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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Are You Paying Too Much Council Tax? How To Check And Claim A Refund!

PPI claims management firms have found a new money making spinner through identifying homes which are in the wrong council tax band and offering to make a claim on their behalf. These firms identify potential clients by looking to see if any homes on the same street pay more than their neighbors do. They then cold call the identified properties and offer to make a claim for a full refund for all the years of over-payment, as well as get them a reduction on future council tax bills. This service is usually around 30% of any money claimed.

One lady was recently contacted by one of these claims management firms and discovered that she and her neighbor were both in a higher tax band than the other properties on their street and could qualify for a full refund. She decided to hire the claims firm and as a result got an £ 800 refund! She paid the firm £ 300 as payment for processing her claim and now pays £ 10 less council tax each month. Her neighbor however decided to investigate how she could claim the money herself and discovered the process was in fact not too complicated. She also managed to get a full refund but retained 100% of the money she claimed!

How does it all work?

Every home in the United Kingdom is assigned to a specific valuation band, known as council tax which is managed by the Valuation Office Agency. The cheapest bands are assigned an 'A' grading rising incrementally with the most expensive homes being assigned to the 'I' band.

For homes based in Scotland and England the valuation band is designated by what the property was worth in 1991, not what the property is valued in today's market. However if you stay in Wales your tax band is assigned using the market value price of 2003.

So, if you suspect you may be in the wrong tax band and as a result are paying too much council tax, simply see what your neighbors are paying. If you find there is a difference in price but a similarity in property then it could well be you are in for a refund.

Visit '' to see what band your neighbors have been assigned, if indeed there is a difference contact an agent at the Valuation Office Agency and ask them to investigate your claim. You will have to fill in paperwork, but you are capable of doing this yourself, you do not need a claims management company, meaning you get to keep 100% not just 70%.

You will usually have to wait up to 30 days for your claim to be investigated, but if the Valuation Office Agency agreements that an error has been made then your band will be changed. The service is free, not only could you get a nice lump sum but you'll also save on your future council tax bills.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

AdSense Money Making Tutorial

How does anyone make money with AdSense?

  1. Keyword optimization
  2. Content
  3. Promotion
  4. Commitment
  5. Dedication
  6. Consistency

If you're going to add AdSense marketing to your Internet Business Empire you need relevant content and lots of it. Making a killing with AdSense also takes research. Let's face it, you can have a site with thousands of content rich pages but if content is of no interest to anyone online then your website traffic will reflect that. Do not set your goals too high in a low to no traffic market. Patience is an helpful attribute to have but it is contingent upon other exercises that are already in place like consistency and dedication. If your consistently researching, promoting and adding the best possible content to your website then and only then will patience be relevant to your earnings. Search engines and RSS feeds like new content and so do visitors. Your market may not show up the first, second or third time they see your ad, link or post but the more they see it more than probably they will click on it.

Once your market knows you're committed to giving them the best most relevant information possible they will show up, bookmark your site, tell their friends and absolutely click on some of the relevant ads on your website. You will have to continue to add new content to your website and appropriately place your keywords through in order for Google AdSense to know exactly what your webpage is about. Without this basic step you will fail to receive relevant ads on your webpages. With search engine optimization being the focal point of AdSense it is hard to ignore the fact that you need to use every management tool Google has to offer. If you ask 10 different marketers how much and how often you should add new content to your website you will get 6 varying answers but on average the answer will be once a week.

Tests have shown that submitting content to your website daily (not your blog) has in some cases gotten websites removed from the Google index. Unfortunately its an algorithm that makes this decision and you can appeal it. I add new content twice a week and I've not been removed from any index. If search engines are not your main traffic generator you need not worry. Before you start an AdSense marketing campaign be sure to have a solid plan with realistic expectations.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Life Success Learning to Create Positive Habitual Behavior & Overcoming Negativity

The first and sometimes most important success habit that must be formed is one of positive thinking. Dwell on the positive exit that's desired and avoid thinking about anything that's not wanted. Nothing will ensure failure faster than the very thought that the failure will occur. People say that it's absolutely normal for negativity to creep into our thoughts. Be that as it may, any negative thought has to be banished immediately and replaced with a positive one. This simple, yet effective technique, practiced regularly can help you move towards success like nothing else.

Forget about the past, it's gone and there's no going back. Regardless of what's happened before, today is a new day. Holding onto the past ensures that you'll stay right where you are in life. Letting go of past failures allows you to see the potential for future success and to move towards it. Realize that any past failures, real or imagined, were purely lessons that you thought to this moment in time. Appreciate the education you received and bravely move towards success with the knowledge you've gained.

Overcome the desire to put things off until another time. For most people that procrastinate, another time never comes. Things pile up over time and there's no way to catch up, adding to frustrations and even more procrastination. Whether it's taking out the trash or calling a client, get to it right away. Only by getting straight to work and finishing tasks can success really be accomplished. Practice this non-procrastinating lifestyle and you'll soon find not only that things are being accomplished, but that you have time left at the end of the day too.

Another important aspect of success is the ability to manage time. It can be very easy to lose track of time and difficult to get back on track. Keep track of everything you do during an average day and how much time it took to do it. Go through an entire week of this. Now evaluate and see what should be adjusted or eliminated for optimal time management. Continue to develop a schedule that allows maximum time for every activity. Include all your business and personal time in this and you'll soon find a workable and even profitable schedule for yourself.

Develop the confidence to go forth and conquer. Knowing a thing can be done and believing you can do it are two entirely different things. It's vital to your success and the success of all of your endeavors that you are confident in your self. Confidence shows through everything you do and it affects your ultimate success more than you think. Carry yourself importantly, speak with authority, be secure with yourself and walk tall. Believe in yourself and your ideas and present them with passion. Do these things and others will recognize your confidence and want to be associated with you.

Success is not a matter of predestination, it depends upon the will of the seeker. With the will to succeed, it's possible to do anything you desire. It really is as simple as that, despite the general tendency to believe otherwise. Over and over again, success stories appear that portrait down and out individuals that executed their own free will to rise above. Exert your will over the situations in your life, change them to suit you and your goals and success will follow.

What is success? Is it money, power, health or spirituality? Success means different things to different people. For some, success can only be seen in the form of financial gain and power. For others, success means a happy, healthy family with only the basics of life. Regardless of how it's defined, success is possible with the proper application of some basic habits and the development of key character traits.

The Five Components of a Business Strategy

Can you define exactly what makes up a business strategy? Some people say no, but we think you can.

In fact, we believe a valid business strategy has five components:

  1. Your company's current or desired core competencies
  2. A description of how you will differentiate vs. competitors
  3. The industry or industries in which you intend to compete
  4. The initiatives you plan to implement in the areas of marketing, operations, information technology, finance and organizational development
  5. A financial forecast that shows how your plans will meet stakeholder requirements over the next 3 to 5 years
Let's look at each of these components .

The first component of a valid business strategy is a clear description of your company's current or desired core competencies.

You may be thinking, "Great, but what's a 'core competency?"' While there are many definitions, here's a good one from Wikipedia:

" ACore competency is something that a firm can do well and that meets the following three conditions:

  • It provides consumer benefits
  • It is not easy for competitors to imitate
  • It can be leveraged widely to many products and markets.

A core competency can take various forms, including technical / subject matter know how, a reliable process, and / or close relationships with customers and suppliers. It may also include product development or culture, such as employee dedication. "

For example, we could say that Southwest Airlines is a reliable airline that offers low fares. But in order to provide those benefits, it has to have certain "core competencies," important capabilities that enable it to have low fares and to be reliable. We believe that Southwest Airlines has four core competencies that it executes so well that it regularly beats all other US airlines in terms of profitability.

These core competencies are:

  • The lowest operating costs per plane
  • An economic point-to-point airport network
  • A fanatical culture focused on customer service and cost savings
  • An ability to keep planes in the air more of the time than its competitors.

Southwest airlines could not offer the benefits of low prices and reliable service if it did not master these core competencies. What key benefits do you want to offer your customers? What core competencies do you need to master to provide them?

The second component of a valid business strategy is a description of how you differentiate vs. competitors.

In our experience, differentiation is about being the best at something. This should be encapsulated in your mission statement - what are your company's aspirations and how are you going to beat the competition? We just talked about how Southwest Airlines differentiates - what are you going to offer customers that will make them choose your products or services so that you can grow your business?

It takes a lot of hard work to come up with a great answer to this question and even more work to make that difference real. It's easy for us to say that Southwest is the best low-cost airline in the US, but it's extraordinarily difficult for them to pull it off.

The third component of a valid business strategy is a description of the industry or industries in which you intend to compete.

You need to be able to define just what kind of company you are - are you a furniture manufacturer? A gift card retailer? A consulting firm, a bearings distributor, a toy importer, etc.? This step sounds easy but we find that companies are often so concerned about getting too narrow in their focus that they fail to become really clear about what they want to do. A company with a good business strategy will have thought through these issues and made the hard decisions necessary to clarify its identity. If it has, it can easily pass the litmus test of identifying the industry or industries in which it operates.

The fourth component of a business strategy is the set of initiatives you plan to implement in the areas of marketing, operations, information technology, finance and organizational development.

These are the plans that guide your company's focus and resource allocation over the next several years. If your business strategy is specific enough to be relevant, you will have detailed plans in all of these areas.

The fifth component of a business strategy is a financial plan that forecasts the results you expect to get from your plans and illustrates how they will meet stakeholder requirements over the next 3 to 5 years.

Your strategic planning process can not be separated from your annual budget process. In the vast majority of companies, if it's not in the budget, it does not exist. That's why you have to have a very senior financial person on your strategic planning team, preferably the CFO. During the planning process, your team must agree a financial plan that estimates the results of implementing your strategy. This plan needs to earn the approval of your company's management and board and should be reviewed on a regular basis to track results and make refinements.

So - those are the five components of a valid business strategy. Good luck planning your success. And succeeding because you plan.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tips For Good Money Management

Learning how to effectively manage your money enables people to live comfortably within their means. Money management tips also allow people to increase their wealth, and the following money management tips can allow you to stay steadily in control of your finances!

First of all, you should set yourself a money management goal. A good money management tip like this is a means to an end. You must make your goal practically, however, and ensure that the end something that is in clear sight. Whilst your money management goal could be the prospect of having a comfortable retirement - you should begin with smaller objectives, like paying off a debt within a certain amount of months, or saving a particular amount of money within a chosen period of time. The satisfaction that comes with achieving a money management goal, motivates you to do more and more, possibly allowing yourself to have a comfortable retirement - and that's what makes this money management tip such a good one.

Secondly, it can be wise for you to know precisely what you have. You need to live within your means, and you must also understand exactly what your means are! Out of all the money management tips, this tip allows you to steadily monitor your cash flow, and allow you to see exactly how rich you actually are.

You should look specifically at any disposable income you have, in your pocket or wallet, or in any bank accounts. You must not include any sources of finance like overdrafts or loans, as extremely, that money is always owed to a creditor! Sometimes you have old bank accounts you have not used, or stashes of money left for a rainy day. Find these sums of money and include them in your calculations of how much money you really do have available to spend.

The third tip in a long line of money management tips would be to track any arm of income that you have. If there is at least one month's worth of old cheque stubs - you should add them up and divide them to see what your average incomes accounts to.

Even better, you could add them for a quarter of the year and divide this amount by the number of weeks in a quarter (13) - giving you a completely accurate view of your perception power. Perhaps you have not saved cheque stubs - so try it for four weeks. And do not just multiply your weekly wage by four, as you could well be forgetting sick days, or any other days you have not been able to make it to work, and even omitting extra income from any holidays.

Another in the long line of money management tips would be to track your overall spending. As soon as you know what money you have and what income you should expect you should be looking at where exactly your money goes. You could take one month as an example, and watch what you spend down to the very last penny. After a few weeks of doing this, you could well find yourself reconsidering some purchases, and wondering whether or not you actually need to waste your money on such things!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

How I Become A Football Manager With No Previous Experience

I was always the last player to be picked for football as a child, so I never considered myself a good footballer. I dabbled in amateur football when I was in my late teens, but a spate of unforced emergencies including two broken wrists, a compound break to my arm and a sprained ankle saw me leave football and try other activities. I reached the age of thirty feeling I had never gotten involved in a sport in the way I would have liked.

I am a big fan of a well-known football management simulation where I have spent hour after hour trying to lead my favorite team to virtual glory. Notifying my aptitude for organization, planning and attention to detail I set about contacting local Sunday league football teams, asking if anyone needed help with running their club. After a short time I was contacted by a team who asked to meet me and discuss this further.

After meeting the manager I was installed as his assistant manager and my job was to fill in the team sheet, fill the water bottles before the game, help pick the team and ensure we collected all of our equipment at the end of the match. It was not glamorous, but I eagerly grasped the opportunity and thought to prove myself as a reliable helper.

The team manager left our club in the summer and rather than choose a new manager the players asked me to take over. I am now manager and in charge of the whole club. I was recently contacted by a team who play at a slightly higher level on a Saturday and asked to discuss joining their club in a management capacity. Their club chairman had noticed how I had improved the organizational structure of the club and this led to him getting in touch.

For those of you who may think that there is no chance of getting involved in football management if you have not had a strong professional or amateur football career then think again. It is possible and I would suggest it can be straightforward if you find out who the right people are to approach in your nearby league and offer your assistance to anyone who might be interested.

Running a grassroots football team is a time consuming task. Most clubs will be happy to accept your help. Always be punctual and reliable as this will be a huge asset to any club. You will be surprised at how difficult it is for managers to get their players to turn up to play on occasion, so having reliable management assistance will be very valuable to your new club.

You will find that these qualities are in demand right across the sport, so expect other offers to follow once word spreads that you are an asset to your club.

Landing Pages - How to Create a Free Landing Page

Are you starting out with a string budget? Have no experience building webpages? You know you need your own landing page, squeeze page or opt-in page. But if you do not have the money in your budget to pay for it, and need to do it yourself, where do you begin? I'll give you simple step-by-step instructions to walk you through the process using a neat little site called BlinkWeb. You can do this with no technical experience whatsever and best of all ... it's FREE!

Sign-Up for Your FREE Account

Simply go to and sign up for your free account. Then there will be a button that says 'Create a New Site.' Click on it. BlinkWeb is a place where you can create free websites. So, they give you different options as to the type of site you want to create. In this case you'll choose the salesletter style for your landing page.

The next step is entering a title for your landing page. Of course it should be pertinent to your offer. It's even better if your title contained keywords relating to your site. This in essence is the domain name of your site.

Creating the Landing Page

After you name the page, you'll be taken to the page builder. There are four boxes on the left-hand side:

Editor Tools

Editor Tools and Widgets are basically drag and drop menus. You can choose where to place your title, paragraphs, images and videos. You decide the order. To keep it simple you can be with a title box (which is your headline), then follow with a short paragraph. Make sure to really convey the benefits because this is going to capture your customer's attention.

I'd also suggest you either have a quality image or video on your page. People are visual and giving them something to look at will increase your conversion rate. For image and paragraph choose image / paragraph under Text Tools. For video and paragraph choose video / paragraph under Video / Images.

Cool Tools

Here's something really cool. Under Widgets, there's a section called Sales Pages. It makes it really easy to incorporate bullet points - which is the check list. And there's also a testimonial box. All the work has been done for you. Simply choose the tool and type in your text.

Under layouts you select the template you'd like for your site. Remember a plain white background is best.

Now for the most important part. The Opt-in Box. The tool you need is Custom HTML and it's located under the Advanced section in Widgets.

Note: You will need a account with a contact management company such as Constant Contact or AWeber for this to work.

Simply create the actual opt-in box with whatever software you use. Then copy the HTML code that's generated and paste it in the Customer HTML box on BlinkWeb. You will have an opt-in box right on your landing page and all the names and email addresses of your customers will be collected. No need to export information, it goes directly to your contact management software.

Be sure to view your page before you publish it. Check the spacing and make sure everything is "above the fold." For more tips regarding copywriting, landing pages, opt-in pages, visit the website. Learn more secrets that top internet marketers use to set their business apart from the masses.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Managing the Manager

Your organization has decided to outsource a project to an external firm. In some cases, the organization may allow your team to manage the project, but more often than not, the organization may want full return and to manage the engagement themselves. What does this mean to the project manager from the client organization? Depending on your company's project management philosophy (ie do they see project management as a scheduling function, or someone that truly manages the project and risk), this type of agreement may be more challenging than you first think. While it may be helpful to have the outside assistance, it may require a change in your normal approach and project management function in order to provide, effective, external team support and oversight.

I've been in situations where I was the contractor that has had customers instruct me on the process they would like to use and others that have allowed me to use my organization's expertise to deliver the best result. I've also been in situations where my organization is the customer who has outsourced a project and was responsible for truly managing the external resources and other situations where requested to allow the contractor to exert full control over the management, using their own approach and practices .

While the specific approach needed should be tailor to your specific situation and organization, I fine one of the more unequally challenging situations is when you outsource an engagement, including the management / oversight and project approach. While there are always opportunities for learning and growth, the last scenario can be difficult and even confusing for a strong project manager. The level of authority and your role will depend very much on your organization's perspective on project management. If you are put in this type of situation, my suggestions are:

1. Clearly Understand Roles & Responsibilities : Regardless of the scenario, clear role definition is an essential first step. You'll need to understand specific role expectations from both your organization as well as your contractor. Defining what the contractor is responsible for all the way down to communication with your organization is also important.

2. Be Prepared to Be a Passenger : Not being responsible for running the project can be tough for strong project managers who are asked to interface with the external consulting organization, especially where there are deviations from your recommended approach or where you identify areas for improvement and their process is set in stone. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of all involved will help you understand where you can provide value and where you can intervene. You may also need to prepare yourself for having more of an administrative role than an orchestration or technical role. Understanding who does what will help reduce the push and pull between organizations.

3. Ensure There is a Sound Escalation Path : While you may not have direct authority, you will want to understand what types of items can be escalated and when. You'll also need to ensure you have the proper support within your organization. The lack of direct and indirect authority, plus no support does not make for a prosperous environment.

4. Utilize Lessons Learned : Reviewing prior projects, especially those with many of the same variables is useful for educating the organization and can even assist your contractor. Continue to collect intelligence on what works well and what does not work well, even if you do not have direct control over changing the immediate situation. This information can be useful for not only the current situation, but future endeavors.

5. Educate Your Organization on the Value of Project Management : Even though you may not have direct control over the project or even the support you need, never give up on educating the organization and vendors on project management value and best practices. Hopefully the contractor will apply the same project management rigor you would, but if not, there is always a positive takeaway for you personally and hopefully professionally for your organization. Help educate your organization on your discoveries, the impact of these discoveries and the lessons you have learned through prior experience. Project management is not for the fault of heart, but requires tireless perseverance. Show your organization why you are in your role and the tremendous value this function can provide your organization.

There is always something to be gained and learned from each situation. While outsourcing to an organization that owns the management of the project may not directly utilize all of your project management skills, it will certainly help develop new ones.

Learn To Make Money On WordPress

WordPress is by far the most efficient and loved content management tool that exists. Many websites are powered by WordPress from blogs to full blown marketing company sites. What's more, you can make substantial amounts of online money using this CRM tool. There are many things you can do using a WordPress powered website and earn income. Alternately, there are features and things you can develop and sell for WordPress users. If you are looking for how to make money on WordPress and earn income, here are a few proven ways to try out.

Selling Plugins
Everyone who has used WordPress knows how he runs it without plugins can be. In fact, it is plugins that enable different tasks to be accomplished. WordPress offers numerous plugins for its users. Some are free while others are premium. If you know how to develop plugins, you can check what other people are selling and designing a better option that may interest your users. These plugins can then be sold to wholesaler sites that purchase and retail them. Indeed, this is one of the most reliable ways of how to make money on WordPress.

Designing WordPress themes
Everyone likes a nicely designed and transitional theme for their website and this is the same for WordPress users. Like plugins, there are free and premium themes. You can design elegant themes and sell them. If you are a web designer or developer, creating spectacular themes will not be a problem and you can make a lot of money selling these themes.

Blogging with WordPress
This is the most renamed way to make money and there are thousands of bloggers. WordPress is the simplest blogging tool available and it was originally designed for this purpose. Even for beginners, quickly learning how to install WordPress and start blogging. The more you continue using WordPress in blogging, the easier it becomes and one can effortlessly graduate from novice bloggers to experts.

WordPress consultation
Not everyone knows how to use WordPress and they require consultation services to help them come to par with the tool. If you are an expert and understand the ins and outs of this CRM tool, you can offer consultation services to small and medium businesses for a small fee.

Content writing
The ways of how to make money on WordPress can not be complete without mentioning content writing. Writing high quality WordPress blog content for large corporations and businesses is another way of making money using this tool. Pro blogger, Elance, Job board and Odesk among others all offer opportunities for WordPress content writing and pay money for approved content.

WordPress is used by millions across the world. It is very user friendly and easy to learn which is why more websites created today are run with it. The above-mentioned how to make money on WordPress tips are only a few. The internet has limitless opportunities for making money and WordPress is the facilitator needed to accomplish this.

Human Resources Diplomacy

Human resource management is not always or solely the presentation of gifts. Sometimes bad news has to be delivered. We are not thinking here of bad news as in, "You're fired," in which the relationship is ended. Think instead of "You did not get the promotion" or "We will not fund that training in your case." It sometimes helps to be able to layoff at least some of the blame in such instances. Doing so can help preserve cordial relations between a superior and subordinate. In addition, hearing bad news from a third person may help the person getting the bad news to save face, a psychological fact of life that has a lot to do with the persistence of management consulting as an industry.

As for objectivity, it is sadly the case that some general managers are less than paragons of objectivity and virtue. Some are susceptible to corruption, some attend to private agendas, some are prejudiced, and some are simply capricious. To place the administration of human resources practices solely in the hands of such a manager is unlawfully to produce good outcomes. Moreover, to place the administration of human resources practices solely in the hands of a virtuous paragon can lead to (incorrect) feelings of caprice, corruption, prejudice, and so forth. Not all paragons have had the time and track record needed to develop the untarnished reputation that deserve, and an employee who is denied a promotion or rise by a paragon can be forgiven for sometimes confusing his own unhappy exit with managerial discretion exercised unfairly. And when an individual manager is given a lot of authority, even if she is incorruptible, the temptation to try to corrupt her might prove too strong for those who futures she will influence.

Even a line manager who is a veritable paragon of merit and who is recognized as such has a lot of concerns to balance. When some of those concerns involve measures of performance that can be affected quickly (such as product shipping date) and others involve noisier, long-delayed outputs (such as the manager's and firm's reputation with the work), line managers may make compromises that are not in the organization's long-term interests.

Individual line managers may not fully understand or appreciate the organization's human resources strategy and policies, and the long-term reputation sent with employees. This can be a particular problem in settings characterized by relatively high rates of managerial mobility, which can impede stability, consistency, and "memory" as far as human resources management is concerned. Simplicity, consistency, and clarity must be traded off against the complexities of real life.

For all these reasons, human resources experts in particular special areas can play an important role in advising and educating line managers; helping sustain a coherent and consistent human resources philosophy through the organization; and even, in some cases, acting as independent authorities or appealing officers, in case employees feel aggrieved by line management decisions.

In-the-field human resources specialists can also help in evaluating and improving the performance of line managers. It is perhaps difficult to evaluate performance in the area of ​​human resources strategy and policy formation, but even evaluating how well policies are implemented is difficult. General Managers have a lot of things to attend to, and it is therefore expected and natural that human resources will be pushed toward the back burner.

Promoting a culture that elevates the management of human resources, relying on intrinsic motivation of line managers to some extent. But some accountability - some measurement of performance - will support the desired culture. Specialists are likely to have the best training and widest range of evidence for conducting comparative evaluations of human resources performance. Hence, they are well positioned to provide measures of performance on which line manager accountability can be based and to counsel line managers regarding how to improve their effectiveness in formulating and implementing policies for their units.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How To Earn Money Online - The Inside Secrets Revealed!

If you want to discover how to earn money online then pay close attention to the following vitally important few paragraphs because they reveal, completely for free, the most powerful and effective methods available today for making lots of money from the Web. Making money online offers a dream lifestyle, financial freedom and the unique benefit of never having to answer directly to a horrible boss ever again. However, the truth is, you need to be aware of the most efficacious techniques for earning money online if you want to "make it" in this increasingly competitive industry. Thankfully, that's where we come in, by revealing to you directly exactly how to make all the money you desire from the Internet, as quickly as possible!

Killer Method # 1 - Build AdSense Websites!

If you're looking into how to earn money online then you may already have heard of making money from AdSense. In a nutshell, this method involves writing articles on any chosen topic you are familiar with, publishing them to your Blog or Website and then signing up to Google's AdSense program which displays ads that perfectly match your articles' topic. When people arrive at your site to read your articles they will see related adverts and, the great thing is, every time a person clicks on one of the ads you get paid. The price you are paid for a click can range from a few pennies right the way up to nearly a hundred dollars, depending on the topic of your site. All in all, this is a fantastic, easy way to get started making money online. It is very realistic to make a few extra hundred dollars a month with this method, although some top AdSense publishers like Spencer Haws actually make over $ 10,000 / month. Truly inspiring, I am sure you'll agree. Building AdSense websites is more fun than most regular online jobs, however, you probably want to work on it part-time to begin with as it can take a little time to build up.

Killer Method # 2 - Help Local Businesses With Online Marketing!

This is one of the easiest ways ever to start making good money online. In essence, what you are doing is, creating your own legitimate full-time online job by offering your online marketing services to offline businesses. The first thing to understand is that 90% of offline "bricks and mortar" businesses are completely clueless when it comes to Online Marketing. As such you can, with a just a little bit of easily and freely acquired Online Marketing knowledge, make tremendous monthly profits by serving just a few offline businesses that are easily found in any decent-sized city or town. Services you can offer include Website Design, Email Newsletter Management, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Graphic Design, Blogging, Facebook and Twitter Management and much, much more. Just one average-sized offline business will happily pay several hundred dollars per month for your services if they see a positive ROI and so, as a simple bit of Math will show you, a few of these such clients quickly adds up to a very healthy income. This method for earning money online, where you essentially become your own boss in control of your own time, is one the best types of self-created online jobs you will ever find.

Summing Up!

If you have been searching for how to earn money online then these 2 methods work like gangbusters. Simply get started today and soon you too will be living the dream Internet Lifestyle. Good luck and be sure to get started right now!

BOTS Companion of a Modern Revenue Manager

Bots have become an important part of human life both, at the personal and professional front and their involvement is climbing new peaks with every passing day. They surround us in our daily life in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Search Engines, and Software. Part of it has also paved way for smarter and efficient revenue management for hotels fueling the debt that if humans should be irrevocably replaced with bots for this complex round the clock function. Although the practice may be at a nascent stage to draw concluding, it has certainly made a mark in the real of the hospitality industry and has become an indispensable part of any hotel revenue management.

Artificial Intelligence powered robots can analyze and synthesize large chunks of hotel data collected at various touch points in a fraction of seconds to present meaningful insights about the booking pattern, demand, guest behavior which is impossible to be grouped or processed by any amount of human workforce with the same efficiency as bots. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Artificial Intelligence has sort of revolutionized the hospitality industry across the globe, enabling every business to improve on multiple fronts like hotel pricing, price optimization, revenue management, guest experience management, booking management, demand and even capacity optimization of properties.

Furthermore, these bots are also capable of analyzing trends and trace upcoming events in the town to estimate the rise in demand, providing enough room for revenue managers to tweak the pricing and availability instead of fire fighting the situation at the last minute.

Leading hotels have already started betting big on AI powered bots and poised to explore new ways to make bots a part of their business operations. One significant advantage bots have over humans is that they can work tirelessly 24X7 with the same precision. Hotel industry requires attention 24X7 and is one of the most dynamic industries with continuous fluctuations in trends, demand, and prices. That is where these robust machines have huge value to add to the revenue management realm. These invisible machines can not only quickly determine the best rates at a particular time for your property, (room rate optimization) but also advise the revenue managers on which segment to target and the kind of promotional offers to be run to maximize the revenue.

Another major area where hotels continue to hustle is direct bookings. Hotels have been continuously trying to improve booking numbers on their own website since OTA missions are touching skies, eating up a major revenue share of hotels. Hotels would be surprised to know that even in this area, bots can improve their game and help increase the number of bookings by a decent percentage. With advanced learning capabilities and rigorous analysis of visitor's purchasing behavior, AI powered bots can refine the visitor experience and personalize every visitor's journey to their needs and interests. This increments visitor engagement and reduces the cycle time of purchase leading to conversion on the hotel website itself.

This again brings us to the joke that wherever revenue managers can be gradually replaced by bots completely risking their roles and jobs in the industry altogether. The answer is obviously NO since these micro machines can only process and analyze only a set number of parameters in their decision and often neglect external market implications that may not be considered by such bots but are easily identifiable only by human revenue managers and this acumen is gained by experience.

Therefore, the ideal mix should be machine results mediated and supervised by human revenue managers. For eg, Pricing is one area which could have been automated with a reasonable amount of diligence and control of the revenue manager. Similarly, online reputation management can also be monitored with technology; however, a personalized approach will take you a long way. The key is to automate the processes that require minimum human intervention and involve human where necessary. This will help revenue managers to don more hats at the same time like exploring more avenues to maximize per guest audience and focus on other revenue increasing strategies.

Thus, witnessing the scenarios discussed above, we can conclude that the status of the bots is of a companion to revenue managers instead of a successor who will complement them at every step with razor fast information and analysis of the market and competition, enabling revenue managers to take informed decisions in no time and help them optimize revenues and drive the hotel towards new millions of success.

Investment Banking And Its Basics

There is a great deal of confusion among people about exactly what investment banking is. To make things clear, no - it has nothing to do with savings and fixed deposits. It is not something that the average people use on a daily basis. It is more commonly used by either investors or by those seeking investors and raise capital for their business. The investment banks simply help these two categories of people find their way to each other. There are always people who want to invest their money and make more of it than what they already have. One of the best ways to make idle money useful is through investing it. But the question of where to invest comes up. And to answer this question, they start looking for places and companies to invest in. This research is made a lot easier when they approach investment banks.

Similarly, there are businessmen on the lookout for money. Whether the businessman is looking to start-up a new business from scratch or just seeking to expand an existing business, he needs money. And this money is something he can get from investors. Looking alone, he might not be as successful in finding investors. But if he were to approach an investment bank, he would have access to a multitude of investors, with different needs. His chances of getting capital get higher. So basically, investment banking services include facilitating investors find potential investments and investments find potential investors. But These are not the whole and sole function of such banks - they do a lot more. They tend to take on matters like asset management, estate management and investment advisory. They help you to manage your finances smoothly and with little amount of trouble possible.

From figuring out specific aspects of business management to deciding where to invest in equity capital markets - these banks offer available services. They can act on your behalf or simply give advice, if you prefer to act on your own. The thing to remember is what they think is the best decision might not always be the best for you. Also remember that you will have to give away some personal and sensitive information to these banks for them to function well. You need to make sure you keep a keen eye on their actions, so that you do not end up with your trade secrets being leaked, leaving you the loser. You should also make note of their practices, so that you can pull out before something happens where you stand to lose more than you gain.

Are You Embarrassed by Your Sales Manager Job Description Skills? Here's What to Do

Supervisors, and especially sales managers, acquire their outputs from the group they manage. This requires behavioral attitude that enhance the company and accommodating attitudes.
• These abilities are created predominately from:
• An enthusiasm for individual needs and perspectives
• An eagerness to invest time and commit thought to analyzing states of mind
• A feeling of equity or reasonable management


Typically the business manager will have to work his or her way up in the company and will have to amaze product learning, a database of loyal clients, awesome thoughts regarding development of sales, and incredible compatibility with partners and customers alike. However, there is a likewise scope for experienced transactions directors to be parachuted into an organization to convey a crisp way to deal with dealing with the business department. Sales managers now and then decide and build up sales territories in accordance with the organizations' development plans. He or she will likewise be in charge of setting standards and sale objectives for the business officials and the business group in general. Successfully working in as the controlling hand for the business team, the business manager will likewise outline the staff's training programs, create methodologies for the business group to work productively and urge collections to outperform short-and-long term targets.


If you're in a promotion department then you simply need to move to an inbound approach, it's conceivable every thing you'll have to demonstrate the accomplishment of your inbound marketing program. If so, you'll likely be looking to hire a holding nothing back inbound advertiser, someone who can build and grow your inbound marketing system starting from the earliest stage. Search for somebody who is exceptionally self-motivated and flexible ... also, completes stuff (what's more, in case regardless you're trying to persuade your manager to make the move to inbound in any case).


The business profession has changed over the prior decade as an after effect of advances in IT, the expansion of correspondence channels and automation. "The administration job is trying to understand the change and sale supervisors are critical to its prosperity," says one encountered sales director. Sale administrators today should comprehend IT system, perceive the force of web-based social networking, and be fully informed regarding sales and customer trends. He or she will be great with figures and ready to analysis measurements and always monitor deal figures and the group's execution, as indicated by agreed KPIs.


Employer hiring stuff tend to search for applicants with a bachelor or graduate degree in a business organization with a concentration in marketing. Education in business law, economic matters, business administration, bookkeeping, arithmetic, finance, and statistics will surrender candidates a leg on the opposition. Computer and Internet skills are likewise valuable for record-keeping and information services. Many business supervisors are promoting inside from the business executive part. A few companies likewise offer confirmation programs, a capability that is turning into a standard among managers. The Institute of Sales and Marketing Management offers a scope of Marketing and sales manager job description add qualifications for expert business people from little Awards to larger Certificates and Diplomas. These capabilities are on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and are directed by the UK government education controller.


• Work with Marketing to assurance predictable lead era.

• Work together with sales manager to make and prepare prospecting process.

• Work together with sales leadership to make and prepare lead capacity handle.

• Hire high-performing business people as indicated by HR staffing rules.

• Prepare new sales representatives to guarantee achievement.

• Oversee everyday execution of all business collections and deliver reviews.

• Work with sales authority to produce thoughts for sale challenges and motivational activities.

• Lead and timetable week after week or potential month to month group gatherings with deals group and administration.

• When you hire, an employee must be stated in sales manager job description that that Prepare and guarantee adherence to sales handling.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Resume for Chief Auditor

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Mercedes 126 Repair - Tracking Down Vacuum Leaks

Mercedes always had a penchant for using manifold vacuum as a control device for various ancillary systems. As elegant as that may be, it does result in an engine compartment with a multitude of vacuum lines and connections, on top of an already-complicated fuel injection and air-management system. If that myriad of components has never been renewed on a 20-year-old car, there will almost certainly be leaks, and they can be tricky to track down.

Vacuum Leak Symptoms

Major vacuum leaks will make the engine very rough or lumpy at idle as the optimum air-fuel (A / F) ratio is compromised by the intake of unmetered air. The car may still drive reasonably well, because the relative magnitude of the leak becomes much less significant as the throttle opens and the engine draws in the large amounts of air it needs for combustion under load. Idle speed may also be elevated, as the vacuum leak frustrates the efforts of the idle-control system to regulate the amount of air admitted to the intake ports.

The economy gauge in the instrument cluster should be pegged left at idle (except in gear with the A / C on). But this gauge is not accurate enough for proper diagnosis. We really want to connect a hand-held vacuum gauge to the intake manifold. The best place to do this is at the back of the manifold on the passenger side, where the gray line to the interior accessories takes its feed. A healthy engine at idle, according to most textbooks, should indicate 17-22 in / Hg of vacuum; In the case of a V-8 Mercedes 126, we should be seeing around 20. A lower number can indicate many things, including improper ignition timing and generally poor engine condition. But if the engine is other sound sound, vacuum leaks will be noticeable here.

Best Detection Method

One way to find vacuum leaks is with an automotive stethoscope. You may be able to actually hear the intake of false air. But the best way is to use your car's oxygen senor as a diagnostic aid. The oxygen sensor on the early V-8's is a single wire device, sending a voltage close to 1.0 when the A / F ratio is very rich and close to 0.0 when the mixture is very lean. By connecting the sensor's output wire through a voltmeter to battery ground, we can use it to test for vacuum leaks. To do this:

  • Get the sensor HOT by driving the car.
  • Test the sensor's lean response by creating a massive vacuum leak. Disconnect the gray line at the back of the manifold, where you hooked up your vacuum gauge.
  • Test the sensor's rich response by spraying carb cleaner into the intake. (The air cleaner needs to be off for this work.)
  • If the sensor is not responding correctly, replace it. It is vital for proper mixture control and fuel economy.
  • If the sensor is working, test for vacuum leaks by spraying small amounts of carb cleaner around suspected leak areas, such as fuel injector seals and breath hoses. If you see a brief spike in the voltage, you've found a problem area.
  • Do not go crazy with the carb cleaner: it is hostile to old rubber.

Unfortunately, not all of the possible culprits can be reached with this procedure. The rubber "donuts" between the upper- and lower-halves of the intake manifold are almost impossible to test. But usually, some combination of this procedure plus temporarily isolating vacuum-powered accessories will expose the leak.

Finally, a word on a vacuum leak location that is easily overlooked, but which can be very serious if allowed to get too far. The vacuum line from the back of the intake plenum to the brake booster is critical for brake performance; these cars are very difficult to stop without servo assistance. The line itself is easy to inspect for cracks, but it's hard to verify the integrity of the check valve in the line. The valve can look fine from a distance, but hairline cracks may be developing right at that point where the thick tubing mates with the valve. Try flexing this area with the engine running and see if your id changes, and give it the carb cleaner spritz test, too. New lines, including the check valve, are $ 40-50 and worth replacing for peace of mind if the original is still on there. Do not ask me how I know ...!

Finding Finance and Insurance Careers in the Automotive Industry

Interested in finance and insurance (F & I)? Love cars? Looking for a way to merge the two into a long-repeating and fulfilling career in the automotive industry? It's time to consider a career in auto sales and F & I management. Now is a great time to invest in F & I training, which can provide everything you need to succeed in this career. That means you will acquire excellent leadership and communication skills and have the expertise required to handle the financial and legal aspects of a sales transaction.

Automotive Business Manager programs are designed to teach the skills required to oversee the financial and legal aspects of the automotive industry. Students in these automated training programs are trained in finance and lease options, sale of after-market products and the use of specialized software.

Becoming an F & I manager means you will be in the center of the action. It also means you will have a direct impact on profitability and be rewarded accordingly. Need another reason to invest in F & I manager? Job Futures 2000 precedents that more than one-third of all jobs created in Canada will require a skilled trade design or a college diploma.

What about the extensive restructuring of the automotive industry? There has been a lot of change, but the automotive industry remains one of the world's largest and most important business sectors. Moreover, a surge in demand is expected as consumers make purchases that would normally have been made in the last two years and additional demand is created by increases in population, new consumer offerings and improved manufacturing technology. Employment prospects for automotive sales and F & I management are good for the following reasons:

  • A growing shortage of well trained individuals to fill sales occupations
  • Service Canada predicts there will be strong demand for qualified candidates in Sales and Service, Business, Finance and Administration "because this sector will account for more than 45% of all retirements over the next five years."
  • Significant worldwide growth within the automotive industry

You know what happens when demand for a specific job goes up. Salaries also go up. That's exactly what is happening for F & I Professionals. Key elements of F & I training programs can include the following areas of study:

  • Business Manager's Role in the Dealership
  • Financial Institutions and Their Requirements
  • Getting the Contracts Purchased
  • Credit Reporting Overview
  • Understanding Credit Scores and Risks
  • Reading Credit Reports
  • Prequalification Using Credit Reports
  • Cash Conversions
  • Bank Conversions
  • Use a Customer-Friendly, Aggressive F & I Process
  • Qualify Your Customer, Use The Right Words
  • Product Knowledge
  • Effective Selling Techniques
  • Menu Selling Leasing Skills and Techniques

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Logistics Software is the Ultimate Transportation Management Program

It's difficult to think of an area of ​​business that has not benefited from SaaS offerings. And if you own a manufacturing company or plan on starting one, you may be familiar with truckload transportation management software, a form of logistics software that is available on both a SaaS model and as an internal software solution. The value of logistics software is typically discussed in relation to third party logistics (3PL), with its main benefits being that it offers logistics solutions at a significantly lower price than 3PL while offering more shipping options.

Logistics software offers the same logistics expertise as 3PL providers for a lower price because it's priced as a software service and not as a logistics consulting service. It offers a broader range of shipping solutions because it does not act as a business entity that prefers its own shipping solutions or the solutions of its associates. But there are also other benefits of using logistics software instead of 3PL; Below, we take a look at three reasons why logistics software is the ultimate transportation management program.

Companies Can Become Their Own Logistics Providers

When shipping companies get large enough, they usually purchase their own flight fleet and hire a team of logistics professionals to oversee it. But for small to midsize shipping companies, the financial necessity of outsourcing logistics means that they have to maintain a relationship with a 3PL that 3PL clients regularly characterize as being distant and disconnected, and it's easy to see why. If you are not a logistics expert, it's difficult to maintain a business dialogue within someone who is. But logistics software effectively places the power of the logistics function in the hands of shipping companies by providing an easy to use customer interface, making it an ideal transportation management program.

Companies Receive a Comprehensive Logistical Approach

There are four types of 3PL providers: standard 3PL providers, service developers, customer adapters and customer developers. But only customer developers offer a comprehensive approach that results in new shipping solutions. The problem? Cost wise, hiring a customer developer is essentially like hiring your own team of logistics professionals. And if you can not afford that, then hiring a customer developer is a bad decision as well. Companies hire standard 3PL providers and service developers when they have a specific need, but not when they when they want the best systematic shipping process; and customer adapters are rented by companies that simply want their shipping process "managed".

Companies can Significantly Reduce their Annual Shipping Costs

Research shows that companies that implement logistics software can reduce their annual shipping costs by 10 percent at the end of the first year. With the aid of logistics software, shippers typically pay more than they need to in freight transport and a variety other costs commonly associated with the shipping process, including but not limited to: TMS software costs, annual software maintenance costs, gain shares, freight margins and common rate based licensing costs.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Business Sales Close Plan - Milestones to Close the Deal

Being with my feet on the sales ground for 25 years in IT, I can recommend that many steps in the sales process need to be discussed and agreed internally and with the business customer to come to an agreed and signed contract.

Following this sales process through a so called 'Sales Close Plan', describes all the necessary milestones that need to be agreed from a resource perspective, internally from a supplier perspective as well as from the business customer resource perspective. This Sales Close Plan will enable you to set up the right expectations during the contract negotiation milestones during an enterprise sales process.

Discuss with your business customer the close plan and have your customer sign / off the Sales Close Plan on timescales and milestones. If each stone is finalized confirm this in email to your customer so all expectations and potential road blocks keeps transparent and visible to you as supplier and business customer.

1. Identify the Power Sponsors:

Which customer contacts have the power to approve or veto a major contract deal?
Who are the business owners?

2. Identify customer procurement process:

Send Non Disclosure for approval.
Perform Customer due diligence and screening.
Is supplier employee screening process required?
What are customer standard terms & conditions?
What are the expected legal challenges? Intellectual property, Warranty ...?
What are the payment terms?
What is the VAT number?
What are the shipping address details?
What are the billing address details?
Discover expense costs cap guidelines.
What is the business identity code?
Will payment be in Dollars / Euro ...?
What are the finance contact details?
Which legal resources are required from supplier, internally, externally?

3. Approval process:

Who needs to approve from the IT department?
Who needs to give approval from the business department?
Is budget available? If not when?
Is Board approval required to close the deal? I yes, when is next Board meeting
Which person from the Board supports business case?
Do we need a reference visit and who will attend from the customer?
Which reference do we nominate for site visit or phone interview?
Agree on travel arrangements for reference visit.

4. Feedback 1st round legal / proposal discussions:

Does the commercials / T & C's in the proposal need to be updated to get a deal?
If yes, which resources from supplier and customer are required?
Do we need internal approval from higher management for this?
Is customer requesting any legal adjustments that need further legal review by supplier?

5. Send new proposal / T & C's contracts:

Agree date for presentation final proposal to customer.
Is customer verbally accepting new proposal / T & C's?

6. Contracts:

When will customer sign / off contracts?
When can signed contracts be collected at customer?
Reconfirm resources allocation.
Start of project or delivery.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Online Brand Management - Use It to Increase Sales

Experienced marketers assert that brand management is one of the ways to increase sales because strong brand recall helps customers insist upon a particular product or service in place of any other one. Strong brands are a great asset to a company because they help to increase demand. Marketers will also be able to reduce the cost of doing business if they own very powerful brands. The rules of online brand management have to be followed by marketers in order to increase sales and build their business.

As a person who owns an online business, you should be able to attract and retain the attention of your potential customers. This requires certain specific resources and you should be able to use them correctly in order to make the best use of your budget. This is not a one-time expense and effective brand management requires constant efforts because your competitors will also be trying to make inroads into your customer base.

You should also connect with your customer base in a wide variety of ways because this helps to build brand loyalty and recall. The easiest way you can do this online is through the help of blogs as well as social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Naymz, Flickr. You need to build a lot of links from these pages to your site in order to increase traffic. However, you can not just create a blog or accounts on these sites without updating them frequently because you need to have a regular supply of fresh content.

Another aspect of online brand management is the monitoring of your competitor's online activities. You should always ensure that allegations of competitor brands are matched by complaints of your own brand. This will help you influence potential users who are undecided about which brand to select.

Online reputation management is another feature of brand management. There are bound to be negative mentions about your company on the internet and they may come to the attention of potential users who are searching for the product or service you are dealing in. This has a very negative impact on your sales and should be managed so that only positive claims of your company feature on the first couple of pages of search engine results. You will be able to expand your business very effectively if you take these steps to enhance the image and strength of your brand.