Saturday, January 26, 2019

Automotive Locksmiths Help With Spares and Lost Car Keys

In 1980's the BMW and General Motors began creating and developing what was called "smart Keys." This made it difficult for thieves to take the cars.

Technology is moving fast and over the last few decades, the automotive industry has changed the most. This change has taken place because of the electronic aspects of how the vehicle operates with electronic ignitions and auto-start up options. About half of the late model vehicles on the road today have electronic options that do require computer chip keys to start.

Automotive locksmiths have an important part in the automotive industry because they have become certified in this particular area. They own a stock blank computer chip key, or transponder key as part of their necessary equipment. If you lose or damage your key, they can duplicate it. Because there are different electronic codes, which are in different type of vehicles, this blank key will allow them to program the electronic codes into the blank key so you can use them.

The ignition key is made up of a computer chip that has copper wiring. This wiring is embedded inside a plastic head or a rubber head. It uses standard Radio Frequency Identification or RFID in order to communicate between the chip and the ignition. The ignition, when turned on, will signal the vehicle's computer, which will then signal the key. The key will use these signals to begin emitting a code that contains 32 digits to the computer on the vehicle.

The computer will then decipher the signal to make sure that it is a legitimate signal and then begins the process of starting the ignition. If the signal was not valid or if the chip key malfunctions, the vehicle will not turn on. A copy of the computer chip can be duplicated to match the teeth on the ignition key however, if there is not computer chip found in the head then it is not able to communicate with the computer in the vehicle and the key will only be able to unlock the door and manually start the vehicle.

Chip keys are out there because cars become stolen. The price to insure one's vehicle or at least reduce the risk is very expensive. This new technology makes it impossible for thieves to get into a vehicle with ease. By the time that they do get in, the vehicle alarm is triggered or they may be done. Vehicle insurance is a requirement and the cost of the insurance is increasing because of this crime. Automotive locksmiths have the 'know how' and the techniques to program and cut keys of any model. Most of the Chicago automotive locksmiths have the latest gadgets and equipment to laser cut keys, program immobilizer and transponder keys

A computer chip transponder key is a more secure way to prevent theft. The new computer chip key ignition system provides a wireless ID that only the vehicle can respond to. There are no batteries to keep up with so you never need to worry about a malfunction. The consumer benefits from this the most because of the security it provides. With a demand for high end automotive locksmith in Chicago , it is easy to get a spare key cut and programmed when you need it. Next time you are fretting over a misplaced, lost or broken key, just call an emergency automotive locksmith and get back on road within a few hours!

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