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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Benefits of Mahjong Games

Mahjong games owe their origin to China and they are played through use of tiles. It was not until in the 1920's that its popularity in countries such as the US begun. It is an intelligence game and requires a high sense of concentration. While it is a difficult game to master and learn, once a player gets the idea behind it, it becomes easy to excel in a limitless manner. Ordinarily, these require four players and while this is the case, there are variations. There are several benefits associated with it and some of these are as highlighted below.

Treatment of Dementia
Mahjong games can be classed as cognitive games and researchers claim that it has the ability of treating dementia. It requires a high sense of concentration, planning, calculating skills and memory and as such, a player's memory is always sharpened. Those people who play these games have the ability of developing cognitive measures and these effects last for a long duration if for any reason, they skip playing for a month.

Improvement of Cognitive Abilities
A large number of seniors suffer from dementia at one point in their life and by indulging in this they have a better chance of ensuring that this does not happen. This is because it sharpens memory skills and aids in keeping the mind sharp. In essence, they work in the same way as crossword puzzles. It also improves the player's ability to react to different types of situations and this increases the capacity of making fast decisions. When this is employed in the right manner, it also translates to improved living skills among individuals suffering from dementia.

Social Outlet
This is seen as an ideal social outlet for people from all groups and especially seniors. Socialization is important for this group and because of the benefits mentioned earlier, this gives them the chance to enjoy this end. Whether they choose to play from a senior's home or a nursing center, it serves the same purpose and this is seen as a major boost.

People from different age groups can enjoy the benefits associated with this sport. Children for instance, can learn how to play online. Due to the level of concentration it demands, it is seen as an ideal educational option for kids. What is more, it is seen as an ideal way of having fun while at the same time developing cognitive skills for this age group. In order to enjoy Mahjong games, one has to be calculating, strategic and lucky as well.

10 Ways to Attract New Business at No Extra Cost

Last week I went shopping and saw a sign in the window: "Going Out Of Business Sale". This week I noticed a new cardboard headstone "Space For Rent" in my neighborhood. These are results of the same problem ... not enough business.

It is great when you can open a business and attract new customers immediately or when your website guarantees you a constant stream of income. But, none of these simply 'just' happened. Growing your business means self marketing and planning ahead every step of the way. Here are ten strategies to help you attract more business. And the best part: They will not cost you anything.

1. Be a walking example of how effective your product or service is

Let's say you sell beauty products. Make sure your own skin, make up, etc. is perfect whenever you go out for business. If people see how beautiful your products work or look on you they want to buy them. Or, you're a professional organizer. What will people think of you if you're late for a meeting, forgot to bring the promised brochures, and when you open your calendar it looks all chaotic. BE A MODEL for your business.

2. Seek to serve instead of just seeking to sell

What comes around goes around! Help others to grow their business or supporting them in any way you can go a long way in growing your own business.

3. Add value by networking all the time. Carry business cards wherever you go

Networking opportunities are everywhere where: at the supermarket, the doctor's office, even at the playground. I know that for a fact! When someone asks you what you do, give them a card. You want them to be able to hear and see the name of your company. You would be surprised how often business cards will be passed around and / or turn up months later. Also, find out how you can help. What does that person need? Whom do you know who could help? BE A MATCHMAKER every single day.

4. Sell the benefits, not the features. Nobody buys features anymore

People buy what those features will do for them. Everyone hates to buy insurances, so why are so many sold? Simply because of what insurances will do for you. So, know your benefits and practice your elevator speech.

5. Add value to your potential customers by expanding their professional vision and goals

People appreciate it when they feel that you understand their business needs and you're able to provide creative ideas that will help them to realize or even expand their vision and goals. Go on an exploratory journey with your potential customer.

6. Follow up, follow up, follow up

The secret of keeping your current customers is to show interest. Add value to your customers by making sure they're making the best use of your product or service. Let them know that you have their business at heart, that their success is your success. Show them that YOU CARE!

7. Turn your customers into your company's research and development department

It is of much more value to you to find out why people buy your product or service instead of focusing on why certain people are not interested. Ask your customers why they buy your products and service and use this information to improve your marketing and refine your value proposition.

8. Improve your communication skills and be an active listener

Take time to listen to your clients, prospects, and business partners; listen carefully - do not let your mind wander during the listening process. Never make any assumptions. Take time to find out the real motives and emotions, perceived and real problems. If you can refer to people they want to be around you.

9. Learn from people who are naturally attractive

Some people are; some people are not. Spend time with those who are and emulate them; ask them for help. They will be happy to tell you how it works. Just be ready to make changes in your assumptions, thinking, actions, and behavior.

10. Strengthen your personal finances, so you do not need the money anymore

When you feel financially secure you will become an even stronger magnet for attracting new business - because you do not needily need it anymore.

To improve your business, challenge yourself! Pick one of the 10 strategies described above, the one where you seem to struggle the most. Then, see if you can implement this strategy in the way you do business. Please feel free to share your successes with me - and any questions about how to grow your business.

Adults With ADHD - Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment?

I hate to say it, but a lot of adults with AD/HD have an attitude problem. Many of us are negative thinkers with low self-esteem.

It's understandable; life with AD/HD can have us feeling bad for being so "different" from everyone else. And we feel worse when we try to improve our lives using the wrong systems.

Mainstream advice doesn't account for the unique wiring of AD/HD brains, and when this advice fails, we feel like we've failed. It chips away at our self-esteem.

As a result, many people with AD/HD grow up to be BMWs-people who constantly B*tch, Moan, and Whine! This is one of the reasons that adults with AD/HD often have trouble making new friends and maintaining relationships. It's also why so many of us struggle to get along with our family members, coworkers, and neighbors.

No one likes to hang out with a BMW. Their constant brooding, complaining, and finding fault can quickly bring a happy person down or zap that person's energy. Simply put, BMWs are a drag!

If you are a BMW, then don't fret. With a little work, you can adjust your attitude and improve your social skills. Here are three practical things you can do right away to overcome being a BMW.

1. Accept compliments with grace and gratitude-even if you don't agree with them.

If you're a BMW, then chances are that your self-esteem can use a pick-me-up. Accepting the compliments that are paid to you will go a long way in helping you feel better about yourself.

You'll find that most people genuinely mean what they say. If your friend says she likes your haircut, believe it! If you argue with her compliment by disagreeing and saying something like "This is the worst haircut I've ever had!", then you're essentially telling your friend that her opinion is wrong.

2. Avoid putting yourself down in front of others.

People often view self-deprecation as "fishing for compliments" and feel a responsibility to lift you up and make you feel better. After a while, this becomes annoying, and you can easily lose friends who might view you as high maintenance.

There's a big difference between expressing your challenges, and putting yourself down for them. It's perfectly okay to say "I would have liked to have the house cleaned up by the time you got here, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time." In contrast, a BMW might say something like "I'm such a slob! My house is always a mess and no matter what I do I can never get it together!"

3. Surround yourself with positive, happy people.

One of the easiest ways to adjust your attitude is to surround yourself with people worth emulating. When you choose to spend time with other BMWs, you're choosing to be a BMW.

Make a concerted effort to ditch the BMW within, and then invite a pleasant coworker to join you for coffee, take a walk with a friendly neighbor, or reconnect with a supportive friend. You'll absorb the positive energy of these good influences. And positive, happy people will be much more understanding when you do find yourself running late for lunch or forgetting a birthday!

When you adjust your attitude by increasing your self-esteem and adopting a more positive perspective, you'll find that you have an easier time creating and maintaining social connections. People will enjoy spending time with the real you, and you'll feel better about yourself, too!

Monday, November 19, 2018

9 Benefits of Playing Video Games

Today's games are ambitious, challenging, and complex. The games are getting better with the passage of time. As a matter of fact, the benefits go beyond the entertainment. Given below are a few surprising benefits of playing video games.

1. They are good for surgeons

Reading latest research is a must for surgeons. According to a study of laparoscopic, it was discovered that surgeons who have a habit of playing video games for over three hours in 7 days are more likely to perform better during the procedures they perform.

2. They Help You Overcome Dyslexia

According to some research studies, attention difficulties is one of the main causes of dyslexia. As a matter of fact, a study found that patients shown better reading comprehension once they have played a video game. Actually, what happens is that video games change the environment on a constant basis in order to make the player focus more.

3. They Improve Your eyesight

You may have heard that sitting too close to the TV is bad for you vision. However, today, scientists found that if you play games in moderation, your vision will get better. Therefore, it's a good idea to spend a bit of time playing your favorite video games.

4. They boost your career

Some game genres make players develop better leadership traits. As a result, they provide better services for the society. According to researchers, players show a correlating motivation to choose a better career.

5. They Make You Physical

Some games improve your body interaction. Even if you play with a handheld controller, it will be considered a physical activity. As a matter of fact, sports games, such as tennis, basketball or skateboarding games may help your kids practice the required skills.

6. Games slow down your Aging Process

Today's brain games help you improve your memory, puzzle components and problem solving skills, especially if you are a senior player. According to a study, a few players played these games for 10 hours. In the end, they showed an improved cognitive functioning.

7. Games help you lessen your pain

What do you do to distract yourself from pain? Of course, you focus your attention on something else. However, you can also play video games to achieve the same purpose. As a matter of fact, playing games helps your body produce a pain-killing response in your body. You don't feel the pain at all if you are paying full attention to the game that you are playing.

8. Games help you get social

People think that gamers are too insulated; however, this is not true. Nowadays, you have multi-player games that let you get in touch with new players. People from different corners of the world get together, play their favorite games and solve mutual problems.

9. Games help you reduce stress

Some games induce stress, but you can also find some that help you reduce your stress. According to a study, players who played video games had stable heart rates compared to the ones who didn't play video games.

So, these are some of the benefits that you can enjoy if you play video games.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Five Principles of Effective Communication

The problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred . George Bernard Shaw

I'm sure this has happened to you: a college has just done the exact opposite of what you wanted him to do. How can that be, you ask yourself. I told him exactly what I wanted. Yes, maybe you told him but did you check that he was listening, that he understood, that he agreed and that he would carry out the required action? Obviously not. The first principle of effective communication is to get appropriate feedback.

The second principle of effective communications is to really connect with your audience. It is a fallacy that the the sending out of information is a communicative act. It is not, especially in the current climate where everyone is drowning in information that overwhelms on us all fronts. To connect with your audience you need to address their different needs as partners because communication is a two-way process. You have to decide what you want the outcome of your communication to: are you trying to inform, persuade, shock, praise, criticize, shame, please, inspire? Whatever your aim you need to plan your message, and the medium for the message, to trigger the emotional and cognitive responses that will ensure you engage your audience. And how do you know you've done that? By getting the appropriate feedback of course.

I learned this the hard way. As part of the induction for new staff, I used to produce a manual containing all the operational information that they needed. As time was always short, I would go through the headings with them and tell them to study it at their leisure. But nobody ever did. I was constantly bombarded with simple questions that were addressed in the manual. But it was my own fault. I should have set up a properly interactive session and followed that up with subsequent opportunities to study and discuss the information.

The third principle of effective communications is to listen and understand first. Do not send out a message until you know what your audience needs. If you are concerned about the quality of someone's work, for example, do not jump in and issue an official warning. First find out what the employee's perception is. Use active listening skills to really probe the situation. Reformulate the employee's words, for example, echo the last words of their sentences, invite them to say a little more if they are hesitant. That way, if you discover the family has a seriously sick child or a big financial problem, you will start to understand what is behind the poor performance. You can then decide on the appropriate action.

The fourth principle is to understand that communication is more than the surface meaning of words. You need to be able to interpret other people's messages. This is just another form of feedback. Let's say you make an announcement and your group is discussing the information with you. They may feel inhibited about disagreeing openly, but read the signs because you do not have to be openly aggressive to show disagreement: note the body language, the kinds of words they use, the tone of voice. Somebody who is receptive will give you eye contact, will lean forward and will participate by asking questions, or offering to assist in some way. Those who are not in favor will look elsewhere, maybe fold their arms, use vague language instead of precise terms.

The fifth principle is respect. I do not want to go over the top here because you may well ask who is she to question the behavior of the world's leaders? But it seems to me that many of the international political problems we experience are the result of lack of respect for the other party. Sure, it would be great if other nations did not want to develop nuclear weapons, if they had democratic governments, if they were not religious fanatics. But we do not produce good results by taking the view that western leaders know best. To communicate with those we want to persuade, we need to respect them. Just because they do not agree with us, does not make them inferior or wrong. They have cultural backgrounds and histories that have led them to a particular course of action. Only by respecting that hinterland can we expect to make progress towards cooperation. To translate that to the workplace, you will only gain the cooperation of employees if they know you respect them. If you base your communications on lies, if you try to mislead people, if you ignore their needs and rights, they will see that you do not respect them and they will lose respect for you.

So where does all this lead us? Simply to the point that if you are having communications problems, you can now start analyzing where you are going wrong. What sort of feedback do you allow for? Do you understand how to appeal to people's emotions, their reasoning powers? Do you understand what makes your audience tick? Have you tried to find out about their real lives and what is important to them? And are you showing lack of respect by trying to hoodwink them? By addressing these questions as fully as possible you will go a long way towards improving the outcomes of your communications.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Computer Degrees Online Available for You

Computer degrees online allow students to acquire a solid education on any computer related course from a reputable college or university, offering online computer program, without actually attending school. It is a distant learning that harnesses the student's knowledge and skills in any computer field.

Online computer degrees provide students with the required talent to enter into a rapidly growing industry with a well-paid profession. As technology advances, the need for computer experts continues to increase. Employment opportunities will exponentially grow in this field as technology and computer use becomes more relevant to the modern life.

Anyone interested in acquiring an online computer degree can choose from any of these courses available in online computer programs of most colleges and universities.

Computer science degree

Computer science degree online will give the students the edge in terms of employment and career advancement in today's fast-paced marketplace. This profession offers a lucrative paying job with a starting salary of over $ 50,000.00, and still increasing as demand for the profession continues to grow.

Computer science is described as the study of theoretical foundations of information and computing. The students also learn practical techniques for their implementation and application in systems.

Software engineering degree

A software engineering degree online can land you a six-figure salary job once you graduate and get certified. Although, this degree is admittedly one of the most difficult Information Technology programs because its coursework consistors of intricate mathematical principles.

Software engineering is the application of engineering to software. It involves the design and development of faster, affordable and easy to maintain software.

Computer networking degree

Computer networking degree online is an off-campus opportunity for individuals to learn and maintain secure network infrastructures. Usual subjects for a computer networking program includes study of hardware devices, including routers, switches and bridges and their problem areas; wireless devices, networking security and security protocols; computer applications and software like sharing files and shared applications; working with various operating systems and programming tools and languages; and designing, modifying and upgrading to more complex systems.

Computer information systems degree

This field is among the fastest and highest paying professions in Information Technology. Individuals can get online computer information systems degree from many reputable universities offering distant learning opportunities.

The program involves designing and developing information-based systems critical for operations and management.

Web design degree

Many now rely on the internet to provide almost everything they need: from getting news to providing information, from doing business to paying bills. Virtually, almost everything is accessible and can be done with a click of button. Because of the convenient use of the internet, more and more people are turning towards worldwide web for business or even their day-to-day needs. This phenomenon has resulted in the surge of websites to cater the growing public demand, thus making web design a very profitable profession. Web designers can easily secure a good paying job whether in a company or working freelance. What's great about it is that an online web design decree is available for everyone with access to computer and internet and with some spare time to the study the course at their own space. Visit websites of colleges and universities to learn about their requirements.

Game design degree

Game design can be said to be in its early stage of rapid growth. The opportunities for development are vast and wide, and this can be observed in the increasing market needs for new and exciting gaming software. Too, the industry is constantly in need of expert game designers, and professionals in this field have very well-paid jobs. Get an online web design degree from well regarded universities to have that extra edge. At any rate, a web design degree can get a solid employment.

Computer programming degree

Programming is a critical phase of software development. It involves creating source codes that will determine how software works. In simple term, programming can be understood as the detailed instructions that tell computers what to do. As a vital part of computer engineering, computer programming is regarded as a highly intricate process that requires excellent skills and expertise in the field. That is why this profession is among the most in demand and well paid position. Major universities offer online computer programming degree, which can be completed at the student's convenience.

CAD degree

Most high-quality presentations now require Computer Aided Designs or CAD. It is the use of a variety of computer-based tools to assist engineers, architects and other design professionals produce well structured real or virtual objects. CAD software allows objects to be designed in two dimensional or three dimensional space. Online CAD degree programs or online CAD degree courses may be offered through schools like ITT Tech and Penn Foster.

If you are planning to enroll in any of the computer lessons online be sure to study its requirements, and determine whether the specific field suits your interest. Any of these courses can provide good employment opportunities.

How Video Games Can Affect the Brain

Video games are very popular among children of all the ages. And, due to our tech pace world, it is continuing to grow even more. Children and even the adults find video games as their mode of entertainment. They play these games whenever they are getting bored or want to take a short break from their work and studies.

These games try to change the mind and mood of individuals and they feel much relaxed than before. Due to its ever-growing demand, scientists have researched to find out the effects of video games on human brains.

Video games and changes in brain

It has been found out that gaming can cause changes in many regions of the brain. Studies show some structural changes in the brain due to video games and also several changes in brain functionality and behavior.

1. Increase attention

We need focus and attention while playing a game otherwise, we will lose it. Therefore, video games have resulted in improving several types of attention in human beings, including selective attention and sustained attention. Furthermore, attention seeking regions of the brain are more efficient in gamers when compared with non-gamers, and they need less activation to stay focused on various tasks.

2. Size of the brain

Playing video games has also shown to increase the size and competence of the parts of the brain that are responsible for visuospatial skills (ability to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects). With long-term gamers who have followed a game training plan, their right hippocampus has been enlarged.

3. Gaming addicts

When talking about gaming addicts, there are some structural and functional alterations in the neural reward system (a group of structures associated with feeling pleasure, motivation, and learning). When we expose these video game addicts to any game-related signals or signs, it causes cravings and also monitors their brain's responses.

4. Help boost your memory

Brain training games even help in boosting the formations of memories of an individual. Moreover, it also helps in improving the two other significant cognitive areas, working memory and sustained attention. These skills are maintained for 6 months after the completion of training.

5. Declining in brain-related diseases

When we talk about the diseases, each and every person wants a disease-free life. What if, it can be done with the help of a video game?

Yes, strategy-based games, have shown to promote an improvement in brain functioning among older adults and may provide some protection against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Also, a little brain training can help to reverse some of the age-related brain decline.

Overall, these games prove out to be valuable as it is a stress buster, improves brain functioning, cures diseases, besides being a source of entertainment. But, there is always a second side of a coin. Here, spending too much time playing the video game can be harmful for children as well as adults. Talking about the children, it can hamper their studies while weakening their eyesight as these games are played on a screen. And, adults can hamper their work while playing the games at offices.

Hence, do play a little to rejuvenate yourselves, but too much of anything can be dangerous.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Data Recovery Services - Be Wary of Cheap Prices

Data recovery is a specialized, complicated process. Proper hard drive recovery can require manipulation of data at the sector level, transplantation of internal components and various other procedures. These techniques are very involved and require not only talented, knowledgeable technicians, but also an extensive inventory of disk drives to use for parts when necessary and clean facilities to conduct the work.

Unfortunately these factors mean that, in most cases, recovery services are quite expensive. Technician training, hard drive inventories and special equipment all come with a cost.

If you search for disk recovery services, you will likely find several smaller companies that offer hard disk data recovery for a fraction of the prices typically quoted by larger, more experienced organizations. These companies often operate from small offices or, in some cases, private homes. They do not possess clean room facilities, large disk drive inventories or many other pieces of equipment necessary to successfully complete most hard drive recovery cases.

When you take into account all of the training, parts and facilities necessary, you can see how it is impossible for a company to charge $ 200 for a hard drive recovery and not operate at a loss.

What these companies usually do is run a software program on the hard disk drive. Sometimes, if there is no physical damage to the disk drive, this program is able to recover some of the data. However, hard disk data recovery is much more than just running software. No software can recover data from a hard drive that has failed heads, damaged platters or electrical damage. In fact, trying to run a hard drive that is physically damaged can make the problem worse. Trying to use software to recover data from a hard drive with failed read / write heads, for example, can lead to the heads scrapping the platters of the drive and leaving the data unrecoverable.

Another way these smaller businesses conduct business is forwarding data recovery cases that they can not recover to larger organizations. Of course, the smaller companies charge their clients a premium for this service. In these cases it would have actually been cheaper to use the larger company in the first place.

You will also likely find that many smaller recovery companies charge evaluation or diagnostic fees upfront. They charge these fees regardless of whether or not any data is recovered. In many cases clients desperate to recover their data pay these fees and get nothing in return but a failed recovery. Smaller data recovery services simply do not have the skills, training, facilities and parts to successfully recover most disk drives. It is more cost efficient for them to make one attempt at running a software program and then call the case unsuccessful.

Sometimes you may get lucky working with a smaller data recovery company, but in most cases you will end up paying for a failed recovery. In the worst case scenario you could end up with a damaged hard drive that is now unrecoverable by any data recovery service.

You will waste time and money working with these services. You could even lose your valuable data for good.

If your data is important enough to consider data recovery, it is important enough to seek a reputable, skilled data recovery company. All major data recovery services offer free evaluations and most do not charge clients for unsuccessful recoveries. Sometimes you only have one shot to recover data on a disk drive before the platters are seriously damaged and the data is lost for good. Taking chances with inexperienced companies is not worth the risk.

Make Money Online - Starting Your Internet Business

Making money online by starting your own internet business is a big draw with economic conditions the way they are, many are trying to make extra or replace their income. Although the need and want are there, knowing where to start and what to market, gets many beginners very confused. Having a plan will help the confusion.

Time management is where many go wrong, they may have a regular job, or family to deal with and feel they just don't have time to start a business online. However having a plan with an effective system in place will allow even the beginner to run their business with less time.

Evaluate business opportunities When deciding what business you should set up, be sure they fit your needs and desires. Choose wisely, because by planning ahead you will be able to find many things that can be marketed by using the same type of system.

Choose one thing to market and learn the marketing techniques that it will take to make money online, by doing this before jumping to market a lot of different things at the same time, you will understand what it will take to make your business a success. Then you can take what techniques you know are successful and apply them to other markets.

By learning and improving your marketing skills, testing what works and fine tune it, you will be successful at starting your internet business. As an example: Many begin with affiliate marketing because it is easier to do, it can even be done without a web site or advertising budget.

However, as they learn an apply what the learn they soon realize that they can make more money online by having the proper tools in place, such as a domain name, web site and auto responder. These tools are used to build a list of potential buyers instead of sending them to someone else who will put them on their list and profit from you.

Another example is many start out writing articles to promote the products that they are selling because of budget restraints, but once they make enough they want to move on to pay per click or other ways to bring even more traffic, so take the time to learn and improve your skills and profit from them.

If you want to making money online by starting your own internet business, take action, make a plan so time can be managed, and you will have a system to follow. Evaluate business opportunities, and of course learn an improve as this needs to be done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Shame of the Nation: A Summary, and Analysis

Jonathan Kosol's interest for teaching profession and activism was triggered after the killing of three young civil rights activists in Mississippi in June of 1964 while he was working as a grade four public school intern intern in Boston, Massachusetts. His experience as a teacher in one of Boston's urban segregated schools has made him an insight to the sight of children of minorities, which motivated him to address the issue of segregation, and inequalities that exist in public schools that has continued to plague the nation till the present day.

School Segregation
According to him, he visited approximately 60 schools in 30 districts in 11 different states. Most of his visits were in the South Bronx of New York City, Los Angeles - California, Chicago, Detroit - Michigan, Ohio, Seattle - Washington, Boston - Massachusetts and Milwaukee. In the schools he visited, he observes that the conditions have grown worse for inner-city children in the 15 years since federal courts began dismanting the landmark ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. He notes that the number of white students in urban public schools have increasingly declined with the shifting pattern of white middle class families from urban to suburban communities since the 1960's (white flight). He talks of the irony of school population in relation to the leaders of integration, which the schools bear their names, like Thurgood Marshal Elementary School in Seattle Washington with 95% minority students. According to him, the overwhelming majority of students in urban public schools in the United States are students of color. In Detroit for example, 95% of students in public school are either black or Hispanic. In Chicago, the figure is 87%, Washington is 94% while New York is 75%. He pointed out the cynicism in the "small school initiative" like the Center School in Seattle that was perceived as a "tie-breaker" of school segregation that "attracted 83% white and 6% black enrollment when it opened in 2001, in a city where whites are only 40% of high school students district-wide ". (p. 277). In comparing the Center School with African / American Academy in another section of the city where black students make up 93% and whites make up 3% of the enrolment, the location of the center school and its curriculum offers many opportunities to students. "The Center school which is sited in a cultural complex known as the Seattle Center, offers an impressive academic program to prepare its graduations for college while also provides a wide array of opportunities for students to participate in science projects, theatrical productions, music, ballet , and other cultural activities ", (p.278) while such opportunities are lacking in the African-American Academy. "The school in a sense represents a local version of 'your own Liberia' ... the African American Academy is using a highly direct method of instruction that, in some respects similar to the approach used in Success for All" (p. 279) . He argues that after decades of persistent struggle against school segregation by educators and civil right activists, social and economic policies have continued to aid the growing trend of school segregation.

Kozol laments the lack of basic resources and amenities in the urban public schools - restrooms, clean classroom, hallways; appropriate laboratory supplies, up-to-date books in good condition and classroom supplies and material. According to him, this lack of resources moves some teachers to spend between $ 500 - $ 1000 of their own money every academic year to purchase the supplies and materials in the case of Winton Place elementary school in Ohio. He argues the overcrowding of students in a classroom. For instance in Chicago, it's not uncommon to see classrooms with as many as 54 students coupled with the fact that most of the teachers are unqualified.

Kozol also points out the issue of lack of pre-school opportunities for a large number of students because the federally funded head start programs were denied them. He also shows the disparity for money spent on a student, and its effect on state testing. In the case of New York State, the average spending on a student in the city is $ 8,000 while that of the suburb is $ 18,000. Also in New York, the inequities in expenditure between 2002 and 2003 are: NYC $ 11,627, Nassau County $ 22,311, Great Neck $ 19,705. The salitudes of teachers in poor and wealthy school districts follow the same pattern. While the average salary of school teachers in poor communities is $ 43,00, the salary of teachers in the suburb like Rye, Manhurst and Scarsdale in New York ranges from $ 74,00 to $ 81,000. Even the issue of fundraising is a factor in the disparities among schools in poor and wealthy communities. Whereas schools in wealthy neighborhoods could raise up to $ 200,000, schools in poor districts could only raise $ 4,000.

Adaptive Strategy Curriculum
Kozol questions the ratione behind the scripted programs that have been adapted into the minority school system. "Authentic Writing", "Active Listening", "Rubric for Filing", "Accountable Talk", "Zero Noise" etc., according to teachers account, they are meant to follow the scripted lesson to bring formality and structure to the learning environment which raises the anxiety levels of both students and teachers. The high standard language and higher expectations with little support, has taken over the moral and ethical values ​​that use to be the integral part of the curriculum. "used by most schools has become part of the daily rituals and practices that are fashioned to boost students moral. Students from the under-performing schools are encouraged to memorize phrases like" I am smart "," I am confident "to raise their self -confidence and academic performance. This according to him has formed the framework used to identifying the causes of the under-achievement of students of color. encouraged to use "strict Skinnerian controls" to manage and teach students in their classrooms, and which job it is to pump some "added-value" into undervalued children. (p. 285)

In close semblance to the above is the business-like outlook "work related themes" that is being created in these schools, "market driven classes", "sign contract", "take ownership of their learning", "pencil manager", " classroom manager "," building managers "," learning managers "etc. This kind of corporate outlook portrays students as "assets," "investments," 'productive units,' or 'team player' according to Kozol.The knowledge and skills, which the students acquire, are seen as "commodities" and "products" to be consumed in the "educational market place." Kozol argues that educational administration should in no way be equated with factory production line, and advices that "teachers and principals should not permit the beautiful profession they have chosen to be redefined by those who know far less than them about the hearts of children. "(p. 299)

High stick testing
The issue of teaching for testing has replaced the essence of teaching for learning in public schools. According to Kozol, "In some schools, standardized testing begins in the kindergarden. Courses that are not included in the high stake testing are often not taught any more or they are completely removed from their school curriculum, like arts and music. , naptime and / or recess has been reduced or taken out completely to allow more time for the preparation of state standardized test. Even teachers meetings are geared towards the discussion of effective strategies to prepare students for quarterly assessment tests or reviewing state and district standards. Teachers are encouraged to attend workshops and conferences in regards to the testing to acquire more knowledge on how to integrate their teachings to the state testing standards.

In the bid of all the educational superiority imposed on the students, they are also tracked and labeled. Labeling the children from level one (lowest) to level five (highest) places them into categories supposedly for further instructions. Instead of being given adequate attention regarding their labels, it is used as a description of their academic stance. "She's gone down to level two," "She's a level one." The issue of academic tracking and labeling in these schools poses a huge obstacle in creating equity and democracy in a learning environment. According to Kozol, learning is taught as "a possession" not something one "engages" in. Students are encouraged to select "a career path" during their freshman year, so as to tailor their course work. Neverheless, there is little encouragement on the career path of college education. For example, the case of Mireya who attends Fremont High in Los Angeles, while she aspires for a college education, she is rather placed into voluntary classes - sewing and hairdressing. She tells Kozol "I hoped for something else." "Why is it that students who do not need what we need get so much more? And we who need it so much more get so much less?" She questioned.

In view of all these structured teaching strategies imposed on the urban public schools by the administrative body, both teachers and students exhibit robotic behaviors in order to achieve the set goals of the planners. Teachers who tend to veer out on these stipulations face disciplinary actions and could possibly lose their jobs. Students who do not adhere to the rules and follow the prescribed pattern face the risk of not passing their tests. Overall, there is loss of creativity and ingenuity in the classroom. Kozol points out that it would rather take a reflection than a miracle to set the schools on the right track again. He argues that desperate schools can not be turned around by the arrival of a charismatic, tough talking principal. "There are hundreds of principals in our urban schools who are authentic heroes ... but there is a difference between recognizing the achievements of able school officials and marketing of individuals as saviors of persistently unequal system".

Ray of Hope
After questioning and critiquing the re-segregation of urban public schools in America, Kozol pointed out a few schools, teachers, principals, administrators and human rights activists he had met in the course of his study that gives hope to the feasibility of school integration. According to him, "Virtually all the truly human elements of teacher motivation have been locked out of the market misperceptions that control so much of education policy today. But when we go to the schools in which these market ideologies have been valiantly resisted, we are reminded of a set of satisfactions and devotions that are very different from the ones that dominate the present discourse about urban education. " (p. 297) ... "These are the schools I call" the treasured places. "They always remind us of the possible." (p. 300).

He acknowledges the definitions made in most school districts since after visits over three years. At PS 65, a new curriculum that focuses on the need of the children had been introduced. The hand-held timers and scripted lesson plans have been taken out, and actual writings of children are displayed in the walls. He also recalls the efforts of some school districts in Milwaukee and Louisville where school leaders have promoted desegregation across district lines.

Kozol sees every hope in teachers and administrators like Louis Bedrock (which he dedicates this book to), Miss Rosa the retired principal of PS 30, Fern Cruz the new principal of PS 65 and others for their dedication and persistence in fighting for the right course of education for the minority. He also acknowledges the contribution of black activists like Congressman Lewis who have voiced out publicly and written books that expose the persistence of segregation in America.

In his epilogue, he wrote "A segregated education in America is unacceptable". "Integration is, it still remains, the goal worth fighting for" (p. 316).

The Shame of the Nation: An Analysis

I find this book very revealing, intriguing, insightful, and at the same time one sided and opinionated, but in summary, it is very informative. This book is an outcome of a good ethnographic researcher who not only puts energy in his work but also has passion in the subjects of his work - the students. The empirical analysis of this book rests in the inequality that is salient in the American society. Race, class, culture, gender and economic status which have formed the measuring tape of individuals' worth in the American society have become the bedrock of the administrative bodies in the formulation of policies. Policies like education, housing, income and property taxes, transportation etc. have been so carefully formulated to include and exclude some members of the society. These policies of course favor the dominant group, which are whites and disfavor the targeted group which is mostly blacks and Hispanic.

It takes a critical mind to understand the game in the policies. Taking for instance the funding of community urban schools from property taxes from the community, one has to first, think of the nature of the properties in such a community, who owns them, what shape, and of what value they are. If the majorities of those properties are individually owned and are of good shape and value, the expectation is that they will yield good tax for the community. On the other hand, when the government owns such properties, little can be realized in property tax in such a community, and that in turn affects the sourcing of the school. This is the game of politics in perpetuating inequality as we have seen in this book.

Who would expect that the administration that tends to speak in favor of equal education has a hand in making it unequal? That the prophecies of "No Child Left Behind" and "Equal Opportunity for All" are only frivolities? Who would imagine that some teachers and education administrators could be so robotic that they question their ingenuity and creativity in the face of manipulation, except for a revealing book like this? In addition, how can anyone comprehend the damage that has been done by these administrative inconsistencies over the years?

There is an insight into the social, economic, and cultural capital powers of the society in this book. Parents who are more informed, educated, with good jobs and better means have more say in the education of their children than those with little or no education and means. They surf for good schools for their children, organize themselves as the parent bodies of the school, and intervene in matters that are not favorable to their children, for instance, they raise money to employ more teachers and advocate for less number of children in a class. They come up with one voice to exclude others from integrating into their children's schools and sometimes take out their children from a school that are getting more minority enrolment as the case may be. They are less dependent and more challenging to the school administration and government than the parents with fewer capitals. The parents of the minority who have fewer capitals, complain and rarely mostly on the school administration and government to make the necessary adjustments in their children's schools. The system fosters posterity of family status.

In this atmosphere of stratification, while the dominant group acts up to maintain its status, and the targeted, subordinate poor group agitates its position, the children suffer the struggle. A wider gap is created between the rich and the poor. While the children of the dominant group perceive themselves as fortunately, they are less 'educated' than the poor children who see it all. They face lesser chances of integrating and facing realities of multiracial society and as such are less likely to accommodate differences in future. On the other hand, the minority poor children get more skeptical and cynical when matters of equity arise. In the case of the little Bronx boy who wrote Kozol, "You have all the things and we do not have all the things," and the high school student from California who told his classmate "You're a ghetto, so you sew. " The disparities in their educational experiences raise innumerable questions in their heads, which only the government can comprehend in that while their parents may be 'guilty' of not possessing the where-withal, the students are innocent. Kozol's study goes to predict that going by the present pace in educational strategy in America, inequality will persist; integration will be minimized, and desegregation will not only be a nightmare in schools but would be nipped in the bud in the society in future if they are not addressed now. He goes to say, "This nation needs to be a family, and a family sets down for its dinner at a table, and we all deserve a place together at that table."

Having enumerated the classical work of Kozol in diagnosing the blatant, ugly passion inequities in our public urban schools that plagues America today, I need to point out the one-sided, opinionated view of the issue. In a situation like this, no one person can be all right and the other all wrong, there needs to be a balance of 'a little to right and a little to the left'. In the entire book, Kozol addresses the structural approach to educational inequality that sees the school and government administration as the factor that has perpetuated the problem, little suspicion if any, of the cultural approach to the discourse with parents and students contribution. Although there were a few reasons of all white public schools, there was little emphasis on their interactions, though one might argue that they have all the necessary amenities available for them in comparison to the minor schools that have little amenities.

I call this one sided and opinionated in the sense that the subjects of the matter visa vie poor minority parents and their children, are not addressed as potential input to the problem and as such potential contribution factors to the solution. If in a capitalist society like America where opportunity is laid down for everyone for grabs, the 'majority' of the minority group keeps complaining of marginalization of resources, there is a problem somewhere permanently imposed limits. The problem could be in derivation of comfort in dependence or reliability on false sense of security. The core word is value. As regards to the parents, many of them depend on the system and can not walk their ways out to independence and instill that value of independence in their children. A culture of poverty has evolved among this minority group and they seem very comfortable in such a zone. So who makes the extra money for their children's comfort?

The children as well due to lack of role models from their parents, do not deem it fit to strive and conquer the inevitable, they embrace violence and they keep on finger pointing like their parents instead of realizing that education not agitation is their only access to high status in the society. I believe that a focus on re-orienting the children of the minority group in exploring educational opportunities no matter the limitations that they face would help in getting them back on the right track. On the other hand, if they should be contented, respectful, curtail violence, and love themselves, that would attract more empathy to them from whatever administration that is in place and they can be in their own schools without any white and feel good just the same. Understandably, the structural approach often times shape the cultural, which is unstable based on economic resources that yields self-support and autonomy.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Tips For Taking Tasteful And Creative Boudoir Photography

There is a surprising trend happening in the world of photography that involves women taking sexy portraits. These two do not go together at all with traditional wedding photography or family photography. So, what could possibly allow a woman to express her self confidence and share intimate and personal photos with their special someone. This would have to be boudoir photography for sure. These are not the old fashion studio photos where you got the impression that you were looking at pictures taken in a hotel that rents by the hour. Boudoir photography is very tasteful with a hint of sensual and sexiness. Today's boudoir sessions are more about fashion and flair. Boudoir photography is about woman in lingerie and provocative poses.

Women are more comfortable with sexuality than ever before. It was only a matter of time before they demanded a change in how they were perceived in boudoir photos of old. The old dreary color faded photos of the past were no longer going to be acceptable. This is not about creating a porn video either. It's an art form and it's not about taking your clothes all the way off. It's about creating a look that shows how amazing a woman's body really is. Photos they can share with their loved one that just say wow how amazing is my body and I'm proud of it. There are a few steps to keep in mind when creating and properly executing a boudoir photo shoot.

The best way to make your client feel comfortable during the shoot is working on your posing. Boudoir photography is no different than other forms of photography when it comes to creating comfortable and manageable poses. If your clients are uncomfortable then it will most likely show up in the shots you take. You need to bring out the best parts of each individual client's best features when shooting boudoir photography. Every woman is different as far as their sizes and shapes. So, you have to be able to figure out what parts of the body you want to feature. If your client has very large hips and she's extremely conscious of them. You want to take shots from the side and from above instead of head on in front of you. It's best to try and establish a rapport with the client to help them feel at ease. Do not just bring them in and start shooting.

You could go out and hire a bunch of professional to help build your portfolio and practice your skills. I feel it's better to work with regular everyday clients to work on improving your skills. With professional models it can be hard to determine which feature is their best. It can also hard to find out what is their worst. There is one plus to working with even amateur models and that is they are good at finding sensual poses that you can work with. It may take your clients awhile to get comfortable and they may not know how to position themselves in a sensual manner. This is the one area you may benefit from having amateur models to provide you with examples to use on our clients. Your job is to highlight the parts that your client feels are her best physical qualities and hide those that she does not feel comfortable about.

Lighting is very important in boudoir photography as it is with most photography in general. Flash photography can be very unflattering to natural skin. So, you want to use as much natural light as you possibly can. Avoid at all cost direct flash and use as little off camera lighting as you can get away with. Use soft lighting during your shoot which will allow for softer skin tones. Split lighting is a technique that I like to use in my sessions. I've tried this with natural lighting, but this does not work as well as use one main source of lighting. You place your light source at a 90 degree angle and prefer use off camera lighting that simulates natural light. This allows me to create a dramatic and a definite mood in my shots.

Picking the proper lens will also help you get the wanted shot you are looking for. A zoom lens and the right camera angle is really all that's needed to get the perfect shot. You do not need multiple lens changes or camera changes during your shoot. You want to shoot level with the client and not from above. This will help make sure the proportions are correct and not unflattering.

Picking out the right outfit is another issue that you want to work with your client on. You do not want to pick out your clients outfit. You want them to feel comfortable in whatever they decide to wear. The item could have a special meaning or it could just be an item of clothing that they share during special intimate moments. You want your client to at least bring two or three different items for you to work with. You want to bring items that are a combination that allow you to undress and reveal another more provocative outfit underneath. This also allows the client to become a little more comfortable about taking their clothes off while a camera watches their every move.

You want them to stay with neutral colors like black, beige, and red. These work best with most skin tones. You also want the items they are wearing to fit. You do not want an outfit that is too tight on their skin. You also do not want one that lose fitting and falls off during the shoot. Remember you are not shooting porn. You are creating tasteful art that is not showing full nudity. Picking a favorite team jersey or a work shirt is always recommended as one of the outfits you'll want to use.

The biggest hurdle your going to face while shooting boudoir photos is getting your client to relax. If you are able to get past the nervous issues that arise. You should be able to create sexy and provocative photos for your clients to share with the loved one.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

How To Find Money In Your Budget For Charity

"I would love to give, but there are so many worthy charities out there that I can not decide." "The rich are able to afford to give to charity." I'm not rich. " "We should take care of those in need in our own country before we give to other countries." All are common excuses (or even reasons) for not giving up a little bit of what we have to help others who need. Most of us feel bad for those with less than us, and want to help, but can not see their way to finding funds within their budgets to reach out. Yet, each of us in North America, regardless of our imports, have the capacity to "discover" methods by which we can assist those people who are less fortunate than we may be. Yes, even the poorest of us can do so, and definitely the wealthy can redirect money to others, if we choose.

Recently, I visited Ocho Rios, Jamaica. My wife and I took none of the guided tours, ate at none of the tourist attractions, bought nothing from cruise ship-sponsored kiosks. Instead, we walked two miles back through the town center, beyond the acceptable tourist spots, through the local farmers market, behind the preparation areas hidden behind the pallets of local foods, among the local garden and "plantation" areas, and into the residences bordering the market. From there, we were able to see the contrast between the tarpaulin-roofed homes to the mansions of Mick Jagger and other "rich and famous" homeowners. It was overwhelming. But how could we, with only a hundred dollars or so, make any difference? And what right did I have to act so voyeuristically, peering into the desperate lives of these people as if they were zoo animals on display?

This private dissection served a purpose: it made me think, "how can I help?" I came up with several solutions.

First, I write for a living. That day, I began a new manuscript, calling on the images and experiences that day in Jamaica. I will be publishing it within the year, and every penny of revenues will be directed to Ocho Rios. If I were to simply hand over the cash to a relief agency, much of it might not make it into the hands of those in need. I expect to earn only a modest amount from this book. I know a couple from Jamaica who will take the money I earn each year, proceed to the farmers market, and discretely distribute money to several of the vendors. Every penny. What difference will it make? For a brief period, those families will benefit. And there is one solution, for each of us who cruise or take vacations in countries like Honduras, Belize, Jamaica, etc. Take half of the money that you had intended to spend on souvenirs, tours and local trips for yourself, and give it away discretely. Not willing to part with fifty percent? How about 10%? Any amount will help immediately.

Currently, I am involved in setting up a charitable housing project for low-income families in my home town. Habitat buildings homes for those with need, as well. These are worthwhile ventures. But, how about homes built for those with means, wealth? As an illustration, Family A plans on having a custom-built home constructed with a budget of $ 400,000. Two choices ca be made here that will generate a significant amount of charitable money. First, add 10% to the budget, to be donated to the charitable cause fund base. Or, insure that the costs be reduced by 10%, and donate that money to the cause. Now, locate tradesmen that are willing to donate one week of their time, free, to the construction of the home. Get them to set the fee that they would charge, and that money gets donated to the helping pot. Approach local lumberyards, and insist that they donate 10% of their costs to the charity. Be sure that the finances are transparent, so that everyone who has contributed can see that the money is going where it was committed. No one is out of pocket. Everyone has done their duty to help others. And you, the homeowner, has more than a "green" home. You have a home with a heart, of which you can be proud!

Donating time is one of the easiest ways to give to the world around you, and is as valuable as any money tossed into the pot. Use your own unique skills to make a difference.

How about our daily budgets? Start by monitoring, for six months, your food budget, your entertainment budget, your housing and clothing budget. Now, commit to trimming 10% of any or all of those budgets, and donating the amount to a charity for only two months of the year. It makes a difference quickly, and the "leaving out" of your budget diet will improve the health of your conscience.

How do we cut housing costs? Many utilities and local governments offer tips on how to conserve energy. Follow these guidelines, and part with only half of your savings. Any grants and rebates available can be similarly forwarded to charity, without cost to you.

How about clothes? I have a system of cycling my clothes to cut costs. My clothes start off as "going out on the town" wear. As they age, they become casual wear. Soon, they are working wear for doing household chores. Finally, they become rags, or are donated to thrift shops or recycling depots.

The food budget is the easiest in which to cut costs. One day a week, substitute high-quality foods for lower-cost items. Make every second alcoholic beverage a lower-cost item than you will normally drink (it may also lead to drinking less. Wonderful, is not it?). Make and buy meal items in bulk. Typically, you save between 6-14% in this manner. There are dozens of other strategies. But do not just cut costs and keep the savings. Be generous to others.

Lastly, a simple change in attitude will help you find an abundance of resources to share. Instead of looking at giving as an option, and as a task, look at it as an opportunity to play a more involved role in the world. Like your cup of coffee, embracing the world is addictive. Unlike tobacco, it is healthy and invigorating. It is not your duty to help others. It is your pleasure! Look different, not at the world, but at yourself, and how you see the world will change. Make a difference in yourself, so that you can make a difference in the world.