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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Google Secrets to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Now that you have seen the Keyword Research Tool, we can discuss the importance and role of keywords to the level of your achievement. It is also important to decide on a niche, so you know which direction to take. Direction is so much more important than speed because 97% of affiliate marketers are going nowhere fast. The only difference is that the 3% built their Online Empire with Keywords as the foundation. You are looking for keywords with a high search volume and a low competition within your niche.

There are three kinds of Primary Keyword Research Steps known as;

Short Tail Keywords - Are single keywords and often referred to as Primary Keywords. These are the keywords that you want present in your domain name, but be objective and precise. Let's use the Dieting Niche for demonstration. Good Short tail keywords will then be Health, Diet and Weight. These three particular keywords get searched around 982,000 times on Google Per Month. That's almost a Million Searches, can you see where this keyword thing is going?

Long Tail Keywords - These are normally no more than Three Keywords making up a Keyword Phrase. Within the Niche we're using for demonstration, lose weight, losing weight, lose weight fast, and fast weight loss are excellent Long Tail Keywords. They are searched around 564,100 times on Google Per Month. But you will have to research the keywords relevant to your niche, which means your results will be different. Long Tail Keywords are being used in your Site, and Posts Title. It works really well if the Long and Short tail Keywords are combined.

Anchor Text - These are Longer Keyword Phrases and refer to the phrase someone will type into their browser to search a specific interest. The kind of search someone would enter when they are much more likely to buy. For this demonstration, how to lose weight, how to lose weight fast, and want to lose weight are great examples. Anchor text is what must be present on your site's home page, the Google Spider love seeing this and it helps with ranking. These anchor texts are searched 852,300 times on Google Per Month. Now combine the results of the three tests we've just done.

Yes, 2,398, 400 Searches on Google Per Month for the three search categories combined. By now you must realize the potential of proper keyword research, and why the 3% get to make those disgusting amounts of money online! This article will Simplify the Basics of SEO, what to include in Headers with Titles and even Categories, Tag Lines and Single tags. There is also the Site Map within Google Search Console.

Identifying the H1 Heading - May sometimes also be a Post or Blog Page Title but this usually refer to the Blog, Site or Video Title. The H1 Heading is where you include the Primary Search Phrases you wish your Site or Video to Rank for in Google within 15 - 65 Characters. It is important to preferably keep the H1 Heading within 60 Characters, because the H1 Heading will appear at the top in Google Search Result pages. Make the H1 Heading both Easy to Read and to Remember.

Identifying the H2 Heading - This is usually the Blog Post Title and once again the desired Search Phrases and Keywords need to populate this Heading. Numbers play a huge role with H2 Headings, and strangely enough uneven numbers have a more striking effect, combine this with a "Reason Why" kind of suggestion and you have a winner H2 Heading.

Identifying the H3 Header - Post Titles often also make up the H3 Header, along with Widget Descriptions within the Blog Side Bar. When you use the Text Widget to load HTML code, then the "Alt=" Attribute usually appear as an H3 Header.

A Blog post Title also appears as an H3 Header when you use an SEO Plugin like "All in One SEO Tools" and your Blog Post Title appears after the forward slash (/) to the Primary Domain. Using an SEO Plugin will allow you to submit all your individual pages, posts, tags and categories as individual site maps.

Identifying the H4 Header - This can be defined as something like the Tagline to you Blog Title Tag or H1 header. A Logo image is also often accepted as an H4 header within certain Plugins which may display a logo icon.

The Site Map Description - Your Blog Site Map is extremely important, and for this you simply install the Plugin "Google XML Site Maps". This Plugin will share an updated your Blog Site Map to the Google Search Console each time you make changes, but the changes may take a while (Normally 2 - 3 Weeks) to show up in Search Results.

It is however important to manually check for the Site Map Acceptance from inside the Google Search Console, even with the Google Site Maps Plugin Activated. There may be times when certain errors occur with your Blog Site Map inside Google, which means Google cannot find your Blog.

You have to then test the site map with the tools provided from within the Google Search Console, fix the errors found from inside your Blog C-Panel and test the Site Map again. When the results return with Zero errors found, you simply delete the old site map and upload the new site map.

Accessing the Google Search Console you will need a Google account, as with all the Free Tools Google gives you and it's a Lot. You simply need to look in the right places and then take your time getting to know how to use the tools. Simple Search your Browser (Preferably Chrome) for the search phrase "Google Search Console" and simply follow the instructions after opening the link on the search result page.

The Blog Site Map is what Search Engine Spiders use to Crawl your Blog so it can be categorized correctly, sending the right visitors your way. This is why the presence of Keywords and Search Phrases are so important throughout all content on your Blog, just the right ones in the right positions.

Plans For the Wedding Cake

Planning a wedding is an exciting and stressful job for bride and maid of honor. Plans need to be made for the location, music, food, invitations, and even the honeymoon. Another important part of wedding plans is the style, color, flavor, and layout for the wedding cake.

Wedding cakes come in all different shapes and sizes, and for the creative bride they can even have designs of specific items. It's important for any wedding cake decision to follow a few simple rules to make sure it is perfect for the occasion.

Always an important issue for any wedding plan is the time of the wedding If you choose to go with an exotic or elaborate design for your cake you need to appropriately give the chef enough time to produce his masterpiece. Make sure that if your desire is to have a multi-tier cake that your chef is aware of the needs in plenty of time.

Wedding cake size is an issue for large or small weddings. Some brides prefer elaborate designs and multiple tiers for their cake The cake can often be large and tall, and if that is the desire of the bride then so be it! Wedding cakes do not always need to be that typical layers of tall increments. Some brides prefer their cake to be shaped into favorite hobbies or interest. Unique designs are not unusual in characteristic weddings. If your groom is a musician, choose a unique design of a guitar as your wedding cake If you and your future husband enjoy boating or yachting, create a cake of epic proportions by designing a boat structure. The cake designs are endless for a talented chef.

What about your wedding cake flavors? Typical flavors for cakes are vanilla or chocolate. You can mix these flavors and have one tier as vanilla and another as chocolate. Fruit flavors can be inserted in between the cake layers bringing a special flavor for the special day. In between layers of delicious cake batter, a bride can add cherries, strawberries, or even more chocolate. Your guests will rave about your cake even after the wedding festivals.

Icing is another major factor in an elegant wedding cake design. Creamy icing is the topping for all good wedding cakes. Certain icing materials are conducive to what kind of design your wedding cake has as a base. Butter cream icing is perfect for wedding cakes with limited decorations. It has a fluffy, creamy design that adds character to your cake.

For more complex ideas, fondant is a delicious icing for brides with the need for elaborate decorations for their cakes. Fondant allows for grand decorations since it hardens when it cools so it can form around specific decorations.

Whether the bride wants a simple plan or a grandiose design for a wedding the wedding cake can be the center of attention. Elaborate designs are a beautiful addition to any wedding The cake will be enjoyable to any guest.

Make Money on the Side - Legitimate Way on How to Make Money on the Side

Are you looking for a legitimate way on how to make money on the side? Well if you are, you are only one of many who really wish they could find that one great legitimate way to make money on the side.

The most reasonable reason why someone might want to make money on the side is because they are looking for extra income that will supplement their current 9 to 5. This extra income can be beneficially used for a variety of things such as covering bills, taking a vacation, buying gifts, etc. When you decide to make a income on the side, the Internet can be a very reliable way for you to do this. However, it can be somewhat difficult to go from the traditional offline income, to learning how to make money on the side through the Internet.

Not to mention that there is so many self titled Internet "gurus" who will try to persuade you that they have the perfect recipe on how to make cash on the side by using the Internet. But in reality most of them are just trying to get your hard earned money in their pockets.

With the vast amount of information to take in and the different angles to choose from, it is easy for anyone to get lost while seeking how to make a income on the side. One of the best answer to the question on how to make money on the side is affiliate marketing. This method of making money online is being used by thousands of people.

Affiliate marketing is a online business that just about anyone can do, and it does not require a lot of money to get up and running. Using the affiliate marketing method can almost guarantee you to make money on the side, but that's only if you're willing to learn a good amount of information and apply what you learn.

Affiliate marketing is not something you learn over night, if you want to see success with it you will have to study it just as you would study for a test in college. But after you really grasp the concept of affiliate marketing and exercise what you learn, you will not be wondering how to make money the side no more.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Winning Formula For Logo Design

To get a winning logo design is the biggest desire of every company. You would always be looking for secret tip or tips to design a winning logo. Why not just follow the foot steps of successful brands. Logo designs of successful brands have become icons that are embedded in the minds of general consumers.

But always remember that your winning logo design will definitely help in building brand and corporate identity.

Before starting on with the process of designing logo, you should first consider why your company needs a logo.

a) To build corporate image

b) To build brand identity

c) To create market identity

d) To create and build consumer awareness

This is a lot to think about. But the things mentioned above are a path to achieving great logos that can help in your business growth and success.

Secret tips for a winning logo design

Many companies spend loads of time and money on their creative logo designs. But the result is a complex and sometimes misunderstood logo that becomes a part of a company's stationary. This logo is then often redesigned with the timely change in the business strategies.

Great, creative logo is not difficult to design. Follow the following step and you will finally get a good creative logo design that will help you to build your brand identity and be with you for a long time.

o Keep your product in mind. Logo must have relevance to your product and services.

o Your perception of where you would want your see your company in future

o Focus on your target market

o Corporate color theme.

o Identify some successful logos that you like

o Keep your logo design simple

o Try and incorporate your business name, message or sell line.

o Avoid complex designs

o Make sure that the logo fits your stationary and all marketing promotional materials

o Keep in mind the adaptability - make sure that your logo is made with the flexibility to adapt to all business situations, markets etc.

o Your logo design should have the ability to be memorized.

Last but not the least, you should choose a cost effective logo design company that has the capacity and ability to create your great, creative logo. You will save your precious time.

Looking For a Logo Design? Browse Logo Design Directory

Making Money Online - Where To Start In Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to learning how to make money online you will come to realize that one of the most popular and potentially very lucrative ways to do so is affiliate marketing. I am assuming if you are reading this article you already have an idea of ​​what affiliate marketing is. If you are not familiar with it, there are plenty of articles online that can really provide some great information on the subject.

One very common question that many people have when it comes to starting with this form of online marketing is "Where do I start?". You see there are several ways that you can start this process. Some start off with a product that they would like to promote, while others may start with their marketing methods before even choosing a product to sell.

So where is the best place to start?

Well, honestly it really does depend on you and the way you think. With that being said, this is how I go about my affiliate marketing.

Step 1. I decide what niche I am going to be in. There are thousands of niches. As an affiliate marketer you will probably find yourself marketing things in all sorts of niches. I usually pick a niche that I am somewhat familiar with. This will make it a little easier when it comes to picking the product to promote.

Step 2. Do some research on the niche that you have chosen. You need to find out what people are willing to buy in this niche. Do not worry, there are many easy methods used for figuring this type of information out.

Step 3. Find a product that people in your niche are willing or eager to buy. One of the cool things about affiliate marketing is the fact that basically no matter what market you're in there will be a ton of products that you will be able to choose from to promote. There are many sites for affiliates to go and find products that they would like to promote. Some of the most popular places include Commission Junction, ClickBank and Pay Dot Com. You will definitely be able to find some good stuff here to market to you target audience.

Making money online does not have to be complicated. Affiliate marketing is a great way to generate some money online. This article showed you how I do it. You can try it out for yourself or try another way. What really counts is that you try.