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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Expected Profit In Human Resources

An optimal scheme is one that gives the employer the highest expected profit net of compensation paid, subject to the constraint that the employee must be given compensation package attractive enough to get him to accept the job.

1 - The optimal compensation scheme for the employee will typically involve him getting more compensation the greater is x. But, at the same time, he will not bear the risk of the venture: He will be guaranteed a base wage, even if x = O.

2. In general, the wholly optimal compensation scheme is a complicated function of x. But if we restrict attention to more realistic and simpler compensation schemes where the employee is paid a base wage of B and a bonus of b per unit of x produced, we typically find that B is greater than zero and b is smaller than the "full "value of a unit of output to the employer.

3. In some instances, the value of the services provided to the employer may not be known when it comes time to pay off the employee. For example, the branch manager of a bank may decide on loans to make, and it will take years to discover whether those loans perform well or not. In such cases, incentive payments can and should be made on the basis of any observable variable that is statistically related to the value of the services provided. For example, a branch manager may have her compensation based on the quality of a randomly selected sample of loans that she makes, where the quality of one of those loans is determined by independent examiners.

4. Other things held equal, incentive compensation works better the better (less noisy) the compensation-linked variable is as a signal about the employee's level of effort e.

5 - In formal models, the employee likes money and dislikes effort, and the employee motivates higher levels of distasteful effort by offering higher levels of income for better outcomes. There is nothing in the formal theory, however, that mandates that compensation is the only motivator. Promotion, power, autonomy, the esteem of co-workers, and the ability to remain employed-to enjoy the work atmosphere, to maintain enjoyable social relations, to keep one's children in the same schools-are all tangible things that employees value to varying degrees. Thus, any and all of these can motivate employees. (There are also intangibles - such as pride in one's work, interest in the work itself, and the psychological need to justify to one actions previously taken - that go into the creation of intrinsic motivation.) When applying these ideas, the employer must consider the net effect of all the motivators, including intrinsic motivators. And specific problems accompaniment specific motivational devices, particularly promotion.

The basic principal-agent model asserts the employee is effort averse, and the point of incentives is to get the employee to exert himself. Employees will fill their working time with some mix of activities, activities at which they will work quite hard without specific extrinsic incentives. The employer's problem is to motivate them to choose the particular mix of activities that the firm would like to have done. Very few people complain, for instance, that the problem with elected government officials is that they are not doing anything; rather, the complaints seem to be that they are doing the wrong things!

Incentive schemes that reward only one activity or one particular class of activities can have unpleasant effects. For example, an incentive scheme that rewards a salesman based on the volume of sales may cause the salesperson to devote too much energy to repeat sales and not enough to developing new clients.

Power Words And Phrases

I like to use power phrases when writing sales material. These power phrases add punch to a line or a paragraph and I usually use them to start off a sentence.

You can generally find a lot of "power phrases" when reading good sales copy. I usually keep a notebook nearby so that whenever I come across a line or a phrase that I Iike in sales material, I write it down for possible future use.

They are also great for writers block too. When I am stuck in the middle of writing, I'll usually refer to my power phrases, and the next thing I know, the sentences sometimes start writing themselves.

Some examples of the power phrases I use include:

"Listen closely ..."

"As you may already know ..."

"Now, I do not know about you ..."

"Well, I've got news for you ..."

"Let me explain ..."

"And best of all ..."

"In fact ..."

"Here's the bottom line ..."

"Quite frankly ..."

"Now, I know what you're thinking ..."

"Take a deep breath and relax ..."

"The answer is yes ..."

Power phrases can be used to grab and hold people's attention so that they keep reading. Some may even call these "hypnotic" phrases.

Even single words can invoke a reaction in some people that can be used to add "punch" to your sales material. I call these power words.
Some power words to use in your marketing include:

Free, Powerful, Incredible, Easy, Shocking, Cheap, Revealed, Best, Uncovered, Hidden, Proven, Results, Revolutionary, Profits, Fantastic, Inside, Learn, Enhance, Scientific, Private, Breakthrough, Save, Guaranteed, Tricks, You, Love, Limited, Special, Secrets

You can use power words to add punch to a headline, sentence, a short ad, or whatever fancies you.

Those are just a few of the power words and phrases that I have collected over the years.

Do yourself a favor:

Another power phrase ...?

No really ... do yourself a favor:

Always keep a notebook nearby and look out for words or phrases that capture your attention in sales material. Then write it down. If it captured your attention, it's sure to capture other people's attention too.

And over time, you'll have plenty of power words and phrases to choose from when writing your sales material.

They sure make life a lot easier ...

And profitable too!

Math Activity For Fun And Learning

Math activity like drill and practice help a child gaining good mental number skills. Moreover, if the practice is done everyday through fun and games, children easily get familiar with numbers. Nowadays, we have a number of online math activities intended for children and the grown-ups alike. Teachers, parents and children have a number of games and number drill activities at hand. The online math exercises help a child practice computing skills, number and logic, geometric and money exchange skills. The number skill in a child grows along with daily shopping skills- how they can get an object in exchange of money.

In online math activity like Dinner Time, a child can practice and grow its skill in measuring time. We have task cards, through which a child prepares a meal for dinner in a fixed time frame. He or she is assigned a specific time frame in which the food item is to be prepared. This number game is played between a small group of children and a clock pattern is maintained in playing the game. Games like Body Parts help a child know how to measure length with the help of a string and mark them in a data sheet.

Want to make your child familiar with Perimeter and Area? Now you have online math activity to help your child. Your child can measure and co-relate between area and perimeter of a particular figure. In this game, a child uses specific design shapes and blocks. These blocks are used according to the instructions on a task card. The numbers are changed and so the area and perimeter of the given figures are also changed.
This game can be enjoyed more than two or three children in a small group. Not only solid blocks, we have number games in form of mold figures.

Play Dough is another mold figure game that children enjoy as a part of their online math activity. This game builds up number reflex in a small child easily. Through Play Dough, a child gathers number skills in measuring length, getting the volume of a particular object, area and perimeter of particular figures. Children use the playing dough to estimate and measure volume. An easy to follow task card is given to guide the children effectively. The child molds the dough to measure the lengths and areas of given figures and estimate the total circumference. The game is meant for classroom math activities and it can be played by one or more children.

Comparing Cylinders and Estimating Length are popular classroom math activity for children. Comparing Cylinders is played by children to estimate the surface area and determine the volume of given figures. Here students have to find the change in capacity of said containers made of the same size of papers. In Estimating Length, children have to find the length by calculating the units of measurement. Children can estimate the measuring units to use while measuring the given objects. The game is played in a group and children have to maintain an activity data sheet.

Guidelines to Create Your Computer Security Logo

Well-known organization trademarks for a business tend to be simple to build. A good Computer security logo must include distinct pictures, which vibrantly demonstrate your own products as well as providers. The specific close off should show or even suggest the fundamental ideals a person delivered for your customers.
The actual logo of the business must always end up being unique to place this side from rival companies.

An effective logo design demands a good distinct picture. The image needs to be vibrant as well as must display exactly what you need to provide. It does not have to be the literal picture. You have to show the audience a good example of what they are able to expect in a person.

An additional critical element of your unforgivable company seal off is a declaration of the solvency or even more from the values ​​kept through the organization. This particular statement should be very short. It may be suggested or even immediately created away. For example, the financial organization may include phrases, which mean sturdiness as well as protection included in its seal.

It is vital that trademark be described as a wholly unique improvement. This needs to be different through people symbolizing others inside your area. Preferably, a good logoought to be distinct one of the icons utilized by other main companies. An individual can easily look at your trademark and instantly connect it with your business.

You should point out that you need to safeguard your emblem off their people. The seal should stay noticeable as yours. Individuals originating from contending businesses in as well as outdoors of your market may try to duplicate component or even all your logos.

The most common way of saving the actual image from your competitor would be to have it authorized just like a brand. An authorized content material offers genuine safety. If the specialists employed by the competitor company attempt to make use of your symbol as their own, they may be pressured to pay for a higher good. Content material, which is not legally yours, may just end up being replicated by simply other people for his or her trademarks.

You can easily create well-known trademarks for your team. A good image must feature pictures as well as phrases that bring your company in your head in mere 30 seconds. The choices of the image have to stress the actual values ​​clients wish out of your business. Just about all imagesought to be completely preliminary.

So, IT security logo should also be created to present what your company stands for and should bring out the best in your company so that the audience remembers completely what your company is about and what it delivers.

How To Make Money Online Selling Other People's Products

To make money online do not have to create, own or stock your own product. You can direct potential customers to websites already selling products that have been created by other people and if someone buys the product following your referral to that website, the product owner will pay you a commission.

The product owner also organizes the customer payment, delivery and fulfillment of the product. This is called affiliate marketing and it's your job as an affiliate to connect prospective customers with products or services that they're looking to buy.

So how do you get started?

Choose Your Audience

Before you start to look for products you can sell, you have to determine your target audience or niche. What problems do the audience in your chosen niche want to resolve? The affiliate products you promote should offer the solutions they're looking for. You can find a huge number of products to sell from affiliate marketing companies like Amazon, CJAffiliate, ClickBank and JVZoo.

Start Small

You will not make hundreds of thousands in a single day. Start small and keep improving your online reputation. Develop and provide high-value content on your website and social media. There are affiliate programs that do not require a website, but your own website makes it possible for you to concentrate on being authentic so that you come across as being reliable and professional.

Build An Email List

Concentrate on developing an email list of prospective customers from your website and social media accounts. You can send emails to your list whenever you want. This is the most effective way you'll have people buying the products and services you recommend.

Treat It Like A Business

Even if you only work it part-time you need to treat it like a real business and not something you play around with. It's okay to play around at the beginning to see if it's right for you and it's a good way to learn. But historically, if you want to create a real online business you'll have to treat it that way.

Think 'Telling' Not 'Selling'

Be helpful, friendly and care about the things you promote. Look at it as more about 'telling' rather than 'selling'. When you put it in the perspective of helping people find what they need or want, you take the strain off yourself to be continuing selling. This will allow your efforts to flow from genuineness rather than looking overeager in trying to make money.