Sunday, November 11, 2018

How To Fix The 1304 Error - Working Office Installation 1304 Error Fix

The 1304 error is a typical Windows error which is caused by your computer not being able to correctly "write" to a specific file on your system. Whenever you install a program onto your PC, 100's of files & settings are going to be placed onto your computer in order to help the software to run. The issue you're seeing is that one, or more, of the files your PC requires to install are not writeable - leading your system to stop the installation. To fix this error, you first need to ensure that you have all the correct permissions for your computer, and then that you're able to repair any of the potential problems that Windows may have.

The 1304 error will typically show in this format:

  • Error 1304. Error writing to the file File_name and location. Verify that you have access to that directory.

The causes of this error include the likes of having incorrect CD / DVD drivers on your system, a damaged installation CD and a corrupted set of options inside Windows. The way to resolve the error is to basically ensure that your PC is able to correctly read all the files it requires to run the install, as well as letting your user account read the files it requires to run.

In order to get rid of the 1304 error, you first need to ensure that you are using an installation medium which is both working correctly and is not damaged. To do this, you should first ensure that the CD / DVD has no scratches, and that you have the correct version of the program you're trying to install. After that, you may wish to try alternative forms of installations, including the likes of downloads and USB sticks.

It may be a problem that you have some sort of damaged or corrupted drivers on your system, preventing your computer from correctly being able to read all the files / settings which allow your PC to run. You should click onto "Start > Control Panel > Device Manager" and then locate all the drivers which are damaged by seeking out the yellow exclamation icon that they will have. If you find any damaged / problematic files, you need to be able to right-click and then press "Update Driver" on that listing.

It's recommended that you also use a registry cleaner application to fix any of the damaged or corrupted settings which may be inside the "registry database". This is a central storage facility for all the files, settings and options which Windows computers will use to run, and is where all the files & settings for your software are kept to help your PC process all of its most important files. Despite the registry playing a vital role in every installation you may wish to perform on your PC, it's continually causing a a large number of problems with various issues being caused inside the registry. To fix this, you need to download a registry cleaner application, install it and then let it fix any of the problems that this part of your computer may have.

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