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Monday, January 7, 2019

Quick Bible Translation Comparison

I've been around the Bible my whole life. If you're like other Christians, you might be wondering what translation is the best, what one is most accurate and what one is right for you. These are all things I've wondered in the past and over the many years I've used many Bible translations, such as the NASB, NIV, KJV, NKJV, etc.

While I will not go into a complete historical and in-depth break down on every translation there is, I will touch on some of the more popular Bible translations out there.

KJV Bible

The King James Version (note: the NKJV is different) was released back in 1611 and is a "word for word" translation from the Bishops Bible, Tyndale's Bible, Masoretic Texts and Textus Receptus.

While not my personal favorite, this and the NKJV are widely used.

NKJV Bible

Simply put, this is a more modern King James Bible. In 1982 it was created to "modernize" the language some so that it was easier to read by more people.

NIV Bible

Another very popular version. Like the KJV and NKJV, I own multiple Bibles that use this translation.

The NIV is easier to read than the KJV and NKJV. According to some reports, this is the best-selling version of the Bible as well. Like I said, it's very easy to digest, so adults, teens and even youngger children enjoy it.

NASB Bible

This is my favorite translation. It's a word for translation that uses the Hebrew and Greek. It's an upper-level translation from Rudolf Kittel's Biblia Hebraica Dead Sea Scrolls and Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.

Generally speaking, adults serious about studying God's Word gravitate toward the NASB. Of course, that does not mean you can not be serious with any version of the Bible.

The Right Bible

So what version of the Bible is right for you? This really is a personal question. Regardless of the "flavor" you enjoy, I highly recommend you buy a good study Bible.

If you're new in the Lord, you may want to start out with the NIV Bible. It's very easy to understand and there are many great ones out there. Personally, I own multiple Bibles of many translations.

Brief Example of Matthew 4:19

Below is the verse Matthew 4:19 from four different translations to give you an example of the difference.

NASB: "And He said to them," Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. "

NIV: "Come, follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

NKJV: "Then He said to them," Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. "

KJV: "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
âEUR¨You'll notice they say the same thing, just a little different. The KJV did not capitalize God at all (He, Me). The differences can be seen more in other versions and other translations.

Chances are you'll end up being more loyal to one translation in time.

Car Leasing - Most Popular Form Of Car Finance in 2010

During the first six months of 2010, there were just over 530,000 new cars purchased in the UK, according to statistics from the Finance and Leasing Association (FLA).

It would not be unsurprising if you thought that a large portion of this figure was cash purchases, another large portion being made up of hire purchase agreements and then a final portion of other financing options, such as car leasing or personal loans.

Whilst cash purchases are a preferred option for buying a used car, when it comes to a new car 80% of all people buy them with car finance utilizing one of three different options.

Hire purchase agreements were once the most popular finance option. You pay an upfront payment followed by monthly payments (a portion of the money you borrowed plus interest) over an agreed period. You do not own the car until the end of the period when you pay a fee (check because this could be high).

Next comes car leasing. There are two types of car leasing for consumers - personal contract hire and personal contract purchase (PCP). PCP is the most popular and is vaguely similar to hire purchase, but the monthly payment s are often much lower because you are only paying for the cost of the car less an agreed balloon payment (value of the car at the end of the agreement which is typically between 24 and 60 months) and at the end of the term, you can either decide to hand the car back or pay the outstanding balance to own the vehicle.

And then you have a personal loan, which is usually the more expensive of the three options and the least favable for buyers. Beware, if you choose an unsecured loan and should you default on a payment, the lender does not simply take the car away and instead attempts to recover any outstanding monies directly from you.

Whilst cash or a hire purchase might seem like the most traditional car buying options, according to statistics provided by the FLA 49.4 percent of the total number of cars sold by dealers in the first half of 2010 - were financed by a Personal Contract Purchase (PCP ) agreement.

Seeming to have a low profile in recent years, with people Traditionally opting for the hire purchase option, it's when you take a look at PCP agreements and the flexibility it offers you that you see just why such a fundamental percentage of car buyers opted for it in the first half of 2010.

Whether you've heard of or utilized car leasing in the past or not, there's no doubt that it's the most popular car finance option of the moment. Packed full of benefits and extremely flexible, whether you're a personal user or a business, it's advised you to take a look at the benefits of car leasing and PCP when you next head out to buy a new car.

'Mobile Oil Change' Businesses Have Terrible Profit Margins

The oil change business is hard. I am not going to sugar coat it. I have been in the business for five years and I am telling you from first hand experience. I have done more research on the topic that several people put together. I am an authority. I know what I am talking about. There is no profits, at least one can actually build a business on, in oil changes.

This is coming from someone who is in the business. Whoever, no matter who he is, tells you that you can make a decent profit off oil changes, regardless of what kind, he is lying. He is either purposefully lying to you to make money or really does not know. The profit from oil changes can not, and I do repeat for emphasis can not, sustain a viable business. The whole quick lube model is so flawed its almost comical. And the typical mobile quick lube model is even more flawed at its core. I have met only one guy who has what I consider made a real profit from mobile oil changes and his name is Lance Winslow. I have spoken to the guy and he is very smart but in one of his posts he stated that he makes very little from his oil change company. It had just been one of many companies he had started that has allowed him to achieve wealth in this country.

Every quick lube, including Jiffy Lube, makes no money from oil changes. Mobile oil change businesses will quickly realize this. The cost for your typical oil change in the United States, using the cheapest oil you can find, is $ 15.00 with oil and filter. The going rate for an oil change in the US is $ 20- $ 30 per five quart oil oil change. That means that in most states the most one can profit from an oil change is $ 15.00. And that is being liberal with the numbers and not including fuel. Fifteen dollars per oil change is not going to sustain a viable business. Some vehicles are absolutely terrible to work on like certain Chevrolet Cavaliers and Land Rovers and will take you more than an hour minimum to do one oil change. What do you get for all this trouble? Maybe twenty dollars. Its the biggest joke going.

The only way most quick lube places can make money is buying really pushing add-ons. If you work at any quick lube and do not sell the customer on additional services they may or may not need than you will be terminated very fast. The quick lubes can not make money any other way. They have to push unnecessary air filter, fuel filters, coolant flushes, transmission flushes, power steering flushes, rear end flushes, cabin air filters, wiper blade replacement, fuel injection cleaners, and many others to even make a meager profit. The mobile oil change businesses have to do this a lot less because they have lower overhead but their profit margin still remains on addition services as well. As a mobile oil change owner myself I really do try to be as honest as possible. I really do not want to screw anyone. But having said that I would net very little if air filters lasted five years. I have to actively push additions services to make money. Oil changes alone, even for diesels, will not pay for my mortgage. Most fixed locations are in my position times fifty.

Before you start an oil change price think twice and think about it for a very long time. Its not an easy business. Know what you are doing. I am one of the lucky ones. Its a miracle I succeeded. I wanted to give up many times. Maybe you can be the 1/20 people who can actually make the quick lube business pan out. But it is really hard and will take you minimum two years to see a real profit.

Hydrogen Generator - Can You Really Run Your Car on Water?

It's a great question. Can you run your car on water? A lot of websites and stories online and on the media are claiming that possibility. However, the best answer to the question is, "... sort of."

You can not run your car on water alone. Please do not try it. However, it is possible to run your car on a mixture of gas and water and get amazing mileage. But please do not rush out and dump water in your tank. It's not quite that easy. You're going to need some more equipment.

So, how does this work anyway? Well, it works on the principles of the hydrogen generator. You see, your car's engine runs great on gasoline, and it runs even better on the right mixture of gasoline and hydrogen. You remember hydrogen, the Hindenburg was filled with it when it blew into smithereens. Probably because of that disaster, we do not typically fuel things with Hydrogen these days. But, if you had a way to safely introduce just a little hydrogen into your car's fuel / air mixture, your mileage would go nuts and your engine would burn cleaner than it ever has before.

This works because Hydrogen is extremely volatile and it burns extremely clean. So, just a little bit of it increases the efficiency of every little combustion in the internal combustion engine under the hood of your car. Because the gas burns more efficiently you do not need as much of it to get the same amount of power out of your engine. Therefore you end up buying less gas.

But, you have to get that hydrogen from somewhere. With some major advances in hydrogen technology, brilliant scientists have developed a hydrogen generator that will fit under the hood of almost any car. It joins onto your car's fuel system and all it needs to work is a little bit of water that you supply and some electricity from your car's battery.

The hydrogen generator itself works on the principle of electrolysis. With electrolysis, when two pieces of metal are put in water and given an electrical charge, the resulting force causes the water to separate it's hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. Those atoms mix together into a gas called HHO or Oxyhydrogen. The output of the hydrogen generator, the HHO gas, is sent through the car's air filter and into the piston chambers where it mixes with the gasoline and causes that gas to burn much more efficiently and cleanly. When it's all said and done, you spend less money on gas. Some people can even double their mileage by introducing a hydrogen generator under the hood.

You may be wondering how much this is going to cost. Well, like most things in life, the price varies a great deal based on what you want to do. There are do it yourself kits available as well as full on installations. You can even purchase guides that will show you exactly how to build your own system from parts readily available at your local hardware store. So, it just depends on what you want to do.

Graduated Cylinders, Pipettes, Burettes - Know The Difference

Some people are not really aware of the different uses of glassware in chemistry. Knowing about the different varieties of glassware can help you in selecting which is right for your situation. So, if you're thinking about doing any chemistry work it is important to be able to tell the differences between measuring cylinders, burettes, and measuring cylinders.

Graduated cylinders are great for the measurement of bulk volumes. They have many advantages compared to burettes and pipettes. Burettes allow for dispensing larger volumes than a pipette. The purpose of measuring cylinders is not the dispensing of liquids but they can contain a larger volume than the aforementioned two. They are designed to indicate exactly how much liquid the cylinder contains. This is why they are calibrated from the bottom to the top. A burette, on the other hand, is designed to display how much liquid it is dispensing. This is why it is calibrated from top to bottom. Pipettes can only measure a very specific volume, whereas graduated cylinders and burettes are capable of measuring any volume up to their maximum capacity.

A negative aspect of pipettes is that due to their calibration they are read from top to bottom. The fact that they are read from top to bottom makes them slightly more susceptible to human error. This is why it is a good idea to be aware of what glassware you're using and pick the glassware that best suits your need. If you're having trouble using burettes you can use a graduated cylinder in order to more easily read the amount of liquid being measured. The marks on the cylinder are also generally considered easier to read.

There are a variety of different sizes of graduated cylinders . The most typical sizes are 10ml, 25ml, 100ml, 500ml, and all the way up to 2 liters. Measuring cylinders are sometimes used in order to handle the volume of liquid required. If accuracy is what you're after you should use a measuring cylinder. So, in any case that you can a graduated cylinder is generally considered as more desirable, but if the situation does not call for the most extreme of accuracy, or if other other means may be suitable you can always use a pipette or burette.

Knowing the difference in glassware is important for anyone that intends to study in the field. Everyone from students to professionals needs to make sure that they're familiar in order to be successful. This is why chemistry classes test their students in the differences between all of the equipment early on in their studies because it is vital information that is important to have memorized.