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Thursday, February 14, 2019

How to Make Money With Blogging

Blogging can be one of the best jobs in the world if you're good at it - you can earn as much or as little money as you like, and you get to write about something that really interests you and that you are passionate about. If you have areas that encourage visitor interaction, such as forums or comments, then you can really have a good laugh.

Firstly you need to come up with a good idea to base your blog on - it needs to be something that you really like and find interesting so that you will want to write on it very regularly. You can either choose a very niche market to aim for as this will get a lot of expert traffic and you will get good decisions from advertisers, or you can aim for the mass market and get lots of visitors who will make you a little bit of money from each advert All you need to do is start blogging, and market it by linking from other websites and submitting to directories and search engines.

When you have enough visitors and posts you can start making money - many people used to use Google AdSense for adverts on their website, but this has lost popularity and people now go for affiliate networks to make money. Affiliate networks are where your visitors sign up for a product or service that they may like and you get a percentage of the price. Easy! This is by far the best way of making money with blogging.

However, there are other ways of making money instead of using adverts or affiliate websites. You can sell merchandise relating to your site if your blog is popular enough - simply sign up with someone such as CafePress and you can sell your own products without even having to stock them!

Another way you could try is selling posts on your site. People will pay money to write a 'guest post' for your website with the promise of a link back to their website, as it will increase their exposure and search engine rankings. This is a good way to make money and at the same time providing variety to your readers!

You can also sell links from various pages of your website in order to generate revenue. Selling links will increase the search engine rankings of the website you're linking to, similar to guest posts as mentioned above.

You may wish to look for sponsorship for your blog - some companies will pay you money to say that you are sponsored by them and place links to their website and their adverts on your blog in return.

Hopefully that has given you some ideas on how to make money from your blog, with the most popular at the moment probably being affiliate marketing campaigns - try it out! Of course if you can not seem to make any money with the other techniques, you could always ask for donations from visitors!

Great Money Writing for Ad Agencies

There can be great money to be had writing for ad agencies. All businesses are in regular demand for certain marketing materials to help increase traffic, boost their profits and also to raise awareness of their brand, product or service to the world. This is why as a copywriter, you can earn great money writing for ad agencies.

It is sometimes difficult to get the connection to work for these companies directly. Unless you know someone or have already been working in the industry for awhile and built up a reputation, it can be difficult to get in with them.

But you can use ad agencies as a source to help you get these big clients and make good money. This is because the companies go to the ad agencies to tell them what they want and they depend on these agencies to put them in touch with a writer who can get the job done.

When you work for an advertising agency, you can average from $ 25-45 per hour if you have three of fewer years' of experience. Freelance copywriters with 10 or more years in the business can earn from $ 55-75 per hour. In some cases, you may even be able to earn more.

You will typically not get a byline and you will not own your work after it is completed but you can use the ad agency as a reference and in some cases, you can also use the client you created the work for as a reference. This can go into your portfolio and help you get more jobs.

Before applying as a freelance copywriter with an ad agency, you will need to have a background with proven experience and samples in copywriting to have your resume considered. You will also need a quality resume that highlights your best achievements, experiences and past clients. If you have the experience to support a position, you can make great money writing for advertising agencies as a freelance copywriter.

Totally Free Background Checks - Free Public Criminal Records

If you are looking for totally free background checks you are reading the right article. Why are you reading the right article you may ask. Well it is quite simple, free background checks really do not exist. Want to know why? Well nothing in this world is free except for maybe love, but that is a different story.

Free public criminal records and free background checks do not exist because you will never get all of the information that you need if you pay nothing. Sure you might get a little tease of the information that you are truly looking for. Or you can search for weeks and months and still not uncover a tenth of the information that you would if you actually paid for a background check.

You will save yourself tons of time and headaches if you actually just broke down and paid for the check. You will get all of the valuable information that you are looking for when you pay just a tad bit of money like the cost of a dinner. You will not get anything valuable when you do not pay. Because free background checks do not exist trust me. Their is always a catch to everything free.

So if you want to save your self tons of time, hand aches, head aches and squinting eyes staring at the computer and getting absolutely know where excepts a big circle of useless information then you need to break down and pay for the background check.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Happiness Comes In A Simple Package

Do you tend to look down instead of up? Are you wading in a stream of mud wishing you were someone else or that you had more beautiful or were more handsome? Time to look up to the sky and see the potential for you to be happy that is already there!

There is a made for TV movie about a man that varies people to write letters of encouragement to. He is an older man and focuses not on his health limitations or lack of money but decides to spend his extra time and energy on writing letters. It is amazing to watch what happens when people receive his letters. He never signs them. He gives them to people he knows and sometimes people he does not know.

Did you know there has been research done to prove that people who serve others are more prosperous and happy? Would you like to be happy for the price of a stamp? Here is a strategy to help you not only lift and cheer others but in doing so you can feel good about yourself!

Give some time and thought to a couple of people you know that could use a cheerful thoughtful note. Try and compliment them for things that you think they do well. What are their talents? Do not hesitate to drop to your knees and pray for inspiration in writing a letter that will make this individual feel better about their self and their life. If you are not so good at expressing things in just the right way, look in a book of inspirational quotes. Sometimes a quote from famous people who have been through hard times and survived would have just the idea you are looking for. A great website for such thoughts is (Great site filled with inspirational thoughts!)

Set aside some time to write the letter. You can make the letter as simple or as fancy as you want. You can type it on the computer or embellish your letter with stickers and scrapbook decor. Whatever you like, just remember that what you write in the letter is the most important. You can sign it or leave it unsigned. Then drop it in the mail or leave it on a doorstep. Either way can bring a warm smile to the face of the person who gets your heartfelt letter.

Once you have written a few people that you know, branch out and write a few letters ahead of time. When you are shopping, out for a walk, or playing at the city park, have a letter ready in your purse or pocket to hand to someone who looks like they need some cheering up. You do not have to say a word, just hand it to them or tell them I thought you could use this today.

You never know how much your letter might help or influence someone who is having a bad day. You could help make a difference on this old earth one letter at a time! By serving another person, happiness will come back to you as well. Make someone's day and find the happiness that comes in a simple package!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Instant Happiness and Addictions

Addiction does not have any boundaries. It can be in several forms. If a person eats too many hot dogs in a day, he or she will also be labeled as addicted to it. What is weird is when people associate addiction only with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, porn or sex. It's much to do with the fact that we only find those things harmful which are taught to us by the society. We never focus on the other things which make us weak and vulnerable from inside. Strangely is not?

What is the connection between instant happiness and addiction?

Anything which helps us move through the difficult times can be considered as instant happiness. For an example -: if a person who just had a breakup, would certainly be looking for ways and means to divert his mind from it. And the process of doing something to get a move on to achieve the temporary happy state can lead to wrong choices resulting in addiction. It all depends on an individual to what choices he or she needs to make keeping in mind the consequences attached to it.

There can be so many examples of it. We always have had people around us who shop more or probably eats more in depression. Is not also a kind of addiction? Did we ever think why they do it? It's because we do not notice these things as long as we see them putting an effort to get through.For some reason, it is the effort that catches our attention not the path attached to it.

Food addiction is a very common example these days because it gives you a good and satisfying feeling by consuming certain food but having a constant urge to eat it when you are not even hungry brings a lot of serious consequences to it, it could be physical, social or even emotional. The result of over indulging in that particular food which brings you joy could be digestion problems, low self - esteem, depression etc.

Let's talk about relationships. We all have seen and experienced the immunity pleasure of being in love. But relationships can not be taken for granted, we never know when it will get over and when it does, what we can do to get over it. I would like to mention about this friend of mine who would do anything to be in a relationship.Whenever he goes through a breakup, he would look for another person to fall in love with. This completely shows that he can not remain single for a long time. Maybe by being in a relationship, he gets his happiness. But how many times a person can fall in love, it sure looks like he is addicted to relationships. But does he know that?

We are certainly aware of the fact that not all the choices leading to the instant happiness result in the addictions but most of the times we tend to lod in wrong choices. Is not worth pondering about?

The question here is can we see us becoming addicted to something behind the curtains of instant happiness? It's the pain that we suffer makes us go to any depths to recover from it and thus leading to the dangerous path of unknown addictions.

Most of the times it is very difficult to foresee the consequences of efforts we put in to go for the instant happiness which we seek and desire. I am sure the circumances play a pivotal role in the choices we make but at the end of the day, we must accept that we are strong enough to control the circumstance.

The only thing that can be done is to be more observant about the choices we make to move through the difficult times. One should never think of finding the short cuts for it, rather we should all embarrass the difficult times as a challenge for better future without having to face any unexpected and oblivion ramifications of our need for instant happiness. It is difficult but absolutely a secure way of permanent happiness.