Friday, March 15, 2019

Save Time and Money With LED Signage

Communicating with current and potential customers can be among the most expensive activities on which a business sees its money. From indoor and outdoor signage to printed material and even the company website, getting a message out there is rarely cheap. LED scrolling signals are a reliably easy-to-use alternative to some forms of visual communication that can help stretch your advertising dollars.

LED signage can help you save money in three main ways. The first is their reusability. The LED scrolling signs that told your customers about last week's sales special can be reprogrammed to display something completely different this week. In fact, most of them can be programmed to show a rotating cycle of several different messages concurrently. This saves money in materials, such as ordering new point-of-sale displays. It can also save money on the labor costs associated with the sometimes time-consuming process of updating the messages on a conventional sign.

Another reason LED signage like an LED open sign is a good choice over other kinds of illuminated signals is their longevity and low need for maintenance. This is in large part because of how LEDs work. LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. What's that, you ask? Well, without getting into a technical technical explanation, here's the short version. An LED is an electronic component which glows brightly when electricity passes through it. Since there are no moving parts inside, they do not need much in the way of preventive maintenance. An LED open sign, for example, also consumes far less energy than incandescent lighting, and generates far less heat; therefore, such signs can last far longer than other types of illuminated signs.

The third factor that makes LED signage an effective choice also has to do with their low power consumption. In this case however, let's look at it in terms of energy cost and environmental impact. Generally speaking, LED lighting uses about a sixth the energy of an evenly-bright incandescent bulb, and carbon emissions associated with its use also drop by a similar amount. While making a change from older lighted signs to newer, LED signage could be expensive in the short term, that expense is likely to be recouped over time by way of lower energy costs. Even if you're not ready to make that move though, even switching to an LED open sign can be a small step toward lowering your energy costs.

LED signage, such as an LED open sign or LED scrolling signs, also have the added benefit of being just plain cool-looking. They're bright and colorful, and very eye-catching; even if you set all of their practical advantages, there are not many kinds of signs that can say the way an LED sign can.

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