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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Automating Linux Updates With Ansible And Rundeck

If you are experiencing growth within your organization and find yourself having to make tough decisions in the spirit of progress, solutions for keeping your IT team productive are definitely in order. One of the many ways that you can streamline productivity and limit mundane tasks lie in the ability to create scripts that eliminate repetition..

For example, in most cases, dozens or even hundreds of servers are being used on a daily basis. Each one of those servers has an authentication and login procedure. By creating a script in Ansible, you can automate this process and save valuable time throughout the day. This frees up precious time your employees need to knock out more complicated issues.

Simplifying your cloud provisioning options is a smart strategy because changes and updates happen frequently and upgrades all of your servers to meet those changes is the proverbial "time killer". Automating this process eliminates the chance for human error and is known to improve employee morale. Incorporating Ansible into your IT department's daily routine can show immediate results and instantaneously transform the way your team handles its day-to-day activities.

If your engineers are spending too much time performing easy tasks that seem more repetitive than impactful, a switch to Ansible can have the results you seek. What's even more appealing about Ansible is that the YAML-coded scripts can be as simple or complex, as the experience level of your IT team. Knocking out the basic, everyday tasks will put hours back onto your productivity clock, but having the knowledge to create more challenging scripts that handle multiple-step processes can be a major game changer.

The most important thing your organization has is time. Time means money. Proper usage of time determines productivity and task completion. There are a plethora of options in today's marketplace. Ansible is a highly attractive alternative to its competitors because it is agentless and doesn't require you to make manual changes to dozens of nodes. It's convenient and easy-to-use, not to mention that the software is well-supported with numerous modules for scripting tasks and a development team eager to answer questions.

How Ansible Works

Ansible provides the framework to script your most common and repetitive tasks, into what they call "playbooks". Once these playbooks are created, they can utilize available modules (ie. Yum or Apt modules), not only for Ansible, but for other modules, as well. These modules plug into available operating system tools to perform tasks on the nodes. If a module is not available, the playbooks can use command syntax to run. Basically, anything that would work on a command line of a node can be scripted into a playbook for Ansible.

How Rundeck Works

If you should decide to incorporate Ansible into your development teams toolbox, you should give serious consideration to using Rundeck in tandem. Rundeck provides the reporting, scheduling and organizational tool that your team needs to stay on-point. If you are a smaller business, you will see other alternatives in the marketplace, but they are cost restrictive and not as much of a "value purchase" as Rundeck.

While Ansible serves as the tool to help you create scripts, Rundeck gives you the slick-looking, front-end platform to make sense of it all. The ability to see historic views of each task, the end result of those tasks and options for job assignments are an effective way to keep your entire team in communication mode and knowing what the team gameplan is at all times.

The perfect one-two combination for your Linux updates is by using Ansible with Rundeck for a streamlined approach to your workday.

Add Years to Your Sex Life With Vytalin

As men older, the aging process can be both a frustrating and overwhelming process. You gain weight, lose muscle mass and sometimes your interest and desire in sex starts to decline. You definitely don't have the sexual stamina you had in your 20s or even your 30s. However, you can turn back the hands of time with Vytalin, an all natural male enhancement that improves your sexual stamina and virility.

If you experience a premature decline in your sexual function, all natural enhancement supplement Vytalin is the solution to your sexual dysfunction condition. It can help improve your sex life in the following ways:

o Promotes healthy erectile function for sexual activity

o Increases sexual desire and libido

o Improves sexual vigor and performance

o Promotes sexual satisfaction

o Supports healthy sexual function

o Arouses sexual desire

It's recommended to take this product as a dietary supplement twice a day. Your stamina, sex drive and erectile quality will vastly improve within two weeks (some users may see earlier results).

Herbal Formula Acts as Natural Sex Stimulant

Natural supplements are a healthier alternative to prescription medication like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, and do not produce harmful side effects.

The botanical proprietary blend is comprised of herbal extracts that have been proven to boost libido and improve sexual performance.

o L-Arginine

o Jujube

o Banana Leaf Extract

o Cinnamon Bark Extract

o Grape Seed Extract

o Goat's Rue Powder

o Green Tea Extract

o Maca Root Extract

o Korean Ginseng Root extract

o Angelica Pubescens Powder

o Cnidium Monier

o Gingko Extract

Maca Root Extract, Korean Ginseng Root and Gingko Extract are ancient natural ingredients commonly used in male enhancement products to help improve libido and erectile problems.

Enjoy Extra Pleasure with Sensa-Gel

The Sensa-Gel, which accompanies the dietary supplement pills, is a topical gel that works immediately. When applied directly to the penis, it works to add heightened sensation to the penis. It will also help you achieve a firmer, longer lasting erection. You will get the added bonus of the Sensa-Gel along with the pills to double your sexual pleasure.

Both products come with a money-back guarantee if you do not achieve sexually satisfying results. By taking just two pills a day (once in the morning and once in the evening), you will see dramatic results to your sex life and feel like you're 20 years old again.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Purpose And Benefits Of School Entrance Examinations

Acquiring for a formal education has become an integral part of our existence long before the establishment of colleges and universities. Based on archaelogical findings, evidence of early forms of schooling were seen among artifacts such as clay tablets with carved symbols, carvings on cave walls and among others.

Today, educational institutions are in neck to neck competition in terms of setting excellent educational standards aimed at admitting only the best students and producing topmost quality of graduates. To be able to achieve such objectives, school boards and administrations have implemented control measures to ensure that only students who qualify or pass certain categories are admitted to the school of which entrance examinations are one of the control measures applied.

Are entrance exams just in judging the capacities of a student? It is the prerogative of an educational institution to set standards that will assess the overall capacity of a student by way of an admission examination and admit or deny their application for school admittance in accordance with existing laws set by the Department of Education. Some schools however do not have any entrance exams as long as a student meets the basic requirement for the next level of education. However, denial of any application must be based on existing policies and requirements and not because of any other unjust issues.

For what purpose are entrance exams undertaken by aspiring enrollees? Entrance exams are beneficial not just to the school itself but also to the students and aspiring enrollees. Such control measures are established by the school administration to filter students from among the best and only the best are admitted to the school as there are schools that aim towards excellence where the intellectual capacity of a student bears more than the financial capacity. Doing so guarantees the administration that high standards are maintained. Furthermore, producing topmost quality of students or graduates gives the school an unquestionable prestige and honor in the absence of any controversies that will fuel doubts and question the reputation of the school. Moreover, schools that maintain the highest standards take pride in being generalized as having the best students and graduations making the school collaborative with excellence or intelligence.

Students who passed such exams and historically admitted to such schools have a distinct sense of fulfillment and pride in them called "bragging rights" that earn them an edge over other students from other institutions. In addition being with intelligent company is a good motivational tool and stimulant for a person to strive and improve for the best and not to mention the learning from various points of view.

Indeed choosing a reputable school that offers a good quality of education and being a graduate of it is a plus factor in seeking for an employment. Whether we deny it or not, there are big companies that prefer graduates of reputed schools as to them, the school's name itself is already a guarantee of a high quality employee.

Monday, January 28, 2019

5 Ways to Use the Power of Affirmations to Change Your Life

Affirmations are a powerful tool for creating the life you want. You can think of affirmations as codes and instructions for the mind. When those codes are created deeply within the subconscious mind they begin to work automatically within your body and within your physical reality.

Most people are unaware of how to use affirmations to trigger changes. Affirmations must not only be said for a few minutes at a time they must also evoke strong emotional energy. That emotional energy creates a strong vibration and just this vibration which alters your body and also joins what you desire to you.

You can use affirmations for a multitude of things. Here are a few examples:

Affirmations for Healing - When you are ill you are constantly confirming your illness. You may speak of that illness again and again and as you speak of that illness over and over you are unconsciously programming your mind even deeper with the energy of that illness. However the moment you understand and choose to use the power of the word you can alter that energy of sickness to an energy of wellbeing and health.

Affirmations for Weight Loss - How you see and speak of your physical body will determine how your body looks. You may try in several ways to lose weight through dieting and exercising without seeing any changes because what you unconsciously affirm to yourself contradicts what you really want to see with your body. In order to lose weight with the power of affirmations you have to understand that the body and the mind must work together in order to see results. In order to do that you must consciously encode your thoughts with a new body.

Affirmations for Money - Money can be one of the hardest things for us to create or attract in our lives. This is because we have been programmed in one way or another to believe that money is bad or wanting money is bad. Again you may unconsciously be programming your mind to repel money instead of drawing it towards you. When you begin to properly affirm a new program about money it will come easily without strain.

Affirmations for Love - What is your perception of love? Do you believe that love is painful or live is blinding as so many people repeat? If you have done yourself speaking of love this way you will unconsciously repel love from your life until you begin to implant a new code within your mind and body which will attract more love to you.

Affirmations for Spiritual Enlightenment - Can you believe that spiritual enlightenment can be achieved by affirming a higher mental and spiritual nature? Practicing spiritual techniques is good however one of the fastest methods to spiritual transformation is through the use of affirmations. You may call the affirmations mantras, prayers or decrees they all work the same way to prepare the mind to alter its perception of reality.

In order to achieve great change you have to understand the power of using affirmations in the most dynamic way.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cat5 Data Cabling

The EIA / TIA-568-A Standard for Cat5 data cabling defines the parameters, both through rates and cabling length. Newer cable, such as Category 6, is capable of much higher speeds, but it also costs more than Cat5. When it was introduced in 1995, the specification that defined Cat5 data cabling, defined the upper limits of what four pairs of copper wire could do for data networking. Cable testing ensures that your network will work after the cable is fully installed and terminated.

Cat5 Data Cabling Specifications

The Cat5 cabling standard set forth performance metrics for Category 5 and Enhanced 5. The previous, Category 3, set the maximum cable speed as sixteen Mhz. Cat5 data cabling, however, is capable of speeds up to 100 Mhz. This was known as the 100-Base-T Network Standard, versus the previous 10-Base-T. The maximum length allowed for the permanent link, defined as the maximum distance allowed, including patch cords, between active devices on the network, must be no more than 90 meters. The Cat5 standard also sets testing standards for maximum allowable levels of attenuation, near- and far-end crosstalk (NEXT and FEXT), and delay and delay skew, and a number of other measurements based mostly on crosstalk.

Different Types of Tests

There are two basic types of tests that can be performed on data cabling, wiremapping and standards-based testing. The wiremap shows whether the cable is properly terminated at both ends as far as each color being terminated in the proper location. Standards-based testing further breaks down into simple verification that the cable meets the minimum standards of the Cat5 certification. When it's verified, the person performing the test simply compares the readings obtained against the standard. When the cable plant is certified, the end-user will receive a report giving the measurements obtained for each individual cable and where that cable goes. The cable tester tests for compliance of all cable metrics specified by the standard being tested to.

There Are Newer, More Expensive Options

The Cat5 data cabling standard is pretty old. This type of cabling is capable of running 100 Megabit Ethernet. The current standard in data cabling is Cat6 Augmented, which is capable of speeds up to ten Gigabits Ethernet. If you have very large amounts of data that regularly get sent around your network, Cat 6 might be what you need. However, if the amount of information being sent over your network is quite a bit smaller, and will remain so for the foreseeable future, Cat5 data cabling can save you a good deal of money in material costs. Cat5 data terminals are much easier to make properly than Cat6 terminals, too. Because Cat6 cabling is capable of such high speeds, the requirements for proper termination are much more stringent, requiring specialized training, whereas Cat5 terminations are relatively easy to make properly.