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Thursday, March 28, 2019

An Energy Efficient Air Conditioner Makes Cents

If you're in the market for a high efficiency air conditioner, you need to know a little bit about the rating scale for energy efficiency to help you discern a good investment from a disaster one. The efficiency rating for air conditioners is known as the SEER rating. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and it's the ratio of cooling produced to energy used. A high SEER score means a highly efficient AC unit.

A new AC unit can have SEER ratings anywhere from 13 to 23, while older models generally have a SEER rating of 10 or under. If you invest in a new air conditioning system, you can save anywhere from 10 to 70% on your utility bill. So, should you splurge on a top of the line AC unit or settle for a cheaper model?

Climate, home size and seasonal duration all have a major impact on the air conditioner that's right for you. If you live in Hawaii, where the weather is perfect year round and trade winds keep homes from getting stuffy, investing in a top of the line SEER rated unit may not get the return on investment you're hiring for. On the other hand, if you live in the south, where much of the year the weather is hot and humid, paying a higher price up front for your AC unit will be well worth it.

Obviously, when you're choosing an air conditioner, the higher the SEER rating, the higher the price tag will be. The SEER rating is usually shown on an EnergyGuide sticker attached to the unit. If you're struggling with whether or not you should splurge initially or save money up front on a unit with a lower SEER rating, consider this. A high efficiency air conditioner will pay for itself several times over in utility savings during its lifetime.

Just how much money can you save by upgrading your air conditioner? Let's say you owned a 1970's era air conditioning system with a SEER rating of 8. If you upgrade to a new, efficient model with a SEER rating of 16, you'll cut your energy bill in half each month. Even if you live in an area with short and mild summers, upgrading your old air conditioner can pay for itself.

If you're in the market for a new air conditioner, or you're sick of setting aside a chunk of each paycheck to the utility company, consider investing in an energy efficient AC unit. You'll end up saving money each month by cooling your home more efficiently, keeping you and your wallet comfortable this summer.

Ways Young People Can Win With Money

Learning about money while you are still young is an awesome idea. Let me give you a few ideas that young people can use to really win in their financial lives.

Being realistic is key. And winning with money is realistic! This means you should use common sense, investigate investments, the markets, and the opportunities you are interested in. Read the fine print. If you were to take on debt, ask yourself if it would be worth it, or if the debt would be like an anchor. Again, be realistic. Look at the real consequences of the actions you could take. Good actions should be turned into habits.

Consider entrepreneurship. Write down business ideas. Learn the skills you need to succeed. See if your business idea is feasible by testing your product or service. If it is, type up a business plan, and get to work. Make the phone calls and do the web searches necessary to find the information you need.

Join a club or society for young entrepreneurs. Earn a business degree. The more you can learn about business, the better off you are. Being around and networking with other goal oriented, ambitious entrepreneurial types is a boon to your success. Being around the total risk averse and the complacent is not a boon to success.

Work hard at your job and / or at your business. Make a good name for yourself. If a job does not work out, do not trash your goal of being rich. Just keep plugging away and learn from your mistakes. Sales or customer service would be a good starting point if your first job is not running your own business.

While (and if) you live with your parents, sock away as much money as you can. W. Clement Stone once said, "If you can not save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you."

Learn about investments, by taking an investments class at your high school or college (taking a few more classes is better). Economics is good thing to study too. Finance and economics are tough courses but are very worthwhile. Read extracurricular books and read about your interests.

Winning with money is not always easy. Self discipline, sacrifice, frugality, hard work, managing risk, reading books, and holding on to your long term vision are essential to your success.

How to Use Your Phone for Music in Your Car

Smartphones have become an essential item for so many millions of people around the world. Many are completely lost without their trusted phone in their hand.

It is anticipated that by December 2013 there will be over 1.4 million smartphones being used around the world, which means that one in every five people will own one of these phones.

Smartphones have become so popular because they're multi-functional, a phone, sound system, navigational system and computer in one. For many their phones are worthless once they step into their vehicles. Driving and using a phone requires a Bluetooth headset and you can not use your phone to listen to music through the car speakers unless you have car MP3 players.

There are many ways people use their smartphones in their vehicles from FM transmitters, which never really work and constantly experience interference to cassette tape adapters, depending on the age of the vehicles sound system.

The FM transmitters increased in popularity for a while because they offered the convenience of being able to listen to music while driving through the vehicle speakers. These units plug into the lighter adapter of the vehicle and the phone plugs straight into the unit, you then spend a lot of time trying to sync the unit to a frequency on your car sound system, the music then plays through the speakers.

The biggest problem with the FM transmitters is that they lose signal and you will experience a lot of interference. Another problem is that not all vehicles come with a lighter socket anymore, which means that these transmitters are not a suitable option for all vehicles.

Those with older sound systems which took a cassette tape could use the cassette adapters. These adapters were car MP3 players for a while and are still in use by some vehicle owners.

With the cassette adapters, a cassette is placed in the sound system which has a headphone jack attached which is then plugged into the smartphone headphone socket. The music is then played through the car sound system. While this sees a practical choice, these options also came with a number of problems including static interference.

With the new car sound systems being introduced car MP3 players are readily available. The car head unit will have a headphone jack or USB port, enabling the vehicle owner to plug their smartphones straight into the car audio system and listen to their favorite MP3 songs through their car speakers.

The advantage to the car MP3 players is that there is no interference and the owner gets to enjoy all their favorite songs while on the move.

As previously mentioned we use our smartphones for just about everything these days, including keeping playlists of our favorite music. Being able to listen to our music through our MP3 players is a huge advantage which reduces expenditure in the long run.

We pay to download songs to our phones, but then we have to purchase CD's for the vehicle, this means many car owners are purchasing the same song more than once.

Investing in car MP3 players can reduce the amount of money spent on purchasing music, while offering the convenience of having all the music on one device whether you're driving, walking the street or at home.

Many of the car systems these days also offer Bluetooth functionality, this enables the owner to listen to music, make and receive calls directly from their car sound system, using the speakers to hear the voice. A microphone is attached to the vehicle, offering crisp and clear music and phone calls while on the move.

Dumbest Ways Internet Marketers Lose Money

I've made some stupid Internet marketing sales mistakes in my day. Some real bad ones, too.

The kind that, when thinking back, make me wince at the sheer idiocy of it all (this includes selling online, offline, belly-to-belly, by phone ... the whole ball of wax - but especially on the Internet).

Below are a FEW of those mistakes. If you find yourself making any of them, fear not.

Even though almost everyone does at least 1 or 2 (probably more) of these at some time in their lives, they are quickly and easily fixed. In some cases, even immediately fixed.


Okay then, here goes ...

* Using pressure (or worse, intimidation)
* Waiting too long to take action (this has gotten me WAY too many times, and I shudder to think of all the sales I've flushed down the toilet because of this ...)
* Using "frothing at the mouth" claims
* Not respecting the customer's intelligence
* Selling a weak product
* Bad customer service
* Stealing (or excessively swiping) ads and sales letters
* Not collecting mailing list info (I'm still amazed how few websites do this every time someone visits their site - it's like stealing from themselves)
* Bragging without proof
* And last (but certainly not least) ... Using manipulative "tricks and tips" ... instead of proven psychological principles that are in perfect harmony with the way people think, buy and actually LIKE being sold by.

Anyway, here's the bottom line:

Methinks the black hat Internet marketers using all the head games and so-called "mind control" techniques (right ...) have no idea how much that nonsense turns people off.

Sometimes it's actually kind of amusing.

Managing the Manager

Your organization has decided to outsource a project to an external firm. In some cases, the organization may allow your team to manage the project, but more often than not, the organization may want full return and to manage the engagement themselves. What does this mean to the project manager from the client organization? Depending on your company's project management philosophy (ie do they see project management as a scheduling function, or someone that truly manages the project and risk), this type of agreement may be more challenging than you first think. While it may be helpful to have the outside assistance, it may require a change in your normal approach and project management function in order to provide, effective, external team support and oversight.

I've been in situations where I was the contractor that has had customers instruct me on the process they would like to use and others that have allowed me to use my organization's expertise to deliver the best result. I've also been in situations where my organization is the customer who has outsourced a project and was responsible for truly managing the external resources and other situations where requested to allow the contractor to exert full control over the management, using their own approach and practices .

While the specific approach needed should be tailor to your specific situation and organization, I fine one of the more unequally challenging situations is when you outsource an engagement, including the management / oversight and project approach. While there are always opportunities for learning and growth, the last scenario can be difficult and even confusing for a strong project manager. The level of authority and your role will depend very much on your organization's perspective on project management. If you are put in this type of situation, my suggestions are:

1. Clearly Understand Roles & Responsibilities : Regardless of the scenario, clear role definition is an essential first step. You'll need to understand specific role expectations from both your organization as well as your contractor. Defining what the contractor is responsible for all the way down to communication with your organization is also important.

2. Be Prepared to Be a Passenger : Not being responsible for running the project can be tough for strong project managers who are asked to interface with the external consulting organization, especially where there are deviations from your recommended approach or where you identify areas for improvement and their process is set in stone. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of all involved will help you understand where you can provide value and where you can intervene. You may also need to prepare yourself for having more of an administrative role than an orchestration or technical role. Understanding who does what will help reduce the push and pull between organizations.

3. Ensure There is a Sound Escalation Path : While you may not have direct authority, you will want to understand what types of items can be escalated and when. You'll also need to ensure you have the proper support within your organization. The lack of direct and indirect authority, plus no support does not make for a prosperous environment.

4. Utilize Lessons Learned : Reviewing prior projects, especially those with many of the same variables is useful for educating the organization and can even assist your contractor. Continue to collect intelligence on what works well and what does not work well, even if you do not have direct control over changing the immediate situation. This information can be useful for not only the current situation, but future endeavors.

5. Educate Your Organization on the Value of Project Management : Even though you may not have direct control over the project or even the support you need, never give up on educating the organization and vendors on project management value and best practices. Hopefully the contractor will apply the same project management rigor you would, but if not, there is always a positive takeaway for you personally and hopefully professionally for your organization. Help educate your organization on your discoveries, the impact of these discoveries and the lessons you have learned through prior experience. Project management is not for the fault of heart, but requires tireless perseverance. Show your organization why you are in your role and the tremendous value this function can provide your organization.

There is always something to be gained and learned from each situation. While outsourcing to an organization that owns the management of the project may not directly utilize all of your project management skills, it will certainly help develop new ones.