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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Top Causes of Car Accidents

Experts state that the major causes of car accidents are driver distractions. Dangerous distractions that can lead to an accident include cell phones and other gadgets that drivers use as they drive. Cell phones, laptops, electric razors, etc. causing drivers to take their eyes off the road for seconds at a time with the potential to cause a serious, if not deadly, accident. In response to this, some states in the US have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while people are driving. The alternative is to use a hands free ear bud that is lightweight and comfortable, and allows a driver to carry on a conversation without diversions.

Another dangerous distraction is when a driver who has been drinking and then attempts to drive. The effects of alcohol can and does raise havoc behind the while. Anyone with a blood alcohol level of .01 is considered unfit to drive. The effects of driving while intoxicated include drowsiness, loss of focus and the inability to judge distances and reaction times.

Rubbernecking and tailgating are other potentially dangerous habits that many practice while driving. Rubbernecking occurs when drivers slow down to look at another accident on the road or anything that looks unusual on the highway. When a driver slows a car down too quickly, the driver in the car behind often times does not have enough time to slow down or stop and runs into the back of the vehicle in the lead. Rear end collisions can lead to serious injuries. The same applies for tailgating in that a driver who is following a car too closely may not have enough distance to stop suddenly, and the potential for a serious accident is eminent.

A driver's behavior causes many accidents; still others are caused by mechanical failure or road conditions. There are technical solutions that are available to help with these problems and have contributed to a decline in the death rates caused by automotive accidents. They include trailer monitors that let a driver know how close they are to the vehicle ahead; sobriety detectors, that measure the amount of alcohol that a driver has consumed and drifting monitors that alert a driver when his or her car drifts too far to one side of the road or the other.

An Overview of Auto Shipping Services

Getting a car from one state to another while relocating has never been easier as it is now. In the past, people used to sell their vehicles while moving to another location because there was no such thing like auto transportation. The advent of technology in transportation and logistics industry has made it easier to transport cars to any part of the world. Now people prefer to get their cars shipped while relocating because it is cost effective.

Vehicle shipping companies ship cars from one place to another with use of different auto carriers. Beside, auto movers offer various car delivery options that enable customers to ship car according to their preferences. Let us have a look at different aspects of car shipping:

Car shipping Options

Auto transportation companies offer both door-to-door and terminal-to-terminal car delivery options. Depending upon your availability, you can choose the one, which would best fit your requirements. For example, if you are not sure about your availability, you can opt for terminal-to-terminal shipping. In terminal-to-terminal car delivery, the car is kept in storage until you are available to receive it. However, you need to specify about approximate date or time of receiving it. if it lasts longer than the calculated time and date, the car shipper may charge you extra for taking extra care of car.

Car Shipping Carriers

Auto shipping modes are another great aspect of auto transportation. Some people chose open auto carriers while others avail enclosed auto carriers. It actually depends on type of car need to ship. People who need to transport classy or luxury cars consider enclosed auto transportation because such vehicles need extra protection during transportation. However, for normal ordinary vehicles, open transport carriers are best and cost effective.

Car Shipping Insurance

There is a group of people, which believes car transportation can be costly. To less the safety concerns of such people, auto transporters offer car shipping insurance. That means, if a vehicle is damaged during transportation, then auto shipping company will pay for the damages according to the terms and policies of policy.

GPS Tracking

Customers, who need to know how their car will be transported during vehicle shipping process, can chose vehicle tracking services. it will enable them to monitor their transportation process.

Beside, auto movers offer a number of other services such as minute-to-minute text updates, discounts on transporting car, etc. to ensure customers get most benefit of these services.

Good Morning America Inbox Dollars - Scam?

Recently, Good Morning America featured an online company named "Inbox Dollars". It was not such a surprise that this company is completely internet based, but the surprising part of it, was that this company deals with online paid surveys. If you have ever looked into paid surveys, then you will know exactly why this is so surprising (so many of these companies scam people by making consumers pay to get access to their surveys).

Now, on Good Morning America, Inbox Dollars explained that people can earn money in several different ways through their website:

* Reading Email

* Shopping Online

* Trying Brand Name Products

* Taking Surveys Online

* Playing Games

So this is not just an online survey site at all. There is much more to it. Now the way Inbox Dollars works is complicated, yet very simple to the end user. People may wonder how Inbox Dollars can just pay people for reading emails, playing games, or trying products. Well, to put it simply, on the email part, you will get about 2-3 emails per day to read. These emails will be advertisements and you get paid just for viewing the advertisement. You will also get paid if you take advantage of the advertisement, some may be free trials and others may be reduced prices. Either way, you get paid for reading the email. The rest is optional. But Inbox Dollars can pay you just for reading the email because they get paid by the advertiser for showing you the ad. So for the games and brand name products, it is presented to you in a very similar fashion.

In regards to the online surveys, it works in the same way. If a company has a survey questionnaire that they need filled in, they look for survey companies, like inbox dollars to have these completed. The survey company pays inbox dollars and inbox dollars pays you a portion for you to complete the survey. The problem with other online survey companies is that they never pay you. But with Inbox Dollars, they have over 3.5 million members and have been in this business for years. They know the value of their members and in order to keep them, they must pay them.

Last but not least, Inbox Dollars is 100% free to join. No fee for membership, EVER. Some survey sites will actually charge you to get access to their surveys or survey sites. Most, if not all of those sites are scamming you in one way or another. In most cases, the surveys they give you access to are just surveys from some other free site you could have found on your own. They are basically just charging you a fee to take your money and feeding you surveys that they found for free on Google themselves. In addition, most of these sites are not the actual survey owners, so it is not their responsibility for paying people for the surveys, so you never know if you will actually get paid for the surveys they give you.

I hope you have found this information useful and helpful in your search for legitimate online companies for making money. If you would like to see our top 3 online paid survey companies, please visit the website below.

How to Make Money Collecting Copper Pennies

Many investors who buy gold and silver bullion coins and coin collectors who study coins, have probably never considered collecting copper pennies to make a worth profit. You've probably heard "a penny saved is a penny earned," because the low penny is worth one cent. While most pennies are worth a meager face value, did you know that all copper pennies are worth double their face value?

Pennies minted from 1909 to 1982 were made of 95% copper, and 5% zinc. You might not think of copper as worth much monetarily, but it is an extremely important metal. Copper is widely used in industry, especially in electrical, construction, transport, and many others areas. This is why copper fetches a fairly good price because it is also the best conductor of electricity, does not tarnish and is malleable. To find copper's melt value, we need to know that a pound of copper is currently worth about $ 3.12. 154 copper pennies equal one pound. So 3.12 divided by 154 is about 2 cents for each penny.

Since every copper penny's value is 2 cents, it can be a small investment. The more copper pennies you have, the greater the investment. So, how do you still get a copper penny for its face value? First, you can find pennies prior to 1982 by examining your everyday change, or you can buy rolls from banks.

In addition to the fact that each copper cent is worth twice as much, its numismatic value is also important. Examining the dates and conditions of each coin the way a coin collector would, might give your copper even more value. But you do not needily need to have the knowledge of a seasoned coin collector. Many rolls contain older "wheat" cents which were mined before the modern Lincoln cent (1959 - now). It's easy to spot a wheat cent - look at the dates, minted between 1909 and 1959 and the reverse side on which the words "ONE CENT" are centered between two stalks of wheat.

Depending on condition, wheat cents are rarer and more valuable. The better the condition, the more they will be worth. When I hunt rolls, I usually find wheat cents in "good" to "very good" condition. These could fetch a price of 10-15 cents on eBay. It's not uncommon to find many old wheat cents and copper Lincoln / Memorials in a bank box of 50 rolls. To get a better knowledge about conditions and prices I would go online and search for "value of pennies by year", or "what's my coin worth." You can also buy the latest "Official Red Book: A Guide Book of United States Coins" which are available at bookstores or on

Boxes of pennies you buy from the bank contain $ 25 of pennies in 50 rolls, which totals to 2,500 pennies. Without you want to go through each roll and examine each one by one, you can buy a copper penny sorting machine that lets you separate the coppers from the zincs. If you're not in a hurry to separate them, you can purchase a basic "EZ Copper Penny Sorter" from $ 30 to $ 60. For quick sorting of lots of pennies, you will need a "Ryedale Apprentice Penny Sorter" which sells for $ 500.

Another reason to collect copper pennies is that someday when the Mint takes them out of circulation, it will be legal to melt them into bars. Bars are much more manageable to put aside instead of holding on to huge jars or bins that can contain hundreds or even thousands of pennies.

The wonderful advantage you receive when buying rolls of circulated pennies is that it will not cost you more than what you paid for. It will not cost you a cent, so to speak, because you buy all of the rolls of pennies at face value. Not only will you find many copper pennies, but older wheat pennies, which only adds value.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Tips on How To Earn Blog Money

Blog money can be earned through a number of ways. But, like all things in life, you have to put in some sort of effort before you actually earn. However, believe it or not, creating a blog is not that difficult at all. In fact, even kids can start blogging. But, the challenge here is, how to actually earn blog money and make it a source of your passive income.

How to actually earn from your blogs

1. Find a niche that you are comfortable with - Yes it is true that blogs can be used for various things. You can post stories, opinions and reviews. But, what you have to keep in mind is that you want to earn money. To do this you have to be focused on the niche or business that you are promoting. For example: if you are promoting electronics with your blog, do not just post something about medicines or facial care all of a sudden. Stick with only one niche per blog.

2. Find ways to attract some traffic - It is a well known fact that traffic is the key to e-learning blog money or passive income. The more people visit your blog and read your articles, the better. You see, as people become interested in what you post about, they will be motivated enough to actually buy a product from one of your affiliate companies. This will in turn generate income for you.
Why would people want to buy from you?

This is the common question of most bloggers. Now the answer is simple. People are looking for solutions to their problems, so if you can provide that, then you can expect to earn some real money and maintain a stream of passive income. There are various strategies to earn money online with your blogs. But, if you can not use it effectively, then do not expect to earn blog money instantly. You see, approaching online requires patience and some hard work. Contrary to popular belief that it can be achieved overnight, you actually have to work hard to earn your pay.