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Thursday, April 4, 2019

My Husband Is Always Compare Me To Other Women - This Hurts Me - What Can I Do? Insights To Help

I recently heard from a wife who was being hurt by her husband's constant comparisons between her and other women. Sometimes, he compared her to her sisters, friends, coworkers, or acquaints. Other times, he compared her to complete strangers. She had been trying to ignore this for a while, but laately, it had been angering and grating on her so badly that it was very negatively affecting her marriage.

The wife said in part: "My husband compares me to everyone. And the comparisons are never favorable. I'm not as thin as my sister. A mom as our neighbor. I'm not as good a cook as his best friend's wife. I'm not as good as a lover as his old girlfriend. goes to open his mouth. At first, I used to ignore him, but this is starting to happen all of the time and become much more hurtful. with something equally as nasty. How would he like it if I compared him to other men? I would never do this because it would hurt his feelings and he's my husband. him on this, he says I'm too sensitive. It's gotten to a point where he will openly stare at other women right in front of me. uch longer I can take this. What do I do? "

After a little more clarification, it became apparent to me that the husband would make these comments and the wife would withdraw and give him the cold shoulder for a short period of time afterwards. Over time, she had learned that bringing this up would only make her husband accuse her of being over sensitive. And if she tried to snap back at him, then he would become angry and things would just get worse. So instead, she would say nothing and she would stew. This caused resentment and deteriorated their marriage. More and more, she was being avoiding spending time with her husband because of this and other problems. So this was something that I felt had to be addressed and could not be left in the hopes that it would just work itself out. In the following article, I'll offer some tips on understanding why a husband may regularly compare you to other women and how to best deal with it.

Why A Husband Might Compare His Wife To Other Women: The wife could not understand why her husband would be doing this. He did not act this way when they were dating. It was only within the past five years or so that he had begun this type of behavior. There are various reasons that a husband might act this way. Sometimes, this is their passive aggressive way of drawing your attention to something they wish was so. And, they may be saying it's about your parenting skills or your work ethic, but it is usually about something else completely.

Many men criticize you for reasons that have nothing whatsever to do with you. They are often trying to get your attention in the hopes that you will pay more attention to them or to things at home (as illegally that this sound sound.) So they will often hit you with very low blows in an attempt to push your buttons just to get a reaction.

Other times, a man will point out your perceived flaws because he is very aware of his own. Sometimes, a man's comparison of you is really driven by his own lack of self esteem or because of his own worries. Sometimes, when I speak with the men on the other side of this situation it's clear that they try to pull their wife down because they deserve her. They secretly worry that if she knew how special she really was, she would leave him so one way to make sure that this never happens is to point out her shortcomings. And sometimes men react to stress by being critical of who is most convenient.

I am not defending this behavior. I am just trying to let you know that if you are in this situation, you can be assured that these comparisons are not reflective on you. They are reflective of him and you have to decide if you want to change it, continue to live with it, or remove yourself from it. (My recommendation is to attempt to change it if you can.)

How To Handle It When Your Husband Always Compares You To Other Women: The wife in this situation did not want to walk away. She asserted that there were other redeeming qualities in her husband. But she did not want to continue to live this way either, nor did she deserve to. And each time her husband did this, it deteriorated her marriage even more. I know that she dared to confront this because it appeared to only make things worse, but ignoring it just ensures that it keeps happening.

I suggested that the next time her husband compared her to someone else, she should make a note of it and vow to bring it up at a time when things were calm. If you try to address it when you are hurting or angry, you run the risk it becoming even worse. So, when things are going well and you are calm, that is the time to address it.

I would suggest saying something to the effect of: "I need to discuss something with you that has been weighing on me. Yesterday, you compared me to (fill in the blank.) This was hurtful and unnecessary. Honestly, this happens a lot. this makes me feel like I'm not making you happy or that you wish I was different. I worry that over time, it will make me resentful. And I know that you do not mean to hurt me. So, from now on, when it happens again, I'm going to draw your attention to it and ask you what is really bothering you. "

This is just a suggestion. You can use the words that are most appropriate to your husband and your situation. But the point is to address it in a constructive way, to open the door for him to tell you what is really bothering him, and to let him know that in the future, you will address it each time it happens. This lets him know that he can no longer have a free pass to keep up the comparisons.

Sometimes, just approaching it when you are both calm can inspire open communication that allow you to get to the real root of the problem. Because the comparisons are often a good indicator that your husband is trying very hard to get your attention and this can sometimes indicate some issues in your marriage that should not be ignored.

Car Wheels

To understand on the best possible way what are car wheels all about and why they are usually the first thing to go when talking about upgrade let's see some information on a research that took place on 1990.

That research was done after the brake down of the wheels on some cars during race. The wheels were heated and this thermal energy could normally result in aging of the material. We talk about aging when the material is in conditions that greatly reduce its normal life.

There is a whole branch of science that is called "material resistance" and it's about how materials can be made to sustain a long life with minimal resources. This science analyzes the stress caused by various reasons.

Researchers found residual stress that was held in the wheels. When wheels are manufactured the material is processed on many ways. The annealing, forming and some other techniques leave the material in internal stress. This makes it vulnerable and after sufficient load a thermal cracks will appear and after that the material will most likely damage. This could quickly lead to its complete destruction.

When we say temporary stress we refer to all the stress that remains after the object is processed and then freed of all load.

After some further discoveries scientists found that the cracking was done by fatigue of the material. It was a result of the fraction that was caused by the brakes. The thermal cracks were found on the axis of the wheel.

The real material resistance plan is about calculating both residual stress made during manufacturing and the stress caused during the service of the wheel. The second one could be done by setting math variables in proper formulas to watch for how the material is damaged during the process. This will help us pick the right material for the time that we need to have before the product become unusable.

To see how we can control the residual stress we have to understand the manufacturing process in depth.

To make the wheels in the proper shape a multi-step process is used. This is about making the inceptive form of the product. Then the residual stress has to be released. This happens when a high temperature is applied. When we do that the particles of the material begin to move more quickly and reorganiz in a better way. Usually the temperature that is used is around 871 ° C. After the part is reheated it is cooled with a water spray. This helps to gain the proper microstructure of the material.

For conclusion about the research we have to point that after it there is a way for simulation of service and checking how the wheels will respond then it is easy for experiments to be made and better products that will end more and cracks will be not likely to appear.

One criterion of the wheels is its size. Simple mechanics can tell you that its one of the most important things about wheels because the size is linked to the speed. Imagine a bicycle with small wheels and then with big one. The one with the larger wheels will move more quickly because one turn of the wheels will pass a greater distance. It's the same with cars.

When picking wheels you have to know that different cars have different suspension and you have to insure that the wheels are good for your car. You can see the specification of the wheels to secure yourself from a mistake. In Car Parts Accessory you can see different wheels with different sizes and this will certainly help you with your choice. The wheels are the component of the car that interact with the road and let it move so you have to be very careful when picking them.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

How Do I Learn to Make Money Online? - Without Spending Money

Well the answer to that is there are various ways to make money online although many people come online expecting to get rich quick overnight by joining some bogus program that promise them just that. I do not care what program you join but the fact stills true true, to make any kind of money on the internet you need to learn and understand who your audience are.

We can pretty much sum it to learning all aspects of marketing. If you do not have this all pack down in your head and approach it with the right attitude, you will waste time and money trying to make money ... Get it!

Now let's move on to more serious things. One of the reasons that people usually get frustrated trying to make money online is because they spend lots of their pocket money trying without not seeing any return. Well what if I tell you that there are strategies that you can learn right now to learn to make money without having to spend a dime, would you want to know? I thought so

Let me let you in on a secret, the way you go about making money online without the financial stress attach to it is to use bum marketing method. Hey what's that? It's simply a marketing method that will teach you all the free marketing that can generate you money without having to spend a dime. With these methods, I can literally take a bum off the street with zero pocket money, give him the blueprint and he'll generate a pretty nice income for himself.

Ladies and gentleman, there is no magic wand about making money online. It's all about learning the strategies that will work. So if you want to be successful online, stop wasting time searching the net on the next program that's going to make you rich overnight. Do your due diligence, and follow something real that do what it says it will do. Do not fall into the trap of getting too much information that will only confuse the hell out of you.

The Key To Living A Happy Life

Are you on the pursuit of happiness? Do you feel as though you are struggling to achieve a happy life? Well nobody can be happy all of the time and the sooner you realize this, the better it will be for you. You should not beat yourself up when you have a bad day as we all get these. However, some people are actually more fulfilled than others, and are there more content and happy. Research has proven that being happy does not quite too much upon material processes, or high flying achievements. Instead it depends upon our outlook on life, and also the relationships and the quality of them that we have with the people around us.

If you want to improve your life and the level of happiness that you feel, then there are some simple steps to achieving this. Firstly you need to train yourself to be more optimistic. Always look for the light at the end of the tunnel, as opposed to being pessimistic and seeing things in a negative way. To lead a happy life the glass should always be half full and not half empty. People who think this tend to be happier.

You need to realize that money does not provide a happy life. Yes it can provide you with a more comfortable life, but you should essentially aim to make enough money so that you can meet your basic needs in life. These basic needs being food, shelter and clothing. Any money that you make beyond this will not always make you feel happier. There have been lottery winners that have stated that winning the lottery did not make them happier, and that in fact it bought about more problems.

Ensure that you stay in regular contact with family and friends. Socializing and spending time with those we love helps us to lead a happy life. Isolating yourself from people will only lead to unhappiness.

Be happy with your existing job. Unfortunately many people assume that a career change will have a positive impact on their happiness, when in fact it can cause stress. We have already mentioned the need to be optimistic and this is important in terms of employment. If you have a positive outlook on your work, then you will make the best of your existing job and feel a greater sense of fulfillment. Of course this is not always the case, and if your job really is making you unhappy then you need to address the situation and determine what you can do to change this.

18th Birthday Present Ideas - Best Gift Idea For Him Or Her

If you are looking for a gift idea for an 18th birthday present, you are certainly faced with a challenging task. Like all great gift ideas, you need to understand who you are buying for and what is happening in their lives. Only in this way can you find the perfect 18th birthday present idea.

Coming of Age
The 18th birthday for most teenagers is one of the largest millions in their lives up to that point. High school is finished along with all the accompanying stress of homework and in many cases, peer group pressure. Life is changing and adulthood is upon them. Some of their old high school friends may fade away or even move away to college. The prospect of deciding their future seems to be an unfathomable event. Confusion, elation, and uncertainty form a cocktail of emotions.

Yet in the midst of this excitement comes the opportunity for celebration. And of course, one of the ways we celebrate occasions such as this is by giving a gift.

The Teenage Mind
Having a teenage daughter myself, I can tell you with great confidence that you are facing a monumental task. Teenagers tastes seem to change by the week. One day, a certain clothing brand is popular and the next day they would not be worn dead wearing a t-shirt with the company name on it. Music and electronics trends also change at lightning fast speed.

I have chosen to avoid buying my daughter electronics because I feel that if I did, she would spend even more time plugged in than she is already. Since my attempts, her part time jobs always allow her to buy her own electronics and I can tell you, the iPods and portable devices change faster than I can keep track of.

My point is that if you are trying to decide on the perfect gift for an 18 year old, you're going to have a very difficult time finding something that they are going to love. And do not you want that for them? Buy something for them that they are going to love.

Gift Cards - The Best Solution
My daughter absolutely loves gift cards because she loves to shop. Shopping is a form of creative expression for teenagers because it allows them to express their choice without any influence from the parents. In a survey by the National Retail Federation, 98% of teens surveyed had either received or given a gift card in that year.

Because my daughter does not have a credit card (thank God), she has not been able to shop online yet. Teenagers are just dying to experience more online shopping because they have not been old enough. A gift card allows them to do that. It's also difficult for a teen to go shopping by themselves if they do not have a car. So make sure you buy a gift card that allows them to shop online.

Find a Gift Card With Many Product Categories
It's of no use to give a book store gift certificate to an 18 year old when all they really want is a new hoodie. Or what if you bought them a gift card to a clothing store, but it turns out that they've just decided that the store brand is out of style? The best solution is to buy a card from an online merchant that offers multiple product categories such as clothing, music, DVD movies and electronics. Let them decide and they will love you for it!

The Perfect Gift Card
When it comes to gift cards, I always buy my daughter the Amazon gift card. It's really an amazing no fee, no expiration date, card that offers all the product categories that a teenager could want with literally millions of products to choose from. Amazon is a marketplace, so you will find all the name brand products being sold by a multitude of local and global merchants, all under the trusted umbrella of Amazon.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Make Money Online Completing Micro Tasks

Freelancing becoming more popular everyday.

The young generation is getting seriously into freelancing, making it their first priority. Everyone wants to become their own boss, to really enjoy the life and live without stress. Thanks to technology and specifically the Internet, freelancing has become way much simpler compared to 10 years ago. It's actually becoming a huge business, where people use their skills to help others at a lower rate.

Short tasks or micro tasks.

Several college students, for example, are working from home. Same for homemakers and stay home mothers. All this is thanks to online platforms that allow anyone to join an accept online jobs from companies. Housewives, for instance, perform micro jobs in their spare time. The good thing is that these jobs require maximum one hour per day to complete. In case you have kids at home, you know how hard it's to get things done, but that does not mean you can not work from home. Short tasks or micro tasks are perfect for busy moms. They can earn some good money this way and take care of their kids at the same time. Here is a good list of the tasks you can perform if you're in that group of people:

Take surveys: you can easily make up to $ 100 per month just by taking online surveys. All you need to do is perform a Google search for "paid survey sites". Join multiple of these sites to increase the income. When you register, use your main email address to receive regular invitations to make new surveys.

  • Most of these surveys pay up to $ 3 and take up to 45 minutes to complete.
  • You get paid in cash, gift cards, free products, or free entries to sweepstakes.
  • You do not need to pay to participate in surveys, so if anyone asks you for money to join a survey site, do not pay them.
  • Check the privacy policy of the website to verify they will not sell your personal information.
Test websites : participate in something called "remote usability testing", this means getting paid to navigate a website and provide feedback. Most of these tests take 15 minutes to do, and you get paid up tp $ 10 per test. One of these tests is about performing a scenario in the client's website and while recording yourself. An example: go through the process of buying a product on a retailer's website. You'll need: a computer, a microphone, fast internet connection.

Tutor students : you can certainly help students by being what is known as online tutors. Nowadays several families really like this option to teach their kids. You can help a kid with his homework or help a college student studying for an exam. It depends on the level of education you have. All you need is your own computer and fast internet. Online companies assign students to you depending on your profile. You get paid from $ 9 to $ 30 per hour, it depends on your educational background and the subject you'll teach.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My Ex Boyfriend's Friend Contacted Me! What This Really Means

Since the break up you've been wishing and hiring that you've got a sign from the universe suggesting that your ex boyfriend wants you back, right? It's understandable. You still love him and you feel that the break up was a mistake. Unfortunately, your ex feels to have moved on without much thought about what you'd like. But now you've heard from his friend. It can not just be an innocent gesture, could it? The friend must have been sent to check on you by your ex. At least that's what your broken heart is trying to tell you. Sadly, I'm here to tell you something very different. The fact that a friend of your ex has made contact means very little in the big picture. In fact, do not be surprised to learn that your ex had absolutely nothing to do with it.

When a break up occurs it affects everyone in the emotional vicinity. Not only are you and your boyfriend both forced to deal with the emotions that accompanies the end of a relationship but your friends and family members have to learn how to handle it as well. When someone we care for goes through a break up we not only have to watch them in pain but we have to face the reality that their partner will no longer be a regular part of our lives. That may be what is happening with your ex boyfriend's friend. He or she has finally come to the realization that you're no longer part of the inner circle and they miss you. The fact that they are reaching out to you may very well be their way of forging a new friendship that does not include your ex.

Another reason a friend of an ex often pops up unexpectedly is they're looking to recoup something that belonged to the ex. In other words, your ex boyfriend may have sent his friend on a mission to recover something of his that you have possession of. You can typically weed out this motivation pretty quickly if the friend jumps from asking how you are to inquiring about how they can get back the item in question for your ex. Be mindful not to be offended by this. If the roles were reversed and your ex had something meaningful that belonged to you, you may ask someone to seek that out as well. It's important not to take any of your frustrations over the break up out on the friend who may be nothing more than an innocent bystander who is trying to help someone they care for.

Obviously, if you're counting on a renewed relationship with your ex at some point, you're hoping that the reason their friend contacted you was to do some covert, undercover work to see where you're at emotionally and if you've got started dating again. Do not make the mistake of jumping to the conclusion that this is what they're doing if they ask if you have a new guy in your life. Again, this can be normal human curiosity. You're much better off tempering what you share with the friend for now until you have a clear sense of what they really want from you.

If you do determine that they're fishing for information on behalf of your ex boyfriend, be careful with how much you share. If your ex went to the trouble of sending someone to gather information for him, he's very interested in getting back together with you. Make him squirm a bit by keeping your emotions close and sharing only small parts of what's going on. That way the friend will report back to your ex that he or she is not really sure what you're up to and that curiosity will definitely spur on your boyfriend's interest.

I want to stress how important it is to take a step back emotionally from all of this before you put too much emotional energy into the idea of ​​getting back with your ex. When we want something we sometimes see things that are not really there. Be honest with yourself about why your ex boyfriend's friend has come into your life. Take some time to discover their motivations and if they truly just want to be your friend, with no hidden agenda, consider embracing that. We can never have too many friends and you never know if this new friendship may help ease the pain of the break up so you can finally move forward with your life a happier, more emotionally balanced woman.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Car Maintenance Packages

Be it a single car or a fleet, to ensure that the full potential of the vehicle is used, proper maintenance is necessary. This includes routine monthly checks, followed by specific tests at periodic intervals and quick diagnosis of any problems that the car may face. While individual repairs are an option, it is better to opt for an suite package as they are more economic and cover a wider range of maintenance arenas. Typically, car maintenance or servicing include replacement of oils in the engine, primarily coolant and the like, followed by the Ministry of Transport's (MOT) test for car safety and engine test under stress. In addition, regular upkeep enterprises wheel alignment for optimum handling and mileage and replenishment of air conditioner gas. Interior servicing is also an integral part as comfort of the passenger is the most important aspect of any car.

When you buy a new car, it is bound to run smoothly for a while. The first time it is served, if you do not have a package deal, there is a chance that you will be slapped with a huge bill. It is possible that this will be repeated. Maintenance packages help economize by spreading the cost over a year, and the average plan that includes all the important areas of servicing will cost an average of £ 60 / month, a small price to pay for saving a lot in the future. In addition, with a package, you will not have to bear the burden of picking up and dropping off the car in every dealership by yourself. This is even more useful if you are managing a fleet! Imagine overseeing the maintenance of several hundred cars! With periodic maintenance, there is no chance of having huge bills at one go. Instead, the cost is even balanced over over a large period of time. Moreover, with serving at proper intervals, the car performances better and has fewer emissions, thereby reducing the environmental impact too.

The basic coverage of a maintenance plan is the recommended maintenance by the manufacturer and this is taken care of according to the prescribed schedule. This usually includes checking the essentials like air and fuel filters and the electrical fitting and replacing them if necessary. In addition, brake linings, pads and disks are also checked. Moreover, cam belt is replaced in accordance with manufacturer schedule. However, normal wear and tear is taken care of. It is evident if the damage is due to irresponsible driving and this is not taken care of. Wheel alignment and tire replacement is handled too. In case of tires, setting is done according to the specific manufacturer.

Cars, as old as 1 year are taken into servicing and the contract is valid for three years. There is a stipulation that the vehicle needs to run a minimum of 20,000 miles every year. Other plans for higher mileage are also available and the pricing is done accordingly. There are comprehensive pricing plans for fleets at a stretch depending on the composition of the fleet. Typically, fleets consisting of the same car are charged much less. Another factor that effects the price of the servicing is the manufacturer. Cars which spare parts are easily available are charged much less than those need parts made by a specific manufacturer or the car manufacturer itself. In some cases, manufacturers do not accept spare parts made by other companies.

Overall, it is a great idea to have a maintenance package that takes care of every aspect of car maintenance. Not only does this reduce the trouble on your part, it is much more economic and statistics have shown that cars benefit in the long run too.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What's Your Money Secret?

You're hiding something ...

That secret recording, your secret recipe, your secret crush, or your secret talent! Everyone has a secret. Even in money matters. In fact, only a few people would really know your actual money records, spending habits, or financial history - and for sure there are one or two financial matters that you have been keeping to yourself ... unknown even to your life partner. You probably had a spending or credit memory you've been wanting to forget; Unfortunately, for money matters 'past is past' does not really apply strictly.

When was the last time you asked your partner about his spending history or give him or her feedback about his or her appetite money habits? Probably a long time ago if not never. According to the book Get Financially Naked, How to Talk Money with your Honey by Manisha Thakor and Sharon Kedar, money is one of top causes of arguments in marriages, top reasons for divorce, and top drivers for general life stress. Generally, men have fairly different spending habits vs women - and I'm sure a lot of women would agree, with their heads nodding. It is usually from illogical and tactless spending behavior and money habits that most of our financial mishaps or failures root, typically giving birth to financial secrets.

But what are the common money matters we keep from people around us, even to our partners. Here's an interesting list of the money secrets based from our interviews.

Closed Card

You were probably young, and wild, and free back then when spending through a credit card was hyped. It started when you've established quite an impressive credit or salary record enough for you to qualify for a credit card. Whether you applied for it, or it was just delivered straight to your house or office address, this ultra-powerful plastic card was once on the hand of the wrong person - you! Thinking it was a bottomless gift from the skies, you've probably made uncontrolled and unnecessary purchases. Just amazing! In the beginning, the bills look really small, and they do not even move a fingernail. But time and persistent bad habits are not the best of friends. After making payments, your credit card bills do not seem to be affected, and they just continue to be tougher than you were back when you're almightily spending. Then, powerless, these card bills take over your regular spending habits and your usual utility bills have then multiplied with the card company's contribution to the pie.

Needless to say, a good chunk of credit card users who have lost control over their expenses and have been overpowered by the plastics have sunk into the deep irresponsible card usage trap, resulting to debts with continuously growing interest rates and penalty charges. A few have been trying to forget this sad experience, but I bet they never did.

Midnight Purchases

This pertains to your purchases which are unknown to others even to your better half, probably because it was purely unnecessary, irrational, illogical, or even illegal. For instance, boys and husbands purchase gems, diamonds, and / or steam for their online games - while some may be unfamiliar with these, guys, especially gamers, would know these and would have probably had the experience purchasing them at some point in time to advance in whatever game they play. Of course, these can be considered unnecessary, especially when you are in a tight budget. Extravagant shoes or bags which you do not really wear or use could also belong to this section.

Deadly Debt Cycle

Have you ever borrowed money or applied for a loan to pay another loan or a credit card bill? Of course, you have! With or from a relative, a friend, a neighbor, or an actual financial institution, you could have attempted to resolve debts through borrowing once again. Going for consolidation of debt through a cash loan is not a bad route at all, by the way. But in essence, if not properly calculated and assessed, your consolidation attempt could lead to more difficult circumstances and further financial struggles.

The short-term sporadic survival within the debt cycle is certainly relieving, but may also just be keeping you in the gloomy zone longer than you should have, had you executed enough effort to pull yourself out of this financially disastrous situation. There are institutions out there who can help - but a trusted friend or family member can absolutely help you make the first step in ending the cycle, through their support and your sincere efforts.

Bamboo Bank

Heard about our kababayan who made a piggy bank out of a bamboo tube? In case you do not know the end of the story, all the paper denominations were destroyed by weevils. The insects almost powderized all the cash inside the bamboo coinbank. Good thing he was able to salvage a few and had those replaced in a government institution with the help of a television program team.

Many of us have a secret piggy bank slot or spot at home or in our cars. Be it in the window, under the bed mattress, somewhere in the kitchen, or any place where no one would probably guess money would be placed in. Unfortunately, in many occasions too, we tend to forget where the actual spot was. Sounds family? But beyond forgetting the actual spot where your money was placed, these money sitting somewhere and not saved in the bank or used in any type of investment, are considered underutilized and may actually come out with a diminished value later, partly influenced by inflation and other factors. Your five thousand pesos today might only retain 98% of its purchasing power in the future. Frozen money does not really aid in the economy as well, without circulating in the communities.

But do not get me wrong - short term saving in piggy banks is good and the habit is definitely encouraged, but saving in banks and investing are particularly better options, especially long term.

Awareness is golden, and so it is highly recommended that you realize your money secrets, revisit your purposes, and review the impact of those to you, your life, and your family and friends. Reveal these secrets to your dearest friend or spouse to seek for support or help. Remember, in many major decisions in life affecting people around you, your financial standing, capability, and habits are of importance. Without facts on actual state, yours or other people's decision may be pessimistically impacted. The truth hurts, but it will set you free. And with freedom comes peace, and peace contributes to better decision-making.

Secrets do not necessarily mean problems. They just have to surface not just to our conscious mind, but to our finnishly literate self, as well, to be improved or be addressed in the right manner - because, again, in money matters, 'past is past' does not always apply.

For questions or comments regarding this article, please email cpguanzon@gdfi.ph .

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Top 5 Benefits of ATM Placement in Retail

An ATM placement can make a great deal of a difference to a retail business in a plethora of ways. Here are the top five benefits of installing an ATM in retail and how it can improve the performance of a business in terms of sales, customers, competition, and profits.

1. Pulls Customers like a Magnet

Merchants are bound to pull potential customers like a magnet with ATM's placed in retail locations and advertised properly. Many customers today prefer cash transactions over credit cards mostly because of the increasing number of cyber-crime cases. However, carrying cash all the time is often not feasible. So, many buyers prefer to draw money through ATM at the time of purchase. Having an ATM inside a store, can attract as well as facilitate cash buyers.

Studies show that when prospects enter the store to use the ATM machine, they are most likely to spend up to 25 percent of the cash withdrawal at the same store where the ATM is placed. This means that ATM placement will not only increase foot traffic but will also increase sales.

2. More Revenues and Profits

Another great benefit of installing an ATM in a retail store is that it acts as a revenue driver. Not only through sales but, through many other ways too. For example, a merchant would already know the fees that the customer has to pay for credit or debit card purchases. This fee is variable on total purchase price. Although it is small, it adds up. However, cash only transactions with an installed ATM would eliminate card fees thereby improving profit margin.

The merchant can set a transaction fee on the ATM to charge customers when they draw money. This fee goes directly to the retail owner, providing an additional stream of revenues.

3. Gain a Competitive Edge

The retail industry is booming and growing overly competitive. To stay ahead of the competition, retail must deliver excellent shopping experiences and services to customers. With an ATM placement, retail can cater to more customers as some may want to use the ATM as they may not have cash in hand to make purchase. So, instead of leaving the store to draw money, they can easily make transaction within the store and buy their desired products with ease.

4. No Risk to Customers

The increasing number of cases related to money snatching from ATM users and even ATM thefts is alarming. However, an ATM inside a store, customers can easily withdraw money from the machine without any risk. This most certainly contributes to a great customer shopping experience as customers get to make cash transactions and shop without any worries, stress or risk. They have the peace of mind that they will not be robbed. And that is what customers want. They want to enjoy a stress-free shopping experience which gives them the flexibility, the power, and the convenience to select their choice of payment mode.

5. Happy Customers Means More Business

Having an ATM installed in retail, business are giving customers the convenience to select their choice of payment mode. This convenience translates into happy customers. And statistics show that on average, happy customers tell approximately 9 people about their experiences with a company. This helps find new customers and sell more to existing customers.

Good customer experience further helps in creating buzz. Studies show that most people would like to share their good and bad experiences with a business online through tweets, Facebook and online reviews. This exposure is great for a retail business because 81 percent of the US population uses social networks translating into 207 million people.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Influences Affecting the Lifespan of Your LED Bulb

The longer the amount of time a bulb is in use then the greater the economic advantage and the smaller the carbon footprint. Traditional bulbs lifespan finishes when the filament breaks, LED bulbs however have differently. The decrease in the amount of light produced by an LED over time is a normal process so by slowing this process down you will get the maximum benefits and use out of the bulb.

Electrical Stress:

Operating above a fixtures recommended power requirements will reduce the life time of the LED due to the electrical stress being put on the bulb. An example of this would be using the wrong driver for the fixture such as a driver that produces 700mA when the LED only needs 350mA. Using higher currents than necessary will not only shorten the lifespan of the driver, but also shorten the life of the LED itself.


High temperatures will affect the life span and the quantity of light that your LED bulb is producing. If you are buying an LED knowing it will be exposed to high temperatures then a Heat Sink is the answer for you. They provide a path for heat to travel from the bulb to outside elements. They dissipate power in three ways: transfering heat from a solid to a solid, transferring heat from a solid to a moving fluid (air for the most part) and transferring heat from two bodies at different temperatures through thermal radiation. The cooler the bulb temperature, the longer the LED works effectively and the lighting quality remains at a high level.


The LED element itself is very resilient to damp surroundings; it is the metal elements, connections and electronic device that will get damaged and corrode very quickly. If you are buying for such an environment then there are certain things that you can look out for. You need to select LED lights that are IP rated against water and wet conditions which will be rated IP65-IP68. This rating means that they are specifically intended for use in wet surroundings.

Aside from the factors that are mentioned above, mechanical stress, vibrations and extreme ambient temperatures can all contribute to reducing the lifespan of an LED bulb. To ensure that you get the maximum use out of your bulb you need to make sure that they are placed in a dry and stable environment. If you know that the environment is going to be different however, then you need to make sure that you get a bulb or fixture suitable to withstand those conditions. For example for a wet or damp environment you will need to look out for an IP65-IP68 rated LED bulb, this rating means it is water proof.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Finding Happiness - The Benefits of Volunteering

A lot of people seem not to be happy with their lives because of their work. Working people as well as students seldom have time to unwind which is why most studies show that people who are too busy are definitely stressed all the time. The thing is, there are a lot of ways for people to be able to unwind. One of which is consider volunteering. This does not only help people to help their chosen charities or chosen organizations to volunteer for, but it also helps a lot of people find happiness in doing simple things. Below are some of the benefits of volunteering:

  • The first benefit that you would get when you consider volunteering is the fact that you would get to meet new people. By meeting new people you would learn new things. You would get to meet people that have the same interests like yours so you would surely be able to find someone that you can relate to.

  • Aside from meeting new friends, volunteering can also help you improve the community that you are helping. This is good especially if you live within the community. You are helping other people who are part of the community in terms of improving their lives.

  • You also get to improve your health. If you volunteer helping some organizations, you would no longer feel stressed since you would have time to unwind. In some studies, it is said that people who volunteer are more likely to improve their mood and they find some sort of joy in the things that they do. Since volunteering requires a lot of work, you no longer have to work out in fitness centers in order for you to stay fit and healthy at all times.

  • Volunteering is also a great way for people to find their chosen careers. By volunteering, you get to improve your skills and you would also find time to pick your chosen career based on the recent experiences that you have learned by reason of volunteering.

  • You also get to improve your skills since you would be able to practice these skills when helping out a community or organization.

These are the things that you need to know about the benefits of volunteering. Make sure that you try volunteering since this can definitely provide you with happiness which is important in our daily lives. With these things, you would no longer feel bored during your free time and you also get to combat stress all the time.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Autocross Buying Guide - Select the Right Car

In my experience, autocross can be a very fun and exciting sport. I have participated in several events in my local area. I found the hobby to be very addictive as well.

Out of all my other hobbies, I think this one is the best "bang for the buck" as far as thrills go with your car. Everybody can participate. Every car (some clubs have exceptions to this though like no SUV's, no Trucks) can race. The nice thing about this kind of race is that you are competitive against others in your class usually defined by the SCCA, however, you are on the course alone so there is minimal chance of hitting other cars.

The hardest part about autocross (as from learning how to race) in my opinion is finding the right car. Sure, you can use a daily driver, but that is not recommended if you are going to participate in several events a year. Autocross can create wear on the tires and other components very quickly and can get expensive very fast. I would recommend to get a vehicle that you can use for autocross. This can be a "trailer car" or a car that you can still drive on the road, but use only for this hobby.

There are 4 key components to consider when selecting a car for autocross:

1) What type of car to get
2) The Price of the car
3) The overall condition of the vehicle (if used)
4) Aftermarket upgrades / modifications


For autocross racing, some people would assume that the car has to be very powerful, small, 2 doors and modified. This is not entirely accurate. While that type of car would be nice, it is not required to be competitive in autocross.

Remember that most autocross events and clubs have the cars grouped in to some sort of class. The club I participate with follow the SCCA Class guidelines. The classes help group the cars so the same "level" of vehicles can remain competitive within each class.

This is done to avoid the "largest and fastest is best" state of thought. It would be unfair to put a heavily modified Porsche GT3 up against a stock Ford Focus. This is why they do that.

So, to pick the right car for autocross, you would probably want a coupe or convertible FIRST if possible. Sedans can work well too, but some sedans are not geared for modifications, though, the sport sedans of today are really starting to take over.

Manual transmission would be recommended, however, if you have an automatic that is OK too. You may want to consider trading it for a manual in the future to remain competitive. Again, there are still "sport shift" type automatics out there that are getting better and better each day.

Ideally, you would also want a rear-wheel drive car for autocross. RWD cars typically provide better control and handling in most cases. I know some enthusiasts out there will disagree with me, but that's OK. On the other hand, I have used several front-wheel drive cars that run with the best of them.


The price of buying a car for autocross is always the factor for me. I, like many others, can not afford an expensive vehicle for autocross. There are, however, those that can afford it and price is still something for them to consider.

The $ 0- $ 5000 range:

This is the range most of us beginners want to start. Of course, free is GOOD, but consider the 3rd component (overall condition) when this option comes to mind. Several cars that can perform well and have a lot of upgradable options are the following:

1989-1997 Mazda Miata - Very nice power to weight ratio. It is VERY popular at autocross. 1979-1991 Mazda RX7 - Fast small car, handles well. Many upgrades available. 1989-1998 Nissan 240sx - Several aftermarket upgrades, handles very well. 1990-1999 BMW 3 Series - Very versatile car. You can find very nice models in this range now. 1988-2000 Honda Civic / CRX - I have seen several models compete well in autocross. 1984-1999 Toyota MR2 - Low center of gravity, great performance, mid engine. 1990-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse / Eagle Talon - Many upgrades, some models Turbo AWD. 2000-2007 Ford Focus - Very competitive cars. SVT models available in price range. 1997-2003 VW Golf - Hatchbacks always like autocross. VR6 models available in range. 1990-1999 Acura Integra - Like the Civic, very competitive with many upgrades out there.

There may be a few more cars that I missed that fall under this price range. The method I use to hunt for cars can vary depending on the type I am looking for. I will use local classified ads, Craigslist. I will also use the larger car searches and expand my general "hunting" area. I have successfully found great cars using VEHIX, AutoTrader as well as Government Auction Sites.

But what about the autocross cars above the $ 5000 range? Well, I am glad you are thinking that because I am about to list them below.

If you have some money to work with and want to get something newer, you can consider the following cars:

The $ 5,001- $ 20,000 range:

This range can include newer cars as well as pre-owned cars that are no more than a few years old. Remember, cars usually depreciate very fast, so as the years go by, some of the newer cars can be within reach for less money and are great for autocross. The cars below come to mind in this range:

1998-Current Mazda MX-5 - Still same basic car, but more power as they got newer. 2003-Current VW Golf - Even more modified than the previous versions, compete well. 1992-1997 Mazda RX7 - 3rd Gen is twin-turbo and can compete in autocross. 1992-2006 BMW M3 - M3's are designed for racing. Some newer models will fall in this range. 1998-2003 BMW M5 - M5's are very powerful and compete in their class well. 1994-Current Ford Mustang / Cobra - Very versatile car. Competes well in class. 1994-2002 Camaro / Firebird - Competes well in class. Many autocross upgrades. 2007-Current Mazda Mazdaspeed3 - Turbo, hatchback, competes well in autocross. 2003-2008 Nissan 350z - Great autocross car, very popular on the track. Special Autocross Kit cars such as the V6 Stalker fall in this range as well.

Now, this price range can vary in vehicles. A lot of these cars are still new and may require loans to purchase them.

The $ 20,001 spectrum will consist of some of the current-day models as well as the obvious "super cars" we all respect such as the Corvette, Viper, Porsche, Ferrari, Lotus and others. I will not include a list for those because if you are buying one of those for an autocross car, you did your research.


When buying a second car for autocross, treat it like when you are buying your daily driver car. You want the car to be reliably free of major problems. Autocross racing can put stress on the car's frame, the suspension, the brakes, the tire and the overall body of the car.

You want to be sure that the car has not been in any major accidents. Frame repair or frame damage can be very dangerous mixture when you autocross. That is the MOST important thing to check for when buying a car for autocross. I have experienced and used the service by Experian called AutoCheck. They offer an unlimited number of VIN checks for one of their service options and the price is way better than the other services out there. I have used it when shopping and comes in very handy when you are checking the history of a vehicle.

The next important item to check on the car is major component problems such as smoke coming out of the back of the exhaust, major oil leaks (small leaks are expected on most used cars) slight / major overheating of the engine. Autocross is outside and you push the car to the limit. You want the major components to be in the best shape they can be. The mentioned problems can leave you stranded at the track if you do not look out for them.

I usually have some expectation to do minor repair or preventive repairs on my vehicles when I am buying to autocross them. As I stated above, small oil / fluid leaks are "OK" and can usually be fixed very easily. Small leaks tell us that the car is just used and may not be suffering from the leak as a result. Large / major leaks tell us the car may have been neglected by the previous owner and may carry residual problems unseen at the moment. When looking at a car, start it up, drive it around with the A / C engaged (even if it does not work). When you are finished with the test drive, leave it idling while you walk around the car continuing to inspect it. If the car has an overheating problem, often this is the time it will show. This tip has helped me avoid several beautiful autocross cars that had an overheating problem.

Belts and hoses are my most frequent "preventive" repair I do, even if they are not a problem. It is always best to know when an important component has been replaced rather than to "guess" and trust the previous owner. Water pumps, too, fall in this category sometimes.

One thing people always check when buying a used car are the tires. Yes, this is important for an autocross car, but not to see how "good" the tires are, but to see if the car needs an alignment. Autocross is about handling and you need to be sure the car's stock "handling" ability is where it should be.

Why not worry about the tires? Well, tires should be one thing to consider buying for your autocross car to begin with, so the existing tires should be removed anyway. Tires are probably the most bought wear item an autocross member will buy. A lot of autocross racers will bring a set of tires for racing, one for driving home (those who do not use a trailer) and some will even bring spares for the racing tires. This is so common that Tire Rack offers tires just for autocross. I have used them and they are the best place to get tires for this.


If you ever look into the aftermarket world of the auto industry, you know that there are literally thousands of places to look and buy. I will list a few spots that most people do not think to look, but surprisingly have things for the autocross fans.

First and foremost, autocross cars do NOT always need major upgrades to be competitive. A driver can use a stock vehicle and compete against fellow stock vehicles and remain competitive. Once you start to modify or upgrade heavily, you may start to move into different classes and compete with other cars that are equally modified. Keep that in mind when you want to change something.

Usually, I say modify the easy things first: Intake, exhaust and general tune ups. Most autocross drivers do not go far from that. These should be the first things you try to upgrade while you participate in autocross to get the most performance out of your vehicle.

If you decide to go further to be more competitive, my next recommendation would be suspension and body roll configurations. Please remember, certain upgrades in this area may change your class. Be sure to check your club or groups rules with these modifications.

Typically, the fastest upgrade to an autocross car would be front and rear strut tower bars / braces. They are usually inexpensive to buy and easy to install. They are also very modular meaning that when you buy these, they will work with other suspension components in place (usually). This modification helps stiffen the car's suspension and frame and helps with cornering.

The next modification recommendation would then be the front and rear sway bars and links. These parts also help the body roll while cornering and handling and can sometimes be modular to the suspension system as a whole.

The final suspension upgrade is usually the most expensive: The struts (shocks / springs). This upgrade usually works well with the above items, but ads more stiffness, more response to the handling and sometimes lower the car overall for a lower center of gravity.

Once you have modified the entire suspension, my next recommendation would be to upgrade the brakes (at least the pads). This will help your stopping ability for those moments where a tap of the brake is needed during a lap. Please keep in mind that high performance brake pads usually wear much faster than OEM.

One of the last things I recommend to upgrade is the tires. Now, I'm not saying that you should not FIRST buy new tires when you autocross, but I am saying not to UPGRADE them to an autocross / race tire just yet. Most autocross enthusiasts will tell you to get used to the stock / regular tires on your car first.

Once you get used to stock type tires, modifying them to a race tire or softer tire will actually improve your lap times (that's the theory anyway).

One last note. I recommend replacing the fluids in your car with as many synthetics as you can. Synthetic fluids have higher heat resistance and can take the intestinal moments you will be putting on the car during the autocross laps.

Money Attracting Affirmations to Increase Wealth

Money attracting affirmations can be a great way to bring more abundance and wealth into your life, they can help to change your overall attitude with money. It seems that there are many people in the world that suffer from a lack of money, and using these positive money affirmations can help them get out of the rut and start enjoying life.

There are some people that attract money easily. They have large amounts of money all the time, and they make it look so simple! The secret to attracting money is to change our attitude with wealth by using money attracting affirmations. Spending a few minutes each day focusing on these positive statements can bring about huge changes in your life.

Stop thinking about how hard it is to get and start focusing on the simplicity of money, and how it flows to you easily. You should always have some positive money affirmations available, and whenever a negative thought about wealth enters your mind it you need to immediately replace it with the positive affirmation.

Negative thoughts happen to everyone, but the difference between a successful person and a failure is that the successful person does not dwell on those negative thoughts. Instead of letting the negative thoughts about wealth overtake them thinking, they immediately replace the negativity with positive money attracting affirmations.

You can use money appealing affirmations to increase the wealth in your life. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your money attracting affirmations. During this time, you should really feel what it is like to have wealth. Visualize it so strongly so that you begin to believe it. And the money will start flowing from unexpected places!

View yourself in the lifestyle that you want to live. Imagine the home that you would like to own, the car you want to drive, and the vacations you would like to take. Keep those positive and exciting thoughts foreground in your mind, and drive out the negativity and stress whenever it tries to creep in.

Monday, January 21, 2019

What Travel Agents Need to Know About Corporate Travel Today

This is rightly named as the age of traveler-centricity and with the evolution of the new era of personalized travel; it is leading to research and development of a host of new so-called intelligent services. The command-and-control perspectives of traveling have changed a lot from the past and the focus has shifted more on the traveler and the productivity of each trip. It has become essential to maintain that the travelers have the greatest return on investment on each trip. New generations of young employees and managers, who have been growing up and dwelling in a digital age, are moving up the ranks as travelers. It has become essential to recognize the need for greater flexibility acknowledging that the employees who travel on corporate trips also consider a percentage of their trip to be a leisure outlet. With increasing globalization and rise in companies sending their staff overseas to network and connect with their offshore prospects/customers/suppliers, corporate travel is a highly profitable tourism segment. Before we talk about how tourism companies can better cater to business travelers, let us first look at why they prefer to use specialized corporate agencies over traditional agents

Why do businesses use Corporate Travel Agencies?

This might be the most basic question for a travel agency as to why they need to use agencies specializing in corporate travel when there are plenty of regular travel agents in the market. Here is the importance of corporate travel agencies who have online systems which allow business travelers access to their complete itinerary.

The following information is at the fingertips of the CTAs:-

  • full business itinerary details

  • up-to-date tracking details of flights (including delays or rescheduling)

  • transparent details about additional costs such as baggage fees or in-flight fees

  • travel alerts, if any, in the destined area

  • complete and up-to-date details about the visa procurement policies and identification required

  • currency requirement and conversion rates

What do corporate clients expect from Corporate Travel Agencies?

Negotiated Fares

The Corporate Agencies tend to have tie-ups with hotels, car rentals, flights etc. giving them access to lower fares which can be used only by the frequent business travelers. Discounted prices are not the only advantage though as they also offer flight upgrades, room upgrades, and VIP check-in lines as required.

In-depth information about the travel industry

Corporate travel agents have access to many travel resources and most importantly, quickly, than any other leisure travel agent. Additional information helps to make the business trips convenient and comfortable.

Changes in Itinerary

When an airline ticket needs to get rescheduled or cancelled, chances are the airline or the online service provider will charge lofty fees. When booking with a corporate travel agent, most of the times schedule changes can be done at zero or minimal extra charges.

Viable emergency contacts

It is important for the business travelers to reach the correct person at the need of trouble. Corporate travel agents have the experience and professionalism to relieve stress for both the traveler and the company.

What you need to consider as corporate travel increases?

Business Travel Barometer reported that corporate travel is witnessing an accelerated growth. However, when poorly managed, it may be no longer an advantage to companies and may, in fact become a burden. There are some factors which the corporations and CTAs must consider to get the best out of the time spent traveling.

Adopting a travel policy

The corporate must define a travel policy which is applicable to and respected by travelers at all levels. This policy should be used to establish the standards which will help to track the improvement of business travel. It will eventually help to reduce the costs of the entire package.

Do not limit the traveler's autonomy

The management is responsible for budgeting the travel policy which helps to improve cost management however, it is also essential to give a degree of autonomy to the traveler. The policy should be flexible enough to allow the employee to adapt the trip as per the situation.

Traveler's security should be a major concern

Business travelers need to have security in place. The company needs to stick to its definition of standards to ensure the employee's integrity. The CTAs should have reliable partners (travel insurance, airlines, hotel chains etc.).

Mobility and automation

To optimize time and ease the processes, the administration of management platforms should have automated processes. This means they should adopt mobile solutions where search options, travel alerts, ticket reservations etc. can be accessed quickly, easily and on the go.

Corporate Travel Trends in 2016

Corporate travel trends tend to change regularly. 2016 has also not been any different and the travel management companies (TMCs) and corporate travel agencies (CTAs) are quite focused to provide steady if not strong axis all over. A growing MICE sector, investments in mobile and big data and enhanced focus on duty of care are some of their areas of focus.

Rising prices

The consolidated buzzword among global suppliers, airfares, hotel rates etc. is the rising fares. It is sometimes the move of the suppliers to generate discounts which encourage travel if there is a strong decline in demand. A positive 2016 world economy has been bringing an increase in air fares of a few percentage points, hotels are expected to see 4%-6% rise in average global rates and the competition will remain moderate in the car rental services.

Duty of care

Risk management is one of the major points of emphasis for corporations. Corporate customers are allowing new policies and improved technologies to monitor employees' location in case of an emergency, especially when they are travelling to foreign destinations. For instance, Concur Risk Messaging helps to identify the travelers moving around in the world and alerts them with alternate travel arrangement as and when needed.

Focusing on MICE

Meetings industry is a major growing sector and the corporate travel trend is developing on it. The corporate travel agencies should better start aligning the various meeting procurement methodologies with its transient travel sourcing. One of the ways could be to broaden the variety of meeting services by incorporating incentive trips within it.

Investing in technology

A sharper focus on increasing value and becoming more traveler-centric can be done by bringing in mobile friendly technologies. Mobile and big data are definitely the two most significant technological investments which any corporate travel agency must focus to make their platform more appealing.

Business travel analysis after Brexit

Following Brexit, ACTE and CAPA shared their speculations. According to them, the greatest short-term effects on the travel industry will come from the weakening of the pound against other world currencies. Greeley Koch, executive director for the Association of Corporate Travel Executives said that the business travel industry will trend on currency fluctuations; with some companies taking advantage of the weaker pound and traveling more, while others may withhold business travel until world markets find their own level.

Impact of terrorism on corporate travelers

Travel policy makers and administrators need to be guided by rising terrorism scare. For executives and staff undertaking travel on behalf of businesses, the travel agents and corporate travel agencies (CTAs) should prove the reassurance for their safety through the travel policies. It is more than likely that the surveys conducted over corporate travelers reflect the general concern of the global business travelers about the spate of terrorism. However, there is no denying the fact that terrorist threat is changing the patterns of business travel. The key impact of this is to keep in mind that the companies providing travel services for business travelers need to enhance their focus on security and the associated risks in delivering the services to corporate clients. According to a recent finding, travel managers have higher estimation of their policy's effectiveness in addressing risk compared to skeptical business travelers.


Although the corporate travel sector has continued to progress, there are a plethora of challenges faced by the industry. A rapidly changing consumer market, the emergence of new business models, the impact of technology, man-made and natural crises are some of the fulcrum points that need to be considered before planning corporate trips.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Airport Parking and Vehicle Servicing

Parking your car at any airport can be a stressful time and even more so at Heathrow Airport the UK's busiest airport. If you are going on holiday or away on business and are flying from Heathrow Airport, you need a company who will take the stress, worry and hassle away by offering an excellent, professional and personal unique service combining airport parking & providing your car with a part or full service while you are away.

People incur numerous problems when parking their car at an airport including: Booking a local parking facility prior to their trip away not to mention the high costs involved especially in peak season, making your way to the terminal can be a task in itself. Waiting for the for the shuttle at both the beginning and the end of your trip and last but not least returning to your car after your holiday to find it is covered in dirt and dust or worse still does not even start.

Call a company who take clients directly to the terminal building before taking the clients vehicle to their fully equipped car servicing and storage facility located only minutes from London's Heathrow Airport. Search Google for a Company who will then proceed to carry out all the necessary repairs, maintenance or car servicing required by you. You should rest assured that your car is in good hands and securely stored at their secure concessions. All vehicles should be returned to clients in a pristine and excellent working order including a safe journey home. This takes all the hassle out of parking at the airport. Find a Company who offer a complete professional service dedicated to your individual needs and offer a complete range of services to all major makes and models of car.

These unique meet and greet services offer free collection and delivery while you have peace of mind that your car will be delivered personally to you so you do not have to worry about it getting scratched, damaged, dirty or unable to start so you can enjoy your holiday. If you wish to take advantage of this unique service and have you car serviced while you are away,

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How to Create a Business in a Brand

These days many businesses are thriving and chasing hard in order to create their presence and enjoy higher sales. The business branding overall has become an eternal need of every business and without which it would be more difficult for any business to survive.

Earlier, people thought that branding is only required for the large businesses, but as the time moves on it is proved that branding is not just required for large businesses, but also for the small businesses.

However, it does not matter whether you are heading a large business or a small business, but most important is that you should have a detailed strategy of branding your business in order to achieve success.

Below are the steps that will help you to create a better business brand

Follow KISS:
KISS is a most prominent branding term which stands for Keep it Short and Simple. Use Kiss while defining the name of your business because it plays an important role in your business branding. Most of the successful business brands usually have very short and simple names which are easy to pronounce and remember. Just remember the names like BMW, Audi, Intel, Google etc. The longer or complicated business names are much difficult to pronounce and recall.

Use a creative logo:
People usually identify a business not only form its name but also from its logo. A business logo is the identity of every business that why special cares to be taken while designing the business logo. Remember, if somebody takes the name of Mercedes then the immediate thing that comes to the mind is the very famous three heard Mercedes Benz logo. Same is with BMW and Audi. But this is not limited to the automotive brands only, but other companies also like Microsoft, Apple, Nike, Mac Donald's etc.

Choose the right color combination:
It's not just the logo or business name, but the color theme of your business also plays a major role in its branding. Once you have identified your business name and logo then all your branding and promotional material should revolve around the color scheme that you have used in your logo. For example, most of the Mac Donald's outlet uses the shades of Yellow in their interiors and promotional merchandise and even on the food packages because that color represents their business. Same is done by other brands like Dominos, Shell and DHL etc. The color of your business has a psychological impact on the minds of the consumers and that's why it is important not to choose more vibrant or difficult colors. Use solid and simple colors like Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White and Black in their different shades.

Choose your USP and stick around it:
USP or a Unique Selling Proposition is a small small word but it has made a huge impact on many businesses. These days competition is intense and therefore in order to stand out from the competition, you need to have a USP of your business and your entire branding strategy revolves around the USP. The brand like BMW and Mercedes has its USP, as they offer premium and high safety products. While brands like E bay and Ali Baba has the USP as they offer a wide selection of very affordable products. Similarly, Mac Donald's have their USP of providing the delusions burgers. The USP helps people to identify your business with a product or services. For example, when someone talks about a burger then first thing comes to the mind is the Mac Donald and when someone talks about the sports shoes then brand name comes to mind are the Nike, Reebok, Adidas, and Fila.

Do brand hammering:
One of the most important things for every business is the brand hammering. The brand hammering involved continues to push to the brand to its target audience so that people could easily connect with the brand. Although sometimes a brand hammering proves quite expensive because it requires many promotional and marketing exposures. In order to make your brand stand apart from other brands, you need to create a chain of TV commercial and print advertisements so that it will hammer deep into the minds of the consumers. Although, today in the modern age there are many digital marketing channels which are very much affordable and good for brand hammering.

Bring emotion to your brand:
These days because of the excessive stress and hectic lifestyle people are getting more emotional even for the small things. Anything that connects to their emotion brings out more success to the brand managers. If you have a product or services then create an ad commercial keeping in mind the emotion of the consumer. These types of emotional ads would more connect with the consumer. The people who are emotionally attached to a product or a service were more likely to remain loyal towards them for many years. Example of an emotional connection could be seen in many car advertisements these days in which marketers put more focus on the safety of your family, especially your kids instead of talking about the luxury features of the car. This brings a sense of emotion and responsibility in the parents towards their family and that highly influencing their purchasing decision. Sometimes they even ignore the most important factor ie price while buying a car based on their emotional concern.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Brake Discs Used On Commercial Vehicles

There is a big difference between the lifespan of commercial vehicle brake discs and passenger driven vehicle brake discs. Commercial vehicles spend a lot more time on the road and often carry heavier loads. Braking in this case, will be more intense and, often, brake repairs are frequent.

The specifications of the brake discs that need to be used on commercial vehicles have to be met to the point. These specifications include:

  • Reduced wear and judder - materials used in the rotors have to be stronger and resistant to wear, heat and friction. You might wonder why these parts are not installed on passenger or light weight vehicles. The reason is that they are bigger and much heavier than standard models of brake discs. Reduced wear and judder is also successful because of its unacceptably low tolerance level.
  • Withstands heat - the specialized materials used to manufacture these parts are technologically advanced. They can disperse heat caused by friction easier and more uniformly. Uniform dispersion also prevails the surface and shape from deforming and cracking under the high pressures.
  • Works well under force - some commercial vehicles carry extremely heavy loads. Braking has to be enhanced because the momentum is much higher which it makes it more difficult to stop. The brake discs need to be strong enough to slow the vehicle down without cracking or breaking under the intense weight.
  • Uniform wear - uneven wear is often caused by another component that is also uneven. It can also be caused by overloading the car. There are standard weights that the car can handle and anything over this limit could impact engine overload and uneven brake disc wear. The discs can always be skimmed but skimming could decrease the quality of the material and function.

Spotting problematic disks is easy and quick to notice. Here is a list of the different problems and what they look like:

  • Blue discs - under high temperatures, the disc will become blue. Extremely high temperatures are caused by heavy stopping and constant usage of the brakes. The calliper should also be checked in case the problem lies there.
  • Heat Checking - under stress pressure, heat and cold create a pattern that marks stretches marks. These appear when rapid cooling occurs.
  • Cracks and Spots - these look patchy and uneven. They are caused by excessive heating. This can be avoided if you apply your brakes correctly without sudden stopping.

Brake discs need to be checked regularly in order to maintain safe braking. Commercial vehicles need to be maintained because of the pressure they experience. Plus the time spent on the road could decrease the quality of many components and engine parts.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Discover Three Keys To Unleash Your Innate Power

Everyone, who comes to me for mental / emotional healing, is seeking to step into their DESTINY-not just for their own fulfillment, but for the future of our world.

Do you desire to step into your DESTINY?

However, when thinking about what it might take to get there, do you feel overwhelmed by your day-to-day responsibilities, limitations, lack of connections, or weighed down by your 'To-Do' list?

For centuries many philosophers have intensively researched human capacity, they each added to the discovery that each of us has 5 "Quantum Powers" that are dormant inside us, just waiting to be unleashed, that can allow you to overcome these perceivable limits and step into the larger destiny the Universe has for you.

In my 50+ years of studying philosophy from Thales of Miletus (c. 624 BCE - c. 546 BCE) (pre-Soctratic) Greek philosopher who is often considered the first philosopher and the father of Western philosophy to modern-day philosophers, I am sharing their discoveries, and how you can access your innate powers.

There are 3 keys to unlocking Your Quantum Powers. Overcome Your Limitations. Accelerate Your Evolution. You will have Greater Impact in your life and on the world.

While these powers do not include the ability to grow wings to fly, turn invisible, walk through walls, or leak tall buildings, they allow you to ...

  • Quickly increase your skill-building
  • Profoundly improve your health
  • Expand time in your day
  • Reduce stress
  • Expand your creativity and success
  • Attract more money and support the projects that are important to you
These "Quantum Powers" are primarily undiscovered in the majority of people, but some of the most successful people in history have used them to somehow seemingly impossible things. Think of first inventors, people's lives that seem to flow through calm or choppy waters.

After mastering these Quantum Powers myself and provoking their effectiveness with hundreds of people the past 30+ years, I am confident you too will be glad you discovered the 3 keys to unlocking Your Quantum Powers.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life ; it is time to step into your DESTINY-not just for your own fulfillment, but, your family, friends and for the future of our world.

These are the 5 Quantum Powers I will explore with you to discover what you need to shift:

  • Expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without adding stress to your life
  • Experience "sustained fire" to keep you operating at your highest energy level through even the longest, most challenging days
  • Partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams
  • Expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily responsibilities
  • Attract the money, people and resources you need to move your projects forward and achieve the level of success you're driving for and deserve.
Allow me to assist you to overcome your limitations and step into a life of true power, connection and fulfillment.

I will assist you to take the steps you need to take to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment? You can take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?

You may need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness.

Here's to living your empowered life NOW.

There is no justification about asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs and still struggle; you may have mental / emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires.

This is an investment in your Self, your happiness, your success, your fulfillment, and your empowerment. Following these principals will change your life forever. My desire is two-fold to assist you to experience it for yourself as soon as possible and to see the joy, happiness and success you create. Remember only you can create your happiness and professional success.

It is your DESTINY ... You can do it! Call me if you need assistance to overcome any blocks or sabotaging behaviors!

For your convenience, I offer a 20-minute FREE no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success. http://drdorothy.net And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation.

Friday, January 11, 2019

How To Make Money Online From Home On A Regular Basis

When it comes to making money on line from home, it looks like most people are too relevant to try. They either think that it is impossible, or that that is just too much work. However, learning how to make money online from home is not that hard at all, so long as you have the right information. If you are sick of your normal job and would like to start making money from your home computer, then here are a few more reasons that will propel you towards taking that first step.

More Family Time

Eight hours or more a day away from your family is something that most people must deal with. However, when you are approaching your income from home over the internet, you will have more time for your family. There is an awesomeness about being able to work from home while also being in the company of family members.

Less Stress

Working from home has the potential for reducing the stresses associated with the typical nine to five jobs. Traveling to work in itself is probably one of the largest contributors of stress for most jobs. Traffic jams, car break downs, and irate drivers can make for a horrible commute into work. And how about those mornings when you over sleep? When you work from home, the anxiousness from waking up late is a thing of the past! Also, working from home eliminates having to deal with annoying bosses and coworkers. Less stress is enough of a reason to learn how to make money online from home.

Low Expense

The basic financial requirements for making money from home are a computer and an internet connection. You will also need to invest a small amount of money in starting your business. However, the money you save from not having to travel to work each day will more than cover your monetary investment in your business. Lesser expenses is another reward for those who choose to figure out how to make money online from home.

If you are serious about working from home, then you should start doing your research now. There is nothing like being able to make money while you are enjoying spending quality time with your family and friends! There are countless ways to start making money on line from home without having to work endless hours for an unappreciative boss. Become your own boss and understand that you can definitely make a living by working on line at home. Decide now to learn how to make money online from home, and you will be well on your way to the life that you have always wanted!