time you will have 6 skills that you are very good at.

Go through this article again and apply the steps.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How to Find the Best Home Based Business Opportunity and Succeed

Who would not prefer to work from home? In today's work, the rich are getting richer, those with the few resources are getting poorer, and the middle is being squeezed out. With gas prices gouging consumers, commuting to and from work is costing more than ever before, meaning less available money when payday rolls around. And, as companies continue to tighten their belts and downsize, employees are taking on increased responsibilities for the same amount of money. What's the end result? Working longer hours with less to show for it.

When you work from home, though, your office is down the hall. Instead of filling up your gas tank twice a week, you might fill it twice a month. You have more time with your family and extra time to spend following your passions. Best of all, you can make your own hours and the only boss you have to answer to is the one who looks back at you from your mirror.

So, the desire to work from home is there, but exactly what are you going to accomplish in order to make money? Anyone who has surfed the Internet knows that there are thousands - if not hundreds of thousands - of home based business opportunities being promoted. How do you find one that's legitimate so you can make money while you work at home? Here are five commands to follow:

1. Beware of Sales. Unless you're a natural born salesperson and have a passion for it, avoid the business opportunity that forces you to sell. However, with the right product or membership and support you can do quite well. And the neighbors, friends, and family members that you try and convince to purchase your product will be more receptive to this.

2. Beware of Inventory. This is secondary to the first commandment. Many home based business opportunities require that you purchase inventory. Remember, you want to make money, not exhaust it on inventory. Moreover, you do not need to deal with the hassles and headaches of storing products, fulfilling orders, and shipping products.

3. Welcome Support. The home based business opportunity you select must offer a comprehensive support program. This should mean that the company has a step-by-step training guide, online courses, and helpful support staff who are available to answer any and all questions you may have. The company must also provide you with resources such as templates, samples, and anything else you need to get started.

4. Flexibility is Key. Whatever business opportunity you choose, it needs to be one that's flexible. If you hook up with a company that insists you set out a certain number of hours each week, it's no better than working an eight-hour shift and having a boss. The purpose is that you own your own business and that you have the ability to choose to work at your own pace, whether that's part time or full time.

5. Take it Forward. For your first home based business, choose a company that can teach you skills and strategies that you'll be able to use in your upcoming endeavors. Your first home based business probably will not be your last, so it's important to learn all that you can in order to succeed in the future.

Online Electronic Systems Technology Learning Programs

Understanding the complicated process of working with electronic systems can be acquired through specific schooling. Students can enter online training at all levels of education. Online colleges and universities offer students programs that help them enter careers related to electronics or electrical engineering.

The study of electronics and their systems are broken down into each major component. Students can begin training after they decide which area matches their career goals. The electronics field is dedicated to teaching students how to troubleshoot and produce various electronic parts. Electrical engineering focuses more on computer electronics. Students are able to enter training online at all education levels, making the field of electronic systems technology available to interested students whether or not they have previous schooling experience. For example, students that have a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering can step directly into a master's degree program. Online colleges offer students the chance to enter both career fields.

Students that pursue training inside an electronics program will be able to install, maintain, develop, test, and redesign electronic components for a variety of equipment. The career goals of students will determine which level of training they need to complete. For example, students that are interested in becoming technicians should complete undergraduate training. Advanced training allows students to step into electronics engineering positions as mangers and developers. Online education incorporates all of the skills necessary to begin a successful career. Skills attained within a program could include:

  • Understanding how to install hardware and software

  • Troubleshooting any electronic system

  • Applying innovative research to new electronic devices

Associates degree programs focus heavily on managing and fixing electronic hardware and software. Students may also learn how to assist with the production and design of new devices. Theories on managing electronics will be introduced inside an associate's degree program. Bachelors and masters degree programs enable students to not only maintain but also design electronics. Modern electrical frameworks are explored and mastered as students complete online training. Courses in computer programming, Calculus, and optical engineering are some studies students may complete.

The focal point of electrical engineering education revolves around understanding how to work with the different equipment powered by computer systems. Students can begin training at the associate's degree level and learn to manage and fix electrical devices involving several areas such as production and automotive technology. Bachelors degree programs examine the field by covering all of the basics. Students study how to work with digital electronics, power circuits, and electromagnetic fields. Graduate degree training develops the skills to prepare students to research, design, and analyze electrical engineering systems. Common online areas of study may include:

  • Networking

  • Semiconductor Devices

  • Nanotechnology

Each level of education focuses on specific skills that train students to work directly with engineering problems facing electrical devices.

Students are able to choose the right program that matches their educational and career needs. Online education in electronics technology is available from anywhere allowing students to continue working while they complete schooling. Choosing a program that carries full accreditation from an agency like the Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology ( will help you obtain the quality education you deserve. Begin education by choosing an online program to complete.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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Monday, December 24, 2018

How to Make Money Online!

Your Quest To Make Money Online!

Regrettably speaking, you have just been laid off on your job and you have a family to support. All sorts of ideas are streaming through your mind about learning some extra money. Then you peer at your computer and ask the question; "Can I really make money online? "

Without any thought about how to get started online, you begin your journey researching "How to make money online." Your research reveals all sorts of advertising about making quick cash and you are encouraged with the idea that you can actually make some fast money from the comfort of your home.

You get your credit card out and buy into the choice Product you think you have the best chance at success. After purchasing this online business opportunit y, "you quickly find out that making money online is not as easy as the advertising needs. your PC skills you begin waning in your faith to build an online Business.

Make Fast Money With SEO and Internet Marketing!

You are viewing all this information about SEO and internet marketing wandering to yourself, what the heck does all this technie stuff mean? "So now you do a research online about SEO and find out it means Search Engine Optimization. You ask yourself," what does this have to do with making money online? "Then you realize this making money online is not as easy as the advertisements build it up to be. .

Understanding Internet Marketing !

To make money online you must have some understanding in the Internet Marketing arena. After all, all your advertising for your online Business stems from this area. If you know how to write articles that can place your business on the front page of Google, Yahoo or all the other search engines then you have a great opportunity to make money online and build an online business working from home.

You Can Make Money Online!

The process for making money online is not a hard task. It revolves around the decision you make in who you follow and what Business opportunity you join. The key to success online deals with the coaching and access to these coaches wherever or not you will succeed. Here is a tip for you to never forget if you are to succeed in making money on the internet, "Always make sure you can have contact with the program you are joining. you in getting started online making money .

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Online Bill Pay and How It Works

Online bill pay is fast becoming a popular means of payment among people who want to practice good debt management skills, and save on both time and money in the process.

What exactly is online bill pay?

Generally, it is a payment method that lets an individual carry out payment instructions to creditors electronically through a computer program. This can actually get rid of errors, making it easier to manage debt. In addition, it is faster than mailing checks.

Online bill payment methods come in two basic categories: those being offered via a bank, and those offered via a service provider- like a credit card or phone company.

In general, online bill pay is designed to be fast and simple to use. Majority of major banking institutions, as well as businesses, provide this service without any charge. Individuals can choose to manually enter their payments every month, or arrange for an automatic withdrawal from their account. Automatic withdrawal allows them to set up their payments before their due date without worrying about giving manual instructions to make a monthly payment. The creditor will transfer funds straight from the bank, and enter these funds into their account with no action needed whatever.

Advantages of Choosing Online Bill Pay

The following information will help you consider the different advantages of using online bill pay:


Individuals can save on time when using the online bill pay platform. Instead of writing out checks, wetting stamps and filing lots of papers, they can set up an online account to get rid of all these steps. It will also be easier and faster to manage their debt.

When they need to go over past bills, they do not have to waste time in looking for them - because all of their account information can be seen in one centralized location.

Cost Efficient

They can save on the stamping costs, which can add up. The average household gets 15 bills every month, which could amount to $ 70 a year in just postage costs.

They can avoid late payment fees that are incurred every time a payment is received after the due date. Missed payments could lead to the following:

  • Increase in interest rates;
  • Late payment charges and over limit fees.
When the payment is past due, their account could probably go to collection status.


What is a more convenient solution to managing debt? Individuals could create their own automatic online bill account, so they can set up recurring payments that are to be regularly withdrawn from their account. This decreases the chance of late / lost payments, saving time in the process.

When they find out that one of their bills is due for payment on the next day, the best way to make sure that their payment will be posted on time is through online bill pay.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Traits And Skills of Bank Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important parts of mobile banking. Banks are actually service based kind of business so many of the activities involve service elements. They do sell financial and banking products, but the tangible product is very little. The service manager's deal with service issues directly, but there are some jobs that have to do with service.


One element of service at the bank is the helpfulness and friendliness offered by the service employees who are tellers. They are the banks face, according to regular customers. These are people whom visitors interact with when checking transactions. Service oriented people affect the customer service reputation and performance.

The personal bankers

There are customers whose banking needs are more involving and they need personal bankers. The bankers meet with customers when setting up accounts or getting information regarding products offered by the bank. There are many issues that such people handle including transaction errors and unexpected bank fees. The banks often have customer service managers that deal with very many customer service concerns.


The finance and loans side of a bank have different customer service situations. This is where you find the mortgage consultants who tell customers about refinance and new loan options and aid them with applications. When the loan is approved, the loans division communicates with the client regarding the paperwork required. They are updated in loan status. Loan payment and any servicing questions are also answered here.


Another part where the customer service of the bank is assessed is the self-service tools. Customers concentrate with the efficiency of banking more than in-bank experience that is personalized. The online banking tools that include moving money and paying bills are a good example. Mobile banking and ATMs are the additional options where banks offer the self-service opportunities.

Most banks will have a fixed customer service number that can be used 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week. When you select telephone banking, you can pay bills, transfer money and gain access to accounts easily and quickly. The other thing is the fact that you can make an application for a credit card or a loan over the phone. You may need a code to use some numbers, but this depends on the bank in question. One can also choose to communicate with a bank using a postal address.

Most banks today have a way to allow people with speech or hearing difficulty to use telephone banking. As such, an electronic typewriter is linked to the system and this allows anyone with such a difficulty to send and receive messages that deal with the issue present.

For bank customer service, there are a series of numbers that you can call for specific queries. In some cases, you will have a single business number to call. After the nature of your question has been established, you will be redirected to a person who is capable of handling the matter.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Working For Money Instead Of Freedom

Once again, this past Sunday in the Los Angeles Times Business section, there was a story featuring the latest Southern Californian who has been out of a job for a long time. While shocking, it always puzzles me to read these stories, as it's quite appropriate that these people have no interest in their own freedom.

This time, it was a 47-year old woman who was apparently an amazing insurance salesperson. After being downsized, she decided to take a few months off before looking for work again. She figured that because she was so good at what she did (especially with her experience), she'd be able to find another job without a problem. Those "off" months passed and she re-entered the job search. Almost 2 years later, she's still without a job. And that's after also applying for menial jobs.

When I first read this, I felt incredibly. First of all, how amazing could she have been if she was laid off? How could this woman not realize how bad the job market was (is)? How could she have such a big ego to think that she could take a few months off because her skills were so good? And how in the world could she miss just how successful she could be owning her own network marketing business ??

Fundamentally, this woman is incapacitated of doing anything else except choosing to be poor. Why? Her values ​​are such that she must have a steady paycheck from an employer, where she can have promotions, bonuses, etc. She values ​​security and money over her own freedom. What she's found out the hard way is that there is no security anymore as an employee. She worked so hard and developed skills, and for what? So she can apply for a job at Costco at 47 years of age?

If she valued her freedom, she could easily succeed with a network marketing business - especially with Infinity Downline. Instead of spending her time working hard for money, she could be working hard for herself, building a business that would create steady passive income for her for life . This is the true power of network marketing businesses.

What most people tend to miss when they hear terms like MLM, direct selling, and network marketing, is the power of passive income. Ads for MLM programs tend to emphasize how much money you can make every month, but the numbers tend to be so high that few people can believe it.

The truth is that those numbers are in fact real (5-figure salary per month ) (and it takes WORK to get there), but that's missing the point. Building a business allows you to build your own security. Who needs a 401k plan if you're making 5-figures a month doing nothing?

Back to the woman, if she invested her time building a business online with Infinity Downline, where she'd only have to pay $ 25 to join (and $ 25 a month to continue), get 100% commissions on her sales, and learn a new skill (internet marketing), she could easily be making her old salary within a year, if not sooner. Especially with a background in sales, this woman's success would most likely happen much sooner than she'd imagine.

But unfortunately, she will not get involved and will miss this opportunity for one big reason - her values ​​are not geared towards that of freedom; she values ​​money and security over all else.

Which would you choose? (Poor) Giving your work working life (40+ years !) Over to various companies? (Rich) or giving 4 years to a network marketing business, leaving the rest for yourself and your family?

I say, make the rich choice.

Car Repair Service

Car repair service is something that it's worth spending some time doing a little research about in order to find a  shop that's a good fit for you and your car. As with most services, it  pays in the long run to spend some time shopping around for a good, honest car repair shop.

Time spent finding the best Boulder auto repair facility for you and your car is an investment of time and effort that will give you peace of mind and could potentially lengthen the life of your car. It's something that you should only have to do once or at least not very often because once you find a good auto shop, you will become a long-time, loyal customer for many years to come

Perhaps one of the best indicators of a quality Boulder car shop is the word of mouth that gets around about it. In Boulder, word can spread quite easily via the student population at the University of Colorado, especially with all the social media avenues of communication that students use every day, including Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.

So, in the context of social media at CU, a good repair shop can quickly have loyal customers who are willing to let others know about the best Boulder car repair service they have found in town because it just outshines all their previous experience with other shops in the past. Do some searches in Twitter or Facebook looking for students talking about their experience with local car shops.

Another place to find Boulder locals talking about local repair shops is on some directory type of websites that allow readers to write reviews. When you do a search in Google for Boulder car repairs, some websites you will find in the search engines will have customer reviews. You need to be a little careful here and not swallow everything you read whole.

Sometimes a review will smack of a competitor trying to bad mouth a decent repair shop. If most of the reviews are positive and plausible, one or two really negative reviews would not necessarily steer me completely away from a car repair shop, especially if the auto shop has been in business for several years.

Having said that, if I find numerous negative comments about the same Boulder repair shop on several sites by different people, that will get my attention and I will probably not consider trying that shop.

Another tip for selecting a good car repair shop in Boulder is to choose an auto shop where the technicians work on several different makes of cars-both foreign imports such as Volkwagen, Subaru, Toyota, Honda, Audi, Porsche as well as domestic cars such as Ford, Cadillac, GMC, etc. You will be able to tell by the Yellow Page ad or the shop's website. For example, the local shop called Bolder Auto has a website where they talk about what specific makes and models they like to work on.

When a mechanic has a variety of experience working on different makes and models, it gives him a much greater understanding and insight into how cars work (or don't work), not just for repairing a Toyota but Subaru, Honda, Audi, VW, Porsche--any brand.

It's always a good idea to ask the person you deal with at the local Boulder shop if the guys who will be working on your car have Automotive Service Excellence certifications which are also known as 'ASE certifications'. These ASE certifications are a good way to validate a mechanic's skills to work on any type of vehicle. These are national certifications and not specific to Boulder or Colorado only.

Another tip for finding a good Boulder car repair service is to start looking before you actually need one. Then you won't have to settle for just trusting that the repair work will be done correctly because you have no choice.To start, find a local shop that's running a special for an oil change or some simple service you need and make an appointment. See what  kind of experience you have and go from there.

There are lots of Boulder car repair shops to choose from, so narrowing your choice before you actually take your car to the shop will require a little time applying the tips above to find the shop that best fits your need in the local Boulder community.