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Monday, April 1, 2019

The Importance of Graphic Design in the Company

The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciples which focus on visual communication and presentation. Graphic design is a combination of images, texts, etc .. to convey a message of some colors. Graphic designs are commonly used in marketing purposes and are used in the commercial promotional tools. Brochures, advertisments, business cards, flyers, etc .. were made with eye-catching graphic designs. For marketing campaigns, visual presentation is very necessary. If an appropriate design is used for campaigns, then it would definitely be a success.

The target audience adore visual presentation for promotional activities. They may be attracted by the presentation of advertisements on television, Internet or colorful pictures or advertisements outdoors. Graphic design is no longer restricted within a mixture of colors and abstract patterns. It has become a difficult task for designers. Intensive use nowdays graphic designs is also visible in the website design. The target market responses to these campaigns graph that is bold, different and attractive.

The role of design in the company logo and strengthening the brand is huge. This is the logo graphic that creates a deep impact on the minds of the target market. Each company or organization is looking for models of innovative products attract potential buyers. Before the publication of a campaign on the market, it is tested a number of times and many changes are made. Campaigns tend to use these graphic images catchy but simple can be easily recognized. Often striking shapes and colors are used to easily draw the viewer's attention on the ads.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

E-Commerce Web Application - Why Testing Is Important

It is extremely important to test mobile applications and e-commerce websites so that it will not compromise on several factors such as customer data security, user experience, secure transaction, mobile responsiveness and quick load time. In addition, the success of your e-commerce web application depends heavily on smooth and proper functioning of these factors and should be free of bugs too. Thereby, you can give users an enjoyable and nice experience that would make them visit your app again for products and services.

Testing is inevitable to e-commerce success

We all know that users of e-commerce applications are spread worldwide as they deal with auctions, retail and wholesale, finance, manufacturing and marketing. Also, the fact that e-commerce industry is witnessing rapid growth for last few years can not be ignored. Organizations and businesses should devote more time in testing their website app and make it an indispensable part of their future e-commerce apps development. Here we bring to you a few important things on how to test an e-commerce website application.

Testing functionality of an e-commerce application

An e-commerce mobile or web app has four vital elements in the structure:

Product description page - It imports of product images, add to cart feature, product title, product comparison, description, related products and additional product details, to name a few.

Main pages - These include press releases page, homepage, about us page, privacy policy page, special offers, sitemap pages, among others.

Shopping Cart - Cash on delivery option, products list view, card payment, select delivery option, pay now option, remove product from the list, etc.

Product or Category Type Pages - The product page comprises of options akin to product type, size and color. Also, there is sorting feature to filter out products on the basis of size, model, price, etc. In addition, there is also "add to wish list" and "add to cart" feature in the category pages.

Before starting with the functionality testing, it is important to understand the e-commerce application or website completely. The above listed features are synonymous to all e-commerce applications, yet most of them are customized according to business specifications.

Testing flow of an e-commerce application

The testing of the workflow of an e-commerce web application includes the following:
• Check out process
• Signup and login options
• Sorting feature
• Search functionality
• Payment processing and payment gateway
• Applying filters for the selection of products
• Product review posting feature
• Invoice generation and order number
• Remove or add functionality in the shopping cart

Performing vulnerability as well as security assessments

Given that e-commerce mobile or web applications have valuable information of the client, including banking and personal data, it becomes critical to perform security testing to check for vulnerability and security issues in them.

Checking Compatibility with Web Browsers

It is essential that e-commerce applications work across all browsers such as Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera, among others. Run browser compatibility test to ensure that your customers can use it without nay hassle.


Running testing of an e-commerce web application is a must and common part of all e-commerce web or mobile app development. On the basis of your preference and need, you can look for an e-commerce web and customized portal development company. Irrespective of the venture you are planning to start, a smooth functioning portal or web application is critical to its success.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Learn and Earn With Affiliate Marketing

Do not Be A Statistic; Learn And Earn Your Way To Success

Having invested four years or more of hard work in a degree, it is imperative that you maintain your skills and have work experience recorded on your resume. Use your marketing skills and earn money at the same time. Affiliate marketing will provide you with the opportunity to learn and earn.

I had been unemployed for a few months; every recruitment agency within a 20 mile radius had been bombarded with e-mails, phone calls and of course, had been provided with several copies of my CV. Never before have I been unemployed for such an extended period of time, and I have an extensive experience in my chosen field. The financial climate gives employers the upper-hand; This is an ideal opportunity for employers to choose the most experienced candidates, leaving those with less than perfect CV's at the back of the queue. I can only imagine what it must be like to be a student or graduate just out of university. I decided to trawl the internet for any home-based opportunities to earn some money, as my savings were being sapped, and my resources depleted. I spent a good week researching; affiliate marketing was the one opportunity that appeared to be legitimate. In the process, I had fallen foul to three scams; I did not lose a fortune, but any amount is too much when lost to a scam.

Affiliate marketing is the most lucrative online opportunity. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and you will not become a millionaire overnight; it requires hard work, dedication and motivation, but it is the ideal opportunity for those who might be unemployed, or anyone looking to top up their incoming, to tap into what is fast becoming, a booming industry.

Currently, there is no specific affiliate marketing degree or diploma, although this is likely to change with time. In simple terms, it is where a customer searches online for specific products and is directed by the affiliate to the required product via a link. The user clicks on the link and is driven direct to purchase the product or service on the seller (merchant) site. The seller pays the affiliate commission as a percentage of the total sales value and this can be anything from 15-75%. The affiliate must have the knowledge and know-how to find the right products for the right customers at the right time. Advertisers prefer to have their products marketed in this way because advertising costs only become effective when a sale takes place.

The golden rule of affiliate marketing is finding niche markets. A niche market is defined as a specific targeted product that satisfies the consumers requirements. It is highly specialized and requires much fine-tuning. Research is imperative; finding the right keywords will lead you to the right customers and products for that customer. It is possible to market a product in two ways; either by choosing a consumer and providing the product that consumer wants, or by providing a product and finding consumers to purchase that product. The affiliate finds the niche market, shows the product to sell, then chooses a marketing technique and then builds a campaign leading to action. It is possible to earn money online within any industry but the key is to provide the right product to the right person at the right time and for the right reason. Initially, you should promote a product, service or topic that you know something about, or at least, are interested in. You are more more likely to succeed if you are passionate about your subject; what graduate is not passionate about their subject?

You will benefit from joining an affiliate program initially; An affiliate marketing training program is the easiest and quickest way to lead you to success. There are hundreds of programs, and I have researched them all. Joining is usually free, and a reputable program should provide you with all the expert training, resources, research tools, market information, mentoring and support to ensure your success. The program should be able to turn marketers into sales machines, keep you ahead of the game and make you a force to contend with. Be aware of programs that expect you to pay considerable amounts to find out about what they offer. You would not pay a company to interview you; this information should be free. You will need to pay a membership fee for joining; this the norm, but in return your offer should include all the training and resources you need to start your business.

You will need products to promote, so will need to join an affiliate network. The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you do not need to invest in products to sell; you simply market and sell products already offered by merchants. Networks such as ClickBank, LinkShare and are reputable networks. There are many networks to choose from; choose those offering a good rate of commission and confirmed payment method. These networks offer thousands of digital products but you will need to learn quickly how to master these networks and achieve the best possible sales potential.

You are far more likely to succeed in maximizing your potential through the use of your own website. Your website will provide you with an identity wherey you can market your products in your own style. You will also be able to target your products to specific markets and update your product offer when applicable. Your marketing efforts will be automated and therefore your earnings potential will be continuous. Websites can be built using free web development programs and do not need to cost the earth.

There are many marketing strategies you are able to use to promote your products; the affiliate program will train you to master these techniques. There are free marketing techniques and paid-for ones. Article marketing is a free marketing technique to get traffic to your email marketing campaign. By writing short articles and submitting them for distribution in the market you will achieve credibility. You will need to write unique, relevant quality content and also unique content. Every article contains a resource box and by-line, including the author's contact details. Writing good articles can achieve valuable backlinks to your site.

Other strategies include Pay-Per-Click, wherey you use advertising mediums such as Google AdWords to promote your offer. E-mail marketing will quickly build you opt-in mailing lists which are great for targeting specific products to customers at specified times, and you can utilize autoresponders to manage your e-mail campaigns. Search Engine Optimization is key to driving traffic to your website and achieving high page ranking with Google, Yahoo and MSN can bring huge amounts of traffic to your products.

Joining a program has other advantages; it will enable you to earn from the outset if you choose one offering promotion incentives; promote the program you have joined, and you are able to earn from day one. Take advantage of your skills and marketing capabilies; learn and earn to put that much-needed experience on your CV. I wish you the best of luck!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

10 Ways to Attract New Business at No Extra Cost

Last week I went shopping and saw a sign in the window: "Going Out Of Business Sale". This week I noticed a new cardboard headstone "Space For Rent" in my neighborhood. These are results of the same problem ... not enough business.

It is great when you can open a business and attract new customers immediately or when your website guarantees you a constant stream of income. But, none of these simply 'just' happened. Growing your business means self marketing and planning ahead every step of the way. Here are ten strategies to help you attract more business. And the best part: They will not cost you anything.

1. Be a walking example of how effective your product or service is

Let's say you sell beauty products. Make sure your own skin, make up, etc. is perfect whenever you go out for business. If people see how beautiful your products work or look on you they want to buy them. Or, you're a professional organizer. What will people think of you if you're late for a meeting, forgot to bring the promised brochures, and when you open your calendar it looks all chaotic. BE A MODEL for your business.

2. Seek to serve instead of just seeking to sell

What comes around goes around! Help others to grow their business or supporting them in any way you can go a long way in growing your own business.

3. Add value by networking all the time. Carry business cards wherever you go

Networking opportunities are everywhere where: at the supermarket, the doctor's office, even at the playground. I know that for a fact! When someone asks you what you do, give them a card. You want them to be able to hear and see the name of your company. You would be surprised how often business cards will be passed around and / or turn up months later. Also, find out how you can help. What does that person need? Whom do you know who could help? BE A MATCHMAKER every single day.

4. Sell the benefits, not the features. Nobody buys features anymore

People buy what those features will do for them. Everyone hates to buy insurances, so why are so many sold? Simply because of what insurances will do for you. So, know your benefits and practice your elevator speech.

5. Add value to your potential customers by expanding their professional vision and goals

People appreciate it when they feel that you understand their business needs and you're able to provide creative ideas that will help them to realize or even expand their vision and goals. Go on an exploratory journey with your potential customer.

6. Follow up, follow up, follow up

The secret of keeping your current customers is to show interest. Add value to your customers by making sure they're making the best use of your product or service. Let them know that you have their business at heart, that their success is your success. Show them that YOU CARE!

7. Turn your customers into your company's research and development department

It is of much more value to you to find out why people buy your product or service instead of focusing on why certain people are not interested. Ask your customers why they buy your products and service and use this information to improve your marketing and refine your value proposition.

8. Improve your communication skills and be an active listener

Take time to listen to your clients, prospects, and business partners; listen carefully - do not let your mind wander during the listening process. Never make any assumptions. Take time to find out the real motives and emotions, perceived and real problems. If you can refer to people they want to be around you.

9. Learn from people who are naturally attractive

Some people are; some people are not. Spend time with those who are and emulate them; ask them for help. They will be happy to tell you how it works. Just be ready to make changes in your assumptions, thinking, actions, and behavior.

10. Strengthen your personal finances, so you do not need the money anymore

When you feel financially secure you will become an even stronger magnet for attracting new business - because you do not needily need it anymore.

To improve your business, challenge yourself! Pick one of the 10 strategies described above, the one where you seem to struggle the most. Then, see if you can implement this strategy in the way you do business. Please feel free to share your successes with me - and any questions about how to grow your business.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Book Offers How-To on America's Most Flexible Money-Making Opportunity

In his new book, Driving Profits and Making Bank, Jonathan Wong walks would-be rideshare drivers through what he calls, "America's easiest and most flexible money-making opportunity." Based upon Wong's own experiences driving for Uber and Lyft, but also drawing upon a great deal of research into other rideshare companies as well as compatible businesses, this book is packed with everything you would ever need to know to become a rideshare driver. Honestly, I couldn't believe how thorough this book was and all the ins and outs of the rideshare business Jonathan illuminates, plus the countless tips he offers as an experienced driver that will make your solopreneur venture all the more successful.

Yes, when you're a rideshare driver, you're a solopreneur. You are basically a contract worker operating your own business. That means, as Jonathan points out, that you can set your own hours, work as much or little as you want, and work for more than one rideshare company at a time if you so wish.

That said, you can also derive a lot of benefits by contracting with rideshare companies. Jonathan walks readers through how to take advantage of "surge" times-periods when it can be super-busy so you get paid more. Rideshare companies also offer bonuses for referring other drivers to them. In addition, you have a captive audience to whom you can sell your other products or services, such as if you're a massage therapist or you want to sell tourist guides or T-shirts out of your vehicle. (One rideshare driver made over $250,000 in one year just by selling jewelry while driving.) Jonathan also walks you through the art of soft-selling to your customers so you don't annoy them and they don't rate you poorly on the rideshare platforms. Finally, there are the benefits of freedom-besides working your own hours, you can eat lunch whenever and wherever you want, you get to meet interesting people, and you may even discover new places in the areas where you drive.

Of course, like any job, being a rideshare driver has its downside. There are hiccups to the system that Jonathan walks you through, and he teaches you how to take advantage of working for more than one rideshare company to offset any slow times. He also gives sound advice on what to do if you have no shows, difficult passengers, such as drunks, drug-users, or belligerent people, and how to cooperate with law enforcement officers so they are your friends rather than your enemies.

I was amazed by everything there is to know if you want to be a rideshare driver. Some of what Jonathan says may be common sense, but not necessarily something you would think of before you enroll as a rideshare driver. Jonathan explains all the eligibility requirements you will have to meet and those your car will need to meet. He also explains how you can earn extra money depending on your car's make and model and how luxurious it is. He also explains what to do if you need to use the restroom, the importance of keeping your car clean and your trunk empty, and even when you may need to contact a potential rider to determine whether the requested ride is worth your while.

Even more important, since rideshare workers are self-employed, Jonathan walks you through ways to set up your own business to ensure you're covered with insurance and protected from liability, what you need to know to be able to pay your taxes, tips on setting up retirement plans, and all the basics to ensure your long-time financial success.

The back of the book includes appendices that list various apps you can use to enhance your rideshare venture and improve your chances for business success. Numerous other resources are also included, and there are even referral codes to take advantage of.

Driving Profits and Making Bank is the perfect book for anyone who might be interested in being a rideshare driver. It will tell you everything you need to know before you begin and will be your best friend even after you become a driver because you will want to continue exploring the many possibilities that exist for increasing your income while driving. In short, this book is encyclopedic in its resources. Buying and reading it may turn out to be the best investment you've made in yourself since getting your driver's license.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Top 4 Ways to Make Money Online

If you take the time to do some research, you will find the most common money making opportunities are covered in this article.

So my friends, here is my review of the most common ways to make money on the internet.

I've tried them all so this is my honest opinion. :)


This was my first venture online. Claims of $ 5000 per month filling out survey's sounded good.
Boy was I disappointed.

I spent around a hundred hours filling out surveys from numerous companies. In fact I still get emails from companies today. But my days of 50 min surveys for $ 2 are well and definitely over.


I did make some money but now near what some people claim.


A lot are scams
Hard to make a substantial income
Takes up too much of you're time

MLM / Network Marketing

OK so I have not tried this but I have very good reason. I know from speaking to my mentor and other good friends in the home business world that MLM businesses are notoriously hard to achieve great success.
And here's why. Not sure if there is any pro's.


You're success is mostly dependent on building a huge team of distributors. 100's possibly 1000's

You're income can be affected greatly when people leave the business.
The charges are usually between $ 20 - $ 60 per sale, so a lot of sales are needed to make a basic income.

Payment plans are often outdated and sales sometimes need to be passed up to you're sponsor etc

Affiliate Marketing

OK so this is one of the most popular ways to get started online but in my opinion it's not as easy as a lot of people make out.

Low / no cost to get started
great for extra income


Steep learning curve for "newbies"
Extremely competitive.

If using PPC (pay per click) marketing, you could have lost more money than you make. Commissions are usually around $ 40 so high volume of sales is required for a good income

Affiliate marketing is best when you have an email list to market to.

Direct Sales / GPT (Get Paid Today)

This is by far the best way I've found to make a substantial income and it's great for newbies.


Direct sales and GPT businesses are great because you get paid first and directly. No waiting til the end of the month to get paid from the company.

Direct sales businesses are generally "high ticket" businesses. Meaning missions range from $ 500 - $ 2000 (just a few sales per month is a great income)
You do not need to rely on team members making sales (although building a strong team creates another stream of residual income)

Direct sales is recognized as the best and quickest way to build a big income

You do not need to work any harder to sell a high ticket product than you do to sell a $ 40 affiliate product.


Not really any cons but as direct sales have high responsibilities, they generally have a higher level of investment.

But you can make you're investment back quickly if you have the right mentor, mindset, and business.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Introduction of the Porsche Type 356

The Porsche 356 was a two-seater based on the Volkswagen , code-named Type 356 after its design office number. With Fiat-based Cisitalia sports cars as an inspiration, the first Type 356 had a tubular frame; and its body, designed by Erwin Kommenda, was the first to bear the legendary name Porsche, cast in a logotype that is almost unaltered to this day.

The Type 356 cars that followed had a platform chassis like the Volkswagen, but retained the same basic mechanical lay-out and Kommenda's distinct body. Why change the chassis so soon? That is a question that might be asked about the myriad changes to Porsches ever since. The reason is simple; Porsche people are perfectionists and, because the cars have always been produced in relatively small quantities, it has been easy to change things in detail. Wherever the technical wizards could see a way of improving a component they would, usually after testing it on a racing Porsche.

The result has been a stream of fascinating, complex and confusing cars , each one almost invariably a little better than the one before. But as their logo remained unaltered, so did their basic lay-out for 27 years: with only a brief flirtation with open-wheeled racers, they have all been rear-engined, air-cooled, all independently sprung sports cars. Only since 1975 have there been more conventional front-engined, water-cooled Porsches, and they are still true sporting cars.

By 1951, high-performance versions of the 356 were racing at Le Mans as a result of a plea by the race's organizer, Charles Faroux, who had helped free the professor from prison. Ferdinand Porsche lived long enough to see his 356 couples win their class in the French race and establish themselves as a great force in Continental rallying. He had a stroke in the autumn and died the following year, leaving his company in the hands of his son, Ferry, with the Piech family for support. Hardly anything changed at Porsches. Production was transferred to Zuffephusen, near Stuttgart, West Germany but the cars were the same, constantly developing versions of their creator's original work.

By 1952, the Porsche company was deeply involved in racing as a way of promoting its cars and it was apparent that they needed a new engine for more power. One of Porsche's younger designers, Dr Ernst Fuhrmann, was given his head and produced an advanced four-overhead-camshaft flat four-cylinder unit with Ferry Porsche and chief engineer Karl Raabe who was one of the old professor Porsche's first employees, looking over his shoulder.

This high-revving engine was installed in a racing Porsche with spyder, or skimpy open, body and the car given a new type number, 550.

Porsche's American agents encouraged the production of these highly specialized vehicles which, in ever-improving form, took the German firm through top-class competition in the 1950s; and as the Spyders sent their time racing, the 356, in continuously developing form, provided the production backbone and competed in classes for more standard cars.

As the Spyders developed, they became more like open-wheeled racing cars in concept and little modification was needed to enter them in Formula 2 events from 1957. These cars were an immediate success and when the capacity of Formula 1 cars was limited to 1.5 liters - Porsche size - in 1961, the men from Zuffenhausen plunged into grand prix racing with great enthusiasm.

This ultimate form of competition proved to be too expensive for them, however, and Porsche retired after two seasons with only one victory of note - in the 1962 French Grand Prix - despite spending a fortune on developing a new flat-eight engine.

The sports-racing and production cars were stilt very successful so they decided to concentrate on them. Ultra-lightweight Spyers made the European Mountain Championship their own, as befitted cars with an Austrian origin. High performance road and rally cars were produced bearing the name Carrera to commemorate their class win in the Carrera Panamericana, a grueling Mexican road race with an especially emotional appeal to their largest market on the west coast of America. They backed up the Spyders, winning such classics as the Targa Florio road race in Sicily.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Keys to Learn Options Trading

Options trading - maybe you have heard about this and your interest lead you to visit this page. If that is your reason, you are in the right site. From here you will know what does that term means through some keys that will help you to learn options trading.

Way back from the ancient times, people seek different ways to get what they need and want. They engage in different kinds of trade and find ways to exchange their products and services in order to gain things in return, in the form of money, other products or services and others alike. The same thing goes as time passes by.

The concept of trade development synchronizes with the use of modern technology. One component of trade known as the market is highly influenced by this change. The world is known today as borderless due to the advancement in communication, primarily in the use of computers to connect to the internet, helping people from around the world become able to connect with each other. This causes traders to gain a big market not just locally but internationally.

This situation calls for many people to engage in the trade business. They are developing different avenues in order for them to insure success. One way to this is to learn options trading.

Options trading is a unique way to trade. Unlike holding shares in a company, here, you are not holding physical stocks. In here, you are having an arrangement or contract with another trader that one party will send something to another in a particular period of time in a particular price. This trade will become effective based on the strategy and approach that a trader will use. In its years of occasion, options trading already proved that it is an effective form of trade based on its flexibility.

The presence of losses is always present in any form of venturing into trade. People may be limited by this fact and become afraid of trying new things. But an option trader can overcome this attitude by simply finding options trading strategies. This will serve as his weapon to his victory.

Sources where you can find effective trading strategy are freely available in the web. Reading materials such as newsletters are available in some trading sites. You can also seek help from those people who are also in to options trading by reading their blogs and joining a group and participating in some forums. You can also subscribe or join webinars about it if you want a formal discussion about your concerns regarding options trade with bonuses such as handouts, manuals and other reading materials where you can find additional information about the subject matter.

So what are you waiting for? If you want to save more for your future; if you want a worry-free and early retirement; if you want to gain financial security, stability and freedom; this is an avenue for you. Learn options trading and engage into it then you will see yourself enjoying its benefits. It is just a matter of trying a new thing for there will be no loss for you but you will gain from it. Come on now! Lift a finger and reach your success!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Telecoms for Business

Any business relies on technology to operate. With fast and reliable internet connections, strong mobile signals and advanced telecoms systems, it is possible to effectively communicate with customers and collectors, suppliers and partners in a variety of ways. Any business that does not have access to the latest technology is put at a disadvantage.

The accelerated rate at which digital technology has grown in recent years and our reliance on it has put great pressure on the capacity of copper based networks. The wide scale deployment of fiber (often referred to as Fiber to the Premises or FTTP) networks is being seen as the only way to address this and equip homes and businesses with what they need.

A recently released 'Building Gigabit Britain Report' compiled by leading UK businesses highlights the importance of a wide spread fiber network to the long term prospects of British business and the wider economy. As the population embracements advances in digital communications, wireless devices, remote working and competition in global markets, the need for fiber is obvious.

The Report highlights a number of ways in which the Government could, and in opinion of the authors should, support the roll out of a new fiber infrastructure. These include investing in a clear strategy that commits to 80% of the population having access to fast fiber broadband by 2026, with near universal coverage by 2030.

In regards to the regulations which currently govern the industry, it is noted that whilst some regulations help to protect customers, others are more of a hindrance to progress. It suggests that some of the financial barriers are removed and that current regulations are reworked in order to encourage both competition and collaboration from telecoms companies. This is seen as vital for innovation in communications and private investment in rolling out the fiber networks.

The report also raises the importance of advertising guidelines being enforced, so that clear and transparent information is available to the public. The success of many local economies could depend on the timely roll out of fiber and how the process is communicated and managed by local councils and telecoms companies.

Fast and Reliable Broadband

So, if fast and reliable broadband and embracing digital technology is so essential to the future of the British economy, how does it affect your business? Did broadband speed influence your decision on where locate your business? Are you reliant on the roll out of fiber in order to realize the goals in your business plan?

Has fast reliable broadband enabled you to make the most of the latest business telecoms systems? If so, your employees could be as easy to contact (by you and your customers) whether they are at their desk, out at a business event, or working remotely. You could be saving time and money by conference calling partners and clients, rather than meeting in person. You can avoid missing that important call with voice mail and printed transcripts of the message.

Many companies have not upgraded their business telecoms in recent years, it simply has not seemed like the top priority, but much like your IT, there can be significant benefits from streamlining procedures, increasing productivity and integrating one system with another.

Business Telecoms Systems

Your company may have to wait several years before fast and reliable fiber systems are in place, but you can give your operations an advantage by investing in the latest business telecoms systems. If your team are finding it increasingly difficult to manage the increasing volume of calls, or seasonal peaks, then this could be a sign that an upgrade is due.

Other indicators include issues with resolving problems with the system and the prohibitive challenges associated with adding new lines or integrating the phones with other technology. Whilst many Company Directors have concerns about the cost of an upgrade, the reality is that the latest business telecoms are often far more cost effective that older systems and can lead to considerable savings in the long term.

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Difference a Holistic Business Approach Makes

A holistic business approach is a relatively new concept that is increasingly being accepted by the business world. To be a business that uses holistic techniques, it means that the entire organization is considered in its processes and policies, as opposed to focusing only on its specific components. By using the holistic approach to running a business, you will make sure that your business is running at its full potential, as opposed to simply having strong areas and weak areas.

Holistic approaches to business, such as the increasingly popular Six Sigma business strategy developed by Motorola, involve the consideration of the entire business situation instead of only a single time or portion of it.

In order to implement such a process, many businesses choose to reach out to professionals for help, with consultants such as the Six Sigma Champions and Black Belts who will help different team members to see the organization in an entirely new light.

This thinking is not simply "out of the box", but instead it believes that it removes the box altogether. In this sense, holistic business strategies allow business people to develop entirely new mindsets and beliefs about their companies and their roles within them. Dramatic improvements are made to help to maximize the potential of the business, and then take full advantage of that potential.

This type of business strategy is considered by many experts to be fundamental to achieving the successes that are desired. To reach the right goals, a proper foundation must be laid, and according to many, this foundation is a strong holistic business strategy.

The training for a holistic business strategy does not involve just a handful of an organization's team members, but will instead involve the entire team. After all, since the entire basis of a holistic business strategy is that the entire company and its situation must be considered in order to achieve success, this is only possible if the entire staff of the business is functioning on this same level.

If you are curious about implementing a holistic business strategy in your company in order to bring about its full potential, your first step is probably the internet. Have a look at the different holistic options available. Six Sigma is among the most accepted at the moment, but there are many options out there that will allow you to get the most out of your business and have it perform at its highest ability.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Mesothelioma Lawsuit

People suffering from Mesothelioma are provided with the legal right by Maryland law to file a Mesothelioma lawsuit. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that happens because of asbestos exposure. You are much more susceptible to this illness if you've worked wherever the chance of inhaling asbestos debris was high. For those who have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you may get compensation from the celebration accountable for your publicity to asbestos by way of a Mesothelioma lawsuit.

Mesothelioma is a critical disease; oftentimes generating its presence felt 20 or thirty years following exposure. You would like to commence the healthcare treatment immediately in order have more than a one year|twelve months survival rate. When submitting Georgia Mesothelioma lawsuits, you should have a correct comprehending of all of the intricacies which are associated with filing lawsuits. Make sure you employ a qualified and skilled Mesothelioma lawyer because only then are you able to attain success in your lawsuit.

Mesothelioma, the disease of mesothelium, is a painful one mingled with costly treatment. Mesothelium is the overlaying made across the heart, lungs and different essential organ of human body. It protects the organs from injury when beating towards the body wall. Generally in case of involuntary muscles in human body, as located in heart, stomach, lungs etc, the mesothelium performs essential role.

In the course of respiration system the air is taken in, get purified in lungs and once again the contaminated blood filled with carbon-di-oxide is taken out. In the course of the mentioned purification process if any small or even microscopic particles are inhaled unexpectedly then those debris can't come out effortlessly from lungs and linger caught within the mesothelium. If such particles debris get accrued in big quantity in lungs, then it causes a lot kind of lungs related or cardio-thoracic problems. In numerous cases it eventually results in cancer, known as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a infrequent cancer kind that occurs because of asbestos exposure. It's got an effect on the liner of the lungs and abdominal cavity. Mesothelioma is a deadly illness with a mean survival time of simply twelve months following diagnosis. Your survival rate may easily increase if it is diagnosed early. Mesothelioma litigations in Baltimore offer you an opportunity to file a case against a party that's accountable on your situation.

No just one expects go to hospital following working with a firm that use asbestos within the manufacturing process. No one wish to handle an expensive lawyer in courtroom as it will take time, energy, productiveness time, not pointed out losses in all probability that would make employee pay additional money to organization who employ their situation much more over whether it is associated with Asbestos mesothelioma case before the courts claim.

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium the result of publicity to asbestos fibers. There is several fundamental details just one ought to be mindful of if he is thinking about pursuing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. Previous to pursuing a lawsuit, he ought to search advice from a respectable mesothelioma lawyer for a better comprehension of mesothelioma law. A mesothelioma lawsuit give you just one with enough compensation that will assist cover his legal, medical, and on-going bills related to the mesothelioma cancer.

Federal US entitles people identified with mesothelioma to file a lawsuit against the errant company or companies. Mesothelioma, being a deadly sort of cancer, ruins the prospects of victims and their families. This efficiently signifies that mesothelioma lawsuits are essential something that may mitigate the sufferings of the family

In the past, as a consequence of being exposed to an asbestos material, there have been circumstances when the mesothelioma melanoma sufferers have gotten thousands in reparation for their cancer diagnosis. Lately, mesothelioma lawsuits help those who have become unwell with this cancer by supplying a array of reimbursements. Several of those litigations have answered people who have been in touch with asbestos linked substances at their workplace, and corporations are obliged to pay damages to their existing or former staff members for non-disclosure of the hazard entailed in touching asbestos and linked materials.

Some fundamental elements must be taken under consideration by victims discovered to endure mesothelioma cancer and are capable of file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

What are mesothelioma lawsuits and just how do they arise?

$5 million continues to be recovered from your mesothelioma litigation filed on behalf of a 70-year-old man who passed faraway from malignant mesothelioma. The man was exposed to mesothelioma causing asbestos at work. His profession called for fitting asbestos that contains ceiling tiles. He breathed in asbestos fibers launched by the tiles everyday. The fibers have been launched whenever he reduce and in good shape the tiles. In addition, he was also exposed to asbestos from working alongside drywall installers who produced asbestos dust from using only asbestos that contains joint compound.

Is mesothelioma curable? The straight answer to this query is 'No'. Well, you will find drugs and treatments that assist in easing the pain sensation and should aid to extend life, however these remedies aren't sufficient to save life. Mesothelium refers back to the wrapping structure of nearly all of the bodily organs in our system and mesothelioma is the cancer that occurs in mesothelium.

It has been reported that deaths attributable to mesothelioma cancer in England is increasing. According to at least one estimate, 2,249 men and women died from malignant mesothelioma in 2008 whereas 2,156 died from the sickness in From 2006 to 2008, northeastern England was the geographic area with the very best incidence of mesothelioma deaths. The male demise rate was 1 per million. Southeastern England adopted having a male death rate of 74 deaths per million people.

The asbestos cancer mesothelioma is a threat to the lives of many Navy veterans. This really is as the Navy used asbestos-containing items extensively. Several instances of asbestos-containing goods are gaskets, adhesives, cables and valves. The areas of a ship wherever asbestos may have been present are several and take on boiler rooms, mess halls, engine rooms and navigation rooms. Ships involve a too high risk of asbestos exposure due to many areas on board ships are closed, which means that asbestos fibers can't escape. As such, asbestos fibers on board a ship are likely to dealt with by ship personnel.

You or a loved just one has just been diagnosed with Mesothelioma. Your mind and emotions are on a curler coaster ride, not understanding much if anything about this deadly cancer, and never knowing wherever to show for Mesothelioma monetary help. There is assist in the storm. Listed here are many methods to locate Mesothelioma monetary aid whenever you require it after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that's the result of exposure to asbestos fibers, and this cancer can cut lifespan to a point of months from the onset of symptoms. Over recent years, the amount of mesothelioma instances coming to light has risen quite dramatically, as well as in line with this, the amount of mesothelioma litigations being filed has also increased. Due to mesothelioma lawsuits became such huge business, a lot law firms and lawyers now specialize during this area, generating it simpler for all those affected by this disease to obtain the legal assistance they have to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

A diagnosis of mesothelioma because of industrial asbestos exposure may be daunting, both emotionally and logistically. A myriad of questions show up that may appear at initial difficult to locate answers for. This article serves as a guide to those most-often requested questions regarding mesothelioma and submitting a litigation coping with mesothelioma.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

SEO for Business IT Marketing

Onsite SEO is related to everything on your actual website. Titles, meta decryption, internal linking, keywords density, sitemaps, alt tags for images and video. Keywords are the words or phrases that potential customers type when searching for your products or services on search engines.

Ranking high for relevant keywords matters because it brings your business to the top of the search results, helping you reach more potential customers. Offsite most important are: Listings refer to all the sites and directories where your business's information appears. Listings matter because they enable potential customers to find you or your business on relevant sites, and because they can improve your position on search engines like Yahoo, Google or Bing. If not, you're missing out on reaching consumers at the most critical stage of the buying cycle - when they're comparing products, price and services to choose a business. Do not assume that having a website is enough to succeed online. With many of your competitors already promoting themselves online, you need to make sure your web presence is effective as well on all major local search sites. The good news is that promoting yourself online and expanding your clientele can be easy and affordable. By investing in your online marketing, you can attract new customers while reducing your overall advertising budget!

One of these other SEO strategies is called ATO (Ad Text Optimization) which is a type of paid search advertising. Now, a successful SEO campaign can create organic traffic (a natural relevance to search terms instead of being an advertisement), but it could also include paid advertising, creating great quality web pages, setting up a way for owners to gauge their online success, and improving a website's conversion rate (which is the ratio of people who visit a site versus the amount of people who take action). The problem with SEO is that search engines change their algorithms and there are no guarantees on continued referrals. Because of this a business that may require a lot of help from search engine traffic could suffer losses if a search engine stops sending visitors to their site. This being the case it is advised to keep from dependence on search engine traffic. Most search marketers will share that it is better to receive traffic from links as they are stronger. For advice on how to link your business website to another website, you should seek professional company for help.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

How to Make Email Marketing Works for Your Business

Topic 1 ~ Your Email Subject Lines ~

How To Write A Good E-mail Subject Lines That Works?

Here are the 5 tips:

1. Ask a question. One of the best ways to get a reader's attention is to ask a question. But like a trial lawyer questioning a witness on the stand, make sure it 'll get you the response you're looking for. "What's the best way to grow your business?" is a great subject line for business owners. After all, what business owner would not want to grow his or her business? Or let's say you run a health club. An e-mail with the subject line, "How can you lose 5 pounds in one month?" would certainly be compelling. It's important your question to be relevant to your audience.

2. Be a tease. A clever subject line can be enticing. When it's done right, reader curiosity is piqued. They want to know more - and they'll open your e-mail. Writing a teaser-style subject line requires some creativity, and your content needs to deliver. A company that sells high-definition TVs could use the subject line, "You're not going to believe your eyes" as a teaser to introduce a new addition to their product line.

3. Tell it like it is. Often, what works best is to say exactly what you want your reader to know. Examples of this straightforward approach are, "Sale on all sweaters this weekend," "Master jazz pianist plays live this Friday" and "The seven secrets of a profitable business." This just-the-facts approach works especially well when you can appeal directly to your audience's interests. It's also the best approach to use when you send a newsletter.

4. Remember "WIIFM". When a person gets your e-mail, the first thing they consider is "what's in it for me?" They have a decision to make. Do they open your e-mail, leave it for later or delete it? If there is not something about the subject line that lets them know why it's worth their precious time to see what's inside, then the choice will be clear. Keep WIIFM in mind when creating every aspect of your e-mails, including the offer, content, images - and most definitely the subject line. It's all about them. They know that; just make sure you know it, too.

5. Get personal. The more you can make each contact feel you're speaking directly to them, the more effective your communication will be. Whatever style of subject line you use, you can make it personal by using the word "you." Professional copywriters know the secret of using this powerful little word. Just look at the advertisements, mail and e-mail you receive. A few examples are, "Find the right swimsuit for you," "You can save 50 percent on travel," and "You're look phenomenal in a custom-tailored suit." "You" is ideal, but "your" works too.

6. Not sure which approach is right for you? Try them all, and then show a friend or colleague to get their feedback. Pick the one you believe will be most effective for your audience. Whichever approach you choose, it's always worth spending the time and effort to write a great subject line. Because if your readers do not open your e-mail, they'll never have the chance to read the important message you've created for them inside.

Topic 2 ~ Increase Click-Through Rate (CTR) ~

How to Increases Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Here are some guidelines:

1. Include a feature, a benefit, and an advantage in the opening. This needs to be used in a subtle way, but in the opening you're really doing a small marketing job for this issue of your email newsletter. Highlight an article or two that are important, explain what you're providing the readers that they will not get elsewhere, and tell them what the benefit will be. A great example is something like "Nokia and Sprint announced second quarter earnings today. Learn what our Wireless Week experts say about the results, and what effect you can expect them to have on the industry at large."

2. Put the email newsletter in the context of your readers' day. This goes hand in hand with the last point. Your readers are busy, and if you can make a compelling case for why they should stop what they are doing and take a few minutes now to read your email newsletter, you'll get them in. We recommend editors reference important events, upcoming trade shows, or other things that say to the reader "You will find it worthwhile to stop and read this email newsletter now, because the information in it will help you stay on top of your business."

3. Keep it fresh. Do not craft a "perfect paragraph" and use it issue after issue after issue. One of the keys to success is to keep the copy fresh and highlight items in that issue of the email newsletter. If you use the same generic language repeatedly, people will stop reading it and it'll be a waste of your time.

4. Keep it short. This is critical. We recommend no more than two to three sentences - just enough to get them interested and pull them in to read the rest of your email newsletter.

Try it out and see the results! This is just one of the simple things you can do to engage your reader and optimize your CTR.

Topic 3 ~ Killer Email Sales Letter ~

How to Write Killer Email Sales Letter That Get Results?

Here are what we've found works best. Use these tips correctly and your results will skyrocket.

1. Your email "from" sender line should be your brand name or company name and stay consistent. Use your own personal name only if that is your brand image.

2. Send emails only when you have something to say that will benefit the reader. No fluff. No filler. You must be relevant. If you can not be, do not send an email until you have something beneficial to say.

3. Start your emails with the specific benefit the reader can get from your message. You have no more than 3 seconds to pass the crucial "what's in it for me?" test.

4. The copywriting tone and language should be personal and conversational, instead of stuffy and "corporate".

5. Make a specific offer to the reader and, if possible, include a short deadline by which he must respond to get it.

6. Use as much copy as is needed to fully pile on all the benefits the reader will get by ordering, answer objections, create urgency, and close the sale.

7. Test your subject lines and offers on small segments of your list before you send the email to your entire list.

8. Include "Email this to a friend" service in all your communications for pass along and viral marketing.

Topic 4 ~ Good Call-to-Action ~

Get More Clicks With a Good Call-to-Action!

The call-to-action is a determining factor of your click-through rate. It is an important component of your email copy because it answers three important questions for the recipient. They are:

1. What you want them to do

2. Why they should do it, and

3. How to take that next step.

Whatever action you want your recipients to take, you can make it happen more often with a good call-to-action. First, decide what you want them to do:

1. Buy something

2. Sign up for a service

3. Fill out a form

4. Read an article or get more information

5. Visit your website or store

6. Make an appointment

Etc ...

Then, make sure you incorporate these 6 characteristics to get the results you're looking for. Make your call-to action:

1. Visible - People read, react, make decisions and take action differently. Some make decisions right away ("You had me at hello.") And some need more details ("I'm from Missouri."). Place call-to-action links in the beginning, middle and end of the email so that recipients can click whenever they are ready.

2. Clear - Stick to simple words, short phrases, bulleted benefits and paragraphs of 1-3 short sentences. Include appropriate graphics and cut the clutter by making effective use of white space.

3. Compelling - Use action-oriented verbs and phrases: "buy now," "call today," "save" and so on.

4. Rewarding - Offer an incentive or reward for action. For example, "Act now and also receives ...," or "the First 100 responders will be entered into a raffle to win ..." The giveaway, or prize, you choose should be closely related to your product or service. That way, you will be targeting customers who are interested in what you have to offer, not just the latest gadget.

5. Urgent - The longer an email sits in an inbox, the less likely it is to be acted on. Create a sense of urgency to get a more immediate response. Try limiting the offer to a specific time period, to the "first 50 customers," "while supplies last," etc.

6. Direct - Your call-to-action links should go to the appropriate page on your website with more details on the specific product or service you're promoting. If you do not have a website, the call-to-action might be store locations to visit or a number to call for an appointment.

Keep in mind that, in addition to repeating your call-to-action, you can vary your call-to-action to appeal to different types of buyers (and to fit your sales cycle). For example: "Click here to buy now" will naturally work better with loyal customers. The softer, "Click here to learn more" may be better for newer prospects.

Topic 5 ~ Avoid Common Pitfalls ~

Read Your Email Message Backwards to Avoid Common Pitfalls

Here are some common problems to look out for:

1. Misspelled words - It's a good idea to spell-check a document, but it's not enough. A spell checker will not catch every error.

2. Wrong word used - This is why a spell checker is not enough. A spell checker will only flag words it does not recognize. It can not tell if a legitimate word is used incorrectly. Some words commonly confused: accept, except; your, you're; then, than; there, their, they're; cite, site, sight; lay, lie; loose, loosen, lose. Also, look out for missing "r" in the word "your." It's easy to overlook a sentence such as "Visit our Web site now to receive you free copy."

3. Grammar error - Again, if you know you're not a good writer, have someone else look your writing for grammatical errors. Mistakes make you look bad.

4. Punctuation error - This is another area where you'll benefit from a review by someone who knows their stuff. If you're determined to do it yourself, purchase a good grammar or style book. One of the most common punctuation problems: Too many stupid commas!

5. Vague or confusing statement - Make sure every sentence is crystal-clear. You do not want your promotional message to raise more questions than it answers.

6. Ilogical statement - Read over what you have written slowly. At the end of each paragraph, ask yourself: "Did that make sense?" Rewrite so that it does.

Topic 6 ~ Frequency of Sending Emails ~

How Often (Frequency) Should You Send Email?

There's no quick answer to the frequency question. It depends on the goals for your email and the type of content you send. Some rough guidelines:

1. Mail at least once a month. Mail less often than this, and you risk being forgotten by recipients. Monthly is the bare minimum if you want to keep your brand or company name top of mind (a common email goal).

2. Let content be your guide. Look at what you provide readers and you'll get a feel for proper frequency. Analyze how often the information changes and how quickly readers must receive it to act on it.

3. Work within your resources. A daily email requires many more resources than a monthly. Better a well-done monthly email than shoddy weekly or daily. It's recommended to start with a monthly. Once that's going smoothly, they can think about moving to weekly. You need to walk before you can run!

4. Watch for trends. Declining response, open, and click-through rates can be signs of list fatigue. Although some decrease is normal, watch carefully and cut back frequency if you see a problem. Do not assume if the unsubscribe rate is stable you're OK. Many people prefer to forward email directly to their delete folder rather than unsubscribe.

Topic 7 ~ Understanding Spam Filters ~

Understanding Spam Filters to Avoid Your Emails Get Junked!

If you send email campaigns long enough, you will inevitably run into spam filter issues. On average, you can expect 10-20% of your emails to just get lost in cyberspace, mostly due to overzealous spam filters. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. If you want to avoid getting your emails junked by spam filters, you have to understand how they work.

Generally speaking, spam filters look at a long list of criteria to judge whether or not your email is junk. For example, they might look for spammy phrases like "CLICK HERE!" Egypt "FREE! BUY NOW!". They'll assign points each time they see one of those phrases. Certain criteria get more points than others. Here's a sample of criteria from Spam Assassin, one of the most popular spam filters out there:

o Talks about lots of money (.93 points)

o Describes some sort of breach (.32 points)

o Looks like mortgage pitch (.297 points)

o Contains urgent matter (.288 points)

o Money back guarantee (2.051 points)

o Why Pay More? (1.249 points)

It's easy to use "spammy" keywords in your email without even knowing it. Here are some common ways marketers unwittingly trigger spam filters with their campaigns:

1. Using spammy phrases, like "Click here!" Egypt "Once in a lifetime opportunity!" too many times in your email. Sometimes, you can not avoid phrases like "FREE SHIPPING!" but use them sparingly, and do not do anything else risky.

2. Going crazy with exclamation points !!!!!!


4. Coloring their fonts bright red, or green

5. Coding sloppy HTML (such as converting a Microsoft Word file to HTML)

6. Creating an HTML email that's nothing but one big image, with no text (since spam filters can not read images, they assume you're a spammer that's trying to trick 'em)

7. Using the word "Test" in the subject line (agencies run into this all the time, when sending drafts to clients for approval)

Topic 8 ~ Why Email Marketing Does not Work? ~

If Your Email Marketing Does not Work, Think Again Why?

Before you arrive at the faulty conclusion that email marketing does not work, let's look at this from a different perspective for a moment that would make your emails ineffective.

First there's what you are writing in the body of the email. If this is your first attempt to get in touch with a prospect, what are you putting in the email? A dissertation? If it's longer than one or two paragraphs, it's too long. Look at your emails like an initial cold call. You need to laser in and deliver a compelling opening statement that's going to grab their interest and stimulate a conversation. Because there's no one to cut you off in an email or stop you from persistent pontification, people have a tendency to ramble on and on in an email, giving the prospect the life story of the product or service they want them to consider. Keep it short and focus on the one or two benefits, opening up the opportunity to have a dialogue. That's it.

Second, are you sending attachments in the first email? No attachments! It's hard enough sending an unsolicited email to a prospect. Now you're adding more barriers and increasing the opportunities of your email winding up in their spam box or junk email folder. Some people have filters on their email that if an attachment is sent it automatically gets deleted. No attachment until that information in the attachment is solicited by the person.

Third, html or text? Once again, with all the email filters people use today, you will increase your odds by sending a text message only rather than trying to get fancy with formatting, graphics and pictures. The prospect really does not care about how beautiful your email looks; they care about the core message. Beside, they will never even get a chance to see your beautiful masterpiece in an html email if it's winding up in the trash.

Finally, you are using way too many spam words. As mentioned, the largest enemy to email marketing or selling via email is the additional security that companies and individuals have on their network or computer. As such, the specific words you are using in the body of the email can be the culprit who is sending your email directly into the trash or spam box. In other words, you are using words that are often identified is spam and in turn, you email is getting flagged and deleted. Not even eye contact! The prospect is not getting a chance to, at the very least, see your email let alone read it and have a chance to respond accordingly.

Ending ~ Please Forward ~

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Edible Printing: Makes Boring Food Attractive


It is used to decorate birthday cakes and desserts which are fit for human consumption. They are of various forms and can be used to garnish our food items and make them all the more attractive and mouthwatering.


It can be seen at birthday parties, marriage functions, baby showers, office parties. Whenever there is a birthday party, a birthday cake is a must and birthday cake these days look extremely attractive because of them.

Even at marriage functions, wedding cakes are bought and we often see miniatures of a bride and a groom on the wedding cake. This is nothing butible printing.

We also buy cakes and desserts on official functions, success parties and baby showers and they are a must for such occasions as well.


They come in various forms:

· Food pens

· Icing sheets

· Edible Inks

· Edible printing solutions

· Icing sugar

Food pens: If you have ever visited a cake shop, you must have noticed a food pen. A food pen is used to write names on cakes and cupcakes and other edibles. On your birthday, you must have asked for your name to be scribbled on the birthday cake. This is done by the food pen itself. Food pens are made from food colorings and so different food pens can give different colors as per our requirements.

Icing sheets : Icing sheets are very thin, flavorless, white colored sheets that can be passed through a printer. When it has been printed and dried; it does not break or crack easily. It is easily manageable and is placed on food items. These days, we find various graphics and even our own pictures printed on a cake. This is done with the help of icing sheets. Icing sheets are made with water, corn syrup, corn starch, cellulose, glycerin, sugar, vanilla, etc.

Edible Inks : Edible inks are used to print graphics or pictures on the icing sheets. The disposable inks come in the form of cartridges which are inserted in the printers to print the graphics on the icing sheets. The edible inks are mostly made of sugar solution and different food colorings and can print the graphics quite accurately.

Edible printing solutions : Edible printing solutions come in a wide range of colors. While buying an edition printing solution for our printer, we need to make sure that the company from which we are purchasing our product is authentic and does not cause any adverse effect to our health.

Icing sugar : Icing sugar is nothing but finely powdered sugar that can be used as frostings over ice creams and cakes. It is also called confectioners' sugar. Icing sugars can be used in recipes like fondant, marshmallows and cream fills. It is made of edible cornstarch and sugar and gives an attractive look to bakery products and desserts.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Generate 49,784 Dollars Monthly - Turn Your Computer Into A Money Making Machine

When it comes to the 2017 and beyond, there is a new method and innovated way to earn income all from the comfort of your own home. This way I am talking about will allow you to turn your computer into a money making machine that can generate 5 digits or more for you every month. Most major companies around the world have changed every aspect of their business like marketing and their products and services. They market and put all their products and services on the Internet for the consumption of the masses.,

If you join a home business opportunity, in my opinion, you can generate 49,784 dollars or more for yourself every month for life. The way this is possible is by joining a home business opportunity. Home business opportunities are opportunities that award average people the chance to build their own brand all from scratch. Unlike starting your own company from a physical office or building, starting an online business is cheaper and can give you wallet-busting results.

Here Is The Way To Making 49,784 Dollars Or More Monthly

Home business opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. One opportunity may sell products to help the masses lose weight and another may sell home essential services like high-speed internet and cable. In addition, every opportunity that is legitimate comes with a compensation plan. A compensation plan is a general outline that displays how you will get paid. Home business opportunities allow you to make 49,784 dollars or more from home by selling products and services through a website.

Bonus Tip -

Most people fail every year when they attempt to build their own brand via this type of opportunity. The reason as to why they fail is simple. They fail because they are not educated properly. In addition, they are not determined, organized, and discipline. The phrase "Rome was not built in a day" has some relevance here. Do not expect to get a check within the first two years. the average person starts to see profits in the first two and a half years.

In order to see success in this type of business or any type of business is to educate yourself. You must take the time and figure out what type of opportunity you might want to join.

Luckily for you, there are organizations of experts who offer free reports to those who are dangerously curious in finding out what this industry is all about.

Obviously there are many resources on the internet but the important thing to take away is how to judge whether an opportunity is legitimate and if the compensation plan for this opportunity is fair.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Online Slot Machine Games from Microgaming

The 3 major software providers for the online gambling industry are Microgaming, Realtime Gaming, and Playtech. Microgaming was the first software company and has been the market leader ever since. Over the past two years, Microgaming has launched over 50 new slot machine games, each with its own unique theme. This article summarizes 5 of these new slot games, including Mermaids Millions, Cabin Fever, Major Millions 5-reel progressive slots, Cashville, and Bush Telegraph.

Mermaids Millions is a 5-reel, 15-pay-line video slot machine with an oceanic theme. There are plenty of mermaids, treasure chests, sea horses, and even King Neptune himself. Two or more King Neptune symbols on the pay-line create winning combinations. Two symbols pay out $ 2, three symbols pay out $ 500, four symbols pay out $ 2,000, and all five King Neptune symbols pay out $ 7,500.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, Cabin Fever is a game that might appeal to you. Cabin Fever is 5-reel, 20-pay-line video slot machine with the theme of winter. The minimum coin size is 1 ¢, which makes the game appealing to low rollers. Two or more Wild Blizzard symbols on the pay-line create winning combinations. Two symbols pay out $ 15, three symbols pay out $ 100, four symbols pay out $ 1,000, and all five Wild Blizzard symbols pay out $ 5,000.

The 5-reel version of Major Millions completes the original 3-reel version. Major Millions, with a jackpot starting at $ 250,000, is by far the largest progressive slot on the web. Major Millions is the only progressive slot that has ever paid out jackpots exceeding $ 1,000,000. Your win the jackpot if you hit 5 Major Millions symbols on the 15th pay-line.

Cashville is a 5-reel, 20 pay-line video slot machine that has the theme of success and old money. Cashville now has the largest "non-progressive" payouts of any slot machine on the net. Two or more Wild symbols on the pay-line create winning combinations. Two symbols pay out $ 4, three symbols pay out $ 180, four symbols pay out $ 1,500, and all five Wild symbols pay out a whopping $ 50,000.

Originating in Australia, Bush Telegraph is a 5-reel, 15-pay-line video slot machine with a game park theme. Now one of the most popular online slot games, Bush Telegraph accepts coins from 1 ¢ up to $ 1.00. Two or more Wild Bush symbols on the pay-line create winning combinations. Two symbols pay out $ 5, three symbols pay out $ 200, four symbols pay out $ 2,000, and all five Wild Bush symbols pay out $ 7,500.

Whether you play slot machines online or blackjack in Vegas, remember to only gamble with the money that you can afford to lose. Do not exceed your spending limit should you lose, and never gamble when you are tired or irritable. By following these simple rules of gambling, your casino experience - online or at a land-based casino - will be more enjoyable.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

2 Surefire Big Ticket Home Money Makers

I am going to be frank. This article is not for the unsure, green, and computer struggling work from home professional. This is for the ones who are familiar with the lingo. Who are familiar with the daily actions and mindset to be successful!

Reason being if you can not do it right the first time you'll end up losing a lot of money!

Direct Sales
This is what it's all about. A company with a product that yields you $ 500 or more per sale. and that same yield or more when someone on your team makes a sale! Yes it's harder to make a sale but if you ever wanted to be apart of that "get rich quick" crow, you would love direct sales!

Ask yourself, which one will take longer ... "700 $ 7 Sales or 7 $ 700 sales." The truth is, it's a lot easier to market and sale 7 $ 700 sales, but most need that daily success to keep confident and progressive! If you can withstand not making a sale every day until your marketing budget grows than you make a lot of money in direct sales.

Online Coaching
This is my favorite. Because once you've made money marketing other people's products, it's time to start to market yourself. Your accomplished. And people will pay a lot more for your help on a one on one basis. It's comforting. You do not have to be in the "make money from home" niche. If you have a expertise that you can deliver online, set up a online coaching! We have marketers delivering do 4 tel-seminars a week for then you could be making $ 1000 a person every single month.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Thank You Note Examples For Employment Reference Letters

Do you need a few well-written thank you note examples for a letter of reference? You do if someone has recently written, or will write one for you in the near future.

In fact, most every person will need one--at some point in time--from a current or former mentor, instructor, employer or supervisor.

These letters, if well-written, require painstaking effort. Certainly, the gracious soul who agrees to take on such a task deserves a heartfelt thank you.

Below, you'll find several thank you note examples that you can use to show your appreciation for an excellent letter of reference.

Thank you for writing such a glowing recommendation letter for me. I could not have asked for more favorable comments. Your letter paved the way for several interviews and a subsequent job offer three weeks later from _________________ Corporation, where I wanted most to work.

I appreciate the time that you invested in writing such a detailed letter. I know that it will have a significant impact on my life for years to come.


Though I have not yet found a suitable position, I am confident that your excellent letter of reference will help me to secure it once I do. If I can ever return the favor, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best regards,

I just wanted to let you know that I have recently landed a position with ___________________ Corporation. I want to tell you how grateful I am for your assistance in this process. Without your strong recommendation, it would have been much more difficult to get a foot in the door with such a great company. I hope you will join us for a little celebration dinner next Friday evening.

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you next week.


It was very thoughtful of you to write a letter of recommendation for me. I appreciate the thought and effort you put into it. Your words made a profound impact on the hiring manager, and helped to distinguish me from the other applicants.

Thank you for playing such a significant role in the success of my job search. If I can be of any assistance to you in the near future, please let me know.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Evaluating Stocks: Fundamentals and Technical Analysis

Certainly, a "complete" course on security analysis is well beyond the scope of this text. There are many excellent books devoted to the subject of how to analyze the value of securities - both from a fundamental as well as a technical standpoint. The goal here is simply to provide a basic understanding of the methods and theories behind each type of stock analysis.

It should be pointed out early on that Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis of securities are two fairly radically different approaches to determining the correct [or fair] value of a company's stock. Let's start with a general overview of each method and then look into the specifics of each area. Again, for a more detailed examination of each type of analysis, we suggest you refer to our book list and / or the books specifically mentioned throughout this document.

The definitive work on Fundamental Analysis is broadly considered to be the classic book "Security Analysis" by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. This book, which was first published in 1934, is considered by most on Wall Street to be the 'Bible' of security analysis.
In fact, it was Benjamin Graham that Warren Buffett studied under when he first started in the stock market. Much of Berkshire Hathaway's success can likely be traced back to the information and ideas provided in the book Security Analysis and by the teachings of Benjamin Graham (although, it's widely acknowledged that Warren Buffett put his own spin on things over the years as well).

Fundamental Analysis is just as it sounds. It is based on examining the fundamental pieces of a business and its operation. There are no exotic formulas used. You do not need to be a mathematician. Anyone with a simple calculator and some basic information about a business should be able to employ Fundamental Analysis quite effectively.
The basic idea is if you put a dollar into the business (in the form of buying the stock) how much of a return can you expect. How much yield will you likely see and / or how much growth will you experience based on the operation, markets, competitors and costs of the business. Obviously, not all aspects of these fundamentals can be quantified. Such such as "good will" or changes in the economy or the consumer can be difficult to nearly impossible to calculate. However, to a large degree Fundamental Analysis throws these items out as concerns and simply looks at the cold hard facts which you do have available to you. Things such as costs of goods sold, margins, tangible assets, expenses, etc.

Armed with these basic and tangible numbers, one should rather easily be able to calculate the value and profitability of any business (given the numbers available and / or provided are accurate of course). Once a valuation is arrived at, the person performing the valuation can decide whether or not the market place (in this case the stock market) is applying what could be considered a fair market value to the stock. Certainly, when trying to make a profit on Wall Street, it is advisable to search out stocks which are (or at least appear are) being improperly or undervalued by the market. For the Fundamental Analyst, once an undervalued security is found, it's simply a matter of buying the stock and waiting for the market to realize the "more accurate" value of the security (assuming of course he / she is correct in their assumptions).
Find a cheap security, buy it and become rich. If only it was that simple. Or maybe it is? Just ask Mr. Buffett.

If the definitive work on Fundamental Analysis is provided by Graham and Dodd, then perhaps the definitive work on Technical Analysis is provided by Martin J. Pring in his book "Technical Analysis Explained". To quote this well regarded book on the definition of Technical Analysis:
"The technical approach to investing is essentially a reflection of the idea that prices move in trends which are determined by the changing attitudes of investors towards a variety of economic, monetary, political, and psychological forces. is an art - is to identify trend changes at an early stage and to maintain an investment post until the weight of the evidence indicates that the trend has reversed. "

Technical Analysis is nothing new. It has been used in one form or another for as long as stocks have been traded. In fact, the star character in one of my all favorite favorite books ("How I made $ 2,000,000 dollars in the stock market" by Nicholas Darvas) used mainly Technical Analysis principles in his investing - whether he knew it or not. However, "Charting" also commonly called "Chart Reading", which Technical Analysis is also referred to as, has become much more popular and broadly used inhaps only the last 20 to 30 years on Wall Street. This may be a large due in part to its more wide spread teaching and acceptance in colleges in more recent years.
If, based on my own experience and knowledge of this method of analyzing securities, I had to summarize all of the technical analysis down into one central idea, I would put it like this:

The corner stone of Technical Analysis is the concept that no single individual can ever hope to know as much about a security as the whole of Wall Street does at any given time. Because "Wall Street" is made up of everyone who is invested in - or may invest in - the stock market, their collective knowledge about any specific stock and / or the market is such that this mass of people and combined knowledge (ie Wall Street ) can valuate securities nearly instantaneously and far more accurately than any single individual.

As such, in the mind of the Technician, it follows that there must be no need to use something as "archaic" as Fundamental Analysis to value a stock, when everything known about the stock (and this includes the business fundamentals) is almost instantly reflected in the stock's price. In this situation, it would make much more sense to use the recent and historical trends and movements of the stock price to deduce not only the current fair market value of the stock, but where the price "may move" in the future. This future price movement is large extrapolated based on historical chart patterns and how the stock has recently expired in relation to support and resistance levels. Any Technical Analysis book worth its salt will quickly introduce you to chart patterns such as "double tops", "trend lines", etc. It is these patterns which are the core of Technical Analysis.

However, the question of whether or not these patterns on charts can always accurately predict future price movements of a stock is (and probably always will be) up for debate between Fundamental and Technical Analysts. If there is one fundamental (again no pun intended) flaw to Technical Analysis, it is that over the years Technical Analysis has been [incorrectly] extrapolated to mean that the market will "always perfectly" evaluate a security based on all information known by the markets. Unfortunately, that is not "always" the case.
This leads to mind a funny joke I once ran across in a book (I believe the book was by or about Warren Buffett) regarding how technical Analysis has been elevated to levels beyond its true capabilities:

A Technical Analyst and his friend were walking across the street. His friend noticed a $ 10 bill laying in the middle of the road and exclaimed, "Look, there is a $ 10 bill in the road". At which point the Technical Analyst said "If it were really a $ 10 bill, it would not be laying in the road".
This joke underscores the idea that Technical Analysis may not always evaluate the market without error. However, as long as you keep this point in mind, then Technical Analysis and chart reading can be a helpful tool in both investing and trading.

Finally, we should point out that the term "Quantitative Analysis" on Wall Street simply refers to someone (also sometimes referred to as a "Quant") who employs a mixture of both Fundamental and Technical Analysis in trying to properly evaluate stocks.

Good luck in the markets!

No permission is needed to reproduce an unedited copy of this article as long the About Author tag is left in tact and hot links included. Questions and comments can be sent to Ray at .

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A Guide to Hiring an SEO Provider

If your business has any online components (such as a website), then SEO is critical to the ongoing success of your business. You may have the most expensive website in your industry, but without web traffic (visitors) to that website, it is essentially useless. It is not just traffic that you need, but targeted traffic. A good quality SEO service can provide relevant, consistent web traffic to your website (s). This guide will allow you, as a non-expert, to distinguish between good and bad SEO providers. There are many of both kinds, this guide should help you to find the good ones.

SEO needs to be implemented in a way that is effective in achieving your SEO goals and providing that all important meaningful presence on the World Wide Web.

Quality SEO is a critical investment when it comes to developing successful expansion and growth strategies.

Ineffective SEO implementation, renders your SEO efforts wholly ineffective and a waste of your money.

6 things you need to know and understand before hiring an SEO provider:

1) Hiring an SEO provider should be seen as an investment in your business. You should not view it as a business expense, but rather a business strategy and an effective way of enhancing your business presence within your business sector. Try not to begin your search with the intent of "buying some SEO". Hiring an SEO provider should have viewed rather as hiring an employee that understands and cares about your business and its online objectives.

2) The first page of Google (or any search engine) is everything. Few people ever go to the second page of the search results anymore. Google is so good at being a search engine that people blindly trust Google's ability to deliver the most relevant results on the first page. Think about how often you click through to the second page. This means that if your business is not on the first page, it's almost as good as now. The top positions on page one get the most clicks, which decrease as you progress downwards on the page.

3) The 'big' keywords are not everything. It is better to be on the first page for a fewer smaller keywords, than try to rank for larger keywords and not be on the first page at all. For example, an accountancy business in Preston may not rank for the highly competitive keyword 'accountant' (unless they have a lot of SEO budget and time to wait for rankings); but the same business could conceivably rank highly for the keyword 'chartered accountant Preston'. A good SEO provider should research the keywords that your business could literally rank on page one for and also keywords that have enough search volume to be worthwhile for your business to try ranking for.

4) SEO is all about beating your competition. There is no guarantee from the search engines to say you will be on the first page of Google if you do certain things. Put simply, SEO works like this:

The search engines have their conventions; websites that conform by giving the search engines what they want, will find them making achieving search engine rankings. The only thing standing between you and the top spots in the search rankings is your competition. Not your actual business competitors, but your online competitors. The websites that currently have the top spots in the search engines for your desired keywords are your online competition, and you need to beat them out of those top spots. Some keywords will be easy to rank for, others will be more difficult. It is only your online competition that dictates which will be the case for each individual keyword. A good SEO provider will research the competition for each of your keywords. Then, after the most effective keywords for your business sector have been identified that they should be implemented in accordance with point number three above.

5) On-page and Off-page SEO.

Search engine optimization is a complex and ever-evolving science, but in order to intelligently interview a prospective SEO provider you need to understand that there are two main types of SEO.

On-page SEO relates to the factors on your website that affect your SEO (keywords, usability, page headings, outbound links, internal links, etc.).

Off-page SEO are the factors that relate directly to matters outside of your website that affect the SEO of the website, such as back links, citations, social sharing, etc.

SEO providers can work on your off-page SEO fairly easily, but if you are not willing to change on-page SEO, according to their recommendations, you can not blame them for lack of results. A good SEO provider will review your website and report back about your on-page SEO, and how it can be improved. You should have your web designer make the adjustments. (Remember he is the expert in this field)

6) An increase in search engine ranking is not necessarily an increase in leads and sales. All your SEO provider can do is get your website, videos, Google Places, articles, blog posts, etc. further up the search engine results. They can not guarantee an increase in sales or leads, because that factor is determined by your own sales funnel. It is not the SEO provider's job to make sure that the extra web traffic you receive will convert to more leads or sales. Your website needs to convert those visitors with good marketing, which is an issue for your marketing consultant to deal with.

The key differences between 'good' and 'bad' SEO providers:

Good SEO Providers
Good SEO providers know and understand the points mentioned above. You can judge this by their answers to the questions provided later in my next article.
Good SEO providers want to build a solid foundation and a proper SEO plan for your business, with an extensive initial keyword and market (competitor) research. They will often insist upon it, even if the prospect client does not see the need. Sometimes a good SEO provider will refuse to work with a client that does not want the important groundwork to be done, because they know that without it they will not be likely to provide the client with the results that they want. A good SEO provider will want to provide their client with results as their first priority. Often a client will say "but I've already done the keyword research myself". Many potential clients sit down for 5 or 10 minutes to write out all the keywords that they think are relevant to their business, and then think that they have now done all the keyword research that is needed. Real keyword research is a lengthy, investigative process.

Good SEO providers use responsible SEO methods, such as paying more attention to on-page SEO, securing quality back links, improving citations, helping social sharing, including a good user experience, etc.

Bad SEO Providers
Bad SEO providers will want to take their clients' money as their first priority. They will not conduct proper keyword and market research, but will say, for example, "what are your three keywords and your URL that you want to rank for". If this happens (as it often does) you can be sure they are simply plugging your website into software to get irrelevant back links all over the internet, using spam blog comments, link farms and other means. In many cases this approach is ineffective because the URL, or domain, may not match the client's desired keywords. This can also damage the reputation and, ironically, the long-term SEO and credibility of the website.
Bad SEO providers use bad quality SEO methods (Sometimes referred to as Black-hat methods), Utilizing these methods can have an extremely detrimental effect on how your website is perceived by search engines. This in turn may result in your website being (Sand boxed). Needless to say this is extremely undesirable, as damage such as this is extremely difficult to reverse.

Ensure you get the specialist SEO who knows how to highlight the attributes of your company and can draw attention to your products and your services in a way that really makes your business stand-out on the worldwide web.