Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How HVAC Control Systems Improve Air Quality For Your Employees

Indoor climate and good air quality are essential to your employees' abilities to perform at their best. This goes for temperature, ventilation and humidity. The physical and mental abilities of your employees are jeopardized if work conditions are not comfortable. As a consequence concentration levels may decline and sickness levels could rise. As a result, your production may suffer along a fall in employee job satisfaction. This will affect your ability to keep employees or attract new ones and will significantly reduce a company's earnings potential. Poor indoor climate is a well-known problem in institutions such as schools, where many people in rather small rooms "suck" all the oxygen, so to speak - resulting in poor pupil concentration, and reduced learning abilities.

Indoor climate control

But there's an easy solution to indoor climate problems. It's called HVAC controls. This is an abbreviation for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC). The main purpose is to help maintain good indoor air quality in regards to temperature, air-conditioning, ventilation and humidity. This system can automatically monitor and manage the necessary conditions - and even adjust to sudden changes.

Better than opening windows

Natural ventilation by opening windows can be an effective and energy-efficient way to supplement HVAC controls by providing outside air ventilation and cooling. This is not possible in all buildings though, and research has shown that sealed buildings with appropriately designed and operated HVAC controls, which often provide better indoor air quality than a building where the only ventilation is by opening windows. In any case, designers of these control systems should consider and evaluate the use of natural ventilation (opening windows) to supplement the mechanical ventilation of HVAC controls.

Especially designed for your business promotions

Local climatic conditions are a critical factor in determining the most appropriate HVAC control system for your concessions. Does outside air need to be heated or cooled in order to provide comfortable temperatures for a building's occupants? The selection of equipment for heating, cooling and ventilating a certain building is a complex design decision that must take into consideration many variables, including cooling and heating needs, energy efficiency, humidity control, indoor air quality and cost.

A tailor-made system

This is a job for the supplier of your HVAC control system. The supplier will take into consideration any factor that may influence the indoor climate, and design a bespoke system. Once installed, the building's system will carry out its functions day in and day out, year after year. If your needs in the future change, the system can be updated anytime to fit the new circumstances.

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