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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What Will Make Your Money Stick

I love traveling, but I also super love coming home! Especially to a place I have created that I love and where I feel great! I have been enjoying getting back into my regular self-care routine, working out and drinking green smoothies! No matter how hard I try to eat well, workout and moderate while I travel, I still come home feeling a little off. Managing expectations and realizing I will; A) drink more wine then usual, B) see more people than usual which is fun but does take extra energy, and C) not workout quite as much. Which is ALL okay. Let's cut ourselves an extra break this week in ALL areas of life. Here is a pic of Roxy the day after we got back :-) Walking her and being on the beach are two of my most favorite things to do. I hope you have a great weekend doing what you love too.

If you are having trouble getting your money to "stick", meaning it's not such an issue bringing it in, but more making it stay, then you will like this week's article! Read on to learn how to make it stick.

So what's preventing your money from sticking? Well, deep down you still have a block to creating the ultimate success level you desire for yourself. You do not believe you are worthy enough at a deep core level. Want to know a little secret? Most people do not feel good enough. It's the ego. That part of our mind telling us we're not good enough, smart enough, successful enough, etc. That when we hit X level we'll finally have made it and can feel good enough, only to find out we still do not feel good enough when we hit that amount. If we're in that place of never enough, we will never BE enough, then never creating enough. Many people create "just enough" regardless of the level they reach. We need to become aware of that thinking at the core and start moving it to a new and empowered thought system.

What's in your bank account directly reflects how you feel about yourself. Now, the amount you decide on is subjective. You get to decide what you want. Please do not pay any attention to people in this industry saying you have to be at X amount to be successful, or have X amount in the bank. It's up to you how much money you would like to earn and have in your bank account. It all comes down to what feels good and exciting for you. Be mindful of comparisons to others. This is about YOUR best life and no one else's. If you are not where you want to BE though, there is something else going on at a core level.

I also do not think most people are wired to ask for more than they need. There is some kind of guilty going on deep down. Like they will be a bad person if they ask for more. So they are in a perpetual slump of always having "just enough". Just enough to cover their current expenses and nothing more for things like traveling, saving and reaching their BIG lifestyle dreams. Oddly, as their business grows, so do their expenses, and even though they have more money, they still stay in "just enough" mode.

Here are some things to consider in order to break this pattern.

1. Know your numbers! You can not get to where you want to go, if you do not take a good look at where you are. Most business owners shy away from this and it's a huge disadvantage to their growth. What you track grows (because it's in the forefront of your awareness and focus). If you can look at it without judgment, you can use it just as a gauge as to how things are going. If you take it personally, which most people do mean it triggers poor feelings about themselves, then you definitely will not want to look at it. Because it does not feel good. How can you become empowered with where you are? In Rhonda Byrne's book the Power, she talks about having gratitude for paying your bills and what they have enabled you to do. Saying thank-you to your utility bills and even credit cards! What have opportunities have they allowed you?

2. Know you are not a bad person. Maybe you've made some poor choices, but look instead at what you have learned and how you can do things differently moving forward. You are in control. This becomes empowering.

3. Pay yourself first! So many people do not do this! They make sure everything and everyone else is covered first! This relates directly back to self-worth. Respect yourself enough to pay yourself first. If you do not take of you, who will? I recommend starting off with 10% of every dollar coming in off the top (gross).

4. Put this money aside in some type of savings that actually earns you money on your investment, and only touch it for appreciating assets. In other words, do not spend it on depreciating assets like things like cars and household emergencies. Another savings account can be set up for those types of expenses if you like. A client of mine calls this type of savings her Freedom Fund, and I just love that! It is helping her create freedom and has made saving a very empowered process as a result. I learned recently about a great investment platform, and I am going to introduce it very soon via webinar training so that you too can see if this is the right strategy for you. Stay tuned!

5. Have fun and watch it grow!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Rhetorical Devices in the Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy

It is according to Aristotle that a speaker or writer has three ways to persuade his audience: The first kind depends on the personal character of the speaker; the second is on putting the audience into a certain frame of mind; the third is on the proof, or apparent proof, provided by the words of the speech itself.

One of the most influential people who made a memorable speech for the past century is President John F. Kennedy, a famous public speaker who wrote an inaugural address that contains a power to persuade a lot of people.

His well-known speech shows how his method of using the art of persuasive written or spoken discourse (Rhetoric) that an author or speaker uses to convey a meaning to the listener or reader contributions to the purpose or theme of his message for his countrymen.

Definition of Terms:

1. Alliteration : Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close to one another.

2. Allusion : A brief or indirect reference to a person, place, event, or passage in a work of literature or the Bible is supposed to be adequately well known to be recognized by the reader.

3. Amplification : An expansion of detail to clarify a point.

4. Analogy : A comparison between two things in which the more complex is explained in terms of the more simple.

5. Anaphora : Repetition of one or more words at the head of executive phrases, clauses, or sentences.

6. Anastrophe : Inversion of word order to mark emphasis.

7. Antimetabole : Reverasal or repeated words or phrases for effect.

8. Antithesis : Contrast within parallel phrases (not to be confused with the ordinary use of the word to mean "extreme opposite").

9. Assonance : Repetition of vowel sounds between different consonants.

10. Asyndeton : Absence of conjunctions.

11. Chiasmus : The reversal of grammatical order from one phrase to the next.

12. Climax : Consists of arranging words, clauses, or sentences in the order of increasing importance, weight, or emphasis.

13. Conduplication : Resembles anadiplosis in the repetition of a precedent word, but it repeats a key word (not just the last word) from a precedenting phrase, clause, or sentence, at the beginning of the next.

14. Consonance : Repetition of identical consonant sounds within two or more words in close proximacy.

15. Ellipsis : Any omitted part of speech that is easily understood in context.

16. Ethos : Makes use of what an audience values ​​and believes to be good or true.

17. Hyperbole : Deliberate exaggeration in order to create humor or emphasis.

18. Imagery : Lively descriptions which impress the images of things upon the mind using one or more of the five senses.

19. Logos : appealing to reason in a measured, logical way.

20. Metanoia : The qualification of a statement to either diminish or strengthen its tone.

21. Metaphor : Meaning or identity ascribed to one subject by way of another.

22. Oxymoron : Contraditory terms or ideas are combined.

23. Parallelism : The technique of arranging words, phrases, clauses, or larger structures by placing them side by side and making them similar in form.

24. Paradox : A statement that appears to contradict itself but that turns out to have a rational meaning.

25. Pathos : Appealing to the emotions.

26. Personification : The attribution of human qualities to a nonhuman or inanimate object.

27. Polysyndeton : Insertion of conjunctions before each word in a list.

28. Repetition : Word or phrase used two or more times in close proximacy.

29. Rhetorical Question : A question asked for rhethorical effect to emphasize a point, no answer being expected.

30. Sententia : The punctuation of a point with an aphorism.

31. Syntax : The grammatical structure of a sentence; the arrangement of words in a sentence.

32. Tricolon : A series of parallel words, phrases, clauses, or statements.

33. Zeugma : Includes several similar rhetorical devices, all involving a grammatically correct linkage (or yoking together) of two or more parts of speech by another part of speech.

Rhetorical Devices That Are Present In The Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy:

* Alliteration

• "same solemn" (2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

• "man holds in his mortal hands" (1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph)

• "for which our forebears fought" (2nd sentence of 3rd paragraph)

• "to friend and foe alike" (4th paragraph)

• "Whether it wants us well or ill" (5th paragraph)

• "Pay any price, bear any burden ..." (5th paragraph)

• "the survival and the success of liberty" (5th paragraph)

• "faithful friends" (1st sentence of the 7th paragraph)

• "colonial control" (1st sentence of the 8th paragraph)

• "Strongly supporting" (2nd sentence of the 8th paragraph)

• "break the bonds of mass misery" (9th paragraph)

• "sovereign states" (11th paragraph)

• "its writ may run" (11th paragraph)

• "the dark powers of destruction" (12th paragraph)

• "steady spread" (14th paragraph)

• "sincerity is always subject" (15th paragraph)

• "peace preserved" (9th to the last paragraph)

• "bear the burden" (6th to the last paragraph)

• "a grand and global alliance" (5th to the last paragraph)

• "high standards of strength and sacrifice" (1st sentence of the last paragraph)

• "Let us go forth to lead the land we love ..." (2nd sentence of the last paragraph)

* Allusion

• "I have sworn before you and Almighty God." (2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

• "those who foolishly bought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside" (last sentence of the 8th paragraph)

* Amplification

• "Let both sides ... Let both sides ... Let both sides ... Let both sides (Paragraphs 16 to 19)

* Analogy

• "those who foolishly bought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside" (3rd sentence of the 8th paragraph)

* Anaphora

• "all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life" (1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph)

• "not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right" (1st sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "To those old allies ... To those new states ... To those people ... To our sister ... To that world ... to those nations ..." (Paragraphs 7 to 12)

• "We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom" (2nd and 3rd sentences of the 8th paragraph)

• "both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both really alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that holds the hand of mankind's final war" (14th paragraph)

• "Let both sides ... Let both sides ... Let both sides ... Let both sides" (Paragraphs 16 to 19)

• "Not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out" (6th to the last paragraph)

• "the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even sometimes in our lifetime on this planet" (8th to the last paragraph)

* Anastrophe

• "Dare not" (1st sentence of the 4th paragraph and 13th paragraph & 3rd sentence of the 7th paragraph)

• "This much we pledge" (6th paragraph)

• "Ask not" (26th paragraph)

* Antimetabole

• "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." (3rd to the last paragraph)

• "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." (2nd sentence of the 15th paragraph)

* Antithesis

• "We observes today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning signifying renewal as well as change." (1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

• "... not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." (2nd sentence of the 3rd paragraph)

• "Support any friend, oppose any foe ..." (5th paragraph)

• "United there is little we can not do in a host of cooperative ventures." Divided there is little we can do ... "(2nd sentence of the 7th paragraph)

• "Not because ... not because ... but because ..." (1st sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate." (2nd sentence of the 15th paragraph)

• "Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us." (16th paragraph)

• "not a new balance of power, but a new world of law" (20th paragraph)

• "Not as a call to bear arms ... not as a call to battle .. but a call to bear the burden ..." (23rd paragraph)

• "I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it." (2nd sentence of the 25th paragraph)

• "... ask not what you country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." (26th paragraph)

• "ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man" (2nd to the last paragraph)

* Assonance

• "... the steady spread of the deadly atom." (14th paragraph)

* Asyndeton

• "We will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe ..." (5th paragraph)

• "explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths" (2nd sentence of the 18th paragraph)

• "The energy, the faith, the devotion" (4th to the last paragraph)

* Chiasmus

• "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." (2nd sentence of the 15th paragraph)

• "ask not what country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" (3rd to the last paragraph)

* Climax

• "All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even sometimes in our lifetime on this planet." (8th to the last paragraph)

* Conduplication

• "to help them help themselves" (1st sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "good words into good deeds" (1st sentence of the 10th paragraph)

• "free men and free governments" (1st sentence of the 10th paragraph)

• "the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace" (11th paragraph)

• "absolute power ... absolute control ..." (17th paragraph)

* Consonance

• "Whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall ..." (5th paragraph)

* Ellipsis

• "This much we pledge - and more." (6th paragraph)

* Ethos

• "Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning - signaling renewal as well as change. " (Paragraphs 1 & 2)

• "In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. (4th to the last paragraph)

• "With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must really be our own. " (last sentence of the last paragraph)

* Hyperbole

• "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burdens, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to secure the survival and the success of liberty." (5th paragraph)

* Imagery

• "The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." (4th paragraph)

* Logos

• "old allies which cultural and spiritual origins we share" (1st sentence of the 7th paragraph)

• "new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free" (1st sentence of the 8th paragraph)

• "people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery" (1st sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations" (11th paragraph)

• "nations who would make themselves our adversary" (12th paragraph)

* Metanoia

• "Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. " (6th to the last paragraph)

* Metaphor

• "We are the heirs of the first revolution." (1st sentence of the 4th paragraph)

• "Let the word go forward from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans ..." (2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph)

• "riding the back of the tiger" (3rd sentence of the 8th paragraph)

• "the bonds of mass misery" (9th paragraph)

• "the chains of poverty" (1st sentence of the 10th paragraph)

• "evolution of hope" (2nd sentence of the 10th paragraph)

• "master of its own house" (last sentence of the 10th paragraph)

• "balance of terror" (14th paragraph)

• "And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion ..." (20th paragraph)

• "The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." (4th to the last paragraph)


• "But this peaceful revolution." (2nd sentence of the 10th paragraph)

* Parallelism

• "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning signifying renewal as well as change." (1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

• "born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage" (2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph)

• "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burdens, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to secure the survival and the success of liberty." (5th paragraph)

• "Let both sides explore what problems unite us ... Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms ... Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science ... Let both sides unite ... "(Paragraphs 6 to 9)

• "United there is little we can not do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do ..." (2nd and 3rd sentences of the 7th paragraph)

• "If a free society can not help the many who are poor, it can not save the few who are rich." (2nd sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond" (2nd sentence of the 13th paragraph)

* Paradox

• "Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed." (2nd sentence of the 13th paragraph)

* Pathos

• "To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery ..." (1st sentence of the 9th paragraph)

• "he graves of young Americans who answered the call toservice surround the globe" (7th to the last paragraph)

• "The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." (4th to the last paragraph)

* Personification

• "With history the final judge of our deeds" (2nd sentence of the last paragraph)

* Polysyndeton

• "where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved" (9th to the last paragraph)

* Repetition

• "For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life." (1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph)

* Rhetorical Question

• "Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?" (5th to the last paragraph)

* Sententia

• "undo the heavy burdens ... (and) let the oppressed go free" (19th paragraph)

* Syntax

• "My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." (2nd to the last paragraph)

* Tricolon

• "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning signifying renewal as well as change." (1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

• "Not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out" (6th to the last paragraph)

* Zeugma

• "Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden ..." (6th to the last paragraph)

Encapsulation of Findings:

John F. Kennedy used 33 different types of rhetorical devices in his inaugural speech. The most dominant rhetorical device that he used was the usage of alliteration.


Through intensive analysis, it can be seen that it is evident that he has a goal of obtaining the audience's attention to listen and to understand his points in a meaningful way in the fields of writing and speaking.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Honest Online Business - Can You Start One?

Why does it seem so difficult to find an honest online business? Do they exist, or are they all set up to take your money and give you nothing in return? Yes, they exist, and they actually are a lot more prominent that many people think. It's simply a matter of locating that real, authentic honest online business opportunity.

I see many people struggle to break into the online market place with a home based online business. There are really not that many things stopping any average person from creating success online. One of the major hurdles that I see people struggle with is the over abundance of information, which is mostly incomplete. They start signing up for all these courses and get rich quick business opportunities and soon they are walking around in a fog of information. The problem is they do not have the simple process to put all that information together and into practice.

It seems like many outfits offering business ideas and ways to make money online are trying to blow fluff and ensure that you do not get the full picture. As long as you only get part of the picture, you will keep coming back to buy more parts, hoping to put it all together. Again, this causes the fog that affects so many who are trying to succeed with an honest online business.

Well, there is hope, and you can get out of that fog. I have seen it happen many times, and the fix is ​​much easier than you may think. Simply start with action. Learning is great, but if you never apply what you are learning, you overload with information that is not completely processed. Start applying what you learn every day. Then those things very soon become second nature and the fog slowly starts to lift. Do not worry about making mistakes, or getting everything perfect. That will come as you put pieces of the puzzle together and clear your head of the unwanted information.

It is really important to remember that creating an honest online home business is simple. It does take work and effort as does any worthwhile thing in life. If you put in the time and effort you will see that marketing online is easy and certainly not complicated. It does not have all those challenges of a brick and mortar business, and it certainly does not have the costs associated with traditional business.

OK, so you say "yea, right. I've tried and it's not easy." With the right tools and education, it is very, very easy to do. Most fail because they do not get the proper information and education. They jump into an online business opportunity without getting the correct direction and help to put them on the right path. Please get the education you need, which is simple, and easy to if you take the time to find the right place that is going to educate you on the basics. Once you know the basics, the internet market place is yours to conquer as long as your running an honest online business.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to Design and Layout a Coffee Shop Or Espresso Bar

If you are planning to open an espresso bar/coffee shop, then developing an efficient store design and layout will be one of the most important factors in positioning your business for success.

Speed of service is critical to the profitability of a coffee business. An efficient ergonomic store design will allow you to maximize your sales by serving as many customers as possible during peak business periods. Even though your business may be open 12 to 16 hours a day, in reality, 80% of your sales will probably occur during 20% of those hours. Coffee is primarily a morning beverage, so your busy times of day (those times when you are most likely to have a line of waiting customers), may be from 6:30AM to 8:30AM, and then again around lunchtime. If you have a poor store layout, that does not provide a logical and efficient flow for customers and employees, then the speed of customer service and product preparation will be impaired.

Think of it like this; if someone pulls open the front door of your store, and they see 5 people are waiting in line to order, there's a good chance they'll come in, wait in line, and make a purchase. But, if they see that 20 people are waiting in line, there is a high probability that they may determine that the wait will be too long, and they will simply get coffee somewhere else. This is money that just escaped your cash register! And, if they come to your store multiple times, and frequently find a long line of waiting customers, they may decide you are not a viable option for coffee, and will probably never return. Poor design slows down the entire service process, resulting in a longer line of waiting customers, and lost sales. So in reality, your daily business income will be dependent upon how many customers you can serve during peak business periods, and good store design will be essential to achieving that objective!

The financial impact of a poor store design can be significant. For the sake of this example, let's say the average customer transaction for your coffee business will be $3.75. If you have a line of waiting customers each morning between 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM, this means you have 90 minutes of crunch time, in which you must drive through as many customers as possible. If you can service a customer every 45 seconds, you will serve 120 customers during this 90 minutes. But, if it takes you 1 minute 15 seconds to service each customer, then you will only be able to serve 72 customers. 120 customers x $3.75 = $450.00 x 30 business days per month = $13,500. 72 customers x $3.75 = $270.00 x 30 business days per month = $8,100. This represents a difference of $5,400 in sales per month ($64,800 per year), coming from just 90-minutes of business activity each day!

So how should you go about designing your coffee bar? First, understand that putting together a good design is like assembling a puzzle. You have to fit all the pieces in the proper relationship to each other to end up with the desired picture. This may require some trial and error to get things right. I've designed hundreds of coffee bar over the past 15 years, and I can truthfully tell you from experience, it still usually takes me a couple of attempts to produce an optimal design.

The design process begins by determining your menu and other desired store features. If you plan to do in-store baking, then obviously you'll need to include in your plan an oven, exhaust hood, sheet pan rack, a large prep table, and perhaps a mixer. If you plan to have a private meeting room for large groups, then an extra 200 sq. ft. or more will need to be designed-in, in addition to the square footage you are already allocating for normal customer seating.

Your intended menu and other business features should also drive decisions about the size of location you select. How many square feet will be required to fit in all the necessary equipment, fixtures, and other features, along with your desired seating capacity?

Typically, just the space required for the front of the house service area, (cash register, brewing & espresso equipment, pastry case, blenders, etc.), back of the house (storage, prep, dishwashing and office areas), and 2-ADA restrooms, will consume about 800 sq. ft. If space for extensive food prep, baking, coffee roasting, or cooking will be required, this square footage may increase to 1,000 to 1,200, or more. What ever is left over within your space after that, will become your seating area.

So, a typical 1,000 sq. ft coffee bar, serving beverages and simple pastries only, will probably allow for the seating of 15 to 20 customers - max! Increase that square footage to 1,200 sq. ft., and seating should increase to 30, or 35. If you plan to prepare sandwiches, salads, and some other food items on site, 1,400 to 1,600 sq. ft. should provide enough space to seat 35 to 50, respectively.

Next, you will have to determine the tasks that will be performed by each employee position, so that the equipment and fixtures necessary to accomplish those tasks can be located in the appropriate places.

Normally, your cashier will operate the cash register, brew and serve drip coffee, and serve pastries and desserts. Your barista will make all your espresso-based beverages, tea, chai, hot chocolate, Italian sodas, as well as all the blender beverages. If you'll be preparing sandwiches, panini, wraps, salads, snacks and appetizers, or will be baking on-site, then a person dedicated to food prep will be necessary. And, if you anticipate high volume, and will be serving in or on ceramics, a bus-person/dishwasher may be a necessity.

After you have determined what you will be serving, the space you will be leasing, and what each employee will be responsible for, you will then be ready to begin your design process. I usually start my design work from the back door of the space and work my way forward. You'll need to design in all of the features that will be necessary to satisfy your bureaucracies and facilitate your menu, before you make plans for the customer seating area.

Your back door will most likely have to serve as an emergency fire exit, so you'll need a hallway connecting it with your dining room. Locating your 2-ADA restrooms off of this hallway would make good sense. And, because delivery of products will also probably occur through your back door, having access to your back of the house storage area would also be convenient.

In the back of the house, at minimum, you will need to include a water heater, water purification system, dry storage area, back-up refrigerator and freezer storage, ice maker, an office, 3-compartment ware washing sink, rack for washed wares, mop bucket sink, and a hand washing sink. Do any food prep, and the addition of a food prep sink and prep table will be necessary. If doing baking, gelato making, full cooking, or coffee roasting, all the equipment necessary for those functions will also need to be added.

After all the features have been designed into the back of the house, you will then be ready to start your design work on the front of the house service and beverage preparation area. This area will probably include a pastry case, cash register(s), drip coffee brewer and grinder(s), espresso machine and grinders, a dipper well, possibly a granita machine, blenders, ice holding bin, blender rinse sink, hand washing sink, under counter refrigeration (under espresso machine and blenders), and a microwave oven.

If serving food beyond simple pastries and desserts, you may need to add a panini toaster grill, a refrigerated sandwich/salad preparation table, soup cooker/warmer, a bread toaster, etc. If you plan to serve pre made, ready to serve sandwiches, wraps, and salads, along with a selection of bottled beverages, an open-front, reach-in merchandising refrigerator should be considered. Serving ice cream or gelato? If the answer is yes, then an ice cream or gelato dipping cabinet will be necessary along with an additional dipper well.

Finally, when all the working areas of the bar have been designed, the customer seating area can be laid out. This will, of course, include your cafe tables and chairs, couches and comfortable upholstered chairs, coffee tables, and perhaps a window or stand-up bar with bar stools. Impulse-buy and retail merchandise shelves should be established, and a condiment bar should be located close to where customers will pick-up their beverages.

A quick word about couches, large upholstered chairs, and coffee tables. Living room type furniture takes up a lot of space. If you plan to be opening evenings, and will perhaps serve beer and wine, and having comfortable seating will be important for creating a relaxing ambiance, then by all means do it. But if you have limited seating space, and are not trying to encourage people to relax and stay for long periods of time, then stick with cafe tables and chairs. The more people you can seat, the greater your income potential!

Features from the front door to the condiment bar should be arranged in a logical, sequential order. As your customers enter the front door, their travel path should take them past your impulse-buy merchandise display, and the pastry case, before they arrive at the point of order (where your cashier, cash register, and menu-board will be located). Exposing customers to your impulse items and pastries, before they order, will greatly increase their sales. Then, after the order and payment has been taken, they should proceed down-line away from the cash register to pick-up their beverage, and finally, the condiment bar should be located beyond that point. Be sure to separate your point of order from the point of product pick-up by at least six feet, otherwise customers waiting for their beverage may begin to intrude into the space of those ordering.

Don't make the mistakes that many inexperienced designers commonly make. They arrange these features in a haphazard way, so that customers have to change direction, and cut back through the line of awaiting customers to proceed to their next destination in the service sequence. Or, wanting to make their espresso machine a focal point to those entering the store, they place it before the cashier along the customer's path of travel. Customers inevitably end up trying to order from the barista before they are informed that they need to proceed to the cashier first. If this happens dozens of times each day, confusion and slowed beverage production will be the result.

On the employee's side of the counter, work and product flow are even more important. Any unnecessary steps or wasted movements that result from a less than optimal design will slow down employee production. All products should flow seamlesly in one direction towards the ultimate point of pick-up. For example, if preparing a particular item is a 3-step process, then placement of equipment should allow for the 3 steps to occur in order, in one linear direction, with the final step occurring closest to the point where customers will be served.

Equipment should be grouped together so that it is in the immediate proximity of the employee(s) who will be using it. Beyond the actual equipment, empty spaces must be left on the counter top to store ingredients and small wares (tools) used in product preparation. Counter top space will also be needed where menu items will actually be assembled. Think of the grouping of equipment for different job functions as stations. Try to keep different stations compact and in close working proximity to each other, but make sure that there is enough space between each so that employee working-paths don't cross, which could contribute to employee collisions.

Creating defined work stations will allow you to put multiple employees behind the counter when needed. When it is busy, you may need to have 2 cashiers, another person just bagging pastries and brewing coffee, 2 baristas behind the espresso machine, a maybe even a dedicated person working the blenders. If you're preparing sandwiches and salads to order, then another person may need to be added to handle that task. Keeping your stations in close proximity to each other will allow one employee to easily access all equipment during very slow periods of business, thus saving you valuable labor dollars.

When you arrange equipment in relationship to each other, keep in mind that most people are right handed. Stepping to the right of the espresso machine to access the espresso grinder will feel more comfortable than having to move to the left. Likewise, place your ice storage bin to the right of your blenders, so when you scoop ice, you can hold the cup or blender pitcher in your left hand, and scoop with your right.

As you create your store layout, the equipment you select should fit your space and the needs of your anticipated business volume. A busy location will most likely require a dual or twin, air pot, drip coffee brewer (one that can brew 2 pots at the same time), as opposed to a single brewer. If you anticipate selling a lot of blended and ice drinks, then an under counter ice maker, one that can only produce 100 pounds of ice or less per day, will not be sufficient. You should instead locate a high-capacity ice maker (one that can make 400 or 500 lbs. per day) in the back of the house, and transport ice to an ice holding bin up front. Plan to bring in frozen desserts and ice cream? Then a 1 door reach-in freezer in the back of he house will probably be inadequate for you storage needs, so you'll need to consider a 2 or 3 door. I always recommend a 3-group espresso machine for any location that may generate 150 drinks per day or more. And, I can tell you from experience, you can never have too much dry or refrigerated storage space!

Make sure that any equipment you select will be acceptable with your local bureaucracy before your purchase and take delivery of it. All equipment will typically need to be NSF & UL approved, or have a similar, acceptable, foreign certification equivalent. Your bureaucracy will most likely want to see manufacturer specification sheets on all equipment to verify this fact, before they'll approve your plans.

ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) compliance will also come into play when you are designing your coffee bar. In some areas of the country, this will only apply to those areas of your store that will be used by customers. However, other bureaucracies may require your entire store to be ADA compliant. Following are some of the basic requirements of compliance with the code:

• All hallways and isle ways must be 5 feet wide (minimum).

• All countertop working heights must be 34 inches high (instead of normal 36 inch height).

• 18 inches of free wall space must be provided on the strike-side of all doors (the side with the door knob).

• All hand-washing sinks must be ADA friendly.

• All bathrooms must be ADA compliant (5 foot space for wheelchair turnaround, handrails at toilet, acceptable clearance around toilet and hand washing sink, etc.).

• No steps allowed, ramps are OK with the proper slope.

• If your space has multiple levels, then no feature may exist on a level where handicapped access has not been provided, if that same feature does not exist on a level where it will be accessible.

You can find the complete regulations for ADA compliance at the following website:


Beyond the basic Equipment Floor Plan, showing new partitions, cabinets, equipment, fixtures, and furnishings, you'll need to produce some additional drawings to guide your contractors and satisfy the bureaucracies.

Electrical Plan

An electrical plan will be necessary to show the location of all outlets needed to operate equipment. Information such as voltage, amperage, phase, hertz, special instructions (like, "requires a dedicated circuit"), and the horizontal and vertical location of each outlet, should all be specified.

A small, basic coffee shop might get away with a 200 amp service, but typically 400 amps will be required if your equipment package will include items like an electric water heater, high-temperature dishwasher, or cooking equipment (ovens, panini grill, etc.).

In addition to the electrical work required for your coffee business-specific equipment, you may need to adjust existing electrical for additional or reconfigured lighting, HVAC, general-purpose convenience outlets, and exterior signs. Also, have your electrician run any needed speaker wires, TV/internet cables, and cash register remote receipt printer cables at the same time they are installing electrical wires. Finally, make sure your electrician makes provisions for lighted exit signs, and a battery-powered emergency evacuation lighting system, if needed.

Plumbing Plan

A plan showing all plumbing features will be necessary. At minimum, this should show stub-in locations for all needed water sources (hot & cold), drains, your water heater, water purifications system, grease interceptor (if required), bathroom fixtures, etc.

While a typical P-trap drain should be acceptable for most fixtures and equipment, some will require an air-gap drain. An air gap drain does not go through the "S"-shaped twists of the P-trap. Instead, the drain line comes straight down from the piece of equipment or fixture, and terminates 2 inches above the rim of a porcelain floor sink drain. This porcelain drain basin is usually installed directly into the floor. The air gap between the drain line from your equipment or fixture, and the bottom of the basin, prevents any bacteria in the sewer pipe from migrating into the equipment or fixture. I drain the following pieces of equipment to a floor sink drain when creating a plumbing plan:

• espresso machine

• dipper wells

• ice maker

• ice holding bin

• food prep sink

• soft drink dispensing equipment

To save on the life of your water filtration system, only your espresso machine and coffee brewer should be supplied by with treated water. Coffee is 98% to 99% water, so good water quality is essential. Your ice maker should only require a simple particle filter on the incoming line (unless your water quality is terrible). There is no need to filter water that will be used for hand and dish washing, cleaning mops, flushing toilets, and washing floors!

Be aware that many bureaucracies are now requiring a grease interceptor on the drain line from your 3-compartment ware washing sinks and automatic dishwasher. A grease interceptor is basically a box containing baffles that traps the grease before it can enter the public sewer system.

Also understand that a typical retail space will not come equipped with a water heater with enough capacity to handle your needs. Unless your space was previously some type of a food service operation, you will probably need to replace it with a larger one.

If cutting trenches in the floor will be necessary to install porcelain floor sinks, a grease interceptor, and run drain lines, then establishing a few general purpose floor drains at this same time behind the counter, and in the back of the house, will prove useful. Floor drains will allow you to squeegee liquids away when spills occur, and when washing floors.

Finally, if you added some new walls during your remodel, you may need to have the fire sprinkler system for your space adjusted or reconfigured.

Cabinet Elevations

Drawing cabinet elevations, (the view you would have if you were standing in front of your cabinets), will be necessary for your cabinet maker to understand all the features they will need to incorporate into your cabinet designs.

These elevations are not meant to be shop fabrication drawings for your cabinetmaker, but merely serve a reference, showing needed features and desired configuration. Where do you want drawers, and under counter storage space; and, where do you want cabinet doors on that under counter storage? Where should open space be left for the placement of under counter refrigeration and trashcans? Will cup dispensers be installed in the cabinet face under the counter top? These elevations will provide your cabinetmaker with a clear understanding of all these features.

While your kitchen base cabinets at home are typically 24 inches deep, for commercial applications they should be 30 inches deep, and 33 inches if an under counter refrigerator is to be inserted. Also, when specifying the size of an open bay to accommodate under counter refrigeration, be sure to allow a couple of inches more than the physical dimensions of the equipment, so that it can be easily inserted and removed for daily cleaning.

Dimensions Plan

You will need to create a floor plan showing all the critical dimensions for new partitions, doors, cabinets, and fixtures. This will, of course, help make sure that everything ends up where it is suppose to be, and will be the right size.

A final thought about design; unless the space you will be designing is a clean vanilla shell (meaning, nothing currently exists in the space, except perhaps one ADA restroom), you will have to make sure that all the features that you are considering keeping, will be acceptable with your local bureaucracy. Many older buildings were not designed to present codes. If the business type remains the same (your space was occupied by a food service establishment before you), then some times any non compliant features will be grandfathered-in, meaning you don't have to bring them up to current requirements. But don't count on this! You need to check with your bureaucracies to make sure. More and more I see bureaucracies requiring new business owners to remodel, so that all features are compliant with codes. This means you may have to rip-out bathrooms and hallways, add fire sprinkler systems, and provide ramps where there are steps. Better you know all these things before you begin your store design!

I always tell my consulting clients, that if I produce a perfect design and layout for them, they will never notice... because everything will be exactly where you would expect it to be. Unfortunately, if you create a less than optimal design for your coffee bar, you probably won't realize it until you start working in it. Changing design mistakes or inadequacies after the fact, can be extremely expensive. Not correcting those mistakes may even cost you more in lost potential sales. For this reason, I strongly suggest using an experienced coffee business space designer to create your layout for you, or at very least, to review the design you have created. Doing so will payoff with dividends.

Friday, November 9, 2018

The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation-

* Energy moves into physical form.

* The images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

The Law of Relativity-

* Nothing is good or bad, big or small... until you RELATE it to something.

* Practice realting your situation to something much worse and yours will always look good.

The Law of Vibration and Attraction-

* Everything vibrates, nothing rests.

* Conscious awareness of vibration is called feeling. Your thoughts control your paradigms and your vibration (which dictates what you attract).

* When you are not feeling good, become aware of what you are thinking, then think of something pleasant.

The Law of Polarity-

* Everything has an opposite: Hot - Cold ... Up - Down ... Good - Bad.

* Constantly look for the good in people and situations. When you find it, tell the person. People love compliments and the positive idea in your mind makes you feel good. Remember, good idea - good vibrations.

The Law of Rhythm-

* The tide goes out ... night follows day ... good times - bad times.

* When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming - think of them.

The Law of Cause and Effect-

* Whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action -- re-action are equal and opposite.

* Say good things to everyone; treat everyone with total respect and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just concentrate on what you can give.

The Law of Gender-

* Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results.

* Your goals will manifest when the time is right. KNOW they will.

So ... why am I bringing these up?

Because YOU can utilize these Laws of Our Universe to bring UNTOLD wealth into your life; wealth in health, wealth in relationships (spiritual, family, personal, business), and financial wealth.

Wallace D. Wattles (the author of the book written in 1910 entitled The Science of Getting Rich) states "Getting rich is the result of doing things in a certain way." That is the largest truth I can share with any of my family and friends (this includes You, who are reading this). That statement, and these Laws have already done so much for me with their use value. I've experienced an enlightening, in the sense that I no longer dread debt. I no longer have astranged relationships with my family and friends that at one time I had. I no longer see life as being a "half empty glass" now it's "abundantly full".

I first learned about The Secret through my sister, back in February of this year, and caught a special on Oprah about it on my birthday that month. The show was very uplifting and had me researching the Teachers in the program, and beginning to read their books. After a few months I decided that this was undoubtedly for me. At the time of my learning and research my son and I had a rather strained relationship and we had not been close for over a year and a half; and through the power of Positive Thinking, and applying the Law of Vibration and Attraction to my life, we were able to rediscover and strengthen our relationship. We've now embarked on this journey together.

We are now on Myspace, Facebook and several other social networking sites, meeting like minded people who are either currently applying the Laws of the Universe to their lives, or are interested in learning how I (and my son) are utilizing these Laws in our daily lives. This site has already paid for its worth in gold with the genuine interest and relationships we are building here. We are Attracting people, and letting them Attract us. We are not spammers, we don't want to impose anywhere where we've not been asked. But imagine applying these Laws to your life, and how abundant things can be when approaching the same situations with such a different mindset. This is a truly mind encompassing, re-wiring of sorts, to put all your negative thoughts, emotions and energy to rest, and instead allowing you to control the positive thoughts, emotions and energy out into the world to start Attracting everything your heart desires.

By now most people have heard about The Secret and The Law of Attraction, but very few people KNOW them, and even fewer that are applying them. But I can honestly put out there, that this way of thinking and acting is the way to living the full, happy, abundant, wealthy life we all have undoubtedly dreamed of at some point or another. So ... don't you think it's about time You begin to realize everything You visualize?

Well ... what do I mean by that statement?

I mean that everything that You put out into this Universe, through the power of your thoughts and dreams and actions, can and will come to fruition, if given the time. I am most certainly NOT saying "you'll get rich if you wait for it". But what I am saying is, starting today, RIGHT NOW, start changing your outlook. Visualize sitting on the beach, or in the rain forest, and don't think "oh I don't have the time to take off" or "that takes too much money" instead, visualize and realize that sand can be in between your toes, that ocean can be lapping at your feet, with your eyes closed, and the sound of the waves crashing. Doesn't that just wet your lips? I know it does mine (I personally LOVE the ocean and the beach).

All it takes is the knowledge, and though I can give you a gateway to that knowledge, You have to want it, you have to walk through that doorway, BUT I am here to provide you with that first step. These are my "promises for a sweet life" promising myself that day to day I will reaffirm everything I already know, and continue utilizing these tools, and spreading the word of their use to people of all ages who are willing to listen. I want to offer You a FREE Gift that opened My eyes and has started me on this journey of personal growth and development ... because that's exactly what this is.

To begin learning the Natural Laws of the Universe, including the Law of Vibration and Attraction, click here with this Free Gift of 7 lessons emailed to you, in a non-spam format. Each one of these lessons is HAND crafted to teach you step by step how to go about this mindshift so to speak.

To Your Vast Success,
