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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

eBay Money Making Guide

Want a quick and easy eBay money making guide? Here you go, a simple and short one that'll show you how to make money on eBay quickly and effectively.

A lot of people assume that if they just visit eBay, drop a few auctions on there, and leave, they'll start making BIG money. This simply can not be further from the truth.

If you want to have really good success on eBay then it takes planning and research. The # 1 thing about eBay is the products, and the price that you get for the products you're selling.

In other words, if you're looking at starting a substantial eBay business with all the extra "junk" in your house, then you probably will not achieve success. A real eBay business sells a LOT of the same product over, and over, because they've found a niche that they can supply products to.

Do you see what I'm saying?

The key to selling on eBay is finding a group of people that want to buy the same kind of product, and giving it to all of them over and over again.

So how do you go about doing that?

Well the easiest way to do that is to think about it yourself. What would you buy on eBay? What's a good group of people buying a lot of? What kind of niche do you think you know well? What products would solve their problems? These questions really spark some interesting directions in your mind and will give you plenty ideas of products that you can sell and begin profiting from on eBay.

Here's a quick 3 step process to begin:

1) Make an eBay account

2) Find the products you want to sell

3) Put up all your auctions and start to watch the sales trickle in

BOTS Companion of a Modern Revenue Manager

Bots have become an important part of human life both, at the personal and professional front and their involvement is climbing new peaks with every passing day. They surround us in our daily life in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Search Engines, and Software. Part of it has also paved way for smarter and efficient revenue management for hotels fueling the debt that if humans should be irrevocably replaced with bots for this complex round the clock function. Although the practice may be at a nascent stage to draw concluding, it has certainly made a mark in the real of the hospitality industry and has become an indispensable part of any hotel revenue management.

Artificial Intelligence powered robots can analyze and synthesize large chunks of hotel data collected at various touch points in a fraction of seconds to present meaningful insights about the booking pattern, demand, guest behavior which is impossible to be grouped or processed by any amount of human workforce with the same efficiency as bots. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Artificial Intelligence has sort of revolutionized the hospitality industry across the globe, enabling every business to improve on multiple fronts like hotel pricing, price optimization, revenue management, guest experience management, booking management, demand and even capacity optimization of properties.

Furthermore, these bots are also capable of analyzing trends and trace upcoming events in the town to estimate the rise in demand, providing enough room for revenue managers to tweak the pricing and availability instead of fire fighting the situation at the last minute.

Leading hotels have already started betting big on AI powered bots and poised to explore new ways to make bots a part of their business operations. One significant advantage bots have over humans is that they can work tirelessly 24X7 with the same precision. Hotel industry requires attention 24X7 and is one of the most dynamic industries with continuous fluctuations in trends, demand, and prices. That is where these robust machines have huge value to add to the revenue management realm. These invisible machines can not only quickly determine the best rates at a particular time for your property, (room rate optimization) but also advise the revenue managers on which segment to target and the kind of promotional offers to be run to maximize the revenue.

Another major area where hotels continue to hustle is direct bookings. Hotels have been continuously trying to improve booking numbers on their own website since OTA missions are touching skies, eating up a major revenue share of hotels. Hotels would be surprised to know that even in this area, bots can improve their game and help increase the number of bookings by a decent percentage. With advanced learning capabilities and rigorous analysis of visitor's purchasing behavior, AI powered bots can refine the visitor experience and personalize every visitor's journey to their needs and interests. This increments visitor engagement and reduces the cycle time of purchase leading to conversion on the hotel website itself.

This again brings us to the joke that wherever revenue managers can be gradually replaced by bots completely risking their roles and jobs in the industry altogether. The answer is obviously NO since these micro machines can only process and analyze only a set number of parameters in their decision and often neglect external market implications that may not be considered by such bots but are easily identifiable only by human revenue managers and this acumen is gained by experience.

Therefore, the ideal mix should be machine results mediated and supervised by human revenue managers. For eg, Pricing is one area which could have been automated with a reasonable amount of diligence and control of the revenue manager. Similarly, online reputation management can also be monitored with technology; however, a personalized approach will take you a long way. The key is to automate the processes that require minimum human intervention and involve human where necessary. This will help revenue managers to don more hats at the same time like exploring more avenues to maximize per guest audience and focus on other revenue increasing strategies.

Thus, witnessing the scenarios discussed above, we can conclude that the status of the bots is of a companion to revenue managers instead of a successor who will complement them at every step with razor fast information and analysis of the market and competition, enabling revenue managers to take informed decisions in no time and help them optimize revenues and drive the hotel towards new millions of success.

Why Does Chocolate Make Me Horny?

Ever noticed that chocolate is sold in the women's clothing section in department stores? Ever wonder why? It's because women crave chocolate. And that's a good thing!

Doctors have done many studies on the connection between chocolate and an increased sex drive in females. These studies reveal that women who eat some chocolate each day have a higher sex drive than women who do not. It was also found that not only do females have stronger sex drives due to a daily intake of chocolate but they had improved sexual function. Chocolate also helps balance out mood swings right during menstruation.

The reason that chocolate improves sexual function and increases sex drive is due to chocolate's properties. Containing serotonin, which is a chemical that calms the mind and is produced by the brain, chocolate is like taking a mild sedative. Caffeine is found in chocolate in very small amounts and caffeine helps to raise serotonin. The chemical serotonin is often associated with the same effects as marijuana. Yet in reality, about 25 pounds of chocolate would have to be consumed to get the same effect as being high on marijuana. Plus the sweet, creamy taste of chocolate is more soothing and sexual on the tongue and taste buds. Why not having her lick melted chocolate off your body or seeing what happens with a can of chocolate whipped cream?

So if you're thinking of giving your girl a gift or treat, give her some chocolate. Not just for this upcoming Valentine's Day but every day. Just a small amount each day will be happier and healthier for you both.

Hydrogen Fuel Kits for Cars and Trucks - What You Need to Know

Myth # 1

People who sell these Hydrogen car conversion fuel kits mention that these Hydrogen car conversion fuel kits burn water.

Answer :

Hydrogen car conversion fuel kits do not burn water, that's not true. They use power from the car battery to separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen elements and utilize the extra energy released to mix with the fuel and the vehicle uses the released gas more of the time than the fuel itself.

Myth # 2

Hydrogen car kits are not useful. They spend a lot more energy splitting the water into its original elements than burning the resulting gas. It's just simple physics.


Hydrogen gas is used as an additive which significantly improves the efficiency of the fuel burning process. The mix burns faster and a smaller amount of energy is dissipated as heat is converted to clean energy.

Myth # 3

If this hydrogen fuel conversion product works so well then why was it not on board so many years ago?


Car manufacturers streamline every process they have. Diesel engines, which are more efficient than standard engines have been around for longer than or as long as cars, yet they warrant only a minor presence in the automotive industry. These manufacturers always compare the benefits of an improved design with the cost of modifying an assembly line, guess what, the lower cost argument always wins.

Myth # 4

Hydrogen Fuel Conversion Kits Costs must be sky high


These systems were invented by others who were extremely passionate about making that important difference in the automotive world. They had very low budgets and access to only components off of their shelves to make this product and design functional.

Myth # 5

If these hydrogen car kits really are good, would not the government be using them or supporting them in some shape?


The government does not support such conventions, not because these hydrogen car fuel conversion kits do not work, because there are no company interests or lobbyists trying to wage war on them in the background. The government is supporting ethanol fuel, which is not particularly effective (especially when it is in its corn form), but produces large monetary gains for the agricultural business establishment.

These are the un-adulterated facts. If you decide to try and install one of these amazing hydrogen fuel conversion kits for cars, trucks, motorcycles and more and want to save 50-80% at the gas pumps, then check out the three that passed all 5 myths.

3 Quick Ways To Make Money From Home

Now there are several different ways to make money online. But, if you're looking for a "Get Rich Scheme" or some miracle scheme to make money by tomorrow, you need to get that out of your head because in reality, it just does not exist.

Through this article I will list a few different ways you can earn money fairly quickly. However, truth be told, everything takes a bit of time and effort to really make it work, no matter which route you choose to take. There's no way of predicting how much you will make with any online work endeavor. It all depends on the amount of time and effort you put forth and your ability to follow precise instructions. Just remember, you need to start somewhere. A lot of people will never see any real money online because they're too busy looking for the "next best thing". To succeed in anything you really need to choose a system and stick with it.

A Few Ideas To Make Money From Home

1. Writing Articles: Can you write? There are many companies that seek people to write articles for their business. You do not need experience and you can make pretty good money getting paid per article you write. Some companies will pay between $ 5- $ 25 per article.

2. Translator Jobs: Can you speak another language between English? This is an excellent way to earn money from home. You can translate emails, documents or even books and make some really decent money doing this.

3. Social Media Jobs: If you have a Facebook or twitter account or are into any kind of social media you can make some good money just by using your own Facebook or twitter account. What's not better than being able to get paid for socializing and having fun!

These are three extremely popular and lucrative jobs you can do. If you have some experience in writing or just like to write and have good enough grammar skills you could always get a job writing articles for companies. You could go through a referral program and find jobs that way or you could always do this on your own as a freelancer and offer your services on a website like Elance. It can be extremely lucrative if you are any good at it.

Translator jobs are easy enough. If you have decent grammar skills and can speak, read and write in any other language other than English, you can qualify for this type of job.

With social media jobs you really do not need any type of grammar skills or experience. There are many online companies that will give you different projects to do with Facebook and twitter and you could even do this with your own personal twitter or Facebook account.

These are a few good ideas for anyone looking to earn extra cash from home. You should be sure to choose the one to which you feel matches your level of skills.