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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Crucial Factors That Decide The Fortune Of A Mobile App

While businesses had long ago embraced website development to go online, with the advance of smartphones, they leapt further to become mobile-friendly. Having only a website is no longer sufficient enough to catch the attention of customers, but there's need for some mobile-friendly approach too so that customers could access their services on the go. It becomes a paramount necessity for businesses to develop their own customised business app, with which they could target specifically and increase their outreach on the market.

However, despite mobile apps becoming inseparable and pivotal part of businesses as a marketing strategy, a mere percent of apps actually get through the success among the several million listed in the app stores. This is owing to some critical factors that can either make or break a business application. Here's quick recount of some of them.

Faster loading

The first thing app owners need to assure is whether their apps are loading quickly or not. Their loading time, in no way, should exceed more than 15 seconds. An app that works at a snail's speed and take 16-20 seconds to load, is destined to fail because users will be uninstalling it and download an alike app that loads with high-speed.

User-friendly apps are clear winner

An ideal app is that which is exceptionally easy-to-use. For attaining far-reaching attention in the market, it should be intuitive and users could use it without needing anyone's help. Further, with a plentiful of apps available in the same business line, no one is actually interested to spend time in taking instructions on how to use one. They will simply abandon it to find some other app that is simple to use and understand. The best way to keep it simple is incorporating as fewer features as possible, by prioritising only the crucial ones.

Lesser technical faults

Besides being faster, apps that are hard to crash have more chances to become successful and can sustain a longer life cycle. An app needs to pass through several tests to deem perfect for use. Bugs and other technical issues will never allow an app to get closer to their goals of user acquisition. Thus, app makers should ask for assistance from a reliable development team that will not compromise quality or testing for the budget.

Frequent updates are imperative

To affirm success in the long-run, an app maker must commit to release updates of the app consistently to bring new features, advanced functionality or fix the bugs that users earlier experienced while using. No updates after the first release is a major turn-down factor because that shows the absence of credibility from the maker and can cause download rates to decline. It is thus inevitable to release updates at frequent intervals as that keeps users interested.

Easy registration interests the users

One major reason people prefer using apps over a website is its convenience on the go. The makers of the app should try to make their every experience convenient, from signing up to checking out, to make sure of its success. Henceforth, keeping the registration process short and simple with few pieces of information looks fine and more compelling to the users.

These are a handful of influential factors for considerations to make an app successful enough. However, there's always have to be some expert team for real implications of these and to help an app to bear fruits.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

How to Quit Masterbating - 5 Tips to Stop the Madness

Learning how to quit masterbating is something that can plague you mentally if you've tried to quit and failed many times. I know how you are feeling. Millions of people across the world have become frustrated because they have wanted to know how to quit masterbating and haven't been able to. If this is you, there is hope! By studying this article you can shift your awareness and change your life!

Feeling like you just can't seem to learn how to quit masterbating affects your self esteem and can trigger emotional feelings of great guilt and fear, all while driving time away from dreams. These types of effects tend to be standard with any addiction but are often increased with addictions such as masturbation and pornography use. Below are several tips that will get you on the right track to recovery.

#1. Stop the guess work. Study what works

Plain and simple. Random changes and guess work aren't enough. This is a serious need of the body that needs to be released. It takes more than hoping you'll be stronger next time. Try a proven system or at least some type of professional, thought out method that has worked for others. This is how people find success learning how to quit masterbating.

#2 Have a physical outlet in heated moments!

The need to masterbate is a physical one. It is not mentally geared. This means that using mental strategies alone to deal with it is not enough. You must use physical ones to fight the emotional and physical drive. Get out some testosterone. Find some type of activity where you can sweat it out in the heat of the moment by playing a sport, lifting weights, going on an active hike or something that will steer your physical sexual drive and channel it into a different physical outlet. This is a great key in learning how to quit masterbating.

#3. Focus on avoiding pornography as a primary step.

For most people wanting to quit masterbating, porn is a huge factor they need to address first. This can be compared to making sure their is no gasoline near a fire if you don't want the fire to grow. After this is done, you can address the fire much better. Whether it's internet pornography, T.V, movies, strip clubs, or mental images imagines you hold in your mind, these must be handled before you can learn how to quit masterbating.

#4 make your goal the dream state!

You must release the semen in one way or another. Understand that the people who have learned to gain control of masturbation or even completely stop masterbating still release semen. The body naturally produces an excess of this. Most individuals natural release method happens in the dream state. You need a goal to aim towards. Make it your dream state. Avoiding a behavior is not enough to stay goal oriented. You need a line to mark your success!

#5 Join teams of recovery and invest in knowledge!

There are some absolutely amazing programs out there that can give you the life edge in porn addiction recovery, masturbation recovery and life empowerment in general! Tons of people connect with these programs created by professors and experts and find an edge they didn't know existed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What Will Make Your Money Stick

I love traveling, but I also super love coming home! Especially to a place I have created that I love and where I feel great! I have been enjoying getting back into my regular self-care routine, working out and drinking green smoothies! No matter how hard I try to eat well, workout and moderate while I travel, I still come home feeling a little off. Managing expectations and realizing I will; A) drink more wine then usual, B) see more people than usual which is fun but does take extra energy, and C) not workout quite as much. Which is ALL okay. Let's cut ourselves an extra break this week in ALL areas of life. Here is a pic of Roxy the day after we got back :-) Walking her and being on the beach are two of my most favorite things to do. I hope you have a great weekend doing what you love too.

If you are having trouble getting your money to "stick", meaning it's not such an issue bringing it in, but more making it stay, then you will like this week's article! Read on to learn how to make it stick.

So what's preventing your money from sticking? Well, deep down you still have a block to creating the ultimate success level you desire for yourself. You do not believe you are worthy enough at a deep core level. Want to know a little secret? Most people do not feel good enough. It's the ego. That part of our mind telling us we're not good enough, smart enough, successful enough, etc. That when we hit X level we'll finally have made it and can feel good enough, only to find out we still do not feel good enough when we hit that amount. If we're in that place of never enough, we will never BE enough, then never creating enough. Many people create "just enough" regardless of the level they reach. We need to become aware of that thinking at the core and start moving it to a new and empowered thought system.

What's in your bank account directly reflects how you feel about yourself. Now, the amount you decide on is subjective. You get to decide what you want. Please do not pay any attention to people in this industry saying you have to be at X amount to be successful, or have X amount in the bank. It's up to you how much money you would like to earn and have in your bank account. It all comes down to what feels good and exciting for you. Be mindful of comparisons to others. This is about YOUR best life and no one else's. If you are not where you want to BE though, there is something else going on at a core level.

I also do not think most people are wired to ask for more than they need. There is some kind of guilty going on deep down. Like they will be a bad person if they ask for more. So they are in a perpetual slump of always having "just enough". Just enough to cover their current expenses and nothing more for things like traveling, saving and reaching their BIG lifestyle dreams. Oddly, as their business grows, so do their expenses, and even though they have more money, they still stay in "just enough" mode.

Here are some things to consider in order to break this pattern.

1. Know your numbers! You can not get to where you want to go, if you do not take a good look at where you are. Most business owners shy away from this and it's a huge disadvantage to their growth. What you track grows (because it's in the forefront of your awareness and focus). If you can look at it without judgment, you can use it just as a gauge as to how things are going. If you take it personally, which most people do mean it triggers poor feelings about themselves, then you definitely will not want to look at it. Because it does not feel good. How can you become empowered with where you are? In Rhonda Byrne's book the Power, she talks about having gratitude for paying your bills and what they have enabled you to do. Saying thank-you to your utility bills and even credit cards! What have opportunities have they allowed you?

2. Know you are not a bad person. Maybe you've made some poor choices, but look instead at what you have learned and how you can do things differently moving forward. You are in control. This becomes empowering.

3. Pay yourself first! So many people do not do this! They make sure everything and everyone else is covered first! This relates directly back to self-worth. Respect yourself enough to pay yourself first. If you do not take of you, who will? I recommend starting off with 10% of every dollar coming in off the top (gross).

4. Put this money aside in some type of savings that actually earns you money on your investment, and only touch it for appreciating assets. In other words, do not spend it on depreciating assets like things like cars and household emergencies. Another savings account can be set up for those types of expenses if you like. A client of mine calls this type of savings her Freedom Fund, and I just love that! It is helping her create freedom and has made saving a very empowered process as a result. I learned recently about a great investment platform, and I am going to introduce it very soon via webinar training so that you too can see if this is the right strategy for you. Stay tuned!

5. Have fun and watch it grow!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Flow Experience - A Key To Happiness

What is flow experience?

Flow experience is a concept defined by Csikszentmihalyi to describe those moments when you are completely and collectively absorbed in an activity. As such, everything else is forgotten. You have total concentration and nothing else matters. You are no longer aware of what is going on around you. The rest of the world is forgotten.

When you are in a flow experience, your focus is so complete that you forget about sleeping and eating. You are not even aware of yourself; you are immersed in the activity you are engaged in.

Sincemore, since you are so engrossed in the activity, your experience of time changes. You are so absorbed that the past and future are forgotten. Time absolutely flies by, although you are not aware of this at the time. It is only when you come out of the activity that you notice how much time has passed.

You can have a flow experience with any activity that is mindful and requires you to actively participate in it. As such, good conversation, reading a novel, playing sport, working on your hobby, letter writing, gardening, even cleaning the house are examples where you can experience flow. Passive activities such as watching television and sport are not conducive to a flow experience. You will probably know when you have had a flow experience as you will get that feel-good buzz afterwards of having engaged in something engrossing.

Whilst you are engaged in your activity, you will feel completely in control and are not worried about success or failure. The activity fees effortless but engaging. To the objective observer the activity may look risky and demanding (for example, surfing), but not to you, the participant.

We all possess the ability to engage in flow experiences and the more we have, the happier we are.

Why is it important?

  • Flow enables you to focus and have total control and concentration during a particular experience.
  • Understanding flow enables you to focus your attention at will, rather than waiting for something to come and grab your attention.
  • Your skills are being used at their very best - you are giving your all.
  • It can help you achieve your goals, since you are free from intrusive thoughts and events.
  • It will enhance your well-being and happiness.
  • Understanding flow can help you understand why you are procrastinating on a particular issue. Have a look at the conditions needed for a flow experience and reflect on them in terms of the task you are struggling to stay.
The three conditions to a flow experience

Csikszentmihalyi stipulates three conditions that must be met in order to have a flow experience:

  1. Your chosen activity should have a clearly defined set of goals. This will help you focus your energy and give you direction.
  2. You want a good balance between your perceived skills and perceived challenges. The important point here is 'perceived' rather than actual. It is a mind-state. If you believe your skills far surpass the challenge, you will become bored as it will be too easy for you. Whereas, if you perceive the challenge as being too hard for you, you will become frustrated.
  3. Feedback is essential. It will enable you to modify your actions if necessary, to keep you in the flow. The feedback can be negative as well as positive. It can enable you to move on and progress (providing you have the skills to do so).
  4. How to have more flow experiences Flow can occur with any activity, provided it is mindful. What is important is how the activity is carried out. Take a look at the following tips to help you towards engaging in regular flow experiences:
  • Avoid multi-tasking. Trying to do two (or more) things at once is no way to achieve flow. It is not possible to give your all to two tasks at the same time. This will reduce your enjoyment and quite possibly the outcome may be compromised. Try to cut down on multi-tasking even for the most everyday chores.
  • Try not to check your email every five minutes if you are working on a computer. Choose a time to read it and give it your full attention.
  • Limit your distractions. Is there anything in your environment that is preventing you from achieving flow? Temperature, noise, layout, objects, other people, level of light can make a difference.
  • Determine your goals and break them down into achievable chunks. Make sure these chunks are adequately challenging to keep your interest.
  • Try new activities and develop new skills. The more your skills develop, the more pleasure you will receive. You may experience boredom or frustration early on. So take care to monitor your progress to check the activity is interesting enough and within your capability. Modify your goals if you need to.
  • To keep experiencing flow with a particular activity you will need to increase the challenge - one that you believe you can meet. As your skills develop, the activity can become boring as it no longer requires as much attention. A new challenge will not only up your interest but enhance your expertise.
  • How is your job? You spend a great chunk of your life in work, so you really want to obtain as many flow experiences as possible. If you are feeling bored, is there anything you can do to make it more challenging?
  • Try to obtain regular feedback on what you are doing. It could be from yourself or another person.
  • Avoid mindless activities which you do not actively get involved in - for example, watching television.
Read more

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991) Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Generate 49,784 Dollars Monthly - Turn Your Computer Into A Money Making Machine

When it comes to the 2017 and beyond, there is a new method and innovated way to earn income all from the comfort of your own home. This way I am talking about will allow you to turn your computer into a money making machine that can generate 5 digits or more for you every month. Most major companies around the world have changed every aspect of their business like marketing and their products and services. They market and put all their products and services on the Internet for the consumption of the masses.,

If you join a home business opportunity, in my opinion, you can generate 49,784 dollars or more for yourself every month for life. The way this is possible is by joining a home business opportunity. Home business opportunities are opportunities that award average people the chance to build their own brand all from scratch. Unlike starting your own company from a physical office or building, starting an online business is cheaper and can give you wallet-busting results.

Here Is The Way To Making 49,784 Dollars Or More Monthly

Home business opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. One opportunity may sell products to help the masses lose weight and another may sell home essential services like high-speed internet and cable. In addition, every opportunity that is legitimate comes with a compensation plan. A compensation plan is a general outline that displays how you will get paid. Home business opportunities allow you to make 49,784 dollars or more from home by selling products and services through a website.

Bonus Tip -

Most people fail every year when they attempt to build their own brand via this type of opportunity. The reason as to why they fail is simple. They fail because they are not educated properly. In addition, they are not determined, organized, and discipline. The phrase "Rome was not built in a day" has some relevance here. Do not expect to get a check within the first two years. the average person starts to see profits in the first two and a half years.

In order to see success in this type of business or any type of business is to educate yourself. You must take the time and figure out what type of opportunity you might want to join.

Luckily for you, there are organizations of experts who offer free reports to those who are dangerously curious in finding out what this industry is all about.

Obviously there are many resources on the internet but the important thing to take away is how to judge whether an opportunity is legitimate and if the compensation plan for this opportunity is fair.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Wilt Chamberlain - Track and Field at the University of Kansas (KU) In Addition to Basketball

Wilt Chamberlain is best known by sports fans as one of the most dominant basketball players of all time. To people less familiar with sports and basketball specifically the name Wilt Chamberlain might have a familiar sound because of his much publicized personal life. What many people do not realize is that before basketball became the focus of his life the first sport that Wilt fell in love with was track and field.

Chamberlain was born on August 21, 1936 and grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he had eight brothers and sisters that all came from the same parents of father William and mother Olivia. As a youth growing up in eastern Pennsylvania Wilt famously stated that his first reaction to the game of basketball was that he considered it to be "a game for sissies." The sport that the young Wilt Chamberlain was exponentially more passionate about was track and field.

Before even reaching high school age the freakishly athletic Wilt Chamberlain is reported to have high jumped 6'6 "which is a mark that would win most high school varsity track meets. are understood to be as far as 22 feet. For comparison purposes almost all high school track athletes can not reach 22 feet in a running long jump and Wit is reported to have reached that length from a stationary standing amplitude jump position. broad jumping talents are perhaps to be expected considering what the public now knows about his success on the basketball court, however the track and field prowess that Wilt showed was not limited to jumping events.

Thanks to the long strides and powerful running style that Chamberlain employed he was a miraculous middle distance runner as his preteen times of 49 seconds in the 440 yard race (once around a standard track) and under two minutes in the 880 yard distance (twice around a standard track) are exceptional numbers for even a college athlete. Chamberlain excelled at every aspect of track and field including running, jumping, and throwing. He is reported to have tossed a shot put over 53 feet in his youth.

Chamberlain matured very quickly and continued to grow at a rapid pace. At the age of 10 the young man was already 6 'tall and when he started high school he was an astounding 6'11 ".a as 7'2" college freshmen playing basketball at the University of Kansas (commonly referred to as KU) the 240 pound Chamberlain could reach 9'6 "into the air just standing flat footed (no tip toes).

Wilt took up his first love of track and field at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas while also playing basketball there. The 7'2 "goliath ran a sub 11 second 100 yard dash and also thread the shot put 56 feet. and successfully won the Big 8 Conference high jumping competition three years in a row. In the world of track and field it is an extraordinarily rare athlete that can compete at the highest level in the shortest sprints, all the dumping events, and the throwing events This dynamic collection of talents is so rare in fact that Wilt might be the only man ever to possess this unique skill set.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Money and the Laws of Value

One summer day a hen was on the look out for food on a farmyard. As she scratched at the straw on the ground, she unwrapped a diamond jewel. The hen suspect that the jewel might be valuable because of the way it glittered in the sun.

This object is probably worth a lot, the hen thought to herself, but I will trade a bushel of this diamond for a single bushel of corn. (One bushel of diamond is worth about 20 million tons of corn)

What is true for the hen is also true for human beings. People can not use money better than their level of appreciation of its power. If you are primarily a consumer you will only be familiar with the consumption power of money - what money can buy. An investor is very familiar with the reproducible power of money - How money can multiply. A business man is familiar with the production power of money - How money change forms into valuable products and services. Money has no power in itself to change your financial personality; it however has the power to magnify your financial nature.

Money as a Store of Energy

Money is a store of economic energy. Without the awareness, acquisition, organization, and perfection of these internal values ​​in any man, wealth creation in a sustainable manner is impossible. Poor resulting from lack of cash or tangible assets is temporary and easily curable; however, poverty resulting from lack of discovery or awareness of these internal sources of wealth is permanent and can not be cured by the acquisition or possession of money or tangible assets . Attempting to cure malaria by the use of pain relieving tablets is at best a temporary solution. Unfortunately, most people looking for money usually neglect and disrespect their internal primary source of wealth. According to Mark Victor Hansen "You do not have wealth, you are your wealth" ! The earlier you come to the full realization of this universal principle, the quicker you will be on your journey to financial success.

External sources of values ​​are those invisible assets outside a person that is reliably fixed and is accessible to every man equally. These include: Time, Problems, and Relationships. Everyman has equal access to these three variables; and they are unavoidable raw materials for the creation of every form of tangible wealth.

Money Creation Process

Three variables therefore determine the quantity of money a person can legally create over a given period of time: The number of internal sources of wealth discovered and properly harnessed; Amount of external sources of values ​​efficiently utilized; and how much of the outputs of the combination of those variables that is successfully delivered to those who need them in exchange for money. For instance, the income that an employee will extremely earn will be determined by how much of his talents, passions, and skills he is able to discover, improve, and convert to expertise. Combined with how well he is able to manage the time, opportunities, and relationships available in his work to generate and deliver the expected results consistently over a period of time.

Laws of Value

Since we now understand that, value is the source of money; and that money can not exist alone without corresponding value; understanding the principles and laws of value will enable us create and sustain money in a legal and enduring manner.

# 1 - Law of Value Flow

" In every human relationship or interaction value is always flowing but money may not"

Since value is an invisible carrier of money, you may be gaining or losing money without you being consciously aware of it. Every time you come in contact with or spend some time with people, you will either increase or decrease your cumulative value if or not money exchanged hands during such interaction. That means if you are in a high paying job, but spend a lot of time with people with poverty mind set or low expectation individuals; your net cumulative value will gradually reduce to reflect your dominant mind set. This will naturally reduce your productivity on your job resulting in stagnation or ultimate downsizing! Conversely, if every time you have a meeting with a prospect he comes out feeling he has added more value than he has during the interaction; he'll seek more opportunities to receive such values, on a more frequent basis - which means the consummation of a business relationship and the signing of contract!

On a daily or weekly basis, if your interaction or association is more with those who drain value from you without offering equivalent or more value in return, you will eventually become money poor.

# 2 - Law of Multiple State of Value

"Value like water has three states, as long as value keeps flowing, under the right circumstance and conditions, it will freeze to tangible money"

Many people get discouraged when they begin to offer value and they do not immediately receive the money equivalent of such values. Such frustration often leads to compromise, mediocrity in service delivery, untimely resignation, and quitting from entrepreneurial venture. But, think about it this way, it takes time for water to become ice in a deep freezer even under the consistent application of electrical power. Even when you are delivering value consistently, it takes some time for the value to be appreciated and recognized for its money worth by other people.

Most of the world's leading successful people have gone through times when the values ​​they offered were not immediately rewarded with money. Zig Ziglar in his autobiography stated that his first 3,000 speeches were given for free. Anthony Robbins - the restructured author and personal achievement expert said that "in his first six months as motivational speaker, all his statements were given free, and he had an average of 5 speaking engagement every day".

# 3 - Law of Value Exchange

"Value must be greater than or equal to price"

Think about the last time you paid $ 20 for your transportation fare. Was it because you liked the driver of the vehicle? Or because you believed that trekking the same distance will have more adverse effect on your health and finance. Human Beings are naturally selfish. They will not willingly give out an amount of money unless they have convinced them that the product or service will deliver to them more value than the price they want to pay for it.

Marketing is there an honorable service of helping people enjoy more value than the price they pay for the product or service that solves a particular problem in their life or business. A marketer is not a money taker; he is a value giver and a solution provider. Many technically sound people shy away from marketing their products with zeal because of psychological guilt fueled by ignorance of the law of value exchange. Not selling your product denies someone from enjoying the benefits it offers and slows down the growth of the nation's economy.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Auto Mats Are Accessories for Cars

People that take pride in their appearance often dress up their wardrobe with fashion accessories that reflect their taste and sophistication. Weaving designed labels and being constantly in step with the latest styles These types of individuals also take pride in what they drive.

Going to be seen in prestigious cars that also shows their level of commitment to the finer things in life, people that put their energy into making the best impression often add accessories to their automobiles. By finding that only the best is good enough many owners of luxury vehicles prefer to install car floor mats that are monogrammed with their initials, rather than purchasing factory car mats from the dealership.

Where prestige and style meet the customized auto mats are special ordered to the specifications of each customer. Being able to select the fabric, color, stitching and either a logo or personalized monogram to enhance the uniqueness of their car floor mats, people of discriminating taste, can have the perfect designer accessory for the cars as they do the right wristwatch or handbag for their belovedings.

Being accustomed to having only the best, drivers that insist on rewarding themselves with the finest things that are available in life are finding that the custom fitted car mats which complement their vehicles are in step with their tailored clothing and high level of success. With the ability to choose from auto mats for every make and model of luxury automobile the finest accessories do not have to be the ones that are worn with a designer label.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

3 Innovative Ways To Attract Money To You

It's no secret everyone yearns to have more money in their wallet or bank account. Developing a healthy relationship with money is essential if you want to have more of it.

Money is, after all, just another energy. Yet so much emphasis has been placed on it.

We are told as children that money doesn't grow on trees.

We are pushed to 'keep up with the Jones' and over and over we are told 'money is what makes the world go 'round.'

All of this gives money an inordinate amount of power.

If you have an unhealthy relationship with money, you will never create the abundance you wish you had. In order to change your financial world, you need to change your feelings and paradigm about money. You need to change the way you think, feel and act about money.

If you believe you will never have enough money, you will never have enough money. What you focus on the most gives you exactly what you focus on the most.

These fun and practical little tips will magnify your energy and get the Law of Attraction sending more prosperity your way.

  1. Learn to pick up coins from the ground: Ask my friends and family how many times I find coins on the ground and it will blow you away. I always pick them up, hold them to my heart (Thanking The Universe) and then put them in my pocket. Even if it's just five cents, make sure you bend down and pick up the money! You'll show the Universe that you are open to collecting abundance. When you feel like you'd be embarrassed or self-conscious about doing this, I want you to re-frame it so that you are looking after the money. You are a conscious custodian of cash making sure that money feels loved. This generates the energy of appreciation.

  2. Write Yourself A Check: Do you know the story about Jim Carrey? Jim Carrey was a struggling young comedian trying to make money in Hollywood. He was just about to give up his dream of becoming a professional actor and comedian when he was booed off the stage at an open mic session in an LA nightclub.Jim sat by himself at the top of Mulholand Drive contemplating his success or failure. He then pulled out his check book and wrote himself a big fat check for $10 million dollars and made a note on it: "for acting services rendered."He then carried that check with him in his wallet everywhere he went from that day forward.By 1995, after the success of his blockbuster movies: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber, and The Mask, his contract price had risen to the price of $20 million dollars.Write yourself a check for a specific amount and place it in your purse or wallet.

  3. Learn to love your bills: Sounds crazy right? Hold on as I explain. When bills land in your e-mail inbox or your mail box make sure that you mentally send them love and say thank you to the Universe for the services you have received in exchange for the bill. Draw little hearts on them and use the bills as an affirmation that prosperity flows into your life in many forms in order for you to pay your bills on time. Whatever you do, don't send the bills negative energy. Try and re-frame your perspective. Remember that more than 80% of the world's population survive on less than $10 per day. There's something to think about.

Developing a healthy relationship with money is critical if you are someone who wants to attract more of it. Continuing your unhealthy relationship is a choice and quite honestly a bit of a cop out. Even if you just want enough to survive and occasionally take a little vacation, adopting a healthy relationship with money is imperative to achieve that.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

BOTS Companion of a Modern Revenue Manager

Bots have become an important part of human life both, at the personal and professional front and their involvement is climbing new peaks with every passing day. They surround us in our daily life in the form of Artificial Intelligence, Search Engines, and Software. Part of it has also paved way for smarter and efficient revenue management for hotels fueling the debt that if humans should be irrevocably replaced with bots for this complex round the clock function. Although the practice may be at a nascent stage to draw concluding, it has certainly made a mark in the real of the hospitality industry and has become an indispensable part of any hotel revenue management.

Artificial Intelligence powered robots can analyze and synthesize large chunks of hotel data collected at various touch points in a fraction of seconds to present meaningful insights about the booking pattern, demand, guest behavior which is impossible to be grouped or processed by any amount of human workforce with the same efficiency as bots. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Artificial Intelligence has sort of revolutionized the hospitality industry across the globe, enabling every business to improve on multiple fronts like hotel pricing, price optimization, revenue management, guest experience management, booking management, demand and even capacity optimization of properties.

Furthermore, these bots are also capable of analyzing trends and trace upcoming events in the town to estimate the rise in demand, providing enough room for revenue managers to tweak the pricing and availability instead of fire fighting the situation at the last minute.

Leading hotels have already started betting big on AI powered bots and poised to explore new ways to make bots a part of their business operations. One significant advantage bots have over humans is that they can work tirelessly 24X7 with the same precision. Hotel industry requires attention 24X7 and is one of the most dynamic industries with continuous fluctuations in trends, demand, and prices. That is where these robust machines have huge value to add to the revenue management realm. These invisible machines can not only quickly determine the best rates at a particular time for your property, (room rate optimization) but also advise the revenue managers on which segment to target and the kind of promotional offers to be run to maximize the revenue.

Another major area where hotels continue to hustle is direct bookings. Hotels have been continuously trying to improve booking numbers on their own website since OTA missions are touching skies, eating up a major revenue share of hotels. Hotels would be surprised to know that even in this area, bots can improve their game and help increase the number of bookings by a decent percentage. With advanced learning capabilities and rigorous analysis of visitor's purchasing behavior, AI powered bots can refine the visitor experience and personalize every visitor's journey to their needs and interests. This increments visitor engagement and reduces the cycle time of purchase leading to conversion on the hotel website itself.

This again brings us to the joke that wherever revenue managers can be gradually replaced by bots completely risking their roles and jobs in the industry altogether. The answer is obviously NO since these micro machines can only process and analyze only a set number of parameters in their decision and often neglect external market implications that may not be considered by such bots but are easily identifiable only by human revenue managers and this acumen is gained by experience.

Therefore, the ideal mix should be machine results mediated and supervised by human revenue managers. For eg, Pricing is one area which could have been automated with a reasonable amount of diligence and control of the revenue manager. Similarly, online reputation management can also be monitored with technology; however, a personalized approach will take you a long way. The key is to automate the processes that require minimum human intervention and involve human where necessary. This will help revenue managers to don more hats at the same time like exploring more avenues to maximize per guest audience and focus on other revenue increasing strategies.

Thus, witnessing the scenarios discussed above, we can conclude that the status of the bots is of a companion to revenue managers instead of a successor who will complement them at every step with razor fast information and analysis of the market and competition, enabling revenue managers to take informed decisions in no time and help them optimize revenues and drive the hotel towards new millions of success.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Reasons to Choose Custom Boxes for Your Business

The most important factor that determinates the success of any business is your relationship with your customers. So, the more effort you put into satisficing your customers, the better your growth prospects will be. While the first thing that must have popped in your mind on reading the above lines is, beyond any doubt, the 'product,' there is another - often overlooked- factor, ie the way you deliver your products. Here are four reasons why you should consider packaging and delivering your products in custom boxes:

1. Solution to budgeting problems

As a matter of fact, your way of delivery not only affects your business-customer relationship but can also improve or deter your budget, since your profit and revenue graph; the reason being the freedom and ability to choose the appropriate, or to be more precise, the exact size of the box for each product. Think for yourself- suppose you sell five different kinds of products varying sizes and fragility, and ship them all in the same sized box, would not that cause you to put in more money into providing extra protective sheaths for the smaller, fragile ones to keep it in place and reduce the risk of any damage? However, if you use a custom box of appropriate size, you would use just the right amount of protective layering, like bubble wraps, thereby saving money in the process.

2. Customer magnets

Putting a little bit of thought into the packaging, itself, shows that you care, and it is a well-known fact in the business realm that what your customers feel matters. Think of it from the perspective of the receiver. Would not a good, unique packaging thrill you? Would not it heighten the excitation of getting your chosen product? Moreover, it creates a positive experience for your customers, especially for e-commerce businesses where physical interaction with customers is close to nil, which in turn increases the chance of being recommended. So, custom boxes can be used as an effective marketing technique to score more potential customers.

3. Unique Brand Identity

There are many businesses that are primarily known for their unique packaging boxes. For instance, Amazon or Origami Craft Box or John & Kira's. These boxes infuse a sense of passion and appeal to the customers by making the process of unboxing a little bit more rewarding. Secondly, it makes your business name and logo more identifiable. In fact, the more appealing your custom box's design is, more are the opportunities that your customers will keep it with them. Most people find it hard to toss out boxes that are too beautiful for trash. So, in a way, custom boxes help reflect and polish your brand identity.

Furthermore, if your custom boxes are also durable besides being eye-catchy, you can rest assured that your customers will keep them, and then you get the lifelong worth of continued advertising without any additional investment.

So, what's the wait for? Call in a meeting with your design and marketing team, and build your custom boxes to give your brand a new life.

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Common Benefits Of Game Testing Jobs

The industry of gaming continues to grow in appeal and following among interested people around the world. There are many different companies in existence that create this type of entertainment experience, for interested consumers, in the form of various consoles and systems, as well as specific games that are created for playing purposes. Anyone interested in this type of position should understand the known benefits of game testing jobs.

Industries that are as follows followed and ever expanding like this one is known to have quite a few options available to people that are interested. Many companies are in existence today within this industry that are continuously expanding and offering up a tremendous opportunity for people that join their teams. There are now an overwhelming number of people around the planet today that are filling various positions within this field of technology with varied layers of success.

The people that are hired to actually sample newer games that are created are actually filling a vital role. These are the people that are able to demonstrate any weaknesses with any new design before it is marketed to the general public. People that understand the benefits of this type of position are usually able to partake in a very rewarding career.

An initial and popular benefit of performing this type of job is the ability to actually keep the games that are being sampled. There are many people that actually seek out these types of positions for this very reason. This becomes a foundational source of preventing people an opportunity to get paid for amassing an enjoyable collection.

A significant number of positions that are filled of this kind are home based in creation. People that fulfill this type of role are known to merely require a computer or television in which the new creation is able to be sampled. This helps make the entire job prospect much simpler and more appealing, in general.

Simplicity and fun are definitely benefits of this type of position. Most people find that positions of this kind are very simple to fill and easy to work within which makes them quite powerful to anyone interested. This typically provides quite a bit of excitation for anyone involved.

Game testing jobs are finally beneficial in that they are generally well paid. These are positions that are offered at higher wages which provides a great quality of life for people involved. Many positions allow people unlimited earning potential through the course of their workmanship.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Top 10 Car Drawing Books For Beginner Artists

1. How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, 2nd Edition

In this long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling first edition of How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, renamed car designer Thom Taylor goes back to the drawing board to update his classic with all-new illustrations and to expand on such topics as the use of computers in design today. Taylor begins with advice on selecting the proper tools and equipment, then moves on to perspective and proportion, sketching and cartooning, various media, and light, shadow, reflection, color, and even interiors. Written to help enthusiasts at all artistic levels, his book also features more than 200 examples from many of today's top artists in the automated field. Updated to include computerized illustration techniques.

Author: Thom Taylor

2. How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy

How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy is a 134 page car drawing guide in downloadable e-book format, jam-packed from cover to cover with all the tips and techniques previously known by only a small hand of professional designers. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to draw perfect looking cars quickly and easily that will amaze your friends.

Author: Tim Rugendyke

3. How To Design Cars Like a Pro

This book describes how car design and technology work through the eyes of the most talented and powerful car designers in the world. The interviews give a deep understanding of why we see what we see on the highways of the world. Author Tony Lewin has been a highly regarded magazine editor on the world stage for so long that some of the top young guns revealing all in this book were hanging on his words just a few years ago.

Author: Tony Lewin

4. How to Draw & Paint Cars

This book is not about learning how to draw and paint fashionable cars, super cars, tarted up street or 'cool' cars as referred to by some motoring journalists, it is about drawing and painting all types of cars. The author has endeavored to distill experience from many years creating images on this subject into a book that will help and encourage those keen to draw and paint cars, both for pleasure or as a career. The author takes you through the history of the car from it's conception in 1885 to current models with sketches and paintings created in a variety of mediums, with examples and step by step guides. Readers are encouraged to develop their skills, whether raw beginners or accomplished artists. The road to success will not be easy, but, through this book you will learn all the techniques short cuts accumulated over decades by an accomplished commercial artist. Whether for business or pleasure this book is THE handbook for automotive art. With 185 illustrations and step by step guides this is a must have for any budding auto artist.

Author: Tony Gardiner

5. How to Draw Cars the Hot Wheels Way

This book provides excellent how-to-draw detail that is appealing and easy to follow for Hot Wheels (tm) and drawing enthusiasts from ages 10 to adult. Detailed drawing techniques with descriptive captions allow readers to create their own automated designs. Illustrations emphasize how to draw fantasy, custom, concept, and hot rod cars. Author Scott Robertson uses original Mattel art throughout the book. With real Mattel artwork featured in detail, the bo0ok has great appeal for collectors, even if they are not aspiring artists. Because Hot Wheels (tm) diecast cars are modeled after both real and fantasy vehicles, the techniques and interest to readers is the same as for real-life car enthusiasts. Officially licensed by Mattel.

Author: Scott Robertson

6. H-Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design & Packaging

The ultimate reference guide for car designers and automotive engineers! H-Point was written by the pioneer of the Vehicle Architecture course at Art Center College of Design, Stuart Macey along with the Director of Advanced Mobility Research, Geoff Wardle. Currently used as the educational handout for the transportation design students at Art Center, it will now be available to aspiring car creators everywhere, clearly organizing the packaging standards that apply to car and truck design; along with insightful graphic explanations, this book demystifies the automotive design process and allows designers access to an illustrious careers worth of knowledge.

Author: Stuart Macey

7. How to Design Cars Like a Pro

This comprehensive new edition of How to Design Cars Like a Pro provides an in-depth look at modern automotive design. Interviews with leading automotive designers from Ford, BMW, GM Jaguar, Nissan and others, analyzes of past and present trends, studies of individual models and concepts, and much more combine to reveal the fascinating mix of art and science that goes into creating automobiles. This book is a must-have for professional designers, as well as for automotive enthusiasts.

Author: Tony Lewin

8. DRIVE: vehicle sketches and renderings

DRIVE features Scott Robertson's very latest vehicle designs intended for the video game space communicated through skillfully drawn sketches and renderings.

DRIVE builds upon the success of his prior two vehicle design books, Start Your Engines and Lift Off. Featuring four chapters, each representing a different aesthetic theme, Aerospace, Military, Pro Sports and Salvage, conceptual sports cars, big-rigs and off -road vehicle designs are beautifully represented through traditional and digital media sketches, and renderings.

Author: Scott Robertson

9. How to Illustrate and Design Concept Cars

Beginners will find an easy-to-follow introduction to the topic, while more experienced designers can find new inspirations by reading about the author's workflow process. A very interesting book for everyone who loves drawing and rendering cars.

Author: Adrian dewey

10. Start Your Engines: Surface Vehicle Sketches & Renderings from the Drawthrough Collection (Air Vehicle Sketches)

Start Your Engines compiles works from Scott Robertson's vast archives of ground vehicle drawings and renderings, and features the following chapters: Cars, Bicycles, Snowcraft Mechanimals and selected work from the conceptual design of vehicles for the video games Field Commander and Spy Hunter 2. The Cars chapter reviews about half of this book and features original designs both futuristic and retrospective.

Author: Scott Robertson

Thursday, January 17, 2019

There Are So Many Ways to Make Money From Home - How Do I Find the Right One For Me?

You have found so many ways to make money from home. How do you find the right one for you? If you've been looking for a way to make money from home, you're probably inundated with tons of sales offers, e-mails, phone calls, etc. There are so many options! How do you know what will work and what will not? What is the right thing to do? You can quickly become overwhelmed and then you will not know which direction to turn or what to do. You can experience "information overload" The best way to get over this is to decide what you want from an online business. Look for something that will fit your lifestyle, your goals, and your schedule.

See if you can come up with a list of things that you want in an online business. Write it down. As you look at different offers, you can then evaluate them by the list you have made and you will be able to eliminate all the offers that do not fit your requirements. To help you get started, here are the things that I looked for when I went through this process.

1. I did not want a get rich quick scheme. I'd seen hundreds of them on the Internet. I wanted a good solid business that I could run from home and make a good living with. I did not expect to get a check in the mail next week for a million dollars after just putting my e-mail address on someone's list. I knew I had to put in some work and some effort. I wanted to earn the money. I was not looking for a lottery ticket. Get rich quick schemes never work.

2. I did not want Multi Level Marketing business. I hate having to sell to friends and family. I did not want to make sales because a friend was tying to help me out because of our relationship. This is no way to run a business. I wanted something I could market on the Internet to people who were looking for whatever I was selling. This is the way a real business works.

3. No personal selling. I'm not a great salesman. I did not want to have to continuously sell people on my product or spend a lot of time on the phone. I wanted people to already be sold. I wanted people to just come to me and say, yes, I want it.

4. I needed a great support system. I was a total newbie when it came to Internet marketing. I knew how to send and e-mail and surf the web, but that was it. I needed help getting an online business up and running and help with marketing online. I wanted to know that there was a real live person I could call for help and advice if I needed it.

5. Great business system. I knew a lot about business, because I've been running businesses for over 30 years, so I know what makes a viable business. I knew what components I was looking for, what would make it a complete system. I wanted a proven system that others had used and been successful with. I was looking for a system that I could just step into and follow and find a winning business plan. When you have a great business system to follow, your chances for success skyrocket. Look at franchises like Starbucks, McDonalds, Subway, they have the business plan all figured out. If you follow their lead, you have a money making machine.

6. Multiple streams of income and back end sales. Any business that has many ways to make money within the same system is going to be that much more profitable. Once you have a customer, if you can turn them into a repeat customer, your business is going to be that much more profitable. You will not have to constantly be looking for new customers. Your old customers will come back and pay you over and over. That is one of the secrets of a successful business.

7. I love helping people. It brings great satisfaction. I'd like to use the knowledge I've acquired over the years to help others. There have been people who have helped me along the way and I've like to pass that along by helping others.

8. I wanted a great product, one that was unique, that people could not buy at the corner store. I wanted a product that I felt would help other people. I did not want to feel like I was ripping anyone off. I wanted to know that people who purchased my product could be preferred by it. It could make their lives better. That was important to me.

9. My family. The most important thing I was looking for was something that would work for my family. I'm a mother of 6 children and I home school. I still have 3 children living at home and one left in home school. But even having one in home school takes a lot of time. I have a home and a husband and I wanted to have the time I needed to be a good wife and mother. This is my top priority. I needed a business I could run that would not take over my life. That would not require all my time and attention. I wanted something that I could work on for a few hours a day, at my convenience, then not worry about the rest of the time.

It took months of research looking at all the ways to make money from home to find the right one for me. I finally found the right one that fit all my requirements. It is the perfect business for me and for my family. I work a few hours every morning, and then I'm free to be a mom the rest of the day. I never have to worry about my business on weekends or holidays. I can go on vacation without a second thought about my business. It keeps on going when I'm away. It is amazing! And it works!

Money is just a tool. Money is not my end goal in life. Money is a means to an end. If you are sick of worrying about money, living paycheck to paycheck, wondering how you are going to pay the bills, then change things! Do it! If you are ready to have a better life for you and for your family, do something about it! I did it and so can you.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Are You Unconsciously Sabotaging Your Own Success and Happiness?

Resistance to Change

Although nature has gifted humans with the ability to adapt and to change, more times than not, we resist using that ability. Routines are comfortable and require little conscious thought. If we constantly have in one way, we constantly get the same results and responses. And that may be the problem.

Playing the Blame Game

Too often live by rote allows us to play the game game rather than taking responsibility for our own forward motion. "I did not get the big promotion because the boss does not like me," takes the place of better job performance. "I am not dating anyone because no one thinks I am interesting," is an excuse not to socialize or to engage in activities that would lead to new connections.

Refusing to Take Responsibility

The blame game offers false comfort. Blaming someone else is easier than admitting you are not giving 100% at work or making an effort to meet and interact with new people. These are repetitive, self-defeating messages lodged in your subconscious mind playing like a broken record. The longer that record plays, the more damaging it is to your life's goals.

Low Self-Confidence

Negative self-talk, even at the subconscious level, does terrific damage to your self-confidence. You do not need other people to tell you that you do not have talent or that you are not interesting. You are doing a perfectly good job of that yourself! Consequently, you may start surrounding yourself with people who actively support your low self-confidence, which will only make the situation worse.

Surrounding Yourself with Negative People

There is a school of thinking that refers to negative people as emotional vampires. You say, "I am never going to get ahead," and they say, "you are right," and may add a dollop of "you know the people at work are just out to get you" as an added extra. Playing the blame game and allowing others to feed our low self-confidence easily leads to self-destructive paranoia in all aspects of your relationships - business and personal.

You Can Take Control

You can break this vicious cycle. The subconscious mind is a powerful "computer." It can be programed and reprogrammed at will. You do it thousands of times a day. Some of the most powerful tools at your disposal to take charge of what is going on inside your own mind are professionally engineered subliminal message recordings.

Recorded at a frequency too low for the human ear to comprehend, auditory subliminal messages penetrate the sponge of the subconscious mind, sending positive affirmations and suggestions to replace the negative self-talk sabotaging your relationships and goals. Unlike hypnosis, where active attention is required, subliminal recordings can be used in a variety of settings with no effort needed on your part. Generally results are seen in a matter of days.

With our modern understanding of the workings of the human mind and the role of stimuli in guiding our behavior, there is no reason to allow "bad" outdated "programs" to thwart our desire for a fuller, more abundant life. Humans are capable of learning in a wide variety of ways, including at the subconscious level. Complex thought patterns are already at work there, but they may be working against you rather than for you.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Servant - A Book Summary

In order to lead, you must serve. This is the solid

premise of the book "The Servant" by James C. Hunter.

It is discussed through the tale of John Daily, a

business executive who starts to lose his grip as boss,

husband, father, and coach. He was talked into going

on a week-long retreat at a Benedictine Monastery to re-center and find his balance. During the retreat, a

former Wall Street legend turned monk shows

him a different perspective on leadership - servant leadership.

The Ten Attributes of Love and Leadership

The book enumerated the following as the qualities of

a servant leader. Incidentally, these are also the

attributes of love, which was defined earlier as one's behavior towards others.

1. Patient - showing self-control.

2. Kind - giving attention, appreciation, and


3. Humble - being authentic without pretense or


4. Respectful - treating others as important people.

5. Selfless - meeting the needs of others.

6. Forgiving - giving up resentment when wronged.

7. Honest - being free from deception.

8. Committed - sticking to your choices.

All these behaviors will entail you to serve and

sacrifice for others. This would mean setting aside

your own wants and needs to focus on the legitimate

needs of others.

You need to realize that success does not only come

from hard work and appropriately playing the part.

To be successful in business and in your career, you

must be able to distinguish yourself from the rest

of the pack - you need to develop, build and defend

your reputation.

The Law of the Harvest

Remember: you reap what you sow. For authority or

influence to flourish, the right environment must be

provided and a nurturing behavior must be present. In

a garden, the soil, the sun, the water, the fertilizer,

and the care given by the gardener all make up the

environment under which the plant will grow and mature.

The one thing that you are not sure of, however, is

when the flowers will actually bloom. Bear in mind

that influence is not a magical beanstalk that will

sprout overnight; rather, it is

something that grows in time.

The Rewards of Leading with Authority

Leading with authority enables you to have a personal

mission statement: to serve the people you lead, to

listen to their needs, to give praise and recognition,

to show kindness, and to be honest, among other things.

When servant leadership becomes your ethos in life,

people would be lining up to join your cause.

By serving others and loving your neighbors, you are

keeping in line with the doctrines of the Church as

well as other religions. You mature psychologically

and spiritually, which is essentially the end goal of

the individual's journey through life.

While the above payoffs are well and good, the most

important reward of all is the joy you will experience

when you put others first and free yourself from the

chains of self-centeredness. As a certain Dr. Albert

Schweitzer wisely puts it, "I don't know what your

destiny will be, but one thing I do know. The only ones

among you who will be really happy are those who will

have sought and found how to serve."

About the Author:

James Hunter is the author of the internationally

best-selling book The Servant, subtitled A Simple Story

About the True Essence of Leadership. Now translated

into nine (9) languages, The Servant teaches the time

less principles of Servant Leadership and is the text

used in many MBA and other higher education curriculum

around the world.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

7 Top Tips to Car Salesman's Or Saleswoman's Success

Given that car sales account for 19% of total US sales in 2000 (source: US Small Business Administration), a lot of people are buying cars which mean that they are a lot of people selling cars. Additionally, new car sales have dropped from 63.4% in 1989 to 60% in 1999. Selling cars is not easy given that many still have a negative perception of car salesmen or women. Hopefully, these 7 tips may help you to sell more cars.

  1. First and Foremost YOU need to think of yourself as a business. Car sales people work for an auto dealership, but most work on a salary and commission basis. When your compensation is commission based, this means you have more control of your destiny and should view yourself as a business instead of just a sales person.
  2. Adopt a Planning Attitude. If you do not have a plan, then you are on some else's plan - usually the successful car saleswoman or salesman. As a practicing performance improvement consultant or coach for the last 10 years, I have observed that most people plan less for their own lives than they do for a simple visit to the grocery store.
  3. Learn how to prospect. There exists a fundamental belief that the auto dealership is responsible for bringing traffic through the door because the dealership owners have all those "big bucks" for media advertising. Given that 80% of all new sales comes from referrals, would it not make more sense to prospect individually rather than simply on outside resources to control your destination? Those media efforts usually bring in suspicions, not prospects. Use your time wisely by focusing on prospects those who have a need, dollars and are a decision-maker. Do not rely only on the auto dealer to send out letters. Take the time to write some handwritten notes.
  4. Improve your sales skills to make more money. Today's buyers are far more savvy than years ago. Learn how to cultivate and develop long term relationships. Consider a proven buying / selling sales process where marketing and selling skills are united to deliver to the desired results of another sold car. New car sales to used car sales are far more relationship based selling than years ago when car sales was a commodity sale.
  5. Establish your sales goals using your great planning attitude. If you are a car salesman or car saleswoman and have 300 customers and the industry average sales cycle is 3 years, then every year you should be selling 100 cars. Focus your efforts of those who will be buying a car this year, but remember to continue to touch those who will potentially be buying another car in 2 or 3 years. HINT: Use the WAYSMARTcriteria for goal setting.
  6. Identify the attitudes or beliefs that are obstacles to your success. Working with those in the auto industry, I have heard countless reasons why sales can not be made. However, when these reviews are reviewed, they are usually unfounded reasons based upon existing attitudes and beliefs. For example, "corporate has ruined the car industry by posting prices on the Internet. Everyone knows everything about the car." My response is "if price was a real objection, then everyone would be driving a Yugo or a Chevette. HINT: When you change how you look at things, the things you look at will change.
  7. Make managing yourself priority number one. You must learn how to maximize your time especially in the area of ​​time management, ongoing professional development such as through business coaching training and personal life balance. The auto industry is truly a 24/7 business given that cars are with us each and every day of our lives. However, it is important not to lose sight of your personal life including family, friends, physical health, etc.

Yes, you can be an incredible car salesperson who can increase sales through these 7 simple car salesman tips. Just remember, sales regardless of industry is all about knowing your numbers and then multiplying your activity to secure those desired results.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Identifying The Real Journey to Create Wealth

So often when one pursue the quest to create wealth, they do so without really understanding, as well, as appreciating, what wealth creation is really all about. While it is true it may have different meanings for anyone seeking to create wealth, what is equally true is that creating wealth involves a defect meaning that those who have really been successful in creating wealth really appreciate, and understand.

Money, IT's Purpose & Real Value

The pursuit of money is a continous, never ending focus of the majority of people today. This intenet focus on the part of some people, governments, those in the business community, just to name a few, have resolved in many cases individuals, organizations actually operating out of their minds. This coupled with losing the deeper meaning of the role money really play in our lives. So the question becomes what is the purpose of money? Money as we know it, coins, paper notes, or beads is really currency that is a means of exchange. Money in itself has no power. It receives it power through the value we or society assign it. Example, a sliver of printed paper is assigned value $ 1, $ 10, $ 50, $ 100 for the purpose of exchange. At any moment, that paper with assigned value could be declared worthless. So the single pursuit of money in itself, does not guarantee overall prosperity, and abundance.

Understanding Prosperity and Abundance

When speaking or thinking of prosperity, we are really thinking of thriving, flourishing, the good things of life, success, affluence, good fortune. On the other hand abundance, is having a fullness, as well, as an overflow of supply. Both prosperity and abundance, are freed from the limitations that are connected in the pursuit of money. Successful wealth creators really understand their pursuit is really about prosperity, and abundance.

Why? Because both are available with unlimited capacity. Additionally, wealth creators are aware, understand, and appreciate that more, and more of everything is available to be created that lead to prosperity, as well, abundance. They recognize the power of the energies that emit from both prosperity and abundance. The more one's journey is for prosperity and abundance, the more the actual manifestations of wealth becomes a reality. This include manifestations of joy, happiness, wisdom along with physical manifestations that may include wellness, things of value that is intrinsic, extrinsic, or assigned value like money.

What these manifestations do not bring that comes with the singular pursuit of money, is fear & resistance. The singular pursuit of money brings the fear of either not having enough money, the fear of retaining what one have, the fear of being obsessed with money, to mention a few. These fears coupled with the resistance to the pursuit of prosperity, along with abundance. There is resistance to these because the belief of "money pursuers" is that through money prosperity, as well, as abundance is created. They do not see that prosperity & abundance is linked with an unlimited source. They do not see that there are not any errors attached with abundance or prosperity. Sometimes even greater is that they do not see that once one really make the conscious decision to pursue prosperity, abundance they become free to create the unlimited means to complete freedom, wealth, success, joy, happiness. Creating financial freedom, creating the reality of your dreams for your family, yourself, as well, as for others only occurs through surrendering to creation to the pursuit of total wellness, prosperity, and abundance.

The Plan

There are choices that anyone seeking to create wealth must make. First, is deciding how you choose to live? Will you choose the singular path of money, by living below your means? Will you continue to think, live through psycho-midgetis? The pursuit of wealth is not about less. The creation of wealth is not about limitations. Embrace the concept that the physical, including money, will create the fulfillment of your dreams is a course riddle with limitations, fears, resistance. On the other hand, embracing, activating the unlimited course of prosperity and abundance render an ongoing flow of fulfilling, rewarding manifestations. Secondly, you must choose between remaining in the status quo, or breaking free and embracing a higher reality. The status quo is based on controls, riddle with limitations. The higher reality, is based on embracing consciousness of that prosperity, as well, as abundance is anchored on a level that transcends any physical pursuit. Achieving a successful and fulfilling wealth creation plan starts with consciously committing to embracing, growing the energy of prosperity, as well, as abundance. This is the foundation of your overall plan. The stronger you build this foundation, the greater fulfillment becomes. The Plan therefore is quite simple. The real creation of wealth is 'spiritual'. Therefore the foundation of the plan involve these steps:

• Begin the consciousness, awareness, and commitment to transcend from the vicious pursuit of physical manifestations.

• Seek and develop a spiritual consciousness ( this is not a matter of religious membership ), Pursuing prosperity and abundance first and foremost with the clear understanding, as well, as appreciation of the unlimited reserve of both.

• Developing an awareness that this is the spiritual pursuit that produces an endless flow of the physical manifestations, things of assigned value, like money, additional assets. Not the other way around.

. • Finally creating wealth is the growth of prosperity and abundance we individually achieve. The more you grow in prosperity and abundance, the more your physical manifestations grow as well.

With your special talents you have the opportunity to create, as well, as implement your plan.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Thank You Note Examples For Employment Reference Letters

Do you need a few well-written thank you note examples for a letter of reference? You do if someone has recently written, or will write one for you in the near future.

In fact, most every person will need one--at some point in time--from a current or former mentor, instructor, employer or supervisor.

These letters, if well-written, require painstaking effort. Certainly, the gracious soul who agrees to take on such a task deserves a heartfelt thank you.

Below, you'll find several thank you note examples that you can use to show your appreciation for an excellent letter of reference.

Thank you for writing such a glowing recommendation letter for me. I could not have asked for more favorable comments. Your letter paved the way for several interviews and a subsequent job offer three weeks later from _________________ Corporation, where I wanted most to work.

I appreciate the time that you invested in writing such a detailed letter. I know that it will have a significant impact on my life for years to come.


Though I have not yet found a suitable position, I am confident that your excellent letter of reference will help me to secure it once I do. If I can ever return the favor, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best regards,

I just wanted to let you know that I have recently landed a position with ___________________ Corporation. I want to tell you how grateful I am for your assistance in this process. Without your strong recommendation, it would have been much more difficult to get a foot in the door with such a great company. I hope you will join us for a little celebration dinner next Friday evening.

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you next week.


It was very thoughtful of you to write a letter of recommendation for me. I appreciate the thought and effort you put into it. Your words made a profound impact on the hiring manager, and helped to distinguish me from the other applicants.

Thank you for playing such a significant role in the success of my job search. If I can be of any assistance to you in the near future, please let me know.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Quick Ways to Make Your Kid's Birthdays Happy and Special Like Never Before

When your child asks you when his birthday will come, you should know he is growing. The childhood is one of the most memorable days in one's life where there is no tension and no stress. Celebrating your kid's birthday becomes the prime priority when you get to plan everything from invitations to the decorations. The most important part would be ordering the kid's favourite cake from the renowned baker in the town. All these arrangements are done with the only hope that the child will feel elated and remember his birthday for the whole of the year. Here are some more ideas to make birthdays of your children special.

Thematic party

While a child grows, his aspirations grow too. He wishes to meet some utopian characters and live in a fantasy land as they are highly influenced by these concepts from story books. Hence party planners' advice parents to go for thematic party to make the child extra happy. Right from clothes to customized cakes till return gifts, every aspect of the party if themed well and executed becomes a huge success.

Cartoon man

Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Ben 10 etc. are some cartoon characters that breathe life into children. Parents who can pay rent for people to can dress up like Mickey or Donald and entertain the kids, love to do that. For two to three hours these cartoon men will be around with children sing and dance with them in unison.

Magic show

Children love to live in the magic world of genies and fairies. So to make the party sound more extravagant, you can invite expert magicians who are specialized in children tricks. You can create a smoky atmosphere using dry ice and introduce the magician as soccer from the sky and create hues and cries of happiness from the kids.

Custom bakes

It is nothing wrong if you make your child's favourite cake in your kitchen and add minimalistic decoration to that sweet and yummy piece. But as kids attend different parties where they see personalised birthday cakes, their wish might just be different. Hence consult an expert baker and get the cake model that your child wishes for as his birthday present.

Field trips

While some parents plan a quiet birthday at their home or a nearby community house, some think of field trips where they go to a picnic place or a children park where they cut the cake and play games. Such plans work well if you invite the other children's caretaker as well for managing safety all the way till return back to home.

While many parents decorate the house and call their kid's friends home for a quick house party, there are few who prefer to celebrate the child's birthday at exotic locations. Howsoever be the preparations, your ultimate goal is to make their children happy and merry for the entire day with a wholehearted wish that their child remains healthy safe and secured forever!