Friday, March 15, 2019

The Purpose of a Cone Filter

A trend that has been around for a while is installing the infamous cone filter. The sound is exhilarating to some yet annoying to others. What is the actual purpose of a cone filter?

A cone filter is mainly used in performance vehicles. It is part of an induction kit that is equipped with the pipework. It needs to be installed somewhere where it can suck in cold air. It is a cone shaped device that can be found close to the air flow in the front of the car.

Many people install these devices on a regular car without realizing that it does not make any difference in their driving performance. The driver would also have to replace the air box that was initially part of the engine. Because this vital part has been replaced, the cone filter is now sucking in hot air hence the filter needs to be an unshielded cone filter.

The idea is to get as much air into the engine. The more oxygen is present, the more power the car will be able to achieve. That is, in a different type of engine. A larger engine will need to pull in more air because it is bigger and more powerful then it requires large amounts of oxygen. A smaller, standard four cylinder vehicle will not get much use out of this filter because it can only suck in hot air, which is useless to the performance of a car as hot air has a lower oxygen count.

If you are interested in installing a cone filter you have to remember that the only noticeable difference will be the sound the car will make. The performance will not be increased by a great amount but drivers have claimed that it does make their cars more fuel efficient.

Making sure that the cone filter does not obstruction any pipes and airways is also extremely important. The engine requires oxygen and without constant feed, the system will fail. You will also have to avoid installing the air induction kit where water is present. Water will not combust and can greatly damage the engine.

Performance is what everyone wants when driving. It provides them with an unbeatable reputation and confidence. There are other ways to get this reputation - one is fitting performance tires that suit with your car and another is keeping your car maintained to always look brand new. Avoid installing a cone filter without you only want the sound that it makes when sucking air into the engine.

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