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Monday, February 18, 2019

Window Cleaning Tips

It's that time of the year again; the time families all over the world gather to celebrate the holidays. It's also the time of the year that the cleaning frenzy begins . With visitors coming in and out of homes and family members arriving for their annual visit, the holiday season often flies to revolve around bouts of cleaning rather than eating, drinking and being merry.

Window Cleaning - Tips and Avoidance Methods

When it comes to getting your home spic and span there is nothing more tedious than the chore of window cleaning. It's tedious, very rarely completely effective and difficult while balancing on ladders to get those hard to reach windows.

When it comes to window cleaning there are only three real options. You could hire a window cleaner to take care of it, you could spare the additional cost by cleaning the windows yourself , or you could fit the revolutionary new self-cleaning glass .

To keep your windows looking great and streak free you will need to ensure that they are cleaned often, thoughever tedious this may be, it is necessary to maintain the aesthetic functions of glass windows. If you are going to attempt cleaning the windows yourself the following window cleaning tips may come in handy.

Window Cleaning Products

It is best to try a few window cleaning products before you decide on a firm favorite. Options vary from store bought to home made solutions .

Many use products such as ammonia, vinegar, borax, alcohol or Epsom salts for cleaning glass. Home-made window cleaning solutions include club soda or a 50:50 vinegar and water solution which is particularly effective for really dirty windows .

One of the best window cleaning tips I can give you is to never combine an acid with an alkaline when making your own solution. Using an alkaline and acid (ie vinegar and ammonia) will just cause a neutralizing effect and you'll be right back where you started.

The Cleaning Process

It is best to clean your windows on a cloudy day as direct sunlight tends to dry the solution you are cleaning your windows with quicker and you'll be left with lots of unsightly streaks and a lot less good humor than you started out with.
Before you start cleaning the windows, wipe off all excess dirt - all that dust just turns into mud once water is introduced and the windows become harder to clean. Once you have dusted, use a hose to spray the windows and then spray on your choice of window cleaning solution.

You could use a squeegee or a cloth to clean the windows, a squeegee, however, will allow you to do it in less time. Once you have washed the windows it's time to dry them, you can do this with a squeegee but make sure that the blade is kept dry with each stroke.
A great window cleaning tip for those ambitious enough to be cleaning the interior and the exterior glass is to use different strokes on each side . By using vertical strokes on the exterior glass and horizontal strokes you'll be able to see which side of the glass the inevitable cracks are on.
Most homeowners choose newspaper to dry the glass once clean, while it's cheap and quite effective, newspaper disintegrates quickly and tends to leave deposits on the glass, to avoid this use a dry cotton towel. If you are using newspaper, remember to wear gloves as the ink tend to get rather messy. Once the glass is dry you can use a blackboard eraser to achieve a great shine .

Stubborn Dirt Removal

For deposits of paint, resin or glue; wet the surface and then scrape them off using a razor blade or scraper. Take care to scrape in one direction only in order to avoid scratching the surface. Important: do not use sharp implements on self-cleaning glass .

Winter Window Cleaning Tips

It's easy to keep frost from accumulating on exterior windows during the winter by adding two cups of antifreeze or rubbing alcohol to each gallon of wash water when cleaning glass.

Avoid Window Cleaning Entirely

The best way to just avoid external window cleaning is strictly to have self-cleaning windows fitted in your home. Sound too good to be true?

Here's how self-cleaning glass works - an ultra-thin coating is applied to the glass during the manufacturing process; This coating has two highly beneficial effects on the glass . First organic residue on the glass is broken down by the ultraviolet wavelengths in sunlight then when it rains the dirt is washed off. As the coating is hydrophilic, when rain hits the glass it does not form droplets and in turn eradicates streaking. Rain water flows down the glass in a sheet and washes the dirt away . If you do not have time to wait for the rain a simple garden hose will be just as effective.

Self-cleaning glass is making life far easier and is giving home owners many reasons to use glass in the construction of their homes. What could be better than bright, open rooms with excellent outdoor views facilitated by huge glass sheets, without having to spend your days cleaning the glass?

Make Money Online Ideas To Get You Started

Make money online ideas come and go and they are rarely taken seriously. But why? That's because most of the make money online ideas suck and all they do is waste your time and resources. However, from all my research, I've found 3 make money online ideas that are rock solid and, when properly applied, are almost guaranteed to earn you some coin. This article will outline the 3 top make money online ideas that I've seen and use.

Create Your Own Information Product

Everybody knows something that somebody else does not know, but wish they did. Follow me? Basically, we've all through problems. Now we know the shortcut the get through those problems. Well, there are people who are more than willing to pay for that information. For example, if you know how to build a website that looks fantastic in less than 30 minutes, well that's good information to have. People will gladly pay you that information. You can simply write an eBook explaining the details and sell if online. You can charge anywhere from $ 7 to $ 700. You decided the price. So use what you have in the gray matter of your brain to generate online revenue for you.

Earn Affiliate Revenue From Email Marketing

Email marketing still works. Fact is, it probably will never go away and if anything it's likely to grow. So here's the skinny on how it works. First, never SPAM. SPAM sucks, you and I both know that. Second, become an affiliate of a product that you know, like and trust. (I will assume for this article that you know about affiliate marketing). Third, buy a solo email from another online marketer or ezine service. You can simply type in "solo email ad" in your internet browser to learn the details on this. But basically, for around $ 60, you can send an email to a double opt-in targeted email list of thousands. For a few bucks you can send your message to 20, 30, 50,100,000 targeted subscribers and generate affiliate cash. Marketers do this all the time. You should too.

Make Money Blogging

This is one of the coolest make money online ideas and is by far my favorite. Here's how it works. You start a blog (a website) for free at wordpress or bloggerblog. You pick a topic you are passionate about, and you talk about that topic. You'll write about 2 posts a week and bookmark your posts at all the social bookmarking sites. Pretty soon, you'll have a decent following. After you have regular readers, you can start doing blog / review posts about products you endorse, which of course will be affiliate products. Do an honest review, then post your affiliate link in your message. More often than not, your followers will click on the link and check out what you're talking about.

7 Proven Ways To Make Money Online

The internet continues to provide new and innovative ways to start and grow your business. Whether you are looking to add another revenue stream, become your own boss or simply work from the convenience of your own house. It provides you with a large and diverse customer base, efficient and cost-effective marketing channels. It also allows you to deliver your goods and services to customers hassle-free. There are several strategies you can use to make money from internet businesses. The best thing is that they are diverse and cater to just about any interest and activity out there. From content creation and creative services to selling your own merchandise, the internet makes it possible to achieve your dreams of making money from your own business.

1. Content Creation

You might have heard the saying that in the world of online business content is king. Well, the only reason you hear it so much is because it is true. If you are good at creating high-quality content then there are a lot of people who are ready and willing to pay you to create content for them.

2. App development

Today people all over the world have smartphones, and this number will continue to grow. If you a programmer and you have a knack for creating apps then this is an opportunity you can tap into. By creating applications especially those that help solve a problem then you can sell or monetize your app.

3. Affiliate marketing

Another way to make some money from the comfort of your couch is to sell another company's goods and services for them. All you do is set up a website and create content that will draw in customers and encourage them to buy the products. You can also leverage your social media audience to increase sales. Remember the more you sell the more commission you will receive.

4. Sell your own goods

Do you have a knack for creating stuff? All you need to do is create a website and start selling. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram also provide you with a great opportunity to sell. Just take pictures of your products, upload them and sell.

5. YouTube videos

Are you good on camera? Then you can create video content on YouTube. All you need is to create good content and upload it. You can cover anything from video tutorials to viral news.

6. Sell on Amazon

Another channel that you can use to great effect is Amazon. You can leverage their already customer base and distribution channels. The good thing about Amazon is that here you can sell normal household stuff and make a decent income without a huge investment.

7. Online Courses

If you have experience or you are skilled at something and you feel like teaching is your passion then you can do it online. From cooking to programming there are lots of people out there willing to pay you to teach them a thing or two.

As a writer, I have been able to move out of my parents home and I'm on my way to financial freedom. The best thing is that I'm able to earn by creating content. The best thing is that I earn a living doing what I love most. As you can see there are many ways to make money on the internet. The good thing is that unlike brick and mortar businesses you do not need a huge investment, just a computer with internet connectivity and some willpower.

Online Trading for Beginners - Common Day Trading Mistakes

Online trading can be a big thrill for beginners ... and even more so with the super fast paced day trading. Day trading can be one volatile roller coaster since traders buy and sell stocks continuously, numerous times in the course of a single day. The internet has opened up the world of trading to even the most inexperienced of traders and trading is one of those things that can go horribly wrong if not handled properly. Let's take a look at three common day trading mistakes that both new and seasoned traders often make and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls.

Lack of knowledge: The importance of educating yourself can not be stressed enough when it comes to day trading. Many traders just jump into the arena and find themselves massively unprepared and minus quite a bit of cash! If you are new to the trading world first educate yourself on how the market works and what entails. You will have to learn how to strategize and develop your own trading strategy and plan. Many traders do not put in the effort to analyze trading instruments, learn to watch the markets or do some detailed research; the result- failure. Do your homework, make a detailed trading plan and stick to it.

Letting emotions take over: One of the costliest mistakes a trader can make is trading with emotions. It is a huge mistake to let your mood determine your investing activities; always undertake any trading activity with a clear head. Greed, over-enthusiasm and fear can be some of the worst emotions and letting these emotions overtake a logical and well thought out trading plan and will most likely backfire big time, especially with the sheer volume involved in trading. Making emotion based decisions most probably have you altering your buy or sell positions and the wrong time. A little discipline goes a long, long way.

Playing with money you can not risk: Never, ever fund your trading activities with money that is essential to your day to day living expenses like your mortgage or your bills. Playing with money you can not afford to lose will drive you to trade with fear and trepidation .... not a good combination. Plus the face that day trading in itself can be pretty risky will just keep perpetuating the cycle and you could end up losing more than you began with. You also have to keep into the account that you will be paying broker fees, account fees and transaction fees that can add up to quite a bit with the volume involved in day trading

The Best Way to Save Money and Fuel - Tuning Your Car Tires

According to the experts of the tire industry, millions of Americans are running on tires with insufficient pressure. These motorists are not aware that their safety is at risk nor how the air pressure in tires affect fuel economy, maneuverability of the vehicle and tire life.

Many drivers never or rarely, check air pressure in their car tires, but this is a simple task that takes two to three minutes. Test your knowledge in this brief Questionnaire:

Q. How do inflated tires affect your fuel economy in your car and how much would it cost?
A. A badly inflated tire increases resistance to rolling so the engine of your vehicle work harder. According to the Department of Energy of the United States, if tire pressure is just two pounds below recommended, results in an increase of one percent in fuel consumption. When you multiply four tires by multiple pounds, easily increase gasoline consumption by ten percent or more. For many drivers, it could cost several hundred dollars per year in gasoline.

Q. Should I inflate my tires to the maximum air pressure marked on the sidewall of the tire?
A. No. You should inflate your tires according to the pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer and is in the door jamb or in the manual of your car. If there is a range, always use the highest level of pressure psi (psi is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch and expresses the inflation pressure).

Q. How much air pressure a tire can lose commonplace in a year?
A. According to Bridgestone / Firestone, the tires can lose one pound per square inch per month.

Q. How low tire pressure may cause harm to tire causing additional risks?
A. The bad side of a tire inflation is deflected over when the vehicle is in motion, generating heat. This heat will increase and could destroy the components of the tire.

Q. When is the best time to check my tire pressure?
A. It is best to check tire pressure when the tire is cold (usually in the morning when the car has been stopped.)

As a general rule, tires of today are made to last much longer and have higher performance compared to tires than last decade, this was told by Director of Marketing for Bridgestone / Firestone, Phil Packsi. But without proper maintenance, including regular testing of pressure, rotation and alignment, tires lose their effectiveness. The most important thing is knowing that this maintenance helps ensure that the tires offer a safer ride to drivers and passengers.