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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Get to Work Finding a Job - Concentrated Career Efforts Pay Off

Anyone who says the current economy has drastically affected the job market is just wrong. For those who are willing to put in the sincere effort to find a job, providing them sincerely like to work, there's always gainful employment to be had.

If it takes you longer than two weeks to land a really great job, you're doing something wrong.

Heed this helpful of helpful tips and you're sure to get your career swiftly back on track.

Think that being unemployed means you do not have a job? Guess again. Finding work IS your job. Forget sleeping in and setting a leisurely pace. Get up early and immediately attack the job search. Devote at least eight hours a day to the process.

Have a plan. For example (and this is simply one course of action; you can certainly plot out a strategy that may be even more effective for you);

Day 1.
Get up by 6 am Get online. Search your state's Internet employment bank and job-search sites such as Career Builder and Make a point of applying for at least ten jobs. Take a break for lunch. Get in your car or on a bus or head out on foot and note the names of at least a dozen (hopefully more) major businesses. Not everyone is going to advertise on the web with an external service. When you get back home look up the company websites and see what positions they are hiring for. Plan to apply for at least 5 more jobs to finish out your day.

Day 2.
Perform a new online search and note the top six opportunities that look most appealing to you. Now call those businesses and get the name of the hiring party and their email address and phone number. Create a more comprehensive cover letter, something that essentially sells your expertise, and email it to the person in charge. Follow up with phone calls later in the afternoon, without the job ad specifically stated "No phone calls."

Day 3.
Make sure you have a quality, up to date and error-free one page resume at the ready. Get nice looking copies on a professional grade paper stock and take them, door to door, to established companies that appeal to you. Make a concerted effort to get past the receptionist and at least introduce yourself to the HR director or any variety of hiring manager.

Day 4.
Follow up and follow through. Make calls or send out second emails to the top ten companies that you prefer to focus on at this time.

Day 5.
You're likely to have at least a few interviews arranged at this point, possibly more. Make sure you schedule your appointments with significant time in between. You NEVER want to be late for an interview.

A few more points to keep in mind;

Do not jump on the first offer. Think about the fit, your goals, the corporate structure and culture. There are many more considerations than wage in the long run. Job hopping is a waste of your time (as well as your interim employers) and extremely it will have a negative impact on your future ability to progress effectively in your career. Make sure that the position you accept is something you'll want to stick with for a long time, given the opportunity.

Be realistic about your worth. Do not demand a salary that's higher than your expertise and education would warrant, but do not sell yourself short either. Make sure that your new salary is at least as much, preferably more, than the amount you were most recently e-learning.

Be honest about your needs. If you're really uncomfortable about leaving your kids home alone past 5:30 and a job calls for service until 6, getting you home by 6:30 or even later, do not take it. You'll only end up resenting it and in the long run that negativity will detract from your work and create an unpleasant scenario at the office. Good companies care about the well being of their workers and will, within reason, make minor concessions to accommodate your personal needs.

Put real effort into your performance once you accept employment. Do your best to hide by the adage that "a job worth doing is worth doing well." Do not be a prima donna; help out where you've needed and drop the "it's not my job" attitude. If you're being paid, anything legal and reasonably moral can be your job. Get busy.

When you're on the job, remember that the workplace is for work. If you have time to gossip, take frequent breaks, surf the net or text friends, you obviously need more to do. Let your boss know that you'd like to have more assignments. If your work is done early, offer to help with someone else's. It's a business, not a playground. Be a good worker bee.

There's plenty of work to be had and a terrific supply of top-rate employers who are on the hunt for capable, conscientious professionals. If you're the type who is enthusiastic about rolling up your shirt sleeves and getting things done, it's likely that getting a good job will not be too tough. Put in a good amount of effort and you'll see some great results.

Paint On Your Own With Professional Results

Fresh coats of paint can make your home look fresh and just the way you want it. New exterior paint can make your home look appealing and inviting. It can be fun to pick colors for such projects. Yet the biggest barriers are often the time involved and the cost when you hire someone else. With a paint sprayer, you can paint on your own and get professional results.

You will be able to save both time and money. At the same time, you can get the appearance you want anywhere inside or outside of your home. Take your time to compare the various paint sprayer products out there. They are offered with various features and in various sizes. Think about the scope of the work you will do with the tool, and go from there.

Use with Ease

Even though a paint sprayer is going to offer you an array of features and benefits, the product is not going to be hard to use. The company takes pride in offering user-friendly products for do it yourself products. This is why so many of the home improvement stores offer such products. You can also find them online and have them shipped quickly.

Of course, you still need to follow the directions for the specific model you buy. This will make sure you get the most benefit from the product and it lasts a long time. Never assume these products are the same. While they may be similar, there are significant differences to take note of.

Fast Application

You will be able to get the paint applied in a fraction of the time with a paint sprayer versus a roller. This means you can get a professional look but you are not going to spend tons of your time to get it done. Most paint jobs must at least two coats, and you will be able to get that all done with ease. You can do it in sections and you will love seeing the progress.

Even Flow

One of the benefits of using a paint sprayer is the even flow design. You do not want to paint your be thicker in some areas than in others. You do not want to have paint splatter or blotches either. They will be hard to cover up and you do not want to leave them because they will be an eyesore. Instead, you want the paint to go on evenly and smoothly.

In order for that to happen, you need to make sure you spend enough time prepping the surface. This includes removing paint that has chipped for exterior jobs and washing the walls and the ceiling for interior painting.

Easy to Clean Up

Once the job is done, you will be appreciative of the fact you can clean a paint sprayer with ease. The process is to make sure it can be packed away until you are ready to use it again. Yet there will not be any gunk or residue inside of it that can compromise how well it works the next time around.

Durable and Affordable

This is a well-known brand with plenty of local consumers due to the durable nature of the products. The materials are carefully selected to hold up well to the ingredients in paint products and storage. They are also considered a good investment as the price is reasonable for such a product. In fact, you will often find them priced lower than competitor products.

That is very encouraging, especially since you know you will be saving money but not compromising anything about quality. This is a painting project tool you can put to use and be very happy with from start to finish.

Beginner's Guide to Buying a Desktop Computer

People certainly are not camping outside stores in the rain to get the latest and greatest desktop computer these days, but PCs are far from dead. Simply put, there are certain functions that mobile devices and laptops either can not do or can not do almost as well as a desktop.

Not to mention, there's no beating the price. A budget desktop is going to be miles ahead of a budget laptop. It's expensive to make things small. The small size is what appeals to some people when choosing a new computer, but these days big honking towers are not your only choice.

Styles of desktop computers

There's a lot more variation and choice in the desktop form factor, which is great in some ways, but also makes the buying process that much more complicated. You can find computers in each of these categories at a variety of price points, so the most important thing to keep in mind is how you plan to use your desktop.


The classic desktop form factor, towers have stuck around for good reason. It's hard to fit a lot of power into smaller devices like a laptop or tablet for a reasonable price. The power to price ratio of tower computers is pretty much unbeatable.

There's also a lot more flexibility with a tower. There's more room to upgrade and expand the system when new technology comes out, whereas with smaller devices you may just have to buy a whole new system.

Towers do, however, take up quite a bit of space and if space is at a premium in your home, a tower could be out of the question. They also require a separate monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There are some cases where those accessories are included, or you can get a discount if you buy them at the same time as the computer, but plan for buying those when you're making up your budget.


All-in-one computers offer a simple and space-saving set up. These are, in essence, a cross between a desktop and a laptop. They feature a large monitor with all the necessary components built into the back or base.

The small design gives you a lot more flexibility with placement and keeps your work area clutter free. Plus, because everything is all in one, set up usually just involves plugging it in. You do still need a separate keyboard and mouse however.

Because these computers are smaller, they are not as powerful as a tower and you can not customize and expand them (although this also makes them much simpler). There's also the issue that if the monitor breaks, you need a whole new computer.

Mini and Stick PCs

These computers use mobile components to keep them small (like all-in-ones). As such, they're not very powerful, but they're extremely portable. Mini PCs are small enough to be hidden behind a monitor or TV set up and stick PCs are slightly larger than a thumb drive. Because of the small size, they're not very powerful and internal expansion is limited to impossible.

While you will not be able to do any advanced gaming or multimedia editing, they work great for day-to-day tasks, browsing the Internet, and watching media. Set up is extremely easy and they're quite versatile in that you can use it as a home office during the day, and then plug it into a TV for a home theater at night.

The different operating systems

The question of which operating system (OS) to go with is not asked as often with desktops as it is with tablets and smartphones, but it's still something to consider.

Windows 10

This is definitely the most common desktop OS so you'll have a big selection of hardware as well as compatible third party software. It's designed around a touchscreen interface, though it still works great with the classic mouse and keyboard, so if you do not buy a touchscreen monitor you will not have any problems.

macOS Sierra

If you're in a family of Apple lovers, then Mac could be for you. Sierra is only found on Mac computers, so you're limited in your hardware, but these are well-made computers that historically have fewer problems with viruses. A Mac will also pair seamlessly with your other Apple devices and programs.

Chrome OS

If you're just looking for simple, no-frills computing the Chrome OS will be right up your ally. The OS runs custom apps and cloud-based programs as opposed to other operating systems that run software. It's not suited for demanding tasks like gaming, but it's great for email, file-sharing, and browsing. You will always need to be connected to the internet, but that's usually not an issue with desks.

Types of desktop computers

Not everyone is going to use a desktop for the same reasons, and how you use it will influence the type of computer you buy. After all, you do not need a complex, high-powered machine just to check your email.

Business PCs

These PCs are stripped back, no-frills machines that do not allow for advanced computing, but are easy to service and upgrade. They also usually offer extra security, software and hardware certification programs, software support, and some even have on-site tech support.


These are specialized PCs that feature multicore processors and intense graphics. They're perfect for scientific calculations, media creation, and other high-powered tasks that would not be even remotely possible on a laptop.

Gaming PCs

These are (as the name suggests) made for gaming. They feature specialized graphics cards, extremely fast multicore processors, and many have flashy design elements although those generally cost more. Upgradability is a must as newer and more immersive games are released.

Learn the lingo

There's a lot of terminology you need to know before buying a PC so that you actually know what you're buying. This list from PCWorld goes into further detail, but here's a quick breakdown of the terms you should know and understand.

Processor (CPU)

This is the brain of your computer. Processor speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz) and generally, the higher the clock speed, the better the performance and the higher the price. The more cores a processor has the better the performance as well. Desktops either have an Intel or an AMD processor.


The random-access memory (RAM) determines how good your computer is at multitasking. The higher the RAM the better, especially for high-powered tasks like gaming. For simple tasks like email and web browsing 2GB is fine, but for anything more advanced than that, look for a computer with 4GB or more.

Internal Storage

The amount of storage your desktop has determines how much stuff you can keep on your computer. Desktops almost always have more storage than laptops and for a fraction of the cost. It's also easy to upgrade your hard drive for more storage, or upgrade to a solid-state drive.

Wait for the best price, but do not wait too long

Once you've figured out which computer you want (and have read plenty of reviews to ensure that it's actually up to snuff), it's time to buy. This can be tricky with a desktop because they can be pretty expensive and technology is always evolving.

While it can be tempting to just buy the computer when you're ready, you might miss out on a great deal or the latest tech. Shop regularly for a stretch of time instead of spending an entire day looking around. You're more likely to catch a deal that way. Also check the release dates of new models. You'll most likely get a good deal on an older model, or you might just want the latest technology.

Waiting for a sale also means you can bump up your computers specs with the money you save, meaning your computer is a bit more "future-proof" than if you were to just go for the cheapest one you can find.

However, this is a balancing act. If you spend too much time waiting around for the perfect deal or the latest model, you're never going to end up buying your desktop. So be patient and wait for sales, but once you find the model you want in an acceptable price range, go ahead and buy it.

Mosaic Technique of Double Direct Method on Mesh

The Double Direct Method on Mesh is an advanced technique of laying mosaic tiles. It allows the artist more freedom in design and installation. It is just like doing the direct method but your tiles are adhered to fiberglass mesh instead of your substrate.

Whether you call it the double direct method or the mesh method, you will love this new technique. Once the tiling is finished, you can install it anywhere, whether it is on a tabletop, kitchen backsplash, or an outside mural. The versatility is tremendous.

You will need fiberglass mesh before you begin. It is very important to use fiberglass mesh since it takes much longer for it to deteriorate than other mesh. This is sold in square yard sections but you can find it in a continuous roll if needed. Be sure to get either the 4.3 ounce or the 6 ounce. This is simply the weight of the mesh. The 4.3 ounce is good for most glass mosaics. The 6 ounce is best used for heavier tesserae such as marble.

You will also need to have your design drawn up in the actual finished size. You can take your small version to most copy stores and they can blow it up to large scale for you. Remember that you will lose some of your detail when you increase the size.

To get started, you will need a large flat area to lay the mosaic. You might want to use a piece of plywood or even a double up cardboard box. It just needs to be sturdy enough to hold your mosaic if you need to move it from the table in which you are working.

Now you are going to layer and tape the following in this order. Lay your design on the surface that you chose. Cover your design with plastic wrap. Next cover the plastic wrap with fiberglass mesh. Make sure that all of this is secured to the flat surface. If this moves during your mosaic, then your design will be shifted.

Using full strength Weldbond, start adhering the tiles to your design. You do not want to use too much glue so light dab the glue on the back of each piece. Follow your design that is under the mesh until you have completely covered it. Beware of cutting tiles over the mesh. You will end up with shards stuck in the grooves of the mesh and will have tiles pop off later because of poor adhesion.

Once you have finished laying the tiles, allow the piece to set overnight. Carefully flip the entire piece over and remove the plastic wrap. The glue will still be wet at this point but your tiles should stay in place. Let the glue finish drying. Trim the excess mesh from around the mosaic. If your mosaic is very large then you will need to cut it into workable pieces. If it is small enough to handle easily then you are ready to install.

Mix your thin set mortar using the latex additive depending on package directions. Spread a thin layer onto your surface and trowel through until it is half the thickness of the tiles. Position the mosaic onto the thin set. Once you are sure that you have it where you want it, take a two by four and press down all of the tiles. If you have any thin set that squishes up between the tiles, use a toothpick to clean out immediately.

Allow your installed mosaic to set up overnight. Grout your finished mosaic the same way you would grout any other mosaic.

Kids Party Tips From Ages 1 to 10

Planning a kids party is all about great ideas. So take advantage of the list I've put together below! Be sure to take a look at all the ages as many of the tips will work for any kids party!

1st Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Elmo, Farm Animals, Abby Caddaby, One Is Fun, Lady Bug
2) Bubble Machine instead of live entertainment - toddlers love bubbles.
3) Keep the party short. 1 1/2 hours is the max for a kids party at this age.
4) If there is only babies at the party then they can not play party games but the adults can so have a couple of party games for the adults. You'll have everyone laughing.
5) Of course you will take plenty of pictures of the birthday boy / girl and guests but do not forget to take pictures of the decorations and cake. It's a good idea to take pictures of both before the party starts. You want evidence of all that hard work!

2nd Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Yo Gabba Gabba, Cupcake Party, Little Einstein, Circus, Unicorn
2) Music - Kids love music at this age. Play popular toddler music that they will recognize (Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog from the Mickey Mouse Club, the theme music to Little Einstein, Sesame Street song) and watch the kids dance!
3) Keep the party short. 2 hours is the max.
4) Plan the party around your child's temperament. If your child is a bit shy then invite a few relatives and keep it simple. If your child is a party animal and loves attention then invite friends and family.
5) Play simple games like Simon Says, Ring Around the Rosie and duck duck goose.

3rd Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Hot Wheels, CARs - The Movie, Backyardigans, Go Diego, Dora the Explorer
2) Get your child involved. Let him pick the theme or help make invitations. At this age children love to be helpful.
3) Get the timing right - An early to mid afternoon party is fine. By late afternoon the tots are usually getting cranky.
4) Entertainer - At this age you can consider live entertainment. Some good choices are a puppet show, magician, balloon modeling or a face painter.
5) Another great birthday party idea is dress up! Kids love to dress up at this age. Provide an area with some old clothes the tots can play in. They will love this activity.

4th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Dinosaur Friends, Fire Fighter, Princess Party, Mickey Mouse Club, Madagascar
2) Plan in Advance - Today's children have busy schedules. Between the various classes and play dates some kids are booked months in advance. Therefore be sure to give the parents of your child's closest friends the date of the party well in advance.
3) Craft projects - At this age kids are able to take direction and participate in craft projects. Here's one fun idea - Have an Art show! Provide an area with craft supplies such as stickers, glitter, crayons, markers, paint (washable), glue, construction paper, pipe cleaners and anything else they can use to create a masterpiece. Hang their artwork and have an art judging. Award a prize to each child for something unique relating to their art such as best use of color, best drawing of a tree and so on.
4) Kids love parades and what could be more fun than participating in their own parade. Have the kids form their own parade by providing musical instruments (drums, maracas, bells, etc.) and streamers. Have the kids march around the party area singing popular kids songs or the birthday song!
5) Kids at this age (actually any age) have lots of energy. Be sure to have enough activities planned to keep them busy.

5th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Buzz Lightyear, Wizard of Oz, Crafts Party, Pirate Party, Scooby Doo
2) Since your child is in school now you can plan a celebration at school as well as a party at home.

3) For a school party bring cupcakes (note, some schools will only allow store bought food items). Pass out a small goodie bag for each child containing candy and a small toy.
4) For a home party have the children make jewelry out of pasta. Have the kids paint pasta (any pasta with a hole in it will work). When it's dry they can thread yarn through the pasta and wear it!
5) Make sure you get your child's input when it comes to planning the party. At this age your child will be thrilled to see their ideas incorporated into the party.

6th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Gymnastics, Karate, Cheer Party, Nascar, Space Mission Party
2) At this age you may want to consider an all boy or all girl kids party. After the age of 5 girls usually want to do different activities from boys. It's not necessary to have a specific gender party but it can make the planning a bit easier.
3) At this age you can consider having a destination kids party. Kids love parties at fun locales like indoor playgrounds, gymnastics studio, karate studio or Build a Bear.
4) If you're having a kids party at home and the weather permits consider a party rental such as a bounce house or ball pit. Kids at this age can spend hours bouncing or playing in a ball pit.
5) Party games are of course a must try a treasure hunt, hot potato, musical chairs or a relay race. Check out these games as well:

7th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Slumber Party, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Tea Party
2) A 7th birthday party sees to mark a stone in maturity for kids; they can no longer be looked at as babies. So, if you're going to have a big celebration this is the birthday to do it. Prior to 7 they are too young to truly appreciate it, but this year they will.
3) Consider having a slumber party. Provide activities such as makeovers, doing their nails or Barbie playtime. Allow them to eat junk food and watch a pre-teen movie.
4) For the boys consider having a superhero party. Have the guests dress up as their favorite superhero and provide activities based around Spiderman, Batman, Superman, etc.
5) Party rentals are always a hit such as the bounce house, ball pit, pony rental or a mini put put course.

8th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Bowling, Barbie, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Skateboard

2) This is the only age you can plan a figure eight party! Make a figure eight cake - Take 2 round cakes and cut the center out using a glass (frozen cakes work best). Put the 2 cakes together to form a figure eight. Have the party at a skating rink where the kids can practice figure eight skating.
3) A destination party is a good idea at this age as well. Consider American Girl, Dave and Busters or Bowling.
4) Throw a crafts party. Provide all sorts of crafts for the kids to do it can be as simple as building with clay or Legos or painting pictures to jewelry making and model building. Have several different activities so the kids can move around. Be sure to have help with supervision, it can get hectic.
5) Remember to be enthusiastic with every activity and play lots of music. Your enthusiasm will get the kids excited about any activity and music always gets them going!

9th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Star Wars, Glamor Girls, Hawaiian Luau, Harry Potter, Transformers
2) If you have a budding cowboy or girl try a Horse Round Up Party. Provide the kids with bandanas or cowboy hats when they arrive, serve western food such as bbq chicken or burgers western style. Have a pony ride at your house or if possible take the kids to a stable.
3) Here are some unique ideas for live entertainment - caricature artist, karaoke, a water slide, Hip Hop or country singer, costumed characters, kids comedian, impersonator (such as Hannah Montana impersonator), temporary tattoo artist (requests the parents first ), ventriloquist, airbrush t-shirt artist, live animals.
4) Cupcake decorating is a fun activity for kids. Provide already cooked cupcakes along with the fixin's such as frosting (a couple different flavors), sprinkles, candy and writing gel. Let the kids to decorate the cupcakes and then they get to eat their creations!
5) Girls love to play grows up at this age so have a tea party for the girls. Either find a locale that has tea time or do it at your house. Tell the girls in the invitation to dress up and then serve tea and finger sandwiches with the crust cut off. Discuss the ritual behind drinking tea such as putting your pinkie up!

10th Birthday

1) Popular Kids Party Themes - Hanah Montana, Twighligt, Wizards of Waverly Place, American Idol, Jonas
2) This is an ideal age to celebrate your child's birthday at an amusement park. Invite a few friends. The kids are going to be old enough or tall enough to get on many of the rides. And most of the kids probably have experienced an amusement park by now and know what to expect.
3) Plan a chocolate party. What kid does not love chocolate? A chocolate party is simple to plan because everything is chocolate such as chocolate birthday cake, chocolate, favors, chocolate trees, chocolate fondue or even a chocolate fountain.
4) A great place to get favors for girls at this age is Claires or any similar accessory store. You can pick up tons of inexpensive accessories such as clips, barrettes and jewelry.
5) Plan a girly party for your daughter. A girly party would entail manicures and pedicures along with snacks and a fun girly movie such as the Princess Diaries. Have a couple of games or Barbie playtime and your daughter will love it!