Sunday, March 3, 2019

How to Make Money With iPhones

The iPhone is a revolutionary device that many people want. This is where you can make tons of money. I've outlined a few of these ways below:

1) Become an iPhone app developer. You can make money from ads on your app and also by selling apps on the Apple Store. You can create simple apps to really complex ones. A simple app such as iFart generated thousands of dollars for the developer within days. You can even create much advanced apps and make them subscription based. This way you will have a steady stream of income.

2) Become an iPhone consultant. You can make up to $ 150 / hour with your expertise on the iPhone. You can pick up an iPhone manual from a bookstore and learn everything there is to know about the operations of an iPhone.

3) Learn how to Jailbreak iPhones. Jailbreaking allows you to customize the iPhone beyond what Apple allows. This is a great niche to get into as many people always want to customize their products to suit their needs. In addition, a court ruling has now made Jailbreaking legal. So feel free to post your ad on Craigslist for quick responses, without fear of any legal repercussions.

4) Fix broken screens and other miscellaneous hardware issues with iPhones. Given the sheer number of people with iPhones and the poor nature of the screens, you can make plenty of money on people dropping their phones!

5) Sell accessories such as cases, armbands and headphones for the iPhone. Many people want to accessorize and protect their phone so this is a great market.

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