Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Unbreakable Padlocks and the Big Mistake People Make

Many people who are looking to buy a padlock and search for unbreakable padlocks are disappointed. Either they find a manufacturer or a seller of padlocks who claims they are unbreakable, or they find honest people who decline to offer them unbreakable padlocks. However, many make this mistake and fail. Why, we wouldn't mind betting that some don't even buy a padlock at all, after becoming disappointed and thinking themselves failures.

Here then are the 3 greatest errors that folks make whenever they start with a search for an unbreakable padlock.

First and foremost. although the quest appears to be a good one, it is also unattainable. Most people will tell you that there is no such thing as an unbreakable padlock, and they are right. A truly unbreakable padlock would remain unopened forever, no matter who tried to break the combination, and every conceivable method to break the padlock code or key would be employable, for as long as was necessary.

If this product existed would you be able to even afford such a padlock? So, if you search for an unbreakable padlock, think about what you really want, and we suggest that you redefine your search to something a bit more realistic.

The reason that this is very important is that there is no reason why you should not be able to buy a padlock which, while it won't be completely "unbreakable" it will be hard enough to "break" to prevent your property being stolen. For, while avoiding this issue, you need to be aware that nothing is totally unbreakable.

Secondly, there was a story some years back when the new U-locks for bicycles appeared, which are too thick for bolt cutters to be used on them. That was great until someone found you could pour liquid nitrogen on them, then hit them, and they would shatter. This is sometimes a crucial point because if a thief wants in they will find a way. Cutting with a welders torch, grind through it with a grinder, freeze it, etc. To avoid the bad outcomes of this typical mistake you will want to be a little bit more realistic, some would say "down to earth".

Last but not least, you will do probably as well as anyone can, by just buying a good quality Yale type padlock with a short shank, so that it would be hard to get a bolt cutter on it, and hope you catch the scum before they get a chance to rob you.

This problem occurs when there is nobody around to see what the villain is doing. If anyone was able to see what was being done with a whopping great set of bolt-cutters, it would look so suspicious that they would always take a good look at the offender.

So the problem is usually that the thief is able to be confident that nobody will see or hear them, and that being the case the offendor gains the courage to go and do it.

However, it occurs to us that this might be avoided by buying one of the new alarmed padlocks, with a motion detector, which have something like a 110 dB siren which would be activated as soon as the robber started to use a bolt cutter.

But, please be realistic about the fact that there are no such things as totally unbreakable padlocks, and insisting on buying one may just lead you to buying from an unscrupulous trader. So instead of insisting on an unbreakable padlock, ask for "the highest possible level of security at a reasonable price" and that way you are much more likely to get the padlock you need.

Truly, the idea of there being "unbreakable padlocks" on sale, anywhere, is an error.

You'll want to very carefully stay away from these types of errors, when buying a padlock, as searching for an "unbreakable padlock". As already explained, the seller would probably also fleece you for a lot of money at the same time. To avoid these mistakes, you could refer to the instructions above for carrying it out properly. You will then be satisfied that you have protected your property.