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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

10 Ways to Attract New Business at No Extra Cost

Last week I went shopping and saw a sign in the window: "Going Out Of Business Sale". This week I noticed a new cardboard headstone "Space For Rent" in my neighborhood. These are results of the same problem ... not enough business.

It is great when you can open a business and attract new customers immediately or when your website guarantees you a constant stream of income. But, none of these simply 'just' happened. Growing your business means self marketing and planning ahead every step of the way. Here are ten strategies to help you attract more business. And the best part: They will not cost you anything.

1. Be a walking example of how effective your product or service is

Let's say you sell beauty products. Make sure your own skin, make up, etc. is perfect whenever you go out for business. If people see how beautiful your products work or look on you they want to buy them. Or, you're a professional organizer. What will people think of you if you're late for a meeting, forgot to bring the promised brochures, and when you open your calendar it looks all chaotic. BE A MODEL for your business.

2. Seek to serve instead of just seeking to sell

What comes around goes around! Help others to grow their business or supporting them in any way you can go a long way in growing your own business.

3. Add value by networking all the time. Carry business cards wherever you go

Networking opportunities are everywhere where: at the supermarket, the doctor's office, even at the playground. I know that for a fact! When someone asks you what you do, give them a card. You want them to be able to hear and see the name of your company. You would be surprised how often business cards will be passed around and / or turn up months later. Also, find out how you can help. What does that person need? Whom do you know who could help? BE A MATCHMAKER every single day.

4. Sell the benefits, not the features. Nobody buys features anymore

People buy what those features will do for them. Everyone hates to buy insurances, so why are so many sold? Simply because of what insurances will do for you. So, know your benefits and practice your elevator speech.

5. Add value to your potential customers by expanding their professional vision and goals

People appreciate it when they feel that you understand their business needs and you're able to provide creative ideas that will help them to realize or even expand their vision and goals. Go on an exploratory journey with your potential customer.

6. Follow up, follow up, follow up

The secret of keeping your current customers is to show interest. Add value to your customers by making sure they're making the best use of your product or service. Let them know that you have their business at heart, that their success is your success. Show them that YOU CARE!

7. Turn your customers into your company's research and development department

It is of much more value to you to find out why people buy your product or service instead of focusing on why certain people are not interested. Ask your customers why they buy your products and service and use this information to improve your marketing and refine your value proposition.

8. Improve your communication skills and be an active listener

Take time to listen to your clients, prospects, and business partners; listen carefully - do not let your mind wander during the listening process. Never make any assumptions. Take time to find out the real motives and emotions, perceived and real problems. If you can refer to people they want to be around you.

9. Learn from people who are naturally attractive

Some people are; some people are not. Spend time with those who are and emulate them; ask them for help. They will be happy to tell you how it works. Just be ready to make changes in your assumptions, thinking, actions, and behavior.

10. Strengthen your personal finances, so you do not need the money anymore

When you feel financially secure you will become an even stronger magnet for attracting new business - because you do not needily need it anymore.

To improve your business, challenge yourself! Pick one of the 10 strategies described above, the one where you seem to struggle the most. Then, see if you can implement this strategy in the way you do business. Please feel free to share your successes with me - and any questions about how to grow your business.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fenugreek Breast Enlargement - 3 Things Needed For Fenugreek Breasts Augmentation

Rather than to merely ingest breast enlargement supplements and pray for miracles to occur, it is far better for you to know the facts about Fenugreek breast supplementation. Particularly, in the current worldwide marketplace for natural breast enlargement without surgery, one of the most common ingredients you will find included within top-notch breast augmentation supplements is Fenugreek.

Thus, it can become a great benefit for you to know exactly what Fenugreek breast enlargement should truly comprise. Now, you will encounter one problem when you attempt to gather research data on the success rate of this nutrition enhancing herb.

The reason why the above rings true is because worldwide or even United-States-only statistics about Fenugreek breast size remain generally lacking. The greatest supportive details happen to originate from foreign countries like China, Egypt, or India, for example, where usage of this supplement has a much longer history and people speak out about its actual and lasting benefits.

For the most part, Americans are still guessing and hoping that at least SOME partial benefit can come from herbal breast supplementation or utilization. On that note, here are the basic facts about WHAT the Fenugreek breast enlargement herb basically comprises.

-- Fenugreek contains "saponins" that also tend to inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol.

-- Within the body, absorbed Fenugreek molecules create a fiber very similar to mucilage, providing a helpful "stickiness."

-- The Fenugreek herb can offer possible benefits in blood sugar and body weight lowering.

Yet, for purposes of natural breast enhancement, here is the reality:

Fenugreek intake tends to increase breast size plus milk production primarily for nursing mothers. Thus, only very partial perks like these can come to ordinary women who simply want to expand their breast tissue for non-feeding purposes.

However, the very slight feelings of fullness that DO come from using this breast enhancement herbal supplement are enough for many women to appreciate. Normally, ladies tend to rely upon ONLY ONE SOURCE for comprehensive breast augmentation -- and, especially in regard to Fenugreek breast enlargement, herein lay one of the central problems that cause countless individuals to miss the mark of natural breast enhancement achievement.

Enhancing your breasts in a natural way calls for MULTIPLE holistic approaches. In order to maximize your success, you must combine these techniques in a synergistic plus intentionally combined way.

The previous explanation about the PHYSICAL properties of Fenugreek provides you with a clearer understanding of its herbal foundation; however, be it known that breast enlargement supplements do NOT work successfully in an "isolated" mode. Meaning, there are at least three other things you must do in order to make herbal breast augmentation work for you.

You can use the following three tips to secure your Fenugreek breast enlargement goals:

ONE: NUTRITION -- It is possible for breasts to shrink because of poor nutrition. Therefore, consume the types of foods that tend to enhance breast appearance, fullness, and growth. Here, even Fenugreek is a food-based nutrient, and its mucilaginous consistency tends to apply an appearance of fullness over time.

TWO: EXERCISE & WEIGHT LIFTING -- Support the very foundation of your breast tissue by pumping up the muscle layers upon which they rest. You may be hearing this tip very often; however, there is one missing element. That is, while BUILDING up breast tissue via exercise, you can also use AEROBIC exercises to REDUCE the midsection of your body. Thus, a thin and firm waist line does wonders for the appearance and contour of your entire body.

Continuing with your three tips for Fenugreek breast enlargement...

THREE: Apply phyto-estrogen cream topically to the skin of breast regions; yet, using such creams in combination with thorough and safe breast massage stroking is the best way to apply them. In this way, you will be giving your breasts the PHYSICAL activity they need, plus stimulate the mild inner workings of breast hormonal function.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Safe Alternative To Vaniqa For Facial Hair Removal

Is there a safe alternative to Vaniqa cream for women wanting to do something about unwanted facial hair?

Yes there is! In fact, this alternative to Vaniqa was on the market some years before Vaniqa was finally approved by the FDA (Food And Drug Administration) for public distribution on prescription in the year 2000.

In the early 1990's a lesser known company operating near Toronto in Canada by the name of Nisim International was carrying out extensive research in its laboratories for a natural herbal solution to hair loss.

In 1993 they released the NewHair Biofactors range which consisted of deep cleansing shampoos and a hair growth stimulator made from natural herbs. It received a positive write up in the Medical Post of 1993 and the article listed some impressive success results from the clinical trials. (See for the full text of the article)

In the course of this research the folks at Nisim stumbled on a way to not only stop hair loss and get hair to regrow, they also found a way to stop unwanted hair from growing by interrupting the mechanism for hair growth in the hair follicle.

This led to the release of Kalo Hair Growth Inhibitor in 1997, some years before Vaniqa arrived on the scene.

Vaniqa And Kalo Compared

There are some main differences between this alternative to Vaniqa and Vaniqa cream. For one thing, Kalo can be used by men, women and children whereas Vaniqa is only for women and girls under the age of 12 are recommended not to use it.

Vaniqa is available on prescription only, Kalo is a non-prescription hair growth inhibitor.

Some may raise a question over Kalo being a viable alternative to Vaniqa because it is not FDA approved. While that is true it is important to understand the process of FDA approval.

Vaniqa was brought to the market by two powerful giants in the personal care industry, Bristol-Myer Squibb and The Gillette Company. Will millions of dollars available they put up the necessary funding to get Vaniqa through the many years of tests and trials necessary before the FDA gives approval.

The final clinical trial results showed that 58% of women who used Vaniqa found a reduction in hair growth. That means a fairly large percentage did not see any difference.

The alternative to Vaniqa, Kalo, is produced by a small company without the massive resources available to the major pharmaceuticals. They also rely on word of mouth instead of pouring large sums into advertising. As a result, Kalo has grown in popularity and since the appearance of Vaniqa on the personal care scene, it has proven to be a viable non-prescription alternative to Vaniqa cream.

Reasonable Expectations

As with Vaniqa, Kalo doesn't work for everyone. That's why the company offers a money back guarantee. Given the rate of returns and refunds however, no more than about 1%, it is evident the majority of users are satisfied to a degree.

Finding an ideal method of facial hair removal is a matter of experimentation for many women before settling on the method that suits their pocket, skin sensitivity and lifestyle.

Combining the use of Vaniqa cream, or an alternative to Vaniqa such as Kalo, has helped thousands of women make facial hair removal sessions much easier and more convenient!